Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 June 1920

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 530 1 g Obtainable everywhere wholesale from g h i! h wy ii; J Ong Sam Leong Co., Penang, g I -*»< THE DISTINCTIVENESS and indi- IF YOU HAVE NOT TP'En VIDUALITY OF “STATE EXPRESS” ~E WV NO.L g CIGARETTES COMPEL ADMIRATION. BEAK BRAND MILK 8 ,ou have B 0 ldea what
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    • 32 1 I THE BEST CAR iN TOWN I i i fc I I 8 wLvt-iN Hv.e k> un > |g f Sole Agents S.S. a EM S. a f Ong Sam Leong Do. a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 3064 2 PnsiTinNS VACANT NOTICES. PENANG TURF CLUB, Important Sale of Town Properties, Th Subscription List will close on or before June !sth. I9?n HUbiiiUNb vauani. Rubber Estates and Business E L 77" NOTICE TO MARINERS The Half Yearly Meeting of the Mem- Concerns in Kedah. Engineer wanted to take charge of
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  • 286 3 Says the “Bangkok Times”:—Some little time since it appears that Bangkok was visited by Mr. Herbert Roth, cartoonist of the “New York World,” and Mr. G. F. Worts, of “Colliers Weekly,” who were making a, tour of the Orient in search of thrills and adventures that they
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  • 204 3 —“S.F.P.” The Singapore Rowing Club, for many years seriously handicapped by its situation along the Singapore River, which is usable only at high water and which is often too congested for the safe passage of light rowing craft, has now obtained .permission to build a Boat House
    —“S.F.P.”  -  204 words
  • 183 3 —“China Mail.” The following advt. cut from a Singapore paper has been handed us for sympathetic comment: “Englishman, ExAirman, had to descend from heaven owing to shortage of petrol, desires work. No money, no training, no influence only handicap war service. Tuans Besar please note. “Tuans Besar” is
    —“China Mail.”  -  183 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 99 3 JEFFREY’S BEER. j (“CHOP KOTA”) THE GENERAL FAVOURITE. b I 1 SOLE AGENTS: Adomstn, Gilliiian co., Limited. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). I I NOBEL’S GLASGOW I I EXPLOSIVES I j Gelignite, sextuple I Detenus«rs, Safety Fuse I ISandilands, Buttery I I 8 co.. Penustg. Aylesbury 6 Nutter Ltd., ipoit, SM>-t,tals 'or
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    • 261 3 A PENALTY OF EXISTENCE IN THE TROPICS. From a tourist’s point of view to take the Eastern trip is indeed a delightful experience. One skims through, seeing and doing I only what is best staying nowhere ’long enough to feel the climatic i pull on one’s health But different by.
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    • 155 3 PRITCHARD Telephone 33s. n o r telegrams: With Departmental r y PEANCO Connections. J C>C-z. 7 L* 1 PENANG. PENANG IPOH. INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Ladies Department **The Best always ajt Moderate Prices/’ A Sport Coatj i M AN Jumpers. We are showing in this department a large selection
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  • 1838 4 FREE IRADE AND PREFERENCE, The monthly meeting of the Athenaeum was held in the Masonic Hall, Northern Road, last night, when a paper was read by Dr R M Connolly on “Imperial Free Trade and Imperial Preference,” a short discussion following. -j The Rev D J Ross M
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  • 71 4 Storm Damage To Estates The directors of the Tali Ayer Rubber Estates Limited, have received a cablegram reporting severe wind storms, resulting in damage to about 22,000 trees on the Tali Ayer and Sungei Bogak Estates, which represents about 7 per cent of the total number of
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  • 2429 4 PENANG SUB-BRANCH OF SOCIETY FORMED. A public meeting convened with the object cf forming a Penang SubBranch of the Malayan Branch of the Society for the Prevention of Venereal Disease was held in the Penang Chamber of Commerce, yesterday afternoon, those present including Dr Malcolm Rattray,
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  • 187 4 Pinang, June 1, 1920. SP. Tapioca No. 2 $9 001 M. P. Tapioca $9.50 j bu y ers Gold leaf $72 seller*. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) nominal. Black Pepper $24 nominal. White Pepper nominal. Trang Pepper nominal Mace Pickings $65 nominal Cloves $l4O nominal Nutmegs average
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  • 196 4 Yesterday’s AR RIVALBt Toussomu, 136, Amner p Asiatic Petroleum Coy, Fuel Oil Malacca 405, Slack, Co, general. a G < Expected Arri Val 8( Gregory Apcar, Calcutta <tb Novara, Singapore th Devanh?, London, 9th Delta, Singapore, 13th. Tnoogwa, Madras, 4:b. Ellora, Singapore, sth. Tara, Singapore, 4 h. Muttra,
