Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1054 1 I UP-TO-DATE PRINTING I J of every description undertaken, I from a visiting card to the largest l| size poster, by 8 The Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., J with care and promptitude. 1 Estimates given free and artistic J display guaranteed. I ĔĔĔ X!JJXLLUXLILIJLLLIJ JJ JJAITJXLIJ I I II b
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    • 83 1 nannnnn■■■■■■••■■■■noonann a IX THEN YOU ARE AWAY g VV on leave you want to keep n n in touch with Malayan affairs, g a Social, Commercial, Mining, Planting, &c. This you can do g in no better way than by subs- m cribing to the Weekly Edition of H the
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  • 1892 2 The Rev. William Murray returns to Singapore to-day by the Klang. The Rt. Hon. Sir West Ridgeway underwent an operation on September 27th and is making good progress. Mr. H. Lazarus, the well-known optician may now be consulted at the E. and O. Hotel (Room 66 Annexe.)
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  • 245 2 Successful Performance in Ipoh. The first function held under the auspices of the newly formed Perak St. Andrew s Society took place on Saturday night in the Oriental Cinema Hall, kindly lent by Mr. Leong Eng Khean, and was in every way a great success. The talent
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  • 187 2 Per N.Y.K. From London to Singapore Mr. F. A. Betts. Mr. H. B. Crocker, Mr. Selley, Mr. Goodyear, Mr. C. Levy, Mr. P. W. Goud, Mr. T. Ramaswamy, Mr. Byrne, Lieut. V. Kilburn, Mr. Winthorp, Mr. A. Dockwrey, Mrs. D. A. Harvey, Mr. W. F. Manson.
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  • 336 2 ROTTEN TO THE CORE.” Dr. Hans Leuss laments bitterly in the “Welt am Montag” that Germany must reconcile herself to the tragic fact that the Western Powers insist on war.” The Munich “Post” does not agree: But why must we have another winter of it Because the Chancellor’s last speech
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 315 2 WANTED NURSE OR LADY help for mother and infant proceeding Nuwara Eliya and thereafter when circumstances permit England. Passages will be paid. Apply with credentials and stating salary required to Box No. 224, c/o Pinang Gazette. FOR SALE. RUBBER AND COCONUT ESTATE. C* ITUATED on the main road about two
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    • 37 2 IN AID OF RED CROSS. Football Cup Tie ON THE PADANG TO-MORROW, C. R. C. v. Hutton Lane. On Thursday evening go to the ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE Special Programme, Proceeds will be generously given to help the fund.
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    • 229 2 HHH MH■■■■■■■ Quality. ulillM vi llw With LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE, a few drops sprinkled over the meat, fish or cheese, &c., are all that is required to impart the most delicious SMI piquancy and flavour. The QUALITY and concentration of its •’"'wAu ingredients make a little of this sauce go
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 125 2 rr~-»' a An All-Star Feature Programme for Tues. &3Wed.. Oet., 16th Ist Show 8 p.m. THE GREAT SECRET 4 Parts. o n d 9-15 p.m. THE TOY SOLDIER. Rex Comedy. kt 9-30 p.m. BRENNON O’THE MOOR Universal special, at 10 00 p m. SNORING IN HIGHT C L-Ko Comedy. at
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  • 909 3 HOW RUSSIA IS SUFFERING. The Editor of the Times of Ceylon received the following letter from Mr B P Kadomtzefl, from Petrograd. Mr Kadomtzeff left Colombo,after handing over the Russian Consulate to Mr Titoff, for Petrograd, from where it was understood that he would proceed to England
