Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 April 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1075 1 c notino on n otj c c WANTED C RUBBER CONSIGNMENTS {or our bi-weekly auction sales, and private sales. Cash Ad- o vances made. 5 ORDERS for estate SUPPLIES, o GOODS for forwarding to any part of the world. n FIRE INSURANCE business. 5 ALLEN DENNYS Co., H 6 Beach
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    • 82 1 □uanan □£?□□> U 7 HEN YOU ARE AWAY g V V on leave you want to keep 0 in touch with Malayan affairs, a Social, Commercial,v -Mining, Planting, Ac. Thie you can d* q EJ in no better way than by subscrib- n ing to the Weekly Edition of the
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  • 1875 2 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The eighth annual general meeting of the Kuala Sidim Rubber Company, Ltd, was held in the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, to-day. Mr William Duncan (Chairman of the directors) presided, and the others present were Messrs G. Stothard, G. N. Saye, G J
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 484 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. AN ORDINARY MEETING of the Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Municipal Office, at 4 p.m., on Tuesday, the 24th instant. (By Order), L. A. COUTIER BIGGS, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. WAR-TAX ORDINANCE, 1917. Members of the public whose yearly income from all sources
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    • 260 2 Penang Sales Room. An auction sale of Household Furniture, Studebaker 5 seater car in excellent order, 300 Cycle Tyres, 6 rolls Coir Matting, Piano, Pictures, Standard Lamp, Provisions, etc., etc., Will lohe place al 58. Beach Street. On Monday, 23rd dßpril. 1917, AT 11-30 A.M., USUAL CONDITIONS OF SALE. Terms
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    • 18 2 I RUNNYMEDE HOTEL I PENANG, 1 SEA SIDE. Every ’Wednesday and Saturday, I Musical Selections During Dinner. I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 149 2 EMPIRE Manfiger THOMAS SHAn'O. COMMENCING: To-night! To-night! THE GREATEST SERIAL EVER SCREENED. IN TWO EPISODES. Secured at Enormous Cost. The Girl the Captain Loved was Liberty Horton. The Mexican son of her father’s partner loves her too. The rivalry between them is one of the most beautiful love stories ever
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    • 786 2 EMPIRE THEATRE Business Manager THOMAS SHAFTO. To-Night! To-Night!! To-Night! LIBERTY OR LOVE'S BATTLEFIELD Episode I FANGS OF THE WOLF 3 Parts. Episode 2 RIDING WITH DEATH 2 Parts. James Horton, a wealthy landowner in Mexico, dies at his Hacienda in that country, leaving a will which makes Major Richard Winston
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  • 1076 3 THE EASTERN FRONTIER. Things are progressing favourably on the eastern frontier, writes the Cairo correspondent of the Pioneer and we are daily expecting news of further victories, in south Palestine this time. The Turkish troops have been steadily withdrawing towards the north. A very strong defensive position had
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  • 643 3 Seizure of Men and Food. A person who has just come from Turkey (by way of Smyrna and Athens) describes the general conditions prevailing there as follows in the *'Journal de Geneve From an economic point of view, Smyrna has been badly shaken by the war. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 933 3 IL A Federated Malay States Railways. Children, and Good Needle Woman. Apply No. 89, c/o Pinang Gazette, 'T' HE .STATION HOTEL, Ipoh, will 46jj21.4 be opened on Ist May, 1917. P. A. Anthony, General Manager. WANTED FOR PERAK. 444-14 21 28-4 I -r?UROPEAN NURSE FOR CHILD VT OTICE IS HEREBY
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    • 158 3 Instant Relief for SICK HEADACHE Nausea and Heartburn, You cannot have sick headache when your liver is right. Dr. Cassell’s Instant Relief sets it right, and that is why it cures sick headache and other bilious troubles so quickly, so surely, and so thoroughly. It is not violent, like so
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    • 732 3 ■*l|. h L fj|| |||||f 11 I I I ■H i ok 4 i ■o 1 jjj I Jh See how strong and sturdy this baby is tsi —how she is bearing the whole weight of her body on her t arms, how solid are her limbs, how firm her
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  • 1174 4 A peculiar feature of the offend ve which the French troops are now prosecuting is that it is directed in the first instance against what is the strongest portion of the German line west of the Argonne forest. French strategy in the second half of 1915 was
