Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 June 1920

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 779 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111 1 111 in IH ii irt Obtainable everywhere wholesale from g I* I h HlO ?l s m B I? Oog Sam Leong Co., Penang, g i —rrwTTfmn H iiirrwtnnrurnwirnrw.H I <f. YOU HAVE NQT TRIED. j f the home of 1 W*
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    • 23 1 I The IN TOWN j I I Iman I j i MMO*O«*l«V/ArNUolVv*r L sole Agents S.S. F.M.S> g Ong Sam Laong 00. B
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    • 692 2 [To Th* Editob or th* “Putang Gahwi”] Sir,—Referring to Maj >r Learmount’s letter in yesterd *y’s issue of the ‘'Pinang Gazette,” and your c.mmtncs thereon, I know nothing of Mr Darb shire and cannot therefore say whether y< ar strictures were desei ved dr not. What
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    • 744 2 [To Thb Editob or thb “Pinamo Gum»."] Hr, —As I had the privilege of being the first man in Malaya to join the 8.P.V.D., and on the 'assumption that the greater number cf opinions one can obtain on a subject such as this the better, I gdould be
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  • 337 2 M.M.” Hundreds of people wended th ir way to the Race Course, Kuala Lumpur,early on Saturday afternoon to see the flying display. There was a sprinkling of Europeans an 1 crowds of the other communities collected togetbe r at the Grand Srand,t>he Oriental Stand and
    •—“ M.M.”  -  337 words
  • 443 2 BIG HAUL BY C APT. BARRY. The ca«e against ten women and one man, all Hokkieo, charged will playing in a common gaming hou s e, postponed from the 31st May, was disposed of by Mr R D Acton in the District Court yesterday. Court Inspector Nicol
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  • 241 2 Tbe anticipations of bottom having been reached in the produce slump last week have not been entirely justified for whatever maybe tbe momentary position here, the condition of the markets iu Java looks like bringing abu’ forth© complications Biys the “Free Press.” There is little doubt that if
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  • 179 2 London, May 28,—-The Teheran, correspondent of the "Times wires The Persian Government has telegraphed to Nusrat-ed-Dowlab, foreign minister, for transmission to the Soviet a protest against the bombardment of Enzeli. I learn that the movement in Tabriz is anti-Tuik and by no means Bolshevist, though prolonged unrest
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  • 48 2 Tbe Baud will play the following programme of muric at the Dato Kramat Gardens from 5 30 p.m. to-day 1. Fantasia Fanfare Militaire Retford 2 Fux Trot Kiss me ...David 3. Selection As You Were Darewski 4. Waltz Wer Kanndafur Hohmann 5. March Oriental Echoes ...Rosey
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  • 590 2 S.F.P.” THE TELEPHONE SYSTEM. An interesting ceremony was carried out on Monday morning a: Telephone House, Hill-St, Singapore, whea the new central switchboard was connected up with subscribers’ lines by severing connection with the old and joining up on tbe new. The whole of the outside lines are
    —" S.F.P.”  -  590 words
  • 166 2 S F P.” Damage estimated ab over 100,000 dollars was caused by fire on Satarday at Numbers 1 and 2 Hallpike St., Singapore, used as a rubber godown and treating store. The alarm was received at the Fire Station shortlv after one o’clock and Supt. Wilson turned
    —“ S F P.”  -  166 words
  • 604 2 Tbe following ties are fixed for to day Championship—G Wright Motion v W S Goldie (3); G B F Southam v A LiudUy (2). Double Handicap— +4 CH Hertz E R Hendeison v+ 5 RN Holmes GB Crisp (4). Single Handicap “B’’ 4 H T
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 55 2 WHY BE MISERABLE. with constipation or liverishness when Pinkettes are all you need to set matters right? These dainty little laxatives act as gently as natures cure Biliousness, sick headaches, foul-smelling breath; prevent Diarrhoea and Dysentery; relieve Piles. Of druggists everywhere, or post free, 90 cents the vial, from Dr.
