Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 June 1920

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 483 1 s I &-XQV. tLAVS NOT 1 £MW WWW j BEAR BRAND MILK j y° u can have n 0 ’dea what a 1 CIGARETTES I Perfectly Sterilised «lift I Perfect Contentment g| rea ys D not confuse lhis 8 Sf w,.. 51 brand with other milks of I distinctive qualities
      483 words
    • 20 1 THE BESI CAR IN TOWNg I 9 Sole Aleuts S.S- a P.M.S* fl Ong Sam Leong 00. J hniniiiiitiiiniMiniiiiiiiiwniiniiiiiiißiiiiiißiiiiiraiiniiiiiinw^w 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 3171 2 POSITION WANTED. ON SALE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Subscription List will close on or before June 15th, 1920 Crude Oil Engines. 14, 28, and 50^hereby gUenjta. tte P J a Tinner D "X/c^ P b” o db d, h. p. Kerosine Engines 4h. p. Huttenbach Bros and
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  • 1252 3 THE QUESTION OF COMPULSION. Calcutta May 22. —The general meeting < f the Calcutta Ex Officers’ As ociation was held last evening at the Gymnasium, Fort William, Lieutenant-Colonel H F Hobbs presided, aud there was a good attendance, among those present being Colonel Halliday, Officer Commanding
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  • 330 3 GOVERNMENT ORDER. Calcutta, May 24,—1n a letter to Government some time back ou the question of the Indian Defence Force, th.. Bengal Chamber of Commerce recommended that pending the in'reduction of the contemplated new legislation (a) those members of the force who are over 45 years
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  • 112 3 Baghdad, May 26.—The Shah visited Kerbela on the 23rd instant, as already reported, and was warmly received. He reached Naj'f on the 24 h, but was somewhat ove. come by tl e heat and was unable t complete: he programme as intcnled, ard has therefore decided to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 137 3 fiEjEiL ®KHB>CB£I3® SBCBSP C3SK33 i£3 "g IT WILL PAY YOU TO WATCH THIS SPACE H. T. Doulatram Co., NO. 230.-232, PENANG ROAD, PENANG Are offeringNtw Goods to j their Customers. Just drop in and see for yourselves the varied goods we hold. It won't cost you anything. Mwa i- r
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    • 134 3 WAS SICKLY FROM BIRTH. Baby’s Own Tablets Used With Wonderful Benefit. “I wish every woman knew how good Baby’s Own Tablets are, then there would be fewer sick children,” writes Mrs. ’A. H. Waite, of 1207 Fremont Avenue, North Minneapolis, U. S. AHer letter continues: —“My baby was sickly from
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    • 151 3 PRITCHARD SC" Lip (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) PENANG POH. SOFT FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. "SUNDOUR” FABWCSThe (i Sundour Casement Cloth has been subjected to severe tests and as a result it carries with it a guarantee that it will not fade or lose its colour in washing. Stocked in the following
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 338 3 XF.-L1 'J* I J>l' J*i Al AaAI Al Al Ai AECOaT»LI»LI TOWN HALL, TO-NIGHT. I o/V E NIGHT ONLY! I Assassins of Sorrow and Disciples h of King fun, g I a crest Comfiinclion of Talent I g preesntinQ a Modern and Most UpTo-date Programme S of Good. Clean, Wholesome
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  • 231 4 DINNER AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE. [Reuter’s Telegrams.l London, Jane 3. Spion Kop'd Dei by forms a remarkable chapter iu Turf history. The memorable gpctacle of Aibot’s Trace’s collapse a hundred jards from the wii niog post and the favourite being unp'aced in the race was witnesed by the
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.l  -  231 words
  • 30 4 YORKSHIRE’S BIG WIN. London, June 3. Yorkshire beat Worcestershire by an innings and 105 runs. Kent beat Warwickshire by eight wickets. Oxford University beat Somerset by two wickets.
