Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 July 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 571 1 THE NiKKO STUDIO NOW AT I I 7, NORTHAM ROAD, Near CHIN SENG Co., Ltd. ’[minimax! I 3ire Extinguishers. SIMPLICITY. —No experience is necessary to use the appliance. J} X* EFFECTIVENESS.—Fire Brigades are rapidly adopting it for first aid H S ISff ECONOMY. —Refills supplied free of charge after use
      571 words
    • 25 1 I THE BEST CAR IN TOWN I 1 f fe§i i I Hgjgx j g NNmown ifMtuoMin» I LSoIe Agents 8.8. r.M.S- Ong Sam Laong'*j|Oo,]
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    • 71 2 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 5. In the “Weekly Dispatch,” Sir Charles Macara expresses the opinion that the world position in the cotton industry offers no hope of a slump, or even of any marked lowering of prices. The only thing that will cause a marked decline
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  71 words
    • 500 2 Cotton market records are full of cases in which speculators have had their knuckles wrapped, but they have seldom if ever had as bad a day as recently as was in Liverpool for operators in Egyp tian, says the “Manchester Guardian There have been signs for some
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    • 300 2 —“B.D.M.” The arrivals of raw cotton into Bombay by rail and sea (foreign and coast wise) during the week ending sth June, 1920, were 67,469 bales of 400 lbs. each, as against 31,584 bales and 35,29< bales in the corresponding period of 1919 and 1918, respectively.
      —“B.D.M.”  -  300 words
  • 866 2 Dr J Gray has returned from leave. Mr F C Gregson goes home on leave to-day. Mr and Mrs B Percy Dillon returned yesterday from Calcutta by the Ellora. Mr A G B Wilbraham, M I M M has lefts Home for the Federated Malay States, and
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  • 343 2 Ti e sth ordinary general meeting of the of The Siamese Steamship Co. Ltd. took place on Jane 30th at the office of the Company. H E Phya Joduk Rajasetthi, the Chairman of the Company, presided, and there were also present Mom Rajawongs Suvaphan Samtwongs na Krungdeb,
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  • 145 2 About 8,30 on Monday night a fire broke out in tbe main block of buddings in Posing village. There was a strong breeze at the time and the flimes spread rapidly, three shops being soon involved. The Ipoh Fire brigade was summoned but in the mean time
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  • 119 2 -“M.L.” At the Appeal Court in Johore, presided over by His Lordship Sir John Bucknil I, with Mr. Justice Barret-Lennard, one of the appeals argued by Mr. H. A. R. Pauluz was of Soh lak who was sentenced to five years’ rigorous imprisonment for culpable homicide. In
    -“M.L.”  -  119 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 703 2 Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. VICTORY BONDS. Bearing interest from the date of purchase at 5 per cent, per annum, payable on the ist September ..and the ist March. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 18T SEPTEMBER, 19 PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT All proceeds of this i?sue will be
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    • 143 2 SORE AND TENDER THROATS. A REMEDY. Some people inherit throat tenderness, and with them just a slight chill makes the breathing tubes so swollen and sore that it is sheer agony to attempt to speak. There is one infallible remedy for this condition— WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE so if at
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    • 366 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENT!. POSITION WANTEdT 555 Wanted billet by smart Condnctnr reliable, personal references. Please re 1 Box No. 266, c/o Pinang Gazette. POSITIONS VACANT. Two Teachers wanted, one qualified far Cambridge Mathema-ics and one for Un/ Elementary work. Apply Box No, 265 Pinang Gazette. Estate Accounts Clerks. Wanted sever&i good
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  • 797 3 ‘Malay Mail.” DEVELOPMENT OF MALAYA. The Government in relation to vast areas in the Malay Peninsula, is like a Board of Directors which is afraid to spend, the capital entrusted to it for development-, on that purpose, and of course the life of the whole area is
    ‘Malay Mail.”  -  797 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1722 3 POSITIONS VACANT. FOR SALE. MALAY PENINSULA AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. Tnmil Cook wanted. Province Wellesley. Motor Boat for sale in good condition, Good salary steady man. Reply Box For farther particulars please apply Box The Adjourned Nineteenth Annual No 259, c/o Pinang Gazette, No. 258, c/o Pinang Gazette. Genejal Meeting of this
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    • 154 3 ACHE AND PAIN INSURANCE. You insure your house against fire, you insure your life —why not insure yourself against aches and- pains Little's Oriental Balm is an Ache and Pain Insurance for those who keep it handy can have INSTANT relief from Backache, Headache, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains and EVERY pain,
