Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 October 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 78 1 n □□□□□□■■■■■■■■■■■■nnnflnnn XA7 HEN YOU abejawX? 5 b V V on leave you want to keep in touch with Malayan affairs, Social, Commercial, Mining, J Planting, &c. This you can do JJ in no better way than by subs- a cribing to the Weekly Edition of the Pinang Gazette,” published
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  • 503 2 SEVERAL GENERALS OFFER SERVICES. More telegrams have been received from military commanders in the provinces offering themselves to go to the fighting fronts (says the “Peking Daily News”). Among those who have expressed their willingness to to participate in measuring swords with Germans and Austrians are
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  • 159 2 The Japanese Mission to the United States headed by the illustrious diplomatist, Viscount Ishii. Ambassador Extraordinary, has had in San Francisco the cordial welcome it is sure of in every part of the United States, Japan, our old friend of more than sixty years, is now fighting
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  • 81 2 Negotiations for Separate Peace. Amsterdam, August 16.—The “Handelsblad” learns from Lausanne that M. Abraham Dunon, the father-in-law of the Chief Rabbi of Constantinople, is proceeding to Paris. He refuses to discuss politics, but his journey is said to be connected with the deplorable situation in Turkey as well
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  • 96 2 For the period from the 12th to 18th October, 1917, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at two shillings and eight pence per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis
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    • 300 2 Inter-Regimental Fight. Poona, September 16. —An emeute between units occurred yesterday evening at the racecourse arising out of a dispute between some sepoys in undress and the men who were on duty patrolling the course in order to keep it clear while the races were being
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    • 327 2 Madras Mail’s Comments. Madras. September 28.—The Madras Mail,” continuing its comments on the political situation, refers with approval to the great rally of Europeans to the cause as evinced in the Calcutta European Association meeting. Reference is also made to arrangements made by the Madras Mail for the
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    • 137 2 Madras, September 17.—The Madras Government have sanctioned the distribution of a total subsidy of Rs. 17,80.709 among the local bodies during the current year for the fi llowing objects: Usual contribution in aid of education Rs. 1.93,627; maintenance of elementary schools opened from 1911-12 to 1916-17, Rs.
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    • 144 2 One Lakh for Aeroplanes. Bombay, September 22.—A message from Jamnagar, dated 21st September, says: The birthday of His Highness Jam Sahib Sri Ranjitsinjhi was celebrated on Thursday in the presence of Mr Maconochie, Agent to ibe Governor in Kathiawar and other distinguished guests. At a Durbar His
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 805 2 SITUATION WANTED. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE A YOUNG AND ENERGETIC MAN 3000 lbs., or less, Tephrosia Seed seeks employment on a healthy (Nitrogenous plant cover), at 10 cts Estate in Province Wellesley or in the per lb. F. O. R. F.M.S. age 22, capable of supervising labour McALISTER Co Ltd. and
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    • 822 2 C3k Tai Sefio Motor Repairing Company, PROFESSIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT?’ fIURMAH ROAD, PENANG. MR. H. LAZARUS 9 I ’Ph one;2 08- Consulting Optician,' Calcutta. Begs to announce to the Public that he will arrive in Penang on or about UATAD October 10th, and may be consulted for fVlv g vl\ SPECTACLES. curiNFFPC
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  • 839 3 PENANG v. KEDAH. The football match on the Padang, Penang, on Saturday evening, in aid of (he Our Day Fund, was unfortunate in regard to weather, the crowd being much smaller than would have been the case had the conditions been favourable. The play was affected hy
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  • 83 3 A Straits Gazette announces the appointment of the following gentlemen Messrs W G Maxwell, R St John Braddell, J A Elias, Dr G A Finlayson, Lee Choon Guan and J Lornie to enquire into the question of the present shortage of housing accommodation in Singapore and as to
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  • 415 3 Malay Mail.” i THE F.M.S. AND COLONY. At last, after years of talk, there would appear to be some chance of town planning schemes being carried into effect. The last Gazette contains the draft of a comprehensive Town Improvement Enactment which will enable the authorities to do something
    “ Malay Mail.”  -  415 words
  • 264 3 Mr W Pryde in the Taiping Police Court heard three suits at the instance of the Government of Perak for the recovery of expenses incurred in removing from Government drain, silt which Bowed into them from certain rubber estates in Trong. The claims were $26.02 from Hidden
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  • 42 3 A few hundred yards more, and the French will have won back every inch of the ground lost in the first battle of Verdun. Then all that will remain to remind Germany of it will be her 600.000 corpses.
