Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 July 1920

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 432 1 I THE NIKKO STUDIO NOW AT 7, northam ROAD, I Near CHIN SENG Co., Ltd. sb t ir YOU HAVE not tried, I THE HOME OF —wv. w*. wvwh. v- »•> I STATE EXPRESS CIGARETTES THE PROPRIETORS OF I BEAR BRAND MILK I I efflrisĕ> n a teErWW®®?' I I
      432 words
    • 19 1 |THE BEST CAR IN TOWM t I I 1 I I Sole Adeoti S.S. p.M.S* Ong Sam Leong Oa'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2153 2 POSITIONS VACANT. NOTICES.| TENDERS INVITED, INSURANCE. tr^ cb x; r s^ a H^ s s f v,ctory I*? lond n as baiion Kidney Bladder Wortham R <ad. tenders for the supply <f fi 'twoua' for tbe 1324 21 7 Holders of Provi.ion.l Receipts are Electric JT 0 hereby informed that
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  • 917 3 FINE BATTING SUCCESSES. London, Jane 24. There has been no better match this season (writes Mr F B Wilson, ex Captain of tbe Cambridge University XI) than that between Middlesex and Yorkshire. Why the latter batted so slowly in their second innings it was difficult to make
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 345 3 Williams Luxury Shaving Cream A roughened or tender skin f —i will not make your shave a jcTTS* torture if you use Williams’ I Luxury Shaving Cream. P- 1 > I williams’ Williams' Cream creates a quick, I Luxury rich, deep lather which lasts Shaving until you have fully completed
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    • 138 3 I ROSS’S STEREO-PRISM HI J BINOCULARS. H x 6 Eye- piece focussing $l3O > I ‘1 3 Magnification *l2 Eyepiece focussing $l6O Magnification x 8 Centre- r screw focussing I 1 Fs all WITH SOLID LEATHER.CASES STRAPS COMPLETE. H I THE DISPENSARY (Penang,) Ltd. I H 2, BISHOP STREET, PENANG.
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    • 143 3 >f~' sS NORTHERN ASSURANCE I COMPANY, LIMITED. I MOTOR BRANCH. MOTOR CARS. MOTOR CYCLES. Funds Exceed $70.000,000. I I Deductions are allowed if the assured has more than one Car Insured. Bonus A Liberal Bonus is allowed 'off 4 the Renewal Premium when no claim has been made. I Claims
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  • 561 4 TO DAY’S BIG FIELDS. The prospects for the opening day of the Penang Tarf Ciub's Meeting are excellent. The Gelds constitute*» record for the local Tarf, namely, five starters k io the first race, ten in the second,’twelve in the third, six in the fourth, seven in the
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  • 112 4 Single Handicap B’ 15 4 E 11 Ffjrde beat—ls C D D Hogan 2 6,6 4,6 4. Single Handicap “C’ —l5 3 J M Chalmers (C b) beat 15.2 W J Edmonds 8-6,6 4; Ser F J Gibbs walk ove -—l5 G D TaolorProfession Pairs—H G R
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  • 817 4 Abjertus. THE SPECULATIVE ELEMENT, Wealth and posi iuu are not necessarily he essential accessories of the owner of a successful racing stable. Money, it is true, will purchase the best blood, bat that alone does not mean a string of winners as is only too vividly illustrated by
    Abjertus.  -  817 words
  • 102 4 The De Haviland H. 9., in which Lieuts. Parer and Mclntosh are making their flight to Australia, having been thoroughly overhauled and fitted with a new propellor, was to leave the Race Course, Singapore, early to-day-on its onward flight. Before doing so, the airman intended
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  • 716 4 ESTATE RAGEDY The case in which a H*i»<»u named Rathin&m was charg d at P «'n'.g As» z s before v r Justice Brown with nuurdu bv causing the death of a gii 1 n-rneu Chen- B e on Sandy croft Esa'e, Rruss no the 23'd April last
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  • 319 4 PRESENTATION OF ADDRESS. Ou behalf of the Mo«lem community of George Town and Province W?)le«ley, the Mohamme 3an Advisory B.ard, Penang, gave a tea party at the Town Hall, yesterday a f ternoOD, in honour uf Hs H ghness the Saltan of Perak, when an address
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  • 401 4 Pretiosus in M M.” With Apologias to T. B. Macaulay. In A. U. C. 360 Or thereabouts, I’m told, I Years after Rome was founded) I i the brave days of old, Lara Porsina of Ctusium Got weary of bis home. So with his false
    Pretiosus in M M.”  -  401 words
  • 108 4 SOJCER FIXTURES. Ju’y 29—T Jjues de Riilton F. C. Pad -ng. July 29.—Pen .ng Free School, Fres School. August s,—Muuicipal R. C., Padang. Eastern Smdting Co. F. C. D.*to Kramat. August 12 —Colours vs. Whites, Padaog. Augusti 19 —Peuaug Free Schoul, Frte School. August 19.-—Topham, Jones Raiiton
