Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 741 1 aaP 0an0..«...° n nQnaaDa s np.TO-DATE PRINTING g D n of every description undertaken, n from a visiting card to the largest size poster, by a The Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., with care and promptitude. g g Estimates given free and artistic display guaranteed. g a naaaann■■■■■■□□■■■■■■nnnnaan j NOW OPEN
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    • 79 1 Daaaaao■■■■■■■■■■■■nnnanoa a XA7 HEN YOU ARE AWAY a n VV on leave you want to keep a in touch with Malayan affairs, Social, Commercial, Mining, Planting, &c. This you can do J in no better way than by subs- cribing to the Weekly Edition of E the Pinang Gazette,” published
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  • 755 2 Colonel Adams is expected in Penang from home during the week-end. H. E. the Governor has appointed the hon’ble F. S. James to be his Deputy during the absence of the Govenor in the F.M.S., whither he went on the 10th inst. Mr. D. Y. Perkins will
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  • 87 2 Hanifah, a Tamil Mol amedan, w>s charged before Mr S H Langston, this morning, in the Second C ud, with b°ing in possession of c l a"g, and fined $5O, or 2 months’ rigorous imprisonment. The detective who arrested him seated that on the Bth inst«n*. when
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  • 48 2 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade frorr 5 p.m. to-day 1. Overture The Calif of Bagdad Boildieu 2. Two Step Katunka ...Smith 3. Selection A Country Girl ..Monckton 4. Waltz Over the Wave ...Rassas 5 March The Honeymoon Rosey
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  • 18 2 The following undelivered cablegrams are Iving in the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co’s office:— Amah, Kunglun Pawnbrokers.
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  • 168 2 FOOD SCARCITY IN GERMANY. London, October 16.—The ‘‘Daily Telegraph” says:— “Germany’s food prospects for the coming winter are most gloomy. The wheat yield, according to the German Government’s special investigation, is estimated at 40 per cent., and the rye, oats and barley crops at 45 per
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  • 280 2 London. October 9.—The German newspapers give prominence to a remarkable speech delivered by Herr Gotheim on Saturday to the executive of the Progressive People’s party, of which Herr Gotheim is the leader. The speaker expressed himself as being highly pessimistic in regard to the military situation. “Despite
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  • 321 2 British Headquarters, October 7. —Wild storms and bitter weather, with penetrating, driving rain, have reduced the Ypres battle field to a wilderness of mud. The carrying on of the ordinary business of war through this involves immense hardship, but it goes forward somehow. The endurance displayed
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  • 43 2 New York, October 14.—A fire following an explosion at Brooklyn to-day destroyed 700.000 bushels of wheat intended for the Allies. The damage is estimated at £300.000. The police are investigating a report that the fire was caused by bombs.
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  • 40 2 London, October 24.—The“London Gazette” contains an Order in Council directing that passenger steamer certificates granted by the Governments of Bengal and Bombay respectively shall have the same force in war time as certificates granted in the United Kingdom.
