Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 September 1919

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 597 1 envelopes ALL SORTS AND SIZES PRINTED OR PLAIN f he Pining Gazette Press LIMITED. I l |||||||j ßl B U |||j|| U I «.rau <W< lYor nwrp j Q I BEAR BRAND MILK h,<.h.^v.c,oa I I I ®BBSf Ml Jf at moderate prices. W I y° u can h ave
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    • 35 1 ■LB." I 'IM' UP-TO-DATE PRINTING of every description undertaken, from a visiting card to the largest size poster, by The Pinang Gazetie Press, Ltd. with care and promptitude. Estimates given free and artistic display guaranteed.
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  • 585 2 SINGAPORE VIEWS People in Penang have grave misgivings about the future of their port and Prai if the Penang Harbour Board and the EMS Railways are to continue to control, either directly or indirectly, the destinies of those ports, says the Free Press,” of Tuesday. The, occasion of
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  • 296 2 M M.” Washington, August 13,—Military and naval circles at Washington are being agitated by the controversy that at home preceded, daring the war, the creation of the Royal Air Force. At present the American Army and Navy have separate air services. The War Department wants them
    M M.”  -  296 words
  • 329 2 The following is taken from the Brisbane Courier of August 26 The steamer Mataram, which was damaged as the result of striking rocks when rounding Bulunha Point on Friday morning, went into the South Brisbane dry dock on Saturday night for inspection and repairs. At
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  • 551 2 S.T.” In the Divorce Court at Melbourne on August 29, reports the Brisbane papers, Edgar Warwick Goodchild, theatrical manager, sought a divorce from May Goodchild, better known by her stage name, Maud Fane, on the ground of misconduct by the respondent with Robert Peel, who was joined
    " S.T.”  -  551 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 179 2 OFFICE STATIONERY, Etc. READING EASEL,. The “Reading Easel’’ is invaluable for use on the Tab'e, or bolding Newspaper in an upright, orderly position. Finished in Biack Japan with Ornamental Border. Price $0.60. CAKE BOXES. Cake boxes No. 282 10 cts. each. No. 392 08 No. I Postal 12 »> No.
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    • 967 2 /V. Gazette. PP 7 fi o. 28; MISC E L LAI S cond -hand Iron I n two P air 9 lrOQ wbeeh, also B 1 T twelve feet l Ong for P«r of dimensions of truck =i i Ap P r °xinut H This is the Genatosan Seal feet
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 437 2 |TOWN HALL.j 1 Commenting Monday Jiext. September 2St6, 1919. g S AT 9-IS P.M. FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY IS S I I I I EDGAR WARWICK I presents the I Hew Revusical-Comedy IN g VANITY FAIRS B IN NEW EDITIONS g 1 A feast of farcical fun and frolic
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  • 1837 3 —“M.M” INCREASING THE OUTPUT. The six annual general meeting of shareholders in Malayan Collieries, Limited, was held at the registered offices of the Company, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Buildings, Kuala Lumpur, on September 20:h. Mr R C Russell presided. The Chairman, in moving the adoption, of the report
    —“M.M”  -  1,837 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 851 3 PoSI TIONS VACANT. I NOTICES. Cvlin der and Platen MacWncnwn KRAMAT PULAI, LIMITED s>l ry according to qu.li6o.Uons. Apply (Incorporated in England.) Works Manager, Pinang Gazetie. T <■ T J’he Directors have declared a dividend riprk wanted (Tamil) for V’ less lnc °me tax 6a. payable in A Jo n
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    • 151 3 PRITCHARD 6 Co 1« INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. sportinTrequisites. DOUBLE BARREL BREACH LOADING SPORTING GUNS Hammer 12 bore 552 and $7O Hammerless 12 bore $B4 SINGLE BARREL BREACH LOADING Hammer 12 bore $26 SPORTING CARTRIDGES ■lt 'IMR Winchester. Kynoch. Primax. No 4’ 6& 8 shot ...$10.50 per 100 w Buckshot
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  • 18 4 F^O’Nians —Scott—On September 22, at the St. Andrew,a Cathedral, Singapore, Percy Henry O’Niaus to Agnes Aithuah Scott.