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  • 114 4 VEHICLES WITH PROJECTING LOADS. A new by-law under the Sanitary Boards Enactment has been introduced in Selangor and Negri Sembilan. It requires that “every vehicle, in use or waiting in any public place, within the Sanitary Board area, between half an hour after sunset and half an hour
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 144 4 fi s I Craig Rose Ltd., B LONDON,- EDINBURGH GLASGOW. B H Contractors to il. M. Government, British Q Admiralty and War Office. g B Protect your Iron Roofing from Rust and jl H weather decay. H Use Gralg and Rose’s RED ROOFING PAINT g EFFICIENT! ECONOMICAL! DURABLE! H Always
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 234 4 The Principal Attraction for the Races FILLI S’ GREAT CIRCU& EVERY EVENING at 9-15 pm. (Sundays Excepted BIG NEW TENTS. DATO KRAMAT GARDENS Last Night of the Present Programme Grand Change of Programme Takes Place Wednesday, July 21st, at 9-15 p.m. n COL. FiL- IS—Will Introduce his 4 New Battick
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  • 613 5 THE RECEnT VISIT OF SIR WEST RIDGEWAY. Mr T Efford, secretary of the North Borneo Chamber of Ccnatnerce, forwards a copy of the minutes of a committee meet* mg held on Jane 26 over with Mr James Morton presided. From it w< take the following:— A letter
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  • 103 5 A rcurt of appeal Singapore composed of Sir John Bucknill, Chief Justice, Bar-rett-Lennard and A. B. Voules sat on Wednesday, 14th instant, to hear the appeal of Nagurdas Purshotomdas against the decision of Mr. Justice Woodward in the sugar case. This came up before the last
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 110 5 FOR PENANG RACES! I' J-lr Wy MOW (wkjHll ’ll sw ll® _*tw A SPECIAL SELECTION OF Morning Frocks Dinner Gowns AND Afternoon Dresses. Prices Varying from $6O to $2OO. FULLY TRIMMED Millinery e ’*rF~ INTHELATEST ‘/C EUROPEAN MODELS F A LARGE AND I’M CHOICE SELECTION. lUlll/JI?// Z>7 /a if Ih
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    • 252 5 100 PER CENT. EFFICIENCY is not possible unless all the organs ot the body are acting regularly and properly. Constipation fogs the mental powers, poisons the blood, causes lassitude and inefficiency. To dispel constipation and cure the ailments resulting therefrom, sucK as sick headaches, bilious attacks, torpid liver, foul breath,
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    • 163 5 T mu ggg S3uei/ri/s Company, j Bucket Dredges, Excavators, &c., —,i- t.ii 1 1== V)fjompson Q 0 .9 Jstd. 9 Gravel Pumps, Nozsle Pumps, Ac. I Robey df Qo„ 2s>td., n Portable Engines, Superheated Steam Engines. Steam Tractors, Semi-Diesel Engines, Crushers, Ac* =3es==— —as» AGENTS: Me blister (So., ZstcL, SINGAPORE,
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  • 73 6 Spooner.—On July 15th, at the European 'Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, to Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Spooner, Bidor, a daughter. Fisher. —At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on July 17, the wife of Julius S. Fisher, of a daughtei (Dorothy Rose). Storch. —On July 16, at Singapore, to Ccnsuelo, the wife
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  • 1149 6 The Chief Secretary's annual repoit on the F. M. S to which brief reference was made yesterday, is not so featureless as the concluding remarks of Sir E. L. Brockman might suggest, and all interested in agricultural, mining and trade develop ment, to say nothing of public health,
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  • 1738 6 It is rather disappointing to find that the Secretary for Chinese Triad Societies Affairs in his report, and Bolshevism.” included in the F. M. S. annual review, once again is compelled to note tbe existence, in all the States of the Feaeratior, of Triad Societies, and the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 200 6 7 j y-Mwmn». f-Ww >r-M $Bl i M,. z 'i >*♦ X>--3ES i a«rO !>""">'" TT^^IIII' 3 ft J. HUL.L- J-. v r 27 R&J. HILL Ltd ESTABLISHED 1775 House London E 1. WHOLESALE FROM BEHR Co. Penang. ggmmggggonKESHßHßSß ■■■BBSHSKBRBSSSniSI Mi “PICCADILLY” THE CIGARETTE OF THE YEAR. ARE YOU A
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    • 20 6 E. O. RACE WEEK SPECIAL DINNERS 2CI6 July. XS/yursday, 22nd July. Saturday, 21.01 July, DANCING,AFTER DINNER. SPECIAL TIFFINS EVERY DAY.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 38 6 THE TIDES, The following «re the tides for to-day, and to-mcrrow Pf-nang Standard Time High Water. Low Water. To-DAT. 3.21 a.m. 9.34 a.m. 3.12 pm, 9 53 p.m. To-morrow. 4.00 a.m. 10.12 a.m, 3 46 p.m. 10.26 p.m.
