Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 July 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 657 1 I everywhere wholesale from ®s i R 3ni S*" l Uo g CO P n>ng z B «!l»» !lffl IIBi: If YOU HAVE NOT TRIED. S I BEAR BRAND MILK I HUDSON’S LIGHT RAILWAY I a you can have no idea what a TIPPING TRUCKS, RAILS, DOGSPIKES, j Perfectly Sterilised
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    • 28 1 lHliWiWill NllttUillli; MHiiIWUIIMMIHIiU S THE BEST CAR IN TOWN| I I i taov IFNNUO i f sole ARcots S S. a r.M.S- Ong Sam Laong a Co, 2
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  • 514 2 —"ST." INTERESTING INVESTITURES. July 16 Abeing the 35th anniversary of the Collar Day (Hari Kalong) of the Johore Orders of the Datjih Kraba*, or Fanily Orders aud the Crown of Johore, a ceremony wa« LelJ at the Istana Brsar, J hore, where H H the Saltan,
    —"ST."  -  514 words
  • 408 2 False Rumours in Bengal. Calcutta, Ju'y 6ch.—Replying to ad dresses presented to-day at Krithnagar Lord Ro'ialdshsy took the opportunity of pointing out the ridicul >usneas of some of the buelos and false rum' urs current in Bengal regarding the Turkish question, It was circulated that Mahommedans would
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  • 885 2 A RECORD OUTPUT. ’The eighth ordinary general meeting of Henrietta Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held on Jone Bth at the office*, Lordon House, New London-street, E.C., under the presidency of Mr W H ShJford, the Chairman of the company. The Chairman said The directors are vety pleased to
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  • 52 2 July 22, 24—Penang Rac°s. July 25—Pmng Bisley, 7 a.m and 3 pm July 26—St Andrew's Society, Annual Meeting, PC C, 6-45 p m. July 26—Athenaeum, 915 pm. July 31—Public Holiday. July 31—Penin.! Bisley, 7 a m. and 3 p.m. Aug I—-P»n*ng Bisley 7 a.m, and 3 p.m. Aug
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  • 940 2 CASES 'OF RUBBER. Mr Locksley Hall writes* "Samples,” sud my Colonial visitor co idesc-nd-ngly, after a round of museums; "samples—show me something in balk, something w. h atmosphere.” So, as »oon as ’he right strings c .aid be polled, I led him down east, past
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  • 14 2 Tin was quoted in London yesterday, £263 spot, and £268 three months.
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  • 185 2 Penang, Joly 22. 1920. SP. Tapioca $7.50 3 nominal M. P. Tapioca $B.OO J nominal Gold leaf J7V sellers. Popper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) sellers. Black Pepper $2l nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $5O nowinal. Cloves $llO nominal Nutmegs average of $55 selleas
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  • 332 2 PENANG, JULY 21, 1920. BEEF— cts. Soup per catty 32 Roast do 60 Steaks do 60 Stew or Curry Meat do curry 40 stew 40 Rump Steak do 60 Ox Tail each 50—60 do Tongue do 70 do Feet do Heart per catty 40 Liver do 70 Fillet
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  • 118 2 Penang, July 22, 1900 Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...*J/3 27/32 4 months* sight Bank ...2/4 5/16 3 Credit ...2/4 20i32 H 3 Documentary ...2/4 7 8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 118 3 days’ sight Private 125 Bombay Demand Bank 118 Madras Demand Bank tt 118
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  • 1037 2 NAMES. J SJ j RUBBER (Dollar.) e Sc Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. 85ej 90c Alor Uajah Rubber Estate 3.60 3.75; Amalgamated Malay Estates 4.40 4.60 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 23.50: 24.50 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 1.30 1.40 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 3.30 3.50 Ayer Panas Rubber Estates 12.50 13.00|
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 463 2 NEW A «P/riooewi «od wan ed for B., Apply Box No. 295, e/o P. nan miscellaneous Wanted beginning I Bungalow Batterworth, Tani n or Penang Hill, McGill, P^ a „1 l’ uB oerai K For Disposal. so Class I Berth P. O, PenangLon/ 6 3 K half October. Apply Box