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  • 237 4 DAILY (except Sunday), BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, I Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, [By tnia Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, sa Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, j <s 6 ci Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong j Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train 3 n 10,15 a
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  • 28 4 Telegram from G P O London*--by PS O Packet Khiva a^P 9tcJ 1 Penang tc London on the 30th P delivered in London on the 1
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  • 78 4 Pbnang. Jau o l 1920 {By Courtesy ot the Charted London Demand Bank n/4 1 4 months’ sight Ban 3 Credit 3 Documentary Oalcutta Demand Bank 3 days’ sight Private -> 107 Bombay Demand Bank p) Madras Demand Bank 3 days’ sight Private Rangoon Demand Bank ji. Hongkong Demand
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    • 1278 5 Simla correspondent on May 26 wired hat the Report of the Hunter Committee aether with the Government of India’s J), «patch dated 3rd May and he Secretary f State’s n-ply dated India Office, 26th \lf,y are p'tb’idi'd and gave the following precis. General Dyer Denounced and Removed. crefa-y
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    • 577 5 M writes ’’o the Pioneer Won d you allow oim who is proud to have sevpd under General Dyer a few words on this subject. It is wrongly regarded from apn ely materi 1 point of view. Thero is also the moral < np, s raogely
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    • 583 5 His Story of Amritsar J 4 -1 j A special correspondent of the "Daily 3 Mail,’’ who interviewed General Dyer at Southampton, says the General, speakingof the events on April 13th, said J "I shjt to save the British Raj—to preserve India for the Empire, and to protect
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  • 369 5 It was the intention of the Post Office to charge the increased lette r rates, announced in the Bulged from June 1. Penny p stage, introduced by Sir Rowlani Hill in 1840, disappeared on June 3, 1918. Three-halfpenny postage had a little over three weeks to run,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 1049 6 There are many signs of a revival of the ancient controversy between the Free traders and the Protectionists The paper by Dr Connolly and the subsequent discussion at the Athenaeum meeting last evening serve as an opportunity to focus local attention on a subject that has far more
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  • 28 6 Yesterday’s quotation for refined tin in Penang was $l4O per picul, buyers, no seller?, unrefined tin $139 per picul, and tin ore $139 buyers, no sellers.
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  • 232 6 The output of the Rahman Tin Co., Ltd., during the month of May was 436 pikuls; Mill piculs 180.34, tributes piculs 255.83 The output of Hitam Tin, Ltd., during the month of May was 404.64 piculs.. The Directors of Cluny Rubber Estates, Limited, aie recommending the payment of
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  • 1810 6 S.T." Sir Auckland Geddes, Britain’s new Ambassador to the United Oil—and States, speaking to AmeriBolshevism. cans at the Pilgrims’ Club, sweepingly denied that Britain is seeking to monopolise the world’s fuel oil supplies. It is nothing like a monopoly that has been obtained, but several Home newspapers,
    S.T."  -  1,810 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 250 6 I TOWN HALL, JUNE 5™ I THE RAGOMANIACS! Assassins of Sorrow and Disciples i of King Fun, Presenting a Modern and Most Up-to-date Programme B w of Good, Clean, Wholesale Hmusement. 8 1 A Great Combination of Talent. S Th« Rangoon Gazette “lt is a bright, original show H H
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 182 6 nnnnnnnuannuunnnniinnnnnnnnnnn i IMPERIAL i H EMPIRE THEATRE, PENANG ROAD. H tl 9 From MONDAY, 31st MAY, to WEDNESDAY 2nd JUNK H In the Second Show at 9-15 p. m. William A. Btady Presents Carlyle Blackwell in n The Maid of Mystery or Sally in Our Alley R9ela n 15 It
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    • 38 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for To-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Time:— High Water, Low Water. To-day. 12.00 mint. 6.12 a.m. 12.04 p.m. 7 00 p m. To-morrow. 12.33 a.m. 6.46 a.m. 12.34 p.m. 7.31 p.m.
