Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 April 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 849 1 c 0 E WANTED rubber consignments for our bi-weekly auction sales, and private sales. Gash Ad- c vances made. ORDERS for estate supplies. GOODS for forwarding to any part of the world. D FIRE INSURANCE business. o ALLEN DENNYS Co., 6 Beach St. and 7 Union St., Penang. D Bankers
      849 words
    • 78 1 ■nuaoDDßanaDaanDDonoaoßDD» a XX7HKN YOU ARE AWAY g V V on leave you want to keep g in touch with Malayan affairs, Social, Commercial,. Mining, Planting, Ac. Thia you can do q in no better way than by subscriti- n ing to the Weekly Edition of the g Pina ng Gazette,”
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  • 326 2 Mr E G Godwin has obtained a commission in the Army service Corps, says the M.M.” Mr W H Thorne and Mr W E Cleaver left to-day for Johore to appear in an important case there. Mr C W Darbishire is returning from London to Singapore via
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  • 130 2 The annual general Meeting of this Association wid be held at 11 a.m on Wed nesday, the 25th inst, at No 12, Market Street, Kuala Lumpur. Agbnda. Minutes of Meeting of February 28th Preventive Quarantine War Relief; Man Power Currency Telephone Service at Outstations'; Motorcars Plying
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  • 124 2 Penang has had considerable experience of circuses, but there appears here tomorrow evening for the first time a show which, we are assured, las no equal of its kind The name of Bostock stands high in the circus world, and it is not surprising that the
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  • 190 2 A football match will be played on the P. C. C. ground on Monday next, the 23rd inst. (St. George’s Day) between teams captain 'd by Messrs. E. H. Syer and Lee Tiang Liat. A collection will be made during the match and the smallest donations
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  • 769 2 JAPANESE PLAYER’S VICTORY. An exhibition tennis match w+s played on April 3rd between S E Green, the Hongkong champion, and a Japanese player, named Z. Shumiza, who was passing through the Colony on his way to Calcutta. Shumiza, though hs has nor figured prominently in tennis championships in Japan,
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  • 59 2 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 19. At the rubber auctions 699 tons were offered and 447 tons sold There is a general decline in prices but a good demand. Fine i ibbed fetched $155 to $l6l, fine pale $157 to $l6O, unsmoked $l4O. The
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  • 50 2 [From Our Own Correspondent,] Singapore, April 19. A Chinese chop was fined $5OO for trading with another chop in Kobe, the latter being in the prohibited list. 2,157 coolies arrived to-day. 919 g 0 to Pulau Jerejah for quarantine. The balance go on to Port Swettenham.
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  • 415 2 Mb. Justice Sproule on a Dishonest Practice Giving judgment in the Supr me Court 1 Singapore, io the ca«e of Leong Chu *an and others versus Shaik Abdul Rahman bin Shaik Alkaff, Mr Justice Sproule referred at some length to the practice of retaining premia charges on leases.
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  • 325 2 .—T.O.M, An Important Case From Tapah An important case, involving a large turn of Government money, came up on Wednesday before Mr Justice Farrer-Manby at the Ipoh Assizes, when P Murugain, Tapah Sanitary Board clerk, and Mohamed Abas, the Sanitary Inspector in the same town, were charged wth
    .—T.O.M,  -  325 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 619 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. TWO FORD CARS, in Perfect Condition, overhauled last month. Price $3,000. Apply No. 91, c/o Pinang Gazette. FOR SALE. One 4 Cylinder Henderson Motor Bicycle Brand New, Latest Model, with or without Side C«r. One single Cyiind r 4,| H. P Premier Motor Bicycle with New
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    • 147 2 The Best Advice To give tn a p«rson suffering from Headache or Neur«lgia i< to use a remedy f at will give instant relief. Like a touch .f th** wii’ird’s wand Little’s Oriental Balm acts on these paiutu 1 di-'-rders. !he> effects are simp y marvellous. One uppl'cation and the
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    • 344 2 Tna de with BRITISH We be B to announce to th I BRITISH public that we have started a MOTORCAR b I Car Lighting I SERVICE and Starting BETWEEN IS designed on the very bed-rock of simplicity, no complications, no intnct’e > 14 II I 10l I*l Af ft I*
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 136 2 ESTABLISHED 1863. NOW ON A WORLD’S TOUR, ROYAL ITALIAN CIRCUS, The Only Circus that has twice, in the one year, been honoured by Royal Command to appear before their Majesties the King and Queen and the Royal Family at Buckingham Palace. British Permanent Address ZOO, GLASGOW. South African Address: P
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  • 636 3 BRITAIN AND HOLLAND. Dispatched to Holland to gauge public feeling there, a special correspondent of the Berlin Lokal-Anzeiger writes that he had a singular experience in crossing the frontier. On the German side of the border-line people expressed genuine anxiety lest in the next few days the
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  • 37 3 According to a wire from Batavia, the trial trips of the Netherlands India submarine K I have been very successful. The K I remained under water for 8 hours on the high seas.
