Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 July 1920

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 331 1 nrnnnnnwwg I THE NIKKO g STUDIO I NOW AT 1 7, NORTHAM ROAD, I Near CHIN SENG Co., Ltd. [MINIMAX] I MOET &ire Extinguisfiers. CHAN DON i i -.'ll I SIMPLICITY.—No experience is necessary to use the appliance. EFFECTIVENESS. —Fire Brigades are rapidly adopting it for first aid purposes. ECONOMY.—Refills
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    • 23 1 THE BEST CAR IN TOWIU 1 I f I 8 J «MMOI9 Aw».. LSole AAeots S.S. a F.M.SOng Sam Leong Co, unnsui nnraiKimwnnaiini
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2960 2 tf WANTED I arge Bungalow House 5 upstair The public are hereby informed tb.«tbe|p Sunnlies Straits Settlements and Federated Malav Su* POSITIUWb HAU rooms, one large kncheu. Dining room a tock-in-trade, furniture, gocds and other tOlulC J T below,’ with servants’ quarters and storage the bagiQe93 of General store- rnn
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  • 552 3 DR. NANSEN’S TASK. The Council of the League of Nation o fitting in London, had before it on the 16 h June the question of the repatriation of prisoners of war still in Russia Earl Curzon said there were still enormous numbers of men who bad not
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  • 347 3 “Wk t can hxve p svss-d Mr L’oyd George to make such an appointment we cannot tell. Probably be never gave it more than five m nut» s’ thought but acted a so cf lu b;foie on the principle of finding a good job for A. B.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 339 3 &A$ F Wi Shams Ltuxury Shaving Cream For shaving comfort, day /I /M in and day out use Williams* Luxury Shav- jf rA ing Cream. Notice how cool and smooth your face is after a shave. L The delicate scent imparts a fresh healthy odor and the E absolute uniformity
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    • 256 3 f Tfio ?.flether who loves hey» baby, and yet is unfort ;nate!y net able to rear her infant at the breast, cannot go wrong if she follows the advice of doctors and 'mothers, based on a century’?? experience, and feeds her baby on Starchless Ketffcssd FOR BABIES FROM BIRTH lnstantly
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    • 258 3 SMSWiII M MM IMBIIII HUM»UMtM «MGNmMM» I THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE I (ASSURANCE Co.. Ltd. «Md OttlM .SINQAPQnK. I» ura INtURAIMOKI I For Mfew Toomg Ma»—▲ Souad laruf ah «or th* Married Maa—Th* •alwark of htti B<mm* For th* Maa of Affair*—▲ Buaia*** Neoeoaity. OMMQIt u* ahoat Tour Inauruno* M**d*.
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  • 1442 4 ORDINARY MEETING. The ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held in the Uunicipsl Office yesterday afternoon. There w-re present Mr G A Hereford, (President), Dr Liston, the Hon Mr W H Thorne, Mr D Richards, Yeoh, Guan Beok and Mr] P K Nambyar. The o’her officials present
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  • 205 4 ;.—Ex. We have more than once bad occasion to remark on the strain of persistent hostility towards all religious influences and religinu« teachers which runs through the Bolshevik propaganda; It is possible to understand that in Russia itself the Bolshevik leader shou’d be inclined to associate the
    ;.—Ex.  -  205 words
  • 552 4 —Strairs Times.” THE EDUCATION BILL. Correspondence, supplemented by what one hears, does produce a very strong impression that there has been some very grave misrepresentation somewhere in reference to the Education Bill. It is said that, in translating the speech of Dr. Lim Boon Keng iu the
    —Strairs Times.”  -  552 words
  • 214 4 M.M. The Medical Deparun»nh may well pray to be sived from its friends if the best that can be said for it is the Chkf Secretary’s reference in bis Annual Report. “Ir appears, so reads the Report, ”to have become the fashion to disparage the work of the
    M.M. "  -  214 words
  • 151 4 M. L.” Next to Mr. James, we shall have the new Legal Adviser Mr. Voules, who takes ths place of Mr F Belfield. Of the four R sidenta Mr Oliver Marks is the most experienced official in Council, having occupied the chair of tbu Resident of Ptrak
    M. L.”  -  151 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 479 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENT». POSITION WANTED. Young energetic Planter r» quires post ss •first assistant on a healthy estate. Can ably handle labour and speaks Tamil and Malay. Box No. 302, c/ > Pinang Gazette. POSITIONS VACANT, Senior Assistant wanted imm■'diately for Estate in Lower Perak. Must. b. able to epeak Tamil
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    • 152 4 A Deadly Enemy. It is the continual dropping that wears away a stone. In the same way the continued twinges of Rheumatism, causing acute suffering with each appearance will wear away the strongest human system. The first shooting pains seem trivial, but as they continue they grow worse and the
