Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 July 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 670 1 iiiiinu ll nnnr nn Him iij «0(7 Aable everywhere wholesale from 3 h I r i h lon x>\ 13 f’ 43 i x p. H Ong Sam Leong Co., Penang, g lu 1 i.ann'izmaai-aM'.OTTrogfl IHE distinctiveness AND INDI f lE. YQH HAVE NOT TRjED, I VIDUALITY OF “STATE EXPRESS”
      670 words
    • 32 1 THE BEST CAR IN TOWIU I f fßi'aau-'i I %sjgZ i ’••«CTIO MUn 7»»tUB LSole Agent» S.S. F.M S- M Ong Sam Leong a Co, immi nt NniminuniMßfliffiai mt m usaran nn
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  • 805 2 Calcutta. Joly 21,—The trade returns for June, 1920, published by the Department of Statistic?, India, show that im ports amouuted to R?, 26 crores as compared with Rs. 12 crores in Jane, 1919 and Rs, 13 crores in June, 1914 This constitutes a
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  • 40 2 July 31—Public Holiday. July 31—Pensng Bisley, 7 a m. and 3 p.m Aug I—Penang Bisley, 7 a.m, and 3 p.m. Aug 2—Public Holiday. Aug ft, G *n4 7—The Humphrey Bishop Csusudy snd Opiratis Oubsmby, Towb B»l), 9.1* pa.
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  • 1074 2 BRIGADE MAJOR’S REPORTS. London, Ju’y 9. —The report of Captain Briggs, General Dyer’s Brigade-Major, issued as an appendix to the statement of General Dyer before the Army Council, gives a more vivid impressio 1 than anything previously published here of the state of affairs in India in
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  • 416 2 Messrs James F. Hutton Co., Ltd., Manchester, reported on June 23rd, as follows Liverpool Cotton. Last Week Fully Mid-American—Spot 27.32 28.56 Mid-American, Current Month 24.14 25.04 Sakellaridis F.G.F. Egyptian—Spot 66.00 70.00 do. Current Month 47.60 52.00 New York Cotton. Spot—Cents. 38.25 39.50 Current Month 36.18 37.95
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  • 354 2 The summary of the weekly crop report for the week ending the 10th July states: During the week the rainfall was general in Lower Burma, beiog somewhat heavy in the maritime Districts where falls of 7 to 14 inches were recorded while in 10 other Districts
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 425 2 REW POSITION Experienced Conductor Buderstanri» < New Opening to Factory in experience in Robber Ma na fL desires to take a job as Head r« D 8 Speaks English, Tamil and Ma| a v°"| dDCt r Starting salary wanted $lOO ar > '<* with free bicycle, quarters and 6, 7aat
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1421 3 POSITIONS VACANT. NOTICES. A copy of this Prospectus has been filed with the Registrar I 'l. ■"■isL-j-" of Joint Stock Companies. Competent Store Keeper wanted at once. RATRUT BASIN TIN DREDGING Subscription List opened on Wednesday, the 14th July, 1920, and stating salary required and giving ro will close on
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  • 1268 4 Statesmen and politicians assure us that the League cf Nations will justify itself, and actaally become what its epotsors and supporters so frequently assert, the world’s instrument for preservitg peace, bub when the League was instituted the Allies and the Power associated with them, retained navies,
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  • 1146 4 Under the heading, Late Indian News, we leproouce a telegram Mahomed Alls concerning the wellknown Lies. agi’ator, Mr Mahomed Ali, who is pushing bis pernicious Indian propaganda amidst surroundings of luxury in Paris, which he alludes to with a rare hypocrisy. He has been assiduou-ly spreading false
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  • 117 4 ALLEGED LIBEL CASE DLSMLssed In tlie Supreme Court, Penang, to-day the case was mentioned in which Air P* H. McCormack was plaintiff and the Cri terion Press, Ltd., and Mr. Chesney Duncan, at one time Acting Editor of the “Straits Echo,’’ the defendants, in an action
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  • 499 4 Ex. A fairly well attended meeting of Kinta Europeans was held at the IpoH Club, to discuss the proposed War Memorial—the form it should take, limitation of subscriptions’, the place where it is to be erected, etc. Mr. Meadows Frost, D. 0., Kinta, presided. The Hon. Mr.
