Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 June 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 448 1 I THE nkko 1 STUDIO NOW AT L;_ NORTEAM ROAD, (e ,r CHIN SENG Co., Ltd. I tut ar.aiir.mgs iilllllllllllllllillllll *****1111 l J TMIHRET'. .U 1 t V’-- g Qfjivas Wfiisky. _x j VISIBLE WRITING.—AII work from first to last is entirely visible. EE: PERM ANENT ALIGNMENT.—Types move and are
      448 words
    • 25 1 THE BEST CAR IN TOWM j M i 7 I I MBfKCTIQ «AM IH XtJIO tfurm Sole Aflenta S.S. F.M.S* f Ong Sam Leong G©.
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  • 723 2 Mr. E. D. Serres is travelling Home by the French mailMr. H. Sutcliffe, of the Research Laboratory, and Mrs. Sutcliffe are going Home. Mr. Ogg, Police Probationer, hag arrived in Ipoh from Kuala Lumpur on transfer. The Hon. Mr. Oliver Marks and Mrs. Marks arrived in Kuala
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  • 551 2 HEIR APPARENT SUCCUMBS IN SINGAPORE. We deeply regret to record, says Monday’s “Straits Times,” that H- R. H. the Prince of Bisnulok, brother of H.M. the King of Siam and Heir Apparent to the throne, died in Singapore yesterday afternoon at 1.50. As mentioned on Saturday, His
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  • 188 2 —“C. O.” -An interesting ceremony took place at the Maitriya Preaching Hall, Lawrie'sroad, Bambalapitiya, Ceylon, when Mr. Arnold Malabar, who has come out from Sheffield, was admitted to the Buddhist Novitiate. Mr. Malabar, who belongs to a Christan family, was converted to Buddhism about 12
    —“C. O.”  -  188 words
  • 45 2 Mr. H. B. Polglase, Hon. Treasurer (Penang), of the Raffles College Fund, informs us that he has received the sum of 5i,210 from the Lady Superior of the Penang Convent, being proceeds of a concert given in aid of the above Fund.
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  • 816 2 DEVOLUTION AND SOCIAL LIFE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Edinburgh, May 19. What might be called the social or spiritual, as distinguished from the purely political aspects of Devolution, have been scarcely touched upon in the discussions either in Parliament or in the Devolution Conference. Yet to many, if
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 312 2 I A SPECIAL CHEAP SALE AT I H. T. DOULATRAM <& Co., 230 2 oa p flNG I THE UNIVERSAL BOMBAY PROVIDERS. I Commencing from June 12th, 1920, for three Weeks only, f Remember it is not a Clearance Sale or Stock-taking Sale g where you get all Old and
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    • 474 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENT POSITION WANTED/" Senior Assistant, strong and working deaires change with Could take charge of small effate 1' accounts, excellent testimonials 1 la Box No. 229, c/o Pinang Ga Ze u e PP y t 0 POSITION VACANT, Cashier and Book-Keeper reani rP a mediately for Professional firm Aonlv
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 256 2 unnnmnn nntiunDEiuu a nun uno unnn n H A Most Extraordinary Attraction. Superfluous Display of Stars H 1 IMPERIAL p™ 2 EMPIRE THEATRE, PENANG ROAD. J 3 H From MONDAY, 14th, to WEDNESDAY, 16th JUNE. H H 2 J 2 In the Second Show at 9 p. m. H 5
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  • 235 3 BURMA REPORT. The summary if the crop report for the week ending the sth June spates The rainfall during the week was general throughout the Province, being lighter in Upper Burma than in the Lower Burma Districts. Five Districts in Lower Burma recorded falls exceeding 3 inches.
