Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 June 1920

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 369 1 I THE nikko STUDIO NOW AT 7 northam road, j Near CHIN SENG Co., Ltd. jgajpz&Mi'- 1 ujjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiii': ■••2X SPIRE TYPEWRITERS. I I 1 t 1 I Qfyivas Wfiisky. :r= VISIBLE WRITING.—AII work from first to last is entirely visible. PERMANENT ALIGNMENT.—Types move and_are guided on a single horizontal =r:
      369 words
    • 26 1 Muimiimiii.' I The BESI CAR IN TOWN S I I ImEm I g j Sole Agents S.S. a F.IT S- Ong Sam Leong Co, S |j»BniniiiiiuiiffliiiiiimiiiiluWiliiiiiiH»llllflllllliilßi™iiiii<
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 3093 2 POSITION WANTED. NOTICES. THE TAIPING TIN DREDGING, INSURANCE. The Subscription List will close on or before June 15|h in,„ L COMPANY, LIMITED, Planter experienced open tor en. g Hat applications for public house THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE mem, well up in Field, Factory and oce |j cencea f ort he
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  • 913 3 THE LABOUR CONFERENCE. Simla, May 28 —The International Labour Conference which hag been organised under the terms of the League of Nations’ covenant in (he Versailles treaty cf peace will hold a speci..] meeting at Genoa on June 15 next to consider questions relating to teamen. Ihe
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 647 3 Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. VICTORY BONDS. Bearing interest from the date of purchase at 5 per cent, per annum, payable on the ist September, and the ist March. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE 18T SEPTEMBER, 1934 PRICE CF ISSUE-100 PER CENT Al: proceeds of this issue will be
      647 words
    • 358 3 g E < HL w F 'C I i '-S Ifc j Diesel Suglnes. sx S 3 PROTECTED BY PATENTS. F I ’WOi V\ A 1 B 1 g > "J ’UILiC 1 f.,' £7B I 3 1 UliljiH iliiillllllll!!!IIIIIIIII!lllllltll| l IO WORK ON ALL BRANDS OF CRUDE AND RESIDUAL
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  • 1136 4 THE LATE MR. O. V. THOMAS. At the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, yesterday, there were present Messrs. G. A. Hereford (President), Lira Eu Toh, Yeoh Guan Seok, P. K. Nambyar, D. Richards, W. H. Thorne, Dr. P. St. Leger Liston and Mr. W. S. Dunn (Acting Engineer),
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  • 98 4 some time to come.—" Englishman Cable. London, May 21.—Troops are pouring into Ireland. Owing to the refusal of transport workers to unload munitions of war the soldiers are doing the lt seems that Sinn Fei i is a'armed ab the spread of pure industrial Bilshevism which is
    some time to come.—" Englishman Cable.  -  98 words
  • 319 4 —“S.F. P.” Bombay, May 29.—Intimation has been received from Bagdad that the Shah left for Persia on the 28th instant. His Majesty was seriously affected with extreme heat after the winter in Europe. He was much better when he lef\ Rice, paper, and gasoline crises have
    —“S.F. P.” .  -  319 words
  • 708 4 AN OPTION TO PURCHASE. The civil appeal, F E Carneiro, plaintiff appellant, and E Jeff,defendant-respondent, came on for hearing in the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, on F>id*y, before Mr Justice P J Sproule, Acting Chief Judicial Commi*sioner and Mr Justice Brown, fi e original action was heard
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  • 102 4 The Singapore C art of Appeal opened yesterday with rhe Chief Justice as President. There are 27 cises on th* list, bu‘ in 11 of these no memorandum hrs hem filed, so that only 14 will be heard. Tinfirst appeal is one adjourned from the la
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  • 45 4 The Band will play the following programme of masic at the Esplanade, from 6 p.m. to-day 1. Selection The Gay Parisienne ...Caryll 2. One Step Last Night ..Atierz, 3. Waltz Quaker Girl ...Monckton 4. Fox Trot Smiles ...Robert 5. March Wolverine ...8 usa
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  • 727 4 MR EDGAR HORNE’S IMPRESSIONS It is not every day that Singapore has a Member of Parliament for a visitor. To the majority of the gentlemen of th* House of Commons the outlying parts of the Empire are known by name only, and they lack the
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  • 141 4 A Reuter me*s*ge states that Major J R Pretyman Newman, M P, Chairman of the Middle Classes Union, has taken the lead in appearing in overalls in tbe House of Commons following the protest against tbeexces ive price of clo hes recently adopted in America. Tbe
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  • 73 4 Before a Dublin magistrate came Mike O’Leary charged with imbibing so freely, that he had become disorderly. “Drunk again, eh, O’Leary,” said the magistrate. “It’s ten shillings or you’ll go to prison.” “Sure, but I’ve got only one shillin’ to me naune,” replied O’Leary. “Then there’s nothing
