Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1083 1 I UP-TO-DATE PRINTING I of very description undertaken, I from a visiting card to the largest I size poster, by g The Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., J with care and promptitude. I Estimates given free and artistic 2 p display guaranteed. I “THE PINANG GAZETL. OFFICE AND PRESS B B
      1,083 words
    • 77 1 a T X THEN YOU ARE AWAY a nW on leave you want to keep q in touch with Malayan affairs, Social, Commercial, Mining, k J Planting, &c. This you can do in no better way than by subs- cribing to the Weekly Edition of I the Euiang Gazette,” published
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  • 940 2 “SPORTSMEN K. W. HOME TRUTHS FOR THE HUNS. The following from the Nieuws van den Dag v N. I.” published in Batavia aptly recalls Burns’ lines. Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us, To see oursels as others see us It wad frae monie a blunder free us, And
    K. W.  -  940 words
  • 32 2 A General Meeting at 9 p.m. to-night at the Malay Volunteer Club with settle the final arrangements for the Inter State match against Kedah on “Our Day’-’ 27th October.
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    • 446 2 [To the Editor or the “Pinang Gazette.”] Sib, —With reference to the recent announcement of a War Bonus to Government Servants, I should like to offer a few remarks on its terms, which appear to be very unsatisfactory. 15 per cent., on salaries of up to
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  • 252 2 NORRIS—HOGAN. On October 6th, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Singapore, the marriage was solemnised of Victor Hugh Norris, Acting Assistant Health Officer, Singapore, •second S’n of Mr and Mrs C R Norris, of Singapore, and Jessie Elvira, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Hogan,
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  • 60 2 MILITARY FUNERAL. Singapore, October 10. The funeral of Dr. the Hon. W. Gilmore Ellis, Principal Civil Medical Officer, Straits Settlements, was attended with full military honours, the forces including a company of the Middlesex Regiment. H. E. the Governor, Major-General Ridout and other distinguished personages
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  • 26 2 A RUSH AT SINGAPORE. Singapore, October 10. Great crowds of natives were at the treasury for the first issue of ten cent notes.
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  • “OUR DAY.”
    • 277 2 The Straits Chinese British Association repeated their success of last year in the Children’s Fete given on the Raffles Reclamation Ground, Singapore, on Saturday in aid of Our Day. Favoured wi h fine weather everything necessary for the enjoyment cf a pleasant afternoon and evening was forthcoming, and
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    • 183 2 Amount previously ackuow- ledged $93,655.41 Chung Thye Chong, proceeds of theat-i cal performance, sale of tickets $1,286 Sale of Flowers badges and cigarettes $326.11 Donations: Cheah Kin Nyan $l,OOO Khoo Seng Li $5O Tang Ah Yi $5O Tan Seng Hong, Li Kheh Seng
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  • 248 2 The final tie in the championship of the S. R. C Singapore, tennis tournament resulted in W A Aeria beating E E de Souza, th§ previous bolder, 6—3, 6—2. The other rr suits in the tournament were as follows Championship Event.—Winner, W A Aeria; runner
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 629 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CUP HANGERS WANTED, Address Cninese Firm lately adveitised above, made from old Cable Wire. Box No. 218, c/o Pinang Gazette. ROTAR. Notice is hereby given that the above is the Trade Mark of e The Asiatic Petroleum Company, Limited of St. Helen’s Court, Great St. Helens, London, E,
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    • 400 2 By Order of the Custodian of Enemy Property pursuant to an Order of His Excellency the Governor in Council. In the matter of the Trading with the Enemy Ordinances 1914 to 1916 and of the Alien Enemies (Winding-Up) Ordinances 1914 to 1917. IMPORTANT AUCTION JALC. Of a Valuable Freehold Rubber
