Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 29 June 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1405 1 D looDUDOCjßUDoaaaauaoaoaaaaoi WANTED 0 I D RUBBER consignments 5 f for our bi-weekly auction ealne, J and private sales. Cash Ad- r g vances made. t 0 ORDERS for estate SUPPLIES, c D GOO US for forwarding to any part of the world. D FIRE INSURANCE husi ness. c n
      1,405 words
    • 85 1 IUUfItIQDHDnDDDBCJUQCUDaciEOaB I XX 7 hen you abb away S 1 W on leave you want to keep in touch with Malayan affairs, u Social, Commercial, Mining, Planting, Ac. This you can dn a > in no better way than by subscrib- g a ing to the Weekly Edition of tho
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  • General News
    • 441 2 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] QUESTIONS IN COMMONS. London. June 27. In the House of Commons, replying to questions regarding the Mesopotamia Commission's report, Mr. Bonar Law suggested a postponement of the discussion for a week, to enable the House to consider the report. He stated tha: it was obviously
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  441 words
    • 111 2 PROBABLE DEVELOPMENTS. London, June 28. The cotton conference was held in private. An official statement will be issued. It is repo’ted it was decided to form a Board of Control for raw cotton. It is expected the L’verpool Exchange will open on Friday. Board of Control. London,
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    • 74 2 MR. BONAR LAW’S STATEMENT. London, June 28 In the House of Common», Mr. Bonar Law said the Italian Government bad denounced, with the exception of two, all the commercial treaties under which Italian tariff rates and duty are fixed. The French Government intended to take similar action, without
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    • 27 2 Amsterdam, June 28. The ci Handelsblad states that 12,000,000 florins in gold have been received by the Dutch Bank, it is believed from Germany.
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    • 93 2 REVELATIONS IN SWISS COUNCIL. Berne, June 28. Daring the debate in the Swiss National Council on the H< ffmann affair an Italian Deputy accused M. Greulich, a Srcblist Deputy from Zurich of visiting Italy with the object of < ffjring money to Italian Socialists to oppose the
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    • 28 2 ON BRITISH STEAMER. London, June 28. A telegram from Stockholm says dynamite was ci-jcovernd mi a Briti h steamer loaning there. G«rm<n agents are suspacted.
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    • 33 2 EXCELLENT RESPONSE. London, June 28. In the House of Com nous, .Mr. Bonar Law announced that hith rto theie were 350,000 Natio ial Service Volunteers, hence industrial compulsion was not contemplated.
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    • 44 2 Zurich, June 28. The crop reports in German papers -how that the harvest is ua«atisfactorv, owing to drought and destructive hail -tor ms. Fire Brigades for Irrigation. Th* Bavarian Ministry of Agriculture has ordered fire brigades to be employed on irrigating.
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    • 222 2 Dr. George Heim, member of the Centre Party in the Reichstag, addressing a large meeting at Neustadt, at the end of April, said that a new and heavy restriction for the farming class was imminent, and that he personally was the author of it. This summer,” he
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    • 218 2 —Wireless Press. America’s Action Stops Neutrals' Exports. Paris, May 14.—Lord Edmond Fitzmaurioe, in an article in the Figaro entitled The Real Blockade,” says in connection with the treaty which Switzerland has signed with Germany Switzerland will no longer be able to send exports to Germany in consequence
      —Wireless Press.  -  218 words
    • 26 2 London, June 28. Mr. L’oyd George is expected to make an important speech at Glasgow on Friday when he received that city’s freedom.
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    • 17 2 Washington, June 28. The Senate passed the Daylight Saving Bill, to apply to 1918.
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    • 26 2 LORD STANLEY’S SUCCESS. London, June 28 The bye-election in the Abercomby Division of Liverpool resulted Lord Stanley 2224 Hughes (ex soldier) 794 Majority 1,430
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    • 29 2 London, June 28. Since June 24th, there has been nothing more from Petrograd regarding the Dournovo Villa affair. Apparently the Government avoided a conflict,amidst much inflammable material.
