Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 May 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1074 1 |aoDDDD onuDonaanoaDnaaaannD WANTED h n n KUBBEIt CONSIGNMENTS for our bi-weekly auction sales, and private sales. Cash Ad- a vances made. n o RS FOR ESTATE SUPPLIES. 0 GOODS for forwarding to any p part of the world. n FIRE INSURANCE business. a J ALLEN DENNYS Co., g O 6
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    • 83 1 anoutif ■naoaonaaaaao«atftnia» \XJhEN YOU ABE AWAY 1 V v on leave you want to keep in touch with Malaya" affairs, gg B Social, Commercial,< x Mining, 5 ,j Planting, «sc. Thia yon can de q d in no better way than by gubaano- g ing to the Weekly Edition of
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  • 367 2 Mr. W. L. Coulay has gone on a trip to China. Mr. and Mrs. Ng Seng Sooi are leaving to d*y for Singapore st Ipoh. 'Hie installation meeting of Lodge Malaya will be held at Klang on May 21st. The many friends of Dr and Mrs Fowlie
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  • 153 2 London, April 6.—Sir Joseph Ward addressing the Imperial mission section of the Tariff Reform League on the promote n of Imperial unity, suggested Imperial coordination tojrelieve Britain of a portion of the burden of taxation. He hoped all the Dominions would co-operate after the war with that
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  • 114 2 Theatrical Companies. At a meeting held recently of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board further discussion took place on the subject before the Board on March 14th regarding the desirability of imposing special terms for the use of the Town Hall by professional companies during the period
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  • 122 2 [From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, May 12. The appeal case against a Chap Ji Kee conviction in a case in which Chinese were stopped while going in a motor-car to Johore was before Mr. Justice Sproule, who said the case was very difficult and resolved itself into
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  • 454 2 BREACH OF TRUST. Pleading guilty to three charges of criminal breach of trust as a servant, Cheng Chin 800, a storekeeper at Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. Co., was sentenced in the District Court, Penang, yesterday afternoon, to three months’ imprisonment on each of the three charges, sentences to run
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  • 364 2 The following are the regulations made by the General Officer Commanding the troops under the Compulsory Service Bill, approved of by the Governor, and published in the Gazette Every recruit between the ages of 18 and 41 when posted to a unit shall undergo a course
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  • 26 2 The following are additional rubber outputs for April Ayer Kuning lbs. 5,564 Alor Pongsu 19,456 Brieh 11,449 Merbau 10,894 North Perak 2*323 Temerloh 9J34
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  • 503 2 ANNUAL MEETING. The 17th annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Pinang Gazette Press, Ltd., was held at noon to-day at the Chamber of Commerce, when there were present Messrs R P Phillips (in the cnair), F Duxbury, W H I’horne, M K Whitlock, J
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  • 312 2 The case concluded in the District Court, Penang, to-day, before Mr R D Acton, in which Messrs Chin Seng and Co., motor-car repairers and motor acce-sories suppliers sued Mr A H Weston, Manager, Bukit Slarong Estate, Luna», for $266.29 alleged to be the amount of repairs done
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 528 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WAR TAX ORDINANCE 1917. THE GENERAL PUBLIC are requested to note that on and after Monday, the 14th instant, the OFFICE of the WAR TAX DEPARTMENT will be removed from the Treasury to rooms in Government Buildings above the Pose Oflice and next to the Offices of the
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    • 23 2 THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co., (Incorporated in Canada),’ ▲ll kinds of Life and Endowment Policies Issued. Messrs. GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., General Agents, Penang
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    • 136 2 KlMllMMiaMailltlllllllMlllliH] 7or Everything worth your money. COME TO J WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL Co,! M 20, 22 29 Beach Street, Penang. NEW GOODS. I Silk, Satin and Cotton Crepes, Kimonos and Stockings, Perfects, Champion, Standard and Caprice Gramaphones (horns or without horns), Fine Woo! Rugs and Golfers. g ■■■■■MMMM■M■MMM M M M
