Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 July 1920

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 511 1 bthuabl e everywhere wholesale from 8 -gs-ss-r&e»- E? U B’ 8 i 2 ft R®Wl b t; r I: Ong Sam Leong Co., Penang. I IE XOU W uEAH BRAND MILK I P»=> ito I CIGARETTES I Perfectly Sterilised Mil!» Perfect Contentment |!l he Ift/ and j° y are for
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    • 20 1 I THE BEST CAR !N TOWnI i I J I sole Agents S.S. a F.M.S< 3 Ong Sam Leong’ajiCo,: g
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  • 1314 2 jfiutumn jYteeting, 1920. RACE DAYS: FIDST DAY Tuesday, 20th July, 1920. SECOND DAY Thursday, 22nd July, 1920. THIRD DAY Saturday, 24th July, 1920. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 20th JULY, 1920. 1. The George Town Plate. Value $7OO and $lOO to each Second HorseA Handicap for all Ex-Griffin ponies
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2392 2 POUT I ON» VACANT, I FOR SALE I TICEB TE ER IWVITEP T..U J. w-r BY PUBLIC AUCTION PEHABG TURF CLUB. ,“J* ““.'A"' °~IK Good salary steady man. Reply Box KPIUH supply of 1,500 hard-wood sleepers either No. 259, c/o Pinang Gazette. Al KULIM, AEUau, MEETING. damar laub, Merbau or
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  • 1576 3 THE COMING OF LOCAL VETO. I (From Our Own Correspondent.) Edinburgh, June 2. "This Act shall come into operation on the expiry of eight years from the first 1 day of June 1912.’’ The Act referred to > is the Temperance (Scotland) Act, en- < acting Local veto,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 952 3 Estate of the late sultan Idris. SALE OF MINING LANDS Under the instructions from the Trustee, the undersigned will sell by Auction the Mining Lands scheduled below, at THE TOWN HALL, IPOH, On Friday, the 16th July, 1920, at 10-30 a. m. (If unfinished, the Sale will be continued on
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    • 164 3 SORE AND TENDER THROATS. I A REMEDY. I Some people inherit throat ten- I derness, and with them just a I slight chill makes the breathing I tubes so swollen and sore that it I is sheer agony to attempt to speak. I There is one infallible remedy for I
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    • 144 3 NEW AND EXCLUSIVE Millinery AT I Pritchards “Trimmed and Untrimmed I Straws'” I panamas,” Etc., I Specially selected for tfje coming I Races. I Ladies Cotton Costumes I Made in good qualify cotton I Garbadine with coloured Collars and I Cuffs, Exceptionally smart, also I coloured pique Coats and Skirts,
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  • 1330 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Sir Stamford Raffles, the founder of Singapore, died 94 years ago, yesterday. Mrs. E. E. Chambers and Mrs. N. R. Allan are among those staying at the Crag Hotel. The estate of Sir Edward Stone, late Lieutenant-Governor of Western Australia, has been sworn for probate at £44,802. Mr.