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  • 177 3 The estimated arrivals of paddy and rice expressed in cargo rice by rail and boat in'o Rangoon and Bassein from the Ist January to 22nd May, 1920, as compared with the corresponding period of 1919 were approximately as below: From Ist January, From Ist January, to 22nd May,
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  • 286 3 Usually at this time of the year mangoes are plentiful and householders are pestered hv a cons'ant stream of fruin-sel'ers carrying baskets heavily-laden with this delicious tropical f; uf, says the Times of Ceylon. This year, how-ver, tin re are hardly any mango-sellers to be seen anvwhere.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1388 3 POSITIONS VACANT. All tionc AU-TIONS, MA I. AU TIN. LIMITED. Compositors wanted Apply'stating PENAIir QAlmVaam (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) ry reqnire<i «nd enclosing testimonials, r trIANG SALES ROOM. 0 the Federal Rubber Stamp Co., Kuala Notice is hereby given that a Final Call Latnpor T of 10 cents per
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    • 150 3 THE CHILDREN’S FRIEND. How Baby’s Own Tablets Keep The Little Ones Well. Onie you have tried Baby’s Ow» Tablets for your baby or little child you will want to keep them always in the house because they are so gentle, sure and safe. Small and easily crushed to a powder,
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    • 943 3 Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. VICTORYBONDS. Bearing interest from the date of purchase at 5 per cent, per annum, payable on the ist September ,and the ist March* REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE IST SEPTEMBER. 1934 PRICE OF ISSUE -100 PER CENT All proceeds of this issue will ba
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  • 1172 4 %The vagaries of the Moscow wireless service, a prolific medium for the dissemination of Bolshevist Red victories, real and l fictitious. and a gr< at deal of propaganda, have been very mysterious since the second week in May. The silence of the service at that
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  • 1366 4 The Labour-Socialist Press has been roused to caustic critiSir Henry Wilson’s cism of Field Marshal Candour. Sir Henry Wilson, who at a meeting of the Union Jack Club, spoke with a soldier’s bleutness of the difficulties of the time?. He denied that we went to war to
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  • 428 4 ft FP “T, u The Landing on Frye Estate As briefly stated yesterday. Lieutenants Paper and Mclntosh in their De Haviland 9 biplane, t ffectod a landing in Province Wellesley, shortly after leaving the Ponang Racecourse at 1150 am. yesterday. The descent was made on Pi ye Estate,
    ftFP “T, u '«  -  428 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 235 4 Pabco Paints .5 I The first and last measure of value in Paint is the service it gives. Pabco Paints are mixed ready for use and are made to withstand the extreme physical and chemical changes common to all tropical countries. They may be used < on interiors or exteriors
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 45 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for To-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Time:High Water Low Water. To-dat. 12 00 m’nt. 6.00 a m. 12 03 p.m. 6 54 p m. Tomorrow. 12.42 a m. 6.49 a m. 12 45 p m. 7 39 p.m,
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  • 917 5 SENATOR HARDING OF OHIO THE COMPROMISE CHOICE. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Chicago, June 12. Tb? nomination speeches were traditionally forcible and picturesque. Governor Allen, nominating General Leonard Wood, declared that he was the outstanding candidate and the best known American. Congressman Rodenberg likened Governor Lowden to Abraham Lincoln, and B
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  917 words
  • 55 5 PROFITEERING CHARGE FAILS. New Yoik, June 11. The Federal Court dismissed the charge of profiteel ing against the American Woollen Company, brought by the Attorney-General, the Court suitaining the objection raised on be half of the defendants, that woollen goods do not C3nstitute wearing apparel, the head under
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  • 24 5 Washington, June 11. The Treasury is considering the issee of 53 and 6 per cent indebtedness bonds to the amount of $400,000,000.
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  • 77 5 VANITIE’S SECOND WIN. New York, June 11, Vanitie defeated Resolute for the second time in a thirty mile trial, by 23 seconds. Vanitie Wins Again. Newport Jane 12. Vanitie beat Resolute for the third time, by over four minutes, besides Resolute’s allowance. Resolute’s Success. Newport, June 12.
