Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 July 1920

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 494 1 f Obtainable everywhere wholesale from g h ww' 6 o»s Sam leo 8 c r ,t y /F YOU HAVE NOT TRIED. g f BEAR BRAND MILK HUDSON'S LIGHT RAILWAY 1 you can have n 0 ea what a I TIPPING TRUCKS, RAILS, DOGSPIKES, j Perfectly Sterilised KIIK 2 points
      494 words
    • 30 1 ■■coy i THE BEST CAR IN TOWN i 1 i i e *£«C!TO «MOI tn-MtAO AruvF'K Sole Agents S.S. a F.M.S* gi. s Ong Sam Leong a Co. gllUnilllill.HNlllllilllll IWIIHIIIIIWfIUIIIIIIIIiIhaMUILiu
      30 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2847 2 POSITIONS WANTED. FOR SALE. NOTICES. SIMPANG ESTATE. CO LTD THE INSURANCE ■eus. INCORPORATED IN S. S. nftllfFß Tanning Cnndnctnr single, li years ex* English fall size Billiard Table RURAL BOARD PROVINCE I VITAL POWER I THE periX, speaks M’.l.y fli.xtly and j«" London eomplete with WELLESLEY Application h.ving been made
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  • 936 3 DIPLOMAT’S PEN-PICTURES. The “Diplomatic Remin scence>’ of M. Nklud ff, translated frrm the French by Alexandra Paget; Mun ay a r e of extreme nt rest f»<»>n t-*e poli’ical an i standpoint. M Neklid«<ff of the ablest Russian diplomatie's. He served before the war as Russian
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 965 3 [sidle or the lore Sutton Idris. SALE OF MINING LANDS Under the instructions from the Trustee, the undersigned will sell by Auction the Mining Lands scheduled below, at THE TOWN HALL, IPOH, On Friday, the 16th July, 1920, at 10-30 a. m. (If unfinished, the Sale will be continued on
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    • 56 3 |CHEESE| American Gruyere J i u Cheddar sti ton Dutch Edam Australian Cream Cheese Cheddar in 5 oz. Tins Singapore Cold Storage I Company, Limited, 5 PENANG. i e a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ I W. D. &H. O. WILLS Famous j Capstan Medium Cigarettes Magnums I SI.IO PER TIN OF 50 J ON
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    • 87 3 Penang Orchesfrnl society. Grand concert a Dance July 1920, in tfje laown Jfall, at 9-15 p. m. PRICES $3 and $2. BOOKING AT ROBINSON’S. PLAN NOW OPEN jMMjiajLIMMIIM— II Ml' Tl HTTIir Fl W Just Received Silk Kimonos Best Quality in all Shades at GENERAL BOMBAY STORE. KEWALRAM CHELLARAM 34,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 400 3 (imperial EE Special Musical Attraction in conjucction with an Extraordinary Programme for 3 Nigh's only. From THURSDAY 15th, to SATURDAY 17th JULY, 1920. i i In the Second House at 9-15 p. m. The Most Enthralling Moving Picture Ever Presented x It is an uncommon story aa full of that
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  • 1781 4 MEETING AT CHINESE TOWN HALL. A public mPAtinp' of the Chinese Coin. Touiiity was held at the Chinese Town H*li y< sterday a ttrnoon to discuss the rice question. The capacity of the Hall was taxed to its utmost and all sections of the Chinese Community were’fully
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  • 153 4 The Shanghai Gazette” states that plans are being rapidly matured to smash the rice profiteers and relieve the local rice distress. Leading Cantonese business men are taking active measures in consulation with the directors of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Shiploads of rice are
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    • 352 4 A large number of members attended the training to see what could be discovered regarding the form of the horses running at our meeting next week, and they must have gone away pleased with what they saw, for Penang has never before had such a number of
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    • 286 4 Single Handicap “B”. 15.3 W. W. Martin beat —30.3 W. W. Roger 4 —6, 6 —4, t> —2. Single Handicap “C”. 15.3 J. M. Chalmers (c.s.) beat —15.3 G. B. Crisp 6 —4, 7 —5 —15.2 W. J. Edmonds beat —3 T. E. Dibbs 6—2, a—6. Mixed
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    • 111 4 The following are the teams for the whole-day cricket matchy Penang v. Mr. Cox’s XI of Taiping, on Saturday: Penang: Dr. W. W. Martin (Capt.), C. H. G. Clarke, J. D. Fettes, H. D. Jensen, G. F. Scully. R. N. Hamilton. A. J. L. Donaldson. S. Weihen, O. E.
