Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 April 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 965 1 |DDDD doq DU no nannonno WANTED p a BII BBEIt CONSIGNMENTS a c ~~—for our bi-weekly auction sales, D an j private sales. Cash Ad- c vances made. n g or pers FOR ESTATE supplies, n 0 (JoOPS for forwarding to any D D part of the world. o pi
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    • 78 1 aaaaa as S yv ben you ark away 8 V V on leave you want to keep O in touch with Malayan affairs, n Social, Mining, J Planting, Ac. This you can de in no better way than by subscriu- ing to the Weekly Edition of the 3 Pinaiig Gazette.”
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  • General News.
    • 106 2 FURTHER TROUBLE FEARED. Amsterdam, April 27. A Berlin message stya: In Committee in the Reichstag, Herr Groener described the recent strikes as hypnot sm of the masses partly due to inflammatory matter smuggl. ed from abroad. He said future strikes would not be tolerate!, but to enable
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    • 30 2 Zurich, April 27. The Austrian Iron Trust has dissolved. This is a blow to German industrial influence in Austria as the Trust was backed by German capital.
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    • 206 2 A more complete report of the speech delivered by Count Batthanyi, in the Hungarian Chamber of Deputies, on March 3, than those hitherto available, shows that it contained some remarkable attacks on Germany, which reveal the ever-increasing suspicion with which Hungarians regard their overbearing Teutonic ally. The
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    • 33 2 AMERICA’S ADHESION. London, April 26 The Morning Post correspondent at Washington says President Wilson assured Mr. Balfour that the United States will not conclude a separate peace with Germany.
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    • 32 2 THE DARDANELLES. The Hague, April 27Count Reventlov the Turkish Grand Vizier is in Berlin in connection with a proposal to m»ke concessions to Russia in connection with the Dardanelles.
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    • 31 2 Washington, April 27. The State Department learns officially ’hat the Mexican Government warns Germans in Mexico that any German concentration near the border will result in their arrest.
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    • 22 2 London, April 27 The Reformist Party in a manifesto demands the abandonment of neutrality, and a rupture with Germany.
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    • 64 2 London, April 27. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir C. Kinloch C »oke, Mr A. H D. SteelMaitland said the Committee to consider the question of Empire land settlement for ex-soldiers and ex -ailors had met and spcointed sub-Committpes. The report would not be
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  • 147 2 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5.45 p.m. til] 7.15 p tn. 1. Selection H.M.S. Pinajore ...Sullivan 2. Till the Boys Come Home ...Novello 3. Fantasia Pantomania ...Williams 4. Waltz Mon Tresor ...Becucci 5. Two Step Silver Heels ...Moret
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  • 192 2 This morning, on the Penang course, 19 horses, all looking fit and wel 1 were put through some nice useful woik for the Singapore meeting to be held next month. Pretty Boy wss the first to appear, and after getting useful wo-k he was allowed to gallop
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  • 67 2 The motor car shed at the Swimming Club was blown down yesterday afternoon. Steps are being taken to have it repaired as soon as possible, but it will not be ready for use for two or three days. It is proposed to hold Trial Team Races of
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  • 592 2 The following was the result of the tie played yesterday Teams of Four—Lindley, Dick, Henderson, and Owen beat Fitzgerald, Threlfall, Harries, and Forrest, 21 —l3. 23 vaccinations were done by Mr. Lim Tai Lee to-day at tbe Lam Hua Hospital Penang, to-day. Toe Empire Theatre, Penang Road,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 124 2 H THE GREATEST SUCCESS ON RECORD. The Royal Italian Circus j 1 The Most Remarkable Show J 1 of its Kind in Existence. NIGHTLY AT 9-15. 1 Box Seats $3, Chairs $2» Raised Seats $1 g Gallery 50 cts. Molinees—To-day, Monday and Wednesday 1 at 5 30. 1 B CHILDREN
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    • 223 2 STOMACH mMROUBLES PAINS AFTEB EATING, FLATULENCE, ACUITY, BILIOUSNESS, HEADACHES, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION When tout organs of digestion— work required of then. Taks Mother stomach, liver and bowels—through < Selgel’s Syrup, the remedy which any cause ate unable to do their has proved its value ia thousands work efi&ciently they have an
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 821 2 Empire theatre Business Manager THOMAS SHAFTO. To-Night I LIBERTY To-Night!! OR "LOVE'S BATTLEFIELD’’ Episode No. 3. Universal Special Feature American Blood —Released Aug. Released Sept 428. Written and Produced by Episode No 4. Jacques Jaccard. “DEAD OR ALIVE CAST. Liberty Horton Marie Walcamp CAST. LopezC. Raymond Nye Liber Horton Marie
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  • 2198 3 THE MAN POWER QUESTION. INDIAN IMMIGRATION. The annual meeting of the Planters* Association of Malaya was held at the Mercantile Bank Buildings, Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday, Mr W Duncan presiding, with Mr HC E Zacharias as Secretary The delegates and other present were Honorary membersMr L LewtonBrain (Director of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1127 3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY NOTICE. AN experienced shorthand TYPIST. Apply to T HE PRELIMINARY examinaKiT'TT Avnq RriTTvnv TION for entrance to the King Edward SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. V|J Me j ical School will com mence on the 14th May, 1917, at 10 a.m. in the Raffles WANTED. in stitution, Singapore. sl2—w 8
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    • 520 3 BIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM I Your Baby I ST is growing every day J f That is why his food is all A important. OR I f l A week of wrong feeding Ifl f I I k results in indigestion and a jjg 1 l° ss weight and vitality mg H I
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  • 36 4 Cadravalur.—On 27th instant, at the Maternity Hospital, Penang, the wife of Mr. T. Cadravalue of Prai, of a sou. Flanagan.—On April 25, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Flanagan, a daughter.