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  • 24 6 DEATH. Wilson. —On board the s.S. Devanha, near Aden, on the voyage to Penang, Wilfred Geoffrey, youngest sob of Chief Inspector Wilson. —By Cable.
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  • 30 7 BOLSHEVIK failure. Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 28. communique, describing the situation, claims that the BolsheP Offensive has failed, while the Poles, stacking, inflicted severe losses on the enemy.
    . Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  30 words
  • 20 7 HOSTILITIES CEASE. Vladivostok, May 28. Itusso Japanese hostilities ceased on „-,ih. The Russo-Japanese ArmisM .’Commission has arrived at Khabarovsk-
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  • 101 7 V correspondent at Tokio of the iiiiiii Post” states that the Japa- jo e disarmed Bolsheviks in Siberad now hold all the most important east of Baikal, although the territ i S swarming with guerilla bands. The correspondent declares that the nnlitansts in Japan are in the
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  • 46 7 London, May 31. A a joint meeting of the Senate and Deputies constituting the newly elected (zecho-Slovak National Assembly, M Masaryk’s election as President of the Renublie was confirmed by a large majontv The German National Parties nomin?ted a candidate who polled fevz votes.
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  • 77 7 THE DELEGATION IN LONDON. London, May 28. M. Krassin, head of the Bolshevik trade delegation, has arrived in London. It is believed one of the objects of the mission is to obtain permission to sell captured gold to England. The “Times’ deciares that to permit such a sale
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  • 64 7 THE POLITICAL SITUATION. Berlin, May 28. Weissmann, Commissioner of Puh'i. Order, in a statement, says the dtuiier of a rising by the Left and Right a '.’io us, but not acute. The Communists and Labourites had a few followers *ho would be easily suppressed. The main. danger lies in
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  • 49 7 Brussels, May 28. Tiie papers generally approve of the Government statement regarding the I’iEii n Channel, and express the opiL,, i that the Allies cannot fail to realise Dutch policy aims at dominating Pv.ciuiß nevertheless the bellicose attitude t .'a ids Holland is strongly depre Cited.
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  • 115 7 MELBOURNE’S RECEPTION. Melbourne, May 28. f'rince of Wales has had a contiround of receptions, and held a ttended levee, at which he deJ a considerable number of ex,!len. He subsequently received from the House of Representa:‘d the Senate, and attended in the I Commonwealth dinner in
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  • 46 7 London, May 28. ‘fk-/ J Northants by eight 1 Ussex in the first innings (Bowley 169). yi '> Warwickshire by 259 Mr 3 s ‘*ire in the second innings fi'" tickets, and then de*'Ted pq 3 icings closed. Kilner v u; mi ddlesex was drawn.
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  • 81 7 SENATOR HITCHCOCK’S AMENDMENT. [Reuter's Telegrams.} Washington, May 30. The Senate postponed action on the Armenian resolution, in order to allow Senator Hitchcock to present an amendment empowering the President to appoint three Americans to serve with three Armenians on a Commission to supervise the economic development of Armenia and
    [Reuter's Telegrams.}  -  81 words
  • 21 7 Washington, May 30. A special Railroad Committee has beeu appointed to co-operate with the Inter-State Commission to expedite transportation.