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  • 356 3 The Canton Military Government, which was organised on September 16th, has banded a Canton correspondent the following statement The military government now established in Canton is a temporary organization fora clear-cut and definite purpose. It aims to rally to its standard all those who stand for the supremacy
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  • 235 3 The Municipal Estimates for 1918 propose a consolidated rate of twelve per cent on houses, lands etc other than agricul tural land?, and a consolidated rate of five per cent on agricultural lands, with an additional three per cent Water rate, two per cent Improvement rate, one
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  • 62 3  -  (From War,” by Klaus Wagner.) Why Civilians Are Deported. We must boldly organize on a big scale enforced migrations of inferior people (i.e., the Belgians and French). Posterity will be grateful to us for it. We must drive into reservation adversaries who try to block our
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  • 627 3 A person well acquainted with conditions |in the Central Empires has expressed the opinion that they are on the eve of exhausI ting all their reserves of man power and no longer have the means of making good their losses in the field without seriously endan-
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  • 125 3 What was described as the swan song of Messrs Riley, Hargreaves and Co, Ltd, was sung at a general meeting held Singapore at the offices of Messrs Barker and Co There were present Dr Galloway and Messrs P' M Robinson, R M Goldie, D Miller, W
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 105 3 The Ancient Tortures could have devised nothing more cruel than the frightful twinging pams of Sciatiea. Modern Medicine can be devise nothing more effective than LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM wherewith to combat this terrifying affliction. It does its work and does io well. All pein immediately relieved. Simply rub it in.
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    • 111 3 PRITCHARD Co., Ltd., PENANG IPOH. HFHE Certainty of Satisfaction has never been more forcibly illustrated than in the following. NtW MILLINERY. < MOUFFLON Straw Hats In new shades and shapes, quite unnecessary to say Jr* PRICES r $5.50, $8.50, $12.50. Panama Hats. The best and cheapest 1 ever received. Trim-
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 24 3 WAR CARTOON. [Reproduced from the World’s Press .|l I I'l dKTaßggl 3--ffzzgSa f;w "1 r n “DER TAG” IS DAWNING.— “St. Louis Globe Democrat.”
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  • General News
    • 81 4 SEAMEN DEMAND BOYCOTT. London, October 14. A great meeting of sailors and firemen at Cardiff to devise post-war punishments of the Germans for U boat crimes, passed a resolution asking employers to refuse to employ Germans on land or sea, requesting the public to refuse to buy
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    • 51 4 Rio de Janeiro, October 12. The Government has decided to constitute three different lines from 42 interned German steamers. Eighteen will be employed between the United States and Europe, and the remainder between Brazil and Europe or other routes. They will all fly the Brazilian
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    • 60 4 London, October 13. Lord Rhondda is appealing for the appointment of local committees throughout the country to undertake a fresh foodsaving campaign. He states that the world harvests will not meet the requirements of the Allies at the present rate of consumption during the next twelve months
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    • 31 4 London, October 14. Yesterday is described as the most difficult of the war hitherto for week-end shoppers in London, tea, sugar, rice, butter and margarines being practically unobtainable.
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    • 61 4 Amesterdam, October 13. The Kaiser arrived at Sofia, accompanied by Baron Kuhlmann. He was received by King Ferdinand, and they drove through the decorated streets. Speeches at Sofia. Amsterdam, October 14. A Sofia message says King Ferdinand and the Kaiser made effusive speeches at the banquet at
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    • 122 4 IMPROVED SITUATION. London, October 14. The Manchester correspondent of the Times says the position as regards available cotton continues to improve. It is believed that at the end of the prescribed period of curtailed production, the restrictions will be removed, or greatly modified, the new census being expected
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    • 87 4 London, October 13. Cotton is at 12/7d silver, 88 7/Bd. London, October 11. Messrs. Montagu’s report says the silver market is rather better supplied. The weakness of the Shanghai exchange contributed to the dullness of tone. Some silver purchased for China was resold. There does not seem
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    • 28 4 London, October 12. Silver is at 44 There is no demand, and the market is dull. London, October 13. Silver is at 44d. with a dull market.
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    • 16 4 London, October 12. The National Party is contesting the by-election in East Islington.
