Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 873 1 j UP-TO-DATE PRINTING I of every description undertaken, I from a visiting card to the largest B I size poster, by S The Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., J with care and promptitude. I I Estimates given free and artistic display guaranteed. fl f| JLC [XJCIXSjCXXXXIL jJJUIaJGIJ GXJLUaLJ UIJLIJaC L*U 2
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    • 76 1 □□□□□□□■■■■■■■■■■■■nnnnnno XA7 HEN YOU ARE AWAY a n VV on leave you want to keep q in touch with Malayan affairs, Social, Commercial, Mining, Planting, &c. This you can do j in no better way than by subs- cribing to the Weekly Edition of I the Pinang Gazette,” published every
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  • 920 2 SCHOOLBOY CHARGED. A sequel to the disappearance of a bicycle, belonging to Syed Abdalla, a scholar of the Penang Free School, was heard in the First Court, Penang, to-day, before Mr R D Acton, when Gun Kuan Liong, another schoolboy, was charged with dishonestly retaining stolen property, knowing
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  • 527 2 Sir Herbert Dering, the British Minister to Siam, who has been on a trip to China and Japan has now returned to Bangkok. A memorial service for the late Captain R C Kinder will take place at Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday next, October 16th, at 6 p.m.
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  • 83 2 Entries for the P. P. C. Bowls Tournament are now being received. The events are: (1) Championship. (2) Single Handicap. (3) Double Handicap, (4) Championship Pairs, (5) Mixed Double Handicap, (6) Ladies’ Single Handicap. (7) Teams of Four. In event No. 8 Ladies’ Single Handicap will be
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  • 117 2 The following ties has been fixed -*or W. dnesday, 17th October. Championship—A. W. de W. Harries v. H. E. Mason. A bran pie dip at the Crag yesterday realised $65 for the R *d Cross funds. The Ceylon Legisla'ure have under consideration a bill to Suppress Intermeddlers
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  • 454 2 TIME TABLE CHANGES. The pricipal alterations in the Time Table to come into force on Ist November 1917 are as follows: Week Days. The present 7 a.m. Penang to Alor Star will run 15 minutes later. The present 7 a.m. to Alor Star wi’l run 15 minutes later.
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  • 345 2 An Attempt to Raise the Dagmar. Everyone who has visited the Quarantine Station at Koh Thai, says the Bangkok Daily Mail,” must have been struck by the appearance of the wreck of the steamer Dagniar, lying close to the beach, and must have wondered why no efforts
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  • 45 2 Seven Men Missing. [From OrR Own Correspondent]. Singapore, October 13. The steamer Hong Wan (53 tons) foundered during a storm on Thursday morning near Kuala Muar. Seven men are missing, the remainder being landed at Muar. Nothing was saved from the vessel.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 385 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C. T. Bowring Co., Ltd., London. (Bowring Co., New York Correspondent). T) ESI RE TO APPOINT LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES in Penang, in connection with their Import and Export department (Produce, General Merchandise etc.,) Established British Firms S referred. Apply direct to London, giving fullest etails and creaentials. FOR IMMEDIATE
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    • 44 2 Inter-State Football IN AID OF RED CROSS. Penang vs. Kedah, TO-DAY. Come and see the Hon. R. C. kick off at 5 o’clock. Come and see Syer keep goal for Penang. Come and see Mackay keep goal for Kedah. COME A SEE WHO WINS,
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    • 434 2 SELANGOR TURF CLUB. WAR LOAN LOTTERY.! Value $500,000 S Or such lesser or greater amount as may be subscribed* •> Tickets $5 eack. The amount subscribed as follows J) 30 per cent in 1 prize. •P 12 1 Prize. J 5 1 prize. J •P 5 divided into 5 equal
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  • 682 3 MALAYA’S IMMUNITY. The following appeal, pt inted in English and Chinese, has been issued by the Chinese Committee of the British Navy Day, Negri Sembilan, to be held on Nov. lOtb, to the Chinese Community of Negri Sembilan You are aware that) it is now more than
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  • 251 3 M.T.” Wednesday morning’s work was on the inside track, and although some gallops took place, the difference in the two courses makes it difficult to give any times. On the resumption of the training on the course proper this morning, there was quite a respectable muster at
    —•• M.T.”  -  251 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1278 3 SITUATION WANTED. FOR SAINIS. In the Matter of the Companies Ordinance, 1915 A YOUNG AND ENERGETIC MAN pULLMAN MOTOR CAR 1917 Five AND seeks employment on a healthy Passenger Model. Registered to carry In the matter Of the BUKIT TAWANG Estate in Province Wellesley or in the passengers Perfectly New-arrived
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    • 184 3 «7? “Qrown” on sold, a on Silver and tfye name are Mall-Marks of quality the standard by w!)id) all others are fudged. NEW GOODS. We have received a large and varied selection of SEMI-TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED HATS, new I shapes and colours, the collection J cannot fail to interest you.
