Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 July 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 501 1 F^^Slee^^wh^e^oksalefr^ 3 f-onCSji u "I U 3 i i I Ong Sam Leong A Co., Penang. J| KUaillllllllllllllilllllllillllllllllll I EMPIRE TYPEWRITERS?] I MOET =[567 i I CHAN DON I —I 1906 VISIBLE WRITING.—AII work from first to last is entirely visible. gs PERMANENT ALIGNMENT. —Types move andjare guided on a
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    • 24 1 MNMUWMHU» THE BEST CAR IN TOWN I j i JfegK] J I s Sole Agents S.S. EM S. Ong Sam Leong Co. M JE.
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  • 384 2 SINGAPORE BRANCH MEETING. The following are the minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Straits Settlements Association, Singapore branch, held in the Singapore Club on Tuesday the 29th June at 9.15 p.m. There were present Messrs P. Cunliffc, President, in tbe Chair, G. S. Carver, Vice-President,
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  • 241 2 An important case in connection with elephant-catching in Assam was heard at Dhubri, before a Special Judge. The suit was brought by Mr. F. G. Kingsley against the Secretary of State for India for damages to the extent of Rs. 156,000 in respect of certain licenses held
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  • 401 2 QUESTION OF IMPERIAL PREFERENCE. The “Economist” under the caption ‘lmperial Preference and Malaya, writes: At a meeting of the Federal Council of Malaya, held at Kuala Lumpur, a letter from Lord Milner was laid before the Council. The concluding paragraph of the letter includes the following passage:—“l shall
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  • 171 2 Birmingham jewellers, who were unable to cope with the volume of orders twelve months ago, are almost at a standstill- A few of the older established concerns are working short time and making up stock to keep their business together, but sales suddenly ceased at the end
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  • 132 2 The subscription for this flotation has opened and will close on or before August 4. The capital is four million dollars, of which 75,000 of $lO each are offered tn the public. The directors are Messrs. J. A. Russell, R. B. Bannon, J.A. Brown, Siew Qui Wong,
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  • 365 2 —“B. Times.” On July 3 the Judgment of the Dika Court in a case of some interest was read in the Criminal Court. Nai Lek Ratana a sub-accountant in the Ministry or Public Instruction, was prosecuted on fourteen counts Tor the misappropriation of Government money to
    —“B. Times.”  -  365 words
  • 399 2 At the outset of the usual weekly meeting of the .Singapore Rent Board, held under the presidency of Mr McClelland, Mr. Robinson brought up the subject of the lack of the accommodation for Subordinates and the large number of coolies employed by Government and such
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  • 102 2 The case in which the Government clerks, one a Chinese named Saw Kong Poh, and the other a Tamil named S. R. Ratnam, both of Parit Buntar, who were charged with criminal breach of trust (the second with abetting the commission of the offence) was concluded
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 234 2 A copy of this Prospectus has been filed with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies. Subscription List opened on Wednesday, the 14th July, 1920, and will close on or before Wednesday, tht- 4th day of August, 1920 MALAYAN OIL PALMS, LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore under the Companies Ordinance 1915.) CAPITAL
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    • 127 2 DON’T BE IN THE DARK. About the most marvellous cure for Rheumatic pain that the world has ever known. Don’t go on .experimenting with worthless ointments, blood purifiers and kindred nostrums when the small sum of Re. 1 will bring yoa substantial proof that LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM WILL CURE RHEUMATISM.
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    • 59 2 DIZZINESS AND SICK HEADACHES arise from constipation, biliousness and disordered liver. To cure them there is nothing better than the little gentle-as-natiure laxatives which neither gripe nor purge. Pinkesttes purify the breath, clear the skin, prevent diarrhoea and dysentery, relieve Piles. Obtainable from al] druggists, also post free, 90 cents
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    • 427 2 MEW ADVERTISEMENT? b POSITIONS 1 —-iagr.- i 1 An exp rienced Insurance Clerk > Preferably one Who ond-n, and Marine Insu-ance. Good ssLrv to a good man. Box N... 288 e, p- 1 j Gazette. 5 1 Ohi i Be or Fitter re q ired I once to supervise work
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 472 2 TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT 11 FI LUS’ GREAT CIRCUS GRAND OPENING TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY. AT 9-15 P.M. BIG NEW TENTS. DATO KRAMAT GARDENS. THE GRE\T COSGROVES The Pierrot Acrobats. In their Marvellous Acrobatic and Balancing Feats. MISS RETA WEST The Daring Kider on Peggy of the Circus.” DANDY GEORGE In His Great
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2306 3 POSITIONS WANTED. JHjjj i TICEB S S F VICTORV /> Eogiieh. certificated Be,re■ oßer PENARG TURF CLUB. 1 FXjfcS ft rv F. I 8. A. desires cl auge wit Q wner leaving Settlement. Apply Box Holders of Provisional Receipts are nresent empl°y ers in traits Settlements jjo. 274, c/o Pinang
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  • 18 4 Payton.—At Bata Gjjah Hospital, on the 14th the wife of W. N. Paytoo, Ipob, of a daughter.