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  • 821 3 “S.F.P.” In his'address to the Legislative Council, His Excellency the Governor, on the subject of education, mentioned the difficulty in obtaining additions to the staff of the European male teachers in the Colony and went on ‘‘The supply of local teachers, I regret to say, is inadequate. Training of
    “S.F.P.”  -  821 words
  • 195 3 London’s multitude voiced a deep-throated, rousing welcome to a contingent of United States soldiers as, headed by the Stars and Stripes, it swung through the principal thoroughfares of the West End to enlivening airs played by the crack band of the Brigade of Guards and the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1036 3 WANTED POSITION. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE AS GENERAL ASSISTANT or CON- 3qqq ,or l“ss Tpnhrosia Rppd DUCTOR on a Rubber Plantation by (Nlt genoa ’p! fo *ta 3 Smgalese, several years experience in all 1k W O 1? branches of Estate work including Office P er routine. Speaks 6 dialects. Holdsexcellent
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    • 336 3 SELANGOR TURF CLUB. WAR LOAN LOTTERY. j B Value $500,000 Or such lesser or greater amount as may be subscribed* Tickets $5 each. J? The amount subscribed as follows •d 30 per cent in 1 prize. 12 1 prize. g S 5 1 prize. •V 5 divided into 5 equal
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  • 774 4 In the military sphere there mast necessarily be times of varying success and with the hold up of the western offensive, through bad weather; and the failure of the Russians to prevent the seizure of important strategic points in the Baltic, the aspect cf affairs from the
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  • 33 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $111.70 per picul business done—an increase of 70 cents. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £246 10s spot, and £244 three months.
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  • 21 4 The output of tin-ore from the Ngow property of the Siamese Tin Syndicate Limited for September was 1,007 piculs.
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  • 428 4 The following was the rubber quotation in London on Oct. 15tb, received to-day. Plantation Ist latex crepe 2s 7|d Smoked Sheet 2s s|d [♦By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.] A Railway Post Office will be opened at Gurun on the 18th instant. The Pataling Rubber Estates Syndicate,
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  • 1805 4 News up to September 6th in th® Australian mail received Riga and Osel, to-day, shows with what grave concern the decision to abandon Riga, the fifth largest city in the Rusrian empire, was received. This was warranted, for later events at the head of the Gulf were
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 111 4 PHITCHARD Go., Ltd., PENANG IPOH. Certainty of Satisfaction has never been more forcibly illustrated than in the following. =NEW= MILLINERY. f “{MOUFFLON Straw Hats In new shades and shapes, quite unnecessary to say that the quality is the best PRICES $5.50, $8.50, $12.50. Panama Hats. The best and cheapest ever
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    • 32 4 O.” GARAGE. The best English French Cars on Hire. Tel. No. 322. Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED. TELEPHONES. Printing Works Manager and J Cashier’s Office 498 Managing Editor 477 J Editor’s Residence 221
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 54 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To-day. 00 03 am. (7 ft.) 6.28 a.m. (1.2 ft.) 00.18 p.m. (6 5 ft.) 6.30 p.m. (1.1 ft.) To-morrow, 00.30 a.m. (7 fc.) 655 a m. (1.1 ft.) 00.47 p.m. (6.3 ft.)