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    • 443 2 W W advertise mehtw POSITIONS VACANT Two good Surveyors wanted theodolites. Work io Selangor to h at one©. Several moot!a woik s lary it work BMisfactorv. Answer experience, credentials and salary rtani ?!Q Also four pris natic compass inen a Box No. 221, c/o Pinang Gazette.' ApPy MISCELLANEOUS. Son Wanted
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2953 3 POSITION WANTED. AUCTIONS. J PENANG TURF CLUB. THE NORTH TAIPING TIN T fte Subscription List will close on or belore Jane 15th, 1920. mXh OP in Fieid F.0,0 ;y and Office PENANG SALES ROOM. JULY MEETING 1920. (Inc d Tn .he StraiU SettlemeaM.) j Chinese C L»bonr. Excellent References. TO
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  • 1288 4 We know something about a house shortage in Penang and other towns in Malaya, bat the problem of finding homes for the people is apparently far more acute in England where the shortage of dwelling accomodation which was beginning to appear before the war, was
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  • 1860 4 For some years Press and public in the F.M.S have pressed for Public Trustee the creation of the office for F.M.S- of Public Trustee, and at length it is the subject of a Bill to be brought before the Federal Council. According to the ‘Objects and Reasons”
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 257 4 IJNI-LECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER GENERATORS is NBW TYPE WITH W~ SELF STARTER Can ba storted and stopped tram 3 two or throe remote puabfino bgr I I jBBRRII HEREIY PRESSING A BUTTOHWw i/f W; ewmatoe direct «mt ,t '>W 1 HI towrtrnim > SOLS Aonma Jrtl ’Hnitcersf .t* U" I
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 36 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for To-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Time High Water. Low Water. To-day. 3.45 9.33 a.m. 3.29 p.m. 10.21 p.m. To-morrow. 4.30 a.m. 10.25 a.m. 4.18 p.m. 11.16 p.m.
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  • 163 5 DEPUTATION IN LONDON. [Reuter’s Telegram».] London, June 5. I Transport Federation received b Trade Union delegates regarding embargo on munitions. One of the declared that trains run by hi Ireland would be derailed, troop l 1,1 which would mean war. The question was referred to the Trade Union
    [Reuter’s Telegram».]  -  163 words
  • 63 5 YALE MEMBERS’ PROTEST. London, June 5. A Newshaven (Connecticut) message Bavs 81x tv members of Yale University Bern a protest to Congress against any Congressional resolution or item on the political programme touching the rela;,ons of Britain and Ireland. The pro }?st recalls the resentment felt m
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  • 98 5 PRESIDENT WILSON’S MESSAGE. London, June 6. President Wilson, telegraphed to King George birthday congratulations, stating. “I am confident it auspiciously comes at the dawn of a new era of friendship and goodwill which it will be the privilege of our kindred peoples to advance towards full achievement.
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  • 117 5 London, June 5. Sir John Cadman, Director of the Petroleum Executive, lecturing on the British Empire’s oil resources, said the British Empire’s contribution to the world’s oil supply was only 2| per cent, while that of the United States was 70 per cent. The latter was not
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  • 88 5 1’ the Melbourne House of Represen- itives several members demanded inforrat- regarding the Anglo-Persian oil creement. Mr. Hughes explaining the ’wsons for the co-opera&ion of the taperia] and Commonwealth Governhents. in testing the Papuan oil fields, f 'hted that a large area of Papua showed ideations of
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  • 30 5 London, June 5. winner’s (Charlebellie’s) time in Laks v, as 2 minutes 38 1/ 5 seconds. r 'ion Kop's record time in the Derby niinutes 34 4/5 seconds-]
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  • 15 5 London, June 4. re eat Hampshire by nine at Sussex by 218 runs.
