Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 June 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 474 1 o anQDCI BO L! I UP-TO-DATE PRINTING g of every description undertaken, from a visiting card to the largest size poster, by 5 The Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., with care and promptitude. Estimates given free and artistic E n display guaranteed. DaaDnDDWiißMßninaonoDiiMgßn For Sale. R“zzi fl White RUBBER R= j
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    • 18 1 I RLNMMEDĔI I HOTEL. I GARAGE New Cars for Hire. I i f s o!: -{“iTSj OflfliOßflHOflßflOflKDl OBflflO
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  • 5201 2 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DISCUSSION. THE IMPERIAL ASPECT. A special general meeting of the members ©f the Penang Chamber of Commerce was held in the Chamber yesterday afternoon. Mr. JI. A. Low (Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd.), the Chairman of the Chamber, presided, and Jhe others present were: Colonel Adams,
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  • 406 2 An article by Major Endres i n v meh “Neueste Nachri c hten” sh. u is said in Germany about the Allied What in the west and their distribution J the first Gertnan offensive T? referring to the formation of the War Council, Major Endres writes
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  • 271 2 For an official publication, the ‘‘Board of Trade Journal” is this week quite remarkably candid in a description it gives of the war-time relations of the Government and the railway companies. First it shows that 27 per cent, of the total prewar staff of the lines had
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  • 144 2 “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” haa been modernized to fit the present wai an additional stanza written by Van Dyke, one-time Minister to the e lands and now chaplain in the n States navy, with the rank of commander. The new stanza, win
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  • 939 3 What Germans Think of the Battle. The Hague correspondent of the “Times” <mi March 30 says: —I have obtained the following first-hand account of conditions in Cologne during “Raid Week.” My informant says Throughout the week all Cologne haa been dressed with flags on account of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1340 3 WANTED. I ANGLO CHINESE SCHOOL. Thn M(ll(||| ftnOrfl A COMPETENT assistant f.r SECOND ANNUAL ALUMNI BANQUET. I 2T Coconub Estate io Lower Perak. i COMPANY OF MALACCA t 0 RG B X.YLEY T N parts of the world, wherever there I A are schools and colleges, one of the Bagan
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    • 265 3 PRITCHARD CO., LTD. TENNIS REQUISITES JUST UNPACKED. T TENNIS RACETS. Prosser’s Special Corona Rackets, nett $22.50 Davis’ Riseley Hexagon Rackets, nett 22.50 Slazenger’s Doherty Rackets. nett 22.50 Forrester’s Special Pilot” Rackets 16.00 ‘'Forrester’s Special Champion” Rackets 10.00 Slazenger’s Victory Rackets 20.00 Slazenger’s Demon Rackets 14.00 TENNIS BALLS. J'' 1 '.-ll
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  • 1236 4 While our soldiers are fighting hard for a victorious peace there is a concentration of thought on the pait of many minds on the great problems of the future, especially in the fields of commerce and industry. The mail papers contain reports of the proceedings of the annual
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  • 1636 4 Broadly, the line taken at yesterday’s meeting of the Penang Skipping Chamber of Commerce by Requisition. the mover and seconder of the resolution in favour of the withdrawal of the general requisition cf local British tonnage was that the necessity for such requisition has not been demonstrated*
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  • 43 4 [Fbom Oub Own Cobbkspondbnt.] Singapore, June 7. At the Singapore rubber auctions, 1,453 tons were catalogued. The market has been dull, and is declining. Standard grades were $79. There is a limited enquiry for brown crepes. The others are neglected.
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  • 23 4 [Fbom Our Own Correspondent. Singapore, June 7. Messrs. Fraser and Co. report that the share market is dull, sellers predominating.
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  • 15 4 To-day's quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $160.50 per picul business done.
