Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 April 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 964 1 c WANTED n RUBBBK CONSIGNMENTS 0 for our bi-weekly auction sales, and private sales. Cash Ad- o vances made. D h ORDERS FOR ESTATE SUPPLIES, o GOODS for forwarding to any g part of the world. Q FIKE INSURANCE business. ALLEN DENNYS Co., j* g 6 Beach St. and 7
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    • 81 1 ■anooDoanDnDDnDonDnDßaeDnß TXT HEN YOU ARE AWAY g V on leave you want to keep g n in touch with Malayan affairs, Social, Commercial Mining, Planting, Ac. Thia you can de a in no better way than by aubacnb- Q ing to the Weekly Edition of the n g “Pinang Gazette,”
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  • 688 2 HOW CAMEROON’S NATIVES GAVE THEIR BIT.” Allah Akbar the fine clear voice from the mosque rings out, bringing the evening call to prayer to an end in the North Cameroons town. Suddenly, almost startlingly, a deeper, more decided sound bursts forth. A big drum booms from the
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  • 157 2 The Hon Mr. Holyoak at the meeting of the Hongkong Legislative Council gave notice of his intention to ask the following question at the next mee’ing of the Legislative Council 1. —Will the Government state whether the attention of the Secretary of State for
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  • 91 2 In the House of Commons Major Pretyman-Newman raised the question of the dismissal of a young officer from the Army, and said it had been urged against him that he was of a somewhat melancholy disposition. Mr. Macpherson, in reply, declared that the case had had every consideration,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1289 2 PINANG GAZETTE. I ADY can Recommend Excellent and I L* Trustworthy Ayah very good with lOr Children, and Good Needle Woman. xn fl a j* j Apply No. 89, c/o Pinang Gazette, Casual Advertisements. 465-21-4 FOR SALE. TO LET. SITUATIONS VACANT. ETC. TXT ANTED an efficient and thoroughly VV capable
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    • 490 2 -TONAIKAIS THE BRITISH APERIENT WATER. Pleasant in taste. Painless in action. SOLD EVERYWHERE. WHAT YOU CAN GET AT wossiamuirs silk specialities. I New Arrival of; H Embroidered and Fancy Silk Goods. M All Very Moderately Priced. M 20/22, Beach Street Penang. .p-w.i.u.M.u.L s Grand Hotel —Hersteilingsoord ‘SINDANGLAJA,” PREAHCER—JAVA RAILWAYSTATION: TJANDJOER.
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  • 756 3 SHARE MARKET POSITION—COMMODITY OUTLOOK. Since the War Loan lists were closed the tone of the Rubber Share Market has been consistently strong, and the investment demand for good-class shares has steadily developed says the Financier of March 6. I Some little time back, when investment attention was riveted
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  • 776 3 Final Dividend Deferred, The eleventh annual ordinary general meeting of the above Co was held at Colombo at the office of Messrs. Bosanquet Co Agents and Secretaries represented by Mr E 1’ F S Harvey. Hon Mr R Huyshe Eliot presided. The Chairman —in moving the adoption
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  • 282 3 Thirty Per Cent. Dividend for thk Year. The directors’ report for the year ended December 31, 1916, for the meeting on April 24, reads After making ample provision depreciation and bad debts, the net profits amount ro $124,265.70 which, with the balance of $6,662.37 brought forward
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  • 192 3 A rubber swindle has apparently been claiming a number of victims amongst credulous people at Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Groningen. It is well known that no rubber is to be had outside Oversea Trust control. Those in the plot profess to have 150,000 kilos, of so
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  • 532 3 One thing the war has done,” said the Popular Novelist, “is to kill the silly superstition that it is unlucky to light three cigarettes with one match.” “Has it?” said the RNR man, who in private life before the flood used to be an
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  • 309 3 Reinforced by New Italian Divisions. Paris March 3.—Writing to the* Matin,” M Pierre Pichery, member of the Chamber of Deputies, who was sent to Salonika by the Commission for Foreign Affairs, says that the army in the East will play an important part in the war* The
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  • 524 3 JUDGMENT FOR K P M‘AGAINST MCALISTER AND CO. Mr Justice Sproule gave judgment in the Supreme Court, Singapore, in the action brought by the Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatschappij against the Ellerman and Bucknall Steamship Line, and Messrs. McAlister and Co., Ltd as agents, alleging breach of contract and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 203 3 Real Flesh Builder found at Last. New Home Remedy Works Wonders In Making Thin Undeveloped Men and Women Plump and Attractive. HOW TO GAIN 15 TO 40 lbs. Stop being a human beanpole. Chase away that long, lean, hungry look that makes folks think you’re sick or that you’re not
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    • 418 3 i Lassitude I) is a feeling of weariness, depression, fatigue, fl f which affects equally men, women and child- M ren, and it is most important that there signs V of a run-down condition be not neglected. S i Neglect may easily lead to more serious ailments. Therefore if you
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  • Russia.