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1318 3 POSITIONS VACANT. ADVERTISEMENTS ON tram CARS, a copy of this Prospectus has been filed with the Registrar ■■■■—mu of Joint Stock Companies. Tamil cook want» d. At town. Good THE PINANG GAZETTE PRESS, Ltd. Subscription List opened on Wednesday, the 14th July, 1920, and ,a 27*o V| ”pi <’a n
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    • 224 3 to csßOKaEM*■MMßß«WßS3a»iiaa«sg;i I■n I lain Wf ■■■—><■ SPECIAL REQUEST. Mr. WANCHEE A RIFFIN with the Consent of the Mohammedan Community. A HANDSOME VALUABLE CUP will be presented by Mr. Wanchee Ariffin which is to be handed by His Highness The I Sultan of Perak. THE PENAMC STRAITS BORN CHINESE BAHGSAWAN
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 233 3 The Principal Attraction for the Races. F/LLZS’ GREAT CIRCUS EVERY EVENING at 9-15 pm. (Sundays Excepted.) BIG NEW TENTS, DATO KRAMAT GARDENS. To-night! 'I o-night 11 GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. COL. FiLLIS—WiII Introduce Ills 4 New Battick Ponies Recently Purchased in Sumatra. MISS JANE HARMSTON —Will appear in hex. Wonderful
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  • 1251 4 The Earl of R’adinc, Lord Chief Justice of England, is respcn?ible fcr the phrase which serves as the heading for this article. He employed it in relation to the Leegae of Nations, srmetimes called the league of notions by the Eccfferg, and scep’ics who assert that
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  • 1216 4 Whether moderate opinion will defeat ‘non-co-operation’ in India The Moderates’ and prevent the extremists Opportunity. from bringing about a catastrophe, remains to be seen. Non-cooperation begins on August Ist, unless a fiasco occurs in the interval. We may point out that the central Khalifat committee decided that
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  • 203 4 In connection with the improvemeno scheme, Malacca Street to Pudu Road, a minute was read at a recent meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board from the Resident to the effect that he is not prepared to proceed with the scheme at present, that the site of the
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  • 96 4 At the annual general meeting of the members of the above Club, held last night, the following office-bearers were elected: —President, Mr. S. Manikram; Vice-Presidents, Messrs. M. A. Bakar and N. Che Tch hon.' secretary, Mr. C, Al. Wan; hon. asst, secretary, Mr. Mohamed Sawai; treasurer,
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  • 76 4 Speeding up of missionary work has im creased the demand for motor cars, the old bullock wagon, decrepit horse *nct hand drawn ricksha having been pronounced too slow for modem developments- Hence the mission student of tomorrow must graduate in engineering, there being no repair shops on the
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  • 69 4 We may remind our readers that th' Empire Theatre Hall, Penang Road, giving the whole of the proceeds of tonight’s play to the above Fund. H I the Sultan of Perak and the Hon’ble th* Resident Councillor of Penang have gr<> ciously consented to patronise the show.
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  • 42 4 Madame Fillis’ favourite fox-terriei “Tommy,” the one that always acted th-, clown during the performance, was un fortunately killed by a motor car on M e< nesday evening. The Colonel thinks that he will never be able to replace him.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 39 4 THE TIDES. The following »re the tides for to-day, and to-morrow Penang Standard Time High Water. Low Water. To-DAT. 4 40 10.52 R.m. 4.19 pm. 11 00 p.m. To-morrow. 5.25 a.m. 10.48 a.m, 4 58 p.m. 11.38 p,m.
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  • 18 4 IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of Emma Martha Ferroa (nee Syfrig), who died at Singapore, 22nd July, 1917.