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  • 21 7 Washington, May 30. In the Senate, Senator Walsh introduced a resolution urging an embargo on the export of coal.
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  • 35 7 Washington, May 28. By 219 for overriding, and 152 against, the House of Representative» failed to override President Wilson’s veto of the peace resolution, the majority being 29 less than required
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  • 28 7 Washington, May 29. The U. S. Senate Agricultural Committee has ordered a favourable report on the Bill providing for an export embargo on sugar.
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  • 47 7 Washington, May 30. The Senate adopted the Conference Report on the Army Reorganisation Bill, which now goes to the President. The House of Representatives, after a bitter debate, passed the Soldiers' Relief Bill by 289 votes to 92, and sent it to the Senate.
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  • 190 7 VOTE OF CONFIDENCE. Paris, May 28. The Chamber, voting on an interpellation on the Hythe Conference, passed a vote of confidence in the Government by 533 to 68. French Premier’s Statement. Paris, May 28. In the Chamber, replying to criticisms of the Hythe Conference, particularly as regards
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  • 34 7 CANADA’S CLAIM. Ottawa, May 28. Canada claims an indemnity of $1,871,000,000 from Germany, including $85,000,000 for separation allowances, $32,000,000 for the Halifax explosion and $31, (»00,000 for losses by Germany’s illegal warfare.
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  • 81 7 TWO POLICE DEAD. London, May 28Kilmallock Police Barracks, between Cork and Limerick, were attacked last night and burned down. Two policemen were burned to death and a civilian wounded. America and Ireland. Washington, May 28. The House of Representatives’ Foreign Affairs Committee by 11 votes to 7 favourably
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  • 354 7 HIS SERVICES TO CHINA [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, May 31. The death has occurred at Sidmouth. after an illness of some months, of Dr. George E. Morrison, Political Adviser to the President of the Chinese Republic since 1912, and correspondent of the “Times” for Indo-China, Siam and
    [Reuter's Telegrams.]  -  354 words
  • 356 7 MR. BLAND’S DECLARATION. London, May 29. Continuing his Far Eastern articles in the “Times,” Mr. J. O P. Bland says that next to the demoralization of the Chinese Government, the continued exercise of irresponsible authority by military parties at Tokyo is the most dangerous factor
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  • 51 7 In the case of Donald v Duncan which «or so long occupied the time of the Supreme Court. Ipoh. an appeal has been lodged against the decision of the Judicial Commissioner dated May 7, 1920. The appeal has been filed by Messrs Cowdy and Jones, the appellant's
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  • 393 7 London, May 19. —In the House of Commons to-day, replying to Mr. Lawson, Mr. Montagu stated the proposed changes in the constitution of Burma would be submitted to the Commons in the form of a bill. Action could not be i taken on it until Parliament
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  • 101 7 London, May 24. —An Aden message says The British steamer Cordoba from Rangoon to Constantinople has been abandoned on account of fire off Socotra. The steamer Umta is bringing the crew and passengers to Aden. [The Cordoba left Rangoon on May 7 with a guard consisting of three
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  • 192 7 New York, May 3.—The United States is using twice as much petroleum as all the rest of the world, although its potential supplies are only one-seventh of the world’s total. The United States Geological Survey, which makes this statement this morning, declares that the other countries
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  • 136 7 T. O. M.” Kampar, May 31'—Last night at about 8 o'clock an attsck was made on Mr Oh Cheng Keat, proprietor of Ban Seng Leong and Co., of Kanopar. The assailant was, it is alleged, a man who stabbed him sometime ago, and who after conviction, was sent
    “ T. O. M.”  -  136 words
  • 679 7 Dr. and Mrs. Samuels are going Home on the Delta.—“T. O- M.” H. E. Governor will inspect the Boy Scouts of South Malaya in Singapore on June 19th. Lieutenants Parer and Mclntosh have delayed their departure from Penang in their De Haviland aeroplane until Thursday or Friday.
