Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 31 July 1920

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 573 1 i ,uu J.LL.U. jx sb I THE NIKKO STUDIO- ‘NOW AT 7, ncrtham ROAD, I g Near CHIN SENG Co., Ltd. I I IF Y9V have not g BEAR BRAND MILK j I you can h ave n 0 ij ea w hat a 1 GIGAKIĔTTES 1 sM&SI Perfectly Sterilised
      573 words
    • 28 1 THE BESI CAR IN TOWN i fei iWAMBno ULVC 74V-MUO A sole AHeiits S.S. a I.M S- S Ong Sam Leong’a)|Go, mi io» mi iiitiß mi nuiirffluuimiiiii an
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  • 194 2 IMPORTANT REFORMS. [Reuter’s Telegrams.} London, July 28. In the House of Commons, replying to Colonel J 0 Wedgwood, Colonel Amery outlined changes in the Constitution of Ceylon, giving a large meaeure of popular control over the administration, which Viscount Milner had decided to recommend to the King* He
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.}  -  194 words
  • 103 2 SIR WEST RIDGEWAY’S REJOINDER. London, July 28. At the half yearly meeting of the British North Borneo Company, Sir J West Ridgeway, the President, declared that the allegations of the Anti Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society were wild and untruthful and made by discontented exemployees of
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  • 154 2 THE HONGKONG GARRISON. London, July 28. In the House of Commons, replying to Lieub. Colonel A Murray, Mr Churchill stated that the number of British white troops in North China was 6 officers and 150 men and in South China 91 officers and 974 men,
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  • 112 2 THE CHIEF BUSINESS. London, July 28. The Secretariat of the League of Nations announces that the subjects to be discussed at the meeting of the Council at Sau Sebastian on July 30th include The coordination of measures for applying the blockade as a weapon of the League,
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  • 43 2 SUGGESTIONS INVITED. London, July 28. The Board of Trade announces that the imperial Shipping Committee is prepared to receive before January Ist suggestions from any persons or bodies in the Empire regarding ocean freights and facilities and connitions in inter-imperial trade.
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  • 19 2 DEBARRED FROM IRELAND. London, July 28; It is officially announced that Archbishop Beland a!l Wsd to ,and
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  • 371 2 BOLSHEVIKS ADVANCING. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Loudon, July 28. A Warsaw wireless message says the Bolsheviks captured Pinsk, crossing the line defined by the Spa Conference’s armistice proposal. A Berlin message says the Russian commanders are disinclined to cease hostilities in accordance with the Soviet’s orders owing to the prevalence of
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  371 words
  • 212 2 SPA AGREEMENT APPROVED. Berlin, July 58. Herr von Simons, in a speech in the Reichstag, emphasised Germany’s responsibility in participating in support of Poland, He added he was curious to see whether the Entente* would repeat the Versailles mistake of endeavouring to solve the Eastern Europe question without
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  • 18 2 EXPORT PROHIBITED. Washington, July 28. The Inter-State Commerce Commission has temporarily discontinued the export of coal.
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  • 150 2 EMIR FEISUL DEPOSED. [Reuter’s Telegrams.} Paris, July 28. A Beirut message says the French occupied Aleppo on July 23rd and entered Damascus on July 25tb. The new Sherifian Government, which has been formed, accepted General Gouraud’s conditions, including immediate disarmament, and the deposition of Emir Feisul, who has been
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.}  -  150 words
  • 44 2 NATIONALIST LEADER CAPTURED. Athsus, July 28. It is reported that Jafar-Tayar, the Turkish Nationalist Commander in Thrace has been captured. London, July 23. Reuter learns that a large proportion of the Turkish garrison of Adrianople entered Bulgaria, where they were disarmed and interned.
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  • 35 2 AMERICANS OFFER LOAN. Teheran, July 28. Americans have offered the Persian Government a large loan. The British Financial Adviser was requested to absent himself. It is believed the Anglo-Persian £Oil Agreement is temporarily shelved.
