Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 June 1921

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 711 1 Obtainable everywhere wholesale from r J Swn <1 Ong Sam Leong Co Ponang. i 1" ARM O O trade mark. Ipj W I G° T IRO N If For 1600 Years This Iron Pillar Has Defied Rust. JBBBMBB’ -I r zzz w gj 1 mi»» <»i In, v- beaten •-wu
      711 words
    • 25 1 THEBESI C*!!? I» TCW» ;i cj Li 1 I ji .*f <€4«a w ,v I Utitl 8.3. A F.M.S* 1 Ong Sana L«oag A 00.
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  • 208 2 London, May 19. The story of Mr. Winston Churchill s alleged ambition in 1908 to become Viceroy of India, eontaiaed in a recently issued biography of Mr. Whitelaw Reid, has led to a spirited letter to the publisher by the Colonial Secretary, denying the truth
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  • 97 2 London. May 22.—Despite the prevailing unrest, the strikes and the theatrical slump m London and the provincial towns the Shakespeare Festival which has lasted a month at Stratfdrd-on-Avon has been a record. Thirty-three performances of six different plays were given. Referring to the controversy provoked by the decision
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  • 138 2 London. May 22. —A striking indication of the harmful effect on commerce exercised by international squabbles is contained in the market report of the ship brokers. Mr. Donald Macleod says: ’lf European politicians have their way there wi]J soon be no shipping business in this or any other
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  • 16 2 London, May 16. —The P. and O. steamer 'Benalla” has been towed to London.
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  • 18 2 London, May 16. —The death is announ'ed <>t the wife of Marshal von Hindenburg.
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  • 38 2 London, May 21. A Berlin message says it is semi-officially announced there that the German Government fulfilled, without reservations, the disarmament ultimatum before the expiration of the first period fixed, namely, noon of the 20th Majr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1574 2 POSITIONS VACANT.NOTICES. Udy retaining to Straits from England S.S. GLENAVY 26/5/21. late August wishes engage Ayah or Amah for outward voyage. Apply Box “Consignees of cargo per the al ove c/o Pinang Gazette. gteamer from Europe are hereby notified SUMMONS FOR DISPOSAL OF SUIT. 901-—9.6 timt the survey of cargo
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    • 169 2 palpitation’ It is not often that one hears of a young man or woman complaining of physical pain in the heart region, the disturbances they have there can generally be ascribed to another source, but, as time gets along, and they have battled through life to middle age, then real
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    • 529 2 Ow A- Vi 11 X. fcl LV 7' A Si S From a photo of a i —Tj Bonnie Qlaxo Bab* j J J Britain’s j| fl Bonniest Babies i (i® are GLAXO Babies -II Infant Welfare Centres have been formed ail over Great Britain to help mothers rear better
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  • 673 3 Co-opkkation Invited. A le»tt< r has beoi issued from th»» 1m pe r ?al Mineral Re-ources Bureau, 2 Queen Ann-’« Oate Building London in the oourf“of which ib in stated the Governors realise that it ii in ihe economic interests of the Empire that all parts thereof
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  • 182 3 “B.F P.” Th* extraordinary case of a man who lived four days after being stabbed in the heart, occurred last week, at Singapore. The man was a Chinese coolie, who sustain* ed a stab wound in his chest during the course of a quarrel with another coudjatriot
    “B.F P.”  -  182 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 PRITCHARD Telephone 335. A Telegrams, With Departmental LY TT'UI PEANCO Connections. y Li D.( PENANG. (INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS) PENANG AND IPOH. As our stocktaking season approaches we are offering, at extraordinarily low prices, our existing stock of Evening Gowns Afternoon AND Morning Frochs; costumes AND Coat Frochs, These
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    • 731 3 DODGE CARS j lAJHEREVER YOU GO, in any part of Malaya you find that Dodge Cars I Bl predominate, because they are the soundest value for money on this This is the Genatosan Seal market to-day. Seal of Genuine British T\ODGE CARS CAN BE nM Hu I obtained from stock
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  • 693 4 Mrs. S. Anthony leaver for England by the S.S. Plassy. The Hon Mr. W. F. Nutt, 0.8. E., is on a visit to Ipoh. Mrs. F. ‘J. Taylor and family are shortly leaving for England. Mr. Brown, representative f Thorny* crofts, Ltd., is staying at the E.