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  • 17 4 Ezechikl.—On October 12th, at Sepoy Lines, Penang, the wife of V. G. Ezechiel of a daughter.
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  • 1289 4 In the course of his recent speech in the Reichstag, the German Foreign Minister, Baron von Kuhlmann, emphatically declared that so long as a Germau could hjld a gun Germany could not, in any form, make concessions regarding Alsace-Lorraine. He added, ‘‘The integrity of ths territory handed
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  • 1664 4 The Germans, according to the account by Reuter’s correspondent War and the of the fighting in Flanders, Wherewithal. have been using against the British troops, some of the British shells supplied to the Russians and captured by the enemy in recsnt operations on the Eastern European front.
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  • 87 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $lll 25 per picul, buyers. Tin was quoted in London yesterday £245 15s spot, and £243 three months. Recently in Old Market Square, K®* Lumpur, a gang of Hokiens of the rikis ia puller class set about a compatriot heavy
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 13 4 8. 0.” GARAGE. The best English French Cars on Hire. Tel, No. 322.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 66 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To-day 10.50 am. (5.8 ft.) 5.11 a.m. (2.4 ft.) 11.15 p.m. (6.5 ft.) 5.09 p.m. (1.8 ft) To-morrow. 11.20 a.m. (6.2 ft.) 5.37 a.m. (2 ft.) 11.38 p.m. (6.7 ft.) 5.36 p.m.
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  • 112 5 ATTACK ON SIX-MILE FRONT. ALLIES AND ALSACELORRAINE. THE EASTEBB FRONT The British and Australians resumed the offensive on six miles of front north-east of Ypres, on Friday morning, and satisfactory progress is reported. The attack followed a night of heavy rain. On the previous day 77 prisoners were
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 742 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams. BRITISH AND AUSTRALIANS ADVANCE. London, October 12. Field Marshal Haig reports Improved weather and good visibility favoured the work of the artillery. Much effective counter-battery work was done on the battle front, besides bombardments of the enemy’s positions, and harassing fire against communications and back areas.
      [Reuter’s Telegrams. '  -  742 words
    • 35 5 DIRECTOR GENERAL OF AERONAUTICS. London, October 12. The War Office states that MajorGeneral John M. Salmond has been appointed Director-General of Military Aeronautics, in succession to General Henderson, who is undertaking special work.
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    • 458 5 MR. ASQUITH AND ALSACELORRAINE. London, October 10. Mr. Asquith, continuing bis speech at the war aims meeting at Liverpool, said plain questions had been asked which had been studiously evaded by Germany. Concrete cases of primary importance and perfect simplicity had been put, but had not been answered.
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    • 830 5 A Stolen Province. A reader of the Manchester Guardian says: in the discussion in your columns on the subject of the return to France of Alsace-Lor-raine one at least of your correspondents advocates putting the matter to the vote to deciding the question in accordance with the way the
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    • 94 5 MR LLOYD GEORGE’S SPEECH. London, October 11. Mr. Lloyd George, addressing an Insurance and Friendly Societies’ deputation said no statement was more calculated to prolong this terrible war than Baron Kuehlmann’s utterance in the Reichstag as regards no concessions on the question of AlsaceLorraine. However
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    • 174 5 RETIREMENT EXPECTED. Amsterdam, October 12. An inspired Berlin correspondent of the Cologne Volks-Zeitung expects the early retirement of Dr. Micbaelfa, and that either Baron Kuehlmanu or Prince von Bulow will succeed in the Imperial Chancellorship. Hindenburg’s Sword. Marshal von Hindenburg, replying to the German National Chamber of Commerce,
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    • 65 5 REFUSALS TO MAN THEM. London, October 12, Reuter states that it is learned from a reliab'e source that there is strong and growing disinclination among German seamen to serve in the U-boats, Several Germans were recently shot for refusing service in submarines. It is noteworthy that the
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    • 105 5 SIR DOUGLAS HAIG AND RED CROSS. London, October 13, Field Marshal Haig has written to the Chairman of the Red Cross and St. John Societies in connection with the Our Day appeal on October 18th, expressing his gratitude for the admirable work done with the Expeditionary Force, whether
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  • Russia.
