Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 958 1 L-— ——i I JAPANESE DENTIST T. NAGATA j Next Door to The I; Dispensary. I I 9n q n n n n n n n n n n n nn nn nnnnn n n r I TENNENT’S |I jT B £AR < I PILSENER BEER. I I UNQUESTIONABLY H R
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    • 79 1 D XA7 aEN YOU AWAY a n VV on leave you want to keep n in touch with Malayan affairs, g H Social, Commercial, Mining, Planting, &c. This you can do a in no better way than by subs- cribing to the Weekly Edition of a the Pinang Gazette,” published
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  • 1064 2 the western front. London, Nov 16.—N0 operations on a large scale have taken place in France or Flanders during the week. British troops made good progress along the ridge northward of Passchendaele but there were no counter attacks in force until November 14tb, several days after the
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  • 242 2 The flood levels are gradually falling betwee Ayuthia and Bangkok, says the local Mail of 16th instant, but there are still enormous quantities of water to reach the sea level before matters become normal in the capital, and the exceptionally high morning tides of the next
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  • 202 2 Sheikh Salama Hegazi, the doyen of Egyptian singers and actors, has died at Cairo after a long illness. Sheikh Salama, who had attained almost a European reputation for his singing, started life some sixty years ago as a chanter of the Koran. So sweet
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  • 108 2 In pursuance of rhe powers vested in him by section 258 (i) (f) of the Labour Code, 1912, the Chief Secretary to Government has made the following rule to be numbered rule 7a under the said Enactment in addition to the rules published in the F.M.S, Government
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  • 1085 2 GRAND NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE DRAW. 1 The draw and sale in connection with the above event to be run at the Penang Polo Club’s Gymkhana, for the “Our Day” Fund, on Saturday, took place at the Penang Club last night. The details below give the owners’ names,
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  • 442 2 Almost certainly one of the matters which Viscount Ishii is arranging with the United States Government is the double question of the export of American shipbuilding materials and the use of Japanese shipping. The American Government has issued an embargo on the export of iron
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  • 101 2 A faction fight of some dimensions occurred on Sunday night on Sungei Prah Estate, belonging to Mr Malai Perumall Pillay, the well known Government contractor. The Chinese and Tamil coolies, between whom there had been bad blood for some time, decided to test each others’
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  • 103 2 The following undelivered cablegrams are lying in the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co’s office:— (1) Sengbee, (2) Hasambhai. Service will be conducted in the Methodist Episcopal Church, Lahat Roat, Ipoh, by the Rev D J Ross, Presbyterian Church, Penang, on Sunday next at 6 p.m. Collection in aid of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 46 2 lIM AID OF RED CROSS ST. ANDREW’S DAY. DINNA FORGET THE SOCCER MATCH ON FRIDAY, PLANTERS V. P. C, C AT THE PADANG. Have you booked your table at the E. O. for the Haggis and Scotch Broth. Over 200 have already made siccar, ye ken.