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  • 1302 4 The question of labour, as usual, loomed large at the annual meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya. Tn the report for the year it was shown that the arrivals of Indian immigrants during 1916 as compared with 1915, though they mo'e nearly approached pre-war figures, were still
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  • 1419 4 We no longer receive the interesting publication from Zurich The German that masquerades in S-X.r Uad. “«Y blue pap?r as a neutral. So we have to look to other sourcei for news from Zurich. We learn that there is much effervescence going on at Zurich, which a
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  • 34 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $105.00 per picul business done—an increase of 75 cents. Tin was quoted in London yesterday at £227 15s spot, and £228 5s three months.
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  • 32 4 The following was the rubber quotation in London on April 26, received today Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 2s Hid Smoked Sheet 2s Hjd. [•By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead 4Co
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  • 204 4 The homeward mail closes at 3 p.mon Monday. Lloyd’s Weekly Index has been suspended, says Reuter. It has been decided to hold a smokio? concert in the Drill Hall, Singapore, on Saturday evening, May 5. to bid farewell tc the Home-going draft of the 41st Company, Royal Engineers.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 192 4 I Bcf j> I By Royal Warrant J g g fe. E QD a n a n Q d D TO HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE V. S 1 I 2 SOLE AGENTS: g i caldbech, Mdtgregor i> co., □□□□□CUBU r ALLEN DENNYS CO., Proprietors of: THE PENANG RUBBER AUCTION ROOOMS.
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    • 21 4 “E. O.” Latest Music by the “E. &0.” Orchestra everyday during and after dinner and on Wednesdays and Saturdays during Tiffin.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 48 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for bo day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To DAY. 3.50 a.m. 9.28 a.m, 3.34 p.m. 10.54 p.m. To MORROW. 4.45 a.m. 10 08 am. 4.07 p.m. Monday. 9 10 am. 00.08 am. 7.07 p.m. 1.22 p.m.
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  • 291 5 p g 0. TRANSPORT SUNK LATEST BRITISH GAINS. PREMIER’S speech at the guildhall. q ir Doughs Hau rep.rts the repulse of an pnerny night rUck uorth-west of St Ouentin and progress by the Biush troop 3 north of the S a pe, also near the rras-Canobrai road (south
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 462 5 [Rruter’b Telegrams] ENEMY NIGH I’ ATTACK FAILS. London. April 26 Field Marshal Haig reports that the British drove off an attempted raid southeast of Ypres. There was considerable reciprocal artillery fire between St Quentin and Arras, also in the neighbourhood of Ypres. Two German aeroplanes were brought
      [Rruter’b Telegrams]  -  462 words
    • 424 5 Major Moraht, commenting in the “Berliner Tageblatt” on what he describes as the tactical shortening of our front in the west,” says Room to manoeuvre has not been created by this means, because the glacis produced is far too small for this purpose. He asks why
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    • 166 5 London, April 11. The Exchange correspondent at Amsterdam quotes reports from Cologne according to which the Kaiser has ordered a special report on the first day of the Arras battle to be sent him immediately. The news of the German «’efeat has produced consternation throughout the Empire,
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    • 166 5 Mr. Henry Wood, the United Press correspondent with the French armies, describes how horses employed by the French are now equipped with gas masks in precisely the same manner as all soldiers within the war zone. He says no horse must be headed towards the front without this
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    • 35 5 London, April 27. The Press Bureau annooncea that a fire and small explosion occurred at a munitions factory in the north in England this morning. One person was killed and four injured.