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    • 1101 2 [To the Editor or the “Pinakg Gazbitb.”] Sir, —With you please grant me space in your valuable columns for a few details of my recent trip from Rangoon to Penang, including the ports of Mergui, Renong Takt|apah, Tongkah and Penang. Having left Rangoon on the 28th October
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    • 202 2 [To THE Editor or the “Pinano Gazbttb.”] Sir,—The Reverend Mr Smith, lam glad to find, has ample leisure for architectural criticism, in the midst of his very arduous ecclesiastical duties. He edirs a small magazine called “Chu'ch Notes. In the cu r rent issue there is reference to
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  • 68 2 S. S. Hitachi Maru Missing. The Borneo Co, L r d Bangkok, state Please note that we are in receipt of a telegram from the Agents of the N Y K, Singapore to the effect that ss. Hitachi Maru is missing between Colombo and Delagoa Bay and th it they
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  • 105 2 Nov. 17.—A. C. S. Union Variety-show, Town Hall 9 p.m. Nov. 18. —Penang Swimming Club, October Handicap Races. Nov. 20. —Penang Chamb-r of Commerce, special general meeting, 3 p.m. Nov. 20.—Rural Board Meeting, Land Office, Penang, 3 p.m. Nov 21.—Residency “At Home,” 5 p.m. Nov. 22. —Lodge Scotia,
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  • 222 2 Pbnang, November 16, 1917. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank) London Demand Bank 2/4 1/4 4 montha* sight Bank ...2/4 11/1€ 3 Credit ...2/4 27/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 7/8 Calcutta Demand Bank R*. 3 days’ sight Private Bombay Demand Bank «> u Moulmein Demand Bank I 2 3 days’
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 552 2 NOTICE OF SALE. Consulate for the NetherlZ? BY ORDER OF THE SHERIFF NOTICE OF DISTRICT COURT, PENANG. qp HE right) to retail and produce The undersigned is iostrncted to take »hh“h'“ i 5 possession and pat up for Sale the Siak river Rn d eXce Ption 0 By Public Auction,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 207 2 SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS Come and Join Those Enjoying Themselves—But Come Early. Packed nightly and drawing greater crowds than ever at the Manager THOMAS SHAFTO. We present one of our absolute strongest programmes for Friday, Saturday and Sunday l6th, 17th and 18th, November, 1917. Commencingat 8 p.m. shaikh The International Film
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  • 1247 3 OUR DAY FOOTBALL. P c C WINS THE CUP. Another splendid crowd witnessed the last of the matches in the Our Day football competition, when Penang Cricket Club and Chinese Recreation C;ub met on the Padang last evening in the replay of the final for the Our Day Cup, presented
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  • 458 3 VARIETY SHOW REHEARSAL. The above entertainment in aid of the Red Cross Fund was rehearsed last night before a crowded house of juveniles and others. Everything was carried out without a hitch. The Roman Ring and the Sword Drill were much appreciated by the audience and the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1119 3 Fully qualified Physician XTOTICE is hereby given that and Surgeon open to buy Meredith John Barclay Watt and Medical practice, enter partnership or and Roger Elvy Prentis are entitled to sign contract with group of estates. our firm per procuration from 15th NovemApply Box No. 246, c/o Pinang Gazette. er
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    • 47 3 s PINKETTES Will Keep You Fit during the Summer, because they gently stimulate the bowels and g thus keep the system cool, clean and healthy. 50 cents per phial at your druggist’s or direct by mail on receipt of price from DR. WILLIAMS’ MEDICINE COMPANY, SINGAPORE •«•«•■MGiaitOMiiaiioeaHHNNieaiaNiiaeaaHiiNM
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    • 336 3 THE MENGLEMBU LODE SYNDICATE, LTD. NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATE. WHEREAS application baa been made to the Directors of the abovenamed Company for the issue of duplicate certificate in place of Certificate No. 669 for 500 shares numbered *****1 to *****0 registered in the name of James Grenthsm upon a Letter
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 178 3 “OUR DAY" 1917. IN *lO OF RED CROSS FORD. A. C. S. UNION Variety Entertainment, TOWN HALL, 17th November, at 9 p. m. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF The Hon'ble Mr W C Michell, Resident Councillor, Penang. The Hon'ble Mr J Mitchell, JI L C. 'l'he Hon'ble Mr A F Goodrich,
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  • 83 4 Wagner.—On 14th November at Carolyn,” Kuala Lumpur, to Mr aid Mrs Atholing Wagner, a daughter. Crvig.—On Pantai Estate Seremban, to Mr and Mrg Felverton Craig, a daughter. Phillips.—On Nov 13, at 692, Kampong Bahru Road, Singapore to Mr and Mrs C M Phillip», a daughter. Ct'BlTT —On the lO'h
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  • 1172 4 H.E Sir Arthur Young, as High Commissioner, covered considerable ground in his speech to the Federal Council at Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday when he reviewed the outstanding features in the administration of the F.M.S. during the past year. In our present issue we publish practically a
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  • 1375 4 The Russian Government —if the term in these days of chaos Petrograd and not a misnomer— Moscow. according to a telegram published yesterday, has moved to Moscow, probably quite the safest place for it, since it is reported that Petrograd is in flames. Long before there was
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  • 28 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin ic Penang was $129.50 per picul, buyer». Tin was quoted iu London yesterday at £278 spot, aud £277 10s three months.