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  • 119 4 .—“g. T.” In the third court, Singapore, before Capt. Rowbotham. Mr. J. W. B. Beaumont, who it will be remembered was in Singapore in the police force as a probationary inspector in 1914, and has since been a planter and later a broker was charged
    .—“g. T.”  -  119 words
  • 112 4 bOCCEK FIXTURES Joly 15. Colours vs. Whites, P&daog, July 29.—Topham, Junta Railtos F. C. Padang. July 29.—Pt nang Free School, Fiee School. August s.—Municipal R. C., Padaog. Augus: s.—Eastern Smaltiug Co. F. C Dato Kramat. August 12.—Colours vs Whites, Padang August 19—Penang Free School, Fr. e School.
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  • 241 4 DAYLIGHT SAVING. (From Pur Own Correspondent.) July 14. Ata meeting of the Committee of th» Straits Settlements Association, held iu the Singapore Cluo, there was consider nble discussion of daylight saving. It was even’ually decided tha r < the Government oe asked to take the opinion of toe
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  • 122 4 CO OPERATION IN KUALA LUMPUR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 15. In connection with the house shortage in Kuala Lumpur, a meeting, held yesterday, approved the Government terms, formed a Co-operative Building Society and appointed as Directors the Hon. Mr. H. P. Clodd and Messrs. A.
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  • 158 4 “S.T/’ On the 6th inst. one of the lady teachers of Raffles Girls’ School while looking through one of the school almirahs cajne upon a large number of ten cent notes. On counting them she found there were no fewer than 800. The matter was
    “S.T/’  -  158 words
  • 275 4 RICE PRICES. If we are to believe some statements which appear in another column on the subject of the price of rice, and they are probably correct even although the Government would seem to shrink from acknowledging them, the Government adopts the following extraordinary attitude. “The Government
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  • 155 4 Much of the house work now Jone by men could be done equally well, if not better, by women. In a few houses where women servants have been employed they have generally been found efficient and industrious. Unfortunately, the supply is extremely limited. In time to come we
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  • 112 4 India has weathered many storms and survived a good deal of mal-administra-tion and no doubt it will be a great country long after Mr. Montagu and General Dyer and Lord Chelmsford are forgotten. But there is really no need to agg avate the conditions in a country which
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  • 241 4 Perhaps one of the most disappointing utterances of H. E. the High Commissioner in the first month of his acquaintance with Malaya was his observation as to the futility of adopting ahti-profiteering methods. It was, therefore, all the more significant when a Profiteering Commission was brought into being in
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  • 45 4 Calcutta, June 30.—The report of the Calcutta Communications committee, appointed by the Government of India to consider the general problem of rapid transport to and from and in Calcutta, is now being printed and will shortly be submitted to the Railway Board.
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  • 294 4 It is curious that in discussion Indian exchange reference is rarelv to the inflation of currency India as elsewhere, is the prime 1 depreciation says a correspondent Pioneer. When the Coverum..” India decided to leave the p roce J the sall-s of Reverse Councils in,i 7r with
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  • 190 4 In Constantinople they are helping eaih other courageously to scrape along. They have established little restaurants, whe'e one is waited on at table by ladies who are new to this kind of work, but charming and industrious. Most of their customers are of their own race and class,
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  • 150 4 Mr. Justice Darling’s objection to the description of a man as “apparently m agricultural labourer from his dress s of a much older application than tbe judge appeared to imagine. The eighth Duke of Devonshire was more than on<e taken for a keeper at Chatsworth, and the
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  • 136 4 During the recent visit of H.R. H- the Prince of Wales to New South U ales, the Australian Jockey Club arranged a tw day’s meeting at Randwick, giving ;1 prize money over £lO,OOO. The two principal events were the Chester Plate £l,OOO, and a sweepstake of 10
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  • 39 4 Calcutta, June 26. —A riot took yesterday afternoon on the Susana, >• ocean-going steamer lying at ab Moorings, between two rival ga£3 9 rivetters. One man was badly 3 and was taken to hospital in aa scious state.