    Ex.  -  499 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 461 4 LAST NIGHTS! 2 LAST NIGHTS! FILLIS' GREAT CIRCUS EVERY EVENING at 9-15 p.m. Tofcight! DAl KRANAT GAK ENS o-^ ht!! MISS JANE HARMBTON and MISS RETA—WiII appear in their Clever Double Wire Act. “DANDY GEORGE’’- Eoops the Loop on the Trapeze concluding? his performance with his sensational Dive of 60
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    • 41 4 THE TIDES, The following «re the tides for to-day, and to-morrow Penang Standard Time High Water. Low Water, 10-DAT. 10 30 4.18 a m. 11 09 pm. 532 p.m. To-MOBROW. 11.07 a m 5.15 a.m 11.45 p.m. 6 05 p.m.
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  • 116 5 I l U E CONFERENCE IN LONDON. [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, July 26. I > soviet has notified Britain of its tance of the suggestion to hold a conference in London, but it first sts upon the surrender of General V i a 'el, whose safety is guaranteed.
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  116 words
  • 60 5 OiEXCH OCCUPY DAMASCUS. London, J uly 26The French entered Damascus in eonseof an attack by Emir FeisuFs ou the small garrison holding a V 7. th e course of his flight, the enemy ldone d 9 guns, 25 machine-guns and lerable war equipment Emir lei <su l 8 Minister
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  • 32 5 GREEK ENTRY. Athens, July 24. Tlu newspapers announce that the Greeks occupied Adrianople. The Tuikish Military Governor, Jafar Toyar, repeated to Kirk-Kilisse. Kin- Alexander will immediately enter Adrianople, which is undamaged.
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  • 26 5 FIRE AND EXPLOSIONS. Venice, July 25. A disastrous fire occurred at the *****- followed by explosions. Several milli. ii lire of damage was done.
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  • 28 5 Vienna, July 25. Full diplomatic relations between Great Britain and Austria have been formally renewed. The Honourable Francis Lindley presented his ciedentials as British Minister.
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  • 84 5 LOOTERS ARRESTED. London, July 25. Belfast, apart from a few skirmishes at m Ju, was quiet. There have been no further admissions to hospital. Seventeen arrests have been made in connection with the looting. Police Sergeant Killed. London, July 25. A police sergeant was shot dead when v-tering
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  • 39 5 TUAN’S RESIGNATION. Peking, July 22. ’1 he President has accepted Tuan Chi J<a s resignation, abolished the frontier d fence force and placed the troops u (lei the War Ministry, thereby nullifying the Si no Japanese Military Pact.
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  • 25 5 New York, July 23. Mi Cochran will offer Jack Dempsey X to fight Carpentier in London at the end of the year.
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  • 18 5 Chicago, July 23. Railway Unions decided to bring ••cit < ase before the Labour Board again.
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  • 27 5 Sydney, July 25. 11 M. S. Renown, with the Prince of It aboard, has arrived The Prinoe n«w starting for his Queensland tour.
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  • 98 5 MR. HUGHES’S DENUNCIATION. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Melbourne, July 25. Mr. Hughes, at Bendigo, vigorously denounced Archbishop Mannix's utterances in America. He said, “I want to tell the America people that Australia repudiates him (Loud cheers.) Australians look to America for a continuance of cordial relations. We intend to remain
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  98 words
  • 413 5 “The American nation can, of course, have a.mercantile marine—if they are prepared to pay for it,” declared one of London’s leading shipowners in an interview with a Press representative. “Because I believe the nation will not be willing to pay the necessary price. I am not
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  • 363 5 EXTENSION SCHEME. A very much needed annexe and tiffin shed are beingMouilt at the Anglo-Chinese Girls’ School, Anson Road, Penang. The enterprise will cost £lB,OOO, and will, when completed, make a very fine .addition to the present building. This is being made possible largely by the generous
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  • 1224 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL. —Ex. 11. H. the Sultan of Perak has gone to Kuala Lumpur to attend the meeting of the Federal Council to morrow. Mr. F.W.F. Day, The Rubber Growers’ Association’s Chemist, is at present touring the Association’s estates in Kelantan and is not expected in Ipoh before the second
    —Ex.  -  1,224 words
  • 59 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 27. H. E. the Governor and Lady Guillemard and party left here in the Seabelle yesterday for Port Swetteaham, from where the Governor commences his tour. Lady Guillemard continues her voyage to Penang, where she will remain until the Governor joins
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  • 176 5 Single Handicap “C” —30.3 B. W« Allen heat —l5 E. G. Grafton 6-4,6 1; —l5-2 W. M. McLachlan beat —15 R. V. Smith 6-2, 9-7 Ser- F. J. Gibbs beat —15 F. Gregory 6-0, 6-3; —15.4 W. V. L. Van Someren walk over —15 L. V. J
