Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 November 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 472 1 I UP-TO-DATE PRINTING of every description undertaken, I* from a visiting card to the largest size poster, by The Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., J v with care and promptitude. Estimates given free and artistic I display guaranteed. ■■9El* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKX I s s, Xu.L-« S I J ESTATE
      472 words
    • 79 1 □□□□□□□!■■■■*■■■■■■□□□□□OU S XA7 fiEN YOU ARE AWAY S VV on leave you want to keep a o in touch with Malayan affairs, Social, Commercial, Mining, Planting, &c. This you can do in no better way than by subs- cribing to the Weekly Edition of 5 H the Pinang Gazette,” published
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  • 954 2 PERSONAL LEADERSHIP INDISPENSABLE. The late Mr G J Stevens, Press Association and “Daily Telegraph special correspondent, who was killed in an air raid on London wrote in Sept. Since the return of M Veuizelos the situation in Greece has from the Allies’ point of view considerably improved but
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1269 2 SITUATION VACANT. SllltyCl PflUHll OUT DflJ.” tai Qf MP. elZr'i-e. Wri iaS A h t i on Sunday, 11th inst., at 916 am. The President, Ipoh Cm ,po ca ]]j D g a >; 8 n intermediate Stations except jkl 1328-19-11 Bukit Tengah arriving at Sungei Pataui *****0" KCpalllllg 1
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    • 506 2 By Order of the Custodian of Enemy Property pursuant to an q of His Excellency the Governor in Council. In the matter of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinances 1914 ta and of the Alien Enemies (Winding-Up) Ordinances 1914 to 19|; 1 IMPORTANT AUCTION SAL£ Reserve Price Of a Valuable
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  • 1018 3 A NEWSPAPER BOYCOTTED. Batavia, November 2.—(Aneta) Soerabaya trade has instituted a boycott against the Soerabaya Handelsblad in conseqeeoce of an article of of the Editor in chief, Heer Boon, in which he finds fault with the Netherlands Government for its behaviour in regard to the sand and granite
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  • 198 3 German owned or inspired papers in Holland are conducting a vigorous agitation against the acceptance of Great Britain's generous coal offer to Holland and attempting to combine with it a demand that England shall guarantee Holland foodstuffs and fodder. This is the same demand which was added
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  • 512 3 Johannesburg, September 17.—The new inoculation remedy for pneumonia is producing wonderful results among the natives employed on the Rand mines, practically abolishing the disease which formerly killed off the natives like flies. The South African native labour battalions in France have also been inoculated. It is expected
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 490 3 K 'Regd A Bouquet of India’s Qjjj Choicest Flowers. R ■•••< u An entrancingly fragrant and powerful scent, yet not cloying, Phul Nana blends all the choicest scents of an Indian Garden into an unique perfume. yi Try it and enjoy this luxury in sweet smells. Phul-Nana can also be
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    • 40 3 DO IT NOW BUY YOUR Christmas Cards A T PRITCHARD’S AND POST EARLY We are now showing a very fine assortment of Christmas and J9e(o year Cards and Calendars. SINGAPORE AND STRAITS DIARY FOR 1918 NOW READY PRITCHARD CO., LTD.
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  • General News
    • 349 4 SIR V. CHIROL ON INDIA’S PROBLEMS. London, November 7. Sir Valentine Chirol, in a letter to the Times”, gives a long review of «the situation in India. He says it is preposterous to suggest the Mr. Montagu foisted his visit on an unwilling Government of India or
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    • 77 4 WOMEN SUFFRAGE FAVOURED. New York, November 7. The majority of the voters in the City and State of New York favour women suffrage. There were four candidates for the Mayoralty, namely, ex-Mayor Mitchel (Independent), Mr. Hylan (Democratic nominee, who is backed by Tammany), Mr. Bennett (Republican) and
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    • 45 4 M. VENEZELOS’ STATEMENT. Paris, November 7. The Petit Pariden states that M Venezelos declared that the Greek army is only waiting for indispen a able supplies, and mobilization orders are waiting for the same reason. M. Venezelos will visit the western front
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    • 93 4 London, November 7. The result of the Cambridgeshire was as follows Brown Prince 1 Planet 2 Grand Fleet 3 Fourteen ran. Won by three lengths two lengths between second and third. The betting was 100 to 6 against Brown Prince, 100 to 7 against Planet and 20 to
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    • 22 4 London, November 7. The Board of Control of Wool Textile Production has decided to introduce standardised cloth for civilian wear.