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  • 827 5 THE LEADING TEAMS. London, Jane 10. Stolidity and firewotks tie for the first place in the Ooanty Championship, writes Mr F B Wilson. Yorkshire stand, as ever, for stolidity. Although George Hirst has gone to Eton as a coach—one keeps on repeating this, because somehow it serms such
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  • 142 5 There has just been issued a pamphlet on Poultry Keeping in the F. M. S>, written by Dr. Bridges at the request of the Agricultural Department, with the hope, in the author’s words, “that it may be a help to poultry keepers in the F. M. S.” Although
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 141 5 FOR PENANG RACES! fi s®®®®®®®®®®®®®® 1 ITWjI i NO W I B® ilif/wi I 1 1 1 <w WHS c'.£® I I[ J jlw Ji><l '■"7 s/fow a m s®®®®®®®®®®®_®®® fKK A SPECIAL SELECTION OF Morning Frocks □inner Gowns AND Afternoon Dresses. Prices Varying from $6O to $2OO. FULLY TRIMMED
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    • 331 5 j Appreciation 1 j HAIG HAIG FIVE KI STARS SCOTS WHISKY is sought after and appreciated f because ot its scarcity and supreme excellence of flavour. No other is so rich or delicate. a Quality bears a reputation of B 2 4° Y ears It is found in all good
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  • 32 6 Jones.—On Joly 3. at H Jersey, the wife of S W Jones, cf Koala Lipi», of a daughter. Bar—At Sonrabaya, Java, co Jane 30tb, Mrs Moses Meyer Bar, of a daughter.
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  • 1276 6 The announcement that the Government is not contemplating a reduction in the price of rice, in view of the uncertainty both as to future supplies and as to cost, cannot be regarded as surprising indeed, an intimation that appeared in the Press here some weeks ago left
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  • 974 6 The lack of control of rice prices has led to profiteering in Rice Prices in China, and to extraChina. ordinary advances. In Shanghai on June 30th it was $l6 a pikul. Allowing for the difference in value in Shanghai and Malaya, this is certainly a striking result
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  • 688 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 15. Messrs. Barlow Co.’s report says the tone is decidedly weak, prices showing an all round decline. Standard sheet was 71 to 73j cents. Clean Browns and lower grades were fairly easy of sale at 3 cents below last week’s prices.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 21 6 E. RACE WEEK SPECIAL DINNERS Tuesday, 2Ct6 July. Thursday, 22nd July. Saturday, 2Uttj July, DANCING AFTER DINNER. SPECIAL TIFFINS EVERY DAY.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 42 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tide? for to-day, and to-morrow Penang Standard Time High Water. Low Water. To-day. 11 52 5.57 a m. 12 00 m’nt. 6 48 p,m. To-morrow. 12.36 a.m 6.46 a m. 12.36 p.m. 7 30 p.m.
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  • 148 7 CRITICAL SITUA'ION. [Reuter’s Telegrams.) Peking, Joly 13. situation h critical, and it is to imate the importance UJ a* the fate of the pro Japan o' t p,rty hing’ ,n 1,16 a ance Spread of the Trouble. Shanghai, Joly 13. r >,e uspate between the Chih-Li and
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  148 words
  • 150 7 Mir XGTIT of the new reform PARTY. July 5. Another dramatic which has startled Peking, leading t- the fear of an uprising on the part of j i< Hsu’s troops within the city, and educing the people to rush to foreign hanks and deposit their
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  • 94 7 A STATION INCIDENT, Abbottabad, July 12. An official meB-ag'« repor’B nerious alter •ti-- at the vati<>n of Kachagari. British Mi i ary Police war- iideav curing to evict fr niK train two Moslem emigrants to Aknanis'au who w re travelling without ticket*, when the crowd attacked, reriousl) u
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  • 75 7 110 VERNMENT MEASE RES. New York, July 11. Government has decided to pre- all excursion steamers, except a. hi gone liners, accompanying the iV o. Cup racers, with the result that i' a scramble for places. Destroyers U! keep all ships half a mile from the racers. b
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  • 41 7 Washington, July 11. 1 x te Department emphatically dereport from Paris that Britain 1 1 overtures with a view to an Anglo- in Pacific Alliance as a substitute Anglo- Japanese Alliance after the <x n y of Hie latter.