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 184 2 THE SMASHING SERIAL SUCCESS OF THE SEASON COMING THURSDAY OCTOBER 11TH The Great Secret. A delightful companion picture to Love’s Battlefield. Business Manager Thomas Shafto. PROGRAMME FOR TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT!! CAN YOU BEAT THESE FOR VARIETY Ail 8 p. m. UNIVERSAL GAZETTE, At 8-15 p.m. A FASCINATIG MODEL and At
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  • 408 3 REGIMENTAL ORDERS. H. E the General Officer Commanding Straits Settlements lias been pleased to approve three months’ leave on medical grounds to Captain Sydney R Smith, Adjutant, from about 15th October. Second Lieutenant F J Ayrie, having reported his return from leave, resumes duty as
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  • 403 3 It was fine and pleasant at the Race Course on Saturday morning, and the track was good going, says the Free Press.” There was a very fair gathering to watch the gallops The following notes include most of the exercise. Flynn likes having early use of the
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  • 24 3 Have you taken a ticket in the Sungei Patani Red Cross Lottery Only $1 each, $lO,OOO Ist prize—apply Hon. Secretary.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1348 3 SITUATION WANTED. THE HIGHLANDS AND LOWLANDS PARA I NOTICE young and energetic man RU3BER COMPANY. LIMITED. MIDLANDS seeks employment on a healthy ESTATE, KLANG, OEPARATE TEN DERS will be received Estate in Province Wellesley or in the vJ up to noon on Monday, the 15th F.M.S. age 22, capable of
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    • 163 3 VVTE stand unequalled for the orginality of our designs and the value we offer. NEW GOODS. XKNITTED COATS. Over 100 New Coats'have been received, iq Wool, j HfejjS Artificial Silk and Pure Silk; nothing to approach them ir> Smartness aqd Amazing utility for Sport, Travel or Ordinary Wear. Wwiat; 1
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  • 37 4 Mkaking.—On October 1, at th? Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Meaking, a daughter. Magill.—On October 7, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. G S. Magill, of Johore Bahru, a son.
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  • 1423 4 General Smuts in the great speech which he delivered last week in London predicted that aerial warfare, as waged by the Germans against the defenceless, wou'd prove a terrible boomerang to the enemy. He stated that our air policy hitherto had been entirely different from that of
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  • 1550 4 Palestine is one of those fronts concerning which we have not The Palestine heard very much of late, Front, and the fortnightly communiquĕ issued by the G.H.Q. of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force is remarkable for the invariable phrase, “No Change.” This, however, does not mean that the
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  • 14 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin ic Penang was $110.50 per picul buyers.
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  • 23 4 Messrs. Kennedy Co inform us that the output of the Ayer Weng Mine lor the month of September was 300 piculs.
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  • 146 4 S.F.P.” The homeward mail (Mail B) closes at 10 am. on Friday registration till 9 a m.; parcels till 8 a.m. Duplicates of letters, the originals of which went forward by Mail A (on Sunday) should not be forwarded by the Mail B. The Rugby football match. Kuala
    “ S.F.P.”  -  146 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 194 4 BULME R’S HEREFORDSHIRE CIDER. CHAMPAGNE CIDER Nett. (Medium Dry) No. 4 $4.35 per dozen BULL BRAND (Medium Sweet) $3.75 per dozen DUTY EXTRA 60 cts. per dozen. I, 1 1.1 Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PENANG. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SMALL CONSIGNMENT OF HUXLEY’S NERVIGOR WITH AND WITHOUT
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    • 37 4 E.&O. HOTEL. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT!! GROSS TAKINGS IN AID OF THE “OUR DAY” FUND. NO CHITS. Cash against tickets for DINNER CONCERT and DANCE. Cash Coupons for Wines. Cash for BRAN PIE DIPS. Cash for other outside Shows.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 41 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To-day 8.48 a.m. 3 32 a m. 10.12 p.m. 3.34 p.m. To MORROW. 9 40 a m. 4.12 a.m. 10.32 p.m. 4.10 p.m.