    • 142 5 RUSSIANS RE-GAIN TRENCHES. London, October 12. A Russian official report says: We counter-attacked and restored the position south of Pskov high road. The enemy’s artillery forced back our advanced posts north of Pskov road. The enemy took several trenches in the Buczacz region. A counter-attack recaptured them.
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  • General News
    • 213 5 ALLIES AND NEUTRALS. London, October 12. The Dutch newspapers appear to accept fairly philosophically the stoppage of commercial telegrams, which is a new form of pressure exercised by the Allies. The stoppage applies to ail commercial cables between Allied countries and Holland. Dutch business men are much
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    • 24 5 POTATOES FROM GERMANY. Copenhagen, October 12. The Foreign Minister announced an agreement whereby very considerable quantities of potatoes will be imported from Germany.
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    • 31 5 London, October 12. Regarding the requisitioning of Britishowned neutral ships, Reuter states it is believed forty Swedish vessels alone are affected, and that four have already been taken over
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    • 49 5 CONSPIRATORS SENTENCED. London, October 12. A Charlestown (South Carolina) telegram says three of the crew of the German steamer Liebenfels, which was sunk at her anchorage in January, were sentenced to two years’ imprisonment and a fine of a thousand dollars for conspiracy to sink the ship.
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    • 22 5 Pari?, October 13. Six persons were sentenced to from four months to two years’ imprisonment for distributing a pacifist pamphlet.
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    • 48 5 A COMMITTEE. London, October 13. The Press Bureau says Dr. Addison, Minister of Reconstruction, has appointed a Committee to report on questions connected with securing and distributing raw materials required for British industries for the purpose of restoring and developing trade after the war.
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    • 34 5 Washington, October 12. Mr. Baker, War Secretary, stated that the number of men of the new national army actually in training or under orders aggregates 431,180. Clothing, etc., is ready as required.
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    • 34 5 COALITION GOVERNMENT. Ottawa, October 12. Sir Robert Borden authorises the statement that the formation of a Coalition Government is assured. It is expected it will consist of Liberals and Conservatives in equal numbers.
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    • 44 5 Buenos Aires, October 12. [“[Count Luxburg, awaiting an opportunity tojdepart, evaded surveillance and attempted to flee to the interior. He was arrested and bis luggage wa- seized. Count Luxburg protested, and insulted the authorities, and has been taken back to Buenos Aires.
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    • 37 5 London, October 12 Mr. A. o.* Salter/KC., M.P., and M r Alexander Roche, K C., have been[appointed Justices of the King’s r Bench Division of the High Court of Justice. Mr. Justice Ridley has resigned.
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    • 16 5 London, October 11. Silver is at 44f, with rather larger offerings. The market is dull.
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  • 165 5 Sum previously acknowledged S Vanjoor Madarsahib &Co $4O; Th 0 Cat $l4 Chung Thye Chong proceeds Theatrical performance $3,767,11 Mr H A Low $lOO Mr T Shafto proceeds of opening ceremony Cafe Shaftesbury $146.92 Mr Tye Kee Yoon 2nd contribution $500; Mr Ooi
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  • 55 5 The following is the Kedah team for to-day’s match on the Esplanade, against Penang at 5 pm.—Mackay (Kulim); Hillary (Alor Star) and Symes (S Patani); Madoon (A S) Griffin (A S) and Tunku Kassim (A S); Hamad (S P) G Strong (S P) Indut (Kulim) Forbes (A
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  • 104 5 On Saturday next, 20th inst., which is Our Day ”in the Province, land sports will he held at Butterworth, at 2-30 p.m the programme comprising Tug of War, Greasy Pole, Obstacle Race, Chatty tilting’ Flat Race 100 yards, Putting the shot Sack Race, Boom Fighting and side
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  • 42 5 (Fbom Oub Own Cobbespondent.) Singapore, October 12. In a footba 1 match, on behalf of Our Day Fund, Straits Chinese beat Singapore Cricket Club by two goals to one. ihe match between S.C.C. and a League team realised $l,lOO.