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  • 1606 4 Mr R N Lewis, of Carey Island, has left to join the Indian Army Reserve of Officers. Several more Negri Sembilan planters are leaving in the near future to join up. Mr WMF Leighton, of Sendayan Estate, has, we understand, already gone. Major W S Nathan, General
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  • 62 4 TENNIS TOURNAMENT. The following tennies ties are fixed for to morrow c Men’s Doubles Handicap A—F 1 J and Winfield—3o.l v Sellar and Chambers l5. Men’s Singles Open —M K Whitlock v A W Harries. Men’s Singles Handicap B—W AFe v G A de Mowbray—ls. E A
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  • 77 4 The Band will play the following P r gramme of music at the E planade run: 6 p.m to-day 1. Selection Cavelleria Rusticana ...Mascagni 2. Polka May Blossom ...Millward 3. Selection An Aral's Model... J^’ 6ufel 4. Waltz Arc en-ciel 5. March The Regimenrt A tabular statement
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 49 4 THE TIDES. The following are th« tides for to-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Watar. Low Water. Today. 11.1 a.m. (7ft. 3iu.) 4.52 a.m. (Ift. Tin.) 11.28 p in. (sft. Bin 5.48 p.m. (Ift. 2in.) Tomorrow. 11.43 a.m. (7ft. 4in.) 5.42 a.m. (Ift. sin.) 6.34 p.m. (Oft. Tin.)
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  • 224 5 POSITION AT RHEIMS. FRENCH PREMIER’S SPEECH. GENERAL ROBERTSON S POST. The enemy made local attacks on Tuesday evening and at night on the northern edge of Carlepont Woods, east of the Oise, being stopped by the French. South-east of this point, nearer the north bank of the Aisne,
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  • France and Belgium
    • 460 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams" TUES [’AY’S FIGHTING. London, Jane 5. A French crmuiuuique says local attacks continued on the evening of the 4:b iust, aud during tb- night on the northern edge of Carlepout wi ods. Our machine guns stopped two attacks. Other attempts in the region of Autric':“',
      [Reuter’s Telegrams"  -  460 words
    • 124 5 Rheims is situated in a plain on the right bank of the Vesle, a tributary of the Aisne, and on the canal which connects the Aisne and the Marne. In 1874. the construction of a chain of detached forts was begun in the vicinity. Rheims being selected
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    • 78 5 London, June 5. Field Marshal Haig reports As the result of an a r tempted enemy raid in the neighbourhood of Morlancourc, we took 21 prisonei s. The Airmen. London, June 5. Field Marshal Haig repoils that the sky was overcast and the enemy aircrafwere not active
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    • 225 5 [Havas Telegrams]. Paris, Jun? s—During the past three dav, the fighting has taken place on practically the same positions, mwv of which have changed hands in conformitv with th*fluctuations of the batt’e hi 4 fixing of the fighting line is an important point. It 1 ads to
      [Havas Telegrams].  -  225 words
    • 196 5 CONFIDENCE IN THE ARMY. Paris, June 6,—Yesterday, in the French Chamber of Deputies, the Premier M, Clemenceau, delivered a spirited speech in which he said When Russia failed, who could hare imagined a million German soldiers, thus rendered available, wruld be used a gains» us Who could
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    • 138 5 The “New York Tribune.’’ in an editorial headed “Two Frenchmen.” eulogizes General Foch and Clemenceau. It says:— “That Foch is better qualified than anyone else for the high post he occupies, is denied by nobody. Americans have a particular affection for the hero of the Marne. Among
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    • 285 5 London, May 15. —The war news has for some time past consisted mainly of speculations and deductions concerning the tune and place at which the present lull will end and the measure of Germany’s next effort The Copenhagen “Politiken” has interviewed a Reichetag deputy
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    • 531 5 Discussing the present position of Amiens, the well-informed Student of War in the Manchester Guardian of April 6 says The present German tactics of punching first with the left at Montdidier and then with the right near Arras no longer makes a fetish of speed, and instead
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    • 243 5 Only soldiers can understand what it means to America to offer her troops as units for the French and British army. A young army, as the American army is. was particularly eager to do great things and have its name written large in the history of the
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    • 102 5 PREMIERS’ DECLARATION 5 London. June 5 The Pre-s Bureau says the Prime Ministers of Great France and Ira v, at a meeting ar Versailles, ay reed upon the following declaratv ns. First, that rhe creation of a unrei and independent Polish B»ate, with f<ee acce-s to
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    • 184 5 London. May 21.—1 t is quite likely there will be some alteration in thejGerman form of attack when, he attempts to retrieve his failures of March and April. The massed attack has cost him two armies and valuable time and has yielded a slight gain of
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    • 27 5 London. Jure 5. Tbef"Press Fur an s a‘-’ th«t ng a temporary measure, General Sir William I b-m appmr ted Ccmmander-in-Chief in Gtea’ Britain.
