Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 June 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 521 1 THE NIKKO STUDIO NOW AT 7, NORTHAM ROAD, tor CHIN SENG Co., Ltd. ii 1i m riirrn 11 iu iri 1111 rem potjm [minimax] r I 3ire Extinguishers. .J SIMPLICITY.—No experience is necessary to use the appliance. w X® I EFFECTIVENESS.—Fire Brigades are rapidly adopting it for first aid QWCIS
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    • 26 1 I THE BESI CAR IN TOWN j s Imsm i I i I S wWMmauwcsNMftMAMe» LSoIe Meats 5.5. F.M.S* Ong Sam Lao ng A 00. B
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  • 2513 2 KUALA LUMPUR MEETING. The report of the first meeting of the General Labour Committee, British Malaya, held at 12, Market Street, Kuala Lumpur, on May 31st states: Present: Messrs W. Duncan, Chairman, J. W. Kennedy, A- B. Milne, T. H. Menzies, J. Bruce (Organising Committee); Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 STOCK TAKING SALE. For Few Days Only Great Reduction in Prices on account of Fall of Exchange. Don’t Miss this Chance. Our consignments will satisfy you at GENERAL BOMBAY STORE KEWALRAM CHELLARAM, 34, BEACH STREET, PENANG.
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    • 184 2 CURES TALK. GREAT FAME OF A GREAT MEDICINE WON BY ACTUAL MERIT. The fame of Little’s Oriental Balm has been won by the good it has done to those who have been crippled with pain. Mr. N. Elder of 14, King George Street, Greenwich, London, says: I was troubled awfully
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    • 603 2 NEW 'ADVERTISEMENT*. POSITIONS VACANT Experienced Audit Clerk wanted at in an Acountant’a Office, Uh knowledge of Accounts. Apjly with coni!» of testimonials to Box No. 242 r/» d; 8 Gazette. Plnan Wanted for the Lingui Tin Mine Kot» Tinggi Good Office Clerk, with soma Mining knowledge. Good sa arv allowance.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 304 2 TOWN HALL Friday 25t6, Saturday 26tfi, "Is wo frig fits Only at 9-30 p.m. UNITED AMUSEMENT, Lid., PRESENTS THE TIME PLEASE Coy. A SHOW ON THE ZENITH OF THE TIME INCLUDING TESSIE TURNER O’Neil Shaw Rita Power Mons. Celere Harry Carson Duvalle JEAN FREDONY. r-k X t fW t I
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  • 129 3 Temporary Enlargement. Simla, June 16.—0 n the recommendation of the Governor-General of India the Secretary of State has sanctioned the enlargement of the Burma Legislative Council up to 30 members, the maximum permissible under the present regulations. The Council will consist of: Officials 12 Non-officials 14 to
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  • 126 3 The total gross revenue from Sea and Land Customs in the two months April and May amounted to Rs. 5,06,71,000, an increase of Rs. 233 lakhs over the two months of 1919, and easily a record. Burma’s share of this was Rs. 43,68,000 of which Rs. 32,29,000
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  • 82 3 Simla, June 15.—A Bombay message dated 15th June says At a meeting of the Bombay University Senate, this evening, on a motion of Sir Narayan Chandavarkar, it was decided to present on behalf of the University an address of welcome to the Prince of Wales,
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  • 84 3 Madras, June 14.—A meeting of employers in Madras has memoralised the Government, asking for full investigation into the cause of the industrial troubles which have taken place during the last twelve months, and the Madras Chamber of Commerce has addressed the Government supporting this proposal. The matter
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  • 48 3 Calcutta, June 15. —Ekbaluddin, one of the two Mahommedans arrested in connection with the Tufnell murder, applied for bail to-day before the Subdivisional Officer of Burdwaa, on the ground that nothing till now was found against him to justify his detention. The application was rejected.