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 82 4 MOTICB. Owing to the increasing produc'ion costa it has become necessary to advarce the price of the Piuang Gazette to 15 cts. a Copy and to increase the rates of subscription, with effect from Ist June, as follows DAILY EDITION. Local S. S. ForDelivery. F.M,S. eign. Monthly $3 00 $3.50
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    • 843 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KRAMAT PULAI POSITIONS VACANT. IWe have received iGf( Jima ,j ndon Office Kramat Pa |'/7® folloWel— 1 181 Lt,(j s Wanted Liners tor Railway Carriage Deols ed upholstering work. r'ay from tax 6*. payable in London F’ 8 lnc °®e $2 20 per diem according to skill. Appll-
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  • 1438 5 INDIAN PRESS COMMENTS. Bombay, May 27.—The “Bombay Chronicle” ohataeberises the Hunter Majority reportas final whi ewash and perverted history adding insnlt to the wrong runaiued by In liana Th j Maj irity Report, it says is full of suepressio veri and suggest io falsi,” which are fully
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  • 112 5 London. May 23. —Sir W. Joynson Hicks issues a two column article in the “Sunday Times” asking “Shall General Dyer be sacrificed Reviewing the whole facts he asserts. “Tf he is con demned unless on the very clearest evidence that his action was deliberately
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  • 43 5 I understand he never swears when playing golf-” That’s* true. He’s very mild mannered.” “lie niusi play a great game “I wouldn't say that. If I played the kind of golf he does I’d be swearing all the time.”
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 142 5 r. '.'■•ffi'i-r I Let Doulatram Serve Your Wants Uniform highest quality We carry new stocks to please you during your I MARI RAYA. I H. T. Doulatram Co., I NO. 230.-232. PENANG ROAD. PENANG L 'n— —J Why Trouble Yourself. When You Purchase from us is not only satisfactory but
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    • 199 5 WHEN FEVERISH OR IN PAIN. There Is Prompt Help and Comfort for Little Ones In Baby's Own Tablets. The health of babies and young children is subject to rapid changes, and careful mothers should not delay at the first sign of feverishness with chills or flushes. There is warning in
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    • 121 5 PRITCHARDS Wine and spirit Department. Only ttje brands of 3rene!) and Jiustralian Qlarets, burgundies and XVfjite XVines, ZVljisfaes and beer are Stocked. britebards Reputation for Quality Extends over 30 Shears. WELL-MATURED DUNDEE W H i S K if. The Whisky that has stood I jk the test of time. No
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 266 5 -fannnnnrynnnnannnnnnniiannMnnntjn I IMPERIAL 2 rt EMPr E THEATRE, PENANG ROAD. D From MONDAY, 7th, to WEDNESDAY, 9th JUNE. H g n In the Second Show’at 9p. m. El I TOO MOY CROOKS Ree,s 5 The Vitagraph Gladys Leslie picture which will be shown at the Q bigpest and best loc
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  • 1478 6 It would appear from to-day’s cables that there ia no disposition to compromise on the part of certain Railwaymen who have put forward a new wage demand for an advance of £1 a week. It may be recalled that in our Monday’s issue we published the
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  • 1458 6 The decis’on of the joint Hindu Moslem Conference to Non-Coopera- adopt the policy of nontion. cooperation with the Government of India, a* a protest against the Turkish T<eaty, does not come as a su r prise. It baa been known for some months that the Khilafab extremists
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  • 83 6 VERDICT FOR PLAINTIFF. Judgment was delivered this afternoor. in the Supreme Court, Penang, by Mr Justice Dinsmore, in the by Mr Choy Gocn Yen against Mr F H McCormackHis Lordship found that the collision was due to the negligent driving of the motor car by the
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  • 194 6 We are informed that iu order to e ecnecessary repairs to the Penang Iramways, the service will be somewhat curtail? ing the next few days, and f he tra w j cease .unning at 7 pm. instead of 1 F until farther notice. The next meeting of t’
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 271 6 jflk ffisQr ALL BR,TISH Wtyres j|[ W AND Rll W» I'H M Vf&SfeaA PRICES ON APPLICATION. JHHB sole agents BEHR <& COY., Penang, Singapore and Medan. 1 I I -n ii— i, I ——B nannanannnnnnnncnannnannnnnnnn O P A SHIPMENT OF H. P. BULMER’S i “Cherry Pearmain" Cider s n n
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 39 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tidea for To-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Time High Water. Low Water. To-day. 4 30 a m 10.25 a.m 4 18 p.m. 11.16 p.m To-morrow. 6.06 a.m. 11.48 a.m, 5.34 p.m. 12.00 m’nt.