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    • 132 4 PRITCHARD Telephone 335-’) TelegramsWith Departmental j PEANCO Connections. J LzvJ., L< 1 U PENA.NiJ INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PENANG IPOH. I i ■lemuswm— eaa. lUi u mar min THE IMPERIAL TYPEWRITER aJ,, r* i j > w w*' jl .a;- I r —i! LZfjrrsw Cannot be Beaten for Compactness
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    • 216 5 There are rumours of important changes in the Viceroy’s Executive Council, but the most important of all is the redistribution of portfolios which has been. suggested in the recent report submitted on the work of the Government of India by the Smith Committee. Owing to the Refjrms
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    • 61 5 Simla, July 16. —The members of the Governor-General’s Executive Council after being reappointed took upon themselves the execution of their offices to day. Air. Sarma took charge of his office under the usual salute, and the first meeting of the new Executive Council, under the Government
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    • 112 5 Bombay, July 20.—An extraordinary general meeting of the members of the Cotton Brokers’ Association was held on Monday, when it was resolved to send a memorial to the Viceroy ventilating their grievances in regard to the Cotton Contracts Board. It was alleged by speakers at the meeting that
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    • 205 5 The arrivals of raw cotton into Bombay by rail and sea (foreign and coastwise) during the week ending 3rd July, 1920, were 56,101 bale's of 400 lbs. each, as against 31,864 bales and 46,542 bales in the corresponding period of 1919 and 191 b, respectively. The total
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    • 106 5 Calcutta, July 21.—The Englishman's' Frontier Correspondent states that news has reached Peshawar that the Press at Jellalabad which has been printing an anti-British newspaper for some months past has been seized by order of the Amir and its manager arrested. Nadir Khan, who is generally believed to
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    • 51 5 Calcutta, July 14. —To-day the session judge of Alipire convicted Mr. Brewin, foieraan of the Cossipore gun and shell factory, of conspiriting to sell large quantities of brass strips and rods from Government stores and sentenced him to s?X months’ rigorous imprisonment and a fine of Rs.
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    • 183 5 Allahabad, July 20. —The Pioneer’s” Cairo correspondent writes Barely had the Commander-in-Chief’s decision in the Shafik case been promulgated than an attempt was made on the life of the new Prime Minister, Nessim Pasha, who, was on his way to his office when a bomb was thrown at
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    • 77 5 Calcutta, July 19. —The Controller of Currency has notified that on the completion of the sale of gold on 4t-h August the Government have decided to offer at the sale on the 19th. August 1,250,000 tolas of fine gold and on Ist and
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    • 73 5 Bombay, July, 19. —There was some excitement in the court room of Justice Shah at the High Court this afternoon when as the result of the fusing of electric wires smoke was seen issuing from the switchbox. The sitting of the court was abruptly
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    • 35 5 Word has been received at the Brigade Office, Rangoon, that the 63rd Palamcottah Light Infantry are to be mobilised at once for service in Alesopctamia and that they will leave shortly.
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    • 46 5 Madias, July 14- —It is understood that the Madras postmen have decided to go on strike if all their demands are not granted in a month. The postmastergeneral had an interview with the men last week, when he explained to them the department’s circular.
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  • 68 5 Loadon, July 8.-Tho Indian Office, in co-operation with the London School of Aledicine. is shortly opening a hostel catering specially for Indian women studying medicine here. There are at present 7 students in the London School. An attempt is being made to raisĕ the status of Indian
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  • 48 5 London, July 8- —At the Imperial Forestry Conference in the Guildhall yesterday Mr. Gibson, on behalf of the Government of India, submitted his report. There were, he said, 251,468 square miles of forest land in India, 126,000 of which were merchantable and 125,000 unprofitable or inaccessible.