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  • 523 4 DIRECTORS REPORT. The report to the shareholders of The North Taiping Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., is as follows Your Directors have pleasure in submitting herewith their second Annual Report, together with audited Accounts for the Financial Year ended 31st December, 1920, together with
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  • 563 4 Mr. H. A. Coates. Acting General Manager. reported on 22nd February. 1921 I have the honour to submit herewith report or the Company’s operations at Taiping for the year ending 31st December, 1920. Running Time. —During the period under review- the dredge ran for 7.212 hoars out
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  • 235 4 A table showing the output and consumption of coal in the various coal-producing countries of the world is given in a recent issue ol the “Economic Review.” According to this the world s total output was estimated at tons in 1913. and in 1919. In
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  • 331 4 In its current issue the “Motor" foreshadows an important tyre innovation, which it prophesies may end in the early abolition of the detachable wheel. This innovation is the straight-sided tyre, which, within a very -hort time, has become practically universal amongst new cars in the United States, with
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  • 90 4 WINNING OWNERS. Ist 2nd 3rd Unpl. Oag Cheng Sam 4 2 0 5 Mecanuo Kongsee 3 10 2 M L Phillip 2 13 3 F 8 G jodali 2 0 12 FSGoodall and Woon Poh 2 0 0 1 W S Gordon 2 0 0 JoCKBYS. 136 2nd
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  • 52 4 The following tennis ties are fixed for 00-morrow Men’s Singles •A’’—Hamilton v Leonard Court 2. Everest v Terrell Court 3. Thursday— Ladies' Doubles —Mrs Whitlock and Mrs Evans v Mrs Martin and Mrs Sanderson, Court 2. Friday— Men’s Doubles Open (find) and Hamilton v Bird and Everest,
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  • 77 4 The following ties have been fixed for t -day. Championship—W K Sharpe vF N Syer (2). Double Handicap—+2C A Padday v and S Weihen v +1 R N Goodwin and E H Syer (3). Ties for Thursday Teams of 3 +5 C A Padday, E J Bennett
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  • 193 4 THE AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP. London, May 25 b; The Golf Amateur Championship at Hoylake has so far p r o vided the spectators with plenty of thrills The uppermost question of the morning wai whether the American invasion would fizzle out, and this was practically answered in the affirmative in
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  • 282 4 London, May 26: Not a single Scottish Club was represented among tbeight competitors in the Six h Round at Hoylake. Tubbs of Sunningdale beat Beddard br three and tm; Graham (Liverpool) b a at H prison of Formby by ’wo and one, Hu iter of Walmer beat Holderness
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  • 30 4 Mav 28—It transpires that the fi a’ist in be amateur golf championship Graham clayed under a tragic diaadvantaee of oomentarily expecting the news of his '•ther’s death.
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  • 1077 4 SHAREHOLDERS OBJECT TO EUROPEAN MANAGERS. Bombay, May 25 —The third annual general meeting of the Ta’a Industrial Bank Limited, held this evening, proved a sto my one. A controversy has been going >u in the local press for some time regarding the reported expensive management of the
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  • 196 4 To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette Sir, —Some one called my attention a few days ago to the very unsatisfactory ending to this ancient ditty, The gpcond vers» leaves the question of the lady’s ultimate surrender in a condition of tantalizing doubt, such as no properly constituted member
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  • 22 4 Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co., N L from 29:h May to 4th June 1921 (being one week) was 17 tons.