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  • 76 7 MR. THOMAS AND A STRIKE. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, June 6Mr. J. H. Thomas, M.P., Secretary of lfl( National Union of Railwaymen, announced at a meeting of railwaymen that n London Council of the Railwaymen I. d decided to reject the Wages Board’s award, cabled last week. Mr. Thomas
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  76 words
  • 145 7 ATTACKS ON PATROLS. London, June 6>ucealed Sinn Feiners fired on a u ntary patrol in County Kerry. The ms returned the fire, capturing three <>■ the attackers. 1 hundred armed men surprised a patrol of twelve policemen and soldiers Petwevn Carrigtwohill and Middleton and captured the patrol's rifles,
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  • 71 7 SINN FEIN’S SUCCESS. London, June 6. Tin- Irish Local Government elections "suited in a sweeping victory for Sinn 1 inism, except, in North East Ulster and the county of Londonderry. The great majority of the- Irish County I District Councils are now exclusively Sinn FeinThe position in
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  • 81 7 MR BRACE AND PRICES. London, June 6. Mi. W. Brace, presiding at a Confen nce of the South Wales Miners’ Federat'on at Cardiff, said the miners had failed to convince the public or the work n. u of other trades that their honest de in pressing for nationalisation was
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  • 65 7 PRESENTS THE PRINCE’S CUP. Melbourne, June 51' Prince of Wales attended Fleming 1 co course and presented the Prince bales’ Cup to the owner of Earlborn, "hich was an outsider. Victoria Programme Completed. Melbourne, June G. The Prince of Wales’s public prot nnnie in Victoria concluded with
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  • 62 7 London, June 6. tire broke out at two in the morning Methodist Boarding School, at -"rd. and 140 girls were roused by and paraded most calmly smoke filled dormitories and |fl d in their night dresses and bare'd to the gale-swept grounds. They I'luckily assisted by volunteer
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  • 26 7 •SERIOUS DAMAGE. London, June fl. fifty of the most modern ’A-i? Were destroyed by fire in a \aviation school at Carnwell. An enquiry is
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  • 90 7 BRITISH DELEGATION’S REPORT. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, June 5. The British Labour delegation which was despatched to Hungary to investigate the allegations of a White terror has reported that terror exists in Hungary. The Government is unable to control it, but many of its acts are so rigorous as
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  90 words
  • 90 7 Berlin, June 6. The elections throughout Germany took place to-day. There were no disturbances. The Early Results. Berlin, June 7The first, provisional results of the elections shows that in North Berlin the Majority Socialists polled 19,000. the Independent Socialists 36,000, the Centre Party 3,000, the People Party 11,000,
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  • 96 7 PRELIMINARY MEETING AT BRUSSELS. Rome, June 5. The Allies will meet at Brussels prior to the Spa Conference on June 21. Japan will not take part in the conversations. Count Sforza, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, is leaving for London to inform Mr. Lloyd George as to the
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  • 67 7 London. May 13. —The "Tagliche Rundschau” considers that the German government before making further preparations ought to ascertain positively whe ther negotiations are to be conducted at Spa on a basis of equality. If this is not so, it would be more sensible to abandon the idea
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  • 61 7 BRITISH ACTION London, Jump 7. The "Daily Express” Constantinople correspondent, in reply to the impudent ultimatum of the Turkish Nationalists ordering the British forces to withdraw from Ismid, warships in the Sea of Marmora shelled the Nationalist positions. British detachments advanced from Ismid to Adabazar to strengthen the
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  • 37 7 Copenhagen, June 6. A Weimar message states that robbers broke into the Prince’s Mausoleum ard stole gold and silver wreaths from the tombs of Schiller and Goethe, and their protector, the Duke Karl Alexander,
