Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 30 April 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 958 1 |ooCODOCD aDaaanDononnoononD g” WANTED 0 bD bber consignments a for our bi-weekly auction sales, g and private sales. Cash Ad- vances made. D 3 ?Bn yRS FOR ESTATE SUPPLIES, o D OOOPS for forwarding to any ~part of the world. D ali KE INSURANCE business. g ALLEN DENNYS Co.. 0
      958 words
    • 84 1 ■□aaarwaaaaaaMaaaaaoMaßaaß TXT BEN YOU ARE AWAY g g V V on leave you want to keep g n in touch with Malayan affairs, n Soci a 1, Commercial,v x Alining, Planting, Ac. This you can d* g in no better way than by subscrib- n ing to the Weekly- Edition
      84 words

  • 836 2 BY AN AVIATION CORRESPONDENT Recent questions in the House of Conomons concerning the mastery of the air in the western war area suggest the desirability of having a clear understanding as to the development of German aircraft on that front. When war began it
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  • 24 2 Penang The E. &O. Hotel, Th e Crag Runnymede Hotel. Singapore :—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel. SINDANGLAJA PrEANGBR, Java Grand Hotel,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1526 2 PINANG GAZETTE. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TENDERS INVITEDDates for A\YPisTXX D to SHOBTHAND SUPPLY OF TELEPHONE MATERIAL, Casual Advertisements. sandilands, buttery a c». kuala lumpur. HTENDERS are invited for the supply of FOR SALE. TO LET. SITUATIONS VACANT. ETC. W ANTE D. 1 Telephone of poles, insulators, copper wire, instruments, Minimum Charge
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    • 421 2 WESTERN INDIA TURF CLUB. waiTloan LOTTERY. SANCTIONED BY GOVERNMENT. open on Monday, April 16th 1917. Tickets Rs. 10 each. One Thousand Prizes. AH prizes will be in War Loan Bonds, repayable in 1920, and the amounts subscribed will be distributed as follows 20%in1 prize, 10% I 5% I 10% divided
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  • 3199 3 qFRMARINES and land cultiVATION. FUTURE empire relations. London, April 26. There was a distinguished assemblage at the Guildhall on the occasion of the conferiin? of the Freedom of the City of London to Mr. Lloyd George. All the Dominion and Indian representatives were resent, also Lord Curzon,
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  • 153 3 ■■•Reuter. QUESTIONS IN COMMONS. London, April 27. In the House of Commons, Mr. Bonar Law stated that the Imperial War Cabinet had unanimously accepted the principle that each part of the Empire, having due regard to the interest of the Allies, shall give specially favourable terms and facilities
    ■■•Reuter.  -  153 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 156 3 1 Say Emphatically That Sciatica, that most excruciating of ma'adies can be cured I Little’S Oriental Balm cured me, after five years of misery. “It will cure you.” That voices the sentiment of one grateful patient. Thousands of others are ready to join in the chorus of praising this remarkable
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    • 108 3 J. W. MANINGTON CO., TAIPING. ESTATE SUPPLIES. Telegrams MANINGTON." Penang Rubber Auction Rooms. OUR 276th AUCTION SALE will be held at 7 Union Street, j ON TUESDAY, Ist MAY. 1917. AT 11-30 A.M. AUCTION SALES EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY.—PRIVATE SALES DAILY. Forward Sales arranged. Consignments of Rubber solicited. Liberal Cash
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 38 3 WAR CARTOONS. [Reproduced jrom the World's Press] WtgSs&fy.■; -Sts, wR w# The Gorilla and the Globe.—“ New York Evening Telegram.” CWjI 1 "mH. 1 yi Prussian (to Serb and Belgian) Welcome, volunteers, to the Prussian Army.” Mucha,” Moscow.
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    • 61 4 Loudon, April 29. Field Marshal Haig reports: We captured this morning a trench system sooth of Oppy on a mile of front, after heavy fighting in which the Germans offered a stubborn resistance. The eaemy made several unsucceesfal counter attacks. We have taken 976 prisoners since Saturday morning.