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  • 1176 4 On Wednesday, our Singapore correspondent telegraphed a report of the meeting of the Committee of the Singapore branch of the Straits Settlements Association, which to many people who are not members of it, and are thas in the position of observers, has a special
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  • 1321 4 The non-co-operation campaign in India proceeds and the extreThe Indian mists are constantly Extremists. making new proposals which they think will render it effective. Some of these have been noted. Mr Gandhi was responsible for the brilliant suggestion that his supporters boycott the elections for the Reformed
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  • 389 4 FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. The charge against six men, four of whom are Government Servants, who were arrested by Capt. Barry in a house in Siam Road in connection with a gambling raid, on the .St'tJx June last, was again mentioned in the Second Court yesterday, before Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 163 4 0 NOBEL’S GLASGOW j hEXPLOSIVESI Gelignite, sextuple Detonators, Safely Fuse ISandilands, Buttery! I Co., Penang. I I Aylesbury Nutter Lld., ipoti, s«»-M»nts l«r Perak 3 iKiiniMnmini iCHUBBSi O A ETETO i s □ArLo. m A New Shipment of Book and Standard Quality Safes J just Arrived For Prices and Particulars
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    • 21 4 EAO. RACE WEEK SPECIAL DINNERS Tuesday, 2C16 July. Xsdursday, 22nd July. Saturday, 2&6 July. DANCING AFTER DINNER. SPECIAL TIFFINS EVERY DAY.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 38 4 THE TIDES r The following are the tides for to-day, and to-morrow Penang Standard Time High Water, Low Water, To-DAT. 12.36 a m. 6,46 a.m. 12.36 p.m. 7.30 p.m. To-morrow. 1,20 a.m. 7.32 a.m. 1.18 pm. 8.08 p.m.
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  • 438 5 rHE reparation PROPOSALS. [Reuter’s Telegrams.} Spa, Joly 12, The Conference thit» morning decided to ntinue, a» it is impossible to finish to-day, C also decided to refer the German pra-ation proposals to the Reparations fiEmission and German and Allied experts, for examination and report. It is expected the
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.}  -  438 words
  • 22 5 London, July 12. The Germs’» Super-Z ppelin L 72, which had to be delivered to France, has arrived at Maubeuge.
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  • 65 5 GERMANY FAVOURED. Berlin, July 12. According to returns from East and West Pra-sia, th° plebiscites under the Peace decide the nationality of certain deatrtc* 1 have b-en in the nature cfs landslide in favour of Germany and agsiast Poland. The W-st Prussian results hitherto show 12 to 1
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  • 49 5 London, July 13. A Santiago de Colle message says the Chilean Goven ment r* chived private news botn LaPas that revolutionaries seixed the President and M n'strrs. Saavedra, the ■aider of the Rppu Party, organised b- ujovem°nt which led to the overthrow td the Governme; t.
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  • 34 5 IN SOUIH AUSTRALIA. Adelaide, July 12. -be Prince of Wake arrived, and had moat enthusiastic reception, in which the workers joined most heartily, despite the Labour newspapers' recommendation of panive attitude.
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  • 44 5 Paris, July 13. President Deschanel has written-to the Minister for War, regretting that bis health will not permit him to attend the National 1 ete review on July 14h. lo.night's papers freely suggest the advisability of handling the Presidential •it nation.
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  • 138 5 RETREAT AND ADVANCE. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Warsaw, July 12. A P lish coimnu iqa£ say? the Poles abandoned the line of the river Vilna. The Bolsheviks reached the fortifications outside Minsk. The Polish Army, in the Pripet region, advancing in the rear of the enemy,’ occupied Owrucz, and completely
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  138 words
  • 56 5 GOLD FOR CANADA. New York, July 13 Martens, the Soviet representative in America, announces that arrangements have b en made with Canadian bankers to transfer $lO,OOO 000 in gold to Canada for the purchase of Canadian goods. The gold will be shipped via Estbonia, or taken from
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  • 144 5 AN ARAB ATTACK. Loudon, July 13. In the House of Common», replying to Capt W Ormsby Gore, Mr Churchill stated that the Arabs, on Joly 2nd, attacked the Government buildings at Rumaila, on the Euphrates, killed the Arab guard and cut the railway. Reinforcements were sent from Basra.