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  • 105 5 ON PRIPET-DNIEPER FRONT. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, June 4. A general Bolshevik offensive has begun between the Pripet and the Dnieper. Advanced Polish posts were driven in, but hitherto the Bolshevik success is unimportant. North of the Pripet Red attacks were repulsed. Polish Advances. London, June 6. A Warsaw
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  105 words
  • 339 5 London, May 21.—Bolshevik activity in Europe is attracting more attention even than Persia- There is a considerable doubt if the aggression will spread despite the gloom of the “Times.” A correspondent writing to that paper says: This may have consequences which may set alight all the inflammable material
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  • 46 5 THE KHILAFAT CONFERENCE. Allahabad, June 5. A joint Hindu-Moslem Khilafat Conference. after prolonged deliberation, decided upon a policy of non-co-operation with the Indian Government. The policy, which is a protest against the Turkish Treaty, will be enforced after a month’s notice to the Viceroy.
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  • 60 5 AMERICAN REPRESENTATION. London, June 5. The United States, replying to the League of Nations’ invitation to send representatives to the Brussels Financial Conference,announces it is unable to appoint an official delegation, but is sending unofficial representatives for the purpose of giving information regarding the financial and economic
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  • 60 5 INDEPENDENCE DECLARED. Shanghai, June 3. A serious split has occurred among the politicians in South China. At a historical meeting in Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s house, representatives of the Governors of Shansi, Szechuen. West Hupeh, Kweichow and Hunan passed a resolution declaring the independence of all the
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  • 104 5 EXCITEMENT IN CHICAGO. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, June 5. The “Times” correspondent says Convention excitement has begun at Chicago where the Republican National Convention will be held next week.. Senator Hiram Johnston has already opened a vigorous dampaagn. Many Aspirants. London, June 5. A Chicago message Sfiys the city
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  104 words
  • 44 5 Washington, June 4. Senator Underwood declared he was authorized to announce that President Wilson had assured the Senate Democrats that if the session ends on Saturday, he will not call an extra session in the summer unless in case of emergency.
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  • 43 5 PART OF CITY TO BE BURNT. Mexico City, June 4. It has been decided that one third of the houses in Vera Cruz be burned down in order to eradicate bubonic plague, which has broken out in the city.
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  • 25 5 AN AMERICAN BILL. Washington, June 5. The House of Representatives passed a bill to prevent dumping in the United States of foreign-built aeroplanes.
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  • 19 5 Washington, June 5. The Senate, without a division, adopthe House of Representatives’ resolution repealing all wartime legislation.
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  • 27 5 Berlin, June 5. The Inter-Allied Commission announced that the East Prussian plebiscite in the Allenstein and Oletzko districts will be held on July 11.
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  • 51 5 Paris, June 4. Three Chinese plays, also Chinese music and juggling, were given by the C hinese Y.M.C.A. and the Chinese Colony. They were staged without scenery, which was replaced by gestures. The principal play was dated in the Tsing Dynasty. The plays had a cordial
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  • 26 5 London, June 5. Sir John Alexander Bucknill, K.C Chief Justice, S. S., has been appointed Puisne Judge of the Patna High Court.
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  • 88 5 VESSEL BREAKS DOCK GATE London, June 5. The coaster “Countess” collided with the gate of the Alfred Dock, at Birkenhead. A cataract poured over sweeping away or overturning small craft. A dozen tugs dashed to the rescue, picking up those floating. Others, swimming, clung to the sides,
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  • 66 5 London, May 13 —Under the sardonic title of Rudolf the Last a German prince has published anonymously a book in which he criticises freely the ex-Kaiser with whom he* did not see eye to eye. Referring to an interview he had with the Kaiser before the war he
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  • 50 5 The Mechlenburg Government has I given permission for the establishment iof an international gamlxling house like Monte Carlo at Warnemunde. It is re- ported that the population of the town are strongly protesting against the proposal, but the Government does not intend to withdraw the licence.
