Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 July 1920

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 39 1 I THE BEST CAR IN TOWN l I I I XS• O «Ain Ift-mno q Sole Agents S.S. P.M.S- f Ong Sam Leong a 00, I immiiniffti Illi nil nil imuil fill lili lilllin Uli iHiifliinnill 111! Ml HU
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2795 2 positions wanted. for sale. T^e„pnlA A co ER ltd Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States n r„ S .eater ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Th. M ioi p.i Oommksioners of Georg. Wanted billet by smart Conductor, Price »3.500. Apply to If u hereb 00tifled ehatl the Director. Vow, Penang, invite Tenders for
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  • 351 3 A CHANDU CASE. At the instance of Mr B S Walton, Superintendent c f the Government Monopolies, a Hol?ien named Mah Huat was charged before Mr A C Baker, in the Second Cour\ yesterday, with being in po-session, custody or control of chandu in a kampong
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  • 133 3 Fil’is’ popular and well known Circus which i? ar present in the F M S will visit Penang next, week and play during the Races. At Singapore, the Circus received magnificent new big tents, which 1 ave been imported from Home at a cost of upwards of £i
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  • 152 3 The Rev. J. A. B Cook, Gilstead, Singapore writes:/ —This fund will remain open for a short time or ly. The aim is t j raise $3'.',000 (Shanghai currency) in China and «mong the Chinese abroad to contir ne the work c>f the la’e Dr‘
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1645 3 Estate ol the late sultan Idris. s a a u l^ n AT KULIM, KEDAH, SALE OF MINING LANDS to Km Lb IVI 1111 11 La BBIa La La having brick pillars timber partitions and tile roofs situate in JalaQ Raja, Under the instructions from the K litn T e
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    • 212 3 SAYS THEY SAVED HER BABY’S LIFE. Another Mother Gives Grateful Thanks To Baby’s Own Tablets. Errors in diet and over-feeding are the most frequent causes of indigestion in infants and young children- The best treatment is the administering of Baby’s Own Tablets, this gentle laxative clearing away the offending matter
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    • 315 3 1 ■HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaH'iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;» ((A yLJ \y f One of the Household g it 4 To bring colour to ihe clu ck clearness to the e\ e is the S Vfunction of ENO. The strong a,nd vigorous know it ns bulwark of health while those rtiS/wy is w 11W J troubled with
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    • 427 4 [To To Editor or to “Pwamu GaabWeAT Sib»— That hardy annual, commonly known as the Batterworth ferry-pontoon from which some two million passengers a yt-ar kick off or land on, on their way to and from Batterworth and rhe shipping in the harbour, has again become a sabXi
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    • 94 4 [To Thb Editob or thb “Pinang Sir, —Seme of us teachers desire to know what “Latin Priz man” means. Is it not the case that the expression applies to a graduate who has taken a prize in Latin in bis degree examination Some of us think the title
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  • 203 4 ML.” Captain E Pratt discharged ten persons, including a woman, who were accused of gaming at 5 Panglima Street, Ipoh, be cause Chief Inspector O’Reilly who conducted the prosecution had failed to prove that the accused were found in a common gaming house.” “If search were
    -“ ML.”  -  203 words
  • 125 4 Englishmen,’’ Pukef, write to The Bangkok Times’’ —Will you kindly grant Es spac”, to demons rate the lightning rapidity at which Post Cfficials negotiate a mail. The ss. “Penang” arrived here from Penang at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, the 22nd inst, and by 4 p.m. the mail
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  • 1279 4 RACE EN CR ES. The following are the entries for the Penang Race Meeting on the 20tb, 22nd and 24th July FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 20lh Juty t 1920. 1. Thb George Town Plate Value $7OO and $lOO to each Second Horse. A*Handicap for all Ex Griffin ponies
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  • 347 4 There are twenty-one horses io training here for the Au umn Meeting, ard moat of them put in some good" work this morning. The horses to appear first were Garibaldi and Auberic, who look to bs in great form. Thi-y galloped from the top of the cou
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  • 124 4 The claim which the Dutch Government has unexpectedly asserted, to the complete and exclus vs control of the Wielingen Channel, primtily concerns Belgium, but it also affects England. The channel in question is the only means of access for deepwater traffic to the Belgian port of
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  • 720 4 Single Handicap “A.” —l5 J .Stuart Bye —15.2 M. K. Whitlock Bye —3O A. K. A. B. Terrell Bye —3 N- L. Lindon v. —36' H. G. R. Leonard. Scr M. B. Lynch v. —3O R. N. Hamilton. —4O W. H. Threlfall v. —15.2 E. E. Chambers.