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  • 78 4 MURAI TIN MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 6. At the Murai Tin Company’s third annual meeting, Mr. Henggeler, who presided, said the profit was $105,997, and the duty paid to the Government $28,662, the equivalent of 31 per cent of the Company’s capital.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 679 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICES. POSITIONS VACANT. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Smart Anistant "ante ll with experience of the provision department. No others hereby notified that the Directors need apply, Pritchard Co. Ltd., Penang of the above O-mpmy h<ve resolved to I W aive the condition inserted in their
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    • 85 4 100 PER CENT. EFFICIENCY is not possible unless all the organs oi the body are acting regularly and properly. Constipation fogs the mental powers, poisons the blood, causes lassitude and inefficiency. To dispel constipation and cure the ailments resulting therefrom, such as sick headaches, bilious attacks, torpid liver, foul breath,
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    • 244 4 OFFICE STATIONERY, Etc. READING EASED. Th- “Reading Easel” is invaluable for use on the Table,er helping Newspaper la ea upright orderly position. Finished in Black Japan with Ornamental Border. Price CAKE BOXES. Ck. boxes No. 2»2 No. 392 h No. i Festal Ne. 2 ERASERS. SO Erasers Typewriting (Round) an
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  • 1678 5 J APAN AT THE CROSSROADS. Mr J O P Bland, writing in the “Titm?,’’ says;—Tn tny last article I e ideavovred to show t! at Japan’s claims to expansion on Gu »h- Asiatic cintineut are the result of itsi-j-h >-8 economic pressure, and that, in so f*r
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 457 5 111-9 BEAN J ;Cj) "The Leader of its Class. w ra) ■■O4& w 7>W I M |j j vA/ i 1 jl f > I? f Jk ”1 "HE 11'9 Bean is built on very robust lines to give f |Q| 1 long and faithful service to its owner even
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    • 127 5 The Darkening Shadow. Have you commenced to feel shooting, throbbing pains, darting through your face and your temples—Can’t sleep, awake all night—worry, suffer, fret. That’s the story of Neuralgia—the darkening shadow that can be banished by the application of Little’s Oriental Balm. Rub into the face, or wherever the pain
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    • 120 5 JU_ST_ SHANGHAI SILK In White, Coloured Stripes and Flowers. Wassiamull Assomul 1 Co., 'PHONE 626, PENANG. I A Tea of Richness I LIPTON’S TEA j Pure in Quality and Delicious in Flavour g J Obtainable from all Grocers in 3 Qualities g j| Extra Choice Green Label No, 1 Yellow
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 189 5 IMPERIAL EMPIRE THEATRE, PENANG ROAD. From MONDAY to WEDNESDAY, sth and 7th JULY, In the Second Show at 10-50 p. m. PRESENTS The swiftest serial, the most* g amazing mjs*-ery the snappiest livest, punchiest continued feature play ever offered in the East by a British Company. V A gripper and
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  • 1258 6 The Porte’a reply to the draft of the Peace Treaty terma, in substance, bears out the forecasts. Recognition of the independence of Armenia, and the Hedjaz, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Palestine, and renunciation of claims to Libya, Egypt and the Aegean Islands were not to be avoided. The
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  • 1042 6 Supply and demand is the law represented usually as a universal and Supply and immutable principle that Demand. governs the price of things, much as the law of gravitation governs their position and movements.” That law is responsible for much of the average consumer’s troubles, for the
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  • 542 6 THE EDUCATION BILL. A Penang Petition. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 6. At the meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday, H. E. the Governor presided. Mr. W. H. Thorne, Penang, was sworn in. The main business on the agenda was the Education Bill, second reading and Committee
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 181 6 *km&> <<jwey /t JRI d.G.MONNET& 0? Jx COGNAC ->gnE’ W>V 1 SALAMANDRE ONE STAR TWO STAR THREE STAR SOLE IMPORTERS MALCOLM BERANGER Co., BANGKOK. SAIGON. SINGAPORE PENANG. I I I II Just received a fresh consignment of Opera Cloaks and Coats in very attractive colours also Shantung Silks and Brocades
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 42 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day, and to-morrow, Penang Standard Time High Water. Low Water. To-day. 3.01 a m. 8 58 a.m, 2.50 p.m, 9 33 p.m. To-morrow. 3 33 a.m. 9.27 a m. 3.18 p.m. 10.02 p m.
