Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 June 1920

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 553 1 THE NIKKO STUDIO NOW AT 7, NORTHAM ROAD, Near CHIN SENG Co., Ltd. I 1 IE YS&L have not tried. j f X’** r n C j BEAR BRAND MILK j 1 y° u can ave no ’dea what al CIGARETTES I Perfectly sterilised MilK Perfect Contentment I he 3
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    • 22 1 ITHE BESI CAR IN TOWNj I J 1 1 I S sole Meats S.S. a Eft.*. 9 Ong Sam Leong Oo.j fi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 3095 2 POSITION WANTED. AUCTIONS. THE STRAITS TRADING CO. ID TENDERS INVITED. Egffltfl Aff t||o I flti> Clllfflll IdriC "PENANG SALES ROOM. DIV.DEHD NO. 3«. tFS WIUIC Wl ,I,V LUIt U,IUII ■«nS. Sound knowledge rubber field and factory. L w Mines and One at the Liman Nipies Tin Good X l.boV, Tam
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  • 523 3 MEETING AT SEREMBAN. A successful “At Home” was held at the Negri Sembilan Residency on Tuesday afternoon, when Dr. R. O. Winstedt, the Director of Education, Singapore, delivered an address on the aims and objects of the proposed Raffles College. Lt.-Col. J. P. Hume, the Resident, said it
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  • 241 3 A great deal of interest has been evinced during the past few years in the oil palm industry. That there is a great future before this industry no one knowing the value of palm oil can doubt. Most of the world’s supply of this particular commodity is
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  • 110 3 The question of the right to demand gold rn exchange for Bank of England notes was revived by a man entering the Bank and demanding £lO in gold in exchange for two £5 notes. Much discus sion followed, and the cashier, while appealing to the man’s patriotism,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 690 3 Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. VICTORY BONDS. Bearing interest from the date of purchase at 5 per cent, per annum, payable on the ist September _and the ist March. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 18T SEPTEMBER, 1934 PRICE OF ISSUE-100 PER CENT All proceeds of this issue will be
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    • 105 3 I RUNNYMEDE HOTEL j s I (SEASIDE) PENANG. I s s I Ĕ THE FINEST. SITUATION IN PENANG I I i TERMS MODERATE 1 1 I UNDER THE PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF I E. R. HENDERSON Proprietor. I 2 l aiii!iiiiiiiiiii!iiiiuiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii .iii!i.iiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii niiuiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiK Wz- V V--- -2-— r JUVENIA ICED EAU
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    • 288 3 SILK IS/'o LEATHER GOODS 25% I COTTON 20% CURIOS BRASSWARE 30% I BRITISH BOMBAY BAZAAR I •H. Visfiindas (So., 8, SBeaeh Street, *Penang. I I 1 A SPECIAL CHEAP SALE AT j H. T. DOULATRAM Co,, J THE UNIVERSAL BOMBAY PROVIDERS. Commencing from June 12th, 1920, for three Weeks only,
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  • 492 4 Engineer-Assistant— r q□i r e s billet. Tie’eleventh annual gShld and of The Dispensary (Penang), Ltd., was held in the registered offices of the company, No 3 Weld Quay, Penang, to day. Mr G N Saye (Chairman of Directors) presided, and the others present were Messrs J M
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  • 184 4 AT THE TOWN HALL. The first of two performance by the Time Please Company was given in the Town Hal) last night to a large audience, who must have appreciated the circum stances that the company lived up to its name when it sent its patrons to
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  • 198 4 The text of the new Rents Restrictions Bill, which is to replace the existing Acts, is published in the Home Press. The wording of the clauses renders it extremley difficult to state with certainty their effect, but broadly they appear to follow the lines of the Salisbury
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  • 1586 4 -EED FOR FOREIGN AID. W Mr. J O P Bland, writing in the "Times I says, there has probably never been a time during the past five-and-twenty years when the average Englishman has known or cared less about the position of affairs in the Far East than he
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  • 378 4 —“B. T.” AVIATOR’S FUNERAL. Further particulars are now available regarding the French aviators who descended near Ban Moh (in Ayudhya monthon). Both officers were attached to the aviation corps at Saigon and, in pursuance of their official duties, some days ago flew from Saigon to Battambong.