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  • 1304 4 The British Ministers’ panegyrics on the entry of the United “John Brown’s States into the war were, Body." as we ventured to suggest a day or two ago, rather over-elaborate What has happened is that the United States decided on intervention from the very highest motives, similar
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  • 493 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $103.00 per picul business done—an increase of $l. Fourteen vaccinations were done to-day by Mr. Lim Tai Lee at the Lam Hua Hospital, Penang. Among the presents given to the F MS Hospital in February was six months supply of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 116 4 1 I By Royal Warrant O A D n o wOHE' a-jP 2 A^r/.v Q n TO HIS MAJESTY J KING GEORGE V. 1 I 2 o SOLE AGENTS: g i Caidbech, Mucgregor co., i M■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■ LATEST SHIPMENT BEST COTTON CREPES, From 20 cts. to 50 cts a yd. FINEST
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    • 65 4 “E. O.” SPECIAL. DINNER. To-Night! To-Night!! MR. JOSEPH BLASGHECK, The Great English Humourist, and MISS ALYCE AUSTIN. The Charming Australian Singer and Entertainer, WILL APPEAR AFTER DINNER. DANCING. Selections of Operatic Music by the “E. O.” ORCHESTRA, Conducted by Madam DIETZ. a Pinang Gazette Press, a LIMITED TELEPHONES. j Printing
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 47 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for ro day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To-day. 5.57 a m. 00.07 p.m. 6.29 p.m. To-morrow. 00.22 a.m. 6.33 a.m. 00.39 p.m. 7.07 p.m. Monday. 00.59 a.m. 7 44 am. 1.10 p.m. 7 41 p.m.
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  • 130 5 NEW FRENCH ADVANCES. the latest captures. AMERICA’S PREPARATIONS. The French, besides defeating enemy counter-attacks at several points north of the Aisne, have removed the nose of t he saiieut southwest of Laon, j ’hey have also advanced south of that town and farther east. Progress has also been
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 872 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams]. GERMANS’ COSTLY FAILURE. London, April 19. A French communique sajs There was great reciprocal artillery fire south and south-west of Sr Quentin. We continued to progress northward o Vally and Ostel between the Aisne and Chemios-des-Dames. Our machine guns stopped dead an enemy attack in
      [Reuter’s Telegrams].  -  872 words
    • 313 5 GERMANS MINIMISE REVERSES. London, April 20. A German official wireless message says: Firing activity increases daily on the Arras battlefield. The occupation of the fortified zone of the Siegfried Hindenburg positions which have long been under construction began on March 16 ch and terminated yesterday by
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    • 523 5 Since February, 1915, when the bread card system was first introduced, 275.000,000 cards have been issued in Berlin. This does not include the suburbs, which are generally regarded as forming part of Greater Berlin. This means that in these two years over five milliards of bread coupons have
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    • 46 5 —Havas. Paris, April 10. A decree orders returns to be made of wheat, rye, barley and other cereals in the country. It fixes the purchase price of wheat at 36 francs the 100 kilos, with a possible increase for the expense of transport.-
      —Havas.  -  46 words
    • 38 5 London April 19. In the House of Commons, Mr Fisher, in introducing the education estimates, which are £3,829.000 above last year, emphasised the necessity of removing the deficiencies of the educational system revealed by the war.
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    • 18 5 Paris, April 20. The French Mission to Petrograd includes M Thomas, Minister of Monitions.
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  • Russia.
    • 82 5 LAND AND SEA OFFENSIVE EXPECTED. Petrograd, April 20. The Russian General Staff communicates that the Germans are concentrating naval and military forces against the northern front. Numerous transports, including river steamers, have assembled at Baltic ports. A portion of the German fleet left Kiel for Danzig, whence
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 40 5 TURKISH POSITIONS CAPTURED. London, April 20. An official message from Egypt says We advanced on Tuesday northward of Wadiz Huzze and captured Turkish advanced positions on miles of front. The positions gained were consolidated. Warships assisted. Fighting is proceeding.