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    • 123 5 Tribute to British Operations. M. Marcel Hutin, writing in the Echo de Paris,” says The British advance movement maintains its methodic and sure character. It is to their magnificent conception of modern war, as much as to the industrialisation of their services in the rear and their well-devised
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    • 91 5 By means of retirement the Germans can husband their men, although that process demands a certain sacrifice of moral. Most operations of war involve a compromise; but the effect of a continued retreat before superior armies upon the retreating troops is so serious that, as in the case
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    • 63 5 Characteristically this German retreat has been signalised by an act of wanton barbarity. When our troops entered Bapaume, after stiff fighting with the German rearguards,” they found that the town had been systematically pillaged by the enemy. Not without reason are our enemies named Huns; but
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    • 170 5 ADVANCING FIGURES. London April 26. In the House of Commons, Major Baird, describing the work of the Air Board, sail taking an imaginary figure 8 as th'i mon h ly average output of aeroplan s last year, the average for the first iwu months of 1917 was
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    • 549 5 A flying man of some distinction, who has often hovered over those towns and villages whose names are now appearing in Sir Douglas Haig’s reports, has given me some idea of what the great German retreat means to the Flying Corps. They are probably,
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    • 22 5 Stockholm, April 27. The Foreign Ministers of Sweden, Norway and Denmark will confer at Stockholm from May 9th to 11th.
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    • 802 5 SPEECH AT THE GUILDHALL. London, April 26. There was a distinguished assemblage at the Guildhall on the occasion of the conferring of the Freedom of the City of London to Mr. Lloyd George. All the Dominion and Indian representatives were present, also Lord Curzon, Lord
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  • 14 5 London, April 23. Silver is at 37. The market is quiet.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 82 5 RAMSGATE DISTRICT SHELLED. London, April 27. Tne Admiralty repoits that last nigh' several enemy destroyers opened fire in the direction of Ramsgate. The enemy’s fire was immeoiately ieturned, and the enemy were driven off, after they had fired a large number of rounds Lord French states that
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    • 76 5 P. O. Troopship Sunk. ALL SAVED. London, April 27. The in-coining Australian troopship Ballarat (11,120 tons, of P O. Co was torpedoed, with troops ab >ard. All were saved. Splendid oiscipline w<s maintained, tfie men singtug. The vessel remained afloat for 14 hours. Ballarat, steel twin screw steamer, 11,120 tons,
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    • 646 5 Scenes on a Stricken Transport. Please express to the officer commanding the Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment my admiration of the conduct displayed by all ranks on the occasion of the accident to the Tyndareus. In their discipline and courage they worthily upheld the splendid tradition
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    • 41 5 Par s, April 27 An official report says the arrivals for week ending April 22nd were 993 and the sailings 923. Or e vessel over 1,600 tons was sunk and two fi-hing crafr. The uusu cessful attacks numbered five.
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    • 177 5 The “Norddeutsche Allemeine Zeitung” correspondent at Copenhagen reports that the second German auxiliary cruiser, the Puyme, is still continuing its activity and has sunk a large number of vessels. This boat, according to the account given, ran into the harbour of Rio de Janerio recently, and anchored
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    • 179 5 STATEMENT IN THE LORDS. London, April 26. In the House of Lords, Lord Lytton stated that the building o' standardised ships was proceeding as satisfactorily as the material available allowed. The loading and discharging of ships were proceeding as well as could be expected. The rate
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    • 33 5 OFFER OF SAFE CONDUCT. Ams erdsm, April 27. A Berlin telegram ssys Germany has offered safe conduct to neutral vessel» sheltering in British harbours, with foodstuffs for their countries.
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 56 5 A TURKISH RETREAT. London, April 27. A Mesopotamia official report says the 13th Turkish Army Corps on Tuesday night hastily retrea ed up bo h banks of the Shati-el-Adbaim towards the Jeb-el-Hamrin hills, where they are entrenching. I hus the second attempt; to interfere with General Maude’s operations against
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    • 24 5 Amsterdam, April 27. Tie 4 says Mr. Bonar Law’s son is a piisuner of the Turks in Palestine.
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    • 134 5 A Central News telegram from Rome states that a Swiss despatch to the Agenzia Libera says that terrible scenes were witnessed in u.e Turkish Chamber at Constantinople when Enver Pasha announced the fall of Bagdad. The tumult was so great that Enver had great difficulty in making
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    • 215 5 On the 10th April, Sir Stanley Maude, withdrawing his advanced detachments on the right bank of the Diala. succeeded in drawing the bulk of the enemy forces on this flank in a south-westerly direction towards Daltawa. On the night of the 10th-llth our force made a night
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  • The Balkans.