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    • 55 2 NEW PREMIER’S STATEMENT. Amsterdam, Jane 28. In a debate in the Austrian Parliament on the prospects of peace, the Premier, Dr. vou Seidler, declared that Austria-Hungary was always ready to conclude an honourable peace, but it mu-t include a guarantee for the assured development of the Empire,otherwise
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    • 57 2 Athens, Jane 28. A decree is about to be published convoking the Parliament elected on May 31st last year, in which there was a large Venezelist majority, and which ex-King Constantine arbitrarily dissolved. The Government intends to seek King Alexander’s consent to convoke the Na tional Assembly,
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    • 58 2 There was again a capital house at the Empire Theatre last evening, and the peiformance by Mr. Horace Goldin and his company met with a great recep ion. To-morrow at five, a matinee, specially arranged for children, takes place, when Mr. Goldin will produce some of his best
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    • 242 2 Maurice Bandman’s 1917 Opera Co, will open their season in Penang on Thursday July|l2th, with that popular Adelphi success High Jinks.” This production is, we understand, a musical comedy simply fall of plain fan with a song here and a dan~e there, a quid now, a
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  • 252 2 In the District Court, Penang, yesterday Chan Seng Huat and Ng Hui were both charged (1) with robbery of $2O, the prop u rty of Ong Kee and (2) with voluntarily causing hurt to the latter. The charge of robbery was withdrawn against both, bat they were
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 524 2 b I made with i I BRITISH 3 material by BRITISH i labour rm 'i BRITISH Soil. Car Lighting and Starting g is designed on the very bed-rock of k simplicity, no complication», no intricate F inechan ical or electrical devices —just a per- f; J fectly arranged system in
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 129 2 Srppire Theatre Business Manager THOMAS SHAFTO. Unprecedented Success Hundreds turned away Last Night. LAST 2 NIGHTS COMMENCING AT 9-15 SHARP. HORAGE GOLDIN The Royal Illusionist and Full Company of 35 ARTISTES Presents a Series of New Sensational Spectacular Surprises A CARNIVAL OF CONJURING INTRODUCING THE OLD AND NEW INCLUDING: 'I?HE
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    • 420 3 Messrs. J-imes F. Hu ton Co, Ltd.. Manchester, reported on VV>due«day, May l<th Liverpool Cotton. Week Mid-American —Spot 12.97 12.83 Mid-American, Current Month 12.48 12.39 F.G.F. Egyptian—Spot 26.25 26.50 F.G F. Egyptian Current Month 24.15 25.00 New York Cotton. Spot—Cents. 20 10 19.95 Current Month 19 89
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    • 480 3 The Seventh Ordinary General Meeting of the Sungei Kruit Rubber Estate (Limited' was held on May 2. Mincing-lane. Mr W A Luning. the chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, said that the profit derived from the working of tbe property continued to be
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    • 296 3 Effbcts Of Some interesting observations concering tbe effect of the vagaries of exchange on the Hongkong tin market are made in a recent report by tbe American Cornel General Dr. Geo. E Anderson. “The high price of silver and a fixed value for tbe B‘raits
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    • 253 3 A correspondent writes to draw attention to the illogicality of applying to companies engaged iu production from natural sourcss tbe same hide-bound methods of taxation as are applied to ordinarv commercial and manufacturing industries. The Dutch Americans, and Australian s be says, have had
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    • 196 3 The position of tin is exceedingly interesting. Acasual observer would probably infer that the further rise of fully £l2 per ton in the past week was largely brought about by aggressive speculation, but that was not the case. The developments indeed, were chiefly. the result of
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    • 167 3 It is really pathetic to watch the apathy of the Tin Market in tne face of tbe recordbreaking advance in the meta], which closed another £6 to the good at £252 17s 6d per too, says Alert II in the Financier of May 16. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1111 3 WAR TAX ORDIHAWCE 1 917 p €ftang PRINCIPAL of Companies and A-BOciatiooB are reminded chat TO BE SOLD BY on or before the 30:h Jun**, 1917, thev DI lEk I if* jk i■ x* must deliver to th* Collector of War Tax AUCTION, a profit and loss g aremeot of
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    • 34 3 I PINKETTES a». thorough lax- I ative for all ages. Do not gripe. 1 50 cants per phial at your dnuggriet’s or direct by mail ceipt of price from DR. WTT.rJAMS’ MEDICINE OOMFANIU SINGAPORE.