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  • 54 3 Bombay, June 14. —To-day there has been a drop of two pence in exchange since Friday’s nominal quotation Today’s nominal quotations are one shilling and ten pence for telegraphic transfers, and one shilling ten and one-sixteenth pence for demand bills but local Banks are reluctant to
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  • 35 3 The Rangoon district magistrate and assessors will on June 25 commence the marine inquiry into the circumstances attending the collision' between the Mayo and Arankola in the Monkey Point channel on May 15-
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  • 29 3 Calcutta, June B.—The Chief Inspector of Mines in India states that the output of coal in various provinces in British India in 1919 was 21,759,727 tons.
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  • 61 3 London, June 14. —The Sinn-Feiners today attempted to burn down the residences of the Donegal railwaymen who carried on the railway service despite the recent strike. Considerable damage was done, but there was no less of life. The Masonic Hall at Donegal was also attacked. The furniture
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  • 438 3 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS. The feurth annual report of the Directors of Sendai, L‘d., for the year ended 31st March, 1920, states: The net profit for the year amounted to $170,581.20, Of this must be deducted the loss brought forward from last accounts, $21,702.63, leaving a balance available
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  • 415 3 FRASER CO'S REPORT. Singapore, June 17,—The market opened, ago d deal brighter but closes exbtemely dull and there is very little inclination to d-al. Tin closes £2O down, yesterday’s quotation from London reading £239-10-0 but the local market still rules a g<jod deal higher, fining shares have only had d
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1039 3 POSITIONS WANTED. NOTICES. Senior Assistant strong iy>d hard- TO CONTRACTORS. •working desires change with prospects. t x Could take charge cf em%ll estate, well up in i?T 8 ,7™ t 0 bu d accounts, excellent testimonials. Apply to J*®. House on Mayfied Estate, B„ No. 229, o/o Piling G .zette.
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    • 635 3 Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. VICTORYBONDS. Bearing interest from the date of purchase at 5 per cent, per annum, payable on the ist September „and the ist March. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 18T SEPTEMBER, 1934 ■■■■■■■■SSMSMMSMMWM——— PRICE OF ISSUE -100 PER CENT All proceeds of this issue will
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  • 1223 4 WejLave received copies of the report of the first of the General Labcur Committee for British Malaya, le’d at Koala Lumpur on the last day of May, and we have pleasure in publishing extiacts in another page. The acu r e probit m? effecting employers of Indian
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  • 1380 4 One of the British India steamers is taking elephants on beard Amongst to-day at Penang for Those Present.’’ Burma, where they will be employed in a more profitable industry than destroying rubber trees in the Peninsula. A few years ago their depredations were often very serious, and
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  • 74 4 SIAMESE HONOURS CONFERRED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June 23. Mr Tan Boon Liat (in v ho?- house, in Singapore, the Heir Presumptive passed away) was received in audience by H M the King of Siam, and promoted to Pnra Anukul Siamkitch, and decorated with the
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  • 70 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) B<ngkok, June 23. In consequence of the death of tbe HeirPresumptiv', the Mit isber of Marine has been appointed Chief of the G.neral Stafi of the Army, The L jrd-Lieutenant of Puket has been promoted Commander of the Ist Army Corps at Bangkok.