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  • 69 5 There are serious disagreements between the unior divisions of the Civil Service and the Commissioners of Home. The National Council for the Administrative and Legal Departments of the Civil Service failed to reach agreement as to the basis on which existing rates of salary should
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 133 5 WAS SICKLY FROM BIRTH. Baby’s Own Tablets Used With Wonderful Benefit. “I wish every woman knew how good Baby’s Own Tablets are, then there would be fewer sick children,” writes Mrs. A. H. Waite, of 1207 Fremont Avenue, North Minneapolis, U. S. A. Her letter continues: —“My baby was sickly
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    • 269 5 I W. D. &H. O. WILLS I Famous I Capstan Medium Cigarettes I Magnums j SI.IO PER TIN OF 50 ON SALE AT ALL HIGH CLASS DEALERS. Dreadnaught lamps "THE LIGHT THAT NEVER FAILS.” BURNS KEROSENE OR PETROL INVERTED SIMPLE SAFE > I V Dreadnaught is the largest selling lamp
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 470 5 last night last night last matinee last matinee FILMS’ GREAT CIRCUS DATO kramat gardens. To-night at 9-15 p. m. To-night I Matinee To-day at 4-30 p. m. TO DECIDE A WAGER OF $5OO THE GREAT ALVARO WILL ENTER THE TIGERS CAGE Chained and Handcuffed. IMPERIAL :Aa u c r e
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  • 37 6 Fbrqusson—At YorkJßoad, Penanc, on the 28tb, inet., to Air and Mrs K 51 Ferguseon, a son. Klassen.—On Saturday, July 24. at Edna Villa, 766, Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs, Louis Klassen, a son.
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  • 49 6 Harris—Fetch Jones.—At St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore on the 23rd inat. by the Venerable Archdeacon FG. Swindell, M A., Geo. Acton Harris, DC M., late 3rd Dragoon Guards of Suogei Way Estate, Selangor, to Edith Fetch Jouee, Ute Bri'ish Bed Cross Service, Netley Hospi al, the Mediteranean and Russia.
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  • 1223 6 At a time when the market for rubber is duh, when the share market is idle, or at least when there are fewer buyers, and people are still exercised as to how Ion» the check on greatly increased consumption, particularly in America, is likely to continue, we
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  • 1079 6 The Revels of Orsara.” By Sir R nuld R as, Publisher, John Mediaeval Romance Murray, London, W. by Sir Ronald (7/. net). Ross Sir Ronald Ross’, name is familiar to many people iu the East, Malaya included, for achievement in science, and notably in connecticn with the
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  • 564 6 The “Pinang Gazette,” with the latest cables, and local news, will be published early on Saturday. There will be no sue on Monday. A business letter from New York us to ‘‘Join the Navy Training, Trave]*’ Eastern Smelting Staff Union h eat Hutton Lane F. C. in a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 40 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day and to-mcrrow Penang Standard Time:—■ High Water. Low Water. To-day. 11.07 a m. 5.15 a.m 11.45 p.m. 6 05 p.m. To-morrow. 11,42 a.m. 5.56 a m. 13.00 m’nt. 6 36 p.m.
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  • 46 6 DEATHS. I^-Nolds —At 4 a.m. cn the 28th July, 1920, Anna, the dearly beloved wife of George Beynolds. Funeral 9 o'clock h. m. 29th July, Western Road Cemetery. MackenSle.—At the General Hospital. on July 25. 1920, Malcolm Walker Mackencia (late Bcunec Co, Ltd,)' aged 23 years.
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  • 287 7 i i SECRETARY’S STATEMENT. i Reuter’s Telegrams.] London. July 26. House of Commons, in reply to 1U by Mr. J. Devlin for the ad- t of the House to call attention ts at Belfast and the failure of ernment to protect Catholics, Sir Greenwood said the soldiers and
    i Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  287 words
  • 55 7 London, July 26. ’n the House of Commons, replying to l.i« d H. Cavendish Bentinck, Mr. Lloyd t. o' ge greatly regretted it was impossii> to carry the Irish Bill before the adj cirninent, but it would be pressed for m i with all possible despatch
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  • 47 7 London. July 96. i fie House of Commons, replying to < < ii Ormsby Gore, Mr. Lloyd George S n it was unlikely the mandates for the •undated territories would be ready for sJ-mission to the Council of the League <■■’ Nations at San Sebastian on July 30th.