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  • 1412 4 What we wrote yesteiday for this colainn only touched, in a general way, onjthe result of Tmsday’s meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, and we may therefore, without impropriety return to the subject for the purpose of a more detailed reference to some of tie points raised
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  • 1632 4 Penang intends to do its bib in the matter of subscriptions Raffles College, for Raffles College, as a memorial of the cenentary of Singapore. A representative Committee has been appointed, Mr G Flower Turner is local Treasurer, the Inspector of Schools will collect from the European community,
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  • 105 4 T IN PRICES. To-day’s quotation for Penang was $133 per picul, buyer») and for refined tin $133 per picul, buy no sellers. An extraordinary general urn w j|i Stiawan 1 übber Plantations ba held at the Company s Office, g b er, Street, P.nang, on the d J iDg the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 308 4 I Fort-Reviver 1 THE WONDERFUL NON- ALCOHOLIC STIMULANT. “«7? Jsiqueur ‘ffionie.” 2 EE J It is a combination of pure fruit juices ĕĕ g re-inforced with nerve foods such as Glycero g Phosphates, Lecithin and Organic Phosphates g g of the Nuclein Group. J Stocked in Quarts and j SOLE
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    • 34 4 THE CRAG HOTEL. PENANG HILLS. The Sanatorium of the Straits Settlements. Completely Renovated. Bungalows for families, alsofsingle and double rooms. Laundry on the Premises. JZr. Mrs. Q. H. Pritchard Misses Pritchard. P. P. C.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 35 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for To-day, and To-morrow, StandardTimes:—OS 'High Water. Low Water. To-day. 1.00 a.m. 7 07 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 7.18 p.uj. To-morrow. 1.07 a.m. 7.36 a.m. 1.14 p.m. 7.42 p.m.
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  • 137 5 pB ;nKIN’S PROGRESS. [Ri ut»’B Telegbame.J London, September 22. ar Office state? that Denikin is within 40 miles cf Astrakhan. cavalry, supported by S r cars, crossed the Khoper river, 40 of the junction with the Heavy hg htiD S is P roceediu SDon Army, vvbich is progressing
    [Riut»’B Telegbame.J  -  137 words
  • 65 5 Berne, September 23. The Lithuanian Press Bureau says the [jthuanian troops are within three kilomeDvinsk. Lithuania refused to negotiate with the Lijhevists unless the Allies and Latvia K ii Eethonia jointly negotiate. The Daily News” Paris correspondent > Geieral Etienne arrived at R g», and th reported
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  • 120 5 Lieu:-General Sir C. G. Briggs, chief of British Military Mission with the snander-in-chief of the armed, forces in Mi Russia, who recently reached Lonhir m Denikin’s headquarters, gave [explanation of General Denikin’s policy r follows: 4 1 Abolition of Bolshevik anarchy and Lt institution of law and order.
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  • 77 5 Harbin. September 9. —It is officially j? "ed that the Siberian Army on the "•iffi-Kurgan front has taken the offenG which is developing wth the utmost Il PKuty, Many villages hayq been capand the enemv is in a panic and in < retreat. the region of Semiretschensk the
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  • 27 5 Versailles, September 22, r Eisner, on behalf of Germany, ’he protocol declaring article 61 of German (relative to ■‘•rt representation in the German null.
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  • 66 5 EXr HUsiASM AT BUDAPEST. London, September 23. <■„ message of September t iia J* Ve3 dle neWB that Trane-Danu-Bogar V be occupied by British ,w,l J were received with enthusiasm B,^p eßt At 1,,. rest Pro-British demonstration ttc ’ivej Per8 even D g. General Gordon &D
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  • 94 5 MR. THOMAS’S STATEMENT. [Reuter’s Tibumaim j London, September 23. The Labour M.P., Mr. J. H. Thomas,’in a speech in London, declared there was imminent) danger of a general railway strike, because the Government’s proposals for standardisation of wages made no allowance for higher paid men, and if the
    [Reuter’s Tibumaim j  -  94 words
  • 50 5 MENACE TO OTHER TRADES. London, September 23. As the result of the ironfoundets’ strike, the outlook in the Midlands is very black. It is expected that 36,000 engineers at Leeds and 16,000 workers at Wolverhampton, will be thrown idle shortly. The strike has spread to the Southampton shipyards.