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  • 634 7 ASIATIC IMMIGRATION. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] San Francisco, July 2. The plank in the Democratic platform dealing with Asiatic immigrants says the policy of the United States with reference to the non admission of Asiatic immigrants truly expresses the judgment of Americans. It pledges support to the States whose geographical
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  634 words
  • 198 7 Lord Reading, in his presidential address to the International Law Association at Portsmouth, said that during the war the fortunes of the association were in acute suspense. He believed international law would never completely recover from the blow which was then struck at it unless the
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  • 97 7 EMERGENCY COMMITTEE. New York, July 2, A meeting of the Associated Railway Executive appointed an Advisory Committee of nine Executives to deal with transport emergencies through the cooperative action of all the railroads with the inter-state commerce commission. It is announced that the step whs taken as the
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  • 72 7 ADMIRAL BENSON’S DECLARATION. Washington, July 2. Admiral Benson, Chairman of the Shipping Board, announced that the Board is determined to build up the American Merchant Marine, despite the threats of foreign interests to defeat the bill with regard to it. He further declared that if the threats of
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  • 46 7 MAGISTRATES THREATENED. London, July 2. Warning notices, signed on behalf of the Irish Republican Army, were received by the Mohill Magistrates, demanding their resignation, and threatening penalties if they do not comply. The raids for petrol and arms continue, and are of daily occurrence
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  • 58 7 There has recently come into the hands of the authorities irrefutable evidence of Irish-American and German-American complicity in the recent outrages in Ireland—evidence which will give them whip-hand of the leading seditious organisations. Certain people wbo have resented the operations of the self-constituted Sinn Fein
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  • 58 7 THE RECEPTION AT PERTH. Perth, Juiy 2. The Prince of Wales bad a wonderful reception from two miles of cheering crowds. H.R.H was given a reception by thousands of ex-Service men and nurses in the Theatre, had luncheon in the Town Hall, held a levee and investiture
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  • 85 7 London, July 3. H. M. the King has approved of n«val clasps to the war medal for general actions at sea, “ingle ship actions and actions with enemy land troops, etc. The single ship actions include the fights with the Emden and the Koenigsberg Mesopotamia, the Red
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  • 61 7 THE CHANCELLOR’S ADVICE. London, July 2 Receiving a deputation from the Federation of British Industries, Mr Austen Chamberlain declared that the Government’s efforts to grapple with the debt had been beneficial. He counselled great prudence among business men, but declined to give relief from the Excess Profits Tax,
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  • 31 7 London, July 3. The House of Commons rejected, by 168 votes to 56, an amendment to the Unemployment Insurance Bill making the bill non-con’ributory on the part of unemployed.
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  • 108 7 GREEK OaPIURES. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Paris, July 2. A Greek commuuiqod says the Greeks occcupied Balikessar on June 30th. The Nationalists, ou flanked from the east, retreat» d, after a stout r< sistauce, leaving a numb.r of tided and wounded. The Greeks c«ptured 1,200 prisoners at d 54 guns,
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  108 words
  • 184 7 Constantinople, June B.—'! he ac ivity if tbe Nationalist propagan i-»tes seems to be having its effect in certain Eu opeau, e Italian, circles here. In these citcles the idea that peace can only be madwith il e Nationalists seems to be gaming ground.
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  • 188 7 ARABIAN CHIEFS’ RIVALRIES. London, June 21. —Replying in the Commons to Capt. W. Ormsby Gore, Mr. Bonar Law said there were no provisions in the Turkish Treaty regarding the future sovereignty and government of the Provinces of Yemen and Asir. The Treaty that existed between Britain and
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  • 206 7 SIR GEORGE BUCHANAN’S VIEWS. London, June 21. —Sir George Buchanan. consulting-engineer, who served with the Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force from 1915-1917 and who re-organised the port of Basra, suggests in the course of a letter to the "Times” that we are going too fast in Mesopotamia and attempting far too
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  • 46 7 SEQUEL TO BOYCOTT. Vienna, July 2. Owing to friction between the pro-boycott and auti-b'jyco‘t railway employees on tbe Eastern Railway lines endangering the safety of passengers atd good-», the Government has suspended the enti-e railway eer vice between Vienna and the Hu; garian frontier.
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  • 237 7 REPARATION QUESTION. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Brussels, July 2. An evening c. mmuoiqud says the British, Belgian and l alian delegates had a prolonged informal conference regarding the division and amount) of the reparations r- ceived from Germany. There was no divergence of views regarding Germany’s liabilities. .A Note from
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  237 words
  • 18 7 Brussels, July 2. The Chamber by 89 votes to 74 rejected votes for women.
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  • 53 7 UNEMPLOYMENT CONVENTION. Ge no, July 2 Mr Barlow, reporter of the Unempl <yment Committee of Seamen’s Congress, presented a d aft Convention abolishing private employ ment agencies. It suggests hey submitut» fr es State agencies, seamen to have choice of s'ips, The Convention also provides for inuance against
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  • 63 7 THE NEW CABINET. Peking, Joly 2. As the result of conferences of the leaders of the .rival factions, the new Cabinet has been practically settled. Chcu-Shu-Mou, the Premier, will attempt to conclude peace with the South. The Cabitet will repnseut popular opinion to a greater extent than hitherto, and
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  • 21 7 London, July 2. The new sei vice of aerial mails between i.ODooo and Holland starts on July sth.