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  • 79 4 The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., give the following, London prices, 6th Jane Spot £168.5s down £2 Oa 3 months buying £169.15a £1.15a 3 selling £170.0a £1.15« Local Parity $84.28 June 7ih Singapore sold 75 tons at $B5 25 Penang, buyer», no sellers $84.75. Messrs Bocstead and Co To
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  • 246 4 Pbnang, June 7, 1921. SP. Tapioca 56.50 buyers. M P. Tapioca $7.25 sales. Cold leaf $72 sellers Black Pepper $15.00 nominaj White Pepper s3o| nominal Trang Pepper $25.00 nominal Mace Pickings $31.00 sellers Cloves ss° nomin* 1 Nutmegs 80s $33.00 sellers 110 s $28.00 sellers (No. 1 $2O 00
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 61 4 RIDINC IS COOD FOR THE LIVER. But if you are troubled with ‘live* and do not own a horse, Pinkettes wiß set you right just as quickly and well. Pinkettes dispel constipation, cure sick headaches billiousness, coated tongue, foul breath. They are laxative perfection and act as gently as nature.
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  • 681 5 OFFICIAL REFOR’’ OF CHANDPUR INCIDENTS. Calcutta, May 25th; —Tne Director of Information says that in v ew nf the various miareprefentati* >ns which are obtaining currency, with respect to th? situation created by the Government in respect of the tea garden coolies of Assam, -he Government of
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  • 143 5 The Band «ill play rhe following programme of music at the Da to Kramat Gardens at 5.30 p m to-day. 1 Overture ...The Eclipse ...Williams 2 Polka ...Ob! Eb*nizer ...Boettgcr 3 Selection ...Crown Diamonds... Au ber 4 Waltz ...Manaelite ...Waldteufel 5 March ...Royal St M arcaaux,,, Desormes
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 676 5 STRAITS S£l iLtMENTS LOAN 1921. ISSUE OF $20,000,000 LOAN. Bearing interest from the date of purchase at 7 per cent, per annum payable half>yearly on the Ist May and Ist November REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE Ist MAY, 1926. FREE OF INCOME TAX AND OTHER DUTIES. PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER
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    • 148 5 i 1 I Parfumerie -1 I Jimibigant. i bariums 7lssortis—y\on Boudoir, Inconnu, J IQuelques Fleurs, Quelques Violettes, La Rose France, Ideal, La Ginoflee. I Qreme en ffieaute. THE DISPENSARY (Penang) LTD., 2, BISHOP STREET. PENANG. Telephone 398. Telegraphic Address: ‘Chemoptist.” Im ombmbhmb «aMrai «J ALFRED DUNHILL’S. J THE TORPEDO CIGARETTE
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    • 284 5 Tgi I Illi lIIIIIIMIII 111 lIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIHtI-| i I a Century's Ĕ f Experience in Jin lIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHII Hill- i Ike ill A ‘A Certificate of Purity. 1 ‘FofA brands Finest London Old Tom Finest London Unsweetened OT TO SOLE AGENTS FOR S.S. F.M.S. KATZ BROS., LTD., Penang. (Incorporated in the Straits
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  • 19 6 Hall —On the 7tb in«t, at the Real deticVj Penang to Mr and Mrs G Hall, a daughter.