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    • Article, Illustration
      112 5 ENEMY AGAIN ROUTED. London, April 20. An official message from Mesopotamia says General Maude on the night of the 17/18, forced a passage of the Shatt-el-Adbaim held by a detachment of the 18th Turkish army corps. We attacked on Wednesday morning the main position of this corps covering Istabulat
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    • 35 5 London, April 20. Great amusement is created by a telegram from Constantinople to the effect that Prince Cyril on behalf of the King of Bulgaria presented the Sultan with an Order for bravery.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 94 5 SMALLER TONNAGE, MORE VESSEL». London, April 20. The Shipping Controller announces that the output of steamers over 100 tons for six months ending December is less than the estimate but the output for March exceeded it, being at the rate of over a million tons per annum. No
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    • 34 5 London, April 20. A French official report says the arrivals in the week ending April 15th were 750 and the sailings 803. The vessels sunk were four, and the unsuccessful attacks five.
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    • 39 5 Christiana, April 20. An enquiry into the sinking of the Norwegian steamer Sxr confirms the report that the submarine fired on the life-boat, while the German sailors robbed the ship. Four were killed in the life-boats.
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  • General News.
    • 142 5 “JOHN BROWN’S BODY.” London, April 20. To-day, America Day in London, the respective flags of Britain and the U. S. were everywhere entwined. There was a formal celebration at St. Paul’s, which was crowded. The King and Queen sat under the dome. Cabinet Ministers and ex-Cabinet Ministers, diplomatists
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    • 269 5 NEED FOR MERCHANTMEN. Washington, April 20. Mr. Daniels, Secretary of the Navy, announces that he is considering the temporary suspension of the construction of capital warships in order to concentrate on the building of merchantmen. Nicaragua’s Sympathy, Nicaragua has notified its approval of the United States’ declaration of
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    • 32 5 Paris, April 19. A mission including M. Viviani and General Joffre are proceeding to America to convey the Government’s greetings on the United States’ entry into the war.
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    • 29 5 Washington, April 20. The Democratic caucus voted in favour of introducing a bill during the present session to prohibit the sale and manufacture of alcoholic liquors.
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    • 85 5 THE NEW PREMIER. Madrid, April 19. It is believed the Liberals will remain in power. Madrid, April 20. Senor Prieto, President of, the Senate, has formed a Cabinet. Ex-Premier and Neutrality. Later. Senor Romanones (Spanish Premier) resigned because he is convinced that the submarine war is so hurtful
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  • 879 5 MINING LANDS PARTNERSHIP SUIT. The bearing was continued before Mr. Justice L. M. Woodward in the Supreme Court, Penang, of the suit by Mrs. D. A Donald, widow of Mr. G. M. Donald against Mr. Malcolm Duncan, plaintiff claiming (1) to have an account taken of the partnership
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    • 263 6 Simla, April 10.—The remarkable flow of gifts and assistance, by Indian Chiefs and Noblemen towards the war, continaes without ceasing and the Viceroy almost daily receives a valuable offer of some sort or other from some part of India. Among recent notable gifts are those of the Maharaja
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    • 124 6 Calcutta, April 12. The “Pioneer’s” Calcutta Commercial correspondent writes Apart from the present rise in jute share values, the difficulties of the exchange and the War Loan, the topic of most ingrossing local interest is the approaching amalgamation of two important firms of Managing Agents, Messrs Bird and Company,
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    • 62 6 Calcutta, April 11th The scheme of film censorship in Calcutta will, it is undestood, commence to-morrow and the censors will sit through trial runs of forthcoming produc tions every Thursday morning. A board of three censors (one repres Q nting the European Association, one the Trades’ Association, and