    —“B. T.”  -  378 words
  • 303 4 I The objects and reasons of a Bill to be introduced in the Federal Council, to consolidate and amend the law with respect Io the Registration of Births and Deaths, are that the present system is believed to be responsible for many errors and inaccuracies and
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  • 114 4 Penang, June 26, 1920. (By Courtesy ot the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/3 27/32 4 months* sight Bank ...2/4 932 3 Credit ...2/4 15/1G i, 3 Documentary' ...2/5 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 117 3 days’ right Private 125 Bombay Demand Bank 117 Madras Demand Bank t( JJ7 3
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 212 4 SAYS THEY SAVED HER BABY’S LIFE. Another Mother Gives Grateful Thanks To Baby’s 'Own Tablets. Errors in diet and over-feeding are the most frequent causes of indigestion in infants and young children. The best treatment is the administering of Baby’s Own Tablets, this gentle laxative clearing away the offending matter
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    • 1260 4 HEW ADVERTISEMENT». FOR SALE POSITIONS VACANT. BY PUBLIC AUCTION Conductor wanted, good knowledge of —T KULIM, KEDAH, Tapping esrentia’, healthy Estate in Perak j uJ /930 atn Box No. 245, c/o Pinang Gazette. Seven pieces of Land wiffi Shopboys Engine Driver wanted with knowledge of I having brick pillars timber
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  • 274 5 Dishonoured Bills Increase. Osaka, June 7.—There is no improvement in the general business outlook and, if anything, it is worse. Bankers’ clearings show a marked decrease and on the other hand dishonoured bills are rapidly increasing. New’ enterprises and extensions have diminished considerably. During May the excess
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  • 213 5 Hun Author Replies to Sir Hugh Clifford. Copies of a book written by Herr von Doling, still described as “Acting Governor of Togoland,” printed in English at Berlin, and entitled, “Colonies and Ca lumnies,” are being posted to various people in this country, in pursuance of German
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  • 153 5 ag. ‘T.O.M. The Batu Gajah Chinese Club was en fete on Saturday, the occasion being a dinner given by Towkay Foo Choong Yit to his many friends in Batu Gajah. About a hundred guests sat down to dinner. While much conviviality prevailed Towkay Ho Yuk
    ag.—‘T.O.M. ”  -  153 words
  • 9 5 “T.O.M.” ag.— ‘T.O.M.
    “T.O.M.”  -  9 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 66 5 KNOWN AS AMERICA’S FIRST THE TYRE WITH THE LATEST PUNCTURES AND GREATEST MILEAGE Swinehart’s Popular Motor Tyres All sizes in stock. Special Discounts from the local Stockists. L. Y. SWEE Company, Limited. .(Incorporated in F.M.S.) PENANG, KUALA LUMPUR AND SINGAPORE. STOCKS NOW' ON HAND Momi Cases, Box Strapping, European Acetic
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 226 5 □nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn HHnnnunnnnnnnn IMPERIAL i EMPIRE THEATRE, PENANG ROAD. From THURSDAY 24th, to SUNDAY, 27th JUNE, 1920. q In the Second Show at 10-45 P- m. q 22 Chapters THE BROKEN COIN 44 p g 0 0 Featuring Francis Ford, Eddie Polo and Grace Cunard. 0 Chapter 1. Fold versus Polo.