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    • 73 4 Washington, April 30. Marshal Joffre addressed a statement to the Ameticsn people, in which he impresses upon them the need for an American Army in France. The essential thing is that an efficient unit be sent as swiftly as possible, without waiting to raise
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 116 4 THE TURKISH POSITION. London, April 28. Mr. Massey, writing from before Gaza on April 21st, says the biggest battle in the history of Palestine is proceeding. We gained the first line, but apparently there will be a period of trench warfare before we reach the recent trench system,
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  • Italy’s Campaign.
    • 80 4 SOON TO BE LAUNCHED. London, April 28. Reuter learns from an authoritative Italian source that the Anglo-French offensive has destroyed Austro-German hopes of invading Italy. The enemy are now anxiously awaiting an Italian offensive, for which elaborate preparations bave been made. Bad weather has hitherto delayed the
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 70 4 THE DESTROYER RAID. London, April 27. The bombardment of Ramsgate, which was the heaviest experienced there, opened at 1-15 a.m. with a brilliant display of star shells, which illuminated the whole town and neighbourhood. At least 100 shells fell in the town within six minutes. A man
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    • 33 4 KING’S CONGRATULATIONS. London, April 28. The Press Bureau stages that the King has sent his congratulations to the destroyers Swift and Broke for their heroic conduct in the Dover fight.
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    • 36 4 London, April 28. A Berlin official message says a German submarine successfully bombatded harbour works at Gouraya (Algeria) which are important for enemy transports loading. A bridge was destroyed and another badly damaged.
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    • 31 4 London, April 27. Norwegian papers state that 25 Norwegian ships, with cargoes of food, coal and forage, largely for the Norwegian Government, have been sunk since February Ist-.
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  • General News.
    • 128 4 SIR JAMES MESTON’S SPEECH. London, April 25. At a luncheon given by the Empire Press, Sir James Meston said there was a time when it was thought India had done less than she ought to have done The reason India did not do more was
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    • 38 4 London, April 28. Presiding at the annual meeting of the Colonial Institute, Sir Charles Lucas emphasised the need for developing the Indian side of the Institute, since India would be greater than ever after the war.
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    • 22 4 London, April 28. The increase of exports is £6,513,012 and the decrease of imports £5,001,824, compared with March last year.
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    • 253 4 POSSIBLE TROUBLE. Amsterdam, April 27. The Independent Socialist Party passed a resolution inviting the workpeople on May Ist to demand an eight hour day and worldpeace and international fraternisation. The Tageblatt regards this as an invitation to celebrate May Day by a strike. German Labour Defied.
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    • 96 4 M. MILIUKOFF’S STATEMENT. New York, April 29. Replying to a message from leading American Jews, urging no separate peace, M Miliukoff telegraphs that no Russian party contempla'ed or could contemplate the eventuality of a separate peace with the foreign aggressor. French Socialists’ Actton. Pari<, April 29. The
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    • 64 4 Washington, April 28. It is officially indicated that America will finance the Entente to the extent of at least £80,000,000 and possibly £100,000,000 monthly. It estimated that the monthly needs of Britain are £45,000,000, France £22,000,000, Russia £20,000,000 and Laly £10,000,000. The tentative programme provides that practically
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    • 87 4 Washington, April 28. The House of Representatives, debating the Army Bill, defeated an amendment, authorising Colonel Roosevelt to raise a volunteer force for France, by 170 votes to 106 Roosevelt’s Army. Washington, April 29. The Senate adopted an amendment to the Conscription Bill, authorising Colonel Roosevelt to raise
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    • 34 4 Rio-de-Janeiro, April 28. Congress, which opens on Monday, May 3rd, will decree a state of war with Germany, the confiscation of interned ships, and the opening of Brazilian ports to the Allies.