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  • 157 5 ALLIED OFFENSIVE RENEWED. RUSSIAN CABINET. THE REICHSTAG DEBATE. The British, in co-operation with the French on their left, the offensive east and north-east of Ypres on Tuesday morning. Sir Douglas Haig reports satisfactory progress on all parts of the line of attack. The British attack is apparently on
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 201 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] SATISFACTORY PROGRESS IN YPRES AREA. London, October 9. Field Marshal Haig reports We again attacked at 5-20 this morning on a wide front north-east and east of Ypres, in conjunction with our Allies on our left. Reports indicate satisfactory progress at all parts of the front.
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  201 words
    • 228 5 “Definite End cf British Spring Offensive.” Amsterdam, June 2.—An official telegram from Berlin states that the German Emperor has sent the following telegrams to the Emperor of Austria and to the German Empress To the Emperor of Austria. In a tenacious struggle and prepared for further battles the
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    • 85 5 Washington. September 2. —General Pershing. in a despatch to the war department from American headquarters in France, states that the American people must learn the value of patience and not expect troops fresh from the homeland to be rushed into the trenches, thus making the very mistake
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    • 26 5 FORCE FOR FRANCE. Washington, October 9. The United States Government approves of the raising of a Polish Army in America to fight in France.
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    • 121 5 A PRESS API EAL. London, October 9. The Daily News and Leader refers to the callousness which is an inevitable result of the war, and says the fatalistic acceptance of misery, buffering and death is a thing to be resisted at all cost. Especially must it be remembered
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    • 151 5 COMMISSION TO ENGLAND. Paris, October 9. A French Commission of Inquiry is going to England in connection with the case of M. 8010, the journalist who is now under arrest in Faria on a charge of proGerman activities in France. 8010 and His Activities. London, October 9.
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    • 31 5 London, October 9. The Press Bureau states that ten are dead and two injured by the munition works fire in the North of England, reported on October 2nd.
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  • 44 5 Cairo, October 8. The cotton condition in Lower Egypt is 94, and in Upper Egypt 96. The final result is not expected to be so favourable as was anticipated, but the quality of the fibre and the ginning outturn are particularly good.
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  • 374 5 BUDGET SENT BACK. Amsterdam, October 9. A Berlin message says the Reichstag postponed the debate on the Fatherland Party interpellation, and instead of giving a third reading to the supplementary budget, sent it back to the Main Committee, despite the protests of Conserva tive?. The Socialist, Herr Ebert,
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  • 268 5 The “Berliner Tageblatt” of August 25th says:—“Herr von Payer, leader of the Progressive party, has sent an ultimatum to Dr. Michaelis informing him that he must unequivocally adhere to the basis of the Reichstag peace resolution, and that otherwise he will lose the support of the
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  • 145 5 London. August 24. —A fresh political crisis in Germany, states the Rotterdam correspondent of the “Daily Telegraph.” threatens the position of the new Chancellor, Dr. Michaelis. “The Reichstag majority, which passed the peace resolution in July,” he declares, “disputes the Chancellor’s interpretation of it. The Social Democrats
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  • 55 5 Washington, August 30. —The convention of one of the radical pacifist groups known as the “People’s Council of the Democracy of Peace,” cannot be held in either Minnesota or Wisconsin, according to ruling just made by the state officials there, and it is now uncertain where
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  • 50 5 Washington. September 2.—A despatch fiom Chicago states that the police at that place dispersed a conference of the People’s Peace Council there yesterday, fearing that its continuance would precipitate riots. The secretary of the council stated, however, that the organisation plans had been perfected before the police interfered.
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  • 94 5 Washington. September 1.-—Delegates to the People’s Peace Council, the movement organised to secure American backing to a conference to work Tor peace, are being driven from state to state by the refusal of different authorities to permit them to hold their sessions within state boundaries. They
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  • 127 5 FOREIGN MINISTER’S STATEMENTBuenos Aire a October 9. Senor Paeyrredon, the Argentine Foreign Minister, in an interview regarding Argentice’s attitude, stated that the Government would not hesitate to sever diplomatic relations with Germany if any act was committed which interfered with the principles of international law. Count Luxburg. Buenos Aires,
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  • 40 5 Washington, October 9. The Ecuador Minister states that his Government has decided not to receive the German ex-Minister to Peru, who has left Lima for Quito. This is regarded here as equivalent to a rupture with Germany.