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  • 80 5 MR. KENTARO’S VIEWS. New York, July 13. The Japanese Privy Councillor, Mr. Kentaro, in an interview, said the proposed anti-Japane<>e legislation in California would cause an inpfbc r ably bad impression in Japan. Good or bad A merico-Japanese feeling would depend upon tbe action of Califomia.The American
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  • 42 5 A YEAR'S PROLONGATION. London, July 13. The Daily Mail states that tbe British and Japanese Governments have informed the League of Nations of the prolongation of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance for one year, and that henceforth it will be renewable yearly.
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  • 21 5 Tientsin, July 14. The Japanese June trade returns show exports to the value of £183,500,000 and Imports of £218,000,000.
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  • 97 5 MISSISSIPPI’S RESOLUTION. Jackson, July 13. The Democratic State Committee of Mississippi passed a resolution opposing tbe proposed migration of 8.000 Mennonite farmers from Canada to South Mississippi, on the ground that it would be undesirable to allow the entry of people who would refuse to let their children
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  • 40 5 New York, July 13. The American Railway Exp-css Company has asked tbe Inter-State Commerce Commission to authorise tbe cons >lida*don wf the express transportation business, the teerger to include tbe Adams, American, ’ells Fargo and Southern Express Companies.
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  • 129 5 SIRE CARSON’S CHALLENGE. (Reuter's Telegrams.} London, July 13. Tbe Orange Day demonstrations passed off without disorder. Sir Edward Carson, io a speech at Belfast, declared that if the Government was unable to deal with tbe Sinn Feiners, it should ask somebody else to do so. If the Government
    (Reuter's Telegrams.}  -  129 words
  • 172 5 THE LONDON CONFERENCE. London, July 12 At the British Empire Forestry Con ference, Sir Claude Hill, a member of the Viceroy’s Council, introduced the subject of forestry education and research. There was general agreement that wherever practicable, these should be proceeded with side by side, both in tbe
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  • 83 5 THE LEAGUES ACTION. London, July 12. TLe Council of tbe League of Nations decided to refer tbe Finnish-Swedish dispute with regard to the sovereignty of the Aaland Islands to a Commission composed of three international jurists, to be nominated by the President of tbe League, for an advisory
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  • 49 5 London, July 12. It is officially announced that Lt.-Col. the Rt. Hon. Sir Matthew Natban, P 0., Secretary to the Ministry of Pension-, 1916-19, and a former Governor of Hongkong, has been appointed Governor of Queensland, in succession to the late Sir H J Goold-Adams.
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  • 113 5 THE ABBEY SERVICE. London, July 13. Striking tributes to the memory of Lord Fisher were paid at the funeral ceremony to day. The Metropolis has seldom witnessed a more impressive spectacle. Fa I naval honours were accorded. The route to Westminster Abbey was densely crowded by reverent
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  • 37 5 London, July 12. In tbe House of Commons, tbe Corpora tion Tax was debated at great length in Commit t°e, and considerably criticised Tbe tax was finally carried by only 145 votes to 99.
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  • 43 5 NON-EMPLOYMKN 1’ OF ALIENS. London, July 14. The London County Council adopted a standing order not to employ aliens, except teachers of fore go languages, or the holders of other special positions, or those who have served in the British forces.
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    • 13 5 London, July 12. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] bu-!-?ex beat Kent by four wickets.
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    • 14 5 London, July 13. At Lords, Eton beat Harrow by nine wickets.
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    • 32 5 There will he a Sunday morning ridp, starting from tbe Polo ground, at 6-45, and finishing at the r stance of Mr Leong Eng Khiam, Tai j ng Bungab.