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  • 24 4 The P. S. C. Gibbons Cup, 100 yds handicap, and “B” class 50 yds handicap competitions will be held to-morrow forenoon.
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  • 410 4 COMMITTEE MEETING. Following are excerpts from minutes cf a Committee meeting held at the Chamber on Tuesday, July 6thThere were present Messrs. C. M. Henderson (Chairman), A. Sharp, W. A. Fell, A. E. T. Murray, W. S. Goldie (Members of Committee) and E. V. C. Thomson
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  • 315 4 [Fbom Oxtb Own Corbxspondbnt.] Bangkok, July 9. Mr, Charles Grant, mining prospector, Smgora, and well known in, was charged with threatening the British Consul-General and with trespass and damage to the legation. He w r as remanded. A committee meeting of the S.P.V.D. will be held
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  • 156 4 Yesterday’s Arrival Komagata Maru, Takahashi Calcutta, Quah Beng Kee, coal. Trang, Pithie, 73, Deli p Shipping Co, general. Van Noort, Dutch, 1235 p K P M, general. To-day’s Arrival. Teesta, Rowe, 3,428, Sinoan rp T Kerr Co, general. 1Si »j Expected Arrivals, Takada, Calcutta, 12th. Colombia, Hongkong, 14th, Tbongwa,
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  • 273 4 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, |By tru I Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, p,15 j-1 Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 5 s tt I Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong j Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train jl» I 10.15
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  • 51 4 Despatched. Dtli Mail “E May 22nd June 15tJ Mail “L> May 19bh Jane 1’ Mail “G May 29 rh June 220 a Mail “A” June sth July The rate of exchange for money r on India or Ceylon to-day is Dsuiog 116 $lOO paying Rs. 128
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  • 101 4 Penang, July 10, 1920. (jsy Courtesy of the Chartered nlO London Demand Bank !S 4 months'sight Bank •••2/’ -j 3 Credit -2 31 i, 3 Documentary 1S Calcutta Demand Bank R 9, J 3 days’ sight Private h Bombay Demand Bank >» Madras Demand Bank h 3 days’ sight
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  • 623 5 AN ENGLISH VICTORY. The premier event in golf, the Amateur Championship, was revived at Muirfield, the course of the Hon Company of Edin> bargh Golfers. Never was there a more open Championship, for though the entry was much smaller than in 1914, and even smaller than many at
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  • 123 5 London, June 3 —The correspondent of the “Daily Chronicle” at Paris, states iha f a turf scandal has been revealed at Saint Cloud, on the ou'skirts of Paris, as the result of a jockey, accused of “pulling the favorite,” admittii g that he was guilty, and
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  • 166 5 -“3.F.P.” On the complaint of Mr NAM Griffin, acting C PO, a 16 yeaf old Cl iaese clerk, named Chia Ho Chau, employed at the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank was proceeded against at the Third Court Singapore, on a charge of criminal mi-appropriation of a chf que
    -“3.F.P.”  -  166 words
  • 298 5 The report of the Committee for the year ended 31st January, 1920, states. The Working Account for the year under review shews a loss of $1800.63. Allowances have been made of $282.75 for Prizes arid $2,415.69 for Depreciation, rhe Balance at the Bank stands at a Debit
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  • 200 5 In spite of the march of civilisation, Spain still worships the brutal and bloody pastime of bull-fighting. It is more popular there than Association football is in England, and its experts make fortunes which must turn even the cosmopolitan darlings of the prize-ring green with envy. Joselito, one of