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  • 194 5 THE COALITION CABINET. Petrograd, October 9. The new Coalition Cabinet, which has been formed, comprises six Socialists, with M. Kerensky as Premier and Com-mander-in-Chief, and eleven Democratic and Bourgeois rrpresentatives, including M. Terestchenko, Minister for Foreign Affaire, General Verkhovsky, War Minis ter, and Admiral Verderevsky, Minister of Marine. Other
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 26 5 A LARGE PROGRAMME Washington, October 9. The administration is arranging to spend $350,000,000 in building torpedo boat destroyers, to be ready within eighteen months.
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    • 83 5 UNITED STATES’ ATTITUDE. New York, October 9. The United States Government has refused a license f- r bunker coal to tl e liner Nienwe Amsterdam, bre use Holland would not give aasu'auc* s that the ship would return to the United States, after discharging a Belgian relief cargo.
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    • 584 5 Writing in “Land and Water” Mr. John C. Van der Veer (London Editor of the Amsterdam “Telegraaf”) says The hardships in England caused by the war are actually less than those endured by the people of neutral countries, who in time to come will be ashamed
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  • 37 5 London, October 9. An Italian official report says After an intense bombardment, the enemy renewed his attacks at Massif. Our artillery compri'ed him to withdraw. We took 100 prisoners in local engagements on Bainsizza plateau.
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  • 57 5 EXTENSIVE AREA AFFECTED. Shanghai, October 9. Enormous floods have occurred in North China, where a densely populated area of 20,000 square miles has become an immense deep lake. There is a likelihood of Tientsin becoming icebound and uninhabitable, and the removal of the capital from Peking is
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  • 26 5 BIG DFJAL BY BRITAIN. Melbourne, October 9. It is announced that the Imperial Government’s butter purchase involves 30,000 tons, of a value of £4,500,000.
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  • 38 5 A STRIKE SETTLED. Ottawa, October 9. The strike of long-horemen at Fort William has been settler, on intervention by the Government. Grain will now move rapidly to the head of Like Superior for navigation to the seaboard.
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  • 17 5 Paris, October 9. It is reported that the Sultan of Egypt is dying.
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  • 11 5 London.'October 8. Silver is at 45|d. The market is dull.
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  • 313 5 Sentence of $lOO fine, or in default two months’ rigorous imprisonment, besides payment of $B3 as compensation to the complainant in the case, a young Malay woman, was meted out to an elderly Siamese woman, named Kim, by Mr. S. H. Langston, in the Second Court, Penang,
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  • 151 5 An unusual case was heard in the Second Court, Penang, this morning, when a Chinaman was brought before Mr S H Langston to show cause why be should not be ordered to find sureties for his good behaviour, he having no ostensible means of subsistence and
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  • 60 5 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy and Co.’s share Hat Yesterday. To-day. OQ CD CD DO g) Q Shares. oq cn OQ Rubber (Dollar). Jeram K. $1.85 $1.90 $l.BO $1.85 M. Pinda $2.95 $3.05 $3 $3.05 Mergui ssy $5.90 $5.40 Ss| ex Mining. LarutTin
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  • 15 5 The following ia an additional rubber output for September Ayer Molek lbs 1,4084
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    • 169 6 A GENERAL RESUME. London, October 2.—The general situation in Britain has been most satisfactory since January. The failure of the submarines intensifies daily, resulting in the enemy increasing his air raids and in no decrease in shipping arrivals and sailings. The successful defence against U-boats and aeroplanes
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    • 135 6 Zurich’ Sept. 3.—Herren Schielmann and Ebert representing the German Majority Socialists attended a conference of Socialists of the Central Powers at Vienna. The meeting demanded that the Stockholm Conference be held without delay and appealed to the Dutch and Scandinavian Socialists to make arrangements. It recommended that
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    • 55 6 London. September 2.—The Daily Express” states that the affairs of the Canteen Board which controls the army and navy canteens have reached a crisis.—The Board was obliged to borrow two millions sterling ami is unable to agree upon reforms. It was established after the outbreak of war
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    • 46 6 London, September 3.—The National Conference of Engineering and Allied I fades representing two hundred thousand persons has carried a resolution at Leeds that the price of necessaries must be reduced by half by the middle of October, otherwise immediate action be recommended.