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  • 1097 5 ANNUAL GENERAL MEE LING. The annual general meeting of the mem 1 bets of Penang St. Andrew’s Society was held in Penang Cricket Club last evening Mr J L Lonie, President of the Society, was in the chair, and the others present were Messrs W S
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  • 275 5 A happy feature of this year’s dramatic ani musical production—-otherwise barren enough—-is the re-discovery of ancient masterpieces Cambridge University has revived Purcell’s opera, The Fairy Queen,” the score of which had been lost tor two centuries, The music proved to be, conssnsu omnium, as frtsh and spa r
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  • 237 5 Calcutta, July B—The hearing of the cxse was reamed before the S c )nd Presidency Magistra-e at Jorabagan tc-iay in which Buran Singh, Kissen Singh, and Milkristo Singh Roy are prosecuted for havii'g cor spired to murder Babu Sarab Chandra Daw, a millionaire residing in Balaram Dey
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  • 112 5 London, Ju'y 7. London Chamber d Commerce at its meeting m Monday will consider whether the.e is a possibility of some uniform acri n being taken wi’h the object of meeting the crisis which has arisen in regard to the cancellation ot the Chinese piece-goods contracts. It
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  • 100 5 Ba’avia, July 24—Parer and Mtlntosb were obliged to land yesterday afternoon at Kendal, a small village on Java's east coast. They restarted this morning for Sourabaya, where they are expected be ween nine and ten this moru* ing. Thb Machine Damaged Batavia, Later—P*rer and Mclntosh landed a>
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  • 13 5 ©BITUARY. London, July 23. Otoe death of Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt occurred at
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  • 699 6 FRENCH TRAVELLER'S ACCOUNT. The following is from the second instalment of Mr Cucherousset’s account of his journey from Bangkok to Singapore, appearing in his paper ‘L’Eveil Economique’’: At Tang S >ng each room in the note! has at least two beds, and we are more than fif’een
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 181 6 BRITISH U D H” EXPANDED METAL D D DIAMOND MESH vVYYY\ S m sL X JL > \f jJLk uy I j MM R A A A r JB Jw. Jw Z \r V> \r \r Ar \jr < I X JL A J* A. J SOLE AGENTS: Wm. JACKS
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    • 322 6 Straits Settlements Benevolent Society Mr T Cuthbertson, the Hon. Treasurer •in submitting the accounts for the ■ended 31st December, 1919, states that j rhe outstanding feature of the period under revi-w is the inc e»sed support tba* w being given to the Society in the Straits the amount received from
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    • 559 6 HUDSON’S LIGHT RAILWAY j TIPPING TRUCKS, RAILS, DOGSPIKES, j POINTS AND CROSSINGS J«iiiiiiiiiiiiiniii» Ready for Immediate Delivery Ex Penang, I THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED, (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) Penang, Singapore and Ipoh. W/llllllllllllllllJUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlHIIIIIIIIIIHIIMIIIIIHIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||inill|||||!||||KIII||||!|||||||||||H PMOVi] LADIES’ ANNOUNCEMENT. FACE AND BODY Itched and Burned. Lost *t»i u t c a Sleep. Cuticura Heals.
      559 words

  • 682 7 Messrs Ba’»e r Fearon <fc Co, reported on •,iday, as follows: —The feature of the under review has been ths attention -aid to tins in which a large business has een don’, the demand for snares continu as we wrie. The latest pric3 of rubber, 69
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  • 330 7 Mr. E. L. Hamilton, as Chairman of the Genshiel Rubber Estates Co.. Ltd., informed the shareholders on June 10 b, th<t this Company was formed with a Capital f £175,000 to take ovtr, as from the Ist January last, the Assets and Liability s of the old Companv,
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  • 393 7 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS. The 33rd report of the Directors of the Kinta Association, Ltd., for the twelve months ended 31st March, 1920, states: After charging depreciation upon the assets of the Company, the profit and loss account shows a profit on the year’s working of $83,797.17, to
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  • 176 7 set of (‘harebrokers. —From the Singapore Free Pets?.*’ The Band will play the following programme of music at the Dato Kramar Gardeas from 5 30 p.m. to-daj 1. Overture Macbeth ...Vtrdi 2. Pavane La Petite Marq use. Cornet Solo ...King 3. Waltz ...Potpourri ...Morena 4. F<x Trot Young
    set of (‘harebrokers.—From the ‘ Singapore Free Pets?.*’  -  176 words
  • 191 7 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy <fc Co.’s share list:Yesterday. To-day SHARES. J "S s "3 X 3Q a 32 Rubber (Dollar) c. C. c. c. K.-Sidim 3.90 4.00 4.00 4.10 Lunas 15 00 15.25 14.50 15.00 Perak R. V 4.00 4.10 c rts
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  • 18 7 Tin was quoted in London on July 26th at £270 10s spot, and £276 three months.