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  • 89 7 An extraordinary aviation record has been established at Villa Coublay by the aviator Frandal who has looped the loop 962 times without stopping. His previous record was 624 loops in 162 minutes. He was in the air 232 minutes and only came down when his petrol was
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  • 51 7 London, June 15. —A telegram from Omsk says that the trial of the former Koltchak ministers has been concluded. Four were sentenced to death and the remaining 16 to 15 years’ imprisonment with h»rd labour. All have appealed to Lenin and Trotsky, and meanwhile the executions have been
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  • 98 7 London, June 16. —Mr. A. W. Bibby presided at the fortieth annual Burma dinner. Those present included Sir G. Buchanan, Sir F. W. Fryer, Sir C. Addis and Sir G. B. Fell. Responding to the toast of Burma Sir G. B. Fell said they might hope that
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  • 73 7 COLONEL WARD’S ADVICE. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 2. The National Federation of Trade Unions, at a mef t ing at Leamingten, pas.-ed a r esolution in favour of a 44 boor week ia all industry s, u espite the advice of tbe Laboar M P, C do
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  73 words
  • 211 7 London, June 11. —The report of Labour delegates from Russia is adverse to Bolshevism and, coupled with Lenin’s letter, is a great set back to Extremists. The publication of such documents as the latter has done more damage to the popularity of the cause here than anything
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  • 19 7 L 'ndon, July 2. Su-sex beat GHucesterehire by an innings ?nd 21 runs. Leicestershire's match was abandoned.
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  • 213 7 A neat little story has just been told to us and we give it as we had it. A certain well-known English gentleman sent his motor bicycle to be repaired the other day and the police collared and deta ned the man in charge of it,
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  • 72 7 London, June 16. —Mr. Herbert Samuel, entertained at a banquet last night by the Zionist organisation, said he was sincerely desirous to promote the well-being of the Arabs. He wished to see a strong, successful, State as an Eastern neighbour to Palestine. It would be unworthy
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  • 82 7 London, June 11. —Lord Meston, delivering the Rede lecture at Cambridge on "India at the Crossways,” said that the change in the Indian Constitution might have consequences more momentous than the Russian revolution on the new map of Europe. He emphasised how little India as a
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  • 86 7 In the second round of the Gooch cup now being competed for by members of the Seremban Golf Club, Mr. J. S. Johnstone (-2) tied three times with Mr. S. D. Timson (-2) over 18 holes. The game was won by Mr. Timson on the 19th hole
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  • 660 7 APOLOGIA IN THE T1M89.” London, Jane 9rh. On the eve of the Parliamentary discussion of the Amritsar affair Sir Michael O’Dwyer has sent to the press along letter in which he says that those who, in face of constant obloquy and misrepresentation, discharge ar du as and
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  • 223 7 London, June 21.—The British steametl Australia from Antwerp and London for) Bombay and Karachi collided to-day witU the Plumleaf from Plymouth in the Channel. The Australia was damaged in th< bow and is proceeding to Falmouth ‘The Newspaper Weld” states that notification of increase of price has
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  • 644 8 BOMBAY BANKS CRIPPLED. Bombay, June 11.—During the last fortnight the Bank of Bombay cash balance increased by rupees one crore, but tht expectation of a reduction of its official rate from 7 to 6 per cent ha* not materialised There has been a tremendous rush io Bombay
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  • 331 8 SO’ A considerable sec ton of the white Settlers in Papua are determined, i r is said to oust from his position their Governor. Judge Murray, Professor Gilbert Murray’s brother. In the early part of th tear a public meeting aas held and a resolution pass» d,
    SO’  -  331 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 628 8 Weak Wasted Children Grateful Mothers Tel! of Wonderful Cures by Dr. Cassell’s Tablets. England. South Africa. Mrs. Robinson. 15, cp FS 'South Z Africa.° writ<ra:—“ After I’l tderick-road, Pendleton Mam heater, fever my little son became England. says:-" My little box was ty pnns attended to paralysed. He could not