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  • 52 5 SEVEN MEN MISSING. Philadelphia, June 12. The United States Navy Eagle boat No. 25 capsized in a squall on the Delaware River. Seven of the crew are unaccounted for. Forty six officers and men were picked up by rescue boats. Ths cause of the disaster is
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  • 17 5 New York, June 13. Police Inspector Dominick Henry was found guilty of perjary.
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  • 31 5 Paris, June 11. The Minister for the Colonies presided at the inauguration of the Auntmite Temple at Nogenb-sur-Marue, iu memory of French Indo-Chinese who fell in the war.
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  • 74 5 London, June 12. The "Daily Telegraph’s” agricultural correspondent says the forecasts of a European bread shortage in 1921 are not justified by facts, and points out that recent reports from America and Canada are more encouraging than a month ago. He believes American exports will equal those
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  • 97 5 STORY ON REVOLT. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Tokio, June 10. A utwjpaper learns that a Moscow wireless to Vladivostock says a ccuiiterrevolution occurred in Russia. Trotsky was murdered and Lenin has fled. General Brunloff has formed a new Government. Report Doubted. London, June 14. The report of the revolution ia
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  97 words
  • 72 5 EVACUATION OF KIEFF. London, June 13. The Observer understands that the Poles have evacuated Kieff, owing to tin advance of the Bolshevists threatening t« cut off their retreat. -The Bolshevists cu' the Korosten-Kiefi Railway, the Po’es’ principal line of communication from th west, and also seized Fastoff, south
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  • 30 5 WRANGEL'S SUCCESS, Constantinople, June 13. General Wrangel achieved hia firs; objective by capturing Melitopol, wit» 5,000 prisoners, 27 guns and five armoured trains. General Wraogel’s casualties were 500.
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  • 82 5 LEAGUE COUNCIL MEETS. Londcn, June 14. The Council of the League of Nations met at St James's Palace this afternoon to consider inter alia the situation created bv the Bolshevist invasion of Persia, Sir Eric Drummond, Secretary-General, and Lord Curzm representing Britain, M De Fleuriau, France, Prioce
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  • 29 5 Peking, June 13. A semi-official message says a collision occurred between the a Chinese gm boai and the Japanese garrison at Nikoleievsk. There are no details.
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  • 116 5 THE SPA CONFERENCE. London, June 14. In the House of Commons, replying t Mr Charles Palmer, Mr Lloyd George saio a definite date had not yet been fixed fo the Spa Conference, pending the con stitution of the new German Government, but it would probably be early
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  • 189 5 THE WAR LESSON. London, Jane 12. Speaking at the annual dinner of the Rryal Colonial Institute, Lord Selbornurged that the lesson cf rhe war was th< necessity for settling plans for mutual Imperial defence beforehand. The ideal of the League of Nations could only be maitained if behind
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  • 79 5 MUELLER REJECTS TASK. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Berlin, June 12. President Ebert has entrusted Herr Mueller with the formation of a Cabinet. Herr Mueller conferred in the afternoon with Herr Crispien, the Independent Socialist leader. Women Deputies. The Reichstag has 2-2 women Deputies, compared with 36 in the National Assembly.
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  79 words
  • 58 5 DR. SOLF SAILS FOR JAPAN. Berlin, June 11. Prior to embarking for Japan, Dr. Solf, in’an interview, said he believed he would be able to establish most useful relations with Japan, with which Germany had no conflict of interests now that Shantung was eliminated. Dr. Solf's fellow-passengers include
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  • 46 5 THE DISTRIBUTION. Paris, Juno 13. The Reparations Commission approved the provisional arrangement for the distribution of surrendered German oiltankers. France obtains control of 17,000 tons, Belgium 12,000 and Italy 9,000 tonsThe United States opposed the assignment of the vessels until American interests were safeguarded.
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  • 26 5 MORE STRIKES. Melbourne, June 12. The gas-workers struck. Supplies are very low. The electricians threaten to strike tomorrow, stopping the light and power supplies.
