Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 November 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 665 1 JAPANESE DENTIST I IT. NAGATA I Next Door to The Dispensary. MBS «S3B* ■■Ho ■SHMI« r MM' I i I I I i XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Tai Seng i rinderpest j ril stake my h ead r-> J ALL WORRY IS AVOIDED BY USING THE S X X Motor Repairing I*» Denby”
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    • 84 1 nanasan!■■■■■■■■■■■aucanna c a W’BE.v YOU ARE AWAY g e V V on leare you v»nt to keep a is touch w-.ih M&kaysn afairs, g a Social. Commercial. Mining, Plantmg, Ac. This you can. de g a in no better way than by subs- Bribing to the w'eekly RilticQ of a
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    • 731 2 [TO TH! EdITOB O> TH» “PIMAMO GlUM.’*] Sir, —In the silly seasons which vanished with other frivolities daring the course of this war of good and evil fortune for the Allies, the perennial qaestions, such as Is marriage a failure What shall we do with our
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  • 157 2 A Banff lad at the front writes home under date August 27—1 ran up against this yesterday and thought you might manage to find a niche for it in your Memoirs of the great War (lighter side). It has the additional merit of being true.
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  • “OUR DAY.”
    • 92 2 In connection with the Polo Club’s Gymkhana for the Our Day Fund on Saturday, 17th inst, at 4-30 p.m., the Sweep in the Grand National Selling Sweepstakes will be drawn and auctioned as follows: Penang Cricket Club, No 1 and 2 lotteries, on Thursday, Bth November,
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    • 23 2 The Penang Our Day Fund totals $139,651, comprising Penang $118,344, Province Wellesley $20,798, Balik Pulau $439 and Dindings $7O.
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    • 25 2 [From Our Own Correspondent]. Singapore, November 6. The Java community have collected £7,000 in aid of the Our Day Fund.
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    • 609 2 KUALA KANGSAR OUR DAY. THE RUBBER EXHIBITION. A Kuala Kangsar correspondent, writing on Sunday, says Our Day at Kuala Kangsar yesterday was as fortunate as in Ipoh two weeks earlier in the matter of weather. A very unusual number of people assembled and kept everybody busy till about seven. There
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  • 1017 2 THE FULL DRAWING. The drawing of the Selangor Turf Club War Lottery which commenced in the Town Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on November 2nd, was concluded on Saturday afternoon. The values of the prizes were: —Ist prize $96,000 2nd $38,400 3rd $16,000.. Then follow five prizes each
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  • 488 2 ALLEGED ATTEMPTED MURDER. At Penang Assizes, the case was continued yesterday afternoon in which six Chinamen are charged with attempted murder of the cook of a tongkang, Chua Ah Hong, in Pangkor harbour on August 4th. Mr G H Goh represented the accused, the Solicitor-General prosecuting. It was
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  • 95 2 The following are additional rubber outputs for October Alma lbs. 34 400 Ayer Tawah 28,922 Batu Lintang 3,957 Bakap Plantations 18,400 Batu Matang 16,917 Bukit Toh AUng 15,912 Bernam-Perak 21,500 Cluny 21,266 Cicely 55,706 Chemor United 20,136 Dindang 7,471 Glenealy 25,300 Hopeland 3,054 Hill Rise 12,150 Jebong 49,906
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  • 72 2 Despite the heavy rain, a big crowd witnessed the new change of programme at the Empire last night. The new weekly Gazette was particularly well received, and the two-reel L-Ko comedy is also well worth seeing, in fact, the whole show beirg up to the Empire standard. The
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  • 75 2 Penang Police are engaged in a search for a Chinese coolie in connection with the deaths of two other Chinese following attacks with a carpenter’s sxe in a carpenter’s shop at 216 Kimberley Street about eleven o’clock last night. It is stated that the assailant ran off
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 345 2 NEU ADVERTISEMENTS, j NOW OPEN J j Q. i A SENIOR JOBBING COMPOSITOR. J WORKS MANAGER, I S/jaftesburyl Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd. Excellent Dollar SITUATION VACANT. I I I Tiffin, afternoon I Wanted a Secretary for the Ipoh Teas &c. i Club, salary $3OO per mensem and I free quarters.