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  • 144 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE ADVANCE ON OESEL NAVAL INCIDENTS. COALITION IN CANADA. Sir Douglas Haig reports the capture of 64 prisoners in the raid south of the Scarpe, at Monchy le Preux, where 200 Germans were killed. In another raid near Roeux, 12 prisoners weretaken. Three German aeroplanes were
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  144 words
  • France and Belgium
    • 432 5 SUCCESSFUL RAIDS. London, October 15. Field Marshal Haig reports that the enemy at night heavily bombarded our positions on the main ridge south of Broodseinde. Yesterday’s raid at Monchy le Preux yielded 35 prisoners, and the infantry also killed 200 and destroyed seven dugouts. South Midland Territorials
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    • 281 5 Mr. Hilaire Belloc, writing on August 22nd, says the nine miles of the enemy’s present defensive front —in the shape of a crescent —in the Ypres area, have on the extreme south a body of high land astride the Menin road, and just in front of the
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    • 113 5 AN INNER WAR CABINET. Loudon, October 15. The Times correspondent at Ottawa says Sir Robert Borden has completed the Coalition Government. Following the British precedent, it is proposed to form an inner War Cabinet, composed of four Conservatives and three Liberals. Public opinion throughout the Dominion is strongly
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    • 66 5 London, October 15. The Press Bureau states that the War Office is arranging to issue a red Chevron for officers and soldiers who entered a theatre of the war in 1914, and a blue Chevron to those entering subsequently, with an additional blue Chevron for each year
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    • 55 5 IMPORTANT BUSINESS. London, October 15. Parliament re-assembles to-morrow. Among the early busines 9 the Government is expected to ask for an extension of the life of Parliament for six months. The most important business ahead is the new Vote of Credit, when the Prime Minister is expected
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    • 43 5 London, October 15. The imports from January Ist to September 30th were £776,702,153 and the exports £283,091,686. laereases. London, October 15. The imports returns shew an increase of £72,756,649 and the exports an increase of £l4 700,150 over 1916. a
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    • 44 5 London, October 15. The Archbishop of Dublin, addressing the Protestant Synod, said the Irish Convention discussed the gravest and most controversial matters in the spirit of goodwill, which had grown daily. He asked for prayers for the success of the Convention’s task.
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    • 134 5 MINISTER’S WARNINGS. Leipzig, October 15. The Minister cf the Interior, replying to complaints in the Bavarian Diet, said they should not be optimistic as regards the potato crops. The greatest precautions were necessary as regards all rationing. Supplies of leather for civilians were the worst conceivable, occasioning the
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    • 78 5 Zurich, October 14. A Vienna message says the ArbeiterZeitung the organ of German Social Democrsts in Austria, says Dr Michaelis must go. His position is untenable During his short term of office he has heaped disaster on disaster. The position of Germany to-day is one of unprecedented difficulty
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    • 40 5 SETTLEMENT EXPECTED. London, October 15 A telegram from Amsterdam anticipates an early settlement of the gravel controversy on the lines indicated in Holland’s reply to Britain, as it is understood the British possess the proofs requested therein.
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    • 193 5 Holland's Large Imports of Cotton. Cotton, as set forth in the annual statement of trade issued by the Board of Trade has been reaching Holland from this country in ever increasing quantities since the outbreak of war. Holland’s import of cotton waste in 1914 was 5.456.000
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    • 85 5 The Liberty Loan. PRESIDENT WILSON’S APPEAL. Washington, October 15. President Wilson, in a proclamation, sets aside October 24th as Liberty Day and urges the people of every city, town and hamlet to assemble and pledge to one another and the Government the fullest measure of financial support for the Liberty
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    • 25 5 VICTIMS OF THE WAR. London, Octobe* 15. The well known novelists, Claude and Alice Askew, have been killed through enemy action at sea.
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    • 21 5 Paris, October 15. M. 8010, M. Turmel and others are charged with treachery, and will be tried by court-martial.
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    • 28 5 Stockholm, October 14. M. Eden, the Lib-ral leader, has been requested to form a Cabinet, ewirg to the failure of M. Widen to do so.
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  • Russia.
    • 540 5 STATE OF THE PARTIES. Petrograd, October 14. The preliminary Parliament will compiiee 388 representatives of the Democratic parties and 167 of the Bourgeoisie. The first sitting is fixed for October 18th. Finnish Diet. The Finnish Diet has been convoked for November Ist. The Army. The Russian Minister for
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    • 360 5 London, September 2.—The consensus of opinion is that the result of the conference at Moscow has been to greatly strengthen the Provisional Government. The Russian democracy previously dreaded the possibility of the army being utilised to overthrow the revolution. The conference dispelled this fear. One Petrograd newspaper
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  • The Balkans
    • 76 5 BRITISH SUCCESS. Lon ion, October 15. A French Eastern communiquĕ rrports a successful raid by British troops on Harnondos, west of Seres, in which 110 prisoners and two machine guns were taken. Scottish Troops* Raid, London, October 15. A British official Salonika report says Scottish troops successfully
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    • 49 5 Amsterdam, October 15. There are great preparations at Constantinople for the visit of the Kaiser. The streets are decorated. Prince Ziaeddin and Enver Pasha welcomed the Kaiser at an outlying station. The Sultan receives him at Constantinople station, surrounded by Princes, the Cabinet and other dignitaries.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 72 5 ITALIAN STEAMER’S FATE. Athens, October 15. A German submarine torpedoed the Italian steamer Bari, and also sunk several lifeboats. Fifty survivors have gone to Corfu and a hundred and fifty to Italy. The Bari contained Greek officials, who were coming home via Switzerland and Italy. There is no
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    • 39 5 London, October 15. The Admiralty announces thab the minesweeping sloop Begonia is overdue, and is considered lost with all bands. The British armed mercantile cruiser Champagne was torpedoed and sunk. Five officers and fifty-one men perished.