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  • 77 4 The fuilowng is a table from the results telegraphed by Reuber P. W. L D. Yorkshire ...5 5 0 0 Kent ...4 4 0 0 Surrey 6 5 1 0 Lane-shire ...6411 Middlesex 4 2 11 Essex 3 2 10 Not’s ...3210 Sussex 6 4 2 Warwickshire ...8
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  • 108 4 PREMIER’S STATEMENT. London, June 3. In the House of Commons, replying to Captain W. Ormsby-Gore, Mr. Lloyd George said it had not been decided to transfer the Dominions department of the Colonial Office to the Lord President of the Council. With regard to a question whether it
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  • 75 4 London, June 4. It is officially amounted that the rationing of household coal ceases on the 7th June. While pithead prices will be controlled as hitherto the control of wholesale and retail prices ceases but measures have been taken to prevent profiteering. Dealers are urged to build
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  • 87 4 “TIMES’” COMMENTS. London, Ju ie 1. r»- 1 j T commenting on the Kins’* Birthdny poiu M out the moment ui ex psnsion of the idea of sovereignty in relatim to rh« Empire. Tne King is King of each of his peoples, as well a 8 of
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  • 772 4 S.F.P. SINGAPORE EN FETE. Although the number of troops which took part in Thursdays parade on the Esplanade was not as large as in the years before the war, when the event used to be an occasion for the military to make their presence in imposing numbers felt,
    —“ S.F.P. ’  -  772 words
  • 181 4 —“T.O.M.” With reference to the proposed war memorial in Ipoh a Public Meeting at the Town Hall is to be held at 12 o'clock on Saturday, June 12, to consider a scheme. It is hoped that all subjects of the Allied Powers, whether European or Asiatic will
    —“T.O.M.”  -  181 words
  • 520 4 Pion-er Cable. POLICY IN THE MELTING POT. London, May 21st.—The Bolsheviks, capture of Enzeli has led to much heated discussion iu the English press, not only of the event itself, but of the fighting between the Poles and Bolsheviks and the whole question of Britain’s Russian policy
    .—" Pion-er ” Cable.  -  520 words
  • 17 4 Tin was quoted in London on June 4th at £255 spot and £261 three months.
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  • 71 4 The output and profits from Kramat Pulai, Limited, for May were from the mine, tin 100 piculs, scheelite 400 piculs, estimated profit $16.000 from tributors 191 piculs, estimated profit $3,750 total piculs 691 estimated total profit $19,760. The oatput of Rawang Tin, Ltd, was as follows Kun No.
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  • 188 4 Pbnang, Ju ie 5, 1920. SP. Tapioca No. 2 $9 00 1 b M. P. Tapioca $9.00) J Gold leaf ST* l fellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 6 oz) nominal. Black Pepper $24 nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $65 nonanal Cloves SliO nominal Nutmegs
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  • 1018 4 SOCIAL PERSONAL. “8. F. P.” -Ex. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Rickett are leaving Penang to-morrow for Home. The Crown Prince Carol of Rumania leaves Singapore to-day by the Madras en route to Japan. Mr. H. Gee of Messrs McAuliffe, Davis and Hope, is being transferred from Kota Bharu to
    “8. F. P.”; -Ex.  -  1,018 words
  • 47 4 MANY BANKRUPTCIES. (Aneta Service.) Weltevreden, June 4. —The produce market is very dull, with steadily decreasing quotations. A crisis is menacing the pepper, coffee and copra markets. Many bankruptcies have occurred in Sourabaya and Samarang, as the result of over-speculation, especially in sugar.
    (Aneta Service.)  -  47 words
  • 58 4 A SINGAPORE RESOLUTION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, June 5. At a meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners yesterday, a resolution was adopted in favour of daylight saving, of not less than 20 minutes, and not more than 30 minutes. It was decided to forward the resolution to
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  • 40 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June 5. Prince Chao Fa Chakrabongs Phuvanarth, the Heir Presumptive, and party, left on a visit to Singapore and Java. They will be returning from Penang to Bangkok by the train route.