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  • 1351 6 The other day we had occasion to allude to Mr A Cavendish’s mission to India to enquire into the co-operative credit system as applicable to the agricultural communities there with a view to its possible adaptability to Malaya's needs. We gave an account of what was
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  • 1132 6 The fifth International Robber Exhibition opened at the AgriThe Rubber cultural Hall, London, on Exhibition. the 3id instant. Reuter emphasises the wide range of tropical products, in addition to rubber and tbe manifold articles manufactured from them.” A great deal depends upon tbe success of tbe Exhibition,
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  • 130 6 CONGRATULATIONS TO SIR W 8 SHAW. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, June 7. Before proceeding with cases in the Supreme Court, Mr Roland Bradiell, on behalf of the members of the bar congratu lated Sir W S Shaw, Chief Justice, on the Knighthood conferred upon him. His Lordship
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  • 265 6 FATHER AND DAUGHTER AT LAW a In the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon the hearing of the action brought by Towkay Cheah Chen Eok of Holland House, Penang, against his daughter Cheah Paik Suat, the widow of Gan Teang Yesng, deceased, to recover tbe land in Pitt Street, Penang,
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  • 202 6 (Hari Rata Fuasa). To-morrow, iVednesday, tbe Chief Post Office will be closed at noon, Savings Bank and Money Order Branch closed, Government Telegraph Office 7 am to 8 p Postal morning only. Sub Offices 8 to noon and 4to 5p m. Deliveries to Town 9am 10-30 a m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 158 6 Gordens Old Tom BH AND JWBsBL Dry Gin. Quolity HIGH Price low. IpwKP |g|! ■=t‘-Tsri?-'‘ j®F «SB?''- W' Try fl IhXSOS W- 1 Bottle. rafataljr WI obtainable RO! fr(>m au v RKifcJ RETAIL F fe STORES. SOLE IMPORTERS: THE BORNEO CO., LTD., (Incorporated in England. PENANG, SINGAPORE IPOH. I^———— ■>=
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    • 10 6 “E. O." Guest Night Every Friday. Dancing. E. O. Orchestra.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
  • 35 6 IN MEMORIAM. At the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Pulo Tikui», at 6a m to-morrow a Requiem High Mass for thf late Josephine Rodrigues. wife of Mr Peter Rodrigues of the New Ice Work» Coy.
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  • 282 7 GERMANS ATTACK POLES. Reuter’s Telegrams. Paris, June 2. Ne-vs from < )p|teln states that despite the Allied High. Commission s notification that Allied troops would be quartered in the district to separate < iennans and Poles, the <rerman General launched an attack in the direction of Gross Strehlitz
    | Reuter’s Telegrams. |  -  282 words
  • 80 7 AMERICA TO TAKE P\RT IN DISCUSSIONS. London. May 19. u ‘.’The Times” in a leader welcomes Col. Harvey 's announcement that America will take part in the Silesian discussions. The decision will be hailed with profound satisfaction in Allied countries, conducing towards the restoration of the peace
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  • 201 7 DIFFE R EN( ES ACUTE. London, May 16. The Franco-Brit ish differences are acute, and the state of feeling on both sides »»f the Channel is strong. There is a distinct difference between the two countries’" respective policies towards Poland, and it is now recognised that the jnter-Allied
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  • 234 7 IMPERIAL CHANCELLOR’S STATEMENT. Berlin. June 2. Reconstructiofi and reconciliation were outlined as his policy by the Imperial t hanoellor, Herr Wirth, in a speech in the Reichstag. He said the Government intended to fulfil its obligations. He instanced the observance of the time limits in the ultimatum. He
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  • 159 7 New York, June 2. 1 he first instalment of Germany’s reparation payment to the Allies through the United States amounting to 45.733,000 dollars, gold, was paid to-day in the Federal Reserve Bank by the German Government througn four New York banks which completed the deposit yesterday. The
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  • 181 7 Berlin, June 3Petty Officer Nissen, at a Monarchist demonstration, declared that the Leipzig trials were a disgrace. No Englishman should be permitted to enter Leipzig alive. He prayed for the return of the ex Kaiser. Herr Wirth, the Chancellor. in the Reichstag, said that the
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  • 162 7 INDIGNATION AT WAR CRIMINAL’S SENTENCE. London, May 27. —There is an outburst of indignation at the grossly inadequate punishment imposed upon Sergt- Heyrnen. The sentence in any case would he regarded as a scandalous failure of justice but it is rendered farcical from the fact that the
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  • 208 7 May 2^. —A Liepzig message says that the shocking privations experienced by prisoners at Flavyleinarte camp were narrated at the resumed trial of Capt. Muller. A German major read reports stating that nearly all the men were lousy and inadequately housed. A report added that other camps
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  • 12 7 Berlin, June 3Tederian. alleged to have assassinated Talaat Pasha, was acquitted.