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  • 94 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sit gapor-e, Jane 23. At a meeting of the members ot Singa* pore Cricket Club last night, the rules, as adverti ed, were approved ar d pas=ed er bloo, with tbe exception of Rule 26, w hj c now read that a candidate
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  • 52 4 A JAPANESE PURCHASE WelDvreden, June 22. he Trust sold 5,000 tons of Su erior at J? guilders per picul and 24,000 r ,!j Channel at 48 guilders, all of the re« crop. A Japanese concern has P arC^a^!. n nn n sugar estates in Java for ld,o
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  • 27 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Smgapore, Jane 23 Messrs Badow Go’s repor a> ulg demand was good, with sheet at i and crepe 82 cents.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 230 4 g A SHIPMENT OF g H. P. BULMER’S g “Cherry Pearmoin” Cider g (MEDIUM DRY) g “Bull Brand” Cider, g (MEDIUM SWEET.) g g ARRIVE©:- g g PRICES on application h I Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. Id. g Wholesale 6? Retail Wine Spirit Merchants. U (INCORPORATED IN SHANGHAI.) g g a
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 27 4 IMPERIAL Empire Theatre, Penang Road. COMING I COMING I COMING I I A GREAT VAUDEVILLE ATTRACTION The Hyppodrome variety co. B Watch for Grand Opening Hight I
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    • 40 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day, and to-morrow, Penang Standard Time High Water. Low Water. To-day. 5.41 11.36 a.m. 4 56 p.m. 11 59 p.m To-morrow. 7 09 a.m. 12.58 a m. 6.38 p.m. 12.00 m’nt.
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  • 76 5 DISARMAMENT OF GERMANY: THE INDEMNITY [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Paris, June 20. The Conference of Ambassadors arrived at decisions on the question of the disarmament of Germany, in accordance with the decisions of the Inter-Allied Military Committee, which decision will be communicated to the heads of the Governments at the
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  76 words
  • 214 5 GERMAN DISARMAMENT. London, Jane 20. A Hythe Conference communiqud states that the French Government accepted the suggestion of the British Government as to the rate at which the German Government is carrying into execution the clauses of the Treaty cf Versailles which relate to German diaai mameut. It
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  • 332 5 ARRIVAL OF DELEGATES. Boulogne, June 21. Mr Lloyd George, M Millerand, Marshal Foch. M Marsal, the French Minister of Finance, M Venizdo?, Lord Curzon, Mr Chamberlain and Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson have arrived. Boulogne Programme, Boulogne, June 21. The first Conference opened this morning. Britain, Italy, Belgium
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  • 275 5 BRITISH SQUADRONS ON THE SCENE. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Maha, Jane 21. The 2nd Battalion of the Basex Regiment is under orders to leave as soon as possible. The light cruiser Cardiff is ready to embark the battalion for Constantinople. AH available destroyers are also sailing for the East
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  275 words
  • 37 5 THE BRITISH FORCES. London, June 21. The “Daily Express” says the Cabinet has decided to reject the demand for the withdrawal of the British forces from Persia, which will be lent all the military aid required.
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  • 413 5 DISQUIETING NEWS FROM ARMENIA. Calcutta, Jane 15—The “Englishman” learns from a correspondent that veiy disquieting news has reached India from the Caucasus It appears that in addition to the Bolshevik forces that captured Enzeli in Persian territory by sea large numbers of Bolshevik cavalry have advanced overland from
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  • 122 5 THE SITUATION, [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, June 21 A Warsaw message states that having reestablished the situation in the north, where they hold the whole line of the Beresina, the main effort of the Poles has been transferred to the Ukrainian front. The Poles engaged the Bolsheviks at the
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  122 words
  • 73 5 THE BRITISH PRISONERS. Lend >r, June 21. In the House of Common-, replying to a question, Mr Bonar Law said the Government had reason to believe that British Nava! units captured at Baku by the Bolsheviks had not been properly treated The Government was taking all possible steps.
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  • 34 5 ITALIANS WITHDRAW. Belgrade, June 21. Au official report says the Italians having evacuated Antivari, Duleign and the whole of the Montenegrin Coast, the Serbians occupied the same. No foreign troops remain in Montenegro.
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  • 26 5 Vienna, June 21. As the result of a boycott of Hungary, communication with that country is severed, except for Government and diplomatic messages.