    • 219 4 MINISTERS AT THE FRONT. Petrograd, April 18. The Premier «nd other Ministers visited Headquarters to discuss questions regarding the provisioning of the Russian armies. They noted that the general situation in the army, compared with the end of March, had considerably improved, especially in connection with the
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    • 49 4 Petrograd, April 18 In connection with the opening of the great Liberty Loan the Government has issued an appeal pointing out that the enemy’s aim restore the old regime, therefore Russia’s duty is to subscrioe to the loan to ensure victory and safeguard the new liberty.
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    • 31 4 IMPENDING GERMAN WITHDRAWAL? London, April 18. It is reported from Jassy that the Germans have burnt Braila and Focsany. Rumanian military authorities consider this symptomatic of an early German withdrawal.
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    • 345 4 Scarcely a day passes but some event suggests the immense future of the aeroplane as an engine of war. Even the slowest imagnation can foresee the time when aeroplanes will carry guns that will fight with submarines or even with the lighter artillery on land,
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  • 121 4 ADMIRALTY REPORTS. London, April 18. Admiralty reports that arrivals for the week were 2379 and sailings 2331 v 9 1600 tOns and nine Were unBu cce 89 f a lly attacked and 12 fishing vessels sunk. An Italian naval communique for the week ending April 15th says; 454
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  • General News.
    • 243 4 A SPLENDID RECORD OF ASSISTANCE. London, April 18. The Gazette publishes a despatch from General Smuts detailing the operations in German East Africa from October 28, 1916, to January Ist, 1917, when he relinquished command. After mentioning the evacuation of 12,000 white troops st the end of 1915
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    • 176 4 RECEPTION IN LONDON. London, April 17. At a reception this af e'noon at the Imperial Institute, in honour of the Dominion and Indian delegates attending the Imperia] War Conference, organised by the British Imperial League, the British Empire Club and other bodies, there were 2 500 guests,
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    • 65 4 FURTHER RESTRICTIONS. London, April 18. The Press Bureau states that under Lord Devonport’s order light pastries, muffins and crumpets, teacakes and ormamented cakes are prohib ted. Buns and «cones must contain only 50 per cent of wheaten flour, cakes 30 p j r eent. Cakes and biscuits
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    • 217 4 In spite of the submarine blockade an enormous quantity of agricultural produce was imported into the United Kingdom during the week ended March 3. The following table gives the quantities of some of the articles landed during the week together with the quantities in the corresponding week
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  • 1926 4 MINING LANDS PARTNERSHIP SUIT. The bearing was continued before Mr. Justice L. M. Woodward in the Supreme Court of the suit by Mrs. D. A Donald, widow of Mr. G. M. Donald against Mr. Malcolm Duncan, plaintiff claiming (1) to have an account taken of the partnership dealings
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  • 43 4 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE CLEARANCES. To-day. Donggala for Deli and Asahan. Aing Thye for Alor Star (Kedah). Ban Whatt Soon for Deli. Jin Ho for Langat (via Belawan). Pungah for Pangkalan Brandan(via Belawan). Kedah for Dindings Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson.