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    • 349 3 Sale ol Valuable Rubber Estate. THE VALUABLE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE PERTANG RUBBER ESTATE Situate in the district of Jelebu, Negri Sembilan, F.M.S. containing 3,967 acres 1 rood 01 poles, of which 1,054| acres are planted with para rubber, will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, BY Messrs. GLEESON Co., At
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  • 1244 4 The loss of the P. and O. liner Mongolia, 4 with the mails for the East, as the result of contact with a mine in the Indian Ocean, brings home the dangers that beset those who go down to the sea in ships. The submarine presents
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  • 1696 4 The United States authorities and people are to be congratulated on American the safe arrival in France S °iii 11 their first contingents of soldiers, composed solely of Regulars, the majority of whom we can safely assume are hard-bitten warriors of a type which forms such excellent
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  • 149 4 To-day’s quotation for anrefine Penang was $109.00 per picul, °y no sellers. The latest effort at economy by a >vef N ment Department, forwarded to us local planter, is a used invelope tum^ side out and used again One wOb whether the saving in money mensurate with the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 179 4 I SANAGEN J g TONIC NERVE FOOD Prepared by Casein Ltd., London according jg 8 to the time-expired patent for Sanatogen. 9C X Contains a larger proportion of Organic 9C 9C Phosphorus and is much more agreeable in flavour. X BRITISH THROUGHOUT in Origin, S Proprietorship, and Manufacture. g X
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    • 44 4 THE CRAG HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. The Sanatorium of the Straits Settlements. Completely Renovated. Bungalows for families also single and double rooms. Laundry on the Premises. Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED. TELEPHONES Printing Works Manager and Cashier’s Office 498 Managing Editor 477 Editor's Residence 21 a
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 38 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day and to-morrow, Peuang Standard Times High Water. X«ow Water. To-day. 6.56 a.m. 00.50 p.m. 6.49 p.m. To MORROW. 8.21 a.m. 00 51 a m. 8 25 p.m. 2.44 p.m.
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  • 246 5 P. O. LINER LOST. THE SHIPPING FIGURES RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE. BRITAIN’S MUNITIONS OUTPUT. AMERICAN TROOPS IN FRANCE. The Peninsular and Orient»} Steam Navi gation Company’s liner Mongolia, carrying the mails, was sunk by a mine on the out ward voyage on June 23. Some of the passengers *nd crew have reached
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  • France and Belgium.
    • Article, Illustration
      494 5 [Rkutbp.’s Telxgrams BRITISH AIRMEN S SUCCESS. London, June 27. Field Marshal Haig reports the repulse of raiders north of Roeux, after sharp fighting, with considerable enemy loss. We brought down six and drove down two enemy aerop aues. None of ours is missing. German Attacks, London, June 28.
      [Rkutbp.’s Telxgrams ]  -  494 words
    • 141 5 SCENES AT FRENCH PORT. London, June 28. The first United States contingents have arrived in France. The Arrival. London, June 28. Reuter’s correspondent, telegraphing from “Somewhere in France describes the arrival of the first United States contingents on French soil. Huge transports, escorted by destroyers, were
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    • 52 5 London, June 28. It is disclosed that there were three survivors of the Zeppelin brought down in East Anglia, including the Commander. The latter was shaken, but uninjured, when the military reached the burning wreckage, whence two others were extricated. They were believed to be dying, but have
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    • 31 5 London, June 28. In the House of Commons, Mr. Bonar Law announced that the Government would compensate the dependants of victims of the air raids, retrospectively and protectively.