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  • 208 5 An effort is about to be made to abolish “Bolshevism” from the ballroom. A’ conference of dancing-masters in London resolved to appoint a committee for the purpose of distinguishing between proper and improper “steps.” The committee will remain in session during the summer months, and will present its
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 85 5 r Penang Ortuesirnl society. Grand concert Dance July iGtfi, 1920, in tfye Xeown at 915 p. m. t RICES $3 and $2. BOOKING AT ROBINSON’S. PLAN NOW OPEN. WHITE DRILL SUITS. Quality A. A. A. $l4-5° per Suit B. B. B. ii.oo C. C. C. 9-50 Made to Order; fit
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    • 153 5 BIG CHANCES. The man or woman who is suffering the excruciating agonies of Rheumatism can’t afford to waste time and money gambling with make-believe remedies.’’ REAL RELIEF is what is wanted—quickly and SURELY. That is why multitudes of sufferers turn to the time-tested and positively proven relief for Rheumatic pain—
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    • 104 5 FOR PENANG PAC E. s£_ cw SHOW NEXT J|lf WEEK raw A SPECIAL SELECTION OF EiVcning Frocks Dinner Gowns AND Afternoon Dresses. Prices Varying from $6O to $2OO. FULLY TRIMMED Milliner y IN THE LATEST EUROPEAN MODELS 1 \,V\ A LARGE AND CHOICE SELECTION. rf f/ 7 I lii'l PRICES
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 230 5 IMPERIAL EMPIRE THEATRE, PENANG ROAD. ~~~From THURSDAY Bth, to SUNDAY 11th JULY, 1920. In the Second House at 9-15 p. m. Gaumont British Film presents Aure'e Sydney as 5 Reels ULTUS Ree,s 5 I In the Secret of the Night (Serits No, 3) A marvellous and spectacular production of a
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  • 1261 6 TLe hopes of economic improvement, to enable Germany to meet financial obligations, assume reparation charges, and proceed with the work of reconstruction to which the German Chancellor gave utterance, are shared by Germany’s late enemies, whose policy towards her is dictated by just those considerations upon which
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  • 902 6 The controversy on the Hunter report u n has brought Sir George The Hard Road. Younghusband ioto the ists r in defence of Sir Michael O’Dwyer and General Dyer. A telegram to Allahabad quotes passages in an article written by him on government One of these is:
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  • 804 6 Mr. G. H. Harrop is going uu at New Zealand. ft I Dr. Macaskil! has taken ud hi« I dence in Kajang. esb r Mr. and Mrs. F. Clyde Jeavons have k turned to Kuala Lumpur. L Mr. E. S. Manasseh is leaving f ot p rope
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 151 6 WATSON’S “No. tor VERY FINE OLD Scotch Whisky. SOLE AGENTS:— CALDBECK, MACGREGOR S Co.. Ltd. Wine and Sprit Merchants. 4a, BEACH STREET, PENANG. ISLE OF SKYE. 4 THE CREAM OF HIGHLAND WHISKY Ask for “Isle of Skye.” wzrr? IT IS THE BEST. PRE-WAR QUALITY. I f f 1 SOte AGENTS
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    • 20 6 E.&. O. RACE WIEIEK& DINNERS£±J EJUuesdajr.gZSsotf i 22nd JulyJn .i Saturday, 24tfj July, DANCING AFTER DINNER. SPECIAL TIFFINS EVERY DAY.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 50 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-morrow and Monday, Penang Standaid Time High Water Low Water. To-dav. 6 31 a.m. 12.14 p m. 6 16 p.m. 12.00 m’nt. To-morrow. 8.08 a in. 12.48 8.27 p.m, 2.30 p.m. Monday. 9.22 2.24 a.m, 9.42 p.m. 4 01 p.m.