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    • 389 8 GuticuraWillHelpClear p’”' PimplesandDandruff BRITISH I JfW, U D D” EXPANDED METAL DIAMOND MESH The Soap to Cleanse OYYjLIa) v I The Ointment to Heat V vvVi/yV I Don't wait to have pimples and g-g |M H H Bj blackheads, redness and roughness, >*S ES HA HA dandruff and itching. Prevent
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  • 923 9 TENTH ANNUAL MEETING, The adjourned tenth annual general meeting of the Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate, Limited, was held in the registered office of the Company, No. 9 Beach street, Penang, to-day. Mr L C Brown .'Chairman of the Directors) presided and the others present were Messrs B
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  • 651 9 Messrs Barker, Fearon Co. Kuala Lumpur, reported on Friday, as follows: During the last week of the month there has been some falling off in the volume of share transactions all round and business has not been ao active as during the preceding part of the
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  • 186 9 Messrs Guthrie and Co, Ltd, Singapore, reported on Thursday, Ist July, as follows: Owing to heavy arrivals from the Dutch East Indies, the quantity of rubber catalogued for the weekly auction which commenced yesterday was larger than usual ab 1,103 tons. Following advices of heavy declines in
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  • 45 9 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Dato Kramat Gardens from 5-30 p.m. to-day 1. Finale Stradelia ...Flotow 2 Spanish Chant ...Hardy 3. Fantasia Robert Le Diable. Meyerbeer 4. Waltz Hansel and Gretel. Short 5. March Nulli Secundus ...Bently
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  • 537 9 As previously announced, the R. G. A, is offering prizes for ideas and suggestions for extending the present uses of rubber, The conditions laid down for competitors for the £3,100 prize-money—-the last date for receiving suggestions is the 31st December next—include the following 1. Special value will
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  • 347 9 The Question of Excess Profits. Mr. FO. Osborne presided at the annual meet it g of Gopeng Consolidated held on May 8, and in moving the adoption of the reports, said quarterly dividends of ninepence per share had been paid absorbing £79,032 out of a profit of £B3,
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  • 37 9 Yesterday’s quotation for refined tin in Penang was $134.50 per picul, tin ore $134.60. Tin was quoted in London yesterday at £250 10s spot, and £256 10s three months; on the 2nd, £260 and £*****5.
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  • 105 9 The output from Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd’s, mine for the month of June was 200 pikuls. The output of Kalumpang Tin, No Liability, for the month of June, was piculs 239 20, hours 579.15, yards 69,480. The output of the Ratrut Basin Tin Dredging Co., N.L. for June
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  • 139 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for June:— Ayer Kuning F.M.S. Ibs 80,000 Ayer Hitam 36,135 Bradwall 49,438 Beverlac 15,140 Blackwater 16,029 Bukit Cloh 27,882 Bahru Selangor 11,240 Bukit Selangor 26,432 Bassett 23,700 Cicely 49,600 Chersonese 58,619 Dennistown 40,645 Dusun Durian 82,558 Foothills (Malaya) 15,700 Highlands Lowlands 126,581
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  • 184 9 Penang, July 6, 1920. SP. Tapioca No. 2 $8.751 nominal. M. P. Tapioca $9.50 n’ing doing. Gold leaf -s7‘4 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 0z)... sellers. Black Pepper $2l nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $5O nominal. Cloves $llO nominal Nutmegs average of $55
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  • 168 9 Sir Philip Gibb* has been tellii g somethings about the war that make one think hard, particularly about the waste of life. The ability of our General?,’’ he says, was not imaginative nor inventive, but limited to the piling up of the men snd munitions—ilw+ya more men
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 170 9 z NORTHERN ASSURANCE I COMPANY, LIMITED. I I MOTOR BRANCH. MOTOR CARS. MOTOR CYCLES. Funds Exceed $70,000,000. Reductions are allowed if the assured has more than one Car Insured. Bonus A Liberal Bonus it allowed Jeff the Renewal Premium when- no claim has been made. I Claims are Settled Promptly.