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  • 86 3 The Association League At the annual general meeting of the Selangor Association Football League held in the Y M C A on Saturday Messrs H N Ferrers, M W Navaratnam and C R Martin were elected President, Hon Secretary and Hon Treasurer respectively. The date of closing of
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  • 36 3 Rangoon, April 10.—On the arrival of the Calcutta Mail Steamer yesterday one out of nine boxes containing Rs. 6,000 in eight anna pieces sent by the Currency Office was found to be mis-dng.
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    • 79 3 Stockholm, March 21.—The Finnish news paper Kiku states that a revolution broke out in Helsingfors on Friday. The military deposed the police and all work and traffic were stopped. Soldiers on Saturday walked the streets with red flags and offered them to their officers. Many who refused
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    • 146 3 London. March 22.—The Amsterdam correspondent of the Daily Chronicle states: With revolution in the air it is not surprising that there are persistent rumours that Germany’s turn has come and that Berlin is already in an uproar. The rumours have not been confirmed but they appear to
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    • 162 3 New York, March 20.—Mr. Wood, telegraphing from France to the L nited Press Association, states French refugees report that the Germans hope by shortening their Western front to release thirty divisions of troops for strategy elsewhere. The recaptured territory has been wantonly destroyed and the devastation
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    • 301 3 London, March 20.—Mr Long’s announcement that the Australians were the first into Bapaume was the initial acknowledgment by Great Britain of the Anzac’s services in the recent fighting on the Somme. The Germans abandoned the defence of the town at about 10 o’clock on Sunday night and
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    • 67 3 New York, March 22. —Passengers by the liner Byron from Buenos Aires report that three German raiders were trapped in the South Atlantic on the 21st February. They say that one cruiser was badly damaged in a fight with two raiders which were sunk while the third escaped.
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    • 79 3 London, March 21.—Dutch official statistics show a great increase of food exports to Germany for the last year as compared with 1913. Commodities such as cheese increased nearly five fold and exports of eggs, meat and butter were doubled. The exports of meat to England shrank
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  • 448 3 An amazing apathy regarding the present war seems to pervade many of us in India, writes a Hater of the Hun in the Rangoon Gazstte.” Our country is facing terrible perils, but because the tumult, horrors, and blood-shed of warfare, are not in our midst, our
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  • 130 3 C P R and Blue Funnel Liners. An official message received by the Foreign Office, Japan, from Vancouver on March 26th, states that the rumour, circulated for the past few days, that the British Government has decreed that half the space of the Canadian Pacific Ocean Service’s steamers
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  • 76 3 Tokio, April I.—Of the proposals of China which have been decided by the Sino-Japanese Ralway Conferences the following among others are important:— 1. —To decide on a discount for return tickets for a journey between Japan and China (twenty per cent reduction). 2. —To have the Shanghai,
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  • 45 3 Tokio, March 31.—The Dutch steamer Rembrandt on which Admiral von Hintze is travelling is expected at Yokohama on April 1. Precautions against the German Minister, Admiral von Hintze, are very strict and many plain clothes Japanese police went on board at Nagasaki.
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  • 482 3 Directors’ Report. Your directors have pleasure in submitting herewith a duly audited Statement of the accounts of the Company for the year ended 31s December, 1916. Accounts. —The net profit for the year as shown by the profit and Loss account amounts to $114,960.01 to
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  • 170 3 A correspondent sends the S.T.” further particulars of the river accident near Muar on Saturday evening in which Mr C K Archard, senior assistant of Tanjong Olak Estate, lost his life. Mr Achard was returning to the estate by launch from Muar, and near
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  • 160 3 Mr Bonar Law, replying in the House of Commons on February 21. to a question by Sir Charles Henry suggesting the organisation of sweepstakes to attract capital to the war loan, said that he held an open mind on the subjest. Successful sweepstakes in order to swell the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 373 3 LADY cau R-commend Excellent and Trustworthy Ayah good with Children, and Good Needle Woman. Apply No. 89, c/o Pinang Gazette. 465—21 4 WANTED an efficient and thoroughly capable Shorthand-Typist for Malay States. Apply to Box No. 86, c/o Pinang Gazette. 440—20-4 TO LET. No. 3, Ross Road. Apply to Messrs.