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  • 1249 6 Shortly before Sir Artbur Yoang, H, E. Sir L. N. Gaillemard’a predec saor, retired, he alluded to t he Gunong Tahau scheme, and after an expression of regret that it had not been found possible to proce?d with it, owing to the multiplicity of demands connected with other
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  • 1372 6 It is to be hoptd none of our readers will ba plunged into a conWaiting to See. dition of violent excitement by the headings in the Home newspapers received by the last mail, Fall in Prices,” Prices Come Tumbling Down,” etc. There has been a striking downward
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  • 462 6 We understar d that at the meeting of Penacg Chamber tf Commerce on rbe 29th inet, important kcal Lu-itesa interests will Mr W H Thors e, cf Messrs Adams Allan, as the Ciiamtei’s nominee on the Legislative Ci u .cii curing the absence on leave of Mr A
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 52 6 THE TIDES. The following »ih tTe tides for to-day, to-morrow, and Me nd*y, Penang Standard Time High Water. Low Water. To-day. 9 25 a.m. 2.36 a.m. 9 41 p.m, 4.13 p ni. To-morrow. 10.11 a.m. 3.43 a.m, 10 32 p.m. 4 59 p.m. Monday. 10.45 a.m. 4.34 a.m. 11.12 p.m.
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  • 761 7 DEBATE JN THE COMMONS, [R Viter’s Telegram.] Lndtm, Jgae 23. In the Home of Common l on a vote of £IC,OCO,OOO on account for thr Army, Mr. Atqaith moved for a reduction by £1,000,000. He complaint d that of the standing army of 338,000, 167,000 were employed outside the
    [R Viter’s Telegram.]  -  761 words
  • 82 7 APPEAL TO DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] L >ndui>, June 24. The Daily Mail s ates that in consequence of the situation in the Middle and Near Eas r neces-i atiig an increase by 15,000 to 20,000 of the A* my Reserve, the War Office will immediately appeal to
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  82 words
  • 33 7 ALLIED NOTE. Paris, June 24. The Allies sent a note co Germsny forbidding the cons’ructitn of civil or military aircraft until three months after the destruction or delivery of existing material.
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  • 76 7 ANOTHER HITCH. Berlin, June 23, After protracted negotiations, the new Fehrenbach Cabinet has practically been formed, but a serious hitch has arisen at the last moment, the Social-Democrats refusing a vote of confidence to any Government in which the Peop’e’s Party is represented. The Democrats thereupon passed a
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  • 72 7 COMMITTEE’S REPORT. London, Jane 24. The report of the Depa't mental Committee with reference to merchandise marks shows that in the absence of agreement among the bulk of the traders concerned, the Committee sees grave obj ction to the institution of a British national or Empire trade mark.
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  • 41 7 London, June 23. Britain has requested the Council of the League of Nations to d al with the Finnish Swedish dispute in regard to the sovereignty of the Aaland Islands. The Council will meet soon in the matter.
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  • 144 7 PARKEEDEFE 4TS AMERICAN CHAMPION. Wimbledon, June 22. The greatest sensation was caused by J C Parke’s defeat of W M Johnson, the Ameri can champion, in the second round of the world’s grass championship, by 7-5, 2-6, 62, 8-6. The result was so unexpected that it has thrilled
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  • 25 7 New York, Jane 23. The Polo Association decided to challenge England for the International Cup. The matches will be played in June, 1921
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  • 44 7 MOVING WELCOME AT SYDNEY. Sydney, June 23, The fetes in connection- with the Prince of Wales’ visit, reached a climax at a Gals performance in the Theatre, which wapacked by a brilliant throng, who gave the Prince a most moving welcome.
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  • 53 7 Lon ion, June 23. In the House of Lords, H R Bthe Duke of York took his seat. He was introduced by the Duke of Coi naught and the Duke of Northumberland, with the usual ceremonial. The Queen, Princess Mary and many Peeresses were spectators in
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  • 314 7 LONDONDERRY QUIET. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, June 23. In the Hous>« of Common*, Mr, Denis Henry, K. C sta ed ih*f Iho information received thu morning w-»s 'hat Londonderry was comparatively quit o all night. Civilians fired occasional shots, but it was unnecessary for the troops to fiie. All was
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  314 words
  • 56 7 London, June 23. In the House of Commons, replying to Captain Wedgwood Benn, Colonel Leslie Wilson stated that the Nauru agreement was not submitted to the recent meeting of the Council of the League of Natior s The Gove nment was of opinion that the agreement did not
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  • 40 7 Loudon, June 23. In the H use of Commons, Mr Bonar Law announced that the G vemmont in tended to proceed an Anti-Dumping Bill, but it would b 1 not pots Ole to introduce it before the ncess.