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  • 72 4 For Per Close. To-Morrow. Port Swettenham, Malacca and Port Dickson Cornelia 12.30 p.m. Rangoon (Mergui and Moulmein via Rangoon) 2 30 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore 2.30 p.m. Dindings Sitiawan and Bagan Datoh Pangkor 3-30 p.m. Pulau Langkwai and Perlis 3-30 p.m. Saturday. Rangoon (Mergui and Moulmein via Rangoon)
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  • 71 4 April 20.—Smoking Concert, Drill Hall, 9.15 p.m. April 21.—Kuala Sidim Rubber Co., Ltd., Annual General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, noon. April 21.—Bostock’s Royal Italian Circus. Dato Kramat Gardens. April 25.—Birthday of Yang di Per Tuan (Government Holiday in Negri Sembilan.) May 28.—Whit Monday. Gevemment Holiday. April 28.—Karr pong
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  • 127 4 Penang, April 19, 1917. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank}. London Demand Bank 2/4 1/4 4 months'sight Bank ...2/4 11/16 ii 3 Credit ...2/4 29/32 ii 3 Documentary ...2/4 15/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 164 3 days'sight Private 169 Bombay Demand Bank ]64 Moulmein Demand Bank „163 3 days’
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 152 4 EmpireTHEATRE Business Manager THOMAS SHAFTO. Showing To-night! A 4 Reel Detective Drama by the Famous Universal Film c 0 ENTITLED The Flight of the DIAMOND ALSO ANOTHER SCREAMINGLY FUNNY CHARLIE CHAPLIN Charlie’s Musical Career and a Magnificent Supporting Programme USUAL PRICES. Phone 628. SHOWING TO-NIGHT, A BIG VAUDEVILLE TURN BY
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    • 289 4 Central Sales Roon TO BE SOLD By Public Auction, At the above Sales Room. Horse, and Trap with Harness Complete. ON SATURDAY, 21st APRIL, I9|J AT 11 A.M. USUAL CONDITIONS OF SALE. I Terms :—Cash Before Delivery, CUNNINGHAM, CLARK i Co,, I Licensed Auctioneer, 21, Beach Street, Penn; THE PERAK
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  • 1405 5 SOME COMPARISONS. Iq his last official despatch published at the beginning of this year, and dated G.H.Q., December 23, 1916, Sir Douglas Haig, in dealing with the work of the Royal Flying Corps, laid particular stress on the importance of aircraft in warfare of to-day,
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  • 182 5 Proposed Improvement ok Canal from Rotterdam to the Sea. A Bill for the improvement of the waterway from Rotterdam to the sea has been pa sed by the Second Chamber of the States General. During the debate on this measure the Minister of Waterways stated that at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 168 5 I THE CIRQUE DE LUXE. I Bostocks I Royal Italian circus. NOTE ALTERATION OF DATE I GRAND OPENING NIGHT I Saturday, Jlpril 21st, 1917, DATO KRAMAT GARDENS S FOR SHORT SEASON ONLY1 The World’s Greatest Wonder Show I 200 “Tr 200 I 40 akX s 40 THE ALL EUROPEAN SHOW.
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    • 247 5 MUSCULAR BACKACHE. The muscles of the back do the heavy work of the body. When they are overworked or ill-nourished they ache and people begin to worry needlessly about their kidneys. Backache may be due to lumbago, which is rheumatism of the muscles of the back, but more backaches are
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  • 32 6 Wight^wick—Stilks—On Wednesday, April 11, at St. Mary’s Church, Acton, Humphrey Guest Wightwick, of the Singapore Electric Tramways, Ltd to Ethel Mary Stiles, formerly of the C E Z M S, Singapore.