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  • 18 6 DEATH. Ross-Clunis. —June 11, suddenly, at 13, Victoria-st., S.W., Robert. Ross-Clunis (late of Malaya, Burma, Siam), age 54.
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  • 188 7 ALLIES’ COAL PROPOSALS. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Spa, July 16 The Allied proposals provide for advant,. Germany on the basis of the ,mt of coal delivered in the next six t hs. and the difference between the ~.I U market price of coal and the exprice f.o.b. German ports, or
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  188 words
  • 52 7 ANOTHER SEQUEL. Berlin, July 17. The French Charge d’Affaires protested t the German Government against the lb liswehr Commander permitting the f -ing of Deutschland ueber Alles” aftthe salute on duly 16th. The protest P nts out that the incident evoked disn_reeable demonstrations on the part of
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  • 37 7 London, July 15. '1 he Peace Treaty between Soviet Russ uid Lithuania was signed on July 12th. Tlie recognised the Lithuanian < ms to Vilna, Grodno and the northern 1 of the Suwalki Province.
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  • 60 7 London, July 17. The American Soviet Bureau states < en for the deportation of the Bolshevik agitator Nqorteva from England, the Canadian contract would be cancelled. Nuorteva recently arrived in England from New York, on an irregular passport. He has a most sinister reputation in the United
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  • 60 7 1 LEMAS OF THE WORLD TO MEET IN AFGHANISTAN. Hyderabad (Sind), July s.—At a meeting of the Ulemas and Moulvies of Sind held at Karachi it was resolved that a joint conference of the Ulemas of the world be held in Afghanistan under the Presidency of the
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  • 36 7 London, July 15The House of Commons confirmed by 194 votes to 80 the clause in the Finance Bill providing for the repeal of the Land Vah.t- Duties, and the cessation of valuation.
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  • 45 7 London, July 17. Si U.S. Horne, receiving a deputation < f Newcastle coalowners, declined to remo\e the restrictions on coal exports. The Government had to consider national rvilaei than local interests. Public utility services in some districts were already suffering from lack of reserves.
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  • 148 7 ULTIMATUM OF THE MINERS. London, July 1. —A national coal strike next week now appears to be inevitable the Government cancel the prol"sed addition of fourteen shillings and twopence to the price of coal. The miners ultimatum to the coal-owners is; “We "ill only accept the new wages
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  • 230 7 THE -ALLIES’ REPLY. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 17. The Allied reply to the Turkish Note with reference to the Turkish Treaty declines to modify the clauses relating to Thrace, Smyrna, the Syrian frontier or Armenia. Regarding the regime for the Straits, the reply says emphatically there can be
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  230 words
  • 90 7 CASTLE MAILS CARRIED OFF. London. July 15Fifty men raided the Post Office at Rotunda Rink, Dublin. They secured nd removed in moto r car« all the mails for Dublin Castle and the Viceregal Lodge. Fighting in Limerick. London, July 17. Eighty soldiers, accompanying policemen. entered Bellylanders in Limerick
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  • 219 7 COUNTRY ALMOST PARALYSED. London. July 3. —It is authoritatively stated that both Mr. Lloyd George and Sir Hamar- Greenwood are quite hopeful about Ireland, though to the ordinary man the reasons for this optimism are not clear Apparently the view is based on the fact, that the
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  • 72 7 London. June 30. —It is announced that the Sinn Feiners are holding General Lucas as hoetago for a murderer who was to be hanged next week. They declare that, if the sentence is carried out. General Lucas will be hanged in the same hour. The
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  • 39 7 London, July 16. The King and Queen completed their tour of .Scotland, where they stayed at Holyrood Castle, afterwards visiting the Isle of Man, and returning through Wales. They had a most cordial reception everywhere.