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  • 111 7 COMMITTEE’S PROPOSALS. London, July 26. iiitieipated, the report of the Advis Committee on Railway Rates rccom- is from August sth an increase “o ordinary passenger tickets, which a now 50 per cent above the pre-war to 75 per cent, an increase in seah“' tekets varying from 10
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  • 54 7 Xi ADMITTANCE TO ENGLAND. London, July 26. the House of Commons, replying to iuskip regarding the violent anti* speech» by the Roman Catholic bbifihop Mannix of Melbourne in the ted States. Mr. Lloyd George said 6 Government had now decided that Mannix wag not to be allowed land
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  • 26 7 London, July 26. ■4i. fav»» Davi» (Labour) was returned ‘•’Rtoeed to» Ebbw Vale, vice Mr. BileaigxeeL The latter was unop--6-.-4 at ••••Nd election.
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  • 101 7 GOVERNMENT’S REJECTION. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 26. The Government to-night informed a deputation from the Miners’ Federation of its unqualified rejection of the demand for an increase in wages of 2s. per week and a reduction of the price of household coal by 14s. per ton. The claim
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  101 words
  • 451 7 Mnlions for Labour. London, July 7tb. It is estimated that the granting of th new demands which the Miners’ Executiv»are seeking authority to put forward for increased wage?, the redaction in the price of household coal, together with the recently granted wage increase, would cost the coal
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  • 53 7 SURREY’S SECOND DEFEAT. London, July 26. Kent beat Surrey by an innings and 32 runs. For Kent. Fairservice took six wickets for 22 and four for 36. and Woolley four for 31 and four for 29. Warwickshire beat Leicester by nine wickets. Hants beat Worcestershire by an innings
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  • 91 7 The following is a table from the results telegraphed by Reuter P. W. L D Surrey 15 II 2 2‘ Kent 17 12 3 2 Lancagbire 19 13 4 2 Yorkshire 17 11 Middlesex 10 6 I 3 Sussex 18 10 4 1 Notts 13 8 4
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  • 198 7 MB. LLOYD GEORGE'S STATEMENT [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 26. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir Donald Maclean, Mr. Lloyd George confirmed that the Soviet had accepted the British proposal for a conference in London, and suggested that representatives of the leading Entente Powers should attend.
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  198 words
  • 20 7 ITALO-GREEK DIFFERENCE SETTLED. London, July 26. The “Times' Smyrna correspondent says the Italo-Greek incident has been settled satisfactorily.
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  • 96 7 THE VICTORIAN’S’ VOYA3E St John\ Ju|r UR. The wireless telephone experiments continue. The Premier of Newfoundland, the Rt. Hou. Richard Squires, aud the Hon. Sir Patrick McGrath. President of the Legislative Council, conversed without difficulty with the Victorian when she was GOO miles off Cape Race, cordially /welcoming
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  • 174 7 “C. O.”- In these days of worry over the rice difficulty—either owing to shortage or high prices—a resigned public is apt to think its troubles unprecedented- It is some consolation, however poor, to note the position well over half-a-century ago. Writing a few years ago, a
    “C. O.”-  -  174 words
  • 71 7 —Anefa The Hague, July 23. —The Dutch players for the Davis Oup have proteslec against the decision of the Dutch Lawn Tennis Union, which decision has caused the impossibility of their further contest. It is mentioned that the players have now refused to play for National Championships,
    —Anefa  -  71 words
  • 50 7 The suit in the Supreme Court, Penang in which Mr. F. H. McCormack sued the Criterion Press, Ltd. and Mr. Chesney Duncan for alleged libel, was dismissed, without costs, not as stated yesterday. The defendants waived their claim for costs, the case being settled by arrangement.
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  • 37 7 Shanghai, July 15. A' second aJtempi was made on the life of Wang Yi Tang, 'A bomb exploded in Hardoon’s Gardena. There were no injuries. PoliWeEl motives are th» cause of thl aflskA*.