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  • 59 7 London, June 23. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir J D Rees, the Ho~. E 8 Montagu stated it was'intended that India be represented at the next International Labr ur Confer ence. Membership of the League of Naticns necessarily entailed expendi ure by the
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  • 130 7 LEAGUE’S APPEAL FOR FUNDS. Londe n, June 24. The League of Nations has appealed to the Governments <f all countries for funds to combat the typhus epidemic and other diseases in Polan 1 and surroueding countries. The appeal says every country in the world, eitl er from
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  • 57 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at tfce Golf Club from 5 45 p.m. to-eav 1. Po pouri P. O Bono Publics Eogleman 2* Cake Walk. The Negroes Wedding ...Vollstedt 3. Selection Zig-Zag ...Stamper 4. Waltz Fleur De Luce ...Neilson 5. Indian Intermezzo. Silver Heels
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  • 175 7 THE PEACE TREATY, [Reuter’s Telegram.] London, June 23. At tho Scarborough Labour Party Conference, Mr. Tom Shaw, M. P., moved a lengthy resolution condemning the Peace Treaty as destructive, instead of constructive, and demanding its -revision, also recognition of the Russian Soviet and the arrestation of the chaos
    [Reuter’s Telegram.]  -  175 words
  • 62 7 THE GENOA CONFERENCE. Genoa, June 24. The Shipping Conference Commission adopted by 17 votes to 13, a proposal for a 48 hour week on board ship. The British Government representatives opposed it, and made a statement welcoming it in principle as the standard to be aimed at, but
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  • 93 7 M. MILLERAND’S STAND. Paris, June 23. —At Boulogne, on Tuesday, when the Russian question was broached at the Allied Conference, Mr Lloyd George showed that he wished to see political relations established with Moscow, but M. Millerand remained firm in his insistence that he would accept the
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  • 95 7 Paris, June 23.—A Ludwigshafen message says after having organised a general strike throughout the Palatinate as a protest against, the arrest bv the French military authorities of several Labour leaders on charges of espionage and inciting to revolt, the Strike Com mittee notified the strikers that
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  • 27 7 ADVISED TO RETURN. London, Tune 23. The Seafarers’ Joint Cuncil, at Liverpool, recommended the wireless operators to return t-o work, pending a joint discussion.
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  • 42 7 SALE CANCELLED. London, June ?3. The sale of Captain Fryatt’s ship, “Brussels” has been cancelled by the Ministry of Shipping. It is understood this action was taken in deference to the sentiment in favour of preservation of the ship.
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  • 61 7 PASSED BY THE LORDS. London, June 22. In the House of Lords, after a protest by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Buekmaster’s Divorce Bill passed the third reading by 154 votes to 107. The Bill extends the grounds for divorce to habitual drunkenness, insanity and desertion for
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  • 1614 7 SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. J. W- Kennedy left today for Rangoon, en route for home. Sir Beilby Alston, British Minister in Peking departs for home on July 3 from Shanghai. The Hon. Mr W. George Maxwell, C.M. G., goes on long leave by the P. and ONel lore. Mr.