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  • 14 7 Adelaide, July 17. The Prince of Wales departed for Tasmania.
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  • 234 7 CONDITIONS OF THE RACE. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 15. Great interest was manifested in the first race for the America Cup to-day. The course is fifteen miles to windward and fifteen nfiles back, off Sandy Hook. The course must be completed in six hours. The contest is regarded
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  234 words
  • 88 7 AMERICA’S SUCCESS. London, July 16. In the Davis Cup Singles at Wimble(on Johnston (America) beat Parke (England) 6-5, 6-4, 2-6, 3-6 6-2 KingBcote (Eug London, July 17. t Wimbledon, in the Davis Cun Til. < n and Johnston (America) beat Park and Kmgseote (Great Britain) «3, 6-2, America
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  • 40 7 AMERICA’S SELECTION. At. Boston, July jq '.V College a leteB »ostto represent (he UnitcT’!; final,y c hosen Olympic Games a"S U eS at ,he Meredith, the winner’ of th' P ’«<,“ CjU ng run at Stockholm in ltll2 metre6
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  • 54 7 SOUTH AFRICAN- WINNER. London, July 17. wonH 1 Cal v f H Mor ®> n (South Africa) won the King a P,i zc with thc STOrc 281. Lieut. Evans’ Success. London, July 19. Lieut. F. D. Evans (Federated Malay States) won an N.R.A. Badge and £2 in the
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  • 76 7 COX FDLLOWS WILSON. Washington, July 19. After the Conference with President M ilson. Governor Cox declared that if elected he would endeavour with all his strength to give what President Wilson promised to those sacrificed in the war. He and President- Wilson agreed as regards the meaning, and
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  • 23 7 Los Angeles, July 17. Three severe earthquake shocks occurred. People were panic stricken, but no serious damage was done.
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  • 35 7 New York. July 19. The gross earnings of the International Mercantile Marine last year were $67,500,000. compared with *34,500,000 in 1918, and the profits were $17,750.000, compared with $13,000.006. The surplus is $30,250,000.
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  • 194 7 GOVERNMENT SAVED BY OPPOSITION. London, July 9. —The feature of the division on the Vain tsar debate in the Commons was that the Government was apparently saved from defeat by the votes of the Opposition. Most of the Labour Party mtiubers and twenty six Independent Libei als in
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  • 182 7 Calcutta, July 14. —The “Englishman” has received the following cable from MrGwymie, Editor of the Morning Post:” “The Morning Post has to-day opened a subscription for General Dyer in order to show approval of his action at Amritsar. General Dyer is a poor man and has
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  • 67 7 London, July 12. —The “Westminster Gazette’s” Parliamentary Correspondent discredits the rumours that Mr. Montagu has offered to resign as a result of the Amritsar debate showing that he was entirely out of touch with the Coalition. The paper savj that it is his duty to remain
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  • 146 7 SLUMP LIKELY TO CONTINUE. London. July 3.—Despite Ministerial assurances that the increase of unemployment is mainly confined to the boot and shoe trade, sections of Labour are much alarmed and are urging Government to provide State work or State maintenance. The trade slump is likely to continue
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  • 145 7 VICEROY’S CUP WINNER INJURED. Calcutta, July 9. —A serious accident occurred on Wednesday afternoon at the racing st-ables in Rowland Road, Ballygunge, occupied by Mr. B. Pardoe. trainer. At about 3.30 p.m. the stables in which there were, ten horses suddenly collapsed. The horses buried In the
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  • 1334 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Dr. Travers is in Penang for the Races. Mr. H. E. Beardsell is at present in the Batu G&jah Hospital suffering from a poisoned right hand. H. H. The Regent of Kedah, accompanied by Tunku Mohamad and Tunku Md. Jiwa left Alov Star on Sunday for a month's
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  • 114 7 London, June 28. Sir Rabindra NatH Tagore was feted yesterday at Caxton Hall. The actress, Miss Sybil Thorndike recited a welcome ode by Laurence Binyon and several of his song offeringM were sung. He apparently seemed to be much disconcerted yesterday at the popular enthusiasm
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  • 28 7 London, June 28.—There is much controversy over the Burmese constitution. The majority think it quite satisfactory hut extreme Liberal critics condemn iti as ungenerours and inadequate
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  • 48 7 The Food Controller has fixed maximum prices as follow for the sale (rf cargo broken rice in the Colony -IB Singapore $11.20 per bag; in I nan® $10.98 per bag. For the purpose of thia notice a bag means a ba£ of approximately 168 catties.