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  • 44 7 1 N(J LI SHM AN S DE ATH. Niagara Falls, July 12. Sevens, of Bristol, England, was "hile attempting to negotiate the Falls in a barrel. The barrel d ished to pieces on the rocks at the of the falls.
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  • 26 7 Paris, July 11. 1 report of the sale of French air ds to China is denied. It is de<*d none exists.
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  • 443 7 THE GERMAN PROPOSALS. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Spa, Joly 12. The text of the Germaa reparations plans, a moat lengthy docament, begins by declaring that any arrangement must take account of the economic and financial capacity of Germany, and international economic sources of supply must be regained. It proposes that experts
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  443 words
  • 245 7 MR. BONAR LAW’S STATEMENT. London, July 12 In the Hou e of Com nons, replying to Mr George R Thorne, Mr Bonar Law confirmed that the Russian Soviet Gove nm p nt had accepted the British conditions with regard to the resumption of trade, and that an
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  • 269 7 ZIONIST DEMONSTRATION IN LONDON. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 13.A great Zionist demonstration was held in the Albert Hall to celebrate Britain’s acceptance of the mandate for Palestine. Lord Rothschild presided, and others present were Mr Balfour, the Marquess of Crewe, Lord Robert Cecil, the Chief Rabbi, Doctors We zmaun,
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  269 words
  • 181 7 MR CHAMBERLAIN VIEWS, London, July 12. In the House of Commons, replying on a motion by Mr, Terrell in favour of the reduction of the Excess Profits Duty from 60 to 40 per cent, Mr. Chamberlain pointed out that Britain had not suffered the financial troubles experienced
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  • 59 7 RECORD HALF-YEAR. London, July 12. In the first six months of 1920, 6,415 new Companies were registered, with a capital of £448,738,000, surpassing the record cf the second «ix months of 19 5 9 when the registrations Wtre 5,414 Companies, with a capital of £252,734,000. The new Textile
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  • 53 7 TROOPS FOR IRELAND. London, July 10. The “Daily Mail” says in view of possible disturbancts in Ulster on July 12tb, seve i fresh battalions are being despatched to Ireland and five more are in readiness. Permission has been granted the Belfast Orangemen to hold a demonstration three miles
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  • 41 7 VILLA IN A FIX. Mexico City, Joly 13. The War Minister announced that as the result of a battle near Parral, in which 500 rebels and 300 Federals participated, General Villa has been surrounded. The rebels, who lost forty, fled.
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  • 194 7 PRESS I RIBUTES. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London. July 12. The “Daily Telegraph” says Lord Fisher created the instrument which in association with other agencies brought Germany’s world ambiticns to the dust. lhe Daily Mail says Lord Fisher was never afraid of risks. He took the i esponsibility
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  194 words
  • 117 7 INDUSTRIES AND RESOURCES. London, July 12. It is proposed to hold in London in 1923 an exhibition representative of the industries and rescuces of the British Empire. The Government proposes to ask Parliament to sanction a vote of £lOO,OOO to the guarantee fund, on condition that an additional
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  • 115 7 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE’S FINDING. London, July 12. The British Empire Forestry Conference Committee considerrd the responsibility of the State for forest policy. The subject was introduced by Mr P H Clutterbuck, oi e. Chief Conservator in the United Provinces of India, and in the afternoon an English delegate opened
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  • 32 7 TY?HUS SUSPECTED. New York, July 13. The Tmp°rator was docked, after 943 third class p.avengers were removed at Hoffman Island fo> observa ion. Physician 1 are watchful for typhu* cases.