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    • 675 2 Penang Sales Room. The In the Supreme Co Under the Alien Enemy (Winding-up) straits Settk m he Ordinance, 1914. ens By Order of the Liquidator of Martijn settlement of f and Goldenberg, an Enemy Co., I TO BE SOLD BY Io Bankruptcy. N 34 of B PUBLIC AUCTION, choo TH
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  • 1027 3 FAILURE OF DEFENCE METHODS. If the German command has for a year past abandoned any attempt at a large offensive in the West, throwing overboard the orthodox teaching on which the German army was born and bred, it mast be admitted to have shown great ingenuity
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  • 616 3 THE GERMAN CIVILIAN’S FINE FIGHT. Mr. Frederic William Wile, formerly Berlin correspondent of the Daily Mail" writes Germany, according to Mr Gerard, has 9,000,000 men under arms on land and sea and in the air. Do people in Great Britain realise sufficiently that the German army and navy
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  • 52 3 Washington, October 9.—Contracts will be put into immediate effect to the amount of 350 million dollars (£70,000,000) for the building of torpedo-boat destroyers. The project is ready for the signature uf Mr Daniels, Secretary for the Navy, on Tuesday. This large scheme has to be completed within
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1050 3 t"KGTKEER, European, married, ineligible, long tt x-w w E' experience of Steel Construction (Rubber FIT ID ITT A V 101 *7 Machinery, Factories, &c.), is open to engagement. VU I\ 1/A I I I/ SIX years connection with leading Straits Engineering firm. Willing to take charge of Factory nr croup
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    • 59 3 bit’s Astonishing SS Sluggish Liver M when they can cure the trouble by an occasional does of PINKETTES, B the tiny laxatives that work as gentle as nature. Do not gripe. g 2 50 cents per phial at your druggist’s or direct by mail on receipt of 2 0 price
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    • 262 3 PRITCHARD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements,) (S/joiee Qfjristmas PIPES. A Large and varied assortment of PIPES from the best and well-known makers. AU shapes and sizes in screwed and push mouth pieces. PETERSON’S “DE LUXE” PIPES. ,qj M st I iu i 5»! 5 fl 2 jl v>iU
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  • 25 4 Davies. —On November 25. at the Maternity Hospital, Sepoy fanes, to Mr J Davies of the Singapore Harbour Board, and Mrs Davies, a daughter.
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  • 1173 4 While the course of the war is liable to change, and has altered at various periods since the commencement of the struggle, it remains a basic principle that the chief aim of the Allies is the ousting of the Prussian spirit. With that changed, the hopes of
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  • 1524 4 The King, in bis message of condolence to the brother of Sir Jameson and Leancer Starr Jameson, Rhodes. deplores the loss of one who has rendered such great service to the Empire. His achievements, indeed, were such that the amazing blunder of the Raid, serious as it
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  • 14 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin uPenang was $131.00 per picul business done.
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  • 38 4 The output of the Renong Tin Dredging Company, Limited, for the first half o November, 1917, was as follows: No 1 Dredge piculs 140 No 2 Dredge picul--113; No 3 Dredge piculs 371. Total piculs 624.
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  • 33 4 The following was the rubber quotation »n London on Nov. 26th, received yesterday: Plantation Ist latex crepe 2s 6 Smoked Sheet 3 y, [*By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead 0 J
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  • 165 4 A homeward mail H”) via Singapor > closes on Friday at 6-30 a.m patce 1 4 p.m. to-morrow. A homeward mail A closes on -a u day at 6 30 a.m.; registration till 6 p m- 0 Friday. The opal and emerald necklet ana pen dant, raffled for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 277 4 WEINBERG'S MAHALLA t fe_-_ _L -Z !^~LP*?" Mfc<ilur^!SS^ > -7-7yi4<ish-==" 1 H H I Fi K St t4. I H H I OBĕO i n 'iL’*’*' CIGARETTES. U A Small Shipment in 50’s have just arrived. XX Sole Agents: CALDBECK. MACGREGOR CO. g SPONGES We are showing a good selection
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    • 40 4 St. Andrew’s Dinner and Concert AT THE c. O. HOTCk FrMay. JOtl November.' Booking for Seats Open Now. Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED. j TELEPHONES. a Printing Works Manager and J Cashier's Office 498 Managing Editor 477 J Editor’s Residence 221
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 47 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To-day. 11.53 a m. (sft. Bin.) 5.58 a.m. (Ift. 2in.) 5.50 p.m. (Ift. 7i0.) To-morrow. 0.02 a.m. (7ft. 4in.) 639 am. Tin.) 0.36 p.m. (6ft. 633 p.m. (Ift. 6in.)