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    • 106 6 London, September 4.—A ship which arrived in the Tyne yesterday picked up six German war prisoners from a boat at sea. It is believed that these Germans were among those who recently escaped from camps in Great Britain. A small boat recent!', disappeared from Scarborough and its
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    • 79 6 A terrible tramcar disaster occurred at Dover, a heavily laden car dashing down a steep decline and into a wall at the foot. The concussion was so great that the car slewed right round, and then fell on its side. Ten occupants v ere killed outright, including
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    • 73 6 Nine cases of bubonic plague with six deaths occurred among the crew, all natives of India, of the S.S. Matiana on a voyage from Bombay to Gravesend where the ship arrived last Monday. The fatal cases were buried at sea; the ‘hree convalescent or more chronic cases were taken
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    • 176 6 The late American Consul at Trieste states when he left in April beef and veal cost 12 to 16 kronen per kilo, (roughly ss. to 6s. 6d. per lb.) The poor depended for meat chiefly upon the horse and donkey. Even soldiers were seen begging for food
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    • 28 6 The official number of Russians in England over 18 to whom the military regulations now apply is stated to be 45.000. London District having 31.000.
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  • 359 6 Wed. Oct. 10.—E. O. Dinner, Dance, Pink Pom Poms, etc., 8 p.m. Fri. Oct. 12.—Ministering Children’s League meeting, Free School, 4.45 p.m. Sat. Oct. 13.—Football: Penang r. Kedah, Esplanade, 5 p.m.—Town Band. Sun. Oct. 14.—P.V. Field Operations. Wed. Oct. 17.—Football Cup Tie: Esplanade, 5 p.m. C. R. C.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 336 6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx? Runnymede Hotel, s X PENANG, "SEA SIDE.” tj S has much pleasure in bringing to the J public notice that the Ji NEW ANNEXE 5C will soon be available. It is right on the 91 g sea front. All Rooms have Electric Fans, S big airy Verandahs and private
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    • 149 6 Another Miracle The miracles performed by Little’s Oriental Balm ere almost countless. Men and women who have crippled by the horrible agonies of Rhenmatiam are throwing away cratches, canes, and bandages, and walking free with elastic *tep. Rhsamatism in the back or shoallers, in the arms or legs, can be
      149 words
    • 438 6 SYNOLEO I i (wC) F i X i I J The Oil Bound Washable Distemper L I for interior and Exterior Decorations I A soft flat finish. Does not rub off. Proclaimed p I unrivalled for Tropical use. <77 dj for Full Range of Artistic Shades I ezlv/t and Odour
      438 words

  • 693 7 The Hon. Mr. A. H. Lemon has returned from short leave. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Crush arrived from Port Swettenham to-day, by the s.s. Krian. There were no passengers froyi Singapore. We regret to hear that Mr. J. C. Innes of Strathmashie Estate, Bagan Datoh, is
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  • 174 7 Mr. Cecil G uiness, Agent of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, at Rangoon. has received the following cable from London Dn and after 2nd October applications will he received for a new issue at par of 5 per cent. National War Bonds in denominations of £5O.