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  • 41 4 The following are additional rubber outputs for September Holland American Plant lbs. 574 399 Hevea (Johore) 23,059 Kuala Pergau Plant 34,920 Malacca Plantations 356,750 Neth. Langkat R Co 25,046 Si Pare Pare R. Co 30,560 Trafalgar (coconuts, 24,366) 4,050
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  • 705 4 Mr V G Savi, Superintendent of Police, has returned to Penang for duty. Mr W A McCallum, of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, is leaving Shanghai for active service M r Alfred J D’Conceicao, special class clerk of the Chief Police Office, Singapore, has been
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  • 51 4 The following subscriptions have been received by the Chartered Bank. By Balance on Sept 6 $278.60 Teoh Cheow Cheang (monthly) 2.00 H de Z Lancaster (monthly) 25.00 By Balance on Oct 8 $305.60 Amount previously acknowledged .„$32,429.23 Total ...$32,734.83 Tokio’s new Municipal building is to cost Y.
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  • 823 4 VICTORIOUS VETERANS. The heavy rain on Saturday evening made the ground very sodden and heavy goin<r, but fortunately the downpour ceased during the night, and a fine morning enabled the operations that had been arranged in the Mount Erskine direction to be satisfactorily carried out. The idea
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  • 43 4 Tickets for the P. V. Dance on October 30th and for the Ronggeng on October 29th and 30th can now be obtained from the Robinson Piano Co. Dance ticket $2, Ronggeng $0.50, covering both nights. The daHtxJ ticket includes the Ronggeng.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 445 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. rubber and cocoanut estate. SITUATED on the main road aboub two miles from Sungie Bdkap Railway Station. Consisting of Rubber 31| acres Cocoaouts 7 acres Further particulars from e Box No. 223, c/o Pinang Gazette, NOTICE. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the tenders called for by
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    • 184 4 mXXXXXMXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X 1 RUNNYMEDE HOTEL x X x “Our Entertainment, a SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th. st x p Dinner, Dancing, Merry-go- g X rounds, Shooting Gallery, X Sampan rides and many g X other side shows. Nett profits will be handed over by the Management to the X g RED
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 125 4 LSlWfrkiW An All-Star Feature Programme for Mon., Tues. Wed.. Oet.,|lsth, 16th 17th. Ist Show 8 p.m. THE GREAT SECRET 4 Parts, •’nd 9-15 p.m. THE TOY SOLDIER. Rex Comedy. at 9-30 p.m. BRENNON O’THE MOOR Universal Special, it 10 00 d m. SNORING IN HIGHT C L-Ko Comedy. at 10.20
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  • 727 5 ANNUAL MEETING. The seventh annual general meeting of Kern pas, Ltd., was held at the registered office of the company, No. 4, Fort Road, Malacca, on Thursday, October 11, Mr T F Anderson Pole piesiding. The notice convening the meeting having been read, the chairman said The report
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  • 141 5 M.M.” Marutban, Tamil mandor on Sin Mow Yin Estate, Segambut, in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court, before Mr A W Just, Magistrate, was charged with causing the death of Villian, a coolie on the same estate; on September 24th. From the evidence taken it would appear
    —“ M.M.”  -  141 words
  • 282 5 Singpaore, October 10. —There was a decided lull in operations noticeable this week and noteworthy changes are lacking. Rubber shares keep steady and for once in the matter of transactions are second best to industrials. Mining shares from a brokers’ point of view are exceedingly difficult to
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  • 182 5 Messrs. Guthrie Co., Ltd., reported on Thursday, 11th October, as follows: The weekly Rubber Auction which commenced yesterday again disclosed a dujl market, and, though prices for the leading grades were practically the same as those paid last week, bidding was very slow, and a large proportion
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  • 389 5 The Deputy Commissioner of Katha (Burma) thinks that the keeping of cattle inside villages is a main factor conducing to the maintenance of breeding grounds for malaria-carrying mosquitoes. and says that at Tamanthi in the Upper Chindwin district which has a particularly deadly climate in
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  • 80 5 Maximilian Harden, writing in his review the Zukunft,” says:— Alsace-Lorraine, Trente and Trieste must be returned to France and Italy if we wish to eliminat3 motives for discord in the future.” As regards the future of nations, Harden professes agreement with the declaration of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 328 5 i &<-'r«S**r*s \y* s^- i'J Sk It* s a compliment ito give a A “Swan” Pen J r I ’HE very fact that you have II selected the leading pen g pays delicate tribute to dis- g" criminating taste on the part of the recipient. No other pen is so
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    • 394 5 M' In youth middle age and old age Wincarnis,’ gives new health to all who are Weak, Ansmic, “Nervy,” artwn. In every walk in life—in every civilised country in the world—there you will find Wincarnis giving new strength to the Weak—new rich blood to the Anaemic—new nerve force to the
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  • 21 6 MacLeax.—At Begerpang, Bangoen Poerba, Sumatra E. C. on the 6th inst., the wife of T. W. MacLeau, of a daughter.