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    • 43 4 London, April 28. The new Portuguese Premier, Affonso Costa, states that a strong expedition will shortly disembark at Mozambique to cooperate in the complete defeat of the Germans in East Africa. He also announced the arrival of Portuguese troops in France.
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    • 20 4 London, April 28. Silver is 37 3/16. There is some Indian buying and the market is firm.
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  • 365 4 DISTRICT GRAND LODGE. The quarterly commun cation of the District Grand Lodge of the Middle East was held on Saturday night in the Freemasons’ Hall, Penang. The proceedings were conducted by Bro. D. D. Ince in the absence in Europe of Bro. G. Macfadyen, r.w.DGM., and Bro. J W.
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  • 432 4 ANNUAL MEETING. The annual gereral meeting of the mem bers of the Parish Hall, Penang, was held in the Hall yesterday. There was a gooi attendance, including Mr F D C Aeria (Vice-President), Messrs J H Phipps, C L Robless, H S Balhetchet, J S Reutens, C
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 336 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFERS ARE INVITED for a complete installation of tapioca manufacturing machinery including an up-to-date Christy and Norris flour milling machine, entirely automatic and patent steam heated hot air mechanical dryer by Fieldden <fc Co., Rochdale. Also 120 H.P. Steam Engine with two Multitubular boile r s and a5O
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    • 296 4 TU’OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Guan Hup Hin Cm No, 131, Beach Street, Penang, Traders are the R Proprietors of the above Trade Mark for undershirts, waist beltsai other Sundry goods (not including piece goods) sold by them. This Trade Mark has been in use by them since 1907. Any
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 121 4 VERSALS MILLION DOLLAR SPECTACLE A PICTURE OF UNPARALLELED MAGNITUDE “LOVE'S BATTLEFIELD 3rd and 4th Episodes and Parts 6,7, 8 and 9. SHOWING NOW AT THE EMPIRE THEATRE to crowded Houses nightly —a colossal and remarkable success. Saturday and Sunday nights, standing room only, in nearly all parts of the House
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  • 2329 5 HISTORY in the making. i/’rowi Our Own Landon, March 21. History has in the making with a -engertnce during the past week, an i events )S ve followed each other with bewildering 1 nidity '1 here had been feeling of tension, ecially among those best acquainted with
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  • 526 5 Dedicatory Service. The St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Singapore, was filled when a special, service was held to commemorate the event of America joining the Adies in the war upon Germany. The altar frontal was the Union Jack whilst the Stars and Stripes draped the pu’pit. Included amongst
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  • 601 5 S.F.P.” A good many people out here were interested in the great Victory War Loan of Great Britain, which realised nearly 11/2 thousand million sterling, one of the great features being the large number of smaller subscribers, so that io really became an investment fund for
    —•* S.F.P.”  -  601 words
  • 184 5 The first batch of Eurasians from the Straits, Messrs. Wales, Nicol, Reutens, Estrop, Klyne, Curtis and Branson, to take advantage of the recent decision of the authorities to accept Eurasians for enlistment left a few days ago for Calcutta. A sum of money subscribed by members of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 524 5 Stimulates Restores the k Digestive Organs. /ft Vitafer Inn lull V Invigorates the Nervous System r Southall Bros. A WYJy ••’•'lt M W I >JI 1 1 BIRMINGHAM f lIIBrItISH OWNEpfUI |l VITA F E R restores strength, memory and the zest of life, when lost by illness or careless
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  • 1077 6 An important announcement has been made to the House of Commons by Mr. Bonar Law with regard to the question of Imperial Preference. He stated that the Imperial War Cabinet had unanimously accepted the principle, that each part of the Empire, having due regard to the interests of
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  • 1524 6 The Hongkong Legislative Council, at its meeting on April 19th, Hongkong and discussed the resolution the H n Mr p H Holy oak: “It is the opinion of this Council that it is in the best interest of the Colony of Hongkong that persons of German nationality
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  • 33 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin D Penang was $105.50 per picul business done—an increase of 50 cents. Tin is quoted in London to-day s £230 10s spot, and £231 three months.