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 115 2 EMPIRE To-night! To-night 11 NOTE THIS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN PENANG a blue-birp master-piece Alla Hall and ROBERT LEONARD. In the Great Romantic Photo-Play. THE CRIPPLED HAND IN (5) FIVE BIG PARTS. Superb Acting, Powerful Situations, Colossal Moment-*, Mastodonic Climaxes and a Tremendous Story, also Showing To night CHARLIE
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  • 2326 3 GREAT BRITAIN AND THE EMPIRE. [Prom Our Own Correspondent.] London, April 7, 1917. In an interview in the National News,” a Sunday journal recently established, Sir Harry H. Johnston has given his opinion? on the relations of the Colonies to the Mother Country, By the way he
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  • 193 3 The following new books have been received at the Library Eleftherios Venizelos, by Dr C Kerofllas. John Willis Clark, by A E Shipley. A Civil Servant in Burma, by Sir H Thirkell White. Life of the Right Hon Sir Alfred Comyn Lyall, by Sir Mortimer Durand. Life of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 440 3 WANTED immediately. QUALIFIED OR UNQUALIFIED A European Accountant; preference given to one accustomed to Audit l)r fc without supervision. Salary accordj D g t’> qualification. For further particulars ripply fcQ Box 103, c/o Pinang Gazette, enclosing copies of testimonials. 549— a c WANTED p A |R BULL-TERRIER PUPS state lowest
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    • 150 3 Instant Relief for MORNING HEADACHE and Poor Appetite The dull aching, that nausea and distaste for food with which so many begin the day, soon goes when you take Dr. Cassell’s Instant Relief. The root of the trouble is disordered liver, perhaps constipation, and Dr. Cassell's Instant Relief so surely
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    • 604 3 As you love your Baby s you must protect him against Summer Diarrhcea, which W IE becomes epidemic in hot weather and carries off thousands -W JU of infants in a few weeks. The .Medical Officer of Health for Manchester reports that during the past week JJ 48 deaths of
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    • 213 3 Valuable Property for Sale. BY ORDER OF THE LIQUIDATOR (Mr. P. R. HILL), UNDER THE ALIEN ENEMIES (WINDING UP) ORDINANCE 1914. TO BE SCLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ON Monday, the 11th day of June, 1917, ■AT 11 A.M. At Logan’s Buildings, Penang, The Well-known, Commodious and Highly Valuable OFFICES and
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 41 3 Penang Cinema, KUALA KANGSAR ROAD. Opening Shortly WITH MAGNIFICENT PROGRAMME OF MOVING PICTURES Comfortable Surroundings and good Lighting Arrangements. coming Shortly! “THE SPOILERS” A Gorgeous eight reel Spectacle of the great Gold Rush founded on Rex Beach’s Novel of same name.
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  • 21 4 Bell—On May 8, 1917, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Fairley Bell of Kelantan, a son.
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  • 1185 4 The figures supplied by the Admiralty regarding shipping for last week indicate that the arrivals and departures at British ports were respectively, 533 and 333 less than in the previous two week? and 163 more than in the week ending April 15th. Apart from fishing vessels, the
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  • 1520 4 Mr. O. C. Beale, ex-Preaident of the Australian Associated Plums ia the Chambers of Commerce, in Pudding.’’ an article on the Mineral Resources of the Empire 4a the “English Review” which be read with particular interest in Malaya, says :—The story of tin may soon be told
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  • 34 4 To-day’s quotation for anre e(^ t n netf Penang was $111.75 per picu;, 03 done .a rkv it Tin is quoted in London to >. £243 5s spot, and £243 5s three mon
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  • 142 4 [From Our Own Correspondent Singapore. M»y Sandicroft Rubber Co. report» ft 134,098 and proposes a final divide per cent, making 30 per cent tor $14,382 is carried forward. The 275,0001ba. The all-in cost has w. from 11,80 d to 14 11 d, due all apportionable expenditure ei 3
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 155 4 S CLUB WHISKY, i R aM $15.50 Per Case. ul P I Duty extra 9.60 a u -H!aSS A/so'Stocked H IN 10 GALLON CASKS. b| Club Per Gall. $7.00 H I Whisk* Dutyextra 4,8 a K H’uv.yca>.T4 t 4 Q EXCELLENT VALUE g I IB® at the price i R
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    • 21 4 “E. O.” Latest Music by the “E. O.” Orchestra everyday during and after dinner and on Wednesdays and Saturdays during Tiffin.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 48 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water, Low Water. To-day. 3.20 a m. 9.11 a.m. 3.18 p.m. 10.20 p.m. To-morrow. 4.16 a.m. 10.08 a m. 4.05 p.m. 11.26 p.m. Monday. 6 05 a.m. 11.34 a m. 5.25 p m.