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  • 108 7 CHINESE OPINION. Peking. June 6. The Foreign Minister, in a statement as regards the renewal of the AngloJapanese Alliance, declared that the continued treatment of China in this regard as a territorial entity would not be longer tolerated, but would be regarded as unfriendly. He pointed out that
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  • 41 7 London, June 6. Statistics of the Pori of London on June 2nd show 97 ships of a tonnage of 227,117 were dicharfeing, 36 ships of 101,761 tone loading and none waiting in dock or in the river-
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  • 60 7 OFFENSIVE RESUMED. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, June 5. A Warsaw official report says the Poles, resuming the offensive, broke the enemy lines, including positions fortified with ferro-concrete between the Dvina and Borysoff, and advanced 30 kilometres, driving back the Reds in the direction of Bialocerkoff, 50 miles south-west of
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  60 words
  • 127 7 London, June 6. The "Daily Telegraph” says negotiations with M. Krassin have hitherto not given results, indicating that a prolonged stay by Krassin in London is likely. It is pointed out that Krassin quitted Moscow several months ago and has since lost the confidence of the real rulers,
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  • 512 7 Tokio May 8. —Judging by information reaching here, the conditions in Soviet Russia seem to be extremely critical, economic breakdown being imminent. It is true that the economic crisis has been in evidence from the very first, but it appears to have been recently aggravated
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  • 126 7 Vladivostok, May 12.—The Japanese have handed over the railway to Ae Ussuri Administration and th® trains are now «perating. The Brifcteh military mission has left for Home via Peking and Shanghai. It is reported that Voitchekovsky’s soldiers refused to fight the Zabaikal revolutionary army. Irkutsk
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  • 101 7 Tokio, May 13. —The Vice-President of the High Financial Commission of the Moscow Government, Mr. Milyukin, replying to the special correspondent of the "Asahi Shimbun.” who asked what commodities his Government expects Japan to supply, states that the commodities that Russia stands in great need of at present
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  • 82 7 PRESIDENT WILSON’S CHARGES. Washington, June 6. President Wilson, replying to the request of the Railroad Brotherhood to prevent -the adjournment of Congress, sharply criticises the failure of Congress to deal with the cost of living. He deplores its inaction in other vital matters and declares Congress is not
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  • 52 7 WIRELESS AND POSTAL SERVICES. Washington, Jun.: 6. President Wilson signed a number of Bills, including a Bill permitting Govern-ment-owned wireless stations to bandit private and press telegrams, also a bill increasing the pay of postal employes, which will involve an extra expenditure of $33,000,000 next year and
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  • 112 7 New York. June 6. Harriman interests have acquired sub stantial representation in the Commerce Corporation. The announcement that the Corporation had taken over the Hamburg-Amerika trade routes followed the election of Mr. W. A. Harriman to succeed Major-General Goethals. resigned, as President of the Corporation. The Agreement. New
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  • 28 7 New York, June 6. Shamrock IV carried away the gaff while undergoing a sail testing spin. She has gone to City Island for repairs.
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  • 32 7 Washington, June 6. The House of Representatives passed unanimously the Senate’s bill authorising the President to detail American officers to assist the South American countries in developing their navies.
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  • 40 7 EFFECT OF THE WAR. New York, June 6. The latest census of the population of New Y r ork shows 5,621,000, an increase of only 854,000, compared with 1910. owing to the stoppage of immigration in wartime.
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  • 23 7 Calcutta, June 6 A fire dertroyed the spinning machinery at Keshoram cotton mills. The ksjs is five lAhs of rupees.