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  • 53 5 CHINA’S POSITION. Peking, June 21. China has sent to Japan a memorandum on the Anglo-Japanese Alliar ce, contending that any agreement btiween two parties referring to a third party must, be derogatory to the third party unless it is concluded in agreement with tbe latter, or the latter
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  • 110 5 INCIDENT AT HULL. London, June 20. As the result of a serious cotfl ct between white men and black sailors at Hull, last evening, tbe contents or five houses were completely wrecked, and sixteen men s-nt to hospital, one being shot in the face. The trouble was
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  • 100 5 BRITISH OWNER’S VIEWS. London, June 21. Before leaving London, a shipowner, in terviewed by a Press representative regarding possible increased sh»pping competition from America, said if American legislation excludes our ships from American ports, American exporters will be the worst sufferers. American shipping cannot be run so cheaply
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  • 60 5 COMMITTEE’S SCOPE London, Jane 22, The Imperial Shipping Committee is a purely advisory body, It will inquire into compaints regarding ocean freights, facility s and the conditions of Inter Impereal trade and make recommendations for coordination and improvement, tbe type, size and speed of ships, and the depth
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  • 233 5 MANY CASUALTIES. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, Jane 20. Last evening and until the early hours of Sunday, the fighting with the Unionists in Londonderry was un au unprecedente i scale, bands armed wi h revolvers and rifles firing for hours. Five men are dead. Directly the troops stopped
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  233 words
  • 78 5 INTERNATIONAL MEETING IN LONDON. London, June 20. It is understood that the Government is giving fu 1 approval and assistance to the scheme for an international meeting of the Boy Scout organisations < f the world, winch will be held in London in Angus Contingents a r e
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  • 103 5 NEW RATES. Simla, June 21. The Government anncuncts the removal of restrictions on gold bullion and foreigi coin from June 21st, and the introduction of legislation altering the value of t> e •overe gn from 15 to 10 rupee?. Pending the alteration, the Government is demonetising the sovereign,
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  • 41 5 London, Jane 21. In the London Tennis Championship 3, at Queen’s Clnb, in the finals, Jobnstoi (America) beat Tilden (America) 4—6, 6__2, 6—4, In the doubles, Johnston and Tilden (America) beat Williams and Gariano (America) 6—3, 6—4.
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  • 26 5 London, Jane 21, Northsmptonshi'e feat Derby-hire by 114 run?. Kent b:at Gloucestershire by ten wickets. Somerset beat Worcestershire by an iunincs ana 155 tuns.
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  • 50 5 AMERICA’S POLO TEAM. New York, ‘June §o’. It has been decided that a team of United States Army officers stationed overseas will represent the United States at Polo in the Olympic games at Antwerp. The team as selected comprises Colonel Margetti, and Captains Harris, Rumbough, Allen and Tate.
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  • 47 5 SHAMROCK IV WINS. Sandy Hook, June 20. Shamrock IV easily defeated the 23 metre Shamrock, in the first trial, by 795 seconds, actual time, over the triangular course. Resolute Beats Vanitie. Newport, June 20. Resolute beat Vanitie in the sixth trial, by two minutML
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  • 37 5 FAVOURS THE LEAGUE [Reuter's Telegrams.] Montreal, June 20. After a stormy session, the American Federation of Labour endorsed the adhesion of America to the League of Nations without reservations. Irish sympathisers bitterly opposed this section.
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  37 words
  • 35 5 Washington, June 20. Asked regarding his alleged views on the Irish question Senator Harding declared that he had no recollection of writing such a letter as that which appeared in British newspapers.