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    • 31 5 ENEMY REPULSE. London, October 15 An Italian official report says: We completely broke up an attack near Lokavac,' preceded by lavish artillery fire from Frondar to the sea.
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    • 366 5 [To IHI EDITOR Ql- THE “PIWANG GaCTTT«.”J Sir, —I sincerely hope that you are not about to abandon the subject of the prevention of the abuses of the sale of toddy for more pleasant topics. The matter must be faced, and it is desirable to press on
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  • 52 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 16 For Singapore races, the whole of Messrs Redfern’s and Goodall’s stable have been scratched, also Pretty Boy, St Albans, Tob’que and Royal Plume, As a result, Race 6 has fallen through and race 5 is a match between Black Watch and
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  • 364 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, October 16. For Monday’s meeting of the Legislative Council, the agenda includes the Registration and Medical Examination (War) Bill. Singapore’s Our Day Fund total is $114,500. The rainfall as registered by the Fort Gauge for the 24 hours ended 9 am. today was
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    • 432 6 Mr Octavos Charles Beale, past presi dent and now official representative in London of the Associated Chambers of Manufactures of Australia, makes an at* tractive suggestion for the shortening of the war. He wishes the Allies to follow the example of General Sherman in the American
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    • 40 6 The German newspapers report that French aviators are nightly carrying out raids on the Rhine military bases and bridges. Extensive damage has been done. One of the bridges at Mannheim, in Baden, was blown up.
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    • 103 6 Several additional instances of the Germans intentionally shelling hospitals and casualty stations at the front are forthcoming. A Melbourne doctor state;’:— I was attending our boys when the Huns deliberately shelled our station. Twenty shells dropped into our camp within an area of four acres, while
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    • 166 6 The Petrograd correspondent of the Daily Telegraph states A serious aspect of the revolution is the systematic plundering by Anarchists of the art col lections of the ex-Czar and grand dukes and nobles. An early act of the Provisional Government was to order a law to protect
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    • 70 6 London, September 3. The price of petrol has been advanced B|<i a gallon owing to the increase in the insurances on tank steamers. Petrol will now be retailed at 4/4 a gallon. It is expected that this will necessitate taxis increasing their charges to lOd.