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  • 17 6 The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging from 22ad to 28th inswas 32 tons.
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  • 152 6 The following was the rubber 9°°** in London on April 28, receive 1 day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe Smoked Sheet [•By courtesy of Messrs. Bonstead The Secretaries of the Taiping Plantations, Limited, learn that the 1 tors have declared an Interim IM eD 10 per cent, for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 IB NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED. H JAPANESE I ACETIC ACID I g 997. I g GENUINE S MOMI CASES I n >1 R 19" x 19" x 24" x J" E R Large Stocks now on hand R for Immediate Delivery. > I The Eastern Trading Co., I R Telephone
      198 words
    • 41 6 “E. A O.” Latest Music by the “E. O.” Orchestra everyday during and after dinner and on Wednesdays and Saturdays during Tiffin. Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED. TELEPHONES. Printing Works Manager and Cashier’s Office 498 J Managing Editor 477 Editor’s Residence 221
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 42 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water, Low Water. To-day. 9 10 a m. 00.08 a m. 7 07 p.m. 1.22 p.m. TO MORROW, 9.41 a.m. 2.04 a.m. 8.43 p.m. 3.35 p.m.
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  • 179 7 struggles north of the scarpe. THE BRITISH GAINS. hear eastern campaigns. e resumption of the British offensive resulted in further particularly heavy fighting, the Germans agaie off ring most stubborn opposition, and suffering heavily. The British attack was delivered over about seven miles of front north of the
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 1642 7 Reuter’s Telegrams.] OFFENSIVE RESUMED London, April 27. Field Marshal Haig reports that there has been nothing of special interest on the battle front, except marked air activity Seven German aeroplanes were brought down and six others were driven down. Six of our machines are missing. Heavy German
      ! Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  1,642 words
    • 129 7 There can be no mistake about this great and comprehensive retreat. Wherever the enemy may be going, the fact remains that just now their faces are turned in the direction of the Rhine, and the Allies are converting their strategic movement into an undignified and expensive scuttle. When
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    • 411 7 The Man who Made it. Accounts of recent fighting on the British front have referred to the deadly work of our Stokes gun. A sinister weapon a special correspondent has called it. “It sends up into the air, like a group of lead pencils a flight of bombs
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    • 396 7 The Frankfurter Nachrichten publishes a statement by the officer in command of the German Air -Defences which is an interesting illustration of the increased anxiety about air raids. It the present state of the defences in the most cheerful colour, and says that the organization is
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    • 34 7 London, April 28. It is most probable that Liberia will join the Allies, elminating German trade and influence in West Africa, and finally suppressing the transmission of German wireless news.
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    • 38 7 London, April 27. The Press Bureau announces that a six inch shell exploded at munition works in Scotland, injuring a man and eleven women. Three of the latter succumbed. No material damage was done.
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    • 22 7 London, April 28. Horse racing fixtures after May 4th are cancelled in accordance with a request from the Government.
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  • The Balkans.
    • 223 7 THE BRITISH OFFENSIVE. London, April 28. A description of the opening of the British offensive in the Balkans from Reuter’s correspondent at Headquarters shows the extraordinary strength of the unholdable position mentioned in the communique of the 25th inst. It consists of a series of hills and
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    • 60 7 LAND FOR FIGHTING PEASANTS. London, April 28The Times correspondent at Jassy -ays the Rumanian Cabinet Council have decided, with the concurrence of the Liberals and Conservatives, to divide among the peasants who have participated in the war, six million acres belonging to large landowners. Large Crown and State
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    • 861 7 For years the inhabitants of Northern Rumania have not seen such a rough winter as this. In the high mountains, where the troops are entrenched, the temperature for weeks has averaged from 30 to 45 deg. (Fahrenheit) below freezing point. In such circumstances one could not
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  • Russia.