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  • 34 5 NOT AFIER MR. DAVIS. London, J one 21. Colonel House arrived at Southampton, fie denied be was to try to induce Ambassador Davis to ftccfpt the Demec-atic nomination for the Prerider cy
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  • 655 5 An American, writing to the “Rangoon Gazette” says it was while Senator Harding was editing the “Ohio Star that he was offered the nomination for U.S. Senator, and as they are elected in Ohio by a direct vote of the people and not as in some states
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  • 24 5 London, June 19. The Bolshevik Envoy, Martens has been placed on $lO,OOO bail, pending a decision in the deportation cMfli
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  • 109 5 SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE, ETC. [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, June 20. There is some uneasiness on the Manchester Royal Exchange as a result of cables stating that th« Piece Goods Association of Shanghai suggests that merchants and manufacturers in Lancashire should cancel contracts owing to the fall in silver
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  109 words
  • 68 5 A SLUMP. London, Tune 21. The “Daily Telegraph” Macclesfield correspondent reports a serious slump in the silk industry, especially in Asiatic silks. The imports of made up silks already exceed the figures for 1913. Order» received at Macclesfield in the last two months are not sufficient to
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  • 78 5 New York, June 21. During the past week there has been a determined attempt in many parts of the country to sell goods at lower prices. Manufacturers are being pressed for money and are rather alarmed by accumulations. They have taken great halls and offered good suits
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  • 46 5 London, June 21. The “Times’ Manchester correspondent s%ys a decline in the prices of cotton goods is presaged bv the failure of the Far Eastern demand, but manufactured goods are not expected to be cheaper in the Home market until the spring.
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  • 99 5 London, June 20. Vice-Admiral Prince Abhakara, of Chumporn, Siam, whom the King of Siam cabled to return home, as he is going to visit Japan, bought the torpedo boat. Radiant and will navigate her to Siam personally, with a British crew. The Prince suggested that
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  • 20 5 Peking, June 20. The House of Representatives passed a Bill to abolish the Foreign Post Offices.
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  • 249 5 AT THE TOWN HALL. When the Leyland Hodgson Revue Company passed through Penang a few weeks ago on the southward journey withoat giving a wo were promised that the Company would perform here on its return. It arrived yesterday, and with the intention of proceeding to
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  • 122 6 Yesterday’s Arrivals. Malacca, Stack, 405, Malacca, Adamson Gilfillan and Co, coal. To-day’s Arrivals. Van Riebeck, Dutch, 1,670, Batavia, K P. M., general. B. Whatt Soon, Vaz, 199, T. Anson, Eastern Shipping Co, general. Expected Arrivals. Thoagwa, Madras, 24th. Japan, Singapore, 25th. Edavana, Rangoon, 25th. Tara, Singapore, 26th. Elephanta,
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  • 289 6 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. 1 Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, I Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, a.m. Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 6 p.m. Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m
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  • 30 6 Delivered. Mail “B M-y 7sh June Ist Mail “C” May 15th June 10th Mail “E” M»y 22nd June 15 h Mail D Mav 19sh Jtme 17th
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  • 21 6 The B I Packet Thongwa with the msils from Europe is Expected to arrive hero at daylight to morrow.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 158 6 Pritchard and Co., Ltd., j PENANG IPOH. v INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTSI Just Received NEW STOCK OF Delta and Walk-Over Boots Shoes Delta Shoes. Brown Derby Shoes Medium fefc Toe s3° Glace Calf Oxford Shoes V JK. Medium Toe s3° Black Box Calf Derby Shoes very stylish s3° Delta
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    • 198 6 WHEN FEVERISH OR IN PAIN. There Is Prompt Help and Comfort for Little Ones In Baby’s Own Tablets. The health of babies and young children is subject to rapid changes, and careful mothers should not delay at the first sign of feverishness with chills or flushes. There is warning in