    • 52 5 London, April 26. A French Macedonian communique says the British troops attacked west of Lake Doiran on the nigl tof April 24/25. They captured trenches on a thousand metres fiont, north of the Krastali-Doldzeli line and consolidated the positions, repulsing f< ur ccunte;-attacks infl.cting bloody lessee on
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    • 33 5 COUNTER-ATTACKS REPULSED. L ndon, April 27. A British official message from Salonika says we repulsed two heavy counter-attacks on Wedneiday night on the Doiran-Vardar front and arec ontinuing to consolidate our positions.
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  • Article, Illustration
    1251 6 BY AN ARTIST CORRESPONDENT. March 20. While the Brithh advance on the Ancre continues with uniform success, Sir Douglas Haig has reported an extension of our activity south of Somme This phrase reveals the fact that the British have taken over a considerable sector of the French line.
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  • 163 6 A metropolitan police magistrate has convicted a wife of harbouring her hueband who was an absentee from the army. Opinion in legal circles differs as to whether this is gmd law. At common law a wife cannot be an accessory to receiving, harbouring or maintaining a husband
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  • 49 6 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE CLEARANCES, To-day. Ipoh for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Sappho for Teluk Anson. MAILS. For Per Close'. Monday. Singapore and China 11.30 a.m. Ceylon, Australasia, 3P m Mauritius, India, Reg. up to 2 p.m. Aden, Egypt and C Parcels 1 p.m. Europe, etc. J
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  • 108 6 Pknang, April 28, 1917. S. P. Tapioca $7-75 sales. M. P. Tapioca $8 45 sales. Gold leaf 572. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) sl6j buyers. Black Pepper $25 buyers. White Pepper $4O sellers. Trang Peppier ...$32.00 sellers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $54 sellers. Cloves sellers. Nutmegs
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 208 6 Instant Relief for FOO D-S I C K N E S S and Morning Nausea When you g>-t up in the morning with a distaste for your breakfast, when your stomach revolts at the sight bf food, when you have a nasty taste in your mouth, and your breath is
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    • 871 6 JAPANESE STAIR MATTING Size 22" x4O yds. Price per Roll $lO.BO. 24" x4O yds. $11.50. 27" x4O yds. $11.85. VIOLIN STRINGS per sets only SOcts. E.A.D.G, DAIBUTSU, PENANG, 9 A or $3.90 Very Reliable 7 JEWEL Lever Watch in Dust and Damp-Proof SCREW Case. qualms <1 Farmers. Miners and men
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  • 948 7 STATUTORY meeting. j-( ie statutory meeting of Batu Liutaug, d was held at the registered office of the company. Bank Buildings, Downing Street, penaaf, to-day. Mr. H. Waugh presided, j t he others present included Messrs, the Hop. John Mitchell, A. Stephen Anthony, F D. Hindley and
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  • 3082 7 INTERESTING PAPERS. The F.M.S. Agricultural Conference opened at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, following the P.AM. annual meeting in the morning. The Director of Agriculture (Mr L Lewton Brain) presided. In opening the Conference the Chairman welcomed the large number present, and in doing so said that though
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  • 471 7 Messrs. Kennedy ifc Co., Penang, report as follows The Share Market this week has been quieter and quotations in some instances show a slightly easier tendency though there are still a number of inquiries for Dollar Rubber Shares at anything under recent levels. There has also been
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  • 164 7 THE ANNUAL REPORT. The fourth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Ulu Piah Company, Limited, will be held in the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, at 11 o’clock a.m. on Saturday, May sth. The report of the directors states:— Your Directors have the pleasure to
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  • 903 7 Mr M C Corbett, the Manager, reports on the working of the mine for the year ending December 31st, 1916. Mine.—The mine was worked on the same system as in the past and the value of the ground treated shows a slight improvement on last year.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 224 7 THE MEANING OF NERVES.’’ Nerves are fibres running from the brain to all parts of the body, like the wires of a telephone exchange. Some of them give us the sense of touch and feeling others convey messages to ihe brain and the will to our muscles and enable us
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2312 8 P.&O—British India N.Y. K.|>V K. P. M. AND M j W AUSTRALIA AND I Anpor I Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. jUJBFIBk KONINK I?^u P A A B mV AART incorporated m England by RO yai Charter F A\pcar LmliTwb INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. j MAATSCHAPPIJ Fund*’ £1 I (Companies Incorporated
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