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  • 801 3 THE SKOULOUDIS MINISTRY. A White Book containing the GrecoSerbian treaty and documents relating thereto and to the Gerinano-Bulgatian incursion into Eastern Macedonia, was distributed to the deputies of the Greek Chamber recently. The documents established that there existed an agreement between the Athens Government and the Central
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  • 639 3 MILITARY DEVELOPMENTS. The following information is taken from Peking and Shanghai telegrams to our vernacular contemporary, the 14 Chinese Mail The Tuchun of Canton (Chan Bing Kwan), General Tam Hao Ming, Ching Pi Qong and Li Yin Hon (Civil Governor) recently telegraphed the President, demanding the
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  • 122 3 Says the China Mail” (Hongkong). Mr Steph-ns, appearing for the plaintiff in a claim for $l5O, asked his Lordship, Mr Justice Gompertz, that a day should be fixed, without further delay, for the hearing cf the case preferably Monday next. Mr Gardiner, for the defendant, objected. His
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1072 3 SITUATION WANTED. RUBBER SEEDS FOR SALE. PLANTER with 6 years experience in 1,000,000 SEEDS (choice) from over 10 all kind of Estate work is open for year o |j treeg- p r j ce per 1,000. engagement immediately, also good Special reductions in price on lots knowledge of Factory work
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    • 46 3 11 -3 f DO NOWI BUY YOUR Christmas Cards AT PRITCHARD’S AND POST EARLY 1 We are now showing a i very fiine assortment of Christmas and I I Year Cards and Calendars. I I SINGAPORE AND STRAITS DIARY FOR 1918 NOW READY PRITCHARD CO., LTD.
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  • 1152 4 Reuter’s correapordent at the Egyptian Headquarter?, telegraphing on the Ist iosr. speaks of the veil which had hidden the operations on the Palestine front having been partially lifted His use of this simile is significant in view of the fact that tie last mail papers from
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  • 67 4 [From Our Own Corkzspoitdznt.] Singapore, November 6. The business in the Legislative Council yesterday was routine. All the bills on the agenda were advanced a stage, namely, Supply Bill, Penang Harbour Board (Reduction of Debt) Bill, Malacca Lands (Amendment) Bill, Tamil Immigration Fund (Amendment) Bill, Municipal Loan (Amendment)
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  • 1663 4 It is against Britain, (< Germany’s implacable foe,” to quote a The Peace familiar phrase evolved in Thrust. the poison gases of German bate, that the principal force of German propaganda has been directed in all the Allied countries. A net of intrigue has enveloped Italy, or
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  • 27 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin R* Penang was $119.25 per picul, busineai done. Tin is quoted in London to-day £260 spot, and £260 three months.
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  • 62 4 The total output of the Tronoh Mio® jtd, from all sources, for tbe month cOctober, was piculs 1,407. The returns for October of the Tin Dredging Ltd., are ss follows Output 1,420 piculs, valued at $98,125, yar ts treated 272,800 cubic yards. The output of Tongkah Harbour Tin
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 192 4 Some Great Questions I =S«BBi IFOR.- I Men ‘of JI Special Evangelistic Meetings AT THE J I METHODIST I CHURCH I 1 (Corner Buriuab Hrtson Roads.) 1 I =Ĕ Xao-nig fit's Subject: i I “Hell I Is it certain?”! Stirring Singing. Short Speaking. “The Everybody Welcome Church.” SERVICE AT 8
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    • 42 4 The Crag Hotel. SPECIAL RATES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. FROM 5 m. FRIDAY 9th NOY., TILL 8 a m. TUESDAY 13th NOV. $2O. BOOK YOUR ROOMS NOW. ■iiiinniiiiiii.iiiiuiiiiiiHnNiiiiiiHniiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiinniiiinii!Uiti!niiiiiua j Resident-Gouneillor j will be Home on Wednesday, 21st November, I at 5 pm. iHiiiiiiiiniiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiHiiiiiHiiiiKHiiiiimiiiiUHiiiuiiwa
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 52 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To day 3.37 a.m. (sft. 5i0.) 10 51 a m. (2ft. 6in.) 452 p.m. (4ft. sin 11 09 p.m. (3ft 8;n To MOBROW. 418 am. (sfr. 11.54 a.m. (3fr. 8.06 p.m.