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    • 40 3 PINKETTES a gentle and thorough lax- J I ative for all ages. Do not gripe. j SO cents per phial at your druggist’s or direct by mail on re- ceipt of price from DR. WILLIAMS’ MEDICINE COMPANY, I SINGAPORE. g
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    • 24 3 BOBBER STAMPS. r T > HE PINANG GAZETTE PRESS, A Ltd., is now in a position to execute orders for all kinds of Rubber Stamps.
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    • 164 3 FRESH_STOCKS. Allenbury’s Diet. Allenbury’s food No. 1, 2 and 3. Brand’s Essence of Beef. Brand’s Essence of Chicken. Bovril, Large and Medium. Virol, Large, Medium and Small. Iron Jelloids No. 2 and 2A. Throatlets and Throat Pastilles. Angier’s Emulsion. Californian Syrup of Figs. Clarke’s Blood Mixture. Guy’s Tonic. Sozodont Tooth
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 151 3 EMPIRE Manager THOMAS SHAFTO. COMMENCING: Saturday Night, April 21st. THE GREATEST SERIAL EVER SCREENED. IN TWO EPISODES. Secured at Enormous Coat. The Girl the Captain Loved was Liberty Horton. The Mexican son of her father’s partner loves her too The rivalry between them is one of the most beautiful love
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  • 15 4 Whitlock.—On the 17th instant, in London, the wife of M. K. Whitlock, a son.
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  • 894 4 The death of General von Biasing, the German Governor of Belgium, removes a typical instrument of the Prussianised system of blood and iron for the ruling of peoples unfortunate enough to come beneath the sway of an alien nation con trolled by the doctrine of ascendancy
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  • 33 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $102.00 per picul business done—an increase of 50 cents. Tin was quoted in London yesterday at £217 15s spot, and £2lB three months.
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  • 39 4 The following are the particulars of output tin-ore of the Rerong Tin Dredging Company, Limited, for the Ist half of this month :—No 1 Dredge piculs 113; No 2 Dredge piculs 219; No 3 Dredge piculs 294.
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  • 101 4 The homeward mail closes on Sunday at 10 a.m. Registration till 6 p.m. on Saturday. A reminder may be given of the smoking concert and presentation of Bisley prizes in the Drill Hall to-night at 9-15. The half-yearly meeting of the Penang Turf Club will be held in
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  • 1834 4 In his interesting defence of the War Loan Lottery, reproduced The Eternal from the columns of our Lottery. morning contemporary at Singapore T D P, who if we are not mistaken is a well known and able local lawyer, cites fire, marine and life insurance policies, which
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 162 4 AQUAPERIA i Mi JL (HARROGATE,) BRITISH APERIENT MINERAL WATER “Ensures a Clear Complexion," “AQUAPERIA is strongly recommended for Jsiver and (Complaints, (Constipation, etc. THE DISPENSARY (PENANS> lm. 2, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. Telephone 398. Tel. Address: CHEMOPTIST. ■■^■nw.nvr^r?i':T;'r?v^vi T’n'?r?pn’Tri'm'HTTnvrT?rn nTr-Tt rri n i r‘'ri'i'i'ri m'n''rT;TrT'nmYfm^Tm’rt'> n'rirrn [the BmnsH supply agency,] 3A,
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    • 63 4 “E. O.” SPECIAL DINNER. On Saturday, 21st April, 1917. MR. JOSEPH BLASCHECK, The Great English Humourist, and MISS ALYCE AUSTIN, The Charming Australian Singer and Entertainer, WILL APPEAR AFTER DINNER. DANCING. Selections of Operatic Music by the “E. O.” ORCHESTRA, Conducted by Madam DIETZ. Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED. Z TELEPHONES.
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  • 37 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To DAY. 11.34 5.19 a.m. 11.43 p.m. 5.50 p.m. To MORROW, 5.57 a in. 00.07 p.m. 6.29 p.m.