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  • 69 7 AN AUDACIOUS CAREER. [Reuter*® Telegrams.] London, June 6. The audacious career of the ex-soldier Toplis, who murdered a taxi-driver at Andover, in April, and since eluded a country-wide pursuit, was ended at Pen* rith where he was surrounded by a Police cordon, after the exchange of revolver shots,
    [Reuter*® Telegrams.]  -  69 words
  • 107 7 A SERIOUS OUTLOOK. London, June 7. Anxiety is increasing as to the prospects of a world shortage of wheat. It is pointed out that sowing has declined in all the great wheat producing countries. The United States exports next season will be practically nil. Australia has none to
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  • 191 7 The semi-official "Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung,” the organ of the German Government, has been acquired by Hugo Stinnes, the coal and iron king. From Bavaria comes the news that the reactionaries have bought the important democratic organ, the "Munchener Augsburg Abendzeitung.” The parties behind the deal are the
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  • 70 7 According to the "Tagliche Runds chau” the Entente commission intends to destroy all aerodromes and flying establishments which have been built at a cost of 600.000,000 marks and only to leave standing one hangar and one aeroplane factory which will be used for the international air
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  • 73 7 The Hamburg correspondent of the "Vossische Zeitung” reports that nego tiations regarding the delivery by Germany of fishing vessels will probably re suit in 25 per cent of the tonnage of the German fishing fleet having to be surrendered. Only a small percentage of those boats now
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  • 65 7 London, May 28.—Discussing the exchange question the "Financed Times points out that the pound sterling in India stands at an exaggerated quotation as measured by the value of the rupee and suggests the advisability of calling in the gold currency before the pound sterling reverts
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  • 107 7 The regaining of their freedom will be celebrated by the Czecho-Slovaks at the end of June with a great national festival in Prague. Among the invited guests are Sir Edward Elgar who is to conduct two programmes of orchestral music; Lord Dunsany, the Irish poet, one of
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  • 246 7 Simla, May 27. —A communique says Ji His Majesty the Shah of Persia arrived at Basrah on the 20th May in the R-I. M.S. Lawrence after stopping at Bushire and Mohammerah At the latter place he was lavishly entertained by the Shaikh and was highly pleased
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  • 185 7 London, May, 28.—-The Persian Prince Firouz in an interview with Reuter’s representative expressed the hope that the League of Nations to which an appeal has been made regarding the Bolshe’vist invasion of Persia would seriously take the question up. He next referred to the possible effects of
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  • 126 7 A public demonstration is to be made shortly of a new type of air screw, the invention of an Australian engineer. It. is made on the turbine principle, both faces of the blades being fitted with a set of fins in a staggered relation. M orkshop tests have
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  • 126 7 The jury returned a verdict of death* in both cases, as due to a fall from the cliffs in the adjourned inquest on a London man and woman found dead on the shore at Seaford. The man was fulls dressed and the woman with one piece
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  • 122 7 Yokohama, May 24. —The Yokohama Silk Exchange has suspended business temporarily owing to the closure of the Seventy-Fourth Bank, pending the adjustment of the Bank’s books. j The Osaka branch of the Bank has also’ suspended operation. The Bank is largely controlled by the Moji Company
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  • 12 7 OBITUARY. New York, Jane 6. The death has occurred of Rear-Admi-ral Winterhalter.
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  • 330 8 From Messrs, Morrison and Co.’s weekly market report, dated Rangoon, May 28, 1920. Our last circular was dated ihe 21st instant. Paddy.—l ittle coming in at prese prices fiim R 3. 105 to Rs. 200. For the week ending 30th May 1919 rate was Rs, 150. White
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  • 264 8 An amazing divorce ca:e was heard in the London courts recentlv, the wife being 17 and he husband still under 21 and suing through his guardian, Both parties claim divorce because ti e other is suffering from a certain disease Evidence showed thab the Latham Harrison Rurter
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  • 203 8 New Y .rk, April 16—The cude r U bbe>’ market is the demand being almos' wholly for future eh pment. Ribbed sar ked sheets are qu Jed at 45 to 46 cad r f ir'pot and 4 l ?f i-o 50 cents for the Ls l half