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    • 118 5 The following ties are fixed for Monday, 19th July. Profession Pairs.—H. G. R. Leonard and R. H. Threlfall v- E. A. Davies and S. Weihen (4). Ladies Single Handicap.— 3 Mrs. Bennett v. Scr Miss Wilson (1) Mixed Doubles Handicap.—Scr Mies Mitchell and P. G. Stirling
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    • 101 5 Single Handicap “B”. 3 A. C. Baker heat —l5 G. Wright-Motion 6 —4, 6 —l; —30.3 F. N. Syer beat —3 C. A. Padday b 2, 6 1; —l5 C. E. B. Waldron walk over —15.3 W. M. Marsden. Single Handicap “C”. 15.4 W. V. L. Someran
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  • 92 5 NILE IRRIGATION CASE. Cairo, July 2. —The Consular Court has committed Sir William Willcocks and Lieutenant-Colonel Ralston Kennedy for trial on a charge of criminal and seditious libel. Bail was fixed at £5OO. The proceedings were initiated by Sir Murdoch MacDonald, Adviser and Un-der-Secretary of State for
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  • 81 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 16. A charge of bigamy was heard in the Second Court, Singapore, yesterday, when Rasammal, a Hindu woman, the first wife, accused Devendra. The first marriage took place in Jaffna, at the end of two years, the accused came to the F.M.B.
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  • 209 5 A proclamation by the Shanghai Municipal Council says: From investigations made by the Council into the causes contributing to the present abnormally high price of rice, it appears that, in their greed for personal gain and unmindful of the hardships and suffering caused to poor people, certain
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  • 1535 5 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. R. G. Fairer has been transferred t-o Kuala Lumpur. Mr. G. H. Gartside, Taiping, arrived in Penang this morning. H. H, the Raja Muda of Selangor and party left for Alor Star on Thursday by train. Dr. W. S. Milne will act as Senior Medical Officer, Negri
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  • 880 6 BATCH OF NEW BILLS. A batch of new Bills, about, to be introduced in the Federal Council, is published in a supplement to the “F.M.S. Government Gazette” A Bill ‘‘to consolidate and amend the law relating to the Police Force” consolidates as a Federal Enactment the State laws
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 604 6 Dysentery and Wasting Dr. Cassell’s Tablets Bring New Health and Vigour, and Safeguard You From Infection. SaEonica. South Africa. Private C. H Tyler. 12th Company. Mr. Ellen Floors. 8. ColerMgc-road R A M. 0., writes: “Serving in Salt Kiver CP.. South Africa, writes; Kalonica I caught malaria. When I I
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  • 657 7 —“S F P.” EUROPEAN LADY CHARGED. If your husband insists on hounding my -bildren out of their home, I will hound ar9 out of yours was the veiled threat, which Mrs Kirkpatrick of No. 1 St. Thomas’ Walk is alleged to Mrs Campbell, wife of Mr J G
    —“S F P.”  -  657 words
  • 276 7 On the occa-ion of the French National Fete, M. And<e Danjou, the French Consul, Singapore. w«s At Home at the office of the Consulate, Riffles Chambers There were many callers. His Excdlency the Governor, Sir Lau"*uce Guillema'd, was repre euted by Lieut, H L. Mallett, one of
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  • 764 7 M.L CO OPERATIVE BUILDING IN F. M. 8. A meeting of those interested in the formation of a Co-operative Building Society for Europeans in Kuala Lumpur was held at the F.M.B. Chamber of Commerce. The Hon. Mr. H. P. Clodd presided and the others present were:— Mr. A
    —“ M.L ”  -  764 words
  • 101 7 The Band will play tbe following programme of music at the Esplanade, from 6 p.m. to-day 1. Selection The Bty ...Monck'on 2. One Step Last Night ...A tier z* 3. Waltz Celtic ...Donell 4. Fox Trot Smiles ...Robert 5. March Argandab ..Thompson According to a r? ember of
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  • 179 7 15,800 FINE. At the instance of Mr J Byrne, Head of the Preventive Service, Government Monopolies Department, Penang., this morning, in the Second Court, before Mr A C Baker, Lim Mah Huat was charged with the possession of 415 tahils of non-Government chandu, valued at $2,900. Accused pleaded
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  • 307 7 Mustapha-ibn-el Gezlreh was his name, or so at least be assured me when I met him, accompanied by half a doz a n of his compatriots, in Tottenham Court-road, writes Mr A Arnold in the “Daily Express Hardly you would think, a likely locality in which
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  • 389 7 Times.'’ Thanks to the munificent support of the Sir Ernest Cassel Educational Trust, tbe London County Council, the Carnegie ■yrusteea, and other benefactors, tbe Faculty of Commerce has now been brought into being. To judge from the number of students which it attracts, it is a most
    ,—“ Times.'’  -  389 words
  • 178 7 Yesterday’s Arrivals. Sappho, Cundy, 329, from T. Anson, Adamson Gilfillan <fc Co, genera). Pin Seng, Matthews, 378, Singapre, Eastern Shipping Co, general. To-day's Arrivals. Ipob, Hunter, 528, Singapore, Adamson Gilfillan and Co, general. Madras, Jones, 4,236, Kobe, A A Anthony Co, general. Expictid Arrivals, Kaga Maru, Singapore, 16th.