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  • 86 5 New York, September 22. The national-wide strike of steelworkers has begun. A varying response is reported in the principal centres. Many mills continue to work with reduced staffs. The Steelworkers’ Secretary states that 284,000 have struck, of whom 60,000 are in Chicago and 30,000 in Cleveland. The Companies
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  • 320 5 FUNCTION AT PORTSMOUTH. London, September 23. There was a nremorable function in Portsmouth Town Hall, when a number of Admirals and tbe Lower Deck dined in neighbourly fashion at a great naval reunicn to celebrate peace. The affair was entirely organised by the Lower Deck. Four hundred guests
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  • 166 5 Senator Pearce, when in London, c- xnpleted Mr. Hughes’s arrangement to ship to Australia the 11-inch railway gun which the 31st (Q Battalion captured at *iarbonnieres on Bth August, 1918. The gun was io be shipped on board the Dongarra in September. Undoubtedly it is Australia’s greatest
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  • 120 5 ATTEMPTED YUGO SLAV LANDING. [Raum’g Tumqums.] Rome, September 22. A semi official report say a Yogo-Slav attempt to land on the Dalmatian Coast was frustrated by the Italian naval and military authorities’ energetic measures. Bomb Incident at Fiume. Rome, September 23. The Temps Trieste corrr spondent says a number
    [Raum’g Tumqums.]  -  120 words
  • 46 5 Loudon, September 23. The Ministry of Ways and Communicatioi s was inaugurated to day, when Sir Eric Geddes commenced the task of bring ing under single control the whole transport of the country. It is hoped that much economy will thereby be effected.
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  • 179 5 It is announced that Rumania has refused the settlement in regard to the Banat and Temesvar which was arrived at by the Peace Conference. The “Echo de Paris” states that owing to Rumania’s reported refusal to accept the Peace Conference’s settlement of the Tbmesvar dispute, Servia threatens to
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  • 177 5 London, August 24.—Proceedings based upon correspondence alleging intelligence with' the enemy have been commenced against M. Ernest Judet, who was editor of the Paris “Eclair” during the war. Judet, who was s conspicuous figure in the Dreyfus affair, sold the “Eclair” in 1917, and has since resided
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  • 136 5 London, August 23. —The German Minister of War, Herr Noske, in an interview with a correspondent at Weimar, repudiated “the absurd idea of a war of revenge. “Germanv’s policy,” he says, “is absolutely clear She is making an immense effort to carry out the treaty, but she is
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  • 87 5 London, August 21.—1 n connection with the Air Ministry’s gift of aeroplanes to tho Commonwealth, Senator Pearce has completed arrangements to accept the following Avros, fitted with ho; so power Mons engines. Thirty SES type machines, fitted witn 180 horse power Viper engines Thirty-five De Havilands (DH9),
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  • 272 5 SPEECH ON THE DOMINIONS. [Rxtrm’s Tblsobamb.] Vancouver, September 23. Ths Prince of Wales had a great reception, the city being lavishly decorated. Replying to a civic address, HR H referred to British Columbia as the western bulwark of the British crown. He was amazed at the splendid
    [Rxtrm’s Tblsobamb.]  -  272 words
  • 144 5 New York, August 23. —Dr. Altendorff, a former United States military intelligence officer, states that German army officers were given commands in the Mexican army in 1918, and that they drilled native soldiers and German reservists for the purpose of invading the United States in
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  • 155 5 Paris, August 25. —The depositions against George Quien, a Frenchman, vmo is charged with having betrayed Nurse Caveli after she had beirieiided him, states that tie is an “intelligent scapegrace,” who has been frequently in prison. He was released m September, 1914, in a penniless condition. The
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  • 75 5 Bathurst {N. S.. W.j August 25.—The good rains which fell in the western part of the Stat© on Sunday were followed on Monday by a further fall. Reports received here show that the drought has broken over practL cally thq whole of New South Wales. There is
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  • 45 5 The Japanese Government is taking inventories of German and Austrian property in Japan, preparatory to taking possession of it a s part security for Japan’s claims. Japan has already seized the German and Austrian embassies, also property worth £1,000,000 at Yokohama.