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  • 81 4 The following new books have been received at the Library: Nelson History of the War Volume XVII, by John Buchan First and Last Things, by H. G. Wells; The Devonshire House Circle, by Hugh Stokes; Dulce Dornum, by C. A. E. Moberly; A Great Emperor Charles V, by
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  • 936 4 MR BALFOUR’S SPEECH. London, November 7. In the House of Commons, replying to a resolution moved by Mr. Lees Smith, urging that if the independence and restoration of Belgium and evacuation of other occupied territories are satisfactorily guaranteed peace should be negotiated on the basis of an
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  • 417 4 Grave reasons and cogent influences must have been at work to induce the Papacy to take the unprecedented step of addressing a “diplomatic” Note to the Powers, including the Italian Government. Encyclicals many and ecclesiastical instruments not a few have been issued by the Pontiffs at Rome
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  • 216 4 Serious Damage. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore. November 8. Heavy and continuous floods seriously damaged the Northern Line. Crops in certain areas are badly affected and farmers are in serious straits. A fund is being raised by the British Minister among his nationals for the relief of
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  • 1245 4 —“S T.” VOLUNTEER AND REGISTRATION BILLS IN COMMITTEE. PRESERVATION OF COCONUT PALMS. A meeting of the Legislative Council was held on Monday afternoon. His Excellency the Governor (Sir Arthur Young, G C M G) presided, and the other members present were:—His Excellency the General Officer Commanding (Major General
    —“S T.”  -  1,245 words
  • 114 4 Thurs. Nov. 8. —P. C. C. v. C. R. C. Lawn Tennis Esplanade, 5 p.m. Doubles. Nov. 9.—District Grand Lodge, Lodge Royal Prince of Wales, 9 p.m. Nov. 9, 10 and 11.—Sungei Patani Our Day.” Nov. 9.—Ministering Childrens’ League, meeting. Free School, 4-45 p.m. Nov. 10-11-12. Penang Golf
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  • 149 4 Penang, November 8, 1917. S. P. Tapioca ...$12.30 sellers M. P. Tapioca ...$12,50 sellers. Gold leaf $72. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) $l6 j buyers Black Pepper $25 buyers. White Pepper $4O nom Trang Pepper $32.00 season over Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $4B sellers. Cloves season
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 23 4 IN AID OF RED CROSS. FRIDAY, 16th NOVEMBER. Two Great Events —Afternoon FlHflk SUP TIE C.R.C. v. P.C.C. EVENING. TOWN HALL. The Merrymakers.
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    • 303 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AN ARCHITECTURAL IS WANTED. Must be copy out plans to scale drawn out bv lEmployer. State salary require/ hl age. Chinese as well as Europeans apply. ma y Box No. 242, c/o Pina», TO LET. Norwood n O 8, r. og u Ro Fitted with Electric Light. Apply
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 207 4 AN INSTANT SUCCESS-METRO FILMS AT THE i ZMCfefemLS* a Manager THOMAS SHAFTO. We have the demand for Metro-Photoplays because every plot is novel—graphy Unsurpassed, Technique Perfect, Settings Beautiful, Acting excellent, and REAL STARS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. At 9-30 we present the popular Francis X. Bushman and Beverley
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  • 1142 5 RECREATIONAL TRAINING OF OUR SOLDIERS. I hear that officer prisoners taken in the Menin Road battle admit quite frankly that all the people in Germany are dreading a winter campaign, and the German armies still hope that a peace of some kind will be possible this
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  • 251 5 Paris, Sept. 18.—Estimates were laid before Parliament to-day for the fourth quarter of the current year. They amount to £418,120.000 for the general Budget, besides £37,820,000 for the supplementary Budget. There is an increase of nearly £53,200,000 over the previous quarter. Including the new estimates, the total
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  • 253 5 The steamer Cumberland, which was recently lost, presumably through the explosion of a bomb that had been placed on board, was partly loaded with frozen meat at a port in Mr Bamford’s constituency, in Queensland, so Mr Bamford informed the House of Representatives. The question consequently, he