    • 121 7 TURKISH ACTIVITY. London, April 28. A Russian official wireless message reports that in the direction of Erzingan the Turks have been intensely active, capturing heights south-east of Bana, also, with Kurdish support, a portion of the heights occupied by our advance posts. A counterattack restored the position. Height
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    • 52 7 PUBLIC FED UP. Petrograd, April 29. Bluejackets, soldiers and the great bulk of the public are getting tired of the increasing anarchist open-air harangues by returned exiles, whose journeys to Petrograd were facilitated by the German Government. It is not improbable that acts will soon succeed complaints
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    • 22 7 Petrograd, April 27. Following M. Gutchkoffs visit to the south-western front, 23 Generals, including Divisional Generals, have been replaced.
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    • 13 7 Zurich, April 28. Serious strikes occurred at Warsaw and Lodz.
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  • 57 7 London, April 23. Tbe Prize Court reserved judgment in the claim by tbe Commanders of Hi» Majesty’s ships Triumph and Usk for £6,000 as bounty in connection with the sinking of seven enemy warships at Tsiogtau. The Grown contended that tbe co-operation of military and naval
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  • 1864 8 FURTHER PAPERS. The Agricultural Conference at Kuala Lumpur concluded on Saturday when papers were read by Messrs Spring, Munro, and Coombs on general products. Mr Kindersley, the new Chairman of the PAM, was present, but was not well enough to speak. Mr Munro, at the conclusion, thanked
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 394 8 •OOOOROOOROOOROOOROOOROOOROOOROOOeOOOOROOOO» ANTIBILIOUS o fj firestone: clear the system, q q overcome Bilious- O 0 ness, Indigestion, Q Q Depression, Sick q JBik FRESH STOCKS c or four day». Try them I 1 1 O/ chemitts throughout the world. 1 W —C g jMgi if ILIST ARRIVED o AMES COCKLE <t
      394 words

  • 1450 9 Mr H Chevallier has returned from >&ve. Mr P Ambler of Kuala Lumpur has been promoted to Captain. Mr V Hill has been appointed to officiate J 3 D.O, Upper Perak. Mr C H Sansom succeeds Mr H P Clcdd a 6 Vice-President of the Selangor Club.
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  • 228 9 FUNERAL AT ALOE STAR. Ou 27th inst. the house of Mr J A Symes, Manager, Paya Kamunting Estate, Jitra, was struck by lightning and Miss Maudie Symes, who was closing a window at the time, was killed instantaneously. A message was immediately sent to Dr Hoops,
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  • 251 9 Mr Wallace Jones is now passing through Penang on his way to Medan to take up the managership of the Chartered Bank there. He was in the Penang branch of the Bank about ten years ago, when he was always io the first line of sport both
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  • 179 9 The following are results of bowling ties. Championship Pairs—R Owen and E R Henderson beat W K Sharpe and H Smith 21—6 H Starr and J G Allan beat B E Mitchell and W B Houston 21—9. Single Handicap—J Dick beat R S Pentney 21—9 J G
    179 words
  • 57 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs Kennedy and Co.’s share list t Saturday. To-day. HQ NJ OQ Shares .2 JE ss 03 m m Rubber (Dollar). Changkat slo| slo| $9 s9| ex Jeram K. $2.10 $2.20 $2.05 $2.15 cum Lunas s7| $8 Malakoff $4.40 $4.60
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  • 119 9 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 p.m. till 7 p.m. 1. Overture Tancredi ...Rossini 2. Gavotte Olimpia ...Burns 3. Selection Festivalia ...Williams 4. Waltz Annen ...Gence 5. March 30 th October ...Olano The great film Love’s Battlefield of which
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  • 432 9 Crown’s Chim to Irish Estates Upheld In the Chancery Division of the Royal Courts of Justice, London, on March 7, Mr. Justice Peterson decided questions regarding large estates in Ireland, the disposition of which depended upon the Crown’s claim as against the representatives of George Freeman
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  • 427 9 THE DEATH OF MRS. TSENG LAI SUN AT SHANGHAI. There has just died in Shanghai, writes a correspondent, a venerable Chinese lady at the age of ninety-two, who was greatly honoured and much respected. Mrs. Tseng Lai Sun was born in Java, in 1825. She came
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  • 17 9 The following are additional rubber outputs for March Benar lbs. 7,765 Bujong 18,650 Lenggeng 15,185
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  • 979 9 M.M.” THE NEW OFFICERS. Following is the conclusion of the report of the annual meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya. The Secretary said that as instructed he wrote to the Resident of Selangor asking when they might expect that the antimalarial works at Pore Swettenham, on lints approved
    “ M.M.”  -  979 words
    • 662 9 [To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”] Sir—The total amount subscribed by the Irish residents in Penang and Province Wellesley to the above Fund was $652. This has been allocated by the Committee to the Princess Patricia Hospital, Bray* and the Overseas Club Tobacco Fund,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 40 9 •«MNMotMveaMMMKeaieMßßaMwewewewew»»*** I PINKETTES are an ideal laxative for j I Children. Gentle as Nature —do not Gripe. 50 cents per phial at your druggist’s or direct by mail on re- ceipt Of price from DR. WILLIAMS’ MEDICINE COMPANY, S SINGAPORE.