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  • 168 5 enemy attack at bourlon fails. french progress. BRITISH MOVE FORWARD IH ITALY. MINISTER’S ALLEGED TREASON. The British repulsed another enemy attack against the north-east corner of Bourlon wood, three and three-quar-ter miles west of Cambrai. Sir Douglas Haig’s forces took prisoners in patrol encounters on the Ypres front, where
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  • France and Belgium
    • 509 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE YPRES AREA. London, November 27. Field Marshal Haig reports No farther infantry action occurred on the southern battle front. We took a few prisoners in patrol encounters on the Ypres front. There is considerable hostile artillery fire east and north-east of Ypres, particularly at
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  509 words
    • 396 5 LORD ROBERT CECIL’S SPEECH. London, November 27, Lord Robert Cecil, speaking at Norwich, said where Germany was concerned, the spirit wnich existed in that country was that no law. morality nor religion could prevent them committing any crime, however hideous, provided it whs thought to be in
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 245 5 SCENES ON THE ROADS London, November 27. Reuter’s correspondent at the Italian Hesdquarters, wiring on November 26th» describes the magnificent spectacle of British troops marching in Italy, compris ing cavalry, artillery and infantry, extending along the roads for miles, with all other branches of the army
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  • Russia.
    • 52 5 LENIN’S LATEST ORDER. Petrograd, November 27. Reuter’s correspondent says M. Lenin has dissolved the Army Committee?, which support delegates in the Socialist Parties, who are reproached for opposing fraternisation. The Maximalis’s claim to control Petrograd, Moscow, Kieff, Nijni Novgorod, Karhoft. Odessa, Samara. Kazan, Reval, Rostoff and other
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  • General News.
    • 67 5 EX-MINISTER TO BE TRIED. Paris, November 27. The Committee of the Chamber has decided to send M. Malvy, late Minister of the Interior, for trial. An unofficial statement sajs it is alleged that M. Malvy, while Minister of the Interior, informed the enemy of all military and diplomatic
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    • 59 5 Washington, November 27. Senator Stone’s declaration indicates that Congress at the meeting on December 3rd, will be met by a vigorous demand for war against the allies of Germany. Senator Stone added: “I understand some, if not a large number of Austrian troops, may now be, or
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    • 56 5 KING’S MESSAGE. London, November 27. H. M. the King has sent a message of condolence to Mr. Middleton Jameson, brother of the late Sir Leander Starr Jameson. His Majesty says his people will be with him in deploring the loss of one who has rendered
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    • 36 5 Loudon, November, 27. The Cotton Spinners’ Amalgamation has decided to tender notices if the Masters’ Federation does not concede an advance of 30 per cent. 55,000 cardroom workers and 50,000 spinners are affected.
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  • 589 5 ECONOMIC QUESTION. Batavia, Nov 26.—Negotiations are to take place in London between representatives of the Netherlands Government, tbe NOT and the British and American authorities on economic questions. A Traitor. A Dutch sergeant has been arrested in Dordrecht for selling to a German who escaped the plans of
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  • 129 5 T.0.M." FIVE CHINESE COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. The four Chinamen and the Chine?e woman who were charged by Chief Detec-tive-1 n?p?ctor Cullen in connection with the manufacru r e and possession of spurious dollar notes have been committed for trial by Mr A E Coope, Acting Magistrate, Ipoh The
    T.0.M."  -  129 words
  • 841 5 Capt and Mrs Russell Grey are leaving Home almost immediately for Kuala Lumpur. Tbe following passengers arrived from Singapore per the Krian to-day: Mr E C Misso and Mr Landon. Mr K H Mackenzie, late of Batu Unjor Estate, having been twice wounded has been transferred for
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  • 743 5 DOG SHOOTER SUED. Anthony, a Rural Board dog shooter of Penang, appeared before the District Judge, Mr. R. D. Acton, yesterday, On civil summons claiming $250 as damages for personal injuries, including medical attendance, sustained by Cheah Soh Khim, a Chinese girl. It was alleged that the injuries