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  • 77 5 GOVERNMENT’S BILL London, June 12. The "Daily Telegraph” says the Government’s Coal Bill has been completed, and will be introduced in the House of Commons next week. It provides for the establishment of a Mines Department of the Board of Trade, headed by a Secretary of Mines,
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  • 56 5 ANOTHER BILL. London, June 12. Dr. Addison, in an interview, said it would he necessary to introduce another Housing Bill empowering Local Authorities to take over unoccupied houses, and enlarging the powers to prohibit luxury buildings. The housing schemes hitherto submitted to the Ministry exceeded 10,000 w
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  • 146 5 STATEMENTS TN THE COMMONS. London, June 14. In the House of Commons, Mr. G. Stewart affirmed that the slow and irregular postal service to China was inconveniencing British residents in China. Mr. Illingworth replied that improvements in the mail service, via Suez, enabled him to provide
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  • 22 5 Melbourne, June 13. The Prince of Wales concluded his visit to Victoria and sails on Sunday for Sydney.
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  • 75 5 A PROTEST STRIKE. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Rome, June 12. The railwaymen at Cremona and Milan struck, as a protest against the despatch of munitions to Poland. Demonstrations at Trieste. Violent demonstrations took place at Trieste as a protest against the despateh of troops to Albania, civilians and Arditi participating. Revolvers
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  75 words
  • 71 5 FIGHTING AT VALONA. Rome, June 13. "Epoca” says the rebels attacked Valona, using captured Italian guns. The Italians, sounter-attacking, repulsed the assailants, killing 200. The Italian Losses. Rome, June 13. It is semi-officially stated that the Albanian attack on Valona was repulsed w’ith very heavy rebel losses. The Italians
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  • 52 5 SHOT IN PARIS. Paris, June 13. General Essad Pasha, ex-Dictator in Albania, and head of the Albanian delegation in Paris, was shot dead by an Albanian youth outside his hotel. The assailant, who was arrested, said he acted on a sudden impulse owing to the sufferings of
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  • 124 5 Constantinople, May 14. A Communique to the Press from the Court Martial announces that the following Nationalist chiefs have been condemned to death by default for high treason, rebellion, and instigation of a long list of crimes ranging from massacre to confiscation of funds belonging to
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  • 74 5 ANGLO-FRENCH DIFFERENCES. London, June 12. The ‘Times” Paris correspondent draw’s attention to the Mosul dispute as typical of large numbers of questions poisoning Anglo-French friendship, and says the time has come to draw up a list of such questions and a statement of the minimum demands of each country,
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  • 314 5 An Important Announcement. Allahabad, June 6. —The "Pioneer’s” Baghdad Correspondent wired on the 4th as follows: Sir A. T. Wilson, Civil Commissioner, made an important statement on the 2nd June, regarding the policy of His Majesty’s Government in Mesopotamia, to a deputation which waited on him
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  • 109 5 ATTEMPT ON HIS LIFE. Cairo, June 12. A unsuccessful attempt was made to assassinate the Egyptian Premier with a bomb this morning. The Assailant Arrested. Cairo, June 12. The Egyptian Premier, interviewed by Reuter, said he was motoring to his office when a powerful bomb was hurled at
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  • 90 5 Arnhem, June 12. In the Davis Cup, in the doubles, Van Lennep and Diemerkool (Holland) beat Winslow and Raymond (South Africa) 6—2, 7—5, 6—4. Holland in the Final. Arnhem, June 13. Winslow (South Africa) beat Diemerkool (Holland) 6—3, 6—2, 7—5. Van Lennep (Holland) beat Raymond (South Africa)
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  • 31 5 London, June 12. A "London Gazette” announcement confers the C.M.G. on Major-General F. H. Kelly, C. 8., in recognition of his services in the preparation of the Tsingtau expedition.