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  • 826 7 GERMANS AND TREATY DELAYS. THE ALLIES’ FIRM STAND. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, Jaly 6. A Spa communique says at a fully attended Conference, including Allied military and naval advisers, the German Minister of Defence reported with regard to the execution of the military clauses of the Treaty. Herr Simona
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  826 words
  • 100 7 THE REPLY TO THE PORTE. London, July 7. A Spa official communique says the Conference this morning examined the Turkish observations on the Peace Treaty. The Conference agreed it was impossible to modify any of the principal clauses of the treaty, as requested by the Turkish Government, but
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  • 165 7 LONDON CONFERENCE. London, July 7. The World Zionist Conference has opened in London, 250 delegates attending. The principal subjects for discussion are the colonisation of Palestine and rapid organisation of immigration. The Chairman, Mr Sokolow, speaking in Hebrew, declared the Jews had regained a place among the nations
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  • 60 7 A RECORD GATHERING. London, July 6. The Lambeth Conference has opened, attended by 276 Bishops from all party of the world The official report says the Archbishop of Canterbury addressed the conference on the subject of Christianity and international relations. The League of Nations was especially discussed. The
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  • 124 7 CONFERENCE AT LEAMINGTON. London, July 6. The annual conference of the Miners’ Federation opened at Leamington. The Executive recommended that the conference demand the reduction of domestic coal by 14s 2d, the amount which was recently added to the price, also an advance of wages of 2s daily,
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  • 109 7 THE LASCAR. Genoa, July 6 At the International Seamen’s Conference, Captain Devines, the Indian Government delegate, propos-d an ameidxeut to the draft Convention relating to the hours of labour, to rephee the word Lascars by Indian seamen,” in view of the ut certainty as to the legal
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  • 194 7 GENERAL WRANGEL’S SUCCESS. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 6. The War Office announces that General Wrangel’s cavalry encircled a Bolshevik cavalry corps, consisting of eighteen regiments, which came under the concentrated fire of armoured trains, troops and aeroplanes. Only 150 escaped, the battlefield being covered with enemy dead. A
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  194 words
  • 161 7 COUNTER-ATTACKS BEGUN. London, July 7. A Warsaw message says the Poles began counter-attacks in Volhynia. Bolshevik attempts to force the Beresina, and offensives South of Pollok, and in Podolia were defeated with severe losses. These local operations tend to develop into a great battle on the whole front.
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  • 300 7 A REMARKABLE ESCAPE. Bridgetown, July 6 Details of the accident to the Prince of Wales’s train show that it occurred at a sharp curve of the line where the track had been softened by rain The first saloon to leave the line was occupied by the
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  • 166 7 ARMY COUNCIL’S DECISIONS. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 7. In the House of Common*, replying to Sir W Joynson Hicks, with regard to General Dyer, the Commander of the troops in the Amritsar riots, Mr Churchill announced that the Army Council, after considering the report of the Hunter Committee
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  166 words
  • 115 7 THE REDUCED DUTY. London,* July 6. In the House of Commons. Mr Chamberlain said the redaction of the duty on sparkling wines from 50 per cent to 33| per cent was proposed because the 50 per cent duty was calculated on the basis of the average value of
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  • 81 7 LORDS’ RESOLUTION. London, July 7. In the House of Lords, Lord Midleton drew attention to the great increase in the estimated normal revenue, and he moved a resolution that it was incumbent upon the Government to reduce the present undue strain on the nation’s resources, and to
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  • 97 7 BRITISH LEAGUE OF HELP. London, July 7. Following on the meeting, presided over by the Lord Mayor cf London, on June 30th, the British League of Help, which was formed for the purpose of arranging for British towns to adopt centres in the French devastated areas, is receiving
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  • 55 7 London, July 7. In the course of his speech at Edinburgh University, yesterday, H. M. the King referred to the fact that the Dominions sent many of their best, and dearest sons to Edinburgh. His Majesty expressed grateful acknowledgment of the splendid recep'loa their kindred overseas
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  • 41 7 A ONE RUN VICTORY. London, July 6. General rain interfered with cricket. Lancashire beat Hants by one run. Yorkshire versus Kent, Warwickshire versus Su-sex, Derbyshire versus Notts and Players of the South versus Gentlemen of the South were abandoned.