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  • 219 5 lord CURZON’S SPEECH. ACTIVITY IN MACEDONIA. A NAVAL AFFAID Atriva’s at and departures from British borne ports last week totalled 4,873 .aaiost 5.406 io the previous week The fe <3e s sunk were 24 over ani 22 under ot'O tons, and 16 fishin? vessels against 3 and 8
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 107 5 Renters Telegrams. l SEVERE ENEMY REPULSES. London, May 10. Fieid-Marshal Haig reports: We advanced our line slightly this morning on toe s athern bank of the Scarpe. Tae enemv, at noon, under cover of a .teary ?mbaramen', renewed their attacks on onr pcsi ions on the Hindenburg
      Renters Telegrams.l  -  107 words
    • 214 5 MR. BONAR LAW’S SPEECH. London, May 9. In the House of Commons, Mr. Bocar Law «aid the desire of the enemy, indeed, 3e feeling of necessity on his part, to preV -U- ur advance was shown in the extreme 1 ’■Q.ence of bis counter-attacks, one of w
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  • The Balkans.
    • Article, Illustration
      276 5 BRITISH OFFENSIVE. London, May 10. A British Salonika report says After several days’ arti lery fire, we attacked, on Tuesday night, enemy trenches south-west of Lake Doiran, m a four mile front. We captured on the left trenches two miles in length, to a depth of 500 yards, and
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    • 74 5 QUESTIONS IN COMMONS. London, May 10. In the House of Commons, Lord Robert Cecil promised to consider a suggestion that the Government publicly s ate its pofley in respect of Greece and the Salonika expedition. Mr Lynch—ls not the protection given to King Constantine partly due to his royal
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    • 51 5 ATHENS PLOT. London, May 10. An official Venezelist telegram states that a conspiracy to assassinate M. Venezelos was discovered at Salonika. Nine men arrested have confessed to acting under instruction- of a secret committee of military office s and po iticians at Athens. An enquiry is being
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    • 113 5 The revelations of M. Venizeios, contained in the statement published in “New Europe.” will create very bitter and indignant feelings in every Allied country. At everv stage he was checkmated not by Constantine so much as by the Allies. It was the Entente which made him undertake
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  • 46 5 Simla, May 11. Mahsud tribesmen, on May Ist, attacked a convoy between Nilikach and Khajurikach. Two British officers and two native officers and 56 sepoys were killed. Derajat forces have since strengthened the Militia. The Gurkhas on May 2nd dispersed the raiders with loss.
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  • Russia.
    • 162 5 REASJN for COALITION MINISTRY. Petrograd, May 11. The Provisional Government in a proclamation, says it cannot conceal that the difficulties it has been encountering lately have increased to such an extent as to occasion fears for the future. Isolated groups in certain clashes, lacking in conscientiousness. were seeking
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    • 90 5 Petrograd. April 2.—During a demonstration by some troops and thousands of people outside the Duma the Vice-President of the Council of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ delegates. the Deputy Skobeleff made a speechin the course of which he said The most redoubtable enemies to the liberty of Russia are
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 112 5 A LENGTHY CHASE TO ZEEBRUGGE. London, May 10. The Admiralty reports that a scouting force of light cruisers aud destroyers from Harwich, under Commodore Tyrwhitt. while cruising in the morning, between the British and Du'ch coasts, sighted eleven German destroyers The British vessels immediately closed and opened
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    • 26 5 London. May 9 The Admiralty announces that a mine sweeper was torpedoed and sunk on Saturdav. Two efficers and 20 men are missing.