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  • 300 5 “Vital to Peace.” Tokio, "May 28. —Marquis Okuma, in the course of an interview, declared that the Anglo-Japanese Alliance was more than ever necessary in view of the postbellum situation, especially in the Orient. "Without the Alliance,” he continued, "dangers threaten China, Siberia and India, particularly the latter.
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  • 47 5 The Belgian Minister of National Defence has issued an Army Order giving the findings of the Court. Inquiry stating that General de Guise exhausted all th# means at his disposal in the defence ol the fortress, and conformed to military; laws and regulations when he
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  • 269 6 PROBABILITY OF RE-OPENING IN THE NEAR FUTURE. A Labuan correpondent writes:—The Labuan Explora ion Company, Limited, an off-shoot of Messrs. 8. Pearson Son, Limited, the well known co itractors and petroleum magnates, was formed in Loudon shortly before the end of the war to take over the
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  • 361 6 M. L.” An interesting case involving nearly $25,G00 is being heard in the Supreme Cou»o by Mr Jus ice McCabe lleay Ihe facts pn forward by the prosecution briefly as follows. A Chinese c mtract 'r usmsd We Kun St-ong undertook to build the Banqueting Hall at
    – M. L.”  -  361 words
  • 345 6 —‘M.M.” Adescuj'iv fi e broke out in Kepong in the early hoars of M >ndiy mornine. Owing to a break down in the telephone system the Fire B igade w s rather late in ariiviug <n the scene, and when they ac ualiy arrived fcl ey f und
    —‘M.M.”  -  345 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 241 6 Jhe Corsets that always give satisfaction are the IJjK JB //StA f\ Snrina I uwf-' Corseis JfljS' Slender to Average If S\ Figures short top I ll 1 1 Jong skirt, Straight Back light boning. Model No. 415. Price $9.50 per pair. The J. B. No. 304, is a model
      241 words
    • 379 6 PETERLINEUM The Excellent Wood Preservative. The Enemy of White Ants, Dry Rot, Fungi, Decay. Supplied in 5 and 10 Galion Drums. r SOLE AGENTS: Katz Brothers, Limited, Penang. I I uni'll |I« I i> IT I— ITANGYE’S; I Sshi Diesel Engines. I I 1 I PROTECTED BY PATENTS. f -~J
      379 words

  • 667 7 the Legislative Council.—“ Times of Cey- \MI- RICAN GOLD COINS POURING INTO CEYLON. There is a strong movement on foot in ~’on’bo to invoke the War Restrictions nance of 1916 in an effort to curtail he .importation of tremendous quantities f <rold coins from America which is
    the Legislative Council.—“ Times of Cey-  -  667 words
  • 169 7 Bombay, June 5. —Cholera having broken out among pilgrims now stopping at the musaffarkhana in Bombay pilgrims from other provinces are advised not to tome to Bombay’ for the present as sailfngs of pilgrims’ ships from Bombay have had to be temporarily suspended. Endeavours are, however, being
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  • 524 7 REVIEW OF THE SITUATION, Simla, Jane 3.—A communiquĕ dated the 2nd June states Afridis The Afridis up to 15th May bad handed in 271 Government rifles, Rs. 11, 500 in lieu of 13 Government rifles which have been sold or are untraceable, and Rs. 24,465 of their fine.
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  • 164 7 A public meeting to consider the erection of a Perak War Memorial was held at the Ipoh Town Hall, on Saturday. Major Nutter presided. The Chairman proposed: “That a Committee be formed consisting of at least one representative from each District iu Perak, (1) to carry out
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  • 89 7 A BOLSHEVIK DEAL Welterveden, June 15—Aneta learns from a trustworthy source that a British Indian in Sourabaya had sold many thousands of tons of sugar to a Bolshevik concern, of which two representatives are at the moment in Java, the p ice being 265 guilders ci f Vladivostok,
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  • 43 7 The following are results of P.C.C. bowls ties Single Handicap B—+ 2 T E Mas in ><at +3 0 H Hertz 21—12. Double Handicap—scr J G Allan and Starr beat scr W K Sharpe and G B F Southam 21—15.