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  • 33 7 SATISFACTORY RECRUTING, London, July 10. Recruting f >r the new Territorial Armv is proc-eding »t the satisfactory rate of 3.C00 week!}, wi i e over 1,000 Regulars are being recruited w.-ekly.
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  • 143 7 An Indian Army Order says: To commemorate the services rendered in the great war by the various classes from which the Indian Army is recruited, and to form a memorial to those who lost their lives in the war, it has been decided to sanction
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  • 1219 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. G. P. Cuscaden has arrived in Kuala Lumpur on transfer, Lt. H. J. Mortimer, M.C., R.G.A., having left the Command, is struck off the strength. W Mr. E. Keating has returned from Singapore to join the Kuala Lumpur branch of Messrs. Guthrie and Co. Dr. A K.
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  • 135 7 The following is the programme of Hte Excellency’s movements from 26th July, to 18th August. July. Monday, 26th.—Leave Singapore. Tuesday, 27th.—Arrive Port S wetter ham and proceed to Kuala Lumpur. Wednesday, 28th.—Federal Council. Thursday, 29th.—Leave Kuala Lumpuil via Port Swettenham. Friday, 30th— Arrive Singapore. August. Sunday, Ist.—Leave
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  • 40 7 Madras, June 28.—At a meeting of th« Madras Landlords and Houseowners’ A«sociation resolutions were adopted protesting against the proposed Rent Restriction Bill. A deputation waf appointed to wait upon the Governor in Council to present a memorial-
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    • 358 8 Calcutta, June 29. —Charu Chunder Ghose, a young man of 23, was placed on trial before Mr. McNair, Sessions Judge of Alipur, and a special jury composed of two Europeans and three Indians, on a charge of murdering his adoptive father, Bingdelal Ghose, a millionaire, in the latler’s
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    • 174 8 Rangoon, June 23. —The Burma Chamber of Commerce had under consideration a letter from the Association of the Chambers of Commerce, India and Ceylon, requesting the views of the local As sociation as to whether the Association should as suggested by the Bengal Chamber of
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    • 71 8 REGULATIONS PUBLISHED BY MADRAS GOVERNMENT. Madras, June 25. —The Government of Madras have published the passport regulations (1920) of the Government of the Straits Settlements, and have authorised the Deputy or Assistant Superintendent of Indian Immigrants at Penang and the Assistant Superintendent of Indian Immigrants at Singapore, respectively,
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    • 111 8 Calcutta, July 3. —An Asansol correspondent writes: -On the last Thursday of the month the boys of St. Patrick’s College were taken down to the river Damuda for a swim in charge of several of the Christian brothers. Whilst a number of boys were standing on the
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    • 67 8 Calcutta. June 22. —A conference of the inhabitants of the northern section of Calcutta was held this evening under the presidency of the Hon. Mr. Surendranath Banerjea to consider the situation created by the alarming increase in the crimes commit teed by Goondas. A committee was appointed to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 329 8 SvWbS&i i.1.1,f.1J-M-f .L1.1.1.L1-LI j MOTOR TRUCKS, MOTOR CARS, I MOTOR CYCLES and BICYCLYES. H MOTOR TRUCKS Federal 2 and 3% tons. H B MOTOR CARS H Chandler Cleveland H H New Overland 4 H Hudson Essex 0 8 De Dion Bouton fi R MOTOR CYCLES g B. S. A. Veloce
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    • 174 8 HERE'S THE TYRE FOR YOU. BATES BEST ENGLISH MADE. Car Tubes 710 by 90 9-50 Car Tubes 30 by 3i 10-50 765 by 105 12-50 815 by 105 14-50 875 by 105 15-50 Motor Cycle Tyres, Covers 26 by 2] $2O, Tubes 5-50 26 by 2% 22, 6-50 650 by
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    • 264 8 I STOCKS NOW ON HAND Momi Cases, Box Strapping, European Acetic Acid, Porcelain Cups, Fairbanks Scales, Mangles, Warehouse Trucks, Etc. Prices on Application McAlister Co., Ltd. A GOOD OPPORTUNI [Y FOR THE COMING RACES. Do you want to be dressed gorgeously to attend the coming Races. If so, call on