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  • 84 4 The output of Middleton Tin Mines, Ltd, for October was: plant 103.00 piculs; tribute 67.66 piculs Total piculs 170 66. Messrs Sime, Darby Co., Ltd advise particulars of the ou puts from the following three companies for the fit at half ol November as under Kamunting Tin Dredging,
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  • 256 4 The following was the rubber quotation ic London on Nov. 14ch, received to-day Plantation Ist latex crepe 2s 6|d Smoked Sheet 2s s|d [*By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co. A Straits Gazette Extraordinary extends the prohibition of importation into the Lniteu Kingdom of bacon, butter, hams and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 53 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To day 0.38 a.m./Tft. lio.) 712 a m. (6ft. 1.08 p.m (6ft. 2m.) 7.12 p m. (Ift 4in.) TO MORROW. 1.11 am. (7ft. lin.) 7.48 a.m. Bin.) 1.45 p.m. (sft. 9in.) 7.47
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  • 183 5 ALLENBY'S SUCCESSES. THE ITALIAN FfiONT. SMALL SHIPPING LOSSES FRENCH PREMIERSHIP General Allenby’s forces have made further advances south and west of Jerusalem, capturing 1,500 prisoners on Tuesday, with guns and machine guns. The British left is now within eight miles of Jaffa. Enemy submarines sank a destroyer and
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 281 5 [Renter’s Telegrams.} TRENCH RAIDS. London, November 14. Field Marshal Haig reports We drove off raiders near Polderhoek wood, north of Menin road, and north of Bixschoote. The Belgians entered German lines last night north of Dixmude, and blew op concrete shelters. The Enemy Repulse. London, November 15. Field Marshal
      [Renter’s Telegrams.}  -  281 words
    • 51 5 London, November 15 lu the House of Commons, on the Air iorce Bill Major Baird declined to limit the Council to nine on the ground of the tmperial importance of aviation after the War It was or may then be desirable, to have additional members from the
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  • Italy’s Campgain.
    • 573 5 SEVERE FIGHTING IN ITALY. Loudon, November 14. An Italian official report says An enemy surprise attack against positions from Lake Ledro to Lake Garda completely failed. The enemy was compelled to retire Our troops on the Asiago plateau, occu pying advanced positions on Monte Longara, having repulsed four
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    • 321 5 Batavia. November 12. —A delayed cable, despatched on the 4th inst., states: According to the reports sent by Italian war correspondents to their papers, the cause of the disaster in Italy is not to be sought for in want of bravery of the infantry, but in the
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  • Russia.
    • 23 5 Stockholm, November, 16. Travellers who have arrived at Heparanda from Finland bring a tumour Petrograd is in fl imes.
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    • 426 5 Professor D. Gardner; of the Russian Mission says events conspire to make the personality of M. Kerensky, the Russian Prime Minister, the focal point of interest in English people’s study of the Russian situation. On all sides one continues to hear the question asked What manner of
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    • 330 5 At the beginning of the war General Kaledin was in command of a division of cavalry in General Brussiloff's army. He had an unblemished record, and distinguished himself in every action in which that hard-fight-ng army has been almost continuously engaged. The shrewd eye of Brussiloff soon picked
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  • The Near East.
    • Article, Illustration
      341 5 ANOTHER SUCCESS. London, November 14. General Allenby reports having driven the enemy seven miles northward, to the Kedron, which covers the Jaffa-Ramleh Jerusalem Railway, taking 1,100 prisoners and several guns. Turkish Resistance. London, November 15. Reuter’s correspondent at the Egyptian Headquarters, wiring on November 13th, ssys Since yesterday there
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    • 54 5 AN ENEMY WITHDRAWAL. London, November 14. A Mesopotamia official report says: After the successful actions a* Tekrit on November sth and 6th, we remained there until the Bth, the whole Turkish force having withdrawn thirty to fifty miles northward. When the battlefield was cleared, we returned to our original
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    • 20 5 GERMAN REPORT. Loudon, November 15. A German official report says the French evacuated hill positions west of Ocbrida Lake.