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  • 35 5 [Fbom Oub Own Cobbespondent.] Singapore, October 12. The Straits Government Gazette announces the appointment of a special Commission to enquire into the housing question io Singapore, the report to beready within three months.
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  • 39 5 [Fbom Oub Own Cobbespondent]. Singapore, October 13. Final gallops showed most of the horses doing well. Black Watch and Tobique did a good round. Tobique finished badly. Golden Rock did five furlongs in 65 3/5 seconds.
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  • 1998 6 UNABLE TO RULE OVER OTHER PEOPLES. In the course of his memoirs, Mr. James W. Gerard’ late American Ambassador at Berlin writes: There are three great race questions in Germany. First of all, that of Alsace-Lorraine. It is unnecessary to go at length into this so well-known
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 956 6 IpHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW Galantine’s JGeev and Stout ĔĔ Obtainable 3rom: TAIPING:— I PENANG:— ftlM Keong Hoe Co.. g H E. &O. HOTEL, W 111 Gim Ho Chan, =x j| I i II Kwong Yik Co,, Tiang Joo Co., Hong Soon Chan, Hoe Bee Co., UWUm KnL Heap Huat Co., IPOH: EE Hoong
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    • 174 6 it’s a Bad Sign When you have that obstinate, lingering sough which will not be shaken off. There is no cough at any stage, whet he old or young, but what i-eeds attention A cough soon wrecks a strong constitution, -oon makes one helpless, in fact a cough is 't
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    • 306 6 I STELASTIC (TYKES. I I g g II H The only Tyres holding the R.A.C, Certificate g for 5,000 miles without Cuts or Punctures. I BRITISH AND MADE IN BRITAIN. l| i Il the Eastern Pacific Trading I COMPANY. LIMITED, (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) S I 1 If you suffer
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  • 382 7 Messrs. Kennedy Co., Penang, report as fellows While displaying no outstanding features a steady tone has been maintained throughout the Local Share Market during the past week. Dollar Rubbers continue in fair demand and Mining Shares have in some instances firmed slightly. Transactions in Rubbers include Bukit
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  • 35 7 The following are additional rubber sutpats for Septemoer Alor Pongsu lbs 25,086 Aver Kuning 5,670 Brieh 11,911 Henrietta 35,704 Merbau 13,273 North Perak 4,500 Laras (Sumatra) 23,938 S. Ma tang 23,733 Temerloh 8,214
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  • 59 7 Messrs. Guthrie Co, Ltd advice that they have received a cable from the London Secretaries notifying that it the forthcoming annual general meeting a dividend of 10 per cent. will be recommended—with <£2,090/-placed to Reserve and £2,527/ carried forward. This refers to
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  • 234 7 SMUGGLERS HEAVILY FINED. A big haul of opium by two revenue offi•"°rs at Jelutong on the 3 inst., when no hss than twenty-five slabs, valued at, roughly, $2,000, were taken, led to fines of $2,000 each or in the alternative six months rigorous imprisonment, on two Chinamen, Lun
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  • 318 7 Hearing in Camera in the Supreme Court. An action for divorce, in which Mrs Maria Teresa Jackson is the petitioner and Mr Joseph Stanley Jackson the respondent, was begun in the Supreme Court, Singapore, before Mr Justice Ebden. Mr HRS Zehnder appeared for the petitioner. When the
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  • 170 7 Entries for the chief events are as follows, the handicaps for which will be announced later The Distance Handicap.3 p.m. Open to ponies that have never won a race at any recognised meeting. Catch weights. Approximate weight to be carried to be declared at time of entry.