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  • 66 4 The ties played last evening resulted as under: Championship.—A. Lindley beat J. Dick 21—19. Single Handicap “A”.—Scr. Dr. J. S. Rose beat Scr. Capt. J. Kerr 21—14 —3 G. B. F. Southam beat +2 J. G. Allan 21—12; —2 W. S. Goldie beat +2 W. Hamilton 21
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  • 87 4 Owing to insufficient applications (seven only) the Griffin Scheme for Horses at the Royal Bangkok Sports Club, has fallen through. It is now proposed to import Australian Ponies only for the Club’s Racing Season 1920-1921 and applications from members have already been received for 24 ponies. Other
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 395 4 NEW POSITION Warned urgputiy. i Board and-give El Young Siamese Girl sj c t 7,,' 13 3 required, generous indac. m I 1( V’ jQ Reply immediately B cx Ber ‘l Pioaug Gazette. e/) for sale, Overland Car 5 order, carefully BB td Own»erx. $2 600. Apply Huang Gazette. 3
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  • 714 5 Future Immigration Prospects. Employers of Indian Labour in Malaya haxe awakened to the serious situation confronting them with regard to their future labour supplies from India, much later than they ought to have done. Many causes have contributed to this unfortunate neglect. One is their failure to read
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  • 94 5 The twentythird annual report of the East Asiatic Company records a satisfactory year both as regards shipping and trading- The profits from shipping were thirty million kroner and from trade and investments over eight millions. Branches and agencies gave a profit of nearly nine millions. A dividend
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  • 256 5 —“ML.” Mr. D. R. J. Garrett, Manager of Siliau Estate near Port Dickson, who was convicted in the Magistrate’s Court Seremban, of “Selling toddy by retail to be consumed off licensed premises,” and was ordered to pay a fine of $3OO appealed against the conviction and sentence
    —“ML.”  -  256 words
  • 167 5 An official announcement by the Deputy lood Controller, Kuala Lumpur, will read with interest by householders in F. M S. and Malacca. It will be of special interest- to planters and other employers of labour to note that from July 1, they will receive their full requirements—9o per
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  • 121 5 Japan's withdrawal from South Manchuria and Eastern Inner Mongolia in favour of the formation of the new Consortium is conditional, because she says that the five branch lines of the South Manchuria Railway are vital to the national safety of her empire. This is the
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  • 117 5 Before the business of the usual weekly Singapore rent board meeting was proceeded ith Mr. Tessensohn asked the President, Mr. F. J. Hallifax, what was the policy of Governmens with regard to lent c ntrol when the present ordinance expired, and the rent board ceased to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 741 5 Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. VICTORY BONDS. Bearing interest from the date of purchase at 5 per cent, per annum, payable on the ist September, and the ist March. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON THE IST SEPTEMBER. 1934 PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT AH proceeds of this issue will be
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    • 138 5 HOW CAN YOU STAND A HEADACHE? There is nothing more maddening than a dull grinding headache, or short sharp twinges in the temples, over the eyes and at the base of the brain. How can you stand it You could stand it if you had to, perhaps, but you don’t
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    • 271 5 iiiiiaiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiEiinii I CHUBBSi i SAFES i 1 A New Shipment of Book and Standard Quality Safes just Arrived a M For Prices and Particulars M Please Apply to the Sole J} Agents JJ HUTTENBACH BROS. Co., PENANG. ■■■*MMWM■ M M W M H K w xa■MM M M M M
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  • 1503 6 The name of Lord Hooter, as president of the Committee which enquired into the Punjab diatrubance’, unfortunately conveys an ominous suggestion in so far as it places General Dyer, who was in command of the troop? at Amri'sar in April of I»Sj yea r in the character
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  • 1461 6 The Kuighihood conferred upon Mr H A Wickham for bis Sir H A Wiekham services in connection and Rubier w ith the rubber industry, us,ry is a well d serv d honour. Sir Henry Wickham, originally a planter in Brazil, years ago experimented with the cultivation of