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  • 1433 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. “8.T.” J. F. Owen. General Adviser, Johore Government, is in Penang. Mr. G. P. Owen is leaving for Java this week on medical advice. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McLeod and family have gone on a holiday to Morib. —“M.L.” The Hon. Mr. F. J. Monahan, 1.C.5., Member
    ’ “8.T.”  -  1,433 words
  • 115 7 "fc Before Mr. Pepyu, second magistrate, Singapore, a Chinese named Ho Ha Lung was charged with inciting som« coolies at Tanjong Pagar Road to continue a strike. From the evidence given a strike of painters commenced on the 23rd inst. and lasted for three days. The
    "fc  -  115 words
    • 587 7 [To Th» Editor or thr "Pdumg Sir, —With reference to the above correspondence wbioh appeared in your columns, may I be allowed to mention some necessary items wh’ch your correspondent Schoolmaster had missed cu*, nut entirely through bis pen being slipped from his hand, but from lack
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  • 257 7 At the invitation of the Penang Recreation Club, teams representing Cricket, Tennis, and Football from the Ipoh Catholic Club will arrive here on Saturday next, Cricket will begin at 10-30 that day, stumps to be drawn at 4 p m in order to allow football to
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  • 915 8 IHE JAPANESE BUDGET. The Japanese Minater.of Finance, in the course of a speech in the House of Representatives outlining the financial and economic policy of the Gove r said that it had become necessary to in rodace an additional-gadget, formed on the basis of the General Budget, passed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 216 8 Fuel Saving In these days, with fuel so expensive» you need the resilient, power-saving quality only to be found in Firestone rubber. The new improved firestone Non-Skid Tyres contain an extra quantity of this supremely good rubber; they give greater service at lower cost. And there is no question as
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    • 283 8 I ALBION 8 I 2 Chossls Due to Arrive Next Ween. I Q APPLY TO THE SOLE AGENTS j SfIRKER&G?© j PENANG. I 1 UNLOCK the door of Prosperity i IZZX —n—r w -ffr' 11 r-if-m-T-rrrTrimr-n——■ and Success in Motor Transport. The Master Words are Mileage and Maintenance. J the
      283 words

  • 920 9 increase in production The eighteenth annual general meeting the Tronoh Mines, Ltd., was held un he 24th ult., at the Cainion Street HoteL C.. Mr. Charles Vivian Thomas (the of the company) presiding. The Secretary (Mr. A. 11. Cullen, C. read the notice convening the meetjjjg and the
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  • 310 9 AMENDED ORDERS, Amended Orders of the Day for to-day’s meeting of the Federal Coutcil were published. The Hon. Mr William Duncan will make the sffirmation as a member. The Hon, Mr AN Kenion will ask What progress has been made in carry ing out the excellent proposals of
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  • 145 9 Tnere will be a matinee performance by Fillis’ Circus to-day, and the last- pe foimance of rhe present visit to P*n*n? -vil! le siiven to-night, at D»to Kramat Gardens. The programme is an excellent one— tis never anything but good at Fillis’— uid rhere shoo’d be a
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  • 55 9 The Band will play the fol uwing’progrsmme of music at ’he Esplanade, from 6 p.m. to-day 1. Selection CavaHeria Rust'cma ...Mascagnis 2. One Step Send me awayj with a Smile ...Westyn 3. Waltz Eva ...Let ar 4. Fi x Trot The Example man ...Sant ago 5. March On
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  • 322 9 An important matter which concern» owners of racehories was made the subject of a motion in the Colombo! Municipal Council. Mr de Mel drew the attention of Council to the practice of walking racehorses in a string along the public thoroughfares, which was a source
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  • 52 9 Tin was quoted in London on July 27th at £267 spot, and £271 It’s three inuiitha Yesterday quotation fur raw tin in Penang, was $142-50 per picul, tin ore $142-50 per picul. Tin was quoted in Penang on July 28th, raw tin $139 per picul, tin ore $139
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  • 188 9 Pksang, July 28, 1920. SP. Tapioca $7.25 sa'es M. P. Tapioca $8 nominal. Gold leaf $72 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 6 0z)... sellers. Black Pepper $2l nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $5O nominal. Cloves $llO nominal Nutmegs average of $55 sellers (No. 1
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  • 90 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 28. Tn the Supremo Court, Singapore, yesterday, the case was mentioned, the Straits Steamship Company against the owners of the Hong Wan I. Tn September last year the plaintiffs’ steamer Kuala was tied up alongside Godown No. 3, when the Hong
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  • 91 9 The following ties are fixed for Thursday, 29th July: Profession Pairs. —H. G. R. Leonard and W. H. Threlfall v. A. K. A.’B. Terrell and M. B. Lynch (4). Single Handicap "0”. 30.3 B. W. Allen v. —15.2 W. M. McLachlan (5); —15.3 J. M. Chalmers (c.s.)