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  • 401 9 Five Cent Piece to Come in. K government Gazette Extraordinary Monday afternoon announces Xtbyan Order io-Council of H M the r <» dated May 17 last, the fineness of t V e Straits Settleinen‘B silver coirfs (dollar, If dollar, ten cent piece and five cent Xe)
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  • 241 9 Forming an ssociation. A meeting w*s held last Saturday for the purpose of iraking formal arrangements for the formation of a Selangor Chinese Planters' Association. Mr. Choo Kia Peng occupied the chair. The meeting was the outcome of a previous meeting he’d at the invitation of the
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  • 101 9 July 15—P ADC, Annual Meeting, Penang Cricket Club 5.15 p.m. July 16—Fillis’ Great Circus, Dato Kramat, 9-15 p m. July 16—Penang Orchestral Society, Concert and Dance, Town Hall, 9 15 p.m. July 17—Penang Bisley, 3 p.m. July 18—P SC, “A Class, 220 yds L’cap. July 19—Penang Ass’zes. July
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  • 592 9 RUBBER PROSPECTS. The eigh h annual general meeting of the Nordanal (Johore) Rubber Estates, Ltd,, was held on May 28th, in the council-room of the Rubber Growers’ Association, 38 Eastcheap, E.C.j Mr Thomas Cuthbertson (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman, in the course of his speech, said We have
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  • 303 9 T.0.M.” Indian Watchmen Imprisoned. The case was decided last week in which two Indian watchmen on Kamuning Estate, Sungei Siput, were charged with the theft of 7 piculs of rubber, the property of the estate and valued at about $5OO. It will be remembered that some others,
    —“ T.0.M.”  -  303 words
  • 126 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list:— Yesterday. To-day OO SD “0 SHARES. Js B. "5 3 ”5 X JQ X Ji Rubber (Dollar) c. sc. c. c. Balgownie 8.00 8.50 7.75 825 Bedford P. 20c dis 19c dis Changkat 8.50 9.00
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  • 20 9 Yesterday's quotation for raw tin in Penang was J139.&0 per picul, buyers; tin ore $139 50 per picul.
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  • 32 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for June:— Bintang lbs 13,000 Burma >, 4,607 Bukit K B 5,550 Clovelly 12,600 Jimah 25,114 Kota Tinggi 28,000 Pundut 43,000 Siginting 13,200 Sitiawan 5,602
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  • 180 9 July 45, 1920. SP. Tapioca $6,701 sales M. P. Tapioca $7.75 j salers. Gold leaf s7*4 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 ibr. 5 oz) sellers. Black Pepper $2l nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $5O nominal Cloves $llO nominal Nutmegs average of $55 selleas. No. 1
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  • 116 9 Penang, July 15, 1920. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/3 29/32 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 3/8 3 Credit ...2/4 13,16 3 Documentary ...2/4 29,32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 118 3 days’ sight Private 125 Bombay Demand Bank 118 Madras Demand Bank 118 3 days’
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  • 168 9 To-day’s Arrivals. Kedah, Gully, 74, Siriawan, Eastern Shipping Co, general. Chak Sang, Courtney, 1,470, Hongkong, Boustead Co, general. Tara, 3,651, Brisley, Singapore, I K i Co, general. Koemsi, Dutch, 165, Deli, KP M, general. Expected Arrivals. Kaga Maru,/Singapore, 16th. Madras, Singapore, I6tb. Tbongwa, Madras, 16th. Kamo Maru, London,
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  • 260 9 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, -7.15 a.m. Kuala Lumpur, SerembaD, 6 p.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m Taiping By
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  • 18 9 Despatched. Delivered. Mail “B Jane sth Joly 12th Mail D June 13th July 12sh
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  • 41 9 The B I Packet Thongwa with the mails from Europe is expected to arrive here at 9 am. to-morrow. The rate of exchange for money orders on India or Ceylon to-day is I-suijg Rs. 118 $lOO psyi»g R<. 130-$lOO