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  • 477 8 -‘S.T. The gamble ia chares goei on. Half the people who buy never look cloudy at the prospectus that is put before them They ask all romi whether the shares are likely to go to a premium and they mtk° applica'ion for more than they can afford to take
    -‘S.T. ’  -  477 words
  • 343 8 The Chief Secreiaiys reporb for 1919 states rha»; 71,000 Indian imm grams came to the Fuckrated Mal iy Stages during thi year as compare i-wi h a corre-«pouding appeoximve ton I for 1913 of 45,000 Toe to al numo r of adulc labmrera with free from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 387 8 A copy of this Prospectus has been filed with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies. Subscription List opened on Wednesday, the 14th July, 1920, and will close on or before Wednesday, the 4th day of August, 1920. MALAYAN OIL PALMS, LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore under the Companies Ordinance 1915.) CAPITAL
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    • 345 8 AN ASSASSIN. Rheumatism is like an assassin. Before you know it you are in its power, and the terrible pains and aches that follow are even worse than if the -ssassin’s knife was driven into your flesh. LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM is the one and the only true and suie cure
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    • 230 8 ■■■■■■■HMM■■*■■■■■ NOTICE OF REMOVAL.: I M S On and after Monday, i July 19th, the Offices J of the united Engineers, Ltd. Penang; i will be Removed to 5 No. 87, Bishop Street. aiiiaaiia smb iiaaaiiKiKiKinn 11 1 1 —1« □anauDQunuUQacijnuuuuujULiUuji,: 1 Hellesens Cells n a JUST ARRIVED g a
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  • 1664 9 the new company. 1 The following are the terms of the circular letter to the sbarehol iers of the Straits Rubber Company, Ltd by Mr E L Hamilton, the Chairman, issued on June 7th in London. j -u. r» u i Tliis Company was formed with a
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  • 263 9 Too Diaphanous Dress Feminin* circles in New Orleans are stirred at the refiisal of Father An oine, rector of St. Lous Cathedral, to marry a wealthy youn’ I alian woman, wh) cam? to the cached-al wearing a wedding gown which he considered too diaphanous The incident is
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  • 184 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday. To-day SHARES. J? I a ”S 5 Si to X UJ Rubber (Dollar) c. sc. c. c. Colinsburgh... 5.80 6.10 SGO 5.80 Haytor R 10 25 10.50 10.50 11.00 Indragiri 10.50 11.00 10.25 10.75
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  • 26 9 The output from Kalumpong Tin No Liability mine for the first half of July was hours 276.15, yards 33,396, yield pls. J 59 24.
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  • 39 9 Yesterdav’s quotation fjr raw tin Penang, was $139 50 per picul, tin ore $139.50 per picul. Tin was quoted in Penang on July 1 < th, raw tin $l4O per picul buyers, tin ore $l4O per picul buyers.
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  • 184 9 Penang, July 20, 1920. SP. Tapioca $7,501 nominal M. P. Tapioca 58.00 j nominal Gold leaf S? 2 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) sellers. Black Pepper $2l nominal White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings 55° nominal Cloves 5110 nominal Nutmegs average of $55 selleas
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  • 116 9 Penang, July 20, 1920. Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/3 27/32 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 0/I6 H 3 Credit ...2/4 25J32 3 Documentary ...2/4 7,8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 118 3 days’ eight Private 125 Bombay Demand Bank 118 Madras Demand Bank >1 118 3
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  • 57 9 Jily 20, 22, 24—Penang Races. July 25—P. nwg Bisley, 7 a.m and 3 p m July 26—St Andrew’s Society, Annual Meeting, PC C, 6-45 p tn. July 26—Athenaeum, 9 15 p m. July 31—Public Holiday. July 31—Penang Bisley, 7 a m. and 3 p.m. Aug I—Penang Bisley, 7
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  • 1076 9 NAMES. I i j < 3 ps RUBBER (Dollar.) c< •••Sc. Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. 85e 90c Alor Gajab Rubber Estate ..J 3.6 Q 3.75 Amalgamated Malay Estates 4.40 4.60 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 23-50 24 50 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 1.30 1.40 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 3.30 3.80
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  • 176 9 Expbctbd Arrivals. Ek in a, Rangoon, 20tb. Tcesta, Madras, 2 let. Tbongwa, S.ngapore, 24:h. G Apcar, Singapore, 22nd. Jtaypore, Saez, 23rd. Dilwara, Colombo, 23rd. Ekm», Singapore, 24:b. Plassy, London, 25th, Japan, Calcutta, 27th Teesta, Singapore, 28:h. Yokohama Mara, Singapore, 30tb. lyo Mara, London, 31st. Devanha, Singapore-, August Ist.