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    • 43 5 LAST WEEK’S FIGURES. London. May 9. The Admiralty reports that the arrivals last week were 2,374 and the sailings 2.499. 24 vessels over 1.600 tons, and 22 under 1,600 tons were sunk. Thirty-four were unsuccessfully attacked. 16 fishing vessels were sunk.
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    • 174 5 NAVAL MINISTER’S STATEMENT. Amsterdam, May 10. That the submarines are Germanv’s last hope was admitted by Admiral von Capelie in a speech on the Navy Estimates in the Reichstag He said thousands of workers were producing new and improved submarines, and new material for torpedoes and mines.
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    • 271 5 LORD CURZON’S FIGURES. London, May 11. In the House of Lords, Lord Curzon, speaking on the Government shipbuilding programme, said the Government had the first claim on the men, material and resources of the shipbuilding industry of this country. The naval programme would ensure Great Britain materially outnumbering
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    • 177 5 London, May 10. In the House of Commons, Sir Leo Chiozza-Mocey stated that the Food Controller, the War Office, tbe Admiralty and Ministry cf Munitions were using 93 per cent of the available tonnage. Tonnage and Food. In secret session in the Hou-e of C nomens, Mr. Lloyd
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    • 98 5 Various stories had for some time been circulating regarding the fate of the German mercantile submarine Bremen.” but all proved to be incorrect. The riddle has now been solved. It has transpired that the Bremen was captured by the British and is lying in the mouth of
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    • 82 5 News is to hand that of the five Relief ships that left Rotterdam in one week, the s.s. Haelen and Tunisie.” which headed the procession, were shelled by a German submarine. On board one of them seven men were killed. This steamer entered port at Stavanger with
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    • 349 5 Describing the scene in Congress during President Wilson's speech, the Daily Chronicle correspondent says Only two men in all the assembly were obviously unmoved. Senator Stone sat with his chin on his hand, the picture of sour thought. Twenty feet away sat La Follette, his arms folded
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    • 591 5 Submarine Traps. Captain Persius turns in his usual Berliner Tageblatt article to discuss the different methods of dealing with the submarine menace, using as his text the success of a German submarine in torpedoing the French battleship Danton, which, it is said, was running a
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  • General News
    • 34 5 London, May 10. The result in the South Longford byeke ion wm a fol’ows McGuinness (S’nn Feioer) 1.498 McKenna (Narionaiist) 1,461 Maj »rvy 37 McGuinness is in prison as a rebel
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    • 34 5 London, May 10. The United States has taken over the entire cost of Be'gian relief supplies, thus relieving France and Britain, who hitherto have borne 90 per cent of the cos r
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    • 103 5 LORD DERBY AND DOMINIONS. London, M»y 10. Lord Derby, a r South Kensingti n. said it would be under-estimating the number to say we had eleven Allie?, because we could no longer look upon the C imraonwealth and Dominions as simply dependents of Great Britain. They were
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    • 10 5 From a Times letter. From a Times letter.
      From a “ Times ” letter.  -  10 words
    • 307 5 The Tinier recently published a letter from Mr. H. G. Wells urging that the time was ripe to give clear expression to tbe great volume of republican feeling existent in the British community and recommending some organisation in the form of loosely affiliated republican societies
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    • 17 5 London, May 10. Silver is at 37 j, with a featureless and quiet market.