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  • 77 5 IN EXCHANGE FOR SHIPS. Washington, November 15. As regards the negotiations with north European neutrals and Japan, the United States has arranged to add several hundred thousand tons to ships carrying troops and supplies for the Allies, and neutralshave agreed to hand over to the Allies and
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  • 13 5 London, November 13. Silver is at 43 5/Bd. The market is quiet.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 39 5 LARGE DECREASE Loudon, November 14. The Admiralty reports that the arrivals last week were 2125 and the sailings 2307. One over and five under 1,600 tons were sunk. Eight were unsuccessfully attacked. One fishing vessel was sank.
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    • 207 5 The following is a list of arrivals, sailings and losses as cabled by Reuter Sunk. Weekended. I Over Under II E S 1,600 1,600 c < re tons. tons, t 3 6 May 2374 2499 24 23 13 2568 2552 18 5 19 20 2664 2759 18
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    • 31 5 London, November 15. A French official report says last week there were 883 arrivals and 839 sailings. Two merchant ships over 1,600 tons were sunk. Four were unsuccessfully attacked.
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    • 174 5 Sunk. 3 «♦M 00 30 J* JP 00 gO Week ended. cs 2P Over Under u 5 C S 1600 1600 2 tons. tons. »5 3rd June 1005 938 3 2 3 10th 1034 1015 4 1 6 17th 1028 1122 0 5 24th 1088 969 2
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    • 93 5 London, November 15. The Admiralty denies the German Admiralty’s allegation that a British des troyer was hit in an engagement off Flanders, and explains that German des troyers fired a few rounds at our patrol vessels, the fire being promptly returned. The Germans immediately retired and our
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  • 104 5 MINISTER’S STATEMENT. London, November 15. Sir Auckland Geddes, Minister of Recruiting and Natural Service, speaking in London, described his man-power plan. He said recruiting for the army would be carried out on the basis of occupation, not age. Internal luxury trades would be most heavily drawn upon. It
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 5 BRITISH FORCES JOIN. Loudon, November 14. An East Africa official report says Our Kilwa and Lindi forces effected a junction at Ndanda. The remnants of the principal enemy force retreated towards Chiwata and Mviti on the western edge of the Makonde plateau, abandoning machineguns and rifles. There are
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  • 140 5 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR DISABLED; London, November 15 Reuter learns that a proposal has been submitted to the Dominion Governments regarding the provision of scholarships whereby selected disabled naval and military officers and men from the Dominions and Colonies will be afforded facilities to undergo special one-year courses
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  • 18 5 M. CLEMENCEAU PREMIER. Paris, November 15. M Clemenceau has accepted the task of forming a Cabinet.
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  • 25 5 New York, November 16. The Associated Press correspondent at Presidio (Texas) reports fighting between General Villa’s forces and Government troops at Ojinaga.
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  • 21 5 London, November 14* The increases io imports are £13,101,090' and in exports £6,041,806, compared with October last year.
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  • 60 5 On Sunday next, the 18th inst. the 100 “A” Handicaps and the 75 yards “B” Handicaps for October will be swum at 11.15 a.m. Entries will be accepted up to half an hour before the races. On Sunday week, the 25th inst. the 200 yards “A Handicaps
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  • 50 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 16. At Singapore auctions 1,351 tons were catalogued. The market was very flat and little was sold. Ribbed smoked $lll fine pale $ll2, For other grades there was no demand, a few sales being made at decline of $2O to $25.
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  • 35 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, November 16. The report of the Chinese Commercial Bank shows a net profit of $269,704, a dividend of 10 per cent, is recommended carrying to reserve $125,000.