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  • 192 5 ENEMY ATTACKS SHATTERED. A FOOTING ON LAONCRAONNE PLATEAU. RUSSIA’S RESOLVE. FURTHER TROUBLE IN GREECE. Besides repulsing the enemy about a mile south of Sc. Queutiu, the French won further substant al successes in the Ai*ne ares, «nd the total French captures in the offensive have now retched over
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 988 5 [Rkuter’s Telegrams]. OVER 17,000 PRISONERS AND 75 GUNS TAKEN. London, April 19. I A French commun que says South of St. Quentin, after a very lively bombardment, the Germans attacked east of Ganchy. The first attempt was stopped dead by our fire. The second, which wes more
      [Rkuter’s Telegrams].  -  988 words
    • 414 5 BRITISH FRONTS. London, April 6th.—ln France there has been vigorous fighting during the past week, which resulted in considerable progress by both the French and British, especially in the neighbourhood of Saint Quentin. West and northwest of this important town, the British made steady progress against
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    • 224 5 Amsterdam, March 5. The Kolnische Volkszeitung admits that since the establishment of government in Brussels many serious blundeis have been committed on the German side, as the authorities apparently had not learned wisdom from the experience of Alsace-Lorraine. From the speech of the Imperial Chancellor to
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    • 440 5 London, April 6.—The King has sent a message of thanks for the devoted loyalty of all parts of the Empire in their efforts to bring the war to a successful conclusion, as expressed through their representatives at the Imperial war conference, which has adjourned to April 13th. Mr.
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    • 148 5 Paris, Mar. 2. The Matin says: Some weeks ago the news agencies published telegrams from Zurich stating that Germany had given up the use of Zeppelins, having come to the conclusion that these airships ran great risks which were out of all proportion to the damage they
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    • 99 5 The great Laon Craonne plateau, on which the French have secured a footing, saw heavy fighting in the campaign of 1814, which cost Napoleon a fifth of his effectives, as mentioned in the telegrams to-day. On March >th Napoleon fell ufon the advance guard of the forces
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    • 64 5 CONCESSIONS BY THE GOVERNMENT. Amsterdam, April 19. Accoiding to the “Vorwaerts the great Berlin stiike only ended afttr lubstantial concessions had been extorted froiA the Government. Tie Food Commissioner whs forced to promise that food ratior s w< uld be more fairly distributed, hoaided provifi ns commandeered
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    • 337 5 London, Bth March. —Forty-four released civilians from Germany, including a few Belgian refugees, have arrived in London, the men from Ruhleben and the women chiefly from Holzminden. Among the British women who arrived there was intense disappointment at the fact that their husbands, who they under-stood were
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    • 455 5 According to a Berlin telegram received in Amsterdam and transmitted thence by Reuter’s correspondent on March 4 a sixth German War Loan is about to be issued Subscription to it begins on the 15th inst., and the list will remain open until April 16. The period for
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    • 108 5 A SECRET SESSION. London, April 20. In the House of Commons Mr. Bonar law announced that there woul 1 be a secret session. He stated there had ie cently beeu losses of hospital ships, which would be published Lord R bert Cecil stated he had no official information showing
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  • Russia.
    • 184 5 EXPERTS FROM AMERICA. Washington, April 19. Arrangements are being made to send 500 American railway experts to reorganize the Russian railways. Russia’s Foreign Relations. Petrograd, April 19. The statement from the Times correspondent at Petrograd regarding Ru-sian foreign relations is semi-officially denied. It is declared that the Executive
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    • 87 5 New York, April 19. The Associated Press states that assurances have resched Washington that under no cot ditions at present conceivable will the provisional government of Russia yield to overtures by the Austro-German socialists for a separate peace It authoritatively barned that so far from contemplating any
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  • General News.
    • 105 5 SITUATION AGAIN ACUTE. London, April 19. The Greek situation is again becoming acute owing to food difficulties and a variety of other reason?. In the House of Commons, Mr. Bonar Law stated that the Allied Governments are discussing the position in Greece, but any statement at present in reference
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    • 110 5 JAPAN’S ADVICE TO THE ALLIES. London, April 19. The Japanese Ambassador and Japanese delegates en route to tt e Allied Commercial Conference in Rome were guests at luncheon at the House of Commons. The Japanese Ambassador dwelt on the possibility of a war of commerce after the war.
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    • 18 5 GOVERNOR OF BELGIUM. Amsterdam, April 19. A Brussels message says GovernorGeneral von Biasing is dead.
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    • 22 5 Berne, April 19. It is reported from Vienna that operations on the Austrian front are at a complete standstill.
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    • 34 5 London, April 19. An Italian official report says Our heavy guns caused great fires at Cailiano station in tbe Lagarina valley. We seized a position north of Csstagnavizza, capturing the defenders.
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    • 39 5 Paris, April 19. Four Belgian relief ships, prcvidtd with safe conducts were recently sunk outside the danger zone near the Dutch coast. Tl e French Government has requested the King of Spain to intervene with Berlin.
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    • 31 5 Washington, April 19. The Senate and House of Representative» have pa-sed a bill permit'i"g the Allies to recruit citizens of flieir respective countries in the United States.
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    • 26 5 London, April 19. In the House of Commons Mr. Bonar Law announced that the Budget would be introduced on April 30th.