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  • 195 7 following are tbe latest quotations in Messrs, Kennedy Co.’s share list Y ester day. To- day E wa SHARES. 3? q M oq a ta Rubber (Dollar) c. sc. S c. c. Allenby R. 90c 96c Boe 90c Ayer Panas 12.50 13.50 12.50 13.00 ex Broga R.
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  • 65 7 yesterday’s quotation for raw tin in Penang was $125, tin ore $125 per picul, buyers. To-day’s quotation for refined tin in Penang was $124 per picul, sellers, no buyers; and for raw tin $124, tin ore $124 per picul, buyers, no sellers. Tin was quoted in London on
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  • 182 7 Penang, June 16, 1920. SP. Tapioca No. 2 JOTS! M. P. Tapioca $10.25 J seller9 Gold leaf $72 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) nominal. Black Pepper $24 nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $65 nominal. Cloves $l4O nominal Nutmegs average of $65 sales
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  • 117 7 Penang, June 16, 1920. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/3 3/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 3/16 3 ,1 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 15/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 115 3 days’ sight Private 130 Bombay Demand Bank 110 Madras Demand Bank 115 3
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  • 55 7 June 18—Hari R*ya Puasa. Public Holiday. June 20—Penang Swimming Club, Gibbons Cap, 50 yards handicap. June 27—Penang Swimming Club, Monthly Handicaps. Jane 23—Board of Licensing Justices, Meeting, District Court-, 2-30 p.m. Jane 30—P AM, Meeting, Penang Chamber of Commerce, 11am. Jaly 20, 22, 24—Penang Races. j a |y
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  • 160 7 To-day’s Arrivals. B. Whatt Soon, Vaz, 199, T. Anson, Eastern Shipping Co, general. Perak, Dun, 519, Singapore, Adamson Gilfillan Co, general. Trang, Pithie, 73, Bala wan, Eastern Shipping Co, general. Expected Arrivals» Apcar, Singapore, 18th. Teesta, Singapore, 20th. Kitano Maru, 19th. Lahore, Colombo, 20tb. Tara, Madras, 20th. Torilla,
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  • 323 7 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, I Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, I By train Teluk An bod, Kuala Kubu, a.m. Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 6 p.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m
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  • 24 7 Despatched. Delivered. Mail “A” May sth Jane 2nd Mail “B May 7rh June Ist Mail “C May 15th June 10th
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  • 30 7 A mail for Western Australia closes at 7-15 a.m. on Friday 18th instant. The homeward mail “F by the Teesta closes at 10 a.m. on Sunday 20th inst.
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  • 48 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade, from 6 p.m. to-day 1. Selection Pirates of Pe> zanoe ...Sullivan 2. One Step Temptation Rag ...Lodge 3. Waltz Anuen ...Genee 4* Fcx Trot The Exampleman. Santiago 5* March The Spirit of Liberty ...Rosey
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 106 7 iCHUBB'SI a SAr Lb. s A New Shipment of Book and Standard Quality Safes just Arrived For Prices and Particulars x Please Apply to the Sole JJ M Agents M Huttenbach, Lazarus Sons, Ltd., PENANG. M 4 u France Offers You Jter sBest There is not at the price a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1417 8 P~Z mniTlcU TNNt PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Company, S<l r>Kl 1 IoH gnUIA B Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. A &ijk a s ECUADOR From Hongkong about 16th June 1920 AIMU g 8 COLOMBIA From Hongkong about 14th July 1920 'jFSi T and every 28 days fchereafter JtSii
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    • 190 8 BRITISH U D D» EXPANDED METAL DD DIAMOND MESH f Y Y r Y Y V 1 kAAAAAA/ X Yi mYXaXA i /WVVVV y I ISJ J > A \yv /X. /v/\ v XaaXXaa v > /vVY V Y Y i WvVwVi/ SOLE AGENTS: Wm. JACKS a Co., Singapore I
      190 words