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  • 54 7 Paris, Juno 2. An impressive ceremony took place at Bligny in Champagne in honour of 3,000 Italian soldiers who fell there in 1917 in defence of European liberties. Marshals Foch and Petain, the Italian ambassador, the Italian General Abricci and delegations from several Italian and
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  • 132 7 DISORDERLY SCENES IN PARLIAMENT. London, June 1. Angry acenes in the early morning marked the close of a long debate in the House of Commons on th»' Government’s antidumping measures. Mr. Chamberlain at midnight moved the closure on financial resolutions as a preliminary to safeguarding the industries
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  • 71 7 Paris. June 2. At Beyrut. Syria. Sir Herbert Samuel, the High Commissioner of Palestine and the British Admiral De Robeck were guests of General Gourand, the French High Commissioner in Syria and Admiral Deb»»n on board th e battleship Lorraine. Cordial toasts were exchanged. Sir H« rbert Samuel paid
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  • 29 7 Cloudbursts and floods played havoc with crops and livestock in East Colorado, especially in Pueblo. Hundreds were forced to flee from their homes in boats.
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  • 41 7 Vice Admiral Sir Frederick Charles Tudor Tudor, K.C.M G.. C. 8., Comman-der-in-( hief. China Station 1917-19, and at one t'nie Third Sea Lord. He has the Japanese order of th»' Rising Sun. Col Julius Young.
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  • 115 7 VISITORS IN A FAVOURABLE POSITION. London, June 4. At Lords, before 20.090 spectators, in fine, dull weather. The w icket was slow. The Australians won the toss and put Middlesex in. They made Hl in 190 minutes. Hendren 34. Armstrong took 5 wickets for 15 runs. The
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  • 34 7 London, June 3Soinersetshire beat Esaex by an innings and 47. Kent beat Warwickshire by 275 runs Middlesex beat Nottinghamshire by an inn ngs and 197. The Hampshire-Surrey match wa* draw n
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  • 23 7 In the final of the ladies golf championship at Turnberr v Miss Leitch beat Mu* Wethered by 4 and 3.
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  • 27 7 London, June 4. The International Olympic Congress decided to hold the Eighth Olympiad in Paris in 1924 and the Ninth in Amsterdam in 1928.
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  • 531 7 OWNERS’ SUGGESTION. London, June 3 ’1 he mine owners replied to the Government proposals, stating that no progress can be made towards a settlement so long as the miners persist in demanding a national pool and a national settlement of wages. They suggest the establishment of a National
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  • 47 7 EFFECT OF THE SILESIAN CRISIS. London, May 16.—The Silesian trouble has lessened the coal output and has intensified England’s coal shortage. The Controller has prohibited all race and holiday trains and seized trade stocks, reserving all for the necessary services. I'he Glasgow dockers’ strike continues.
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  • 224 7 OPERATIVES’ WAGES. London, June 3The cotton wages negotiations were broken off. The notices will be effective to-morrow. Serious Possibilities. London, June 3. A final effort is being made to-day to prevent a stoppage in the cotton industry, affecting 230,000 operatives directly and 600.900 workers altogether. The employers now
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  • 327 7 CHINA AND THE ALLIANCE. London, June 3. Mr. B Lenox Simpson, Political Adviser to the Government of China, arrived in London to explain the views of China in regard to Far Eastern problems, particularly the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. He expects to remain in England for six months. Referring to
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  • 81 7 THE EXPLANATION. London, June 3The Eastern Telegraph Company, in an official message, states that the recent delay in cablegrams to India and the Far East was due to a temporary interruption necessitated by large renewal w’ork on th»* Company’s Red Sea cables in order to increase their carrying
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  • 113 7 London, June 4In consequence of the severe drain on the Unemployment Insurance Fund foi the past six months it has become insolvent. The Government, consequently, has decided to reduce the benefit under it and to increase contributions payable by all parties. It is
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  • 81 7 Washington, June 2. In the U.S. Senate, Mr. Kellogg introduced a Bill authorising the President to maintain, through the Federal Courts, or otherw se, the rights of Aliens irrespective of the existing state of the laws. The Bill specifically permits the use of the Army and
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  • 26 7 London, June 3. Mr. Hughes, the Australian Premier, has arrive 1 at Plymouth to attend a meeting of the Dominion Prime Minister.