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  • 986 6 The recent mutiny in the German Navy doubtless hastened the events reported from the Galt of Riga, where the Germans have seized the large island of Oesel, nearly 70 miles long, forming the north-western shore of the Galf and commanding the exits of the latter. At various
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  • 30 6 Tin was quoted iu London on Saturday at £246 10s spot, and £243 three months. To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $lll.OO per picul, bu’iness done.
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  • 52 6 The record of Kampong Kamuuting Tin Dredging, Limited, for the first fortnight of October, was hours run (Both dredges) 552 cubic yards treated 83,000 Total piculs 567.84 realised on sale $36,600.01. The output of Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co, (N. L.) for the week ending 13th October, was
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  • 35 6 The following was the rubber quotation in London on Oct. I2tb, received on the 13th inst. Plantation Ist latex crepe 2s 7|d Smoked Sheet 2s s|d [♦By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co
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  • 65 6 An outward European mail will be ready for delivery at 8 a.m. to-morrow. A further European mail is expected to be ready for delivery about 10 a.m. to-morrow. The mails despatched from Penang to London, by the B. I. on the 26th August, supplementary mail on tbe 27th
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  • 1836 6 “S.T.” It is somewhat surprising to learn that the outcry by Japanese speculators against the Lands in Malaya. Ordinance restricting the acquirenje of rubber lands in Malaya to British subjects, subjects of tbe Ruler of any of the Malay States under British protection, and persona and corporations
    – “S.T.”  -  1,836 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 13 6 S. 0.” GARAGE. The best English French Cars on Hire. Tel. No. 322.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 51 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To-day. 11.49 a.m. (6.4 ft.) 602 am. (1 6 ft.) 6.03 p.m, (1.2 ft) Tomorrow. 00 03 am. (7 ft.) 6.28 a.m, (1.2 ft.) 00.18 p.m. (6 5 ft.) 6.30 p.m. (1.l
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  • 15 6 DEATH. Hagenziekkr—On 11th October, 1917, at Locarno (Switzerland), Maria Caroline, wife of B. F. Hagenzteker.
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  • 162 7 SEVERE AIR FIGHTING. OESEL ISLAND SEIZED. BRITAIN AND HOLLAND. The British troops captured 943 prisoners in Friday’s battle north-east of Ypres, where unfavourable weather put a stop to the operations before the .whole of the day’s objectives had been won. Many strong positions were taken, the strongest opposition
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 1243 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] WE Al HER INTERFERES. London, October, 12. Reuter’s coresspondent at Headquarters, ■wiring on Friday evening, says this morning’s battle developed bitter fighting. The news at present is incomplete. The attack seems to have progressed best on the two flanks. The troops are reported to be fighting
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  1,243 words
    • 132 7 M. RIBOT AND ALSACE-LORRAINE. .’aria, October 14. The French Chamber concluded a debate, in which French diplomacy was criticised, by pa c sing a vote of confidence in the Government, and recommending reforms, appointments and promotions in the diplomatic and consular services. M. Ribot, in a speech,
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    • 74 7 A CRISIS. London, October 13. The Cologne Gazette announces a political crisis, owing to Admiral von Capelle’s mutiny speech in the Rsichs’ag, which did not accord with the nature of the statement the Chancellor desired to be made. Von Capelie Resigns. Amsterdam, Oct. 13. The Frankfurter
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    • 436 7 Amsterdam, August 23.—“ A policy based on might alone, and not on right, is doomed to failure from the beginning.” was the interesting admission made by Baron von Kuhlmann, German Imperial Foreign Secretary’, in his maiden speech to the Main Committee of the Reichstag yesterday. The
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    • 34 7 London, October 14. Mr. J. Ramsay Macdonald,' speaking to workers at Loughborough said, they did not want a patched up peace, which would only bring another war in ten years hence.