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  • 98 7 The following is a table from the results telegraphed by Reuter:— P. W. L D. Surrey H 9 1 1 Lancashire 15 12 2 1 Kent 11 8 1 2 Yorkshire 12 8 2 2 Middlesex 9 6 1 2 Notts 10 5 4 1 Essex 11
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  • 179 7 GOVERNOR COX’S CAREER. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] San-Francisco, July 6. Governor Cux was elected by acclamation on the 44th ballot. The withdrawal of Mr Palmer after the 38th, thus releasing his votes, marked the turning point of the contest, Governor Cox immediately forging ahead, until he reached 568 on the
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  179 words
  • 251 7 In view of the defeat of Mr Bryan’s proposals at the Democratic Convention, the following comment by the “China Press” is interesting The result at Chicago has produced the following position If the Democrats adopt the Wdeon platform, neither of the great parties will be
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  • 77 7 NAMED “KENIA” COLONY. Nairobi, July 7. General Northey. who returned on July «3rd, announced in the Legislative Council that an Order-in-Council had been signed, annexing British East Africa, under the name of the Kenia Colony. The Sultan of Zanzibar’s coast dominions retain the status of a protectorate,
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  • 39 7 La Boulie, July 7. The French Open Golf Championship was won by the American, Hagen, with 150, the Frenchman Lafitte, taking 154, in a replay over 18 holes, after tying at 298 over 36 holes.
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  • 156 7 BRITISH GOVERNMENT’S DIFFICULTY. London, June 24.'—The chief difficulty of the British Government is the shortage of soldiers. *The Army is still inadequate and the new Territorials practically non-existent since men are not joining. The Cabinet will accordingly be severely tried the next three months, but Mr. Lloyd
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  • 187 7 AN AMENDMENT CARRIED. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 6. The House of Commons Standing Committee is considering the Nauru Island Agreement Bill. Lord Robert Cecil moved an amendment to make the agreement subject to the provisions of article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations. Sir
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  187 words
  • 191 7 THE U.K.’S DEMANDS. London, July 7. Representatives of all parts of th® Empire attending the first meeting of thfl Imperial Forestry Conference, at the| Guildhall this morning. The Lord Mayor presided. Lord Lovat, in the opening address, pointed out that the timber imports ofi the United Kingdom in
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  • 128 7 MR. LONG’S VIEWS. London, July 7. A crowded meeting of English, Scot* tish and Welsh members of the House of Commons discussed Federal Devolution. Mr. Walter Long, who presided, referred to the failure of the present House of Commons to keep abreast with the growing volume of work.
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  • 108 7 AGREEMENT AT THE HAGUE. London, July 7. The obstacle which has hitherto prevented the creation of an International Court of Justice has been overcome. The Jurists Advisory Committee of the League of Nations, sitting at the Hague, adopted a plan whereby Judges will be selected by the Council
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  • 29 7 OBITUARY. London, July t. The death has occurred of Sir W illiaua Alexander Baillie-Hamilton, formerly Gentleman Usher of Blue Rod, and hief Clerk of the Colonial Office, aged 76.
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  • 404 8 “LOWEST BOS3IBLE RATES.’ Calcutta, June 29—It is published for information that arrangements were made for the import in Jane of 12,500 tons of Barma rice into Calca ta f»r contumption in Bengal and of 10,000 tons into Chittagong for consumption in Eastern Bengal and Assam districts.