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  • 124 5 Obituary. MR. A. J. GUNN. [Fbom Oub Own Cobbbspondbnt. Singapore, November 28. The death occurred last night of Mr. A. J. Gunn, for many years Secretary of Singapore Chamber of Commerce, The news of the death of Mr Alex. A Gunn, former Secretary of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, will
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  • 426 6 SALONIKA PALESTINE. BELATED DISPATCHES. In the Home of Commons on October 18, Mr. Dillon asked: Why no dispatch had been published giving details of» the Battle of Gaza, and of the operations which led up to and followed that battle, and why no details were published of the military operations
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  • 323 6 Dr Jim wrote one who knew the late Sir Leander Starr Jameson, would prove on acquaintance disappointing to those who have been inclined to picture him as a filibuster. Restless life is in every movement of the little figure, for Dr Jameson is mere lacking in inches
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    • 528 6 Delhi, November 15.—The following memorandum by the Sanitary Commissioner with the Government of India, on the present aspect of the prevalence of plague in India is issued In no year since 1904 has the plague mortality of India in the month of October exceeded that of last
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  • 158 6 Rangoon, October 30.—The following letter has been received by the Rice Merchants’ Association from the Hon. Mr. W. J. Keith. Revenue Secretary to the Burma Government, in answer to their petitions to the iceroy and Lieutenant-Governor “Regarding the crisis in the rice market over the shortage
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  • 300 6 Fight Between Soldiers and Schoolboys. Rangoon, November 6.—Mr. J. M. Conder. Sub-Divisional Officer of Maymyo, today, disposed of a case arising out of the football affray between men of the Burma Pioneers and boys of the Government High School at Maymyo in which Lance-Naik Nga
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  • 150 6 Bombay, November 10,—The N ew v market this week is 23 points up for T, but five points down for May v lnUai7 telegram gives the amount of cotton up to Ist November as 7,150,000 baU B^ 6 compares as follows with the previous v ginners report
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  • 294 6 The Berlin Daily Paper (Tageblatt) protests against the scandalous lawsuit be. tween the Kaiser and his cousin Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia on account of the Kaiser placing the prince under restraint. The paper holds Count Eulenberg responsible for the scandal, and wonders whether it was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 458 6 7 I: IMPORTANT NOTICE. H rpHE SALE OF PUNDUT ESTATE Bindings advertised to be sold at Auction by Messrs. H POWELL Co., Ltd., 17, Raffles Place, Singapore, on Thursday, 15th November, 1917, has been postponed to the 18th December, 1917, with completion one month ♦t *ater. tt By Order of
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    • 107 6 Are You Crumpled Up with rheumatism? Then these words are your salvation. Perhaps you have been told that you cannot be cured. There are thousands who have beea told that before you. They tried LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM rubbed it on to tbo aching parts, the swelling a, the twitching drawn
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 22 6 WAR CARTOON. r Reproduced from the World's Press I ft -■^_5 < 2— J.— .......,.ij.iiii i -—-T ——vm<m*3 THE BEAST.— '’Philadelphia North American.”
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    • 67 7 WARNING iTO GERMANY. Loudon, November 27. In view of the rumours that the enemy may possibly violate Swiss neutrality for the purpose of raking France and Italy in the flank it is noteworthy that in a speech, the Swiss Minister of the Interior declared that whoever violated Swiss
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  • 30 7 London, November 27, It is officially announced that members of the Government have gone to Paris to attend the Supreme War Council. Lord Reading is accompanying them
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  • 19 7 Loudon, November 28. Silver is at l. Theie is an absence of buduess and the market is quiet.