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    • 199 3 Owing to the rise of all foodstuffs and other general goods, the PUBLIC seem to very little shopping in buying their clothings and other wearing apparels, etc., etc., I BUT WHY We can supply them with First Class Quality Silk, Silk Sarongs, Placard Sarongs, I Gold and Silver Wares, Brass
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 193 3 IMPERIAL paJa" EMPIRE THEATRE, PENANG ROAD. From MONDAY to WEDNESDAY, sth and 7th JULY, In the Second Show at 10-50 p. m. PRESENTS Tbe swiftest serial, the most amazing mjstery the snappiest livest, punchiest continued feature V play ever offered in tbe East by a British Company. v a I
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  • 62 4 Gardiner—On June the 28th, 1920, at the Maternity Hospital, Penang, to Mr and Mrs D I Gardiner of Bukit Rhona Estate, Perak, a son. English, Irish and Indian papers please copy. Jones. —At Broadway,” Sheringham, Norfolk, on May 30th, to Mr and Mrs F L Jones, a son. Thiele.—On
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  • 1092 4 We have to thank the faithful Reuter for presenting to us an object lesson in political ramifioatior s. That übiquitous Agency telegraphed the most illuminating summary of the proceedings of the Republican Convention at Chicago and, after careful reflection, we have come to the conclusion that the
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  • 1388 4 The statement received by us to-day that there is reason to believe the Rent Increase. Commission on Profiteering have recommended an amendment of the Increase of Rent (War) Restriction Ordinance, 1917, (to give that measure its proper title) so as to allow "(1) an immediate increase of
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  • 191 4 Li Ah Beng. a Hofckien, sc attendant in the European ward of the General Hospital, was yesterday in the Second Courr, charged with introducing cigarettes into the lock-up of the Genera. Hospital on the sth instant The accused when charged said that a man detained io the
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  • 67 4 Supervisor Barre', Senior Revenue Officet went to house No, 47, Pitt Street, on the 6 h iust., and discovered 100 packts o* Rangoon cigars, on which duty had not been paid. Song Chew, the occupier ol the house, was arrested, and when brought before Mr A C Baker
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  • 172 4 VISIT TO SINGAPORE. (From Our Own CorretpondunL) Singapore, July 7. His Highness the Sultan of T engg»o c arrived heie on board the Seabeile yesterday on an < fficial visit to H E the Governor, accompanied by Mr Humphreys, the Adviser. An official landing was made on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 195 4 f WATSON'S" I “No. 10” I VERY FINE OLD Scotch Whisky. SOLE AGENTS:CALDBECK, MACGREGOR 8 Co., Ltd. Wine and Sprit Merchants. 4a BEACH STREET, PENANG. Instruments tfat fave earned a bigf) reputation for tfjeir lasting qualitiesESTEY. HAMILTON. AND A FEW SECOND FOSTER ALL SPECIALLY KmM BMP HAND ENGLISH MANUFACTURED PIANOS
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
  • 98 4 DEATHS. Gang Ang Chua Nbo.—Wife of Mr Yeo Cheng Hai- at her residence, No 88, Balestier Road, Singapore, on July 4, 1920. Aged 43 years. Jorge.—On July 4, 1920, at the General Hospital, Singapore, Sydney Claire Woodrow of pneumonia, the dearly beloved infant son of Mr and Mrs E H
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  • 462 5 BALLOTS FOR NOMINATION. A DEADLOCK AT SAN FRANCISCO. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Sau Francisco, July 3. The first ballot for the Democratic candidate for the Presidency resulted:— Mr McAdoo 266, Mr Palmer 254 and Governor Cox 134. The second ballot gave McAdoo 289, Palmer 264 and Cox 159, with the
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  462 words
  • 287 5 Washington, May 27. —President Wilson has vetoed the resolution of Senator Knox declaring peace with Germany and Austria. He declares that the resolution is, in effect, a complete surrender of the lights of the United States so far as the German Government is concerned. The President,
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  • 247 5 PATTERSON DEFEATED, Wimbledon, July 3; In the singles tennis championship final, W T Tilden (America) beat G L Patterson (Australia), the holder of the championship, 2-6, 6-3, 6-2, 6 4. Tilden’s Ascendancy. Tilden’s victory in the challenge round wai won by the most convincing, all-round tennis ever seen
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  • 56 5 THE FINALS. London, July 3. Henley Regatta was held in wretched weather. In the final of tbe Grand Challenge Cup, Magdalen College, Oxford, beat Leander by two lengths. The tima was 7 mins. 24 secs. In the Diamond Sculls final, J Beresford beat Gollan by three lengths. The
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  • 12 5 London, July 3. Cambridge University beat Marylebone by 21 runs.