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  • 35 5 The following are additional rubber outputs for October Bukit Katil lbs. 12,058 Bandar Sumatra 40,031 Eastern Sumatra 18,611 Glen Bervie 31,289 Laras (Sumatra) 46,782 Lankat Rubber 62,601 Serdang Central 36,093 Tamiang t 80,252
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  • 12 5 The homeward mail E”) closes at 10 a.m. on Monday.
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  • 597 6 —Ex. Canton, Nov 2 The Canton authorities have ignored the Presidential Mandate of October 28 replacing Chen Pin-chun with Civil Governor Li Yao hon as the Military Governor of Kwangtung. As Governor Chen has decide! to resign anyhow, in order to take part in the military
    —Ex.  -  597 words
  • 214 6 Telegrams to the Chinese Mail state that the Government has now altered its plans with regard to the South West, The new plan is first to drive out the Yunnanese troops from Szechuen, and then to use the full force to attack Yunnan. In the meantime, it
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  • 254 6 Three enemy subjects appeared before Mr M F Perkins (American Asse-sor) and Magistrate Wong in the Mixed Court, Shanghai, on charges of being concerned in the forgery of Norwegian passports. The names of the accused, together with the fu n charge?, are as follow Ernest Mathias
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  • 578 6 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday the 30th October, 1917. Present Messrs. W. Peel (President), A. M. Goodman, F. Duxbury, Hon. A. F Goodrich, Quah Beng Kee, and Chee Wor Lok. Absent:—Mr. Yeoh Guan Seok. 1. The minutes of the last
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  • 287 6 Suggested Cooperation Between Rent Board and Municipality. At the meeting of the Singapore Rent Board, Mr S Tomlison submitted the following motion That with the object of preventing the dissatisfaction that would arise should the Municipal annual values for 1918 be fixed at high figures than have been
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 313 6 Electric Lights '/Electric Starter Magneto Ignition Overland Light Four-Cylinder Tearing Car Overland “Country Club” A New Achievement—-and Its Value to You From motor cars that emphasize tiie Heretofore this policy has benefited utmost economy without sacrifice of certain classes of buyers only. But now quality, to the very highest type
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    • 141 6 I b ß lT| sh I I Car Lightin? I and Starting is designed on the verv 1 I Mmpbaty no complications, no'S f mechanical or electrical devices-,, g fectly arranged system in which thei n B starting are run from one k a i Mo<orts/ s are i wii
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 56 6 WAR CARTOONS. [Reproduced from the World's Press.] X- 5 /X; I X» (4Ji mif 1 UNCLE SAM In future, my boy, you get just enough for yourself alone, I see through your cloak.” —“Montreal Star.” iiSIr 1 6 [pj THE SOLUTION. The C 3 man at home The C 3
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  • 5532 7 HIGH COMMISSIONER’S ADDRESS. Review of the Year. Tn his address in the Federal Council at Kuala Lumpur, H.E. the High Commissioner said: At my last annual address, it was my sad duty to refer to the death of His Hug.hness the late Sultan of Perak. This year I
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  • 250 7 London, October 14.—The Minister of the Blockade, Lord Robert Cecil, commenting upon the British embargo upon the transmissicn by the Dutch of German sand gravel and metal to Belgium, declared the question as a most serious one. He had just returned from the wes front, and
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  • 170 7 London. November 5. —The National Rifle Association has issued the result for 1917 of the Imperial Challenge Shield competitions which have been held annually throughout the Empire since 1910. each team shooting with miniature rifles on its own range. 608 teams entered in the Senior
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 141 7 A Stubborn Foe To conquer an obstinate euemy requires, persistency and presetvanoe. It i» the same with Rheumatism, the dread foe of mankind, which ranks foremost in stubbornness. To eradicate it from the system, you must use the right weapon. LittJ© S Oriental Balm is the only remedy that can
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2283 8 P. 0. -British India IN. Y. K.K. P. M. I U 'll. vr 14 KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART I Incorporated in England b p and Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. maatschappij Apcar Line. A '=SBEr Mr p OB IraxDßß to Baik. Bsb-mers. Amritsar Hongkong p (Companies Incorporated in England.) f X. 17th
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