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  • 202 5 THE BRITISH SUCCESSES. TAGLIAMENTO FRONT. BRITISH TROOPS REACH ITALY. A portion of General Sir Stanley Maude’s forces engaged the Turks on the west hank of the Tigris, ten miles north of Samarra, and compelled the enemy to retreat towards Tekrit, eight miles farther north, cavalry following up the
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  • France and Belgium
    • 463 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams. TRENCH RAIDS. London, November 4. Field Marshal Haig reports: London Territorials carried oat a successful raid east of Gavrelle, taking prisoners and machine gons. The enemy, under cover of a bombardment, raided our line south-east of Epeby. We repulsed a raid north of Polygon wood. There
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.  -  463 words
    • 367 5 What bearing has the victory in Flanders on our general military prospects? asks the “Manchester Guardian’s’’ military writer. On the whole it is an encouragement to our hopes. We began the attack on this easterly ridge in June; since then there have been two general attacks.
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  • The Balkans
    • 167 5 SECRET TELEGRAMS DISCLOSED. Athens, November 5. Telegrams fecretly exchanged between Athens and Berlin, all deciphered, conclusively prove that Constantine and bis Qaeen were acting on behalf of Germany, with the Gounaris, Skouloudis and Lambros Cabinets as mere tools. The Qaeen telegraphed to the Kaiser in November, 1916,
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    • 86 5 INTERVIEW IN ROME. Home, November 4. M. Venizelos, in a statement to Reuter, said be was sure the war would be long and difficult, but he was certain of final victory for the Allies. Italy would overcome her present troubles, and even if all the other Allies gave
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    • 24 5 BRITISH ATTACK. London, November 5. A German report says English battalions attacking south of Stojacovo, between the Vardar and Lake Doiran, heavily collapsed.
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 481 5 ENEMY REPULSES. London, November 5. An Italian official report says; We repulsed a strong attack against advanced posts in the Daone and Giumella valleys, and in the Giudicarie sector. Enemy Cross the Tagliamento. London, November 5. An official report says the enemy reached the right bank of the Tagliamento
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    • 31 5 London, November 4. The Press Bureau states that Mr. Lloyd George has gone to Italy, Generals Smuts, Robertson, Wilson and Maurice and other officers accompanying him.
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  • 108 5 London, November 5, In the House of Commons, Mr. Balfour stated that it was hoped the Allied Conference in Paris on the conduct of the war would be held in mid-November. He could not at present give any information regarding a conference Gn war aims.* Allied Coafcreaces. London,
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  • 27 5 London, November 5. A peace meeting at Swansea was broken up, the crowd invading the platform, and expelling Mr Roden Buxton and other speakers.
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  • Turkey. The Near East.
    • Article, Illustration
      779 5 BRITISH CAPTURES. London. November 4. An Egypt official report says the captures at Beersheba included fifteen guns. The prisoners at Gaza are 444, including 26 officers. Warships Engaged. A Turkish communiqud reports intense artillery fire at Gaza. Our batteries effectively replie 1. The enemy cruisers aie bombarding the coas\
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    • 181 5 Fine Work by Australians. Further details regarding the fighting which has been taking place on the desert front have been received by the Australian Defence department. The Minister of Defence stated that belated information concerning the battle at Gaza had reached him, which showed that the Second
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    • Article, Illustration
      91 5 BRITISH SUCCESS. London, November 4. A Mesopotamia official report says: A reconnoitring column engaged the Turks on the right bank of the Tigris opposite Dur. The enemy withdrew towards Tekrit, under cover of a strong rearguard. We drove out the latter from successive lines of trenches and occupied
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    • 49 5 RUSSIAN SUCCESS. London, November 5. A Russian official report says there is violent enemy artillery fire west of Sventen Lake. We attacked the Turks in the Kalkit sector on the Black Sea, capturing the first line trenches and at some places the third line, with great booty.