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  • 54 5 PARIS CEREMONIES. Paris, July 5 On the occasion of Jul J’ 4th, the American Ambassador placed a wreath on (he grave of Lafayette, and presided at a march past of 20,000 war orphans in the Tuileries, who are receiving relief from American organisations. Marshal Joffre, M Poincare and
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  • 139 5 —“S.F.P.” Falling as it did on a Sunday this year, Independence Day was officially celebrated by our American friends in Singapore on Saturday. Mr. H. J. Dickinson, the American Consul in charge was kept busy on Saturday morning receiving congratulations from a large number of distinguished callers. Major
    —“S.F.P.”  -  139 words
  • 28 5 London, June 20. —According to the “Sunday Express” the Army Council has concluded the consideration of the Dyer case and has decided to exonerate him.
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  • 412 5 GERMAN DISARMAMENT, [Reuter’s Telegrams.) Brussels, July 3, The Conference came to tbe conclusion that it is necessary to secure tbe disarmament of Germany at any price, and Marshal Foch and Field Marsha] Sir Henry Wilson were directed to consider practical means of imposing upon Germany the execution of
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  412 words
  • 101 5 Genoa, July 3. A plenary sitting of the Seamen’s Congress approved the unemployment suggestions, for the abolition of private employment agencies and substituting free state agencies, seamen to have choice of ships, and the provision of insurance against unemployment. The Three-Watch System. Genoa, July 4, A commission
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  • 193 5 A STUDY IN RECEPTIONS. Spa, July 5. The Allied Missions have arrived, and received ovations. On the contrary, the Germans were received in chilling silence. A British record was established on the 4th May, 1920, by a Handley Page aeroplane, type W.B. fitted with 2 Napier Lion engines
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  • 108 5 BRITISH AMBASSADOR’S SPEECH. [Reuter’s Telegrams,] Berlin, July 2. Lord D’Abernon, the British Ambassador, presenting his credentials, said tbe world crisis could only be met by general cooperation. He added that tbe essential foundation for us is in firm maintenance of the present Alliances and the strict execution of
    [Reuter’s Telegrams,]  -  108 words
  • 245 5 A FINANCIAL MEMORANDUM. Berlin, July 4. A memorial signed by 22 prominent German economists, which was presented to the Peace Conference on July Ist. in view of the Spa Conference, says the German offer in May, 1919, to pay a maximum of a hundred milliard marks in gold
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  • 185 5 THE ANTI-BOLSHEVIK CAMPAIGN. London, July 3. The Daily News publishes a remarkable document alleged to have been dis covered by members of the Soviet at Archangel, a copy of which was also found among Koltcbak’s papers. The document, which was handed to the British Labour delegation recently in
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  • 96 5 ARMIES HARD PRESSED. London, July 3 Ominous reports are reaching Brussels regarding the situation of the Polish Armies, which are apparently hard passed. The B 'hheviks report a further advance by the Reds toward Rovno, an important railway centre on the Galician frontier. Anxiety is felt as to
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  • 27 5 VISIT TO FREMANTLE. Perth, July 3. The Prince of Wales visited Fremantle, by launch, returning by land. Continued enthusiasm was shown throughout the trip.
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  • 129 5 SERIOUS INCIDENTS. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Simla, July 4. On the arrival of the last mail from England, the Connaught Rangers got much excited over tbe accounts which reached them of recent events in Ireland. Onefourth of the battalion remained entirely loyal to tbe Colonel, bat tbe remainder
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  129 words
  • 101 5 A HOSTILE RECEPTION. London, July 5. Lord French, on landing at Queenstown from a destroyer, had a hostile reception from a crowd, which followed and hooted him, despite the military guard. Two Sinn Feiners were killed in an attack on Police Barracks at Holy Cross, Thurles. Mr. Thomas’s
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  • 240 5 The future of the Royal Irish Constabulary under Home Rule is certainly a very crucial point, having regard to the duties which that force has at present to discharge in fighting the Sinn Fein murderers. The Act of 1914 provided that its control should be transferred
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  • 122 5 Sir E. Carson (Belfast, Duncairn, C.U.) asked: —Will the Government bring in a Bill to take away the statutory limitation upon claims for malicious injury and the assertion of the rights of property which have been forcibly taken away Mr. Lloyd George.—That is one of the
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  • 114 5 There is one thing on which all Ireland is agreed—to get as much money as possible. This is the motive of the Ulster members who saw Mr. Lloyd George recently. It is said that Ulster is uneasy about a phantom—that the South and West of
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  • 58 5 Special measures for the repression cf extraordinary crime in Ireland must be anticipated as an addition to the Government’s already heavy legislative programme for the session. In contempla tion is the special tribunal of judges to deal with suspected persons, and also measures to get hold of all
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  • 84 5 ITALIANS AND GREEKS IN COLLI* SION. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 5. The Times' Smyrna correspondent says a collision occurred between Italian and Greek troops on the Aidin the boundary of the Greek and Italian zones. The Greeks allege that the Italians are unable to prevent a Turkish' threat
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  84 words
  • 35 5 AN IMPORTANT ARREST. Cairo, July 5., Abdul Rahman, Secretary of the Local Committee of the Egyptian delegation to London, has been arrested. Considerable importance is attached to the arrest and important developments are expected.