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  • 210 5 London, May 13.—The House of Lords delivered judgment in the case in which was raised th» question whether De Keyser’s Royal Hotel Ltd. are entitled to compensation for use and occupation by the Crown for purposes connected with the defence of the realm of the hotel
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  • 75 5 London, May 13.—At a meeting of the National Liberal Federation, Learnington, there were violent scenes on the discussion of a resolution advocating the leadership of Mr. Asquith and declining the invitation of Mr. Lloyd George to closer co-operation with the Conservatives. The Coalition ministers were shouted down one
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  • 89 5 At a meeting of the recently formed City Tenants’ Defence Association the Chairman stated that rents now asked were four to six times the previous rent. The Solicitor to the Association gave specific instances of increased rents, some reaching 600 per cent. A rent of £45 had been
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  • 98 5 London, May 13.—Much splendour and impressiveness marked the fetes at Or leans in memory of Joan of Arc. Marshal Foch who participated in the ceremonies evoked immense enthusiasm when in the course of his speech he said he was happy to attend in his double capacity
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  • 62 5 London, May 13.—The Liverpool “Daily Post” and the Liverpool “Courier” announce that their price will be advanced next Monday from lid. to 2d. The former commenting on the position says To-day the price of newsprint is 6id. per pound as compared with 3|d. a year ago and
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  • 68 5 It is proposed to make an effort to raise the sunken “Lusitania” which lies in 250 feet of water by the help of captive submarines. The “Mechanician” (9,300 tons) sunk off the Isle of Wight and the “Serranah” (6,000 tons) lying in the Channel are now being
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  • 54 5 An anonymous gift of £130,000 in the four per cent, funding loan was made to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, towards the reduction of the National debt. The donor states, he follows the lead of the anonymous donor last year who gave up 20 per
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  • 28 5 Fire at the Atlas shipyards at Bremen destroyed the greater part of the works, including models and materials for the construction of new ships.
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  • 24 5 Much indignation has been caused by the proposals of the Bishop of London's commission to pull down a score of city churches.
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  • 211 5 London, May 13. —In the House of Commons on the vote for the future food supply Mr. McCurdy said that as to sugar there was no immediate prospect of improvement in price or supply. As to wheat, we were faced with a reduced world erop, and a
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  • 166 5 The Vicar of the Church at Raynes Park, Morton, S.W., has refused to marry a divorced couple and states he will not allow his church to be used for such marriages since it was obvious that such people do not regard marriage as anything
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  • 113 5 It is announced by the Minister of Munitions that the sale of .surplus warcraft in Mesopotamia produced over a million and a half sterling. The disposal of the craft was entrusted to Lord Inchcape, who gave his service free and stipulated thati no company in which
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  • 57 5 London, May 28.—Mr. Herbert Samuel has accepted the post of Chief Commissioner of Palestine‘and will take up his duties on Ist July. The Palestine authorities have appointed a new Council for Jerusalem, with a Moslem as President and a Jew’ as Vice-President. It consists of
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  • 37 5 The French women’s football team before a crowd of 10,000 at Chelsea, won the match against the English women’s team by 2 goals to 1. A very large proportion of the spectators were women.
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  • 32 5 Viscount Curzon, M. P., was fined the second day in succession for driving a motor car at an excessive speed, eight previous convictions being proved against him.