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  • 286 8 d he summary of the Ct op Report for t e week n fed the 26 h Jun states —i he rainfall was generally yood throughout Lower Burma and heavy in Arakan and T- nas erim, Akyab, Sandoway, Tbaton, Ami erst and I avoy recorded falls exceeding 10
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  • 184 8 The estimated arrivals of paddy and rice exprrsatd iu cargo rice by rail and boat in o Rangoon and Basstin f < m Ist Ja< usry to 12tb June, 1920, as compared wuh the c .rreepoudiug peii ,d of 1919, were aj p oximateiy as below From
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 357 9 Meear?. Ke nedy <fc Co, Penang, report aa follows; Markets continue quiet hut quotations remain fairly steady on the whole although transactions have been on a small scale and sellers are in the majority. The price of Tin has flue uated wi hin narrow limits but the
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  • 296 9 Messrs Fraser Co. reporb thab business continues on routine lines with fluctuations scarcely perceptible in any section—orders either way are difficult to fulfill. Tin after rising to £264 10 0 during the wetk is last quoted at £254 Rubber holds its last week’s value locally fair y
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  • 93 9 The usual auction of the Singapore Chamoer of Commerce Rubber Association was held on Wednesday and Thursday when there was catalogued 2,199,674 lbs. Tons 982 00 offered 1,875,800 lbs. Tons 837.44 and sold 1,155,732 lbs. Tons 515.94. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents per lb. S’pore Stand. Quality 75|
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  • 49 9 The Band will play the following programme of mudc at the Golf Club from 5-45 p.m. to-day 1. Selection Arlettta ...Novello 2. Rag The Jammy’s Sale. Wood 3. Selection The Boy Monckton 4. Waltz La Serenata ...Jaxone 5. Fox Trot Philippine Beauty. Hernanzed 6. March Oriental Echoes...Rosey
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  • 149 9 An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Perak River Valley Rubber Co, Ltd., was held ah the Registered Offices of the Company, No. 9, Union Street, Penang, to-day, presided ovei by Mr W Duncan, the others present being Messrs W E Hunt, R S Armstrong,
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  • 138 9 The adjourned nineteenth annual general meeting of the members of the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association waheld in the Penang Chamber of Commerce to day. Mr William Duncan was voted to the chair, the others present being Messrs D T Middleton, A S Gulston, A F Smith R M
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  • 365 9 Emigration To Straits. The Madras Mail says.—As there is no emigration of indentured labour to the West Indies and Fij', owing to the Government of India’s prohibition imposed in March,l9l7, and emigration to the French c donies has been suspended for some years, the report on emigration from
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  • 23 9 Tin was quoted in London yesterday at £258 10s spot, and £264 three months; on the Bth, £249 and £256 10s.
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  • 26 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for June:— Ayer Molek lbs 18,661 Kuala Geh 12,792 Majedie (Johore) 21,250 Punggor 10,275 Permas 22,540 Sekong >, 20,820
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  • 100 9 July 11—P S C, Gibbons Cup, 100 yards handicap and B Class 50 yds handicap. July 15—P ADC, Annual Meeting, Penang Cricket Club 5.15 p.m. July 16—Penang Orchestral Society, Concert and Dance, Town Hall, 9 15 p.m. July 17—Penang Braley, 3 p.m. July 18—P SC,“A Class, 220 yds
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  • 860 9 PROFIT OF £14,603. The 13th annual general meeting of Lahat Mines, Ltd., was held at the registered office of the Company, Portland House, 73, Basinghall Street, London, E. C., on Tuesday, June I, 1920. Mr. Walter J. Payne (the Chairman of the Company) presidedIncreased Tonnage from Shafting. The
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  • 25 9 —Aneta- Weltevreden, July 9. —With reference to the Java sugar workers’ strike threat, it ia believed the negotiations will end satis- factorily.-