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  • 20 7 The output of the Ayer Weng Mine for the month of June, 1920, was 30 piculs roasted ore.
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  • 190 7 Penang, July 27, 1920. SP. Tapioca 16.751 se’iers M. P. Tapioca $7.75 j sellers Gold leaf $72 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 0z)... sellers. Black Pepper $2l nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $5O nominal Cloves $llO nominal Nutmegs average of $55 selleas rNo.
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  • 171 7 Penang, July 27, 1920. (By Courtesy ot the Chartered Banh). London Demand Bank ...2/3 3/4 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 1/4 3 Credit ...2/4 5/8 3 Documentary.i...2/4 23,32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 116 3 days’ sight Private 125 Bombay Demand Bank Madras Demand Bank M 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 170 7 Expected Abbivals. Japan, Calcutta, 27th. Teesta, Singapore, 28th. Yokohama Maru, Singapore, 30th. Plaasy, Colombo, August 2nd. lyo Maru, London, 31st. Devanha, Singapore, August 4th. Venezuela, Hongkong, August 11th. Tamba Maru, Singapore, August 13tb. Atsuta Maru, London, August 14th. Mishima Maru, Singapore, August 25th. Shidzuoka Maru, London, August 28th.
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  • 279 7 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Bantar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, I Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, a.m. Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 6 p.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m Taiping By
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  • 151 7 The homeward mails by the Teesta close at 10 a m. on Thursday. The B I packet Tara, with the mails from Europe, is exp°cted to ariive here ab 8 p.m to day. The mails will be ready for delivery at 9 a.m to morrow. The rate of
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  • 72 7 As was to be, expected the proteat against the continuance of Wartime Excise regulations has not failed to elicit support, says the "Ceylon Observer. Prohibition is much in the aar at the present time, and when Pussyfoots league themselves to curtail the liberties of their fellow
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 165 7 A WORD OF ADVICE. There is perhaps no place in the world where a person voluntarily takes more risks against his health than in the Tropical East. One canpot avoid doing so on account of the severe climate, dangers of bad water and a hundred other natural causes. These are
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    • 64 7 SOME PEOPLE RUSH ABOUT and tire themselves unnecessarily, thinking to cure their constipation by spasmodic fits of over-exertion. Others more sensible, take reasonable exercise daily, and use the little genble-as-nature laxatives Pinkettes, occasionally, thus ensuring healthy regularity. By dispelling constipation Pinkettes cure Biliousness, Sick Headaches, Liverishness, foul breath. Of druggists,
      64 words
    • 231 7 j A Tea of Richness E I LIPTON’S TEA I Pure in Quality and Delicious in Flavour Obtainable from all Grocers in 3 Qualities 1 H Extra OKoice Green Label 5 S No. 1 Yellow Label No, 2 Red Label Special Quotations to the Trade I GUTHRIE Co., Ltd. I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1510 8 P 8 O jRMTISH INDIA PACIFIC Company, Jf 6 REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE. Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. A’. 0 8 8 VENEZUELA From Hongkong about 11th August 1920 .j> IT it “y 88 ECUADOR From Hongkong about Bth Sept 1920 C JjL JL/ JL in Finer!
      1,510 words
    • 584 8 THE BEN LINEor STEAMERS Ltd LEITH. OUTWARD SAILINGS. s. s. BENLEDI due August 8 s. s. BEN AL DER due August 3f s. s. BEN A VON du» Sept. 15 HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Coast cargo booked at current rates on date of sailing of steamer* For full particulars as regards space
      584 words
    • 360 8 3THR MERBANTILB RANK BF IMBIA, LIMITED £lß«orpor»ted in England). Authorbed Capital £3 0)0,000 Subscribed Capital 1 8)0,000 Paid-up 1,0'0,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided 1,146,400 Board of, Directors. n R M J ’i®i I i aO Q’ E 8q J. M. Kyrie, Eeq, H. Melvill Simons Esq., P. R. Chalmers, Eno
      360 words