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    • 720 5 THE MAGNITUDE OF PRODUCTION. London, June 28. In the House of Commons, Dr. Addison, Minister of Munitions, in a striking review of the work of the Ministry of Munitions since it was started two years ago, said there was a stock improvisation gradually leading to formations of prodigious
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    • 90 5 Thosewho are supplying munitions to the Allied armies are convinced that in the long run the fact that Germany is being forced to use wood pulp in place of gun-cotton will be one of the important factors in winning the war. Wood pulp as the base
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    • 315 5 WORK FOR WAR PRISONERS. London, June 28. In the House of Lords, Lord Milner, in a statement on agricultural labour, said the arrangements included 2,700,00.) acres cf grassland, for which instructions to plough up had been issued. He said war prisoners were being increasingly employed. Five to
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    • 282 5 The Hague, May I®.—The Hague nerve specialist. Dr. Keuchenius, who has returned from Berlin after failing to obtain admission to the camps of British prisoners, related his experiences to me this morning. He said that though he had read no very recent reports of prisoners’
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    • 24 5 Rome. June 26 A military conference was held at Saint Jean-de-Maurienne railway station, Generals Cadorna, Foch, Radcliffe, and Perrin attending.
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    • 29 5 A GOVERNMENT INQUIRY. London, June 28. Lord Rhondda has instituted an inquiry into an allegation that an epidemic of internal ailments is due to the war bread.
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    • 30 5 Calgary, June 28. Tbe strike in Alberta of 8,000 colliers in western Canada, in progress since April, has ended. The Government Commissioner has ordered an immediate resumption.
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    • 26 5 Petrograd, June 28. The newspapers state that 3,600 German prisoners escaped through Finland dating the month, tbe Finns not assisting to recapture them.
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    • 19 5 London, June 27. Silver is at 39£. with China and other buying. The market is steady.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 103 5 LINER STRIKES A MINE. Bombay, June 27. The P. and O. liner Mongolia (9,505 tons) was sunk on June 23rd, as the result of striking a mine. Boats containing a number cf passengers and crew have arrived No details are yet available. Some Lives Cost. London, June
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    • 68 5 LAST WEEK’S FIGURES. London, June 27. The Admiralty reports that the arrivals 'ast week were 2,876 and the sailings 2,923. Twenty-one vessels over and seven under 1,600 tons were sunk. Twenty-two were unsuccessfully attacked. Italy’s Figures. Rome, June 28. The Italian shipping return for tbe week ending
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    • 266 5 Tbe criticism directed against the omission of tonnage figures from tbe weekly return of shipping war losses serves to call attention to the confusion which prevails on tbe subject of shipping tonnages generally. Vessels have two register tonnages gross and net,” —and neither relates to weight or
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    • 101 5 The list of the sinking* of British ships beginning with the week ending Ist April is as follows. Over Under Total Unsuccess--1600 1600 ful attacks April 1 18 13 31 17 8 17 2 19 14 15 19 9 28 15 22 40 15 55 27 29 38
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    • 58 5 GERMANY’S “EXPLANATION.” Amsterdam, Jane 28. A Berlin official statement confirms that compensation will be given for the seven torpedoed Dutch ships. It declares that the torpedoing of the vessels was due to derangement of the submarine’s wireless. This is in striking contrast to the announcement on February
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  • 23 5 London, June 28. Mr. U. F. Wintour, Director of Army Contracts, has been appointed Permanent Secretary to the Food Ministry,
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  • 92 5 P. AND O's. ACQUISITION. London, June 27. A meeting of the Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co., Ltd., unanimously confirmed the arrangement for the acquisition of .-Ke Union Shipping Company of New Zealand. The Priee. London, June 28. At the meeting of the P de O S N
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  • Russia.
    • 55 5 RUSSIAN ADVANCBS. London, Jane 28. A Russian official report says: We occupied Nania and Tabiashon, northwest of Serdesht, driving back the Turks to the mountains. In the region of Bistana, we continue to make progress towards Pendjevin. Russian Offensive. There is reason to believe that the Russians have begun
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    • 126 5 SEAFARERS AND PASSPORTS. London, June 27. A conference of Seafarers’ organisations in London unanimously resolved not to remove the embargo on Mr. Ramsay Macdonald and Mr. Jowett proceeding to Russia at present. Action Supported. London, June 28. The Seafarers’ Conference reaffirmed the embargo, although a telegram from
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 48 5 AERIAL ACTIVITY. London, June 28. A Mesopotamia official report says: Our aeroplanes bombed and directly hit a Turk'sh river steamer. Hostile aeroplanes on Monday bembarded camps, without doing damage. We retaliated on Tuesday with 24 bombs on enemy camps at Tekrit, obtaining seven direct hits on tents.