    —Aneta-  -  25 words
  • 187 9 Penang, Joly 10, 1920; SP. Tapioca No. 2 $8 00) nominal. M. P. Tapioca $8.50 J n’ing doing. Gold leaf $72 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 6 oz) sellers. Black Pepper $2l nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $5O nominal Cloves $llO nominal Nutmegs average
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  • 243 9 S. GEORGE THE MARTYR. The Services next week will be as follows 6th Sunday after Trinity, 8 am. Matins. Pes 31 v 32. 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 a m. Holy Communion (Chinese). 5 p.m. Children’s Service. 6 p.m.—Evensong. Hymn 238, Pas 33 and 34 as set, Magnificat
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  • 109 9 London, June 24. —Lord Milner received a deputation from the Ceylon National Congress, headed by Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam, who asked that the Legislative Council should have a definite elected majority, and that the people’s representatives should be elected on a wide basis, not limited to men. Regarding
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 563 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICES. POSITION VACANT. A meeting of the Chinese Community win be held at the Chinese Town Hall on Shorthand Typist wantei immediately. Wednesday, the 14:h inst., at 3 p. m. to Apply own handwriting to Ad.m. 4 diecua. the rioe qne.tion, Allan, 21, Beach Street, Penang. This meeting
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  • 614 10 MONSOON MISHAP. A very sad mishap > ccurred on boat d the P&0 a s Cnina in the Arabian Sea on June 23rd when the vessel was two days out of Bombay on her way from Londo 1 to Aus raia, An old Swiss lady who
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 716 10 f Dreadnought lamps “THE LIGHT THAT NEVER FAILS.’’ BURNS KEROSENE OR PETROL INVERTED SIMPLE SAFE W g I T, rhe Dreadnaught is the largest selling lamp Ft i in the F. M. S. to-day. In introducing this 1■ X line into Penang we are presenting an article V I tested
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    • 294 10 A WASTE OF GOOD FOOD. In many countries during the Great War, it was made a criminal offence to v aste food wilfully. ar or no war, no right-minded individual ever does wilfully waste good food, but a great many of as do waste it, in spite of ourselves. Any
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    • 430 10 Y) J FOJg L LA —KaßPtea, Touch Tender Spots With sCuticura After Shaving AND TA I After shaving with Cuticura Soap the Cuticura way. without mug, gently rub -4 CLRTATNARTjE FROM ALL DEALERS tender spots on face or dandruff on scalp 1 VJIS L AAJ3I2UJiIia with, a bit of Cuticura
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 796 11 INSURANCE Eg Sg jQHfg gtt SJ LONDON ABSUBANCB COBFOBA9ION. Q —Jr Q MMBMEcXmL. U Q9M9BMI the undersigned at agents for the Corpo- JIN LOCK the door of Prosperity SAFETY TREAD n v»lion are prepared to accept FIRH risks at 1 wnca msr current rates. TYRES and Success in Motor Transport.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1548 12 »itmi PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Company O TB DITIvH I WDIA (INCORPORATED IN U.S.A.) 77 m X IsJll illr JI AM REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFIOISERVICE. JL Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. 8 s COLOMBIA From Hongkong about 14th July 1920 AND i s s VENEZUELA From Hongkong abtout 11th
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    • 531 12 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINES, ORIENTAL-NEW YORK LINE. Sailing* from Singapore to New York Via Panama Canal. Sailinglfrom Hongkong to San Francisco Through Bills of Lading ssued. Cargo Booked at Current Rates. for further particulars as regards freight bookings apply to SANDILANDS, BUTTERY S’ Co. AGENTS, PENANG, THE BEN LINEof STEAMERS Ltd
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    • 360 12 THE MBRtANTILB BANK 07 iNBIA, LIMITED. (Ineorporzud In Englaftd), Authorised Capita! <3.OOG,GOC Subscribed Capital 1.5J0.000 PB,d a P 1,050,900 Reserve Fund and Undivided Proflts 1,135,000 Board of, Directors.o K M J aC o’. Esq J- M. Ryrie, Ek;, q.’ r? e Ly S lmonB Esq., R. Chalmers. Esq 1 ule
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