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  • 357 6 The hearing was concluded yesterday afternoon of the case in which Mr Choy Goon Yen claimed from Mr F H McCormack $lO,OOO as carnages for injuries caused by the alleged negligent driving of a motor by the defendant Judgm°nt was reserved and will be delivered o i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 201 6 ANDRE CITROEN CARS J MORS (Brevets Knight) CARS I ,;i Four Seater Models Arriving Shortly. I p Malcolm Beranger&Co. I Bangkok, Singapore, Saigon and penang. < 111 p— .yi— »wi—nunnunnnnnnnnanEnnnnnunnnnarmn n n n A SHIPMENT OF H. P. BULMER’S s “CHcrrg Pearaaln” Cider i n d n (MEDIUM DRY) D
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    • 19 6 E. 0. PENANG. x RAFFLES, Singapore. STRAND. RANGOON. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. Mr. Mrs F. B, Ricked. P. P. C.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 40 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for To-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Time: High Water. Low Water. To-day. 2.09 a.m. 8.15, 1.58 p.m. 8 53 p.m. To-morrow» 2.39 am 8 40 a.m 2 24 p.m. 9 18 p.m
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  • 544 7 PRINCE albert included. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, June 4. Ti ie Prime Minister’s list of Birthday urs confers only one Peerage, namePiince Albert, who becomes Duke of > Earl of Inverness, and Baron JarneyTno new Privy Councillors, namely, Stanley Baldwin, Financial Secrecy to the Treasury, and Mr. F. G.
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  544 words
  • 119 7 FAR EASTERN AWARDS. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, June 2. The Order of the British Empire for services in the war, has been conferred on the following Dame Grand Cross.—Lady Annie de Sausmarez, President of the British Women’s Works Association of China. Commanders Hip.— Mr. Henry Gittins, Adviser
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  119 words
  • 183 7 GENERAL SMUTS ON POST-WAR CHANGES. London/ June 3. General Smuts, interviewed by the Daily Chornicle" declared that apart from the grave situation in Central aJid Eastern Europe and the apparent impotence of the League of Nations, British statesmen should give attention to the constitutional position of the
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  • 134 7 CHAIRMAN AND SHANTUNG. London, June 2, At the annual meeting of the China Association. Mr. F. Anderson, the Chairman, said the Committee had brought to the notice of the Government, representations by the British residents in China that neither the spirit nor the letter of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty
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  • 64 7 BOLSHEVIKS REULSED. London, June 3. Reuter learns from Warsaw on June Ist that the second Bolshevik offensive is breaking down before a fierce resistance. The Bolsheviks who crossed the Beresina south of Borisoff were completely dispersed. The Bolsheviks not only failed to recapture Kieff, but after violent fighting
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  • 62 7 San Francisco, June 2Mr. T W. Lamont has returned from the Far East, where he helped to arrange a Banking consortium for the benefit of China. Addressing the Commonwealth Club, he praised the broadmindedness of Japan in waiving her reservations as regards Manchuria and Mongolia and declared that
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  • 47 7 Washington, June 2. A .joint conference of the Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives agreed to the Merchant Marine Bill, but the amount of «50,000,000 per annum assigned for the construction of new ships in the next five years was reduced by half.
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  • 588 7 THE CONTROL OF ARMED FORCES. [Reuter’s Telegrams.]' London, Jane 2. In rhe House of Commons, in the Home Rule Bill debate, Captain Coote, Coalition Liberal, moved the omission of a provision reserving to the Imperial Government control of the armed forces of the Crown. He suggested that
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]'  -  588 words
  • 52 7 London, June 2. A man alleged to have admitted charges in connection with stolen property was sentenced by Sinn Fein court he’d at midnight to banishment from Munster for two years within 48 hours of liberation, on pain of dire penalties, Accused h*s now left
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  • 32 7 London, Jane 3. The late Captain FryaD’s ship “Brussels” will bs ofiered for sale by auction in London on June 24th. Only British subjects will be allowed to bid.