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    • 90 5 Serious information from Switzerland says in Bavarian military quarters it is currently affirmed that the object of the present German offensive, if successful, is not so much to march in the direction of Petrograd as in the direction of Reval, the purpose being to establish direct
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  • 30 5 Paris, November 6. The Temps’ naval expert, who has visited British shipyards, sajs be saw at the Fairfield yard at Glasgow warships far bigger than the Queen Elizabeth.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 356 5 FURTHER DETAILS. London, November 4. An appalling story of coldbloodedmassacre by the Germans of the crews of the North Sea convoy, sunk on October 17tb, is told by the Norwegian newspaper Tidens Tegn which says the German cruisers were observed at six in the morning, and
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    • 53 5 VESSELS BEACHED. Rio de Janeiro, November 4. The Brazilian steamers Acary (formerly the German Eberburg) and Guarahy were torpedoed oft St Vincent. Both were beached. Two were killed and four injured. It is stated that tbe Government is demanding, as a reprisal, tbe confiscation of moneys held
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    • 28 5 NORWAY’S LOSSES. London, November 5. A Norwegian official report says nineteen Norwegian merchantmen of a tonnage of 34,577 were lost during October. Fortyeight Norwegian seamen were killed.
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    • 32 5 London, November 5. A Berlin official report admits that the British sank an auxiliary cruiser on November 2nd in tbe Kattegat, but denies that any patrol boats were sunk.
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  • 252 5 Madrid, November 4. The new Government has it would maintain strict neutrality. After threatening, as the authorities allege, to kill her eon rather than let him serve in America’s National Army and to shoot anyone who tried to force him to register for military service, Mrs Mary Valaski,
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  • 232 6 Singapore, October 31.—Industrials have again been the most active section of our market and United Engineers were taken very rapidly. In local rubbers there is little change to report, and just a steady business prevails in most companies. A substantial advance is shewn in the price of
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  • 192 6 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., in the report dated Singapore, Thursday. Ist instant The weekly rubber auction opened yesterday with a fairly good demand at prices, for the leading grades, about the same as those ruling last week. Fine pale crepe sold up to $124 and ribbed
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  • 220 6 Shelford. —Int. divd. 5 p.c. Anglo-Dutch.—Divd. 8 p.c. Kapar Para. —Int. divd. 15 p.c. Edinburgh.—lnt. divd. p.c. Anglo-Malay.—lnt. divd. 15 p.c. Kepong.—Second int. divd. 15 p.c. Ulu Rantau.—lnt. divd. 10 p.c. Last year p.c. Java Investment.—Final divd. 5 p.c., making 10 p.c. for year. Linggi.—First int.
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  • 183 6 A serious extention of the strike occurred at the works of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Montague, South Melbourne, on September 5, when about 1000 men and 250 women and girls, ceased work on account of the introduction of raw rubber which had been carted by non-union drivers
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  • 490 6 In presenting their forty-sixth annual report, dealing with the Company’s operations for the year ended December 31st, 1916. the directors record their satisfaction and pride in t-he results achieved. The new assurances issued and paid for numbered 21.310 for £8.788.828. or £1.622.968 in excess
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  • 171 6 An intimation has been received frum the Collector of Customs, writes “X” in the “Madras Mail,” to the effect that the tea already sold to the ar Office—amounting in South India to 2.719.000 lb., need not be included in the allotment of 13.200.000 lb. originally allotted
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  • 94 6 Wed. Nov. 7.—P. C. C. v. C. R. C. Lawn Tennis: Esplanade, 5 p.m. singles. Nov. 7.—Lodge Royal Prince of Wales, Regular Meeting, 9 p.m. Thurs. Nov. B.—P. C. C. v. C. R. C. Lawn Tennis: Esplanade, 5 p.m. Doubles. Nov. 9.—District Grand Lodge, Lodge Royal Prince of
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  • 125 6 Pknang, November 6 1917. (By Courte&y oi Chartered Bank', Loudon Demand Bank 2/4 1/4 4 months'sight Bank 2/4 11/16 3 Credit ...2/4 27/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 7/8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. i, 3 days' sight Private Bombay Demand Bank Moulmein Demand Bank 3 Jays' sight Private B Madras Demand
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 619 6 Heat Weakness and Fever Dr. Cassell’s Tablets Make You Strong and Drive Away Malarial Fever. D. c» r irs S h iX n-ts't n’rotection against Fevers, because they make your blood so rich Ind your body so strong and healthy that the germs of disease cannot find entrance. Dr G.