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  • 782 7 question of damages. Before Mr. Justice W. H. Dinsmore in he Supreme Court, this morning, the ase in which Mr. Choy Goon Yen •laimed from Mr. F. H. McCormack damages for injuries received by plaintiff by the negligent driving of a motor by defendant on the
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  • 65 7 Single Handicap “A”—+ 2W K Sharpe beat—3 G Wright Motion 21—14. To day Championship Pairs (final) —H Starr J G Allan v G B F S.utham and W K Sharpe (2), Io morrow Single Handicap "A” (final) 3 G F Southam v 2W K Sharpe
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  • 522 7 The Prince of Wales enters bis 27th year to-day, Mrs D Laidlaw has arrived in Kuala Lumpur from Home. Mr S Codrington has gone to Kuala Lumpur as Magistrate. Mr Sherwood Eddy will accompany the Rev, Stanley Jones on an evangelistic tour through Malaya. The Sultan of
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  • 260 7 It is an axiom of good cooking that beef should be well hung before being sent to the chef, but the owners of a certain hindquarter which was exhibited at Smithfield Market surely went to rather extreme lengths in this matter, for they kept it in
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  • 755 7 MR. P. A. ANTHONY’S REPLY. Mr P A Anthony, C M G, General Manager of the F M S Railways, made the following statement to the Malay Mail” regarding the Malayan Collieries and the supply of wagons. I have on several occasions asked members of the fim (of
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  • 185 7 S. F. P.” The final handicap points raie for Mrs Lane’s Cup was mailed off on Suoday morning. An indifferent start was made in a moderate breeze, in the beat to the Malay Spit Buoy, the Florance held the lead, but unfortunately when nearing the Buoy the
    S. F. P.”  -  185 words
  • 86 7 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy <fc Co.’s share list Yesterday. To-day E E Ĕ SHARES. ”3 5 £Q 33 00 30 Rubber (Dollar) c. c. c. c. AlorGajah 3.50 3.75 3.60 3.75 Amalgamated 4.50 4.75 4.40 4.60 A. Hitam 25.00 23.50 24,50 Kedah
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  • 23 7 Tin was quotedin London on June 22nd at £261 spot and £265 three months; on the 21st, £256 and £259 10s.
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  • 23 7 Messrs. Lean and Co. are officially informed that the output of the Ipoh Tin Dredging Ltd. for May was 230 piculs.
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  • 177 7 Penang, June 23, 1920, m P p T *?X”°’ 2 Gold leaf $72 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb». 5 0z)... nominal. Black Pepper $24 nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $65 nominal Cloves $l4O nominal Nutmegs average of $65 sales (No. 1 $6O per piculs
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  • 116 7 Penang, June 23, 1920. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/3 27/32 4 months* sight Bank ...2/4 9/32 3 Credit ...2/4 15/16 3 Documentary ...2/5 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 115 3 days’ sight Private 125 Bombay Demand Bank 115 Madras Demand Bank 115 3 days' sight
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  • 121 7 June 24—0 WA, Meeting, Parsonage, 10 a.m. June 26—Ulu Piah, General Meeting. June 26—Kedah Planters Association, Committee and General Meetings, Penang Chamber of Commerce, 10.30 a m. June 26—The Dispensary (Penang) Ltd, General Meeting, 3 Weld Quay, noon. June 26—Cricket, PCC v CRC Es plarade, 2-15 p m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 24 7 FOR SALE. Durkoff Five Seater Motor Car in perfect condition. Consumption 28 miles to 1 gallon petrol. Apply E. A Menas seh and Company,
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    • 182 7 pWftßTEtrsj FTo say that a Brandy is better I than MARTELL’S is an empty I I boast; to beat it FOR QUALITY a I I frank impossibility* 1 SOLE AGENTS: Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) 1 CHUBB'S i SAFES, i M J A New Shipment of Book J
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1381 8 xx mnTTTCU IMMA PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Company* jy F>£Kl I IFI 1/1 A (INCORPORATED IN U.S. A.) M W JBV w REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFICZSERVICE. B Hongkong, Shanghai. Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. AMft s COLOMBIA From Hongkong- about 14th July 1920 v s s VENEZUELA From Hongkong abtout 11th
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    • 398 8 Instruments tfat 6ave earned a 6ig6 reputation for tfieir lasting qualities. nT and a few second foster Kr ALL SPECIALLY HAND ENGLISH MANUFACTURED MlMHWgfli PIAiiOS IN STOCK I FOR TROPICAL USE. bgggWTgS] THE ROBINSON PIANO Coy., Ltd., Incorporated in Hongkong. 1 BEACH STREET. PENANG. 707, FALL IN HONGKONG EXCHANGE. YOU
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