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  • 69 7 Per N. Y. K s.s. lyo Maru, from London, 8. —To Singapore: Mr. and Mrs. F. Ruchwaldy, Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar, Mr. Nai Chena, Mr. G. M. Mcßryan, Mr. S. S Furber, Mr. E. Challen, Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Littlefair, Mr. R C. Staven, Mrs. E. Hall, Miss
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  • 209 7 CHINESE LABOUR. [Fbom Ovb Own Corbespondont.) Singapore, June 1. In the Legislative Council, yesterday, io answer to the Hou Mr Lowther Kemp, the Hon Mr F S James said with regard to the Chinese labour shortage, a Conference between representatives of the Planters' Associations and Government officials was
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  • 214 7 Mobb Gambling Casks. Captain Barry continues his gambling suppression campaign. His raids of Sunday resulted in three batches of alleged gamblers being arrested and arraigned before Mr RD Acton yesterday on tbe charge of playing in a common gaming house. In the first case, eleven Hokien ladies were
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  • 251 7 Output Reduced By Fire. The following official statement bas beau issued by Malayan Collieries, Ltd: —"We regret to ii form you that, owing to an obstiuction of colliery haulage ways produced by a serious fire, which occurred on the sth and 6th May, the output of coal will
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  • 85 7 The following dies are fixed for tomorrow Double Handicap, 1 Ser J G Allan H Sbarr v 2 J S Rose W Hamilton (2). Single Handicap B—3 F M Sharrock v 2 T E Mason (3). Championship—A Lindley v R Owen (4). Single Handicap B—SBE Mitchell
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  • 282 8 On the question of the new price of food at the Station Hotels —$4-25 per diem, the '‘Malay Mail” says, unofficial hotel managers will say that this figure is very moderate. We do not say it is not. It depends upon what one receives for it. The
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  • 299 8 “S.F.P.” One generally imputes one’s-self to others (an equally awkward way of saying that the eye sees what the eye brings the power to see) and the Daylight Saving movement is presumably voted for on the ground that it would suit the supporter- POTO people are enthusiastic and so
    – “S.F.P.”  -  299 words
  • 160 8 A meeting of creditors has been held at Bankruptcy Buildings under a receivingorder made on the petition of a firm of moneylenders against Sir Francis Taylor Piggott, barrister-at-law, of Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn. Mr. E. Parke, Assistant* Official Receiver, who presided, said that the debtor, who was
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 453 8 I UNI-LECTRICI light and power GENERATORS g NSW TYPE WITH I SELF STARTER r Can be «tailed and stopped from tiro or three remote positions by dfc ?W MEMIY NEBBM BOTTOHGenerate? direct current < t 110 ▼•its. Capacity, forty t< •KHfrttn lamp». 't SOLE AGENTS* F?'*> fV Hniteers (United Engineers
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    • 176 8 DIZZINESS AND SICK HEADACHES aiise from constipation, biliousness and disordered liver. To cure them there is nothing better than the little gentle-as-nature laxatives vhich neither gripe noi’ purge. Pinket(es purify the breath, clear the skin, prevent diarrhoea and dysentery, relieve Piles. Obtainable from all druggists, also post free, 90 cents
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    • 223 8 i CHUBB I ■QAFFS I A New Shipment of Book and Standard Quality Safes i just Arrived M miaiii'lirilMt»ii¥"’’ll l i*| For Prices and Particulars Please Apply to the Sole i Agents a HUTTENBACH BROS. Co., PENANG. ■f si* aaaigu Illi['ANDRĔ CITROEN OAR? I MORS (B eu<!,s KrisM) CARS I
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1066 9 'FOR SALE ,pos ITI q W I Fitter Brothers- rUK QALL I-edUte l ,r (q ri ed, aßßiorShBrth Bd rAPIBONIjM a M Typist Reply with fan particulars to IzVll VJ IVA AL QIID CT D D M B x N 2oB c/ Fina 8 Gazette Just ar ve d new
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  • 186 10 Padouk Sunk, During the recent storm a number of sailing vessels were wrecked or driven out of their course after leaving Rangoon and other ports. Among them was the brig Sathiya Narayana, which left Rangoon for Tondi but never reached there, being blown into Akyab. The