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  • 142 10 Yesterday’s Arrivals. Inaba Maru, Japan, 3,680, Kobe, Boustead Co, general. To-day’s Arrivals. Francis Garnier, Dpson, 101, Singapore, Standard Oil Co, nil. Expected Arrivals. Karmala, Singapore, 7tb. Tara, Madras, 7th. Teesta, Singapore, 10th. Ellora, Singapore, 10th. Colombia, Hongkong, 14tb,’ Tara, Singapore, 15th. Kaga Marn, Singapore, 16tb. Kamo Maru, London,
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  • 283 10 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, $-7.15 am. Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 6 p.n> Malacca, Johore, Singapore I and Hongkong Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a m. 3.45 p.m
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  • 30 10 Despatched. Delivered. Mail “C” May 15th June 10th Mail ‘•E" May 22nd June 15th Mail “L" May 19th June 17th Mail “G May 29th June 22nd
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  • 32 10 The homeward mail Karmala closes at 10 a.m. to-morrow. The rate of exchange for money orders on India or Ceylon to-day is Issuing Rs. 125 $lOO paying Rs. 139 $lOO.
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  • 59 10 July 9—-M CL, Meeting, G G School, 5 p.m. July 9—New Club,Taiping,Dance, 9 30 p m. July 10—M PAA, Adjourned A G M, Penang Chamber cf Commerce, noon, July 10—Perak River Valley Rubber, Meeting, 9 Union Street, noon. July 19—Penang Assizes. July 20, 22, 24—Penang Races. July 26—Athenaeum,
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  • 1040 10 m UM RUBBER (Dollar.) c S«. Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd, 85c 90c Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 3.60 3.75 Amalgamated Malay Estates 4.60 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate. 23.50 24 50 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 1.30 1.40 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 3.30 3.50 Ayer Panas Rubber Estates 12.50 13.00. ex Balgownie
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 122 10 JEFFREY’S BEER. (“CHOP KOTA") THE GENERAL FAVOURITE. < SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Limited. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). I iCHUBB'Ss SAFES, *****111 B J A New Shipment of Book and Standard Quality Safes just Arrived I.MwiIMiBMEM— aaSMBUMIIHIIHII lIIUUMIUI> a a i- or Prices and Particulars Please Apply to the Sole r
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    • 333 10 I ESTATE REQUISITES. I 3 1 J European Acetic Acid 99 per cent. Gaivd Wire. I Gaivd. Buckets, Gaivd. Npouts, Hodium I Bisulphite, Sodium Sulphite, Brass Wire Gauze, Corrugated Iron, Paints, Linseed Oil, Disinfect* g ant, Shovels, Scythe Blades, etc., etc., etc. 8 ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY, I I KEAT GUAN
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1099 11 Fordsou rucis lor pianiers. I pinang Qaxe tte RATES OF CASUAL q S ADVERTISEMENTS. JHRR A W V W 7 V r JI 2tLl mkJ I£/ O B BF Minimum Charge $2.00 U IKwI jtef**” For 1 insertion 1.75 per inch :f I SEMI DIESEL ENGINES. I Ml wj% g
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1473 12 n x-v CTniTKU <»<niA IpACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Company, C Kit II 111 X H fe 1/1 (INCORPORATED IN U. S. A.) Ju V 1 J? REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE. ■W B V "in -<■ Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. A MV) s a COLOMBIA From Hongkong about
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    • 610 12 THE BEN LINE‘S STEAMERS Ltd LEITH. OUTWARD SAILINGS. e. s. BENARTY tlue l4t h» 192 HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Coast cargo booked at current rates on date of sailing of steamer. For full particulars as regards apace available and freight. Apply to Sandilands, Buttery Co., Agents. LIVERMORE DEARBORN Co,. Inc. INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP
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    • 349 12 THE MERCANTILE BANK BF INBIA. LIMITED. [lScorporated i> JKaglaW). Authorised Capital Subscribed Capital 1.800,000 Fa,d a J> i,o:e’ooc Reserve Fund and Undivided Pwfits 1,135,000 Board of,.Directors. <Jphairman), J. M. Ryrie, Ei<;. H- WelviH p Jn ,OU3 E sq., F. R. Chalmer. E«q lr av d Yu,e Lord Carmichael, GCSI, G
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