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  • 45 5 London, August 23. —Five hundred exsoldiers of Manchester intend to march to London, accompanied by a band and banners, to appeal to the Minister of Labour for employment at a living wage and increased unemployment pay. The march will occupy sixteen days.
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  • 40 5 London, August 22.—The all-America champion, Capablanca, won the international chess tournament at Hastings with 10j points. Kostich, a Servian, was second, with points. Capablanca won every match throughout the tournament, with the exception of a draw with Kostich.
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  • 702 5 Dr A T Stanton baa left for Canada, Mr W W Douglas baa arrived in Kuala Lumpur; Mr F W Harris, Mercantile Bank is laid up with typhoid fever. We are glad to bear that Mrs Sproule is recovering from a serious illness. Mr A J Halls
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    • 721 5 [To thx Editor or thb “Pinano Gazbtt«.”J Sir, —Seeing from recent correspondence in your columns that there are still a few persons capable of appreciating the vital part which the Fort plays in Penang’s outlook perhaps these few remarks may not be opt of place, To begin with
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    • 188 5 [To thx Editor or th> “Pinang Gazxttb.”<} Sir. —Since the Hon Mr John Mitchell left for Home on leave, Penang has had but one Unofficial representative in Council, the Hon Mr A F Goodrich, who is the nominee of the Chamber of Commerce. Some are naturally wondering
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  • 1048 6 S F P.” MR LOWTHER KEMP NOMINATED FOR COUNCIL. The half yearly meeting of the members of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce was held on Monday afternoon in the Exchange Buildings, Mr W P W Ker presiding over a good attendance. The Chairman, after mentioning the changes in
    .—“ S F P.”  -  1,048 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 157 6 jyaioMaMMMMiiMO—a— ■I h D D” expanded metal I DD DIAMOND MESH i T I SOLE AGENTS: IWm. JACKS Co.. Singapore. SUB-AGENTS R. T. REID Co., Penang. I r 2 i B of a LAMBERT AND BUTLER’S I A FAMOUS TOBACCOS. I H 0! j GARRICK AND FRONTIER j g STOCKED
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  • 121 7 extensive damage. first is reported from A (Dindings) by which one side of street of the village was deslbe j the damage being estimated at troyea» 45 am on the 18th inst., fire \buut n..vpred to have broken out in the (11 St' l d vlie
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  • 78 7 [FbOM Qua WN CORRESPONDENT.] Singapore, September 25. j n the Supreme Court, the Nippon the owners of the Totomi Jlarii are claiming salvage against the -hip N am Vian lu December last the Totomi Marti, on fhe vojage from Japan to Singapore, when 5 4 m
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  • 154 7 In addition to bringing his Third Fantastic* to Singapore next month, Mr. Frederic Shipman is now showing his big film “Lest Forget” at the Alhambra Theatre. This is one o f the finest pictures ever brought to the East and is full of grip and power. It
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  • 135 7 “Labourer” writes to the “Straits Time»” With reference to the notification of September 18 fixing the rice prices for the wholesale dealers and retailers, nothing was stated of the importers who were entirely omitted. Perhaps the Government would do away with' these people and kill their trade.
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  • 106 7 The "Bangkok Times” in acknowledging receipt of another cheque for Tcs. 50 for the fund being raised by the Dev. D. J. Ross, of Penane, for the family of the late Mr. A’. Forsyth Martin says “This subscriber describes Mr. Forsyth Martin as an always kind
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  • 49 7 SCOTLAND AND SELF-DETERMINA-TION. New York, August 24.—The Washington correspondent of the New York “Times” Mates“ Mr. George Bruce, American representative of the Scottish National Committee. has asked Senator Lodge that he (Mr. Fruce) be allowed to present Scotland’s case Lr 'elf-determination Before the Foreigu delations Committee of the Senate.”