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    • 87 6 London, August 28.—1 n order to raise new capital for expansion after the war, the shareholders of Harrod’s Stores Ltd., London, have been asked to substitute 350,000 ordinary shares for shares in Harrod’s Stores Founders’ Shares Co Ltd at the equivalent of 250 ordinary shares for every
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    • 217 6 Washington, September 4 —President Wilson baa published in address to the men drafted for service abroad, as follows: To the Soldiers of the National Army. You are undertaking a great duty. The heart of the whole country is with you. Everything you do will be
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    • 265 6 The Federal Government apparently does not desire to put before the public at regular intervals returns showing the quantities of foodstuffs held in cool stores in Australia. In the House of Representatives Mr Fenton (V) asked the Prime Minister whether, in addition to foodstuffs stored for export,
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    • 122 6 The total enlistments in the Australian Imperial Force to date are estimated at approximately 375,000, and, provided the required quotas of volunteers were secured for the remaining months of the year, the Commonwealth would be able to record having by the end of 1917 no fewer than 400,000
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    • 174 6 The regulations which have been drawn up by the Australian Government to give effect to the restrictions which have been decided upon io regard to horse racing, professional football and boxing displays are to come into operation shortly. It has already been announced by the Minister of
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    • 391 6 A very important step was taken by the Commonwealth Government with a view to preventing the possible spread of the present industrial upheaval. A special Commonwealth Gazette has been issued, containing a new regulation under the War Precautions Act, which give? power to cancel the registration
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    • 273 6 New Zealand’s Finance Bill, imposing war taxation, was read a first time in the House of Representatives. This is gener ally regarded as a most important and farreaching measure. It deals with land and income tax, progressive land tax, progressive income tax, special war tax and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 513 6 Dysentery and Fever Dr. Cassell’s Tablets Make You Strong and Able to Resist Disease. When you are strong with the full strength of vigorous manhood you have no need to fear the diseases that attack weak people Dr. Cassell’s Tablets you that strength. They fill you with life and energy
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 135 6 WAR CARTOONS. [Reproduced Jrom the World'» Pres» Ji a r WjwwH /«Wj r l: z /^W^ZV \ori \1- 1 v < ■i_ X k Hri STOP THE BRUTE. “Cleveland Plain Dealer.” □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□anDnnooonanonaannnnnaannEO a a s p D O n l. n n J r' a n *1 r* a 1
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  • 296 7 The weather was unfavourable for the Gymkhaoa at Ipoh on Sa’urday, but there was a fair attendance and the venture was a success. The Resident, Mr r G Watson, distributed the prizes to the winners—M'ckets in the Kinta Our Day Lottery Results: The Distance Handicap, Distance 6
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  • 186 7 We learn that the Controller of Shipping has increased the amount of priority cargo which may be shipped from Ceylon to the United Kingdom—provided freight space can be arranged, which is at present the .problem. Report says that the space will then be nearly 5;000 tons
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  • 150 7 Penang, October 16, 1917. ■a. P. Tapioca ...$11.90 sellers M. P. Tapioca ...$12.20 sellers. Gold leaf $72. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 0z)... $l6 j buyers. Black Pepper $25 buyers, ohite Pepper $4O nom Trang Pepper $32.00 season over Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $4B sellers. ®l° ves
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  • 501 7 A COUNTER REVOLUTION. The Moscow correspondent of the United Press Association states At the national conference M Crekofi, the chief spokesman of the railway workers, declared that the railway men would disrupt any counter revolution by a nation-wide tyirfg up of m?ans of communication. There was no
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  • 73 7 M. Kerensky's Emphatic "No. At the close of the Moscow conference M Kerensky was questioned regarding the possibility of stopping the war. He retorted, “Ba damned to those who talk of a cessation of hostilities now The Finnish Diet. The Finnish deputies have respected the decree for the closing of
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  • 164 7 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy and Co.’s share list Yesterday. To-day. g 00 g <n Share?. >» s 2? g CQ to CQ 00 Rubber (Dollar). A.-Malay $2.70 $2.80 $2.80 $3 A. Kuning... $1.45 $1.50 $1.40 $1.50 Indragiri $5.90 $6 $5.90 $6.15 Kempas
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  • 406 7 The reason why Germany can never be allowed to regain control of her Colonies in the Pacific or in Africa is, writes Mr Sydney Brocks, that she cannot be trusted to govern them in a civilised manner. Wherever she has effected a lodgment she has used
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  • 263 7 Amsterdam, August 24—The German Government evidently has been driven to the conviction that it is urgently necessary to do something with regard to AlsaceLorraine. I have repeatedly reported the terrible state of affairs in chose provinces to which parties in the Reichstag have on nnmerous occasions drawn the attention
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  • 121 7 Mrs Malcolm’s Visiting Card on Only Wreath. The funeral of Anton Baumberg, known as the Count de Borch,” who was shot by Lieutenant Douglas Malcolm in his bedroom at a Porchester-place boarding bouse, took place at Kensal Green Cemetry. The body was taken direct from the mortuary The
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  • 57 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5.45 p.m. till 7.15 p.m. to-day 1. Selection The Geisha ...Jones 2. Polka Tiddledy winks Williams 3. Selection The Bell oj New York ...Kerker 4. Waltz Dollar Pi incess Fall 5. Graceful Dance
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  • 482 7 One of Them,” Perak, writes to the Editor of the Straits Times.” I wish to draw attention to the position of ex-British officers, N.C.O.’s and men, in the Straits Volunteers. There has been from time to time criticism of the efficiency, or otherwise, of the volunteer forces,
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  • 240 7 Colonial Congress Postponed. The Hague, October 13.—The Colonial Institute in Amsterdam has postponed the National General Colonial Congress, which was to have been held in the first half of the year 1919 in commemoration of the tercentenary of the founding of the Capital of the Dutch East Indies.