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  • 723 8 Dramatic Reaction in America. New York, May 19—A van mov- ment for economy and low-r prices ia sweeping thia week across the United Scatas. Already ic promises in its course to put a summary ĕnd to credit inflatiots and other evilt* which are thieatening the
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  • 196 8 Speaking at th j annual meeting of the Fine Spinners’ and Doublers’ Ass< ciation in Manchis‘er, Sir A H Dixon compared the lecapitalisa'ion which had ber n proceeding in Lancashire, and which, he s id, started in London, to the South Sea bubble. It was true that
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  • 117 8 —“C.O.” Messrs. Whittali Co., the Colombo Agents of Thornfield and Gleneagles, Agrapatana, have received telegraphic information that the factory on the former estate has been completely destroyed by fire and that nothing was saved in the factory. However, the rice store and other surrounding buildings
    —“C.O.”  -  117 words
  • 40 8 170 HORSES DEAD. Weltevreden, June 25. —A fire broke out in the K.P.M. steamer Maetsuycker, bound from Sunda Isles to Sourabaya. Enormous damage was done. 170 horses were burnt to death. The vessel managed to reach Laboenhadji.—Aneta.
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  • 45 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 25. An official announcement states that Viscount Milner has approved the increase of the salaries of Assistant Surgeons to 0250 per mensem, rising by 010 per mensem to 0400, and for prize appointments to 0500.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 216 8 SAFETY TYRES THE BEST IN THE I I LONG RUN. I E SOLE AGENTS» ADAMSON, CILFILLAN AND CO. LTD. I (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). \J i fflueyrus Company, I Bucket Dredges, Excavators, &c., &6* I @O., Jstd. 9 *««<••**. Gravel Pumps, Nozzle Pumps, Ac. Jtobey Co., 2s>td., I o I Portable
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    • 400 8 THE COST OF FOOD. What does food coat you to-day? Not merely what does it cost in money, but what does it cost you in pain and discomfort when you eat it? Does it lie like a load on your chest? Does it give you stomach pains? Or, after you
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    • 162 8 WE lU.UBTBATE SOME REPRESENTATIVE VALUES, Newton Shakespeare’s “STAR OF INDIA” TRUNKS Just Unpacked. Made from'best Steels Sheets, banded, strapped and clipped, fitted with Patent Triple Fastening Lock, japanned Oak. The manipulation of the Lock, either in opening or in closing, only needs one hand; this being a great advantage over
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  • 346 9 Messrs. Kennedy Co., Penang, report as follows: The recovery in the price of Tin early n the week stimulated the market for Mining shares but the later relapse has brought about a sympathetic re-action and while there is no pressure to realise prices have dropped away again.
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  • 272 9 The fiftheenth report of the directors states that the net profit for the year as shown by the accounts is $127,015 23, to which must be added the amount brought forward from last year, $58,268.80, $185,284 03. Three interim dividends, amounting to 35 per cent have been paid
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  • 143 9 GENERAL MEETING. A general meeting of- the Kedah Planters Association was held in Penang Chamber of Commerce to-day. Mr. G.D. F. Sinclair, Bukit Slarong Estate, prefaded, and about twenty others attended, with Mr. V. R. Conolly Hon. Secretary. A number of subjects w’as discussed including the rice
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  • 418 9 FINANCIAL PROSPECTS GOOD. The seventh annual ordinary general meeting of the South Perak Robber Syndicate, Limited, was held on May 20 at the registered offices of the company, Mincing Lane House, 59, Eastcheap, London, EC, Mr M Sydney Parry (chairman, of the company) presiding, The Chairman, in
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  • 369 9 The share market has rallied appreciably this week, and all the leading counters have made a more favourable showing, says the •‘Financier" of May 21. Values bavins fallen substantially below the highest levels of the year, a certain amount of buying to average has been going on, induced
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  • 82 9 June 26—“ Time Please" Company, Town Hall, 9 30 p.m. June 26—Cricket, PC C v CR C, Esplanade, 2-15 pm. June 26—Penang Club, Cinderella Dance, 9,15 p.m, June 27— Penang Swimming Club, “A" and B”. Classes, 100 yds Handicap. June 29—Ayer Kuning Rubber, Annual Meeting, 9 Beach Street,
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  • 19 9 The output of the Ayer Weng Mine for the month of May was 36 piculs roasted ore.