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  • 24 7 1,567 coolies arrived to-day per ss. Thongwa. 585 goto Palau Jerejak for quarantine. The balance proceed to Port Swettenham for quarantine there.
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  • 308 7 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, I Ipoh, Batu Gajab, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, a.m. Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 6 p.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong J Parit Bun tar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m.
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  • 19 7 Despatched. Delivered. Mail “B June stb July 12th Mail “D” June 13th July 12 h
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  • 91 7 July 16—Fillis’ Great Circu«, Da'o Kramat. 9-15 p m. July 16—Penang Orchesr al Society, Concert and Dane®, Town Hall, 9 15 p.m. July 17—Penang Bislpy, 3 p.m July 18—P SC, “A” Class, 220 jdah’cap. July 19—Penang Ass z°s. July 20. 22, 24—Penang Races. July 25—P>n»ng B sley, 7
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  • 244 7 'An extraordinary meeting of the shareholders in the See Kee Rubber Estate (1918), Ld., was held on June 16 at Shanghai, when Mr. H. O. White presided. supported by Messrs. A. Samson and E. Payne, directors, and Mr. G. Manwaring, acting secretary. The Secretary having read
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  • 113 7 Singapore, July 14. At the opening o the usual weekly Auctions this morning the tone was decidedly weak and prices «II round show declines on the week. Standard Sheet was readily tak» n up at from 7 I to 73j cents, a decline of 3 cents (one
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  • 37 7 Yesterday’s quotation for raw t>n in Penang was $139.50 per picul, buyers; tin ore $139.50 per picul. Tin was quoted in London yesterday, £266 spot, and £272 three months; the same as on July 14th.
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  • 65 7 The Secretary, Austral Malay Tin Limited, reports the following returns from its two associated companies for the first fortnight of July Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd, hours run 570, cubic yards treated 82,500, total piculs 436, nett value $34,359. Aaam Kumbang Tin Dredging, Limited, hours run 203, cubic
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  • 21 7 The following are additional rubber outputs for June: Henrietta lbs 42,000 Laras (Sumatra) h 35 849 Sungei Matang 34,566
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  • 181 7 Penang, Joly 16, 1920. SP. Tapioca $6,701 sales M. P. Tapioca $7 75 5 salera Gold leaf $72 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb«. 5 oz) sellers. Black Pepper $2l nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $5O norrinal Cloves $llO nominal Nutmegs average of $55 sei
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  • 47 7 The local manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, has received a telegram from Head Office in Hongkong staring that an interim dividend of £3 per share subject to deduction of income tax, has been declared, payable on the 9th August next.
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  • 388 7 PENANG, JULY 16 1928. BEEF— ctn Soup per catty 32 Roast do HO Steaks do 60 Stew or Curry do carry 40 ,tew4Q-. Rump Steak do 60 Ox Tail each 6G-60 do Tongue e do 70 do Feet do Heart per catty 40 Liver do 70 Fillet of
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  • 113 7 Penang, July 16, 1920. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/3 29/32 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 3/8 3 Credit ...2/4 13/16 3 Documentary ...2/4 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 118 3 days’ sight Private 125 Bombay Demand Bank 118 Madras Demand Bank 118 3 days' sight
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 79 7 PENAN VIEWS J NEW ARTISTIC and BRITISH MADE PICTURE POST CARDS',! IN TWO SERIKS. SERIK Rs. I. I SDUU Hu. I. Fssasg Criskst Clsb A SabaA 8 Sssthers Part Yirtsris Pfar Fsrt Csrswsliii Msal Apr Ita- T«gto 4 Mssiupal Office. Irifris RarW J Ik. Tews Hall J* He G«xd Part
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1501 8 P nDITKH TNBIA PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Company, fj H f I Cfll (INCORPORATED IN U.S.A.) »5 W JP REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE. Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. AND b s COLOMBIA From Hongkong about 14th July 1920 Wfc T 88 VENEZUELA From Hongkong abtout 11th August 1920
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    • 360 8 THE MERCANTILE BANK BF INBiA. LIMITER. (lioorporatod Ia Engl cad), Authorised Capital £3 000,OOC Subscribed Capital 1,830,00 C P*id-up 1,0 O.OOC Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 1,146,400 Board of 1 Directors. R. J. Black, Esq., (Chairman), J. M. Ryrie, Esq» H. Melvill Simons Esq., P. R. Chalmers, E®. Sir David
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