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  • 151 5 Yesterday’s tie. Doubles Handicap— G B Fitzgerald and W H Tbrelfall walk over from J Dick and A Lindley. The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday:— Championship Pairs—W Houston and G B F Southam v E R Henderson and R Owen. Single Handicap—G B Fitzgerald vJ
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  • 835 6 THE RECENT DISCUSSION AT PENANG. Writing to the Editor of the “Straits Times Mr. Cheah Kee Ee says As loyal subjects, the Chinese in common with peop’e of other nationalities in alliance with Great Britain quite understand the principle of taxation, but they strongly object to the
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  • 111 6 For the period from the 11th to 17th May, 1917, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at three shillings three farthings per lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis in
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  • 908 6 RUSSIAN PACIFISTS TO GERMANY. Petrograd March 28.—An important document was published to-day by the Petro grad Council of Workmen’s and soldiers’ deputies, in the form of an appeal to all the peoples of the world. It is a Socialist appeal to the proletariat of all
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1000 6 IF YOU SUFFER FROM INDIGESTION If If you stiffer from pains after eating. t Wr a 1 acidity, flatulence, headache», biliousness I w constipation, it is probably due to the &ct ft"* y Ottr o*^* 08 digestion stomach, liver, and bowels —have lost tone and need help. Begin to-day to
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    • 134 6 1 L WHCRe AVON TYROS ARC MADC. J* I 0i I ’IO 1 11 i/ ‘I X I I German soldiers complain bitterly that their important transport service has been heavily handicapped by the rubber shortage In Berlin, shop after shop is filled with handsome cars which are tyrelcss."—D. Thomas
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 62 6 CARTOONS. [Reproduced from the World's Press.] 44 GERMAN KULTUR.” We have found a substitute for Bread, Eggs, Potatoes, and a thousand other things, but we simply can’t make an artificial substitute for our lost German Honour. —“Numero, Turin.” TL 1 u ‘fw SILENCE IS GOLDEN, BUT SPEECH IS— Little girl!
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    • 556 7 Editor of the Pinang Gazetted'} Much comment is passing current the subject of the Man Power cD in Penang, whose arduous are nob alwayB P ro pe rl y 1 There is a general feeling of re °\thv with the gallant spirits who have ;"J 3 pronounced, after
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  • 292 7 Australian Importations Attracting Attention. Preparation for the forthcoming meeting —though there has been nothing phenomenal in the performances of any of the candidates—has, during the past few weeks, been going on fairly satisfactorily and, with the presence of the Penang and F.M.S. animals, is now practically in fa
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  • 9 7 0^M < jQd° c^OBeB &b 1 P« m
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    • 278 7 Austria Used as a Pawn. London, Ajril B.—The Morning Post correspondent at Amsterdam says that there *s a general impression in Holland that there has been some disagreement between Austria and Germany regarding the fresh peace moves that were hinted ab a few days ago. It is pointed
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    • 144 7 New York April B.—There were scenes of the wildest enthusiasm when the interned ships were seized. The crew of the interntd German slip Cormoran blew up the vessel Two were killed and several are missing. The huge German liner, the Vaterland (54,282 tons), is practically undamaged.
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    • 179 7 London, April 7.—Attacking Noreul, the Australians fought their way through barbed wire in the face of machine-guns, and then hurried the Germans before them through the village. The fighting was hand-to-hand and extraordinarily confused. Parties of retreating Germans more than once came suddenly on the rear of
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    • 219 7 London, April B.—Lord Sydenham, writing in the Sunday times,” says Behind the frantic ravings of the German press against America’s historic decision, there is evident anxiety, and the Kaiser’s financial advisers are well aware of the powerful assistance America can bring to the Allies’ resources. Britain’s heavy
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    • 188 7 Washington, April B.—President Wilson in a message to Russia, says that America has arrayed herself in opposition to the greatest menace known to the world's democracy. The United States was overjoyed that Russia had merged with tne mighty democracies, and confidently hoped she would vanquish the despotic
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    • 274 7 London, April 8 —Mr W T Massey, official correspondent with the forces in Egypt, in his description of the Gaza battle writes. A sea-fog afforded our troops cover for their surprise advance, but delayed their attack until 10 o’clock in the morning. Another two hours of