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  • 169 7 THE IMPERIAL BUREAU. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, June 2. Doctor Marshall, Director of the Imperial Bureau of Entomology, stated it was inaugurated in 1909 in order, to stimulate the stuiy of pests, especially bloodsucking and disease-carrying insects retarding the development of tropical Africa. In 1913 its activities were extended
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  169 words
  • 88 7 THE BELGIAN MANDATE. London, June 2. MDe la Bassompierre, of the Belgian Foreign Office, and M Louwers, of the Colonial Department, are at present in London negotiating with Lord Milner with regard to ihe ex-German territory in East Africa known as Tanganyika. It has been arranged that the ex-German
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  • 82 7 ALLIED CONFERENCE IN LONDON. London, June 3. An Inter-Allied Housing and TownPlanning Congress, at which twenty countries are represented, met at the Central Hall, Westminster, under the presidency of Doctor Addison. The object of the Congress is to discuss the post war housing end town-planning polices of
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  • 99 7 THE INSTALLATION CEREMONY. London, June 2. The enthronement of the Bishop of St Asaph as Archbishop of Wales was mod impressive. The clergy frem every Parish in Wales attended. A di tieguished congregation sang the ‘Old Hundredth in Welsh as a greeting at the entrance to rhe Cathedral
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  • 48 7 YEAR’S EX’ENSION LIKELY. London June 3. It is foreshadowed that there will be automatic extension of ’’be Anglo-Japanese Treaty for another year, owing to insufficient time b fore July to negotiate the revisi' n nice sitated by the elimination of German influences in the Far East.
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  • 108 7 RECEPTION IN VICTORIA. Cimperdown (Victoria). Juno 1. The Prince of Wales, touring pasto r al and dairying districts < f Western Victoria, was enthusiastically greeted bv the country 'olk. A Week’s Holiday. london, June 3 Owing to the strain of constant public engagements for two months,
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  • 29 7 Paris, June 2. It is announced that the miners are offering to do an ix ra hour’s work daily in ord:T to increase the insufficient production.
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  • 801 7 THE FRENCH APPREHENSIONS. [Reuttt’t Teleoram»..} London, June 2. In cor necticn with the apprehensions expressed in France with regard to the Krassiu negotiations,espacially that France’s claims on Russia may be prejudiced by Britain receiving Russian gold in exchange for supplies, Reuter understands the fundamental purpose of the
    [Reuttt’t Teleoram»..}  -  801 words
  • 38 7 RUPTURE DENIED. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, June 2. A telegram from Prague denies the report of a rupture between Czecho-Slovakia and Poland. Doctor Benes, the Czecho-Slovak Foreign Minister is conv'nced "he dispute will be settled amicably.
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  38 words
  • 40 7 London, June 2. It is stated from authori alive quarters that there have been grave peasant uprisings in Russia, whioh were only suppressed after sanguinaiy fighting. Hundreds of peasants we e killed an! several villages destroyed.
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  • 31 7 London, June 3. A Berlin message c ffijially denies the sensational riport, of she “Berliner Tageblatt” that rrvohi i"n .ry tro pj assembled in the neighbourhood if Berlin.
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  • 30 7 Budapest, Jane 3. M. Demat d, Minister of Public Welfare and M Laz ir, a diplomatist, are en rout® to Paris to s gd the Hungarian Treaty.
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  • 29 7 ATTACKS BY BEDOUIN. London, June 2. A Jerusalem message reports that persistent attacks by Bedouin continue a’ Gallie, necessitating operations by an lt dan patrol to -ave cattle.
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  • 30 7 CARRANZAS SON IN-LAW. Vera Cruz, Jane 2. Senor Aguilor, the la’e General Carranza’s son-in law, has surrendered. He will be allowed to leave the country by the next steamer.
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  • 34 7 Washington, June 2 The Supreme C urt has not decided as to the validity of the Prohibition Amendment, and enforcement of the law is reserved until Monday, when the term closes.
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  • 47 7 BALLOT FAVOURS STRIKE. London, June 3 The National Federation of Gi»eworkers balloted as rega.ds ths question of a strike to enforce d*mands for an increase of 10s weekly, and 96 p r cent vo ed in favour of a strike. The wo.kers affected number 100,000.