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    • 57 6 Simla, April 10.— Information has been received that His Majesty’ Government have sanctioned the appointment of a representative of the British Indian Community to be a member of the Legislative Council of Fiji. Badri Mahraj, the gentleman selected, is an ex-indentured Indian who went to the Colony
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    • 91 6 Calcutta, April 10.—Twenty joint stock companies were registered in February in Bri'ish India with a to r al capital of Rs 3,21,26,000, the Development Corporation of India, Delhi, alone accounting for Rs 2,00,00,000. During the month three tea companies were registered with a capital of Rs 11,50,000 and
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    • 81 6 Calcutta, April 11:—The first Compulsion Parade was held on the maidan this morning when about 3,000 men of all ages, sizes, shapes and colours stood about in the sun for an bout, while the roll was called and allotments to various volunteer regiments were made. General Strange rode
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    • 114 6 It is a remarkable commentary on the way in which news of the doings in Russia were kept secret that on March 7 (when events were developing rapidly in the direction of revolt) the Grand Duke Michael Michaelovitch presented to the King at Buckingham Palace the members of
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    • 112 6 Karachi, April 11 :—At the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce the Hon. Mr. Nicholas, Chairman, said that local British firms long ago invested all their available resources in the British War Loans but if an issue of premium bonds was sanctioned it would be
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    • 60 6 Tarkessur, April 9th. All the vehicles of the 5 up passenger train were overturned between Tarkessur and Gopinagore on the East Indian line, to-day, by a severe storm There was no loss of life or serious injury to any one. The line was cleared and
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  • 488 6 Touching Letter from Lieutenant Bbooke. At the close of that wonderful book England’s Effort,” Mrs. Humphrey Ward quotes a letter published in“ The Times” anonymously, which was written on the eve of the battle of the Somme by a young officer who knew that he might die next
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  • 459 6 THE TURKISH RETREAT. Simla, April 11. —The following telegrams have been received from EyeWitness in Mesopotamia Baghdad, April 6.—On returning to Baghdad after an absence of one or two weeks, one is struck with the increased liveliness of the place. Most of the shops in the baziar have
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  • 176 6 The S-condary Classes of the AngloChinese School, Penang, gave an enjoyable entertainment last night in the School hall, Maxwell Road, for the benefit of the library fund for the classes. Tne Rev. B. J. Baugoman presided. An orchestra p ovided music and Mr. T. R. P. Lawson sang
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  • 201 6 Messrs. Guthrie Co, Ltd, Singapore, report on Thursday, 19th April. 1917 The weekly rubber auction held yesterday and to-day opened quietly, bidding being very slow, and, though demand improved as the sale went on, prices show an all round reduction of about $5 per picul. The highest
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 188 6 LIFES GOODWIN SANDS. The “Goodwin Sands” of life are the years between twelve and twenty-one. Then every weakness implanted in the system by heredity, or acquired since birth, has its most malicious influence, for during these years both growth and development are rapid. Between twelve and twenty-one, youths and girls
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    • 207 6 MICHELIN PICTURES thJ II 1 7/ ■WTWf Ml Michelin are taking lheir full share in "the work anb costof u/inning "the VJ'&C reciprocate and give Michelin 4he poll share op your support STOCKISTS: Chin Seng Co., Ltd. FARIT BUNTAR Ban Boe Leons Co. PENANG > Chin Kooi Co. KUALA KANGSAR
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  • 1726 7 PRESENTATION of prizes. X smiting concert was held in the n ill H**H O Ht D ’S! ht; under the auspices of Penang Volunteers and Penang Volun- Rifle Club, when the prizes won in the s Bisley were presented to the winThere was a good attendance, those Resent
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  • 189 7 The result of the tennis tie played last evening between W. H. Threlfall (holder) and R. J. Saunders resulted in favour of Threlfall by 7—5, 6—2, 6 2. Threlfall thps retains the championship, Mr F W Harris was the umpire. It was generally conceded by those who