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  • 512 5 The Hon. Mr. F. G. and Mrs. Harvey have left for Home. Mr. D. H. Hampshire left Kuala Lumpur, to catch the Glenidd Homeward bound. The engagement is announced of Major Noel Holmes and Mary, the elder daughter of Sir Hugh Clifford. Mrs. Reyne, the oldest European
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  • 69 5 London, May 28. —The following is the, result of the Manchester Cup: Lord Zetland’s Pomme de Terre, 4 yrs. 1’ Mr. R. Walker’s Square Measure, 5 yrs. 2 Mr. F. Hardy’s Happy Man, 4 yrs. 3 Eleven ran. Won by three-quarters of a length four lengths between second
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  • 57 5 London, May 22.—The Foreign Office states that the Allies will deal vigorous* ly with the Bolshevist aggression in Per* sia. Adequate forces to deal with thej situation are now concentrating in th< affected region. Britain has given guarantee to maintain the integrity of Persia and
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  • 43 5 London, May 28. —A message froag Rome says: O’Kelly, described as a diplomatic extraordinary delegate of tha Government of the Irish Republic, gava a reception on the occasion of the beatification of Plunkett. Cardinal Logue aoj] many Irish bishops were present.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 86 5 NOTICE. Owing to the increcßing profit c ion cost*» tt has become necessary to advai ce th* price of the Pinaog Gazette to 15 cts. a copy anc t 0 > n crea e the rates ot -nbecription, with effect from Ist Jane, is follows DAILY EDITION. Local S. 8.
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  • 823 6 Messrs Baker f Fearon and Co, Kuala Lumpur, reported ou Friday, as follows The market since our last report has shown a continuation of the activity which characterized the rubber section last week, and share quotations seem to be closely following the fortunes of the raw
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  • 229 6 Messrs Gutbrie »fc Co, Ltd Singapore, reported on Friday, 4 h June as under There was a 1 rge attendance of buyers at the weekly Rubber Auction held ou the 3rd instant, and, cue to bring bidding and a small catalogue, tbe sale occupied only one day.
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  • 120 6 June 9—Penang Turf Club, Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 4.15 p m, July 9 Penang Race Entires close. June 9—Convent Children's Entertainment, for Raffles College Fund, Town Hall, 5.30 p.m. June 10—Football, P O C vP MRC. June 12—Cricket, P O C v P R C. June 12 and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 185 6 r -j a if WILL PAYtYOU TO WATCH THIS SPACE H. T. Doulatram Co., I NO. 230,-232. PENANG ROAD. PENANG Are'offering New Goods to 1 J Just drop I in and see for yourselves I the varied goods we hold. I It won't cost you anything. SENSITIVE PURSES WILL LIKE
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    • 245 6 THE ANXIETIES OF MOTHERHOOD Man is rather a careless happy-go-lucky individual, and, in general, does not fully appreciate the worries of his wife in safeguarding their children’s health. Generally one or other of the young household is ailing either with a chill, slightly feverish or colic symptoms, and pa-, with
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    • 245 6 □GUUflflflflflflflflHttLiflKlflaflUUflULjflflqq. 1 llellesens tens J j n JUST ARRIVED n fl E Type 0 No. 0 Volti 1.5 Ppipp f&R 70 D fl Large Cars and Motor Boats ***** <pO, (U g g Tn. 2 No. 4 Volt. 1.» M 2.70 J g Type V No. 4 Volt. 4 COA
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 262 6 aaaauaa nnnnnunnnnnnnnnnniinnDnn I IMPERIAL m EMPIRE THEATRE, PENANG ROAD. 13 fl From MONDAY, 7th, to WEDNESDAY, 9th JUNE. fl n fl In the Second Show at 9 p. m. r* g TOO MANY CROOKS Reels s The Vitagraph Gladys Leslie picture which will be shown at the 0 f~I bigpeat
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  • 931 7 report of the directors. The fifth ordinary general meeting of tbe Padane G?j*h Robber Company, Ltd, will L he ]d at British India House, 23 Beach tree t, Penang, on Monday, the 14th June, at 2 30 p.m. The Directors’ report for the year ended ~..1 st
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  • 568 7 “T.O.M”. THE LABOUR QUESTION. A general meeting of the Malacca Planters’ Association was held on Sunday at the Malacca Club and was largely attended. Mr EE Smith (Malacca Rubber Plantations) presided. Mr G Rabyjohn was elected a representative on the Malacca Agricultural Medical Board, vice Hon. Mr J
    “T.O.M”.  -  568 words
  • 347 7 Mr Richard Holt on how Pbople Arq Robbed. Mr Richard D Holt, who wsg recently on a business tour in the Far East, wrote bo “Common Sense,” from Singapore, as follows I have just had the opportunity of reading the articles on the depreciated British currency contained
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  • 66 7 To-day’s quotation for refined tin in Penang was $134 per picul, buyers, no sellers; and for raw tin $133, tin ore $133 per picul, buyers, no sellers. Tin was quoted in London on June 4th, at £255 spot and £261 three months. No Market in London on Saturday.