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    • 365 7 To THE EDITOR OF THE “PINA.NO GIZBITB.”] Sib, Do the majority of us out here realize how the recent flood is devastating poor old China how those people, who are unfortunate enough to cross one of nature’s bad moods, are enduring the worst sufferings that man can
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    • 80 7 [To the Editor of the “Pinano Gazette. Sin.—Could you kindly inform me the amount collected by the management of Runnymede Hotel for Our Day.” I have waited to see how much was obtained, also to see who was fortunate in winning prizes as I was a competitor. It
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  • 255 7 Directors and Business Points. A joint meeting of the India and China sections of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce has considered an inquiry from the Board of Trade as to the desirability of releasing from the Bank of England sufficient gold for the use of manufacturers
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  • 804 7 A HOPEFUL VIEW OF IRELAND. Dawn in Ireland.” By Marie Harrison. Melrose. 3s. 6d. net. The author went on a special commission to study the people of Ireland and their conditions at first hand. Her conclusions from what she saw are remarkable. The keynote of her
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  • 70 7 Nov. 28. —M.P.A.A. Lecture by Mr. R. M. Richards, Krian Club, Parit Buntar, 5 p.m. Nov. 30. —St. Andrew’s Day Dinner, E. 0. Hotel. Nov. 30. —Football Match. P.C.C. v. Planters, Esplanade, 5.15 p.m. Dec. I.—Taiping “Our Day” Bazaar. Dec. 1. —Polo Club Gymkhana: Polo ground 4.45 p.m.—Town
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  • 1036 7  -  (By 2nd Lieut. J. T. Lloyd.) Before the war he probably lived in one of the low, dreary little houses which crouch beneath the gaunt menace of one of the great Melsh collieries. For six days out of seven the world saw him not. He was down
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  • 116 7 There was rd enjoyable fete on the Raffles R c clamation Ground, Singapo'e, on Saturday, under the auspices of the MohaineHan community of Singapore, on behalf of Our Day.’’ Th*» members of the committee were Inchi Amb"k Knmnrdin (chairman), Imam Haji Mohamed Yu»uff, Syed Mohamed bin Agil,
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  • 1044 7 DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES. Tokio, October 24.—The development of the commerce and industry of Tsiogtao, to the advantage of China, Japan and the other Allied countries, is the obligation and responsibility of Japan toward China and the other powers declared Dr. Akiyama, chief civil administrator of the colony, in
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  • 724 7 AMERICAN PASTOR’S STORIES OF HUN INFAMY. Freeh from France, where he had made his own inquiries into the charges made against ths Germans, and armed with evidence in the form of papers and photographs, the Rev. Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis moved to its depths recently the
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  • 75 7 The following is the latest quotation in Messrs. Kennedy and Go ’s s)>are list Yesterday. To-day. 05 2 t Shares. >. s 5 CQ u? CQ jC Rubber (Dollar). Indragiri s6£ $6.65 $6.40 s6j Kamasan $5.30 sss $5.35 sss Lunas $S| $8 J Mergui ss| $6 ss|
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  • 73 7 Messrs.Gunningham, Clark Go., Penang, advise us that the under-mentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them by auction and private tender to-day. Diamond smoked sheet s 67— $9B Plain smoked sheet s6o 83 Diamond uusmoked sheet s 63— 67 Plain unsmoked sheet ss6 60 Bark crepe
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  • 367 7 Already, I hear, 15 of the 46 German ships that were seized by Brazil are in service, and all of them have been renamed in accordance with national nomenclature, says a London writer. As regards the enemy vessels taken over by the United States, it is understood
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  • 45 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 5 p.m. to-day:— 1 Fantasia A plantation Holiday ...heboid 2. Poppies Japanese Romanze ...Moret 3 Selection The Totedor ...Monckton 3. Waltz Tresor D’Armour Wnldteufel 5 March Lively on ...Paifour
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 206 7 Beechams! Pi lls will assist you to obtain the full measure of health to which you are entitled. They are doing i this for thousands, every day. I I Beecham’s Pills are a scientific I digestive preparation of the best and purest ingredients. Their direct action upon the bodily I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2149 8 P ft -British India iN.Y.KJtev K. P. M. CH AuItRALi/aKd CH!Na Q| W |S&" AINU INCORPORATED IN JAPAN If SZtwL £I MOOC> IJ/ (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,00c.W *W (Royal Packet S. N. Company) 38, bishopsgate, London eq IM- B AS B > /Vk Aobncies and Branchrs.
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