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  • 209 5 SHAMROCK’S SECOND WIN. SHAMROCK IV.’S skipper. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] New Yoi k, July 19. conferring with his advisers, Sir o®« Lipton decide! to sup rsede Lu ton, Shamrock’s skipper. It is exp-cted Ntcholson, or Colonel NeiHe, the yachting \p rt, will replace him. Sandy Hook, July 19. j. is
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  209 words
  • 120 5 London, July 19. A serie us riot occurred at Co*k on Sunday night. A crowd of ex-soldieis, in furiated at the bayoneting of a comrade wio did not answer a challenge, attacked uniformed soldiers. An armoured car find on the crowd. It is reported three were killed
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  • 109 5 Chicago, July 20. i t.e Ra-.lway Labour Roard will shortly iisue i's first award with regard to increase cl pay to the country’s 2,000,000 railway workers. It is reliably reported that the award will average 50 to 60 per cent, of the amount askel, otherwise ab.u: 1500,000,000.
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  • 115 5 RECEPTION IN NEW YORK. New York, July 19. Archbishop Mannix of Melbourne, act nq.allied by De Valera, had an enthuB'astit welcome at a crowded civic re--1 -t -a in Madison Square Garden. The Archbishop’s address was punctuated by ’!'lause, especially when referring bo t 1 suggestion that he
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  • 52 5 London, July 20. An official list is published of 240 wo1 justices of the peace in different of the country. The list includes a an her of Peeresses, wives of Bishops, -1 'of ex Ministers, Miss Mary Mac- in. Miss Adler and Madame Bramwell booth,
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  • 19 5 London, July 19. Surrey beat Leicestershire by ten ickets. Warwickshire beat Gloste r sLire by six ickets-
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  • 27 5 ARRIVAL IN TASMANIA. Hobart, July 19. Prince of Wales has arrived. h H. received a tremendous welcome ,n large crowds in gaily decorated streets.
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  • 48 5 RETREAT CONTINUED. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 19. A Polish communique of July 16th says: We are retreating, according to plan, over the whole front, except in the Diibno sector, where we reoccupied Dubno and totally defeated a Bolshevisk division. After bitter fighting, the enemy occupied Lida.
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  48 words
  • 42 5 BOLSHEVIK ADVANCE. Paris, July 19. A Teheran telegram gays: Following on the refusal of the Armenian Government to obey an ultimatum from the Moscow Government, the 11 th Bolshevik Army, advancing, occupied Kara Bagh and is continuing its march to Zangemiour.
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  • 42 5 RUMANIA’S OFFER. London, July 20. The ‘’Daily Telegraph” understands that Rumania is anxious to participate in the task of pacifying Asia Minor, and is ready to place a considerable force at the disposal of the Anglo-Greek Command in the Levant.
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  • 184 5 AN-FU FORCE DEFEATED. Peking, July 19. As the result of Genefal Wu Pei Fu’s superior strategy, the forces of the Chili Li faction severely defeated the An-Fu tioops, 6,000 of whom hastily retreated towards Peking and are now looting Nan-Yuan, a few miles from the capital, all
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  • 406 5 TROUBLE DUE TO INCITE MEN 1’ FROM IRELAND. Allahabad, July 11.—The Pioneer states: We are glad io learn that the disaffection which recntly broke out among the Connaught Rangers has not spread to any other Irish regiment in India. It is noteworthy that representatives of the men
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  • 842 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL. i— “M.M.” Sir John Herkltss, D. D., Principal of St. Andrews University, died recentlyCaptain R. S. Carroll and Mrs Carroll are leaving Penang for India on Saturday. His Honour Judge Edward Acton has been appointed a Judge of the High Court. Dr. Sansom is on a tour of
    i—“M.M.”  -  842 words
  • 342 5 Mr. J. J. Virgo, B. E., Honorary World’s Representative of tho Y-M.C-A. movement, who is in Singapore at present, is here at the invitation of the local board to consider with them and with the General Secretary, Mr. Gordon Cranna, the possible developments of the
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  • 240 5 The President of the B. N. B. Chamber of Commerce promised to make enquiries in Manila and Hongkong to see if help could be obtained in regard to Gaining dressers. The Central Hospital Scheme would have been a help in this direction but unde» 1 present
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  • 44 5 Simla. July 5. —About six vacancies will be competed for at the next examination of the Indian Civil Service in London; some will be taken for war service and some will be nominated in India. The total number will not exceed 40.