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  • 100 7 r the purpose of the P. V. field-day perations on Sunday, -14th October, it will assumed that the Alarm Signals have been. J< at 6.30 a.m. and the Penang Volunteers, the Aeterans Platoon ftnd Cadets) must ■it their respective places of assembly, as uses of Night Alarm, and
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  • 566 7 SWEDISH FOREIGN MINISTER’S STATEMENT. The Swedish Consulate-General at Shanghai sends a contemporary the full text of the communique issued by the Royal Ministry for Foreign Affairs at Stockholm regarding the transmission of telegrams from Argentine. The substance has akeady been telegraphed by Reuter The following is a
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  • 216 7 All sorts of deductions might be drawn from the considerable upheaval in newspaper ownership in Germany going on at present. The Lokal-Anzeiger has just been sold, it is believed, to the conservative elements. The Vorwarts some time ago went over from the opposition minority of the Socialist
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  • 77 7 Kaifeng, Honan, September 15.—The Government Preparatory School has just taken in a fresh class of 154 new students. At first it was announced they would study French but at the last moment it was decided they should study English. A class of eighty will graduate in German
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  • 490 7 Why Not a War Against Norway? The notorious Tan-German publicist Count Reventlow is not satisfied. In his Deutsche Tageszeitung,” he voices his indignation as to the expressions of regret tendered by the German Government to Norway, subsequent to an inquiry which demonstrated that the Imperial German Courier w’ho
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  • 108 7 New York, September 22.— Mr. Lockner who acted as manager some time ago for the peace agitation started by Mr. Henry Ford, is attempting to organise a mid-western peace convention at Hudson in the state of M inconsin. He was driven out of the town by the
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  • 443 7 Mr. Lloyd George on Britain’s Part in the War. Paris, July 27.—Mr. Lloyd George, in a remarkable declaration made to several French personalities, said “The future of the world depends upon Great Britain and France acting together.” He wanted, he added, to thank the French public
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  • 124 7 Penang, October 10, 1917. (By Courtesy ot the Chartered Bank} London Demand Bank 2/4 1/4 f 4 months' eight Bank ...2/4 11/16 3 Credit ...2/4 27/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 7/8 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 3 days' sight Private Bombay Demand Bank Moulmein Demand Bank o 3 days' sight Private
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  • 1027 7 “8.F.P.” EXCHANGE AND WAR TAX CALLS. The annual general meeting of the Mergui Rubber Estates was held on Saturday at the Singapore registered offices, French Bank buildings, when there was present Messrs. A E Baddeley (presiding) J A Webster and W A Sims, (directors) Capt J Craig, Mr
    “8.F.P.”  -  1,027 words
  • 227 7 VARIOUS MATTERS DISCUSSED AT IPOH. Ipoh, October 8 The Central Perak P A general meeting at Ipoh discussed the question of a sanatorium Mr Latham suggested Batu Feringhi. The Penang Chairman, Mr Ferguson, advocated a co-operative scheme They resolved to confer with delegates from other Perak associations with
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  • 220 7 S T.” At the Taiping Planters’ Association general meeting at Ipoh on Saturday it was estimated that test cases had been instituted in respect of Government claims for recovery of cost of removal of silt on public roads from estates, these being the Taiping Rubber Company, Hidden Streams
    « S T.”  -  220 words
  • 456 7 Times of Ceylon.” Interestisg Experiments in Ceylon. Various experiments were made by the Ceylon Agricultural Department with .the object of ascertaining the effects of tapping systems on the physiological progress of the rubber tree. The results of those experiments enabled the Department to draw certain conclusions
    .—“ Times of Ceylon.”  -  456 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 58 7 Most People "«.’’«Jn'tYd,”* Are Victims 1 to constipation. Dispel the trouble by taking an occasional dose of 2 S PINKETTES, the little laxatives which gently assist nature to establish S regular habits of health. 50 cents per phial at your druggist’s or direct by mail on receipt of 2 price
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2349 8 |LJI BANKS. P&0 -British India N. i. K. SRx K. P. M. W Japan Mail Steamship Co. Id. JES”*"" -=^S" ANR i MAATSCHArrIJ Reserve Fund £1,900.00f AND INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. i ■> nmriMnt Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200 000 (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) Head Office A W wr> .jk (Royal Packet
      2,349 words