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  • 285 7 An Appreciation of Mr. Kolnfan. London, August 24.—A leading article in the Daily Telegraph,” entitled Statesmen of Labour,” largely consists of an appreciation of Mr. Holman and his frank, sagacious speeches.” “He has not the meteoric quality of Mr. Hughes,” the article says, but he impressed all
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  • 485 7 GERMAN BOYCOTT OF HUMANITY Professor’s Tirade. A remarkable crusade to convince the German people that they must in future, and especially after the war, boycott the remainder of humanity, was some months ago, being conducted with astonishing enthusiasm by Professor von Leyden and other eminent German scholars. Professor von Leyden
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  • 196 7 A cablegram reached the Australian Minister of Defence, through the High Commissioner, urging that the utmost economy should be exercised in the use of paper obtained from the United Kingdom. He intimates that a serious shortage is impending, and that manufacturers are being rationed and priority certificates
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  • 53 7 Preparing for Peace.” New York, August 20.—The Washington correspondent of the New York World has been authentically informed that the most influential Wall-street bankers are considering a rearrangement of banking facilities to meet peace conditions because they have satisfactory information that the chances of peace by next spring
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  • 90 7 According to advice received by the Melbourne representatives of Burns, Philip and Company, Ltd., owners of the missing steamer Matunga. three steamers which were despatched from Sydney in search of the Matunga had reached Rabaul without sighting any trace of the missing vessel. It is considered
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  • 240 7 Official Story of Sea Murders. Sir Joseph Maclay, the Shipping Controller, has -received the following lettei dated the Bth August, from Mr. F. W. Lewis, of Messrs. Furness, Withy, and Co. (Ltd.) S.S. Belgian Prince.—The vessel left on. July 28, and was torpedoed and sunk on July
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  • 156 7 CLOTH SPECULATION GONE SMASH. A London correspondent in mail week wrote: I hear that the idea of fixing a standard price for soldiers and civilians is alarming lots of people both in Bradford and in Goldensquare —the London centre of the woollen trade. A correspondent tells me that there has
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  • 404 7 Wed. Oct. 17.—Football Cup Tie: Esplanade, 5 p.m. C. R. C. v. Hutton Lane —Town Band. Thur. Oct. 18.—The Electric Polyscope Co., 9.15 p.m. Fri. Oct. 19.—Variety Entertainment: Town Hall, 9.15 p.m. —Town Band. Oct. 19.—Tennis Match, Mr. J. H. Spowers v. Mr. W. -H. Threlfall, Penang Cricket
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2226 8 BANKS. P&O. -British India N. Y. K. jWpv K. P. M. I AND CHINA?’* Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. j J\ A p K rFij VAART d -"p ap al AND r r 4 i&S&k MAATSCHAPPIJ Reserve Fund £I ’IJWO INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. Reserve Liability of Proprietors I®** v e
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