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  • 183 9 Penang, June 26, 1920. SP. Tapioca No. 2 $9.00) M. P. Tapioca $9.50 j nomiDal Gold leaf $72 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) nominal. Black Pepper $24 nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $65 nominal Cloves $l4O nominal Nutmegs average of $65 sales.
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  • 256 9 S. GEORGE THE MARTYR. The Services next week will be asj follows 4th Sunday after Trinity. 8 am. Matins. Ps 24 and 25. 8.30 a.m. Hoiy Communion. 5 p.m. Sunday School. 6 p.m.—Evensong. Hymn 19, Ps XXII 102 and 103, Ps XXIII 104, Magnificat 50, Nunc Dimittis 60,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 33 9 I UP-TO-DATE printing of every description undertaken, from a visiting card to the largest size poster, by Th Pining Guette Preu, Ltd. with care and promptitude. Estimates given free and artistic display guaranteed.
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    • 116 9 r” R. young Co., Ltd., I PENANG. I I Civil Engineers A Contractors. I Constructional Engineering in all Branches. I Reinforced Concrete Designed and carried out by I our own Staff and Workmen. I Responsibility accepted for I Designs Erection. Importers of Rolled Steel Joists, Angles, Tees, I Bars and
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  • 945 10 A steamer tongkang bound for Port Swettenham from Singapore, carrying a heavy cargo of kerosene oil «nd benzine, got disabled in the boiler off Port Dickson and was blown by a gale into Port Dickson on Monday night. The Blue Fannel steamer Pak Ling, which grounded on Jme
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  • 769 10 Yestebday’s Arrival. Doyhstown, Bauer, 1,610, Hongkong, Francis Peek Co, general. To-day’s Arrivals. Tara, Brisley, 3,651, Singapoie, Islay Kerr Co, general. Jin Ho, Maple», 94, Langkat, Eastern Shipping Co, general. B. Whatt Soon, Vaz, 199, T. Anson, Eastern Shipping Co, general. Expected Arrivals, Japan, Singapore, 26th. Elephanta, Singapore, 27th.
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  • 1311 10 jfiutumn jYieeting, 1920. RACE DAYS: FIfiST DAY Tuesday, 20th July, 1920. SECOND DAY Thursday, 22nd July, 1920. THIRD DAY Saturday, 24th July, 1920. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 20th JULY, 1920. 1. The George Town Plate. Value $7OO and §lOO to each Second HorseA Handicap for all Ex-Griffin ponies
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 220 10 ’LAYERS J IVY cut OBACCO ZDIUM STRENGTH :7, lb. TIN 1.20. I BTAINABLE FROM gii Class Dealers. 7 i ik f /"’YW** zw 1! V-WiWg A delicious Wine without drugs and the only Tonic Wine giving Analysis of contents on every bottle. k/, WINOX WINE FOOD >■ a high-class Pharmaceutical
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1032 11 "B e 1118 INSURANCE. the LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. K ,he nnderBi g ned m agenta for the Oorpo- 11 y* /eiion are prepared to accept FIRE risks at S ■■R 2? j PATERSON, SIMONS A CO., LTD., |f JR J (Incorporated in England). S«!pi Diesel I Kead office! ~>s A
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1511 12 PS Cl RRITISH INDIA PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Company, O W. 9 J (INCORPORATED IN U. 8. A.) REGULAR MONTHLY TRANB-PACIFICESERVICE. AND I Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. A «P TTWTI3' s 8 COLOMBIA From Hongkong about 14th July 1920 OMOMrtbM XbcCKPQMM ta and every 28 days thereafter.
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    • 910 12 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINES. ORIENTAL-NEW YORK LINE. Sailing* from Singapore to New York Via Panama Canal. s s Bessie Dollar 10,000 tons displacement] saiiing from S’pore June 29,192 b Sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco. Through Bills of Lading sailed. Cargo Booked at Current Rates. For further particulars as regards freight
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