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  • 104 5 Heavy Typhoid Death-Roll. The Central News learns from an unimpeachable source that a serious outbreak of para-typhoid has occurred among the British officar prisoners of war in the hands of the Turks at Yozgad, in Turkey in Asia. The Central News is further able to state that
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 296 5 Feed the Tired Brain and Jangled Nerves with Sanaphos T.M. Reg. The Ideal Reconstructive Nerve Food. All and Always British. SANAPHOS is completely soluble, easily mixed, parti- cularly palatable. SANAPHOS is based on milk reinforced by scientific combination with life-giving Phosphorus. SANAPHOS is easily digestible, and in this respect differs
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    • 382 5 B Coughs, Bronchitis > No other Emulsion can show so many testimonials to it# efficacy in the treatment of coughs and chest aftection»4 Because of its soothing, healing, strengthening Angier’s Emulsion is the remedy par excellence fcr bronchitis. It not only soothes and quiets the cough, improve» the breathing and
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  • 878 6 We have not heard so much about Mr H B Lees-Smith, the Liberal M P for Northampton, as we have of prominent pacifists like Messrs Macdonald, Snowden and Ponsonby but evidently he is rowing in the same galley with the advocates of a peace by negotiation
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  • 27 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $120.75 per picul buyers. Tin was quoted in London yesterday at £263 spot, and £263 three months.
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  • 393 6 The following was the rubber quotation in London on Nov. 6tb, received yesterday Plantation Ist latex crepe 2s 7fd Smoked Sheet 2s Get [♦By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.] Dr, Kirk is employed on the New Army Medical Board as an eye expert is now stationed in
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  • 1822 6 The campaign in Palestine is making j splendid progress. Within The Capture of a few days of the victory Gaza. at Beersheba, ard the seizure of that town and main Turkish base, the British forces have taken Gaza, following a heavy arti lery bombardment, thus finally securing
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 246 6 I Some Great Questions FOR Men of To-day. Special Evangelistic Meetings AT THE g I METHODIST CHURCH (Corner Burmab Hnson Roads.) Tsonigbfs Subject: I WHAT IS A (CHRISTIAN?! Stirring Singing. Short Speaking. I “The Everybody Welcome Church.” SERVICE AT 8 p.m. ESTATE SUPPLIES. NEW SHIPMENTS JUST RECEIVED. ACETIC ACID, 99
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    • 46 6 The crag Hotel. SPECIAL RATES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. FROM 5 P.m. FRIDAY 9th NOV.. TILL 8 a m. TUESDAY 13th NOV. $2O. BOOK YOUR ROOMS NOW. Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED. TELEPHONES. Printing Works Manager and Cashier’s Office 498 J Managing Editor 477 J Editor’s Residence 221
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 51 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. Today. 6.30 a.m. (4ft. sin.) 046 am. (4ft. lin.) 9.04 p.m. (sft. lin.) 1.15 p.m. (3ft lin.) Tomorrow. 8.38 am. (4ft. 6in.) 3.08 a.m. (3ft. Bin.) 9.37 p.iji. (sft. sin.) 2.37 p.m.
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  • 205 7 SUCCESS IN FLANDERS. THE VENETIAN CAMPAIGN. EVENTS IN PETROGRAD. General Allenby’s troops in Palestine have captured Gaza, following further successes north and north-west of Beersheba, from which the British forces have advanced eleven miles to the north and nine miles to the northwest. The Canadian troops by their
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 837 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ALL OBJECTIVES WON* London, November 6. Field Marshal Haig reports The Canadians’ operations this morning were completely successful against the defences in and around Passchendaele, and the spur north and north west. After a successful assembly, the assault was launched at six o’clock, as arranged. The
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  837 words
    • 278 7 THE NEW COMMISSION. London, November 7. The Imperial War Graves Commission, established under Royal Charter, charged with the duty of caring tor the graves of officers and men of the military and naval forces of the Empire who have fallen in the war, has now been constituted.