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  • 128 7 London. 'August 26,—Th’e celebrations in onnection with the centenary of the death' of Jamps Watt, the inventor of the condensing "fam engine, have resulted in the establisSof a RC hool of engineering research, at •'rmingham University, at cost of £200,000, *>thjhe aim of restoring Great Britain to
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  • 199 7 THRELFALL v. TEN CATE. Tbe exhibition tennis match between Mr W H Threlfall and Mr Ten Cate (Sumatra) which was abandoned last week soon after the start, owing to the visitor: spraining an ankle, was played last evening at the Penang Cricket Club, when Threlfall won easily, by 6—3,
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  • 132 7 Nine Clubs entered pairs for the InterClub Tennis Tournament, 1919, says the M. M.’’ The first round between Rantau and Renabau was played off in Negri Sembilan, the other rounds on the Lake Club courts. The Klang pair shewed consistently good form throughout and thoroughly deserved their win.
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  • 202 7 An ordinary meeting of the Sanitary Board, Kurta Lumpur, was held at the Sanitary Board office oo Wednesday, September 10th. An application for a licence to make soap at premises No, 4 Malay Street was not approved, two members voting in favour and four against. Io
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  • 329 7 A charge of criminal trespass on September 20th, on Bukit Kepong Estate, with intent to commit an offence under the Labour Code, and a further charge of attempting to crimp four coolies from the same Estate was preferred against Kanumerean, alias Ramasamy, at Kuala Lumpur Police
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  • 629 7 —“Washington Star.” A Great Pacific Fleet.” London, August 15.—A representative of the Australian Press Association to-day interviewed a high naval authority regarding the reorganisation of the naval defence of the Empire. He said that although Lord Jellicoe was visiting all the Dominions in an advisory capacity,
    ’—“Washington Star.”  -  629 words
  • 84 7 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list:— Yesterday. To-day. 00 CO QD SHARES. 2* S o'® s'® a qq m ca Rubber (Dollar.) c. c. c. c. Bukit Katil 1.15 1.30 1.10 1.20 Connemara 1.60 1.70 1.80 2.00 Pajam 15.00 15.25 14.75
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  • 188 7 The report of the Kerala Rubber Company for the fifteen months ended March 31 states that the crop for 1918 was restricted to 300,000 lbs, the quantity actually harvested to December 31 being 290,291 lbs, influenza having interfered with tapping in November and December. For the fifteen months
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  • 615 7 .—“S.F.P.” The tenth Ordinary general meeting of the Sungei Bagan Rubber Company, Limited, was held in the Offices of the Company, Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore, on Saturday, at noon, the hon’ble Mr. W. F., Nutt presiding. Others present were Messrs. Chow Woon Poh and P. F. Wise,
    .—“S.F.P.”  -  615 words
  • 49 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Dato Kramat Gardens from 5-30 p m. to-dsv 1. Two Step In The Gipsy’s Camp ...Oscheit 2. Overture Vanity Fair ...Finck 3. Wal’z Phonograph ...Ziehrer 4. Polka Retour Des Champs ...Waldteufrl 5. Murph Smart Troops ...Lebnbardt
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  • 261 7 Sydney, August 22.—At the annual meeting of the Malaya Tin Corporation Ltd. on Thursday the directors reported that they had signed an agreement with an American corporation, the name of which they could not disclose, in connection with a development option over the Severnich gold property. The
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  • 195 7 Penang, September 25, 1919. S. P. Tapioca No. 2 $16.25 —buyers M. P. Tapioca sl6.oo—sellers Gold leaf $72 sellers. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) $l6 j buyers. Black Pepper $25 nom. White Pepper $65 sellers. Trang Pepper nominal Mace $9O nom. Mace Pickings $5O sellers. Cloves $7O