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    • 11 5 London, April 19 The Spanish Cabinet has resigned,
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    • 11 5 London, Apiil 14. The silver market is idle.
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  • 190 5 The German plot against the 1 nited States involved the destruction cf the TampPo oil wells, from which both American and British warships draw their supplies of liquid fuel. The flowing wells in the Tampico district have a potential capacity of 1,000,000 barrels a day—equal
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  • 1429 6 PAROCHIAL WORK IN SINGAPORE DIOCESE. The annual conference of the clergy in the Diocese of Singapore was opened on Tuesday morning in the large Hall of St Andrew’s School, Singapore. Sixteen clergy assembled to meet the Lord Bishop, who after the opening prayers, and the recitation by all
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 405 6 EajM To ensure 7wW\w Sound Sleep I '4fe_' I who suffer from sleep- /I B I lessness will find that a cup of |L J! 1 ovaLTlNE— taken just before ft retiring—will ensure healthy, refresh- g| 1 1 Kt ing sleep. < g. WWA h l /KS/ Sleeplessness is usually
      405 words
    • 148 6 -TONALEAIS THE BRITISH APERIENT WATER. Pleasant in taste. Painless in action. SOLD EVERYWHERE. 4 Ruchanans SCOTCH a Q WHISKY s V 13 f z n 'SOMETHIH6 Tt> T A (2* CROW ABOUT" EJt! s y ‘z r I BLACK&WHITE" W ALWAYS. THE HIGHEST QUALITY Vhsksalc Distributing Agents for Penang and
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  • 3728 7 mining lands partnership SUIT. The hearing w*s continued before Mr. justice L. M. Woodward in the Supreme Coart, Penang, of the suit by Mrs. D. A Donald, widow of Mr. 0. M. Donald against Mr. Malcolm Dnncan, plaintiff claiming (1) to have an account taken of the partnership
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  • 39 7 The following subscriptions have been received by the Chartered Bank. By Balance on April 11 $1,630.96 Employees of the United Engineers Ltd (monthly) 35.00 By Balance on April 17 $1,665.96 Amount previously acknowledged ...$30,727.73 Total ...$32,393.69
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  • 122 7 The following are additional rubber outputs for March Hevea (Johore) lbs. 22,125 Kuala Pergau Plant 30,328 Trafalgar 3,701 The Secondary Classes of the AngloChinese School, Penang, are giving an entertainment to-night in the School hall, Maxwell Rd. for the benefit of a library fund for the classes. The
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  • 98 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE CLEARANCES. To-day. Cornelia for Port Swettenham, and Port Dickson. D. van Twist for Deli, Langsa T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh Sabang, Padang etc, Batavia. Pangkor for Bindings Sitiawan and Bagat. Datoh. Sappho for Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping. Jin Ho for Langat
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  • 66 7 April 20.—Smoking Concert, Drill Hall, 9.15 p.m. April 21. —Kuala Sidim Rubber Co., Ltd., Annual General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, noon. April 21. —Empire Theatre, 9 p.m. April 21.—Bostock’s Royal Italian Circus, Dato Kramat Gardens. April 25.—Birthday of Yang di Per Tuan (Government Holiday in Negri Sembilan.) May
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  • 124 7 Pbnang, April 20, 1917. (By Courtesy ot the Chartered Bank}. London Demand Bank .2/4 1/4 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 11/16 3 Credit ...2/4 29/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 15/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 164 3 days' sight Private 169 Bombay Demand Bank ~164 Moulmein Demand Bank 163 o 3 days'sight
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  • 83 7 Pbnang, April 20, 1917. S. P. Tapioca $7.60 buyers. M. P. Tapioca $B.lO sales. Gold leaf $72. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) sl6j buyers. Black Pepper $25 buyers. White Pepper $4O sellers. Trang Pepper ...$32.00 sellers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $5B sellers. Cloves $4O sellers. Nutmegs
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 144 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SIME. DARBY Co., Ltd. PENANG. (Late Sellar Murray Co.) x I [stole supplies. Mining Requisites. X 9C X Large stocks always carried of all As Sole Agents for some of the X 5 articles required by Planters. We are principal British Manufacturers of 1 J Mining Machinery and Tools,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2251 8 P. O- —British India JQ. Y. K. K. P. M. o„>,J c ‘AND X 1 AUSTRALIA AND CHINA IA Anrar I Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. ko^i \^a?wu F> a A pp^l VAAßT b, Cll ADCdI Line. incorporated in japan. IMk Jfl MAATSCHAPPIJ »S» (COX RAN. R B IncorpOBATBD IN
      2,251 words