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 649 7 THE ITALIAN RETIREMENT. London, November 7. An Italian official report says We have withdrawn in good order towards the Liveoza, as the defence of the Tagliamento is difficult, owing to low water. Our aeroplanes and airships repeatedly bombed troops repairing bridges on the Tagliamento and crossing the river. The
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    • 607 7 Unhappily the incapacity and slackness of the Government in Italy have largely neutralised the success in the field so far as the internal situation is concerned. Owing to deplorable departmental mismanagement supplies of flour have failed in some centres of population, more especially in Turin, •which some
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    • 394 7 The political situation caused by the failure of Signor Canepa as Minister of Food Supplies to secure an uninterrupted supply of bread to Turin has been diverted by the Milanese Press and the “Idea Nazionale” to a renewed and persistent attack on the Minister of the
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  • 18 7 ANOTHER REFERENDUM. Melbourne, November 7. The Commonwealth Government has decided open another referendum on conscription.
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  • The Near East.
    • 145 7 GAZA CAPTURED. London, November 7. Renter learns that General Allenby has made an important farther advance. Attacking from Beersheba, Turkish positions towards the sea were captured, also the next Turkish line. He has advanced about nine miles. Important ’Advances, London, November 7. An Egypt official report says General
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  • Russia.
    • 361 7 M. KERENSKY AND MAXIMALISTS. Pe'.rograd, November 7. In the Preliminary Parliament, M. Kerensky said any Maximalist attempts to seize power would be suppressed immediately. He asked the support of Parliament for such action. Parliament proceeded to discuss the request. The newspapers are most alarmed at the preparations by the
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 35 7 A DECREASE. London, November 7. The Admiralty reports that the arrivals last week were 2,384 and the sailings 2,379. Eight vessels over and four under 1,600» tons were sunk. Six were unsuccessfully attacked.
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    • 198 7 The following is a list of arrivals, sailings and losses as cabled by Reuter* 3 Sunk. g Week ended. -S Over Under •p S 1,600 1,600 c« tons. tons. 6 May 2374 2499 24 22 13 2568 2552 18 6 IS 20 2664 2759 1» 9 27
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    • 30 7 Washington, November 7. The transport Finland (12,760 tons, of New York) was torpedoed when returning to the United States, and reached a foreign port under her own steam.
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    • 32 7 Washington, November 7. It is officially announced that the American patrol vessel Alcedo was submarined in the war zone on Monday. One officer and twenty men are missing,
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    • 113 7 NEW VESSELS DESCRIBED. Paris, November 7. The Temps is authorised to give a description of the British hush-hush boats. They are a species of battle-cruiser and are of two sizes equal in power, evolved from experiences since 1915. They have long, low-lying, immense decks, fore and aft, with
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    • 56 7 FOUR DESTROYED. London. November 7. It is authoritatively stated that four enemy electrically-controlled boats have been destroyed. The first collided with a pier on the German cosat, and two others were destroyed two months ago. The Admiralty regards them as freak vessels. They are petrol-driven, and controlled from
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    • 62 7 ECHO OF THE EMDEN. London, November 7. The Weser-Zeitung states that Lauterbach, commander of the auxiliary cruiser sunk in the Kattegat on November 2nd, was formerly on board the Emden. He succeeded in reaching the M* 1 Archipelago, was captured by the British and interned at Singapore,
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  • 73 7 RISING ON A QUEENSLAND ISLAND London, November 7. The “Daily Mail” coriespondent at Sydney reports a arising of blacks on Mornington Island, in the Gulf of Carpentaria. The population of 250 besieged the Presbyterian Mission for ten days. The Reverend Robert Hall was shot dead, and his assistant,
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  • 1017 8 CONCERNING THE DAMSELS. Now a'l the damsels in the Land of Eo, they did set them about it for to get thejn husbands, these being precious things and much sought after. And because the young men were a backward lot and loth to be taken, therefore
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  • 135 8 When the attention of Lord Robert Cecil was drawn to a telegram from Copenhagen to the effect that the revelations of the New York Herald had caused a sensation in German papers, while admitting the plot, were asserting that the Kaiser acted only to frustrate British
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  • 106 8 Mr. L. W. de Saram, 1.P.M., Henaratgoda. Ceylon, had before him a sensational case of kidnapping: Sergeant Simon Silva (Bandarawela) produced a wealthy Mirigama landed proprietor’s daughter and a blacksmith, he had arrested at Bandarawela. The girl eloped with the village blacksmith, carrying with her jewellery (value
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  • 208 8 Hie Nieuw Amsterdam,” which according to a New York telegram, has been refused coal there, is a four-masted huge Dutch liner (bigger than the biggest steamer that entered Colombo in pre-War time—the Cleveland (of 16.960 tons), of 17.149 tons gross, 10,830 tons nett. She was built
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 465 8 TUPI/’O @dr ist mas and i I*l II till W (Sards 1 FOR THE HOMEWARD MAIL. 8 The interchange of these graceful missives of Friendship and Goodwill is one of the pleasing social customs of the age but the 3 card must possess true merit; it must excel in Art.