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  • 162 2 NEAR EASTERN CHARGES. London, July 28. In the House of Commons, on tbe third reading of the Finance Bill, Mr Asquith contended that wasteful and extravagant expenditure was more to be attributed to Government policy than to administration. He gave as an example Mesopotamia, where the estimates were
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  • 60 2 THE PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION. London, July 28, la the House of Common?, replying to Mr Mackenzie Wood with regard to tbe public subscription being raised on behalf of General Dyer, Mr Churchill said the King’s Regulations forbade acceptance of such a present, buu as General Dyer had now applied
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  • 142 2 London, July 28. In the House of Commons, Mr Bopar Law announced that the Government bad accepted all the recommendations of the Railway Rates Committee, except that with regard to workmen’s fares, the increase of which will be further considered. The increased fares will operate from August
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  • 123 2 KEAY—COUTTS. The wedding took place in St. George’s Church, Penang, this forenoon, tbe Rev. Keppel Garnier officiating, of Mr Lawson Keay, Simpang Raya Estate, Pematang, Siintar, Sumatra, and of Montrose, Forfarshire, and Miss Adeline Harb, daughter of Mr and Mrs Coutts, Marlee Forfar, The bride, who
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  • 228 2 The late Mr. Richard McCryslil whose death at Auckland, New Zealand, we annouread in our second edition yeaterday, came to this country from 'New Zealand some twenty years ago as a Surveyor in F, M. S Government employment. He left it later on and went
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  • 260 2 It was a balmy July evening in Colombay Harbour. Out in mid stream the liner Classy lay at anchor, looking very sedate, and very dirty. Not a sound disturbed the qaieb serenity of the evening air, save an occasional pop from the vicinity of the Classy’s
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  • 218 2 Many Recommendations. The Executive Committee, which consists of the following gentlemen, the Hon Mr W Duncan, Messrs A B Milne, J W Kennedy, Thos S Menzies, J Bruce, Viscount de Bondy, The Hon’bles Mr W N G*wler, Mr E E Smith, Mr H P Clodd. Messrs J
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  • 537 2 Mr. S. H. Langton arrived from home by the Plassy. Mrs. L. W. Arrold and family arrived here yesterday by the P. and O. steamer. The Hon. Mr. John Mitchell returned from home last evening by the Plassy. Capt. T. K. Welsh, of the cable steamer Patrol
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  • 76 2 Keay-Coutts.—At St. George's Church, Penang, on the 31st July, by the Rev. Keppel Garnier, Lawson Keay, Simpang Raya Estate, Pematang, Siantar, Sumatra, to Adeline Hart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coutts, “Marlee,” Forfar. Thomson-Gray.— At St- Andrews’ Presbyterian, Church, Penang, on July 31st, 1920, by the Rev. Donald J.
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  • 40 2 Harrison.— On July 30th at the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, the wife of C. R- Harrison, Midlands Estate, Klang, of a daughter. Cairncross. —At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore on 29th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. J. Cairncross, a son.
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  • 370 2 Messrs. Kennedy and Co P port as follows: M ith a steady market for T shows gam on balance of fe.™, 'S la st MWng rturs, u? tinued active but Rubbers X neglected in sympathy Wlth tfa duJI M the produce which has I don to 1/91
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  • 317 2 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s weekly report is as follows:—During the last two days business has been considerably reduced and in the general absence of buyers i rubbers it certainly looks as if iower values may soon be reckoned with. Mining shares still look attractive and in the
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  • 28 2 Quotations have remained steady ing the week under review, an slightly firmer at: No. 1 Standard $17.30 to 2 $l6-80 SI 7 00 3 $16.30
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  • 11 2 DEATH. McCrystal.— At Auckland, New Zeaand, on 30th July, Richard McCrystal.
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  • 4643 3 M.M. PUBLIC TRUSTEE BILL. At the Federal Council meeting at Kuala .atnpur, the Hon the Legal Adviser (Mr A 3 V u’e?) »n moving that the Public trustee Bill be read a first time said: The Bill also follows as closely as possible the revisions of the Straits
    M.M.  -  4,643 words
  • 58 3 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5 45 p.m. to-day 1. Selection A British Campaign ...Loetz 2. One Step In The Night ...Gilbert 3. Fantasia Gold Cornet ...Allen 4. WaFz Love’s Dream After the Ball ...Czibulka 5. Fox Trot Theleddie
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  • 77 3 Aug I—Penang Bisley, 7 a.m, and 3 p.m. Aug 2—Public Holiday. Aug 2 Bisley Prizs Distribution and Dance, Town Hall, 9 30 p m. Aug 4 Rural Board, Meet ng, Laud Office, 2 30 p m. Aug 5, 6 and 7—The Humphrey Bishop Comedy and Operatic Company, Town
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  • 281 3 S. GEORGE THE MARTYR. The Services next week will be as follows 9th Sunday after Trinity. 7.30 a.m. Matins Pss 46, 47 and 48. 8 a.m. Holy Communion. 10.30 a.m. Matins (Chinese). 5 p m. Children s Service. 6 p.m.—Evensong. Hymn 22. Psalm XLIV, 128, Psalm XLV, 131,
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  • 197 3 HALF FILINC NOTES HOARDED IN THE PROVINCE»S. Paris.—An interesting phenomenon in public finance is observed in. the monetary position in Paris einoe the Chamber of Commerce was authorised to issue notes for small sums from bail a franc upwards to alleviate the shortage of silver money.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 2133 4 positions vac amt. notices. The Straits Trading Co. J tenders invited. Keeper at onZ “and Limited. Apply «wing .alary required and giving McCormack -.11 have no ’J^ 0 INCORPORATED IH SINGAPORE tenders for the .nyply cf firewood for the Ml / el experience and copi.a of r^ 0 NoticB i
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    • 348 4 Charity! Charity!! Charity!!! All gross proceeds to be contributed towards the Fun 1 Raffles College, Singapore. So please do not fail to present yourselves AT THE PERFORMANCES OF ffiaba ffiangsawan. Who will stage Three Grand Bangsawan Plays entitled “Nyai Saminah” “As you like it” or “Orlando and Rosalind” AND “China
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