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    • 235 7 PROOFS.” The Hague, October 13. The Foreign Minister has made a statement that he can satisfy the British desire to stop the transit of sand and gravel only when proofs are produced that they are used for war purposes. The Dutch Minister in London has asked for any
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    • 141 7 SERIOUS SITUATION. London, October 14. Fresh information regarding the economic situation in Germany indicates that the position is getting worse. The corn crops have failed, and the outlook for oats and barley is bad. Investigations show that the 1917 harvest is 45 per cent below normal years.
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    • 115 7 GERMANY’S REPLY TO SWEDEN. Amsterdam, October 14. The Government has received Germany’s reply to Sweden’s protest regarding the Luxburg affair. The reply admits receiving Luxburg’s telegrams, cabled on Sept 9, and says one was mutilated in publication in an essential point, but it does not specify which point.
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    • 65 7 London, October 13. Sfr John Simon has been given a commission in the Army and has joined the forces in France. Sir John Simon’s Post. London, October 14. It is expected that Sir John Simon will be appointed to a high non-combatant post in the army
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    • 33 7 London, October 14. The Admiralty reports that the weather restricted the naval aircraft’s operations yesterday. One of our fighter patrols at Ostend shot down an enemy machine in flames
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    • 76 7 London, October 14. The Duke of Connaught, addressing volunteers at Birmingham, said be was most anxious to remove tbe impression that special praise had been meted out to the Dominion troops without full justice being done to the Lome troops. Well as the dominion troops bad fought,
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  • Russia.
    • Article, Illustration
      507 7 OESEL ISLAND SEIZED. Petrograd, October 13. Germans have landed on the islands of Oesel and Dago at the mouth of the Gulf of Riga. Enemy’s Rapid Landing. London, October 13. A Russian communique says tbe enemy landed one or two divisions at Oesel and Dago in the
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    • 101 7 MINISTERS ASKED TO RESIGN. Petrograd, October 12. Jhe Social-Democrat's have requ sited M Nikitin, Minister of the Interior, to resign from tbe party. A similar request to M Propopovitch, Minister of Supplies, is anticipated. Trouble at Kbarkoff. Petrograd, October 14. Bands of criminals and deserters have begun to
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 80 7 London, October 13. An Italian official message says: We crushed an attempted attack in the Costabella region. Our batteries on the Carso dispersed troops marching east of Castagnavizza, and see on fire an ammunition dump in the San Giovanni region. Winter on Italian Fronts. Udine, October 15. Winter
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    • 238 7 The Italian General Staff issued the following with regard to preparations for the! present campaign:—The higher military authorities, seconded by the firm support of the Government and with the entire energies of the nation at their dispohal, directed their attention to further development in the organization of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    95 7 RAPID ADVANCE. London, October 13. An East Africa official report siys The right column of troops from Kilwa occupied Ruponda, an important junction of tracks at the north-western end of the Muera Plateau and on the flank of the line of retreat of the enemv’s main body. The
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  • 52 7 Ottawa, October 13. The Government has issued a proclamation calling out unmarried men and childless widowers from 20 to 34 years of age, comprising class 1 men. They must report before November 10th unless they have made application for exemption. The exemption tribunals will begin their sittings on
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  • 1020 8 2 2 NAMES. I 2§ ffl OQ '"‘3 RUBBER (Dollar.) Alor Gajah Rubber Estate $4.40 $4.70 Amalgamated Malay Estates $2.70 $2 .80 I Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate $l5 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estates $1.45 $1.50 Ayer Molek Rubber Co. $2.85 $2.95 Ayer Panas Rubber Estates $l2 SI2A Balgownie Rubber Estate
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  • 723 8 MAN TOWER WASTAGE. A Dutch correspondent who writes for Scandinavian papers has been carefully studying the German papers that circulate among officers and making a list of the obituary notices which appear in them of German flying men. He finds that since the spring there has hardly
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  • 83 8 Totals to August. The total casualties sustained by the Australian Imperial Force, notified to August 20 in official lists issued by the Defence department, aggregate 106.297, inclusive of the sick and those taken prisoner by the enemy. Details are as follows Other o 6 Officers. Chaplaihs. Nurses. Ranks.