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  • 89 5 A FRENCH VIEW. Paris, July 5. The “Temps” emphasises the necessity of the Allies settling their debts among themselves, since the present uncertainty threatens not only exchange, but the relations of the Governments. The “Temps’- 5 says Britain, which lost so many men and so much riches
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  • 54 5 DEVELOPMENT AT EBBW VALE. London, July 5 The biggest blast furnace in the world was successfully inaugurated at Ebbwj Vale. The weekly output is estimated ati 3,000 tons. The new works, it is hoped,, will create a revolution in the steelmaking industry and produce the chealpest
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  • 45 5 18 PERSONS REPORTED KILLED. Scranton, July 4. Owing to a telegraph pole, which was struck by lightning, falling on the track near South Pittston, three tramcars collided, and were piled in a heap. It id reported 18 were killed and 100 injured.
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  • 240 5 The delegates from the United States to the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris included a total registration from American business organizations of about 180, the largest and most; representative group that has ever attended such a conference in Europe. The American group includes 14 directors
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  • 49 5 The Baud will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade, from 6 p.m. to-day 1. Fantasia The Golden Cornet ~,Allen 2. The Brooklyn. Cake Walk ...Thur ban 3. Selection The Mill in the Valley ...Baure >4. Waltz Lonsiana Lon ...Kiefer! 5* March King Cotton ...Sousa
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  • 123 6 Expected Arrivals. Tara, Madras, 9th. Ellora, Singapore, 9tb. Teesta, Singapore, 10th. Colombia, Hongkong, 14tb, Tbongwa, Madras, 14th, Tara, Singapore, 15th. Kaga Maru, Singapore, 16th. Kamo Maru, London, 17th. Jeypore, Suez, 23rd. Devins, Singapore-, 29th. Yokohama Maru, Singapore, 30th. lyo Maru, London, 31st. Venezuela, Hongkong, August 11th. Tamba Maru,
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  • 27 6 Recruiting has been resumed in'Madras Presidency generally except in the Peramlealur Taluk, of Tricbinoply District, which is still closed, owing to the prevalence of disease.
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  • 277 6 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, I Ipoh, Batu Gajah. Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, J-7.15 a.m. Kuala Lumpur, SerembaD, 6 p.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a m. 3.45
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  • 49 6 Despatched. Dlivered. Mail “E” May 22nd June 15th Mail L» May 19th Jane 17th Mail “G May 29th June 22nd Mail “A Jane sth July sth The following undelivered telegrams are lying at the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co; Sinekbin Overharbour, Noyes c/o Chartered Bank, Lteeu.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 119 6 NEW AND EXCLUSIVE Millinery AT Pritchard's “Trimmed and Untrimmed Straws” panamas,” Etc., Specially selected for tfie coming Races. Ladies Cotton Costumes Made in good quality cotton Garbadine with coloured Collars and Cuffs, Exceptionally smart, also coloured pique Coats and Skirts, quite the latest in a good washing garment. Price $35
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    • 198 6 WHEN FEVERISH OR IN PAIN. There Is Prompt Help and Comfort for Little Ones In Baby’s Own Tablets. The health of babies and young children is subject to rapid changes, and careful mothers should not delay at the first sign of feverishness with chills or flushes. There is Warning in
      198 words
    • 492 6 J To Those j H v who are so imfortunate as to have a F A feeble or faulty digestion, Beechain’s A Pills are a remedy upon which full vW V reliance may be placed. The medicinal F L' i-SS' 2 properties of this preparation are A m PfJaEtF both
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  • 1535 7 Free Press,” education bill. PETITION FROM PENANG. At Monday’s meeting of the Legislative Council, His Excellency the Governor and Coinmander-in-Chief (Sir Laurence Guillemard k.c.b.). presided, and there were present The Hon’ble the Col. Secretary 'Sir William Murison, kt. bach), The H.m’ble the Acting Attorney-General (Mr •R D \cton),
    —" Free Press,”  -  1,535 words