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  • 22 7 Washington, Jane 2. The anthracite mineowrers and miners accepted Pre-ident Wilson’s offer of a commission to decide the dispute.
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  • 62 7 Washington, June 2. The Supreme C'.urt held that- an amendment to the Federal Cons itution cannot be submitted f r ratification to a referendum vote in States having provisions for taking a referendum, and therefore set aside decrees of the Ohio Court, in favour of
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  • 38 7 London, June 2, Trade statistics shew th«t the total French exports to America in ten months were $145,000,030 compared with $45,000,000 in 1918 The imports from America in the same period were $623,000,000, compared with $827,000,000.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 84 7 NOTICE. Owing to the increasing prodnc'ion costa it has become necessary to adva» ce the price of the Pinang Gazette "to 15 cts, a copy anc to increase the rates of subscription, with effect from Ist June, as fellows DAILY EDITION. Local S. S. ForDelivery. F.M S. eign. Monthly $3.00
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  • 730 8 PROSPECTS IN INDIA. India can, it she chooses, be one cf the world’s sources of paper supply. This view is supported by Mr. Hardiman Petbit, late business manager of the BaHy Paper Mil's Company. Writing to the press he says: '‘With its abundance of materials and other
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 129 8 WINOX A delicious Wine without drugs and the only Tonic Wine giving Analysis of contents on every bottle. WINOX WINE FOOD is a high-class Pharmaceutical K Wine containing all the food elements of prime English g ee f Wine, Malt, and unfermented Grape Juice. /W*;' A WINOX PREVENTS INFLUENZA M
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    • 835 8 II -'«I Rt'J i U* Mr c w li' 1 r A Z't. :•i i A Wonderful Experience Cured o£ Sioaie st 'ZG. It is indeed a triumph when confi med vhj is willing to confirm personally his and agonising diseases are completely statement to anyone who m o rh
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  • 330 9 Messrs. Kennedy Co., Penang, report aB follows Tin having dropped a further «£9.10/ m the week, the steadier tone that wa apparent earlier has been lost, there now being sellers where buyers were before in evidence. Rubbers c mtinue quiet but steady the supply of stock being
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  • 331 9 Fraser Co report ti at there has □een no marked tendency either way in Rubber shares during the past week: quotsiioL.6 ciboo w»vii very h'uuie alteration and margins remain wide a° the voume of business contina°s on a small scale, Mining shares are featureless for the moment
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  • 142 9 •3 special programme is being present'd to-night at the Empire Theatre when ,a addition to two new chapter» of ‘‘The -ass of the Lumberlands,” “The Argyle a &e. a Selznick picture in five reels will j e shown. It is a story with a fine end- 17
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  • 247 9 To-day’s Arrivals. Halvard, 1066, Johannsen, Hongay, B Co, general. Thongwa, 3428, Deane, Madras, I K Co, general. Feng Fook, 93, Zin, Langsa, Low Cheong Thye, general. Deucalion, 4353, Kendall, Birkenhead, WM Co, general, Yesterday’s Arrivals. Ban Whatt Soon, 199, Vaz, Teluk Anson, E S Co, general. Speelmau, 579,
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  • 24 9 1,220 coolies ariivud to day, 491 go to Tulau Jerajak for quarantine The balance go on to Port Swettenham for quarantine there.
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  • 239 9 DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. I Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, I Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, a.m. Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, j 6 p.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong J Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3.45
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  • 18 9 Despatched. Delivered. Mail “A” May soh Jane 2nd Mail “B" May 7th June Ist
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  • 16 9 '1 he homeward mail B’ by the Novara closes at 6 p.m. to day.