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  • 123 7 Messrs Osborne and Ohappel send us tbe returns of ore won during May, by tbe 15 following companies: piculs. Gopeng Consolidated Limited 1,000 Kinta Tin Mines Limited 700 Fusing Rubber and Tin Limited 355 Tekka Limited 520 Tekka Taiping Limited 600 Rambutan Limited 250 Idris Hydraulic Tin Limited
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  • 19 7 The following are additional rubber outputs for May Gopeng lbs 13,058 Narborough 35,377 Fusing 4,800 SungeiTaho 8,500
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  • 174 7 Pbnang, June 8, 1920. Kb-»*-* Gold leaf $72 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 6 oz) nominal. Black Pepper $24 nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $65 nominal. Cloves $l4O nominal Nutmegs average of $65 sales TNo. 1 $6O per piculs Sugar j No. 2 $57
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  • 253 7 PENANG, JUNE 8, 1920. BEEF— cts; Soup per catty 32 Roast do 60 Steaks do 60 Stew or Curry Meat do curry 40 stew 40 Rump Steak do 60 Ox Tail each 50 —60 do Tongue do 70 do Feet do Heart small per catty 40 Liver do
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  • 156 7 Yesterday’s Arrivals. Hong Mob, Mason, 2,562, Amoy, Chin Hin Co, general. Elpenor, Andrews, 4,824, Birkenhead W. Mansfield and Co, genera). To-day’s Arrivals. Glenade, Jones, 4,144, Kobe, Boustead Co, general. Expkctbd Arrivals. Africa, Singapore, 9tb. Takada, Singapore, 9th. Ekma, Rangoon, 9th. Devanha, London, 10th. Teesta, Madras, 10th. Thongwa, Singapore,
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  • 328 7 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, I Ipoh, Batu Gajah. Tapah Road, |By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, 57.15 a.m. Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 6 p.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m
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  • 115 7 Pbnang, June 8 1920. (By Ccurtesy of th« Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/3 3/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 3/16 3 Credit ...2/4 7/8 3 Documentary ...2/4 15/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 107 3 days’ sight Private 114 Bombay Demand Bank 107 Madras Demand Bank 107 3 days’
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 110 7 PRITCHARDS Wine and Spirit Department. Only SBest brands of Jrene!) and Jlustralian Olarets, Sdurgundies and "IVliite “Wines, "Whiskies and 95eer are Stocked. s dteputation for Quality Extends over 36 2/ears. well-matured H-W DUNDEE JssSes w h I s ky. The Whisky that has stood I jk the test of time.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1397 8 P «nir.ui snn PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Company,] ft rikSll ftlDlA (INCORPORATEDINU.S.A.) flvll lllrßiTL REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE. H Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. a a ECUADOR From Hongkong about 16th June 1920 i AND s 8 COLOMBIA From Hongkong about 14th July 1920 Ak JL Ab/ The
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    • 243 8 i LIVERMORE DEARBORN Co.. Inc. INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP LINES (Incorporated in the United States of America.) Regular service between New Yopk, Singapore and Java ports and vice versa. FROM NEW YORK. MYSTIC rfue Penang J une TO NEW YORK JOHN ROACH duc Penang June 18. For Freight apply to:— GUTHRIE Co..
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