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  • 1199 6 The panegerics that are being pronounced by Allied statesmen and publicists on America’s entry into the war on behalf of the great cause of human freedom, and the praises showered on oar new helper on the side of democratic liberty against militaristic autocracy should not blind us
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  • 1137 6 The raising of a liberty loan in Russia causes one’s Russia’s thoughts to turn to the Troub?es' C present enconomic condition of that country, which of course, has received very considerable financial assistance from the Allies since the war began. Since July, 1914, Russia has issued nearly
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  • 20 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin ia Penang was $101.50 per picul barer’ no sellers—a decrease of 15 cents.
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  • 31 6 Messrs. Sime, Darby Co., Ltd,, advise that the output for the first half of Apri from Larut Tin Dredging Ltd., was pica.; 391, hours run 317, yardage treated 44,000.
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  • 31 6 The following was the rubber quotation in London on April 17, received today Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 3s Smoked Sheet 3s [•By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead A Co.'
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  • 42 6 AUCTION PRICES DOWN, SHARES DULL. [Front Our Own Correspondent', Singapore, April 19. At the Singapore rubber auctions 7" tons were catalogu’d. Prices were down, but the demand was good. Ribbed smokei fetched $l6l, fine pale $l6O. unsmiked $l4O. Shares are dull.
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  • 354 6 [From Our Own Correspondent.' Singapore, April 19. The Bukit Timah report shows a profi: of $114,960. A final dividend of 'tP«’ cent is recommended, making 22| percent. There is carried forward $19,564. 11» all-in cost was 14 pence, The estimated lbs 225,000. Col. A. R. Adams left
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 DUNLOP TYRES. TO MOTORISTS S'* Gentleman —When you purchase a Dunlop Tyre you obtain a Tyre k p manufactured by f*'‘ the Company that was th® original '7. inventor of the J? f- Pneumatic Tyre and has had nearly 30 years experience in JESgSgS ISy ie trade. Therefore why use
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    • 65 6 “E. O.” SPECIAL DINNER. On Saturday, 21st April, 1917. MR. JOSEPH BLASCHECK. The Great English Humourist, and MISB ALYCE AUSTIN. The Charming Australian Singer and Entertainer, WILL APPEAR AFTER DINNER. DANCING. Selections of Operatic Music by the E. O.” ORCHESTRA, Conducted by Madam DIETZ. Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED. TELEPHONES. 5
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 40 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for bo-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To DAY. 11.00 a.m. 4.39 a m. 11 03 p.m, 5.10 p.m. To MORROW. 11.34 a.m. 5.19 a.m. 11.43 p.m. 5.50 p.m.
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  • 17 6 DEATH. Wyngaarden—On April 12, at Batavia, D.J. van Wyngaarden, formerly of Amsterdam and Singapore aged 59 years.
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  • 218 7 advances in champagne. LATEST BRITISH GAINS. HOUSE OF COMMONS AND AMERICA SUBMARINES SOUTH OF NEW YORK. The British troops have advanced at several points between St Qientin and the Bapaume-Cambrai Road, and they continue to ex* rt pressure on the Germans in the Lens area. The capture
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 1021 7 [Rruter’s Telegrams]. FURTHER CONSIDERABLE ADVANCES. London, April 18. A French communique says We extended our action east of Rheims and attacked the German lines between Prunay and St. Hiliaire-Bt. Soupplet road. Notwithstanding violent squalls of rain and snow, our troops advanced with irresistible ardour and carried, on
      [Rruter’s Telegrams].  -  1,021 words
    • 399 7 PRESSURE AT LENS. London, April 18 Field Marshal Haig reports: We made further progress north of Gouzeaucourt, near Havrincourt wood. Encounters occurred throughout the day west and north-west of Lens, where we continue to press the enemy. Hostile attempts to drive back our advanced troops failed. Much useful
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    • 124 7 Rome, March 3. Victory is now certain on the British front,’’ said a high authority who has just returned from France. I have no words,’ he continued, to express the admiration which has been aroused in me by the magnificent preparatory organisation and splendid
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    • 341 7 EXTENSIVE DISLOCATION. London, April 18. For some days past news has been arriving of grave industrial discontent in Germany. A great strike of metd and wood workers and transport workers broke out during the week-end in Berlin, the first serious labour trouble since the munitionmakers* strike after
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    • 161 7 KING DECORATES OFFICERS. London, April 18. H. M. the King reviewed the Australians on Salisbury Plain, where he was welcomed by a distinguished company, including the High Commissioner, AgentsGeneral, the American Attache and General Turner, Commanding the Canadians. His Majesty minutely inspected the lines and then the troops
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    • 94 7 WHAT GERMAN DEFEAT WILL BRING. Amsterdam, April 18. Count Reventlow, writing in the Tages Zeitung warns the Kaiser not to heed the appeals now appearing in many German newspapers to renounce territorial expansion. He says Without a German victory the German monarchy would soon cease to
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  • 32 7 London, April 18. The Press Bureau says the Shipping Controller invites information regarding any projects to establish new shipbuilding yards, and be also seeks to expedite construction of marine engines.