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  • 92 8 Reuter’s Agency has had an interview with Captain Ferriero Simas, C.M.G., Portuguese Military Attache in London, who has just returned from another visit to the British front in France. After describing the high spirits of the Portuguese troops he had seen, Captain Simas said Portugal is
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  • 369 8 A'correspondent writes to the Rangoon Gazette A. lady friend who makes pickles told me that the price of English vinegar, was one rupee a bottle, more than double what it used to be before the war. I see by a telegram in your paper of
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  • 73 8 At last we see that there is one thing the Kaiser cannot do. He cannot spell. The “Daily Telegraph” unkindly blazons forth the Imperial One’s feelings by publishing in “fac simile” his message to President Wilson. In it His Omniscient Majesty writes that he was asked “wether”
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 419 8 Hife A-1 GDDDRICH SAFETY TREAD TYRES For Security and Economy There are other rubber non-skid Tyres which have an initial grip upon road surfaces, but their formation is such that the anti-skid principle soon disappears, and they become to aii intents and purposes a Plain Tread without Safety value. The
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  • 907 9 “S.T.” A GERMAN PROTEST. The Hague, October 10.—According to IVolff’s Bureau, Germany has pretested to the Netherlands Government against the internment of four aviators and the wounding of sne of the aviators at the mouth of the Scheldt. Diplomatic negotiations have commenced already. The German rendering of the
    “S.T.”  -  907 words
    • 1006 9 Tientsin, September 25.—The larger portion of the British Concession has now been inundated. The Japanese garrison has evacuated its barracks and will probably go to the Italian Concession. The water is gaining everywhere and is expected to reach Victoria Road (the main thoroughfare in the British
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    • 211 9 Shanghai, September 29.—Rain has further increased the height of the flood in Tientsin and its vicinity. In some parts of the Japanese Concession the water is as high as eight feet. The rate of increase is also getting higher rapidly. It is estimated by experts that
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    • 177 9 Hongkong, September 25.—-At a meeting of the War Charities Committee, the Governor, in connection with Our Day programme, said that there would be an important drawing of war bonds. Sixty per cent of the subscriptions would be devoted to prizes, which would take the form
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    • 139 9 For the purpose of sending an expeditionary force to the western theatre of war, the Minister of War of Siam has started the recruiting of volunteers, according to a Tokio report. He intends to organise a motor-cycle corp?, an aviation corps and a
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    • 423 9 Hongkong, September 28.—The Chamber of Commerce has again telegraphed to Mr Lloyd George and aLo to the London and Manchester Chambers of Commerce and Mr Gershom Stewart, MP, again urging immediate relief iu the matter of the pay of the naval and military services. The
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  • 511 9 Peking, September 28.—Mandates for the formation of the new Parliament and for the immediate calling of a National Council, and also for the punishment of the ringleaders of the Restoration movement, are expected to be issued at mid-day to-day. The Export of Silver. Peking, October 2.—The Ministry of
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  • 47 9 The Our Day celebration takes place at Malakoff Estate, P.W., on Saturday, 20th inst. In the afternoon there will be a golf putting and approaching competition and various side-shows. A tiffin will be provided at 12.45 p.m. Tickets $2, should be obtained beforehand.