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    • 53 5 London. June 4. The Derby resulted G-it eburcugh 1 Bi ink 2 Treclare 3 Thir‘‘ en ran. Wob by ont-and-a-half lengths two leug hs between second ai d third. The netting was 8 to 13 agrin-’t Gains borough 100 to 8 against B ink, and 20 '0
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    • 9 5 London, May 31. The silver market is quite.
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  • 228 5 UNREST IN JAVA. Batavia. May 29.—0 n the 27th May an earthquake shock was felt at Padang. in the direction from Ea»st to West. Thus far no casualties have been reported. The “N. Soer. Courant” learns that, recently, there has been unrest in Kediri. sub-district Kesamben, 10
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  • 332 5 It seenrs that the gun now in action again t Pans is about 79 ft. long. More remarkable than the gun is the shell, which is 59 in* in length and prolonged into a bottle neck at the front with two copper driving bands and rifling
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  • 697 5 Harbin, May 14.—Today the local telegraph office has received a telegram from Vladivostok stating that the Soviet at Irkutsk has issued an order forbidding the despatch of all private and press telegrams from Russia to Manchuria. This has been doce for strategical reasons on
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  • 621 5 ALLEGED INFRINGEMENT 1 In the District Court, Penang, yesterday afternoon, before Mr. R. D. Acton, two Chinese D«med Pua Ki and Teh Ee were charged with having been in possession of two iron impressed stamp blocks and three wooden blocks for the purpose of counterfeiting a
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  • 139 5 DAILY (except Sunday). •Federated Malay States,") By train 7.15 a.m. Malacca, Johore, Singa- > pore and Hongkong— Saturdays 5.30 p.m. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, and Taiping j 10 a m 3.45 p.m. Kuala Kubu, Kuala j 10 a m. Lum: ur and Seremban J Bukit Mertajam, Bukit
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  • 29 5 (Official Post Office Report.) Lara Penang. Arrived London. March 16 May 9 22 9 97 9 April 6 20 10 24 15 June 6 22 6
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  • 135 5 A really serious affray occurred in the Madras Penitentiary where a number of Baluchi long-term convicts are expiating their offence of defying their officers at Singapore six years ago. One of their number, who had been made a convict-warder rn account of good conduct, found that one
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  • 1392 6 MEETING OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE. The following resume of minutes of a meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Department of Agriculture, held at the offices of the Department on April 23, is officially communicated: Present: —Mr. L. Lewton-Brain (Director of Agriculture) Chairman, Messrs. C. Bell, W. de L.
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  • 162 6 Trotsky’s repentance is obviously comj plete. according to one correspondent, as i he is proceeding whole-heartedly with the organisation of “the Red Army,” which is I 7 t ito number 500.000 men at least, and in which discipline is to be enforced. This already numbers over 100.000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 396 6 Dr. Cassell’s Tablets. Cure Pains in the Stomach Windy Spasms and— Indigestion Dr. Cassell’s Tablets cure Indigestion because they strengthen your stomach and make it able to digest the food you eat. Then all your pain and weakness cease, your body is properly nourished, and soon you are well and
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    • 158 6 ESCAPE FROM PAIN. i Has a lingering, maddening life of pain i discouraged you and made you sick at heart j Perhaps a cruel earache, a lasping pain in the back, or the fiery anguish of Rheumatism has robbed you of joy and made the whole world seem full of
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    • 92 6 n S O 1 axt er’s I @orsar's i j j any a s j Jill J lax I 1 I grades, Canvas-, j I s K o J eyes ffior den’s I J c vaporatea j j Milfi. S 2 9 J^iDininniiiiHiiDnHimiaMWfniiiHiiimiimoniWffHiDinnHiHiiiiiimMuimuuoiiiiiiiHinniMiiMiyiioiwiiHHflMMDßnwißiiuaHffiHHSiflioiffiwre^^ I I j Sandilands, ZKJuttery I (So.,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 1206 7 Messrs. Sime, Darby Co, Singapore, writing under date June sth report London prices during the month for Fine Ribbed Smoked Sheet and Fine Pale Crepe were as follows On the 29th April Rubber 2/3|, 2/4| market quiet. On the 6th May Rubber 2/3 j, 2/3|