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  • 869 7 AN EXPRESSION OF APPRECIATION. London, April 16. The Hoase of Commons passed ananimously, amid cheers, the resolution regarding America’s entry into the war, as follows The House desires to express to the Government and people of the United States its profoand appreciation of the action of
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  • 107 7 U.S. DESTROYED FIRED ON. Washington, April 18. A German submarine fired on an American destroyer a hundred miles south, of New York; thus the German submarine blockade of American ports has begun. Torpedo Fired. Washington, Later. The Nevy Department announces that the destroyer sighted the submarine
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  • 36 7 AMERICA’S WUI CREPIT. Washington, April 18. The Senate vo r »*d unanimously a $7,000,000,000 Revenue Bill, including amendments which necessitate a conference of the two Houses before President Wilson can sign the bill.
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  • 150 7 GERMAN HOUSES FIRED. Rio de Jane’ro, April 18. A crowd at Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul) attacked and damaged 270 German house®, and set fire to the German Club, a hotel and a large store. The Police werq powerless. The fire spread to the houses of
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  • 138 7 London, March 8. —The "Daily Telegraph’s financial correspondent in New York, telegraphing yesterday on market movements of the day, refers as a thing of which everyone in Wall Street is aware, to the intimation that Great Britain’s war contracts in the United States will terminate at
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  • 134 7 Peking, 30th March. Reuter’s Agency is informed that the Spanish Legation has received a telegram sent from Madrid on the 29th stating that the leaders of the Labour Party in Spain have declared a general strike till further notice. The movement had a revolutionary character which increased
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  • 934 8 A NERVE RACKING EXISTENCE. Though the number of German naval deserters is small compared to the defections from the army, their ranks are steadily increasing. Lately an electrician from one of the U boats has come over the frontier, and the Amsterdam Tele graaf has
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  • 842 8 COFFEE EXPORTS. Rio de Janeiro, February 28.—The newspaper A Noticia remarks that British Ministers will have been able to see in the opinions expressed by the Brazilian Press the general impression caused in Brazil by the prohibition of the import of coffee with England. “And,” adds the journal,
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  • 320 8 According to a report to his Government by the United States Consul-General at Rio de Janeiro, the Department of Agriculture of the Brazilian Government estimates the total annual production of sugar in Brazil at 300,000 metric tons, equivalent to 5,000,000 bags of about 135 lbs each. Of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 595 8 [The Certain and incomparable Strengthener W is Dr. Cassell’s Tablets. The great strength-giving power of Dr. Cassell’s 'tablets makes them an ideal restorative in malarial fever and dysentery, and the bodily weakness and exhaustion which follow. They give strength to fight the disease, and so cut short the attack. Take
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  • 1973 9 WHY KUT FELL. (On the road to Aziziyab, February 28th 1917.) Mr. Edmond Candler writes The Turks must have been very much in the dark as to what our next move would be when we had cleared the Dahra Bend. We held the right bank of the Tigris,
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  • 262 9 We are in a position to make an announcement which will be read with considerable interest in Cornwall, viz., that the St. Ives group of mines—the Giew, St. Agnes Consols and Tronwith mines—have been bought by a group who are connected with the Thermo-Electric Ore Reduction Corporation.