  • 278 7 L.”. Mr Cyril Cooper, the popular Ban ister of Johore, entertained a large party of friends from Johore and Singapore on the occasion of the opening of the new ball room in the Civil Service Club. This was also a farewell to his numerous friends in
    L.”.  -  278 words
  • 1202 7 THE NEW COMPANY. Mr E L Hamilton, the Chairman of the Bagau Serai Company, Ltd, issued the following circular to the shareholders, on May 21sb, 1920:— This Company was formed with a Capital of £150,000 to take over, as from the 1st January last, the Assetsand Liabilities
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  • 507 7 S F P.” The first annual general meeting of the Malayan Rubber Factories, Limited, was was held on Saturday at the Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore, Mr F S Goodall presided and others present were Messrs E E Smith (Director), E Gatty, H Irving Jones (shareholders) and O
    “ S F P.”  -  507 words
  • 112 7 Penang, July 7, 1920. {By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/3 29/32 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 3/8 3 Credit ...2/4 29/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 31/32 Calcutta Demand Bank ...Re. 118 3 days’ sight Private 127 Bombay Demand Bank 118 Madras Demand Bank 118 3 -days’
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  • 379 7 Market Likely to Develop. In its issue of May 27tb, the Metal World states The comparatively low level to which prices have fallen here should hardly lend itself to expecta’ions of indefinite acute weakness on statistical merit», although these have been absolutely ignored so far under demoralised conditions.
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  • 387 7 PENANG, JULY 7, 1920. BEEF— cts. Soup per catty 32 Roast do 60 Steaks do 60 Stew or Curry Meat do curry 40 irfpw JO Rump Steak do 60 Ox Tail each 50—60 do Tongue do 70 do Feet do Heart per catty 40 Liver do 70 Fillet
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  • 41 7 Yesterday’s quotation fop refined tin to Penang was $129 per picul, fin ore $129 per picul, sellers. Tin was quoted in London yesterday at £246 10s snot, and £254 three montns on the sth, £250 10s and £256 10a.
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  • 86 7 Messrs Osborne and Chappel inform us that the following tin ore was won during June pied». Gopeng Consolidated Limited 1,000 Kinta Tin Mines Limited 70Q Fusing Robber and Tin Limited 389 Tekka Limited 50Q Tekka Taiping Limited 600 Rambutan Limited 300 Idris Hydraulic Tin Limited 380 Pengkalen Limited
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  • 119 7 The following are additional rubber outputs for June:— Alma lbs 30,C00 Ayer Tawah 26,782 Bukis Toh Alang 25.693 Bernam 28,179 Cluny 33,528 Chemor United 28,420 Consolidated 54,630 Dindang 14,510 Glenealy 30,600 Gopeng 14,966 Gula-Kalumpong 142,000 Harrap 27,950 HillJßise 18,300 Hopeland 8,439 Kelubi 3,054 Kota Bahroe 41,920 Kamunting (in
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  • 188 7 Penang, July 7, 1920. SP. Tapioca No. 2 $7,751 nominal. M. P. Tapioca $B.OO n’ing doing. Gold leaf $72 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb«. 6 as) sellers. Black Pepper $2l nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $5O nominal. Cloves $llO nominal Nutmegs average of $55
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  • 58 7 July 9—M CL, Meeting, G G School, 5 p.m. July 9—New Club,Taiping,Dance, 9.30 p m. July 10—M PAA, Adjourned A G M, Penang Chamber cf Commerce, noon, July 10—Perak River Valley Rubber, Meeting, 9 Union Street, noon. July 19—Penang Assizes. July 20, 22, 24—sPenang Races. July 26—Athenaeum, 9-15
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1464 8 P v>DTTfCII TIIHIA PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Company, J? fl 1 B<nl I 111 1A (INCORPORATED IN U.S; A.) R REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFICISERVICE. fl B Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. s s COLOMBIA From Hongkong about 14th July 1920 BB VENEZUELA From Hongkong abtout 11th August 1920 jjjk
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    • 269 8 By using Halls Distemper your home can be made brighter, f healthier and more picturesque, f at a cheaper cost than wall-paper, and without V u f the objectionable smell of paint. V I Hall’s V® I Distemper b I {Trade Mark.) KjjC 1 is deservedly the popular wall covering
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