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  • 653 5 SELECTIONS FOR TO-DAY. Race I—Nankin or Gay Lad 1, Darfar 3. Race 2—Pretty Uncle or Madame Mill 1, Bush Girl 3. Race 3-—Lacy Ashton or Eveline 1, Windap 3. Race 4—Walpole or Heart of Oak 1, Balarang 3. Race 5 Kenfu 1, Witty 2. Race 6—Black Watch 1,
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  • 432 5 The track of the great war is easy to follow. The track of the Derby procession was jast as easy. Along the road horse and motor vehicles had broken down in attempting to do too mach, Most of the occuppants were philosophical souls and adjourned to
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  • 485 5 Alleged Misappropriation of Funds In Rome. The Attorney-General of Siam has entered a criminal action against Luang Bavara Vadi, formerly 8 cetary of the Siamese Legation at R me, says the Siam Observer of Joly 5. L’ne num etia ge in the indictment is that while acting
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    • 240 6 Simla, July 9. —The attention of the travelling public is drawn to the fact that under a Law dated the 17th August, 1915, a decree dated the 12th July, 1919, the French Government prohibit the export from France of gold or silver money, whether French or
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    • 125 6 Madras, July 9. —At their monthly meeting, the Madras. Chamber of Commerce resolved, regarding control of homeward passages, to reply that some form of control seemed essential. If there was no outward control next season, a strong homeward control might have the effect of preventing globe trotters visiting
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    • 111 6 The P. it O. and British India Companies notify that advance bookings for the Autumn sailings to India, Australia. China. &c., are again exceptionally heavy. Applications for passage by the September and October departures are being dealt with in the order of their priority of registration but already
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    • 109 6 Simla. July 8. —A Special India Army Order, published to-day. announces that the Secretary of State has sanctioned grants of land and assignments of land revenue to no less than 200 Indian officers in recognition of distinguished services rendered during the war. Simla, July 8. —The
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    • 102 6 Simla, July 9. —The break, in Bombay, of the monsoon which prevailed since 26th June came to an end, a w eek ago when a feeble depression formed at the head of the Bay instead of developing and crossing the country accompanied by’ concentrated downpour of heavy rain.
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    • 109 6 Simla. July 2. —The Alliance Bank of Simla s results for the year ending 30th June, 1920, are highly successful and show a profit, including Rs. 1,87,758 carried forward from last year, of Rs. 15,39,579. This is a record result for the Bank. The Directors propose
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 140 6 FOR PENANG RACES! m«'WWu& XfiXZRX<SZX^RXO>ZSZX<Q>XK>XQ>XS^XS>Xg>x3Z>XQ>XQ> i 4 *rf<i _xjtj _XxT CXXj OOC CXjC- jOC XX. OOP 2XjC COC COO DOC fry IXjC CaXj I 1/ k k rl. l l WWVyWTptOJ I NOW «ffifflßj on 0 1H strew a| fg|C; Kg A SPECIAL SELECTION OF Morning Frocks Dinner Gowns AND
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    • 466 6 |OUR NEW I AND UP-TO-DATE PREMISES I WILL BE OPENED FOR BUSINESS I AUGUST 2nd. I WITH A LARGE I ASSORTED STOCK I White a way, Laidlaw &S: (Incorporated in England.) I TAIPING. FULL-BLOODED PEOPLE. Why Other People Like Them. i W D& H O WII IS i We can
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  • 275 7 —Aneta. DEPARTURE FROM SINGAPORE. Lieutenants Parer and Mclntosh in their De Haviland 9 biplane, left Singapore yesterday at 7-45 a.m. for Muntok and Kalidjati. The “Free Press’’ of yesterday says although the weather conditions were as bad as they could be on Tuesday morning nevertheless Lieuts. Parer and
    —Aneta.  -  275 words
  • 209 7 The following report of proceedings of the statutory meeting of the members of the Kemayan Extension Limited, held at the registered office of the Company, Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore, in pursuance of Section 65 of the Companies Ordinance 1915, is supplied by the Secretaries. There were present Messrs.