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  • 151 10 Damages Against School Teacher. For injury to an eye, of which he hss practically lost the sight, Thomas Arthur Harris, aged 10, was at the Liverpool Assizes awarded £375 damages and costs against Charles Ryan, school teacher, the Battle Education Committee, and the Battle Corporation, The
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  • 213 10 Labourers in Shanghi are aroused as a result of the rise in the price of rice on May 12. The market piice of the cereal ran as high as $lO per picul on the previous day and shopkeepers are contemplating the with drawal (f the meals
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  • 221 10 Ayer Kuning (F. M. S. Rubber The report of the Directors of the Ayer K-uning (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., Ltd., f r the year ended the 31st December, 19L9, siys the year’s working resulted in a profit of .£58,385 4 2, to which has to be added the Bum brought forward
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  • 84 10 June I—Hockey, Colours v Esplanade, 5 15 pm. June 2—Town Band, Botanical Gardens, 9 pm, June 3—Cricket, PCCvPRC, 11 a.m. June 3—King's Birthday. Public Holiday. Parade of Police and Cadets. Esplanade, ,7 30 a.m. Garden Party. Residency 5 pm. June s—Cricket, PC C v St Xaviers, Esplanade, 2.15
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  • 1057 10 v i oo NAMES. S |.2 I __g 3 j£3 RUBBER (Dollar.) C 5 C Allenby Rubber Co. Ltd, 90e 1.00 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 3.59 3.75 Amalgamated Malay Estates 4.50 4.80 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 25.00 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates 1.20 1-30 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. 3.C0 3.30
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  • 1272 10 jMumn JYleeting, 1920. RACE DAYS FIRST DAY Tuesday, 20th July, 1920. SECOND DAY Thursday, 22nd July, 1920, THIRD DAY Saturday, 24th July, 1920. Proposed Programme. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 20th JULY, 1920. 1. The George Town Plate. Value $7OO and sioo to each Second Horse. A Handicap for
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 281 10 (S YN O LEOI I \y Tb« OH Bound Washable DI fit am par for lotartor and Exterior Decoratieai A soft fiat finish. Does not rub off. Proclaimed I unrivalled for Tropical use. I nj ft for Full Pange of Artiftic Slade* and Colour Schemes. > F- <VBIMBaBBHBDBBBSBKS PATERSON, SIMONS
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1081 11 Fordsoii ftrcis lor planters, g— < advbrtjscments. I— A Mr > i j L /< pl w j Semi Died 6«Sl««. I 1 PROTECTED BY PATENTS. f \v WHHr 12 0,85 S JSft .A.-. -m.**. Advertisements are charged by S ye-v-Su! f k., .<- space- a line of ordinary advertise-
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1497 12 Pa fX HRITISH INDIA PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Company, ft W S 111 VIA (INCORPORATED IN U. S. A.) Q W B REGULAR MONTHLY TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE. Hongkong, Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco. ft**!/ ECUADOR From Hongkong about 16th June 1920 WTg If ssCOLOMBIA From Hongkong about 14th July 1920
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    • 574 12 THE BEN LINEor STEAMERS Ltd LEITH. OUTWARD SAILINGS. ss Benarty n from London due 30th May Sailing for Hongkong 4tl HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Coast cargo booked at current rates on date of sailing of >. For full particulars as regards apace available and freight. Apply to Sandilands, Buttery ft Co Agents
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    • 344 12 THE MEREANTILE BANK «F INBIA, LIMITEB. [lSAorporatod in EnglaaM), Authorised Capital Si,SOC,OOC Subscribed Capital 1,500,000 Prtd-up 750,00 C Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 835,000 Board of;jDirectors. R.J. Black, Esq., (Chairman:, J. M. Ryrit, Eiq, H. Melvill Simons Esq., P. R. Chaimen, Eia Sir David Yule, Lord Carmichael. GC S I,
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