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    • 24 7 Berne, April B.—Germany, fearing the attitude of the native 9, has inscructed all Germans in Palestine and Syria to proceed to Turkey-
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    • 196 7 Geneva, April 15. The “Tribune” states the Turks looted the Mohammeian temple at Medina, including the famous diamonds and shining star, valued at 7,000.000 francs. Medina, one of the holy cities of the Mohammedans, Arabia, in the Hedjas, lies 255 miles north of Mecca, and 240
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    • 57 7 Rome, April B.—The Corriere d Italia learns from a diplomatic source that the German fleet has been ordered to be in readiness for action on a great scale. The squadrons of dreadnoughts are now complete, and it is understood that after the forthcoming review by the Kaiser
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  • 321 7 The inquiry into the death of Ah Lock, a Chinese ycuth of between 16 or 17 years of age was held to-day in the Coroner’s Court, Penang, before Mr. S. H. Langston. Ah Boon, another young Chinese, who was charged with murder in connection with the death
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  • 131 7 Washington April 6.—Mr Clarence B Miller (Minnesota) created a sensation in the House by reading an alleged unpublished portion of Herr Zimmermann’s correspondence, showing that Germany had agreed that General Carranza should establish submarine bases in Mexico. German officers from the United State? have been ordered to Mexico
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  • 59 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5.45 p.m. till 7.15 p.m. to-day 1 Selection The Messenger Boy ...Kappey 2. Three Dances From Henry the Eight ...German 3. Selection Les Cloches de Corneville ...Planquette 4. Waltz Bleue ...Margis 5. ...In
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  • 148 7 Penang, May 12, 1917. S. P. Tapioca $7.50 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $B.OO buyers. Gold leaf $72. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) sl6| buyers. Black Pepper $25 buyers. White Pepper $4O sellers. Trang Pepper $32.00 season over Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $35 buyers. Cloves $4O sellers.
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  • 42 7 MAILS. For Per Close. Monday. Rangoon (Mergui and Moulmein via Rangoon) 12-30 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, > 1 p- m Mauritius, India, Reg. up to noon. Aden, Egypt and Parcels 11 a.m. Europe, etc. J Rangoon (Mergui and Moulmein via Rangoon) 3.30 p.m.
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  • 533 7 Messrs. Kennedy Jr Co., Penang, report as follows Our Market continues to be somewhat lifeless and while the general tone keeps steady there has been some marking down in quotations of Rubber shares although sellers are not easy to find at the lower levels. In the Mining
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  • 119 7 Penang, May 12, 1917. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Banks. London Demand Bank .2/4 1/4 4 month,'sight Bank ...2/4 11/16 3 Credit ...2/4 27/32 3 Documentary ..2/4’ 7/8 Calcutta Demand Bank R?. 3 days* sight Private Bombay Demand Bank Moulmein Demand Bank o 3 days' sight Private g. Madras
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  • 77 7 May 12.—Empire Theatre, 9.15 p.m. May 12.—P.V.R.C. Shoot 3 p ra. May 13. Penang Catholic Benevolent Association, General Meeting, Parish Hall 9.15 a m. May 13. P.V. Field Operations. May 14.—Penang Assizes. May 19.’—P.V.R.C. Shoot 3 p.m. May 28.—Whit Monday. k&evernment Holiday. June 3.—Birthday of the King Emperor.
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  • 300 7 SUNDAY, MAY M. Fifth Sunday After Eabter. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. St. George’s Church.—Matins 8 a.m.; Holy» Communion 8.30 a.m Holy Communion (Chinese Congregation) 10 a.m.; Sunday* School 5 p.m.; Evensong 6 p.m. Hymn 179, Responses, Roberts, Psalnx LXIX Battishill, Psalm LXX Barnby, Magnificat Barnby 47, Nunc Dimittis, Tonus
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 I I A Good Example is set by the people I who take proper care of their teeth. s Never neglect to gv your teeth a thorough an tiseptic J cleansing eveiy day with [(jalverß* H To@th Powfej Sofd t>y loC'-'l Chrnrists and Starr* M<de b, F. <- Crl I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2191 8 P. O,— Britishjndia N. Y. K. K. P. M. Anrar I I lIP Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. KONIN MiAT^cHApSj VAART th -AKpGar Lalllv* INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. I MAATSCHAPI Emd-up Capital £l ( INCORPORATED 1H ENGLAND.) I (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAED.) Reserve Liability of Proprietor. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. /Vk (Royal
      2,191 words