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 219 8 New Columbia Double-Disc DANCE JRECORDS AX/ Just Jg RECEIVED 112" Double Sided $3,80 Each. Millicent Waltz Whoa January Foxtrot p May Time Hand Rocked Cradle Rainbow Girl Service Flag One step Sweet Hwaian Mooniight I’ll think of you Foxtrot A Night in Italy Rose Room Kiss Me Again Where Cotton
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    • 129 8 annaanat-L.tit’r’.. acnannnannanDn A—■ FRESH STOCKS OF i.i" 1 H Allenburys Milk Foods Horlick?s Malted Milk Tablets 0 Nos. I 3* Mellin’s Food Allenburys Malted Food Mellin’s Biscuits jj NOJ3 j Nestle’s Food U Allenburys Rusks. i binson’s Groats 1 Benger’s Food Robinson’s Barley j-j Frame Food Savory and Moore’s Food
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    • 120 8 .JK-.--.—• J ANDRE CITROEN CAR" MORS (Brevets Knight) I Four Sealer Models Arriving Shortly. I Malcolm Beranger&Co. Bangkok, Singapore, ,j Saigon and Penang. -7 READING-STANDARD MOTOR-CYCLE 12 HORSE POWER, TWIN CYLINDERS EQUIPPED WITH MECHANICAL OILER, 9 ELECTRIC LIGHTS. HIGH TENSION a MAGNETO. s 1 WE® M Positively the Finest and
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  • 836 9 c. Cunradi of Messrs. Adamson, G Allan Co., Ltd., has returned from home leave to Singapore. J. Arnot Alexander, C. A. renuned to Penang at the week-end, and t s joined Messrs Evatt and Co. We hear that Major Barry de Hamel is neaped to be married
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  • 391 9 THE STBAITS BRANCH. The report of the National Association of Discharged Sailors and SoMiers, Straits Settlements Branch, states that the interest shown in the Association has tended to decrease rather than to in crease. This apparently is caused by a misunderstanding which has arisen as to
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  • 77 9 At the Inter-Collegiate athletic meeting at Philadelphia on 30th April the following was the result of the 440 yards hurdle race:—l. Watt (Cornell University). 2. Coughlin (University of the South). 3. Gish (University of Nebraska). The time taken was 54 1-5 seconds, which is a new world’s
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  • 126 9 The following are the results of P.C.C. bowls ties Championship.—G. E. Wright Motion beat W. S. Goldie 21—19; G. B. F. Sou tham beat A. Lindley 21—12. Single Handicap “A”.—f2 W. K. Sharpe beat fl J. Dick 21—16. Single Handicap “B”. 3F. N. Syer beat |4 H.
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  • 116 9 Penang, June 9 1920 {By Courtesy ot the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/3 3/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 3/16 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 15/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 108 3 days’ sight Private 116 Bombay Demand Bank 108 Madras Demand Bank 108 3 days’
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  • 177 9 To-dat’s Arbivalb. Perak, Derme, 519, Singapore, Adamson, Gilfillan A Co, general. B. Wbatt Soon, V»z, 199, T. Anson, Eastern Shipping Co, general. Expectbd Arrivals. Africa, Singapore, 9th. Ekm», Rangoon, 9th. Devanhs, London, 10th. Teesta, Madras, 10th. Takada, Singapore, lltb. Thongwa, Singapore, 12tb. Persia, Trieste, 12th. Delta, Singapore, 14th.
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  • 43 9 Coolie recruiting has been rtsamed in Madras Presidency generally except in the toilowing Taluqs, which are still closed i wing to the prevalence of disease. Cbidumbaram Taluqs of North Arcot District, Trichy, Palambaloor and Taluqs of Trichy, Kulitalai Taluqs of Trichy.
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  • 342 9 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. 1 Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, I Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, £-7.15 a.m, Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, j 6 p.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m.
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  • 18 9 Despatched. Delivered. Mail “A” May sbh Jane 2nd Mail "B May 7th Jane Ist
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  • 48 9 The homeward mail “C by the Gordißere closes at 6 p.m to day. The P O Packet Devanhi with mails from Europe is expected to arrive here at daylight to-morrow. The homeward mail n D,” by the Thongwa closes at 9 a.m. on Sunday, 13th inst.
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  • 774 9 Good Frobpbctb. The seventh annual general meeting of the Sungei Batu (Malaya) Rubber Estates, Ltd was held on April 27 at the offices of the company, 149, Leaden hall-street, E C, Mr E LHamilton (the Chairman) presiding, Thb Chairman said: In the balancesheet you will see
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  • 133 9 June 9-—Penang Turf Club, Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 4.15 p m July 9—Penang Ra'.e Entires close. June 9—Convent Children's Entertainment, for Raifl-s College Fund, Town Hall, 5.30 p m. June 10—Football, P O C v P M R C. June 11—M CL, Meeting, G G School, 5 p.m.