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 23 9 ’he Pinang Gazette Press, LlmitML IS fhe Oily Printing Office in PtßUf WITH PROPER FACILITIES FOR Copperplate Printing AND Die-Stamping. Orsbrt AfimM te
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    • 80 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. POSITION VACANT. Draughtsman wanted, experienced in Structurbl Steelwork and Reinforced Concrete details. Also a Tracer. Apply by letter iu first instance, stating age, experience, and salary expected to Box No. 285, c/u Pinang Gazette. FOR SALE. Singer 10. Jhe most popular two seater car on the market. A
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    • 44 9 rtEVER STOP ADVERTISING Whe* Smbmm stop Ainrtuiaft SiKftat stop Wjtof. Who Sobmm stop Wyißf > SeaetM step scffiaf. Whei StaetM stop seQiaf, StaetM stop aalrng. Who S«aeo« stop aaktof, S«ae<me stop onbf. Whes Ereiy«>e «top oniif, everyMy stop biyiif. KEBP COING—ADVERTISE IN The Pinang Gazette*
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    • 151 9 MUM ZMHNMrMMIMWN KIIKMRI NOTICE OF REMOVALS M On and’after Monday, J July 19th, the Offices of the 5 united Engineers, ltd. Penang will Removed to i No. 87, Bishop street. nxiaii j A Test of Richness LIPTON’S TEA Pure in Quality and Delicious in Flavour 1 Obtainable from all Grocers
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  • 1631 10 The following are the minutes of special and ordinary meetings of the Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang held on Tuesday, the 20th June, 1920 Present-Messrs G A Hereford (President) Yeoh Guen Seok, Lim Ea Tob, P K Nambyar, Dr P Liston, Messrs W H Thorne and D
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 461 10 vJ Famous, not only in the Old Country, but r throughout the World, are the superb iS C values obtainable from John Nobles. bx H You should send to-day for the wonder- A \V7 ljj\ Q Q ful 68 page Catalogue, giving full particulars /|M WB j W and hundreds
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    • 147 10 THE RICHEST LEGACY. Is not wealth but HEALTH. But when you inherit a condition of the blood that makes the arch-fiend, Rheumatism, your master—or when hard work or exposure bring intense suffering in aching joints and swollen muscles —then bear in mind that you can have that rich legacy, perfect
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    • 231 10 ’J A f;,... A;, ...j I— IU I owe? I zz Cal. Rifles and Cartridges <pWENTY-TWO calibre rifles are more universally used than any rt X other. It is with this calibre that every boy learns to shoot the adult sportsman uses it for target and field shooting—it is the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1085 11 ]>inang gazette w -w 9F&HRBMR RIA 1 RATES OF CASUAL O i OliOsTl I'V I adver t±l ments I nn A IkT #"^^7lT I’<s 1 ’<5 1 I Iwißliifsi A I FOR m -x- u no i I AfM Ik YW. cS I o LILL U I K w g
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1600 12 P 9 O -BRITISH INDIA PfICIFIC MAI LI T “.E” IP Company S J s JL REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE. Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. AND 8 b COLOMBIA From Hongkong about 14th July 1920 J?** IT T 8 8 VENEZUELA From Hongkong abtout 11 th August
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    • 611 12 annannnannnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnc a Q TR/AL ORDERS BIG OR SMALL ARE CORDIAI 1 O INVITED FOR OUR SPECIALITIES 5 We undertake to build or rep q WOCOvII Launches, Boats, Lighters Ponto kiiil/lind Barges and all other Wooden Craf wDip“D according to plans and Specification fl Free Estimate given. < Varieties of timbers
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    • 345 12 TNI MIRBANTILD DANK DP LLMITKD. {l*»orporat«d ia Xaglaad), Authorised Capital «3 CJO.KC Subscribed Capital 1,830,000 Paid-up 1,070,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided Prc > fitB 1,146,400 Board of,.Directors. R. J. Black, Esq., (Chairman), J. M. Ryrie, Esq, H. Melvill Simons Esq., P. R. Chalmers, Esc SirDavkl Yule, Lord Carmichael, G C
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