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    • 321 8 The Michelin Red Inner Tube is made of pure para rubber it insures: the maximum mileage the minimum expense because it !o.sts 3 limes «longer than any other inner tube and costs the least I JI List of Stockists Penang; Chin Kooi Co., The Cycle Carriage Co., Chin Seng Co.,
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  • 1043 9 Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ilatchell have left for a trip to Australia. Mr. R. C. F. Nailer, late of the F.M.S., has received a commission in the Royal Flying Corps. Mr. Murray Gibbon, of the Chartered Bank, formerly of Kuala Lumpur, has‘been in Hamburg since the
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  • 1286 9 RECRUITING FIGURES. A meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee was held at Penang on October 30th There were present: The Controller of Labour (Mr J R O Aid worth) Chairman, the Principal Medical Officer, F M S (Dr C L Sansom C M G), Mr F G Harvey,
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  • 59 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for October Ayer Molek lbs 14,794 Cholsa (Selangor) 10,500 Consolidated Malay 93,500 FM S Rubber 40,940 Henrietta 41,617 Johore 112,223 Jelebu Syndicate 11,484 Kapayang 12,000 Laras Sumatra 25,569 Alambau (F Al S) 19,565 S. Matang 24,876 Sungei Salak ■> 75,000 Segamat (Johore)
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  • 73 9 PENANG WOMEN WORKERS. Amount previously acknowledged $6,016.88 Mrs Penny $lO, Mrs Jamieson $lO, Mrs Pritchard $lO, “F” M $lO, K S $lO, No 36 $2 50, Mrs Dennys $1. Total $6,070.38 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be given oat at the
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  • 26 9 A homeward mail B”) via Durban closes at 2-30 p.m. to-morrow. A mail for Europe C (via Singapore) closes at 10 a.m. on Saturday.
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  • 125 9 Penang, November 8, 1917. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/4 4 month»' sight Back ...2/4 11/16 3 Credit ...2/4 27/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 7/8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 3 days' sight Private I Bombay Demand Bank Moulmein Demand Bank I o 3 days' sight
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  • 545 9 BUFFALO FIGHTS. Fine weather favoured the annual Muharram Buffalo fights at Perlis on Oct. 30th, 31st, and Nov. Ist, and some excellent fights were witnessed. Great preparations had been made for weeks beforehand by the different Penghalus, and their people, ably lead bv Datu Sitia, the owner
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  • 323 9 COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES. The following excerpt from the minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Penang Chamber of Commerce held in the Chamber on Tuesday, 6th inst, is supplied us by the Secretaries. Present —Hon Mr A F Goodrich (in the Chair) Messrs C
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  • 312 9 Only One Game Finished. Of four "Our Day” singles matches between representatives of the Penang Cricket Club aud Penang Chinese Recreation Club, arranged for yesterday afternoon on the Padang, only one, and that the most attractive, between W. H. Threlfall, the P.C.C. champion and Foo Joo Wan,
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  • 324 9 A special train-single fare for double journey will leave Penang for Sungei Patani, on Saturday and Sunday. 10th and 11th November. at 9.16 a.m.. calling at all intermediate stations except Bukit Tengah. returning from Sungei Patani at midnight on both dates. The Empire Theatre announces a
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  • 127 9 1900—I he Kaiser to the German troops embarking on the Buxer Expedition “If you meet the enemy you will defeat him, give no quarter, make no prisoners; let whoever falls in your hands be doomed. Just as a thousand years ago the Huns, under their King
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  • 19 9 ENEMY AT THE LIVENZA. London, November 7. A German official report says; We have reached the Livenza line.
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  • 17 9 London, November 8. HR H Prince Albert has sufficiently recovered to take up woik ashore.