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  • The Balkans.
    • 92 5 A VENEZELOB GOVERNMENT. Athens, June 28. The new Cabinet has been formed, with M Venezelos Premier and War Minister, M Rezoulis Minister for Foreign Affairs, and General Condourioti?, Minister of Marine. Freaeh Cavalry’s Advance. Salonika, June 28, French cavalry occupied the town of Amphissa, on the Gulf
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    • 23 5 ESSAD PASHA’S PROTEST. Rome, June 28. The Messagero’s correspondent at Salonika says Essad Pasha has protested against an Italian protectorate in Albania.
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  • 36 5 Copenhagen. June 28. The police investigated a local espionage case and arrested the head of a Copenhagen office, two women assistants, and three men who were frequent visitors to the office, all German-speaking.
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    • 118 6 RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT’S PROPOSALS. Pet ograd, May 18.—In response to the proposals of the Workmen and Soldiers’ Council, the Government has counterproposed the following conditions (1) That all treaties with the Allies must be observed. (2) The Government’s power must be absolute. (3) Strong measures must be
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    • 100 6 Petrograd, May 18, —The Nord-Sud Agency states that, notwithstanding the German threats to overwhelm with asphyxiating gas those Russians who refused to continue to fraternise with the Germans, the Russians discontinued their friendly meetings with the enemy soldiers. Thereupon the Germans opened an intense rifle
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    • 66 6 Paris, May 25.—The Foreign Legion in which 51 nationalitit-6 are represented, has been mentioned in despatches for the fifth time for making, since April 17, the bulk of the gains in a certain Auberive region, including the capture of lhe village of Auberive. The Legion fought continuously
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    • 289 6 Petrograd, May 20 —The Socialists acceptance of six portfolios in the new Ministry is confirmed by the Morning Post’s Petrograd correspondent. He states that this is the result of an agreement between the Government and the Soldiers and Workmen’s Council. The general tone to-day is distinctly be'ter,
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    • 76 6 Paris* May 20 —The Paris Matin quotes from the Russkoye Slowo (Moscow), revelations made by Count Witte to a journalist at the beginning of the war, showing that the Czar made a secret offensive and defensive treaty with the Kaiser when France was embroiled in the Moroccan affair.
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    • 32 6 New York, May 20 —the Petrograd correspondent of the New York Sun says that the crisis is past now There is no question of Russia’s loyalty to the Allies.
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    • 36 6 Washington, May 20—It is learned that the Russian Government is considering the transfer of the capital to Moscow for sentimental and political reasons, and because Petrpgrad is too easily accessible to enemy agents.
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    • 164 6 London, May 27.—The Daily Chronicle’s Petrograd correspondent telegraphs that M Kerensky, Minister for War, has gone to the front. His influence and power will now be put to the supreme test. Russia has unbounded confidence in M Kerensky, believing that he alone can rescue the country from ruin
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    • 132 6 Petrograd, May 27.—M. Kerensky, Minister for War, speaking prior to going to the front, publicly announced that by the Russian retirement from Armenia there would be not only a danger of losing Armenia, but possibly part of th/e Caucasus. The Government has promised to publish a disciplinary
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    • 37 6 London, May 27.—The Morning Post’s” Petrograd correspondent estimates that Russia has from 10.000,000 to 12,000,000 men with the colours in various stages of training. There is only a email percentage on the fighting fronts.