      40 words

  • 620 10 The seventh annual ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Vai d’Or Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on February 23 at the registered offices of the company, 45, Leadenball-street, E C., Dr Samuel Rideal J P (Chairman of the company), presiding. The Chairman said:
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  • 322 10 At the twentieth annual general meeting of Bovril Ltd., held on 20th February, in the Great Hall, River Plate House, London, Mr. George Lawson Johnston (chairman of the company) presiding, stated that the Bovril sales io 1916 exceeded those of any previous year, even when Government and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 168 10 WRITERS. UST ARRIVED. S oV fl s z S T~rSrtS;‘«a $J b a S 3 a 9mrHrK E fl na l.< p* =r JEl® IsLl I n fl tWIBI n H T 3 tt> fl *< B a S m I 2« a. Q ip only. u Iscap Brief, or
      168 words
    • 843 10 A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. IN the best regulated families the little ills of life will creep in. Some member of the family circle may occasionally suffer from Biliousness and Indigestion, and one or the other will f roni time to time exhibit the well-known symptoms of Constipation. From these little troubles
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  • 246 11 distractions of sanitation.—“ Advocate of ludia." The cook is a standing reminder of the eternal law exemplified in Eden that the carious shall suffer. Newly arrived young mem sahib is invited out to dinner. Delectable tomato soup. Lovely smoked pomfret. Tender boiled chicken, Sweet little saddle
    distractions of sanitation.—“ Advocate of ludia."  -  246 words
  • 80 11 The situation in Flanders is getting worse and worse, learns the “Telegraaf.” Even women and girls are being forced to work. In the first years of the war soldiers were put to work on the abandoned fields, but now compulsory female labour is being employed. The women
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  • 421 11 Ex. It is stated that a corporation, with a capital of Y. 6,000,000, has been inaugurated at Jambi, Sumatra, by Mr. Saneya, ex-Consul at Jambi, Mr. Kurachi, Mr Nakazawa, and others, for the purpose of manufacturing sugar. The stocks have all been taken up by the
    . Ex.  -  421 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 574 11 TONALKA—I IS THE BRITISH APERIENT WATER. Pleasant in taste. Painless in action. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Every Possible Assistance Tel. Experts seat for g given to Amateurs. 579. Outdoor Pbotograpby. g I “NIKKO” I IHodern Art Photographic Studio, g 21, Penang Dead, Penang. g Frames made K. S. OKANIWA, Enlargements a to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2237 12 P. O —British India N. Y. K. P. M. Aocar Line. JapanMailS,camshipCo u ImWb kon,n m^ e ch p a a ph7 aart hHlllWl INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. J Reserve Fund zn t v r xta (INCOHPOBATED IN HOLLAND.) Reserve Liability of Proprietor. n'’Wi (Companies Incorporated in England.) dl Jr 11
      2,237 words