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    • 481 6 By Order of the Custodian of Enemy Property pursuant to an Order of His Excellency the Governor in Council. in the matter of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinances 1914 to 1916 and of the Alien Enemies (Winding-Up) Ordinances 1914 to 1917, IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE. Reserve Price. Of a Valuable
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  • 2838 7 bark diseases and preventa TIVE PAINTING. CT An extraordinary general meeting of the Negri Simbilan Planters’ Association was held at the Sungei Ujong Club at Serem ban on Saturday, Oct 27tb, to consider further the scheme cf preventative painting against bark diseasts projected at the last general
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  • 481 7 Messrs. Baker, Morgan and Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, in their weekly report dated Saturday, 3rd instant say: Since our last week’s report the close of last month and the commencement of this have witnessed a considerable increase in business. Steady markets prevail fairly generally ■Jjut, beyond the rapid
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  • 307 7 Colossal Estimates. Particulars of the United States’ shipping programme are set out in a statement prepared by the Shipping Board for Congress. The programme falls into three parts, dealing with building, commandeering, and purchase. Under the first heading 433 ships of nearly 2.000.000 tons have already been
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  • 90 7 Penang, November 6, 1917. S. P. Tapioca ...$12.30 sellers M. P. Tapioca ...$12.50 sellers. Gold leaf $72. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) sl6| buyers. Black Pepper $25 buyers. White Pepper $4O nom Trang Pepper $32.00 season over Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $4B sellers. Cloves season over
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  • 301 7 DIRECTORS’ REPORT. The report of the directors for the year ended 30th Jane, 1917, states The following are details of tbe gear’s working of tbe company’s three dredges Output of Value per Cubic yards. Tin Ore. cub. yard. No. 1 Dredge 519,577 224 88 tons 15’51 ozs.
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  • 216 7 A Conference of her Diplomatic Agents. Under the auspices of the Japanese Foreign Office, a conference of Japanese con uls in Manchuria has been in session at Moukden. The obj ct of the conference, according to Japanese papers, is to reorganise Japan’s administrative affairs in the
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  • 96 7 Sir Auckland Geddes, the new Minister of National Service, has issued an important statement on the general policy of recruiting and the new organisation of his ministry. This is now, he says being reconstructed in eight departments, the heads of which will form a Council as follows
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  • 73 7 Peking, October 17.—M Leckos, the commercial representative of the Greek Government, who is visiting China aud Japan to study trade conditions, left for Chefoo to-day. Thence he goes to Dairen and Japan. It is understood that arrangements have been made for the negptiations of r Sino-Greek beaty of
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  • 90 7 Tbe new Siamese Shipping Company has been formed primarily to charter certain of the ships condemned as priz‘B by the Prize Court. The vessels in question are the steamers Deli and Samseu and the steam lighter Chantaboon. The vesseh will it is understood, be transferred by tbe
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  • 326 7 Wireless Telegram Which Was n.t Regarded. farther de*ails of tbe sinking oft Cape lown of the City of Athens (the City liner of 5604 tons) are given in Reuter telegrams from Capetown. Fifteen passengers and four of the crew were lost. Giving evidence before the court
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  • 140 7 The Norwegian, Swedish and Dutch owners of 136 merchant vessel-*, tied up in New York harbour on account of the American embargo on all necessities, have expressed their willingness to sell these ships to the American Government. The owners at the same time announce they
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  • 56 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5-45 till 7-15 p.m. to-day:— 1. Reminiscences. Scotland ...Godfrey 2. Two Step The Teddy Bears Picnic ...Brotton 3. Selection A Life on the Ocean ...Binding 4. Waltz Destiny ...Bayness 5. Dans des Sylphes
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  • 147 7 A lawyer’s widow, who lives in Vermon*-, was ordering a tombstone to be erected on the grave of the dear departed. And what sort of inscription would you like asked the merchant. Oh, just something short and simple.” May I suggest Here lies -John Pettifog’?’ Oh, no,” said
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 48 7 IN AID OF RED CROSS AND AMOY FLOOD FUNDS. P. M. I. A. LAST PERFORMANCE AT BAN KENC THEATRE TO-NIGHT Miss Loke Saw Lip will appear in conjunction with other P. M. I. A. artists. Reduced prices to Second and Third. Class seats to $1 and 50 cents.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2272 8 P& 0,- British India N. Y. K. jlßx K. P. M. g KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART I Incorporated In England by Royal Charter and Japan Mad Steamship Co. Ld. maatschappij paid-up capital £-1,200,000 INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. 'I Reserve Fund £1,900,000 w e (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 Xjk W*
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