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  • 203 7 Under this heading the “Straits Times” reports: A Chinese, named Leo Yan Swo, was fined *lOO by Captain Rowbotharn, third magistrate, Singapore at the instance of Mr. Benge, Traffic Inspector, for driving a car without a licence. The case is the sequel to an accident
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  • 95 7 Lahore, July 9. —The “C. and M. Gazette” hears from Rawal Pindi that early on Wednesday morning a bomb was thrown at a Railway Station official as he was sleeping on the verandah of his house. Luckily the bomb, which on investigation by the arsenal authorities
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  • 131 7 Expictbd Arbivals. Thongw», Singapore, 24th. G Apcar, Singapore, 22nd. Jeypore, Suez, 23rd. Dilwara, Colombo, 23rd. Ekm», Singapore, 24th. Plassy, London, 25tb, Japan, Calcutta, 27th. Teesta, Singapore, 28th. Yokohama Maru, Singapore, 30th. lyo Maru, London, 31st. Devanha, Singapore. August Ist. Venezuela, Hongkong, August 11th. Tamba Maru, Singapore. August 13th.
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  • 265 7 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, *7.15 a.m. Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 6 p.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m Taiping By
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  • 18 7 Despatched. Delivered, Mail “E June 14th July 16th Mail “F Jane 20th July 16'h
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  • 265 7 2,065 Coolies arrived to day. 928 go to Pulau Jerejik for quarantine. The balance go on to Port) Swettenham for quarantine there. Prohibition will never succeed in Wales. A sober man couldn’t possibly speak the language*:—New York World. We have received the report for 1919 of the Municipality
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 151 7 SCHWEPPES] Ginger Beer, Ginger Ale, I Melvern Waler, Tonic I Woier and Relento Water. Obtainable at| j The leading Clubs, j E. o. Hotel and from s Hottenbach, Lazaros Sous., Ltd., (!K rp rfnd in tse Streits sduemenlsj a XX «SE -1 ’[py ffiueyrus Company, Bucket Dredges, Excavators, &c., &c.
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    • 283 7 sHeileseiis cells! 3 n a 9 JUST ARRIVED n 8 alyn o No. o Volt* l.« 'P'mna CA 7A H Larfr Con and Motor Boats 1 <J>O. I U Q g T„e 2 No. 4 Volta 1.1 2.70 5 g Tnt V No. 4 Volta Oft g H Bnts Band
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1438 8 p g O _RRITISH INDIA pfIC,FIC Mfll L£™E“ lp Company B REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE. Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. AND 8 s VENEZUELA From Hongkong abtout 11th August 1920 AE y*jfr T Y and every 28 days thereafter. JI A The steamers have the most modern
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    • 609 8 WfrJ&afoF By using Jr Hall s Distemper your home can be made brighter, A g healthier and more picturesque, X at a cheaper cost than wall-paper w and without V n f the objectionable smell of paint. I Hall’s H I Distemper L.’ (ZrdkZe Mark.) is deservedly the popular wall
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    • 357 8 THE MIRGANTILI BANK EF IN Bl A, LIMITBB. (iMeoTporated ia Englaad), Authorised Capital £3 (JTO.OOC Subscribed Capital 1,890,006 Paid-up 1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profit B... 1,146,401 Board of ..Directors. r, B Esq., (Chairman), J. M. Ryrle, Esq. biwoLiS £sq., F. K. Chaimera. Esq Sir David Yule, Lord Carmichael, G
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