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  • 126 7 Appointment of Commisioners. Under the provisions of Section 36 of the Straits War Tax Ordinance, 1917, the Governor-in Council has appointed the fol lowing gentlemen to be Commissioners of Taxes for the purposes of the said Ordinance within and for the undermentioned divisions For the Settlement of
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  • 68 7 [from Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 21. At Singapore further evidence was given by Mr K A Stevens, managing partner of Messrs. Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co. in the case in which charges are made against Teoh Swee Hong, a former store-keeper of Caldbeck Macgregor and Co,
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  • 274 7 The Band will play the following programme of masic at the Golf Club from 5.45 p.m. till 7.15 p.m. 1. Finale Act 2nd Vittore Pisany ...Peri 2. Galop Queen Victoria ...Hecker 3. Finale Ist Act Belisario Donizetti 4. Waltz Espanole Tortajada Morena 5. Melody The Choristas ...Sullivan
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  • 78 7 April 21.—Empire Theatre, 9 p.m. April 21.—Bostock’s Royal Italian Circus, Dato Kramat Gardens. April 25.—Birthday of Yang di Per Tuan (Government Holiday in Negri Sembilan.) April 26.—Penang Chamber of Commerce, Special General Meeting, 3 p.m. May 28.—Whit Monday. Gevernment Holiday. April 28.—Kam pong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Limited, General
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  • 662 7 Messrs. Kennedy Co., Penang, report as follows Our share market throughout the past week has shown considerable activity, Local Rubber Issues in particular having been in strong demand, in consequence of which the good tone which has prevailed in this section for some time past has been
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  • 177 7 The following are additional rubber outputs for March Holland American P lbs. 351,067 N Langkat RCo 21,480 Si-Pare Pare R. Co 16,548 Our Singapore correspondent wires: News has been received of the death in France of Mr Harold Millard formerly of Messrs Donaldson and Burkinshaw, who joined up
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  • 235 7 SUNDAY APRIL 22. Second Sunday After Easter. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. St. George’s Church.—Matins 8 a.m.; Holy Communion 8.30 a.m Matins (Chinese) 10.30 a.m.; Sunday School 5 p.m.; Evensong 6 p.m. Hymn 140, Responses, Roberts, Psalms CVIII, Russell, CIX Smart and Goodenough, Magnificat, Attwood, Nunc Dimittius, Goss, Hymns 266,
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  • 57 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE CLEARANCES. To-day. Ipoh for Port Swettenham and Singapore. MAILS. For Per Close. To-Morrow. Madras, taking mails 10 a.m. for Europe, etc., vi& > 21st inst. [Saturday] Bombay J Regtr. up to 6 p.m. Monday. Port Swettenham, Malacca and Port Dickson Cornelia 10.30 a.m. Rangoon
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  • 129 7 Pbnang, April 21, 1917. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/4 4 months'sight Bank ...2/4 11/16 3 Credit ...2/4 29/32 H 3 Documentary ...2/4 15/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 164 3 days' sight Private 169 Bombay Demand Bank ,»164 Moul mein Demand Bank „163 o
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 213 7 LOOKING BACKWARD. Most of us at some time or another have been perplexed as to which of two alternatives we should adopt. Later, when looking backward over the decision made, we may have regretted that we did not follow the other course. That is only because the one side of
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    • 217 7 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ i “BUICK” I CARS. t DCDcrnT indesign rtKrtUl ,NQUALITV 0 INMATERIAL 0 Y The Greatest Triumph in Modern Y Automobile Engineering. < NEW SHIPMENT ARRIVING. SEASUN &> Co., < Ag-ents: Penang P. W. < f/ 1 w Don’t forget to use Calverßs To oTh Powder to-night—and again in the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2284 8 P. O.—British India N. Y. K. >x K. P. M. AND A AUSTRALIA AND CHINA A A w I Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. I koninklijke paketvaart iwor»o««»d Ch<n# Lwlllwn INCORPORATED IN JAPAN I MAATSCHAPPIJ Ketlrve (Companies Incorporated in England.) jf> (INCOBPOBATED IN HOLLAND.) Iteterve Liability of Fropri.ta, MAIL AND
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