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  • 195 7 MANY POLICE KILLED AND WOUNDED. London, June 3 A police patrol of 17 was ambushed at Carrow Kennedy, Westport, County Mayo, last evening. Nine were killed. including an Inspector and a Sergeant, and four seriously injured. There were *OO assailants, who captured arms and ammunition, and burnt
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  • 88 7 SIR A. GEDDES’ ADDRESS. Charlottesville, June Sir Auckland Geddes, British Ambassador, addressing the University of Virginia on the occasion of its centennial, urged the benefits of peace and th»' folly of war. Arguing from a scientific standpoint, he pointed out how wars tended to weaken and
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  • 77 7 THE BRUSSELS VISIT Brussels, June 3. The Kng of the Belgians gave an audience to the Chines»' Mission, headed by H.E. Chu Tchi Chien. The Belgian Foreign Minister and the Chinese Min ster to Brussels were present. Subsequently a banquet, was given in th« Palace, in honour of
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  • 45 7 London, June 7. According to “Le Temps,” the French Government intends to replace Mr. Boppe, whose death occurred recently, by appointing as Minister to China, Mr. Le Freurvu, who was for a long time chief Coadjutor of Mr. Paul Cambon.— Vale.
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  • 29 7 Washington, June 3. The U. S. Senate confirmed the appointment of Mr. Jacob Schurman as Minister to China. [Tins appointment has already been announced.
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  • 48 7 London, June 7. The French President’s representative and several Cabinet Ministers welcomed the Japanese Crown Prince upon his arrival in Paris. Troops lined up in front of the station and rendered honours to the Crown Prince, who is to lunch to-day with the President. —Vale.
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  • 39 7 London. June 3Dr. Wellington Koo and his wife dined with the American Ambassador, Col. Harvey, and numerous Foreign Office officials and members of the Diplomatic Corps, the guests including Sir John and Lady Jordan
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  • 55 7 Washington, June 3. The Federal Reserve Board’s report for April notes an improvement in some branches of industry, but the general irregularity continues, retail price fluctuation seriously hindering the final adjustment of wages. Foreign trade is still arrested or depressed, unemployment has increased, and the unfavourable weathei
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  • 44 7 Washington, June 3. Mr. Porter, Chairman of the House of Representatives’ Foreign. Affairs Committee, is introducing in the Hous»' inmediately a resolution, terminating th»' stat» 1 of war with Germany and Austria, as a substitute for the Knox r. solut on.
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  • 23 7 London, June 4. Th»’ strike on the Burmah Railways since. April 2ft, has ended, the strikers requesting unconditional reinstatement.
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  • 555 8 —Kx. A LADY’'. CONI ENTION. Curiously and yet not illogically, we find that it is an unmarried lady who has succeeded in the columns of the London '“Times” not only io making out a strong case for the improvement of the financial status of
    —Kx.  -  555 words
  • 284 8 As already reported in these columns, experiments in deep sea fishing with steam trawlers are now beinc made in Bombay. It is hoped tha»- this will greatly improve the fish supply of the city, which since the war ba* been completely inadequate. The operations of ’he trawler
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  • 126 8 “B I." The recently arrived at Kohsicbang (Bangkok) to load for Europe. She ii a fine large steamer with accommo* dation for fifty passengers. Mr Stephen Lambert is going horn» by her. The Bell left Kohsicbang at mid. night on Monday and about two miles outside the
    “B I."  -  126 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 207 8 j-rTM |)Tnnr --«JMa— Underwood Standard Typewrifers The Machine you will Eventually Buy. Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd., (incorporated in England) AgentsPenang, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. I in Perfect (Condition J X.-L~-TM—BSBMWBBUMi 111 H lU'llHidh 'ii ITTI BY USING COLUMBIA GRAMOPHONE RECORD ALBUMS I i IO inch size to hold 12 Records
      207 words
    • 292 8 HI 1 i| Appreciation HAIG HAIG FIVE '"1 STARS SCOTS WHISKY is sought after and appreciated because of its scarcity and supreme excellence and flavour. The quality bears a reputation of J j 240 years. ar YjjtSk 7 IMr 'H 4 I 1 s n g°°d clubs and tV I®