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  • 239 9 The clergy of the Church of England are meeting this week in Singapore. The following are attending the Conference The Reverends L. W. Coleman (Java) E. L. Danson (Seremban); K. Garnier(Penpng); E. N. Greenhow (Ipoh); H. C. Henham (Batu Gajah) C. J. Simmons (Bangkok) D. J. Devaperian
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  • 65 9 Messrs. Allen Dennys Co. advise that at their 273rd sale the undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by auction Smoked ribbed sheet $152 to $159 plain 123 No 2S. sheet diamond 135 149 Unsmoked sheet 120 126 No 2 unsmoked sheet 110 Crepe Fine brown 123
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  • 96 9 [From Our Own Singapore, April 19. The Diocesan Conference has opened. Sixteen clergy are attending. In the course of discussion, of the National Mission, the Rev. Roberts noted the failure of the Church to reach young men. There was a need for more real fellowship and a
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  • 307 9 Mann bin Ali, a Malay boy, was convicted and sentenced to six months imprisonment today when he appeared before Mr R.D. Action, in the District Court, Penang, charged with houseb’eaking (by day). He was originally concerned in two charges, the first mentioned and the second, disposing of stolen property,
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  • 356 9 F.M.S. Men Killed. Mail papers report:— Lieutenant A S Middleton Best, Royal Engineers, who has been killed, was 31 years of age. He was the second sol of Mr and Mrs C W Best, Peubryn, Brecon He studied engineering under his father, and was a B
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  • 186 9 R J Saunders and E H Everest met last evening on the Padang to decide an unfinished tie, the winner of which meets Threlfall, the Champion, in the final of the P.C.C. lawn tennis tournament. There was quite a large number of spectators present. On the
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  • 24 9 COMPETITIONS. Calcutta Medal—l 6 holes medal play ordinary handicap. Monthly Medal—To be played for on Saturday, Sunday, 21st and 22nd April.
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  • 587 9 A Rotterdammer who has just returned from a visit to Germany has given the following version of his experiences to the Teiegraaf The situation in Germany is pitiful. One soldier told me that of his three son®, two were dead and the other was at Verdun.
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  • 50 9 Monday the 23rd inst. being St. George’s Day the Parade is cancelled, and will be held instead on Wednesday the 25th inst. at the Esplanade at 5-15 p.m. The parade on Tuesday the 24th inst. will be at the junction of McAlister and Ayer Rajah Roads as usual.
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  • 247 9 Collections at E. O. Hotel Entertainment by Miss Austin and Mr. Biascheck, $71.00. Vice-Admiral Njpgovar has been appointed Commander of the Austro-Hungarian fleet, and Vice Admiral Kadler, Chief of the Naval Department. Topical war pictures, a Charlie Chaplin Screen and the Detective Drama The Flight of the
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  • 415 9 The German Foreign Secretary, Zimmermann, recently explained in the Reichstag that he had been blamed so often for not finding new Allies for Germany that he had instructed Count Bernstorf! (German Ambassador at Washington) to offer an alliance to Mexico in order that the Mexicans might attack the
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  • 180 9 Penang, April 19, 1917. 9 Beef—ct». Soup per catty 16 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 40 Tongue 50 Feet 25 Heart 40 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 35 Pig’s Head 22 Feet 26 Tongue 38
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 61 9 NOTICE, LABOUR CODE. 1912, F.M.S. INDIAN IMMIGRATION FUND ORDINANCE 1911.” EMPLOYERS of Indian labour are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Dy. Controller of Labour, Penang, during the mouths of April, July, October, and January. Forms for there turn
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  • 860 10 A DEFENCE. Writing to the Singapore Free Press,” T.D P. says: I see that the Bishop of Singapore and Mr JAB Cook join hands in denouncing the granting by the Government of India of permission to the Western Indian Turf Club to hold a lottery for the
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  • 50 10 We have found the right man on the Western front, and we have also, after several experiments, found the right man in the East, if we may judge by the thorough defeat Sir Stanley Maude has inflicted upon the Turks. These are cheerful omens.—“ Morning Post.”