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  • 170 9 The Taiping Our Day management met on Saturday to arrange the carrying out of details of the Programme suggested by the Programme sub-committee and approved by the main committee. Various gentlemen and ladies were selected to be asked to undertake the different items, and a very useful hour’s
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  • 134 9 —“S F P.” Another Our Day” footb‘ll match was played on the S.C.C. ground, Singapore between the S C C and the Straits Chinese F.A. The crowd was not so large as on the previous eve dug, the weather for one thing being threatening, though no rain
    —“S F P.”  -  134 words
  • 9 9 To-day’s Penang to al is $107.437-49
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  • 46 9 The Band will play the following programme of music ac the Esplanade front) 6 p.m. till 7 p.m. to-day:— 1. Selection JTelsk ...Hare 2. Polka Irene ...Bidgood 3. Waltz Merry Night ...Wood 4. Mazurka De rialon Suavita Roubier 5. March King Carnival ...Rosey
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  • 395 9 —“S.F.P.” The death occurred this morning, about three o’clock, of Mr. K. Patchee Haji Mohamed Noor, an occurrence which will occasion deep regret amongst the Mohamedan Community. Last evening he attended social gatherings at the houses of Mr. Syed Omar Alsagoff and Mr. M. Kassim
    —“S.F.P.”  -  395 words
  • 206 9 In the current number of the Lancet are given the results of an inquiry into the relationship between cigarette smoking and the soldier’s heart.” I he immediate effect of cigarette-sm >king upon the circulatory system and upon the breathlessness of exertion was observed in 30 smokers, of
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  • 141 9 America, has long been seeking a counterpart to Tipperary,” and has at last found it in W. R. Williams’s “We don’t know, where we’re going,” which has been adopted by the 7th Illinois Infantry, and will probably spread to the whole army. I give the second verse
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  • 382 9 Wed. Oct. 17. —Football Cup Tie: Esplanade, 5 p.m. C. R. C/ v. Hutton Lane —Town Band. Thur. Oct. 18.—The Electric Polyscope Co., 9.15 p.m. Fri. Oct. 19. —Variety Entertainment: Town Hall, 9.15 p.m.—Town Band. Oct. 19.—Tennis Match, Mr. J. H. Spowers v. Mr. W. H. Threlfall, Penang
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 56 9 “Our Day” Music Hall. Town Hall, Friday, 19th October. Mrs. CLARK, Miss LAING, Signor Cagliostro, (Man of Mystery). Mr. EZECHIEL. “Jezebel and Jackanapes” by Toomen a Wangurl. Prof. MURAKAMI, The Health-Culturlsts, Mr, T J. WILLIAMS, Grand Theatre Glee Party. The ESTUDIANTINA, Grand Theatre Orchestra. BOOK NOW at the I ROBINSON
      56 words
    • 65 9 How did you feel this morning Washed-out Liverish Sick head- rx if SO ou re< uir a small dos ache, Tired, no appetite, coated, of PIUKETTES to make 1 Tongue, bad taste in the mouth. you fit and keep you so. 50 cents per phial at your druggist’s or direct
      65 words

  • 717 10 M M.” In Section 23 of Enactment No 4of 1904 (Probate and Administration) there is mention of iules for the distribution of the estate of an intestate. In the absence of any complete book containing all the laws of this country and the rules made under such law?,
    —“ M M.”  -  717 words
  • 220 10 In the F M S “Gazette” appeals the draft of an enactment entitled The Town Improvement Enactment.” The objects and reasons appended state The question of the adoption of town-planning legislation in these States has been for some time under consideration. Schemes for improvement of town-areas, otherwise
    220 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 414 10 X *J* PATRONIZED BY ROYALTY A *J* T NOW ON VIEW. ENGLISH HALL-MARKED 4< SILVER CUPS BOWLS. g Suitable for Prizes for the 6; X t DAY I I f I FUND. w Inscriptions Neatly j Engraved. r-*-» *s* B. P. de SILVA, j 1, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. SYNOLEO| (wk)
      414 words
    • 726 10 CONSTIPATION. The Cause of much Suffering. When the Bowels are clogged the waste matter decays and ferments and enters the blood, and is carried to all parts of the body, producing Headaches, Biliousness, Sleeplessn esB Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Neuralgia, Rheumatism and various other ailments disturbing the Heart and
      726 words

  • 564 11 DRINK SHOP REDUCTION. We are glad to notice from the report of the Acting Excise Commissioner, says the Ceylon Observer,” that the Advisory Committees, established in October, 1913, in connection with the Excise scheme, have done useful work since their institution, and that “it is no secret
    564 words
  • 225 11 There are many indications of growing anxiety as to the commercial future of the country, and the papers are full of warnings against the comfortable doctrine that Germany’s difficulties will cease with the declaration of peace. Germany, it is acknowledged, is so exhausted, both industrially and
    225 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 720 11 |R. YOUNG Co., Ltd., 1 PENANG. CAST CONCRETE SPECIALITIES a ipa——■ I OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. |y» msiiii aiasa— I fancy “MOSAIC” I 111 B j xlx resse d Concrete Flooring Tiles I II r IH i g ?I T Artistic Colors and Patterns. g s 11 M PRICE about
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    • 2332 12 P**> AA BANKS. I P&O -British India N. i. K.. »Rx K. P. M. r. O. W 1- SI V4ART —"“■“■’'’■'S«| AND INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. |j Rererv. Liability of Proprietor', I A J (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) Hbad Office U 2o W I A > X /k A (Royal Packet 5.
      2,332 words