      292 words

  • 639 9 T Director’s rep >rt to the Shareholders of tl e T-iipiog Tin Dredging Co, Ltd is as follows Your Directors have pleasure in Bubmi*ting herewith their Third Annual Report, ■with audited Accounts to 31s*i December 1920. The Mine Manager’-» Report deals fully with the work
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  • 1044 9 Mr II A Coate-, the acting General Manager, reports on 22nd February, 1921 I have the honour to submit herewith -reocrt on the Company’ opera-iors at Taiping for the year ending 3lat D member, 1920. No 2 Dredge.—The c instruction of our No 2 Dredve being completed o
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  • 197 9 Men Ask to bs allowed tj Resume Work We are informed, says the “Rangoon Times’’ of 30 May that all the returning staff, both Loco and Traffic, have asked to be allowed to rejoin. The Company have taken back every man who c mid be
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  • 936 9 MESSRS, BAKER FEARON’S REPORT. Kuala Lumpur, June s—Mail advicefrom Home speak of a stronger undertone throughout the Stock Exchange “in spite of the long d awn out industrial struggle now proceeseding” and we must ascribe the slight “falling off’ in the past week’s businses to the setback
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  • 452 9 The Report of the Directors to be submitted to the Eighth Annual General Meeting of the Company, on the 15th instant ia as follows Your Directors have pleasure in submitting their Report and Statement of Accountfor the year ended 31st December, 1920, After allowing for
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  • 69 9 The following are *he latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list:— Yesterday. To-day. E 8 Ĕ E* SHARES. ft a CO 00 CQ CQ c. c. S c. S c. Miaiag. Klong Chang 1.00 1.10 95c 1.00 N Taiping 1.30 1.40 1.30 1.35 South Tai ping
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  • 125 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for May Ayer Kuning lbs 61,000 Bradwali 24,114 Chersonese 32,745 Dennistown 23,114 Highlands Lowlands 101,700 Klabang 21,100 Krian Plantations 20,900 Sungei Krian 43,000 Sungei Way ,> 46,120 Ayer Hitam 27,331 Bahru Selangor 11,000 Beverlac 13,650 Blackwater 10,449 Bukit Cloh 26,000 Bukit Selangor
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  • 42 9 The Band will play the following programme of music at the E*planaoe at 6pm to-morrow 1 Overture ...Morayma ...Espinosa 2 Fox Trot Make Believe...Shilkr?®? 3 Selection ...Grand Contest Semiramide...Ro‘Biui 4 Waltz ...Fesche Grister...Strauss 5 One Step ...Czk Cck ...Thurban
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  • 908 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. i a NAMES. e u s RUBBER (Dollar.) So. |e. Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. 26c 30c! Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1.10 1.20 Amalgamated Malay Estates 1.20 1.50 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 12 50! 13.00 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates J.O0 1 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 1.10 1.30
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 636 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. i,Stndeot Studying French wants a Coach.” Apply Box N>. 144, c/o Pin&ng Gazette. NOTICES. Messrs. Pritchard Co., Ltd’s., business premises will be closed to-morrow, the Hari Raya. IM AID OF THE PLANTERS' UNEMPLOYMENT FUND. Thr Caledonia Pierrots Will give an Entertainment in the Caledonia Club O« Saturday,
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  • 729 10 BENGAL CHAMBERS SUGGESTIONS. In the abstract for the month of August 1920 the Committee of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce mentioned that they bad examined the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Shipping) Act 1920 which was passed by the Imperial Legislative Council at its last session. The provision of
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  • 115 10 Penang, June 7, IQ2I. (By Courts»y or thi Chabtbrrd Bank) London Demand Bank 2/3 23/32 4 months’ night Bank 2/4 1/8 3 Credit) 2/4 3/8 3 Documentarv 2/4 15/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 178] 3 davs’ sight Private 185 I Bombay Demand Bank 178 I c Madras Demand Bank
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  • 533 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Peng Fook for Langsa. Perak iE S Co] for Deli. Pungah for Adahan and Bata Bahra, Rochussen for Singapore. Sappho for Teluk Anson. Klang for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Gbirbi for Bindings and Sitiawan. Expbctbd A kbit ale, Tara, Madras, Jane 9. Teesta, Singapore, Jane 11.