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  • 23 10 Penang :—The E &O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel. Singapore :—Raffles Hotel, Rangoon :—Strand Hotel. SINDANGLAJA PreANGEB, JAVA Grand Hotel,
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  • 746 10 WILL IT BE VERIFIED? While the majority of British military critics are labouring to discover some hidden motive behind the German retirement on the Ancre, and the probable geographical extent of that retirement, French military critics, on the other hand, are concerning themselve-* mainy with an examination
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  • 151 10 There are, perhaps, adequate reasons why at the moment the speculative market should languish, but it is none the less an amazing state of affairs that the Tin Market should be up to its neck in the state of vegetation now prevailing. After the temporary set back of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 324 10 Cockle’s Pills are distinguished by the fact that they work by co-operating with the natural forces which want to keep you in health; instead of by irritating and antagonising them. Your system, therefore, does not set up any resistance; the dose need not be increased, or repeated more frequently. For
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    • 415 10 mxxxxxxxxmxxxxmxxxmxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjj J SIME, DARBY Co., Ltd. I X X PENANG. x X S (Late Sellar Murray Co.) 1 [stale Supplies. Minin; Requisites, Large stocks always carried of all As Sole Agents for some of the X X -ju I principal British Manufacturers of X X articles required by Planter AA
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  • 221 11 ARREST OF AGED COUNTESS. Peking, March 30.—The following facts have been ascertained concerning the arrest of Countess Kleinmichael in the Chinese Legation at Petrograd. The Countess, who is over seventy years of age and resided next door to the Chinese Legation, daring the Revolution asked to
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  • 246 11 Cable Code Mystery. The Financial News raises the following extremely interesting question In the course of his address for the defendants in the libel action against the Deutsche Bank, Sir John Simon alluded to certain cables sent by the bank, apparently on or about October 22, 1914, to
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  • 161 11 Hang German Princelets It is evident the Hun means cruel business with the British and French prisoners, and it is hardly necessary to say he will do it well. If what has taken place means anything, it is that as the fight grows fiercer and more genera) in the West,
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  • 119 11 The Berlin Local Advertiser has several columns of advertisements from candidates for the lists of wedlock. One runs Elderly nobleman, divorced, without fortune, wishes to marry as soon as possible.” A count belonging to the “original nobility (Uradel), also without a penny, makes known a similar desire.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 579 11 AYLESBURY NUTTER LIMITED. M M (INCORPORATED IN F.M.S.) RAILWAY BUILDING, PENANG. -s-—■ Shipping and Forwarding Agents. J M TELEBRAMS: "AYLESBURY" TELEPHONE Ml. 359. M fKMMIMMIVIIIWNIKKHHIMMMaMMIMW# iFi l lr)HTTniinTfrf»ftn»ua t»iixi±«inilit»n.iit,..iJj. l xi.i.iliJJX> JXI.iXLI.PCE I j Chivas Brothers FOUNDED 1801 Purveyors, by Special Appointment, to His Majesty King George V, Her Majesty
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2076 12 b v |k J| BANKS P. O.— British India h"^■ IVI» ch is t ?saliai nk Ancar Line j»»»»M»ns««»— m»c..u. jIgWA xx“" B r-r*-INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. Reserve Fund f ’W. I I I .h (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) Reserve Liability of Proprietors ifo(Comfanieb ISCOKPOKATKU Enoland.) A < (Royal Packet S. N.
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