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  • 258 9 PENANG, JULY 28, 1930 BBEF— ct«. Soup per catty 32 Roast do 60 Steak» do 60 Stew or Curry Meat do carry 40 stew 40 Ramp Steak do 60 Ox Tail each 50 —60 do Tongue do 70 do Feet do Heart per catty 40 Liver do 70
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  • 141 9 Exfbctbd Arrival». Yokohama Mara, Singapore, 30tb. Plassy, Colombo, August 2nd. lyo Mara, London, 31st. Devanhs, Singapore, Aagast 4th. Venezuela, Hongkong, Aagast 11th. Tamba Mara, Singapore, August 13th. Atsata Mara, London, August 14th. Mishima Mara, Singapore, Aagast 25th. Shidzeok» Mara, London, Aagast 28tb. Ships in communication with the Wireless
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  • 24 9 1,462 coolies arrived to day. 456 go to Pulau Jerejak for quarantine. The balance go on to Port Swettenham for quarantine there.
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  • 277 9 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, I 1 Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, |By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, )>7.15 a.m. Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 6 p.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong j Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3.45
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  • 74 9 The homeward mail by the Tetsta closes as 10 a.m. to-morrow. Letters posted in the Pillar-boxes before 9 a.m to morrow will be iu time. The rate of exchange for money orders oa India or Ceylon to-day is I-suing Rs 115 $lOO. Paying Rs 128 $lOO. The followi
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  • 116 9 Prnang, July 28, 1920. (Ry Courtety ot Chartered Bank). Louden Demand Bank ...2/3 3/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 1/4 3 Credit ...2/4 s’B 3 Documentary 1...2/4 23.32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 116 3 days’ sight Private 125 Bombay Demand Bank 1 If» Madras Demand Bank 116 3 days’
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 432 9 A FEW PARTICULARS RELATING TO All’s Well Marine Oils. Marine Engine Oil, No. I. rille Oil has excellent b;ly, and fur Marine Engine Lnbrica on noth ug better is n ces ary. It is entirely free from all imparities. The oil c«n be obtained at a large number of the
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  • 921 10 Ten freighters totalling 51,810 ton? gros*, were hunched in s- ipyards during May, not includinc ship? of less than ),000 tons gross e«ch according to returns f om the Depaitin°nb of Communication?, The P «rd O Isis ha? been gold to the Bland Line for the Gibraltar-Casablanca run,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 216 10 j NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. I I a 1 J MOTOR BRANCH. I MOTOR CARS. MOTOR CYCLES. I Funds Exceed $70,000,000. I j |i I I Reductions are allowed if the assured has more than one Car Insured. Bonus A Liberal Bonus is allowed Joff JI the Renewal Premium when
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    • 408 10 I R. young Co., Ltd., I PENANG. I Civil Engineers Contractors. Constructional Engineering in all Branches. Reinforced Concrete Designed and carried out by our own Staff and Workmen. Responsibility accepted for I < Designs Emdion. Importers of Rolled Steel Joists, Angles, Tees, Bars and other building materials. Manufacturers of Cement
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 562 11 insurance. I I 1 THE j ■g LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. JEFFREY’S<=□ I hudsons light railway I (Incorporated in England). qj q I WWk w* W"* COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE EĔ TIPPING TRUCKS, RAILS, DOGSPIKES, t K M M COMPANY, LIMITED. e K K Head ffioe:_24 25 I POINTS AND CROSSINGS J
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1433 12 P 8 O -B WTISH I NDIA PAC,F,C HAI “SHIP Company, A d JBarfW 11 REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE. UP Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. AINV g 8 VENEZUELA From Hongkong about 11th August 1920 A A W"B T s s ECUADOR From Hongkong about Bth Sept
      1,433 words
    • 602 12 By using Hall’s Distemper your home can be made brighter, 4 f healthier and more picturesque, X at a cheaper cost than wall-paper, and without Ir h t the objectionable smell of paint. A f. Hall’s 14 Distemper L/ 1 (Trad, Mark.} 1 is deservedly the popular wall covering of
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    • 346 12 THE MIREANTILI DANK IF iMBII LIMITED. £lt«oTpor»ted in Englnadj, Authorised Capital £3.oxi,ooC Subscribed Capital I.BJOJW P id a P 1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 1,146,400 Board of, Directors. (Chairman), J. M. Ryrfe, Esc, H. Melvill Simons Esq., P. R. Chalwvre, Esc ,r _Cy!? Yule Lord Carmichael, G C S
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