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  • 271 9 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. I Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, I “Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, )-7.15 am. Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 6 p.rt Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3.45
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  • 20 9 Despatched Delivered. Mail “B” Jane sth Jaly 12. h Mail “D” Jane 13th Jaly 12 h
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  • 145 9 That tl'e General Hospital in Singapore is an anachronism from the building point of view is a truism that the men st tyro in the medical world would not deny. Both in the big cities in India aud atao in Colombo the hospitals have been brca<ht
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  • 78 9 Madras, July 3.—Mr. Collin Mackenzie was seriously injured while out hunting with the Ootacamund Hounds on the Ist instant. It is reported that he missed a crossing and his horse plunged into a bog, throwing his rider on to the stones of the crossing. After some difficulty
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  • 384 9 PENANG, JULY 19, 1920. BEEF— ctai Soup per catty 32 Roast do 60 Steaks do 60 Stew or Curry Meat do curry 40 stew 40 Rump Steak do 6Q Ox Tail each 50—60 do Tongue do 70 do Feet do Heart per catty 40 Liver do 70 Fillet
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • 535 10 Hilda M, Love writes from Bangkok, to the Daily Mail”. Mem buy silk The Voice kept on in a monotonoes singsong antil its insistence drew my eyes to the verandah edge where two bright black slits of ey's and a row of white teeth moved up and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 325 10 aJIL. hm£ Jp jpy r. I Equipment Worthy a Motor Car T7'TRESTONE Motorcycle Tyres arc JP built extra strong and sure-footed. Built for the risky turns, the hard bumps over rocks, mud and sand. Built to stand abuse and give mileage with comfortable riding. Quick traction and sure grip. Mote
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    • 164 10 UNHAPPY AFTER MEALS. It is surprising how many people are afflicted in this .way, though thoroughly enjoying a good dinner they, half-an-hour afterwards, are in pain, troubled with a dull, heavy, overloaded feeling and decidedly uneasy. This is due to weakened digestive powers, and if it be allowed to go
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    • 435 10 I MOTOR trucks, motor cars,! Zkoy, I MOTOR CYCLES and BICYCLYES. I g MOTOR TRUCKS Federal 2 and tons. B \Wf I MOTOR CARS 1/ H Chandler Cleveland X-J— A B New Overland 4 Willys-Knight Don’t SdFer V. im Eczema B Hudson Essex 8 Soothes At Once De Dion Bouton
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 978 11 9< xh 1/ c r Y< 7 in ang Qazette Ojf ZV€/rr RATES OF CASUAL J E ON HAND 1 TANGYE’S i Minimum Charge $2.00 Q <3» CSBfc La Momi Cases, I I For 1 insertion 1.75 per inch I SS g»~ Box Strapping, 1 SEMI DIESEL ENGINES. I European
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1469 12 Pyf\ DPITKH TNIHA PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Company, fk I S 1 1 011 I Hl/118 (INCORPORATED IN U. 8. A.) g JL REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE. Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. AND 8 g VENEZUELA From Hongkong abtout 11th August 1920 jELjk *B* Y aQ d every
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    • 611 12 LIVERMORE DEARBORN A Co.. Inc. INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP LINES, (Incorporated in the United States of America.) Regular service between New Yorn. Singapore and Java ports and vice versa FROM NEW YORK. INTAN due Penang August 20 TO NEW YORK For Freight apply to:— CUTHRIE Co.. Ltd., M. W. BURWASH Agents Straits
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    • 335 12 THE MERCANTILE BANK tP LIMITEB. [lffdorporfwWd la Eaglaad). Authorised Capital £3.030,00C Subscribed Capital 1,530,000 Pald-np w 1, 0X,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided 10 8 1,146,401 Board of j.Directors. H. Melvill Simons Esq., P. R. Chalmers, Esc lr ,a v d Yule, Lord Carmichael, GCSI, GCIL K C M G. Head
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