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  • 44 9 To-day’s quotation for refined tin in Penang was $132 per picul, buyer», no sellers; and for raw tin $l3l, tin ore $l3l per picul, buyers. Tin was quoted in London on June Bth, at £255 10s spot, and £262 10s three months.
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  • 178 9 Penang, Joni 9, 1920. Gold leaf $72 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb». 6 0z)... nominal. Black Pepper $24 nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $65 nominal Cloves $l4O nominal Nutmegs average of $65 eales fNo. 1 $6O per piculs Sugar s No. 2 557 Cupra
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  • 84 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for May Ayer Hitam lbs 36,101 Bintang 10,000 Bahru Selangor 11,190 Beverlac 15,260 Blackwater 15,276 Bukit Cloh 24,837 Bukit Selangor 28,852 Burma 7,144 Clovelly 15,100 Dusun Durian 84,729 Henrietta 41,411 Jerani 22,500 Kapar I’ara. 77,532 Kota Tinggi 21,000 Langat River 30,017 Laras
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  • 295 9 PENANG, JUNE 9, 1920. BEEF— cts. Soup per catty 32 Roast do 60 Steaks do 60 Stew or Curry Meat do curry 40 -if) Rump Steak do 60 Ox Tail each 50—60 do Tongue do 70 do Feet do Heart small per catty 40 Liver do 70 Fillet
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  • 1036 9 'l NAMES. 1i 1 Si-g 1 £1 RUBBER (Dollar.) Ct Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd. 90c 1.00 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 3.50 3.75 Amalgamated Malay Estate» 4.50 4.80 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndioat» 25.00 Ayer Kuoing Rubber Eitstef I.JO 1.30 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 3.00 3-30 Ayer Panas Rubber Estates 13.00*
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  • 807 10 BOLSHEVIST COUP. According to r Moscow wireless of April 29, the Azerbaijan Government has been overthrown. Telegrams to Leuin, signed by the Military 11. v lution ary Committee, say In accordance with the revolutOr ary will of the Baku proletariat and < he Azerbaijan peasantry, the Central
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    • 243 10 ifMi in ii aJI X’• L 1 i-0k” i I W /< <■•- fi life» »rtrh>B3WC -x H fc .SH? [Mfcj-. WWW Jiir *’W?r v! ■Ki ■liflsSS b w-. -Wx u ’■RBjter- :-J s yiw -w -w ■SHhe^ 7 “'"”‘’p- YOU take pride in the I appearance of your furniture
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    • 646 10 WHY SUFFER FROM A CHESi COLD. You can get rid of it eo easily—By using Little’s Oriental Balm, you can gain immediate relief and soon all soreness entirely disaapears. It penetrates immediately. Goes straight to the exact spot where the trouble is and drives it away. There is nothing in
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    • 229 10 STOCKS NOW ON HAND Momi Cases, Box Strapping, European Acetic Acid, Porcelain Cups, Fairbanks Scales, Mangles, Warehouse Trucks, x Etc. i Prices on Application McAlister istdi I ASK YOUR SUPPLIERS IB for g MAUNOdIE’S I PROVISIONS. I r< r I g compare Quality and price. STOCKS HELD a BY S
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    • 863 11 Pinang Gazette RATES OF CASUAL n T r n advertisements. j UNLOCK the door of Prosperity FOR SALE, TO LET, SITUATIONS =S L-_ v M- c v *—l and Success in Motor Transport, i Minimum Charge $2.00 For 1 insertion 1-75 per inch S s“" 8 1 The Master Words
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    • 1353 12 P a TIDITIiH TNhIA PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Company, gt 1 1011 111/1A (INCORPORATED IN U. 8. A.) W B REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE. Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. AND j 8 s ECUADOR From Hongkong about 16th June 1920 W s a COLOMBIA From Hongkong about 14th
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    • 953 12 By using jX Halls Distemper your home can be made brighter, Xljj f healthier and more picturesque, f at a cheaper cost than wall-paper w and without ir ft K the objectionable smell of paint. I Hall’s H I Distemper I I (Tradt Mark.) R<< 1 is deservedly the popular
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