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  • 113 7 Penang, September 25, 1919. {By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 29/32 3 M Documentary ...2/4 15/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 3 days’ sight Private Bombay Demand Bank Moulmein Demand Bank 3 days’ sight Private Madras
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  • 65 7 Sept 25.—Free School Scouts, Entertainment, Town Hall, 5 30 p.m. Sept 26.—Penang Automobile Club, Annual Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 4-30 p.m. Sept 26.—Ladies Cricktt Match, Esplanade, 4,30 p.m. Sept 27.—Nellmay Rubber Co, Ltd, Mee ing, Downing Street, noon. Sept 27.—Stiawan Plantations, Meeting, noon, 21 Beach Street. Sept 27.—Free
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    • 127 7 SOME DISORDER. [Raurn’B Tulbgxamb.] New York, September 23. The first day of the steelworkers’ strike showed twenty States to be aflected. Disorders are reported at a few places only. The guards shot sev<n persons ab Newcastle (Pennsylvania), one mortally. Numerous arrests were made at varionu c ntres. Extension
      [Raurn’B Tulbgxamb.]  -  127 words
    • 130 7 INQUIRY IN LONDON. London, September 23. Sir James Meston, representing India, Mr G H Knibbs (Australia) Mr W I* Griffith (Canada) and Mr James Burns (South Africa) attended a meeting of the Sub-Committee of the Royal Commission on Income Tax, which is considering the question of double
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    • 34 7 Lond m, September 23. The Exchequer returns from April Ist to September 20th show receipts £431,032,558 and expenditure £691,828,622, compared with £330,026,892 and £1,309,561,586 respectively in the corresponding period of last year.
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  • 192 7 To-day's Arrivals. Kedah, Maples, 94, Sitiawan, Eastern Shipping Co, general. Sappho, Scott, 329, Teluk Anson, Adamson Gilfillan Co., general. Pin Seng, Davidson, 378, Singapore, Eastern Shipping Co, general. Bharata, Gray, 1,956, Negapatam, Islay Kerr Co, general. To-day’s Departures. Perak, Jones, 519, Port Swettenham, Port Dickson, Malacca and Singapore.
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  • 25 7 1722 coolies arrived to-day per Bharata; 689 go to Pulau Jerejak for quarantine. The balance go on to Port Swettenham for quarantine there.
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  • 23 7 The B I packet Gracchus, with the mail* from Europe, is expected to arrive here daylight on Sunday, the 38th instant.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 125 7 The Darkening Shadow. Have you commenced to feel shooting, throbbing pains, darting through your face and your temples —Can’t sleep, awake all night—worry, suffer, fret. That’s the story of Neuralgia—the darkening shadow that can be banished by the application of Little’s Oriental Balm. Rub into the face or wherever the
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    • 65 7 A SIMPLE CURE FOR COLDS. A hot bath at bed-time followed by a laxative is the best treatment for a cold, and the best laxative is These dainty little sugar-coated pilules "dispel consitipation, cure biliousnessi, sick headaches, torpid liver, pimples and illsmelling breath. If you cannot obtain Pinketteg where you
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1621 8 5 P.B O -B R l™ I™ JSvJLB. AKiri UNDER MAIL CONTRACT WITH THE EB (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) AND IMPERIAL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT. U V APCAR LINE. (Subject to alterations without Notice.) j 1 telephone fto. 582. ‘telegrams:— I Qompanlea Incorporated In England.) EUROPEaFIINE. INTENDED TO STEAMER onnwirrc FORTNIGHTLY SERVICE. FOR
      1,621 words
    • 613 8 BANk^ •HARTERBO AU STRAU AAN DCHll?'* 1 Paid up Capital Reserve Fund K«. Mre LUbili tJOlPreßleto Office. Canton, Cebu ivi atavi a, Bomh. Hankow, Hongkong, I?oUo°’l Kobe, Kuala Lum lpoh -W Medan, New York, Pe£ Ma <O K baigon, Serembau, Taipmg. Tavov. 141 B&nk of England, London Widlaa <ißank, ty
      613 words