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  • 251 7 To be Suppressed in Hongkong. The attempt which is about to be made by the Government to suppress the chit system is naturally much discussed, says the China Mail ”of Hongkong. The Bill proposes to prohibit the sale, except for cash, of intoxicating liquors to be consumed
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  • 405 7 •.—Ex. Ten Killed on a Launch. Details are available of the boiler explosion in Siamese waters on the “Rupia.” The large launch, licensed for towing and to carry passengers, met with disaster in the vicinity of Nontaburi, Siam. The launch was towing a number of cargo boats from
    •.—Ex.  -  405 words
  • 267 7  -  'Alfred Austin. Sweet are the ways of peace, and sweet The gales that fan the foam That sports with silvery-twinkling feet Around our island home. But should the winds of battle shrill, And the billows crisp their mane, Down to the shore, from vale, from
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  • 46 7 •.—Ex. In the Second Court, Singapore, Ng Chin Po and Ng Chong See were brought up for hoarding subsidiary silver and copper coins. The first accused was fined $lOO, with the alternative of 3 months* rigorous imprisonment. The second man was cautioned and discharged.
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    • 181 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] WEATHER INTERFERES. London, October, 12. Reuter’s coresspoudeuc at Headquarters wiring on Friday evening says this morning’s battle developed bitter fighting. The i.ewb at present is incomplete. The attack seems to have progressed best on the two flanks Ti e troops are reported to be fighting east
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  181 words
    • 43 7 A CRISIS. London, Octoner 13. The Cologne Gazette announces a Cupelle ci iris, owiag to Admiral von Capelle’s mutiny speech in the Reichs'ag, which did not accord with the nature of the statement the Chancellor desired to be made.
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    • 28 7 Amesterdam, October 13, The Kaiser arrived at Sofia, accompanied by Baron Kuhlmann. He was received by King Ferdinand, and they drove through the decorated streets.
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    • 33 7 Petrograd, October 12. The Social-Democrats have requ c sted M Nikitin, Minister of the Interior, to res:gn from the part*. X similar request to M Propopovitcb, Minister of Supplies, is anticipated.
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    • 16 7 London, October 12. The National Party is contesting the bye-election m East Islington.
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  • 69 7 Services on Sunday next October 14. 19th Sunday after Trinity, Matins 8 a.m.; Holy Communion 8.30 a.m.; Holy Communion (Chinese) 10 a.m.; Suuday School 5 p.m Evensong 6 p.m. Hymn 257, Psalms as set Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis, Battishill, Hymns 266, 256, 24. Wednesday, October 17th, Matins and
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  • 34 7 All Saints’ Church, Taiping.—l4th October, 19th Sunday after Trinity 5.15 p.m. Children’s Service 6.30 p.m. Evensong. Church of the Resurrection, Kuala Kangsar.—B a.m. Holy Communion; 5.15 p.m. Evensong and Sermon.
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  • 29 7 Northam Road. 9 a.m.—Children’s Service. 6 p.m.—Public Worship. Preacher: Rev. William Murray, m.a., Singapore. Hymns 256, 621, 380 and 323. Choir Practice, Thursday, 7 p.m.
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  • 33 7 Fitzgerald Memorial Methodist Church (corner of Anson and Burmah Roads)—Sunday October 14th, Sunday School 8 am. Epworth League 7.15 p m., Evening Worship 8 p.m. Speaker—The Rev. B. J. Baughman.
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  • 37 7 Sunday, October 14.—Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Low Mass 6.15 a.m.; High Mass 8 a.m. Vespers, and Benediction 5 p.m. Every Friday evening, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and Service of Intercession at 5.30.
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  • 81 7 Sunday, October 14.—Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Holy Communion 6.30 a.m High Mass, Sermon and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 8 a.m. Every Friday, Mass, 6.30 a.m. followed by intercession Service and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Mac Alister Road.—High
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 189 7 PATRONIZED 4 BY ROYALTY -two NOW ON VIEW. ENGLISH HALL-MARKED i SILVER CUPS a BOWLS. I J Suitable for Prizes for the Wj t OUR DAY I jl t FUND. W t Inscriptions Neatly > Engraved. i B. P. de SILVA, I BISHOP STREET, PENANG. 4*^ |^*>l<^*^<^<^*^«*s**J*»J*^*»l<^*^* k L <
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2236 8 g IrUHAJKjr CvAjuISJL Ia AIW </****v T BANKS. P&ft .British India N.Y. K.Ssx K. P. M. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Id. IgM 1 AND INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. 1 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £l’ 2 (X f/ (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) Head Office tOOf I A>-ar»o»* I iriA A «jp vai A
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