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  • 268 9 ST. GEORGE THE MARTYR. The Services next week will be as follows Ist Sunday after Trinity. 8 am. Matins. Pss I, 111. V. Hymn 197. 8.30 a.m.—-Holy Communion. 10.3 G a.m. —Matins (Chinese). 5 p.m.—Children’s Service. 6 p.m —Evensong, Hymn 12, Ps IV, 80, Pa VII 83, Ps
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  • 50 9 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club, from 5-45 p.m. to-day 1. Reminiscences. Of the Plantation ...Chambers 2. Fox Trot Kiss Me ...Hernandez 3. Selection The Toreador. Moncktod 4. Waltz Potpouri ...Morena 5. One Step Last Night ...Atienza 6. March Misterioso ...Hume
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  • 119 9 Penang, Jane 5, 1920 (By Courtesy *of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/3 3/4 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 316 3 Credit ...2/4 13/16 3 Documentary ...2/4 /8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 107 3 days’ sight Private 112 Bombay Demand Bank 107 Madras Demand Bank 107 3 days’sight Private
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  • 94 9 June s—The Rsgomaniacs. Town Hall, June s—Cricket, P CC v St Xwier?, Esplanade, 2 15 pm. June 6—Penang Swimming Club, AG M, Tanj mg Bu igab, noon. June 9—Pena-g Turf Club, Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 4.15 p m. Joly 9 Penang Raie Entires close. June 9—C'invent Children's Entertainment,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 59 9 ADVERTISEMENTS ON TRAM OAM. the PIN ANG gazette PRESS, Lttl having acquired from the Penang Agency 60. all the interest and exclusive rights oi the Municipal Contract for advertising on and in the Tramcar» of Penang, all communications regarding existing or future contracts and applications for terms Aa. should be
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    • 108 9 Underwood j j STANDARD I I Typewriters MB MACHINE YOU I I WILL EVENTUALLY I I BUY I I PATERSON, SIMONS Co. I I LIMITED. I (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) I AGENTS I Penang, Singapore and Knaia Lumpur. I R. young < Co., Ltd., J PENANG. I II i Civil Engineers
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  • 470 10 Pioneer Cable. More Demands on Capital. London, May 19 —The National Ra i way Board, consisting of four represent, atives of the four of the men and four of the consumers, is sitting in public to hear evidence on the claims of the two Railwaymen's
    “ Pioneer ” Cable.  -  470 words
  • 451 10 That Gabrie’e d’Ant u zio, puet of love and lie; nse in days of peace, sin u’d b> come the intrepid airman in days cf war was or e of. the dramatic surprises of the Italian campaign. That he should now be setting up an embarrassing
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 293 10 I RUNNYMEDE HOTEL (SEASIDE.) PENANG. I THE FLNEST- SITUATION IN PENANG TERMS MODERATE S a UNDER THE PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF KERDYK HENDERSON Proprietors. g t.-,,,.,..» mi i B!, lg, iIVwF g srl J— bottle I ,ver witli life, L/ ’alatable and -l ij.\ >■' t’s the regular ’\jgg|PETT T aßi
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    • 449 10 IX 5. f > I z Il Whether you think in the SWift businesSj terms of Pneumatics or TV- professional or pleasu- car, Solids for heavy traffic— \A' y U h&Ve the minimum of the tyre's the thing. The trouble and expense in Vital Thing. The Point )1 Avons. And
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1009 11 BRITISH I l uwouviok o» an— »at.4«t4_ lto. l Q W £"XW TI /W I I\T y »H D» EXPANDED METAL 1116 L) <J LLI 1(JIN O DD DIAMOND MESH E :rS The Light-Weight Piano that Inccease of Funds «788,888 Never Needs Tuning. 1 Claims, Loans and Cash Bamndara |«Mlad
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    • 1594 12 P«zv HDITKH INBIA PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Company, £t ■lll/1/1 (INCORPORATED IN U. S. A.) W JL I REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE. Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. AND ECUADOR From Hongkong about 16th June 19-0 A ATO T T IXI IT s 8 COLOMBIA From Hongkong about 14th
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    • 871 12 DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINES ORIENTAL-NEW YORK LINE. Sailing from Singapore York Via Panama Canal. s Bessie Dollar 10,000 tons displacement] saiiing from S’pore June 29, 192< Sailing 1 from Hongkong to San®|Francisco, Through Bills of J Lading ssued. Cargo Booked at Current Rates. For further particulars as regards freight bookings apply
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