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    • 198 9 400 PRISONERS. London, November 7. Reuter’s correspondent at Headquarters says The capture of Passchendaele by tba Canadians was due chiefly to most s!<V ol tactics, and secondly to the Germans’ renae of immunity. The place is hemmed in on the western and southern approaches by marshes, therefore
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  • 224 9 Penang, November 8, 1917. Beef—ctt. Soup per catty 16 Roast 26 Steaks i, 26 Stew or Curry Meat 18—20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each Tongue 50 Feet i, Heart 35 —10 Liver per catty 35—40 Fillet of Reef 60 Pork— Pork per catty 50 Pork with fat
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 108 9 BROWN Co., Monumental Sculptors, CALCUTTA. Monument* and Tombstones of every description supplied. nscrlptions done in all languages, undst skilled Europeau supervision. ■?he nest Italian and Carara Marble »s3d william Edward a seas. ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. Merchants and Manufacturer* ot Tombstones in various kinds of Aberdeen Granite. (Samples ol Granite to be
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  • 2444 10 g* X X i X Capital. Paid up. 2 Dividends. NAMES. -S x H is 1914 1915 1916 1917 RUBBER (Dollar.) mi ciin non rX) 000 SI SI 20 45 65 40int. Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 54.40 54.70 i?iS SI 000 000 s>2s COO S 2 ,8% iut. Amalgamated
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  • 615 10 Conditions in Ceylon. Matters have been going from bad to worse. Unless the War ends quickly or America is able to give the island tonnage for the export of its products, which is literally rotting in the stores in Colombo, there will be a collapse of
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  • 304 10 —Ex. Vigorous criticism of our failure to realise the educational value of the film is made in an interview publish with Mr. Ponting, the kinematographer of the Scott Expedition. America, he makes it clear, is rapidly outstripping us in this matter. and he pleads for the acquisition
    —Ex.  -  304 words
  • 216 10 rhe Kinematograph and Lantern Weekly. the leading Cinema trade paper in England. in its issue of August 30. 1917. under the heading of the Export section, has the fc Rowing with regard to the censorship of films in Rangoon, Calcutta and Bombay I learn from India that the
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  • 556 10 Big Crowd at Malacca. All roads—even Malacca ones—Jed to th* Club Padang. Malacca, for the Our Dav show on Saturday, which had been arranged by a strong committee of ladies, assisted in th more or less unessentials by the mere man 6 says a M.M.” correspondent. The
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  • 241 10 M.M.” The remains of the late Mr. K. T. Parimanam Pillay were laid to rest in the Tudu Road Tamil Cemetery, Kuala Lumpur. The cortege, accompanied by the Bta:e Band, left tlie deceased s residence in Batu Road at 4.30. and besides the principal mourners—deceased’s son. a
    —“ M.M.”  -  241 words
  • 239 10 One who has just returned n ,,n arin y where he has spent some time !tl and where he has had ample and lbl^. nre ~.f portunities of taking an accural an 5 things, gives me a more hopefu. e^ erenS ky general here
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  • 853 11 SIR E. CARSON ON PEACE TALK. Sir Edward Carson sent the following letter in reply to a correspondent Offices of the War Cabinet, 2, Whitehall gardens, S W I, Sept 6. Dear Sir,—l agree with yon that there is a great deal of very loose and mischievous
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 325 11 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x W A V C D I C V A Loi loii Biiilt Light Car x X WAV Ll\ L E I ot the Highest Grade X x IN STOCK. x X 4 K g I I x :^&r- x X One (only) 15/20 h. p. 4 cyl., 5
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    • 470 11 IR. YOUNG Co., Ltd., I PENANG. I CAST CONCRFIE SPECIALITIES ■ihimmi lIIJIIMIILII ■III. 11—■ OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. I Ijf* fancy “MOSAIC" I |I B Fxfx r Pressed Concrete Flooring Tiles g I I- n i s W Rx Artistic Colors and Patterns. §IR 7 a 1 i M XvX
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2198 12 P& 0. «British India a t! CH CHINA 31 XJF r KONINKWJKE PAKETVAART Incorporated In England by Hoyal Charier. and Japan Mail wieamsuip vo. La. «igggA maatschappij p.ia-upc»pit»i 5i,200,0w INCORPORATED IN JAPAN N Reserve F.iri.l 9uo 00f W w i (INCOHPODATED IN HOLLAND.) Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 A lT»<r»O>*
      2,198 words