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    • 98 6 Inspired by the example of the revolutionaries elsewhere, many bodies of soldiers in the interior are running amok. Twenty thousand recently seized a South Russian Estate. Another party seized the town of Tharitsin, on the Volga, with a population of 100,000, and demanded a contribution of 1,500,000
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    • 122 6 London May 27.—The Petrograd correspondent of the Daily Express states that General Alexieff in a speech to army officers said Peace without annexations and contributions is Utopian The bulletin of the Council of Workmen and Soldiers’ Delegates thereupon accused General Alexieff of showing sedition. It recalled that he
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    • 83 6 London, May 27 —Lecturing before the Fabian Society Mr. Sanders, a member of the British delegation to Petrograd, said that the revolution had not brought free speech or a free press to Russia. There was the most powerful censorship on behalf of democracy through the newspaper compositors, who
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    • 90 6 London, May 27. Mr. Will Thorne, M P. (Labour), who has just arrived from Russia, stated to-day that when he reached Russia the military situation was gloomy and the political position inexplicable. But,” he added, there has been a material improvement in consequence of our active propaganda.
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    • 55 6 General von Falkenhayn, interviewed by Saxon journalists, said it was not only the people at home who were raving about peace, the soldiers at the front were equally desirous for peace, but only when a happy future was assured to Germany and no enemy would ever set
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    • 56 6 Writing in the Tages Zeitung,” Count Reventlow declares that before Easter, Dr von Betnmann-Hollweg (Chancellor) and Count Czernin (Austrian Premier) outlined a new peace offer and submitted it to the Kaiser for signature. The Kaiser snubbed them. Count Reventlow adds that Hollweg and Czernin were in
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    • 76 6 Herr Erzberger, leader of Centre party speaking at Dusseldorf said that the Centre party would never agree to the introduction of the parliamentary system in Germany. It was not desirable that the Reichstag should control the Chancellor and Ministers, or make treaties or alliances, and control the
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    • 147 6 A noisy Budget debate took place in the Reichstag when the Socialists attacked the Government for forcing soldiers and cooperative'societies to subscribe to the loans which had doubtful security now that a war indemnity was unlikely. The Socialist deputy, Cohn, hotly denounced the German cruelties in Belgium, Poland,
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    • 51 6 The issue of the Tag e wacht of May 16 was confiscated for declaring that, it would be brutality if Germany annexed invaded territories, None of our enemies,” it says, will conclude peace until Germany renounces her annexation claims. Every annexationist is a dangerous enemy to the German
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    • 21 6 The Deutsche Kirchen Zeitung states that the Catholic clergy in Germany have inaugurated a powerfully organised peace movement.
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    • 78 6 London, May 18.—Lord Esher states that he has seen a letter written from Berlin by an officer, stating that the Kaiser’s abdication was mentioned at a recent meeting between the Emperors. The reconstruction of the Empire, says the writer, is openly being discussed in Government circles as
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    • 170 6 New York, May 18.—Mr. Penfield, returned Ambassador from Austria, interviewed by the New York Times says that the distress io Austria is terrible, but no one must assume that the country is at the end of its resources. The masses do not know anything of the events
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    • 352 6 British Headquarters, France, May 22. There reached the Australian lines to day two West Australians who were taken prisoners by the Germans when the Hindenburg line was first broken by the Australian troops on April 11. They were cut off with 750 others from all parts of
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    • 92 6 London May 25.—The Sinn Fein Council has refused to paticipate in the proposed Irish Convention unless a simple majority is empowered to decree independence. The Central News Agency says that the National Council of tbe Sinn Fein has unanimously refused to participate in the convention unless (1)
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    • 79 6 Wellington, May 25.—The curtailment of racing has been definitely decided upon by the New Zealand Government. Letters have been sent to the respective presidents of the racing and the trotting conferences and Country Clubs’ Association asking them to submit to the Government an alternative proposal to that suggesting