    533 words
  • 188 10 DALLY (except Sunday), BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah. Tapah Road, j Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, |By trait Kuala Lumt ur, Seremban, 57.15 a.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore j& 6 p.xr and Hongkong I J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.16
    188 words
  • 37 10 Ti e B I Pwck* t la with mails from Enr p« 'eft am on Saturday evening the 4 h m-iant, and is expected to a-rive hr r;- vn Tinrrd-y morning the 9th ius-ai t.
    37 words
  • 21 10 Mais fro 11 Austral.a are expected to arrive in time for otdivery at 9a m torn .1 C w
    21 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 362 10 i |A, r <fc IS® LV'' f aaMH jgsfcl A kwj PSgiw Bylr\/> t The Breatheable Remedy for k*-. iflf? TWWT 6 LUNGS I .J&y Peps solve the problem—hitherto only E? A.' met b' a costly trip to the Alpine pine-fur»st Jjffi.. '^j. -^-^AaitiLt a PPI VHI S Nature’s most
      362 words
    • 597 10 Manly Vigour and Strength Dr. Cassell’s Tablets Put New Life i nto Weak, Nervous, Worn-out Men. Jamaica. South Africa. Mr James N. Plummer, District Constable, Mr. Ernest J. Smith, 69 i, Bezindenhont, Haves P. 0., Jamaica, West Indies, writes: street, Troyyille, Johan n es bnrg, years ago I was taken
      597 words

  • 401 11 Pknasg, Junb 7, 1921. BEEF— cts Soup per catty 35 Roast do 52 Steaks do 50 Stew or Curry Meat do curry 35 stew 35 Rump Steak do 52 Ox Tail each 60 do Tongue do <*o do Feet do 40 Heart per catty 40 Liver do 80
    401 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 660 11 I STOCKS NOW ADVERTISEMENTS. ON HA ND ,ie n i t et e ,tuai s Momi Cases, I I For 1 insertion 1.75 per inch I insertions 1.50 Box Strapping, »< !:g European Acetic Acid, S 18 3-Si Porcelain Cups, 125 060 Advertisements are charged by w-a a space. A
      660 words
    • 123 11 AVERY TRACTORS AND PLOUGHS. IF |mS 'f. I I i I BRIEF SPECIFICATION ■—Four Cylinder Horizontal Low Speed Engine. Circular Forced Draught Radiator, Eliminates Pump, Fan and Belts Sensitive Governor Controlling Speed of Motor, Thereby Saving Fuel. Full Weather Protection for IU j-. Driver. Direct Drive Forward and Reverse. Avery
      123 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1202 12 K I, A u I AUSTRALIA BY BURNS PHILP O |vl Elierman Line. ne 1 rilerman and Bucknall (Incorporated m Australia. ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION Co. 1 Steamship C®., Ltd., WF I,CO.PO«*TE B <» ■oua.w.l Singapore to Java Ports, Fort Darwin, I Thursday Island, Brisbane and bydney, 7% 1 The following
      1,202 words
    • 705 12 -rz .j-wAfi?- J 1(1 r“-nr i P' p 1 b “BEST IN THE LONG RUN.’’ GOODRICH «I a SAFETY TREAD TYRES I gl GIVE g SAFETY j MILEAGE I g ECONOMY. I SOU MPORTERS M Adamson, Gilfiilan Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in England,) I PENANG, SINGAPORE MALACCA. BANKS. i THE MERCANTILE
      705 words