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  • 799 7 SOME FACTORS IN THE SITUATION. The following information which the Free Press have obtained by enquiry in reliable quarters gives in that Journal’s opinion a sound representation of some of the main facts in regard to the rubber position, particularly locally There are in London stocks ®f
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  • 121 7 The following are additional rubber outputs for May Ayer Hitam lbs 16,019 Bungsar 26,000 Beverlac 21,162 Blackwater 12,650 Bukit Slarong 14,360 Bahru Selangor 5,422 Bukit Cloh 31,504 Bukit Selangor 23,059 Chota 10,226 Consolidated Malay 49,850 Chulsa (Selangor) 10,500 Dusun Durian 50,376 F.M.S. 73,0C0. FM S Rubber 33,110 Johore
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  • 83 7 Messrs. Allen Dennys Jc Co. advise us that the under-mentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them at theii two auction sales held thia week Smoked diamond sheet No 1 $73 to $B3 Smoked diamond sheet No 2 58 72 Unsmoked sheet No 1 56 61
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  • 138 7 The sub’criptions to 31st M»y, 1918, are as follows No: of Applications Amount November 1916 237 427,760 December 144 283,040 January 1917 192 243,870 February 203 331,750 March 322 246,770 April 142 314,560 May 114 264,220 Ju-ie 74 159,440 July 11l 152,470 August 117
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  • 122 7 The Vladivostock paper, “.Golos Primoria,” of April 30 says Yesterday at three p.m. the funeral of the four Servians murdered recently took place and was the occasion of a very imposing service The whole Consular body was present and detachments of Czechs, British and Busaians
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  • 79 7 June 7.—Penang Free School Annual Sports, 3 p.m. June 7 —Rural Board. Penang Island, Meeting, Land Office, 3 pm. June B.—Menglembu Lode Syndicate, Ltd., Extraordinary General Meeting. 12.30 p.m. June 8, 9 and 22.—Penang M Bisley.” June 10—-P.V. Battalion Drill, Esplanade. June 1 .—P.V. Battalion Drill, Racecourse and
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  • 476 7 EVENTS FOR TO-MORROW AND SUNDAY. Event No. B—Open8—Open to—Members P. V« and P.V.R.G. to be shot to-morrow (Saturday) at 2-30 "Bobbing Dick" (Handicap and Open) (under class firing condition®). Conditions —Competitors will stand XA trench at 200 yards with bayonets fixed. The target will be a khaki
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  • 140 7 Some Recent Casualties. The following report in connection with the casualty list of the Malay States Guides has been received by the Acting Chief Secretary F.M.S. No. 2472 Sepoy Nikka Singh died in his village on the Ist August, 1917. No. 2437 Sepoy Ahmad Shah died from
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  • 456 7 An extraordinary general meeting of the above Company was held at Hongkong, the Hon. Mr. D. Landale presided. The Chairman said: —Gentlemen, this meeting has been called to obtain the sanction of shareholders to the agreement which was arrived at <>n April 6th between Mr.
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  • 100 7 By a mandate issued last week China forbids trading with the enemy in all forms. The prohibition governs foreign subjects as well as Chnese unless special provisions are made. Chinese are now forbidden to trade with an enemy country, enemy subjects and fenemy legal bodies.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 66 7 DINKETTEQ < THE TINY are recommended for the treatment of torpid liver, biliousness, constipation and sick headaches, for the complexion and whenever a gentle laxative is required. Being perfectly safe and gentle in action they can be given to the most delicate persons and children. Of all chemists 60 cents
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    • 538 7 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. 'W O TE ACHERS for Kuala Lumpur A Methodist Girls’ School. Board and room, if deaired. SINCKEP TIN MINING Co., RHIO ARCHIPELAGO. TXT anted 2 Dutch Experienced Tin- dredgermasters. Apply with fall particulars and recent copies of testimonials to General Manager. TMPORTANT NEW YORK FIRM, A members
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2424 8 P,& 0. -British India N. Y. K. I JS V IH®B MAATSCHAfPU 4551“ and Japan Mail Steamship (ih«»pomted houmb.» R^"’Lubm tyof p r op rielo F A, nar I inf* Company, Limited. gtoyai pom s. n. company). 38 B i SHO fe o E^DUN Udr 1-illlC. I. 4.P..J Iwtxm.*» r*«Ate.
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