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 312 6 I JCeep your baby bealtyy 1 Give him with his milk or milk-food DAH DILL WATER < j it will regulate his bowels, sooth his stomach and prevent his food from turning sour, thereby preventing wind, which is the* source of many troubles. See that he gets DAH DILL WATER,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 1026 7 Lady Brockman is staying on Tai pin hill. Capt. R. 8. Pentney, of the Penang Pilot Association, has retired. H. E, the Governor fs expected back in Singapore at the erd of thia week, Mr H Gough, of Kajang, is taking up a commission in the Indian
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  • 204 7 Five Hundred Thousand Tons in Japan. The cargo congestion on the Imper al Government Railways, which seemed once to have been definitely relieved, ig now repo* ted to be relapsing into the former grave condition, says a Shanghai The accumulated cargo on the lin»s throughout the country is
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  • 152 7 As the Bishop of Singapore explained in his letter to the press dated the 14th June, a Church Army Tent which can be moved close in rear of the fighting lines in France costs $2,600 —fully furnished. These tents do splendid work among the troops and
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  • 51 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade front 6 p.m. till 7 p.m. to-day:— 1. Selection Marco Visconti ...Petrella 2. Galop Wonnetrunken ...Faust 3. Waltz The Maid oj the Mill ...Liddell 4. Quadrille Pantomine. ...Coote 5. March The Stars and Stripes Forever
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  • 72 7 The homeward mail closes at 10 am. on Sunday; registration till 6 p.m. on Saturday. Letters posted at Dato Kramat and E O Hotel Sub-Post Offices and in the Pillar-boxes before 9 a.m. on Sunday, will be in time. Letters etc may be to: 4at the Office up
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  • 819 7 FROM DUTCH SOURCES. (Specially Translated). Across the Frontier. A German officer from Friedrichshafen crossed the Dutch frontier near Rolduc. A i soldier who met him and showed him the road received, as a souvenir from the officer, his Browning revolver and his cartridge pouch. Eight German deserters arrived
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  • 1115 7 THE CARE OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED. Mr Chamberlain has received a letter from Sir Arthur Lawley, chief commissioner in Mesopotamia of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St John of Jerusalem, under date Army Headquarters, Es Sinn, February 26, 1917 He says I left England shortly
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  • 41 7 [From Our Chvn Correspondent], Singapore. June 29. In the Appeal Court, Singapore, the appeal by Syea Omar against the judgment that he was liable for profits from the use of a testator’s capital in his business was dismissed.
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  • 45 7 [From Our O»cn Correspondent.] Singapore, June 29. At Singapore Rubber auctions 557 tons were offered and 421 tons sold, Prices improved towards the end. Fine pale was $l3O, smoked sh°et $l2B and other grades sold readily at $3 below last week’s prices
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  • 33 7 The following the rubber quotation in London on June 28 f h, received to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 2s sfd Smoked Sheet 2s sjd [•By courtesy oi Messrs. Boustead Co
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  • 47 7 The distribution of the prizes won at the last two tournaments will take place ar the Club-house on Wednesday, 4th July when the club will b° ‘‘At Home.” There will be a team, tennis match on that date A” Company v Veterans and Maxims.
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  • 308 7 In the Teams of Four (final) played last night:—Allan, Sharp, Starr and Muir beat Lindley, Dick, Henderson and Owen 21—3. Only two remain to be played :—W Houston having to play the winner of the W B Houston, —H Starr, tie in the semifinal. Rifleman Maung, the
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  • 586 7 S. F. P.” Food scarcity is a serious danger, high prices is just an inconvenience, except to the destitute poor, who may almost be said not to exist in this Colony. We should gay emphatically that there is not even a remote danger of starvation for the Colony, unless
    “ S. F. P.”  -  586 words
  • 248 7 In a letter dated May 9tb, Sir William Taylor, k c.m.g., writes to the F.M.S. Hospital The DD M S Eastern Command would not agree to my suggestion that the Hospital should receive convoys direct from the front, as be said the train loads of
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  • 78 7 The ‘’New York Herald’s correspondent» at Havana reports that Cuban Secret» Service detectives thwarted an attempt to assassinate Seo or Mario G. Menocal, President of Cuba. A bomb was discovered, in the palace, so timed as to explode when, the President was in conference with
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 136 7 *rhe Best Advice To give tn a person suffering from Headache or Neuralgia i< to use a remedy t* at will give instant relief. Like a rouch vf th* wizard’» wand Little’s Oriental Balm acta on tnesv p*intui disorders. The -fleets ar» simp-y marvellous. One application and the pain subsides
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