Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 April 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 623 1 claQDODQoaaDoaaanDaDnaaaaQDQ E n -WANTED— g C rubber consignments c for our bi-weekly auction sales, and private sales. Cash Ad- vances made. c ORDERS FOR ESTATE SUPPLIES, o Q D GOODS for forwarding to any q part of the world. D FIRE INSURANCE business. ALLEN DENNYS Co.. p 6 Beach St.
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    • 80 1 TXT HEN YOU ARE AWAY V V on leave you want to keep g in touch with Malayan affairs, a Social, Commercial, Mining, Planting, Ac. This you can de q g in no better way than by subscno- a ing to the Weekly Edition of the o a Pmsug Gazette,"
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  • General News.
    • 446 2 TENTATIVE OFFER TO RUSSIA. Amsterdam, April 16 Austria semi-officially announces that she considers the Russian Government’s manifeststo of April 10th a basis for peace Austria’s Appeal. Amsterdam, April 16. The Austrian Government has authorised a statement practically amounting to a peace offer to Russia. The statement says
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    • 78 2 Petrograd, April 10. The Provisional Government issued a proclamation declaring that a free Russia has no aims for the domination of other nations, depriving them of their national patrimony or occupying forcibly foreign territories. Its object is to establish a durable peace on the basis of the
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    • 206 2 Austrian Parliament to Meet at Last Amsterdam, February 23.—The negotiations for a working agreement between Austria and Hungary have reached such a stage that questions of commercial policy can now be discussed with a third State. The first sitting of the Austrian Reichsrat is expected in May. Discontent
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    • 325 2 MAHARAJA OF BIKANIR AND THE EMPIRE. Edinburgh, April 12 Following Sir R Borden, General Smuts referred to the solidarity of the Union of South Africa. He declared he was fighting to-day for the same cause which be fought against Britain fifteen years ago, namely, for freedom
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    • 53 2 London, April 16. A peace meeting io the East End of London was wrecked. Flags we e torn up by indignant crowds, and two pacifists were hurled railings. The proceedings were concluded by the holding of a meeting in aid of discharged •soldiers, and a large
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    • 64 2 London, April 15. The workmen and officials at Krupp's works at Kiel have demanded an immediate increase of the food allowance and of wages -of 33£ per cent, apart from the war bonus. The directors addressed the men, declaring that they were only drawing allowances like the
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    • 35 2 Amsterdam, April 16. Herr Harden, writing in “Die Zukunft expresses distrust of the Kaiser’s promised constitutional reforms, and declares it is unnecessary anyhow to postpone the proposals till after the war.
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    • 13 2 Petrograd, April 16. Gen°ral Alexeift has definitely been ap pointed Commander-in-Chief.
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    • 26 2 Copenhagen, April 16. The City of Copenhagen is threatened with a coal famine. It is expected the theatres will close on May Ist.
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    • 177 2 Amsterdam March 9 —Herr Ko r ers, a Socialist, delivered a sneech, which is published by Vorwaerts,” nnd has created a great sensation. Kofers asserted that suicides in Germany wem due to distres o which was increasing. Parents had become demented because food was unprocurable, sometimes they
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  • 1139 2 FEDERAL COMMISSIONER'S VISIT. P. G. Special.'] A representative of the Pinang Gazette was accorded an interesting interview by Senator J. J. Long, Trade Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Australia, who is at present in Penang. Mr. Long, who is a Senator in the Federal Parliament
    [ P. G. Special.']  -  1,139 words
  • 177 2 Britain and Dutch Shipping. Reuter’s Agency understands thab opinion in well-informed British quarters resents as a thoroughly partial view the inference drawn in certain sections of the Nether lands press that Great Britain, by a recent Order in Council, is endeavouring to force Dutch vessels to share
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  • 68 2 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy and Co.’s share list Yesterday. To day. Eg Shares. S 5 s’® a a Rubber (Dollar). Pajam slB| $l9 $lB slBj P.-Perak $2.30 $2.40 $2.35'52.45 ex Ulu Pandan 90c $1 90c 95c Mining. Cheuderiang 7/- 8/- 8/- 9/.
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  • 877 2 Dr. and Mrs Jamieso i left by rail fr Singapore to-day, en route for Home Mr. A. E. T. Murray is laid up w j.. fever, and it will a few days before he return to business. Dr Archibald Miller, son of Mr j Miller, late of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 319 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. THE PENANG BISLEY PRIZE GIVING, followed by a Smoking Concert, will be held on Friday night, the 20th inat, at the P. V. Drill Hall, commencing at 9-15 p.m. No special invitations will be issued but all Members P. V. and P. V. R. C. are cordially
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  • 30 2 Obituary. London, Anril 16 M. Zamenhof, the inventor of Esperanto, is dead. DEATH. Voules —On 17th April, 1917, at th General Hospital, Penang, Alice Mary, wife of Arthur Blennerhasset Voules.
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  • 938 3 MR. H. G. WELLS ON SPORTING INBTINCIS,Certain considerations that he thinks should modify the present reluctance to issue some form of premium bonds are set forth by Mr. H. G. Wells in a letter in the Times.” He writes It is too often overlooked that a difference in
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  • 1136 3 THE JUDGMENT IN RALLI BROS AND A.M.B ANGULLIA. In the Supreme Court, Singapore on Wednesday afternoon, the Chief Justice (Sir John Bucknill, K C) delivered judgment in the case of Ralli Brothers, of Calcutta vs. Ahmed Mohamed Salley Angullia, merchant, of Singapore. The plaintiffs sued the defendant
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  • 51 3 April 20.—Smoking Concert, Drill Hall, 9.15 p.m. April 21.—Kuala Sidim Rubber Co., Ltd., Annual General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, noon. April 25.—Birthday of Yang di Per Tuan (Government Holiday in Negri Sembilan.) May 28.—Whit Monday. Gevernment Holiday. June 3.—Birthday of the King Emperor. June 4.—Government Holiday (for King’s
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 370 3 WANTED an efficient and thoroughly capable Shorthand-Typist for Malay States. Apply Dox No. 86, c/o Pinang Gazette. 440-20-4 TAMIL CONDUCTOR WANTED FOR RUBBER ESTATE knowledge of Tapping essential. Apply Sungei Krian Estate, Bagan Serai. 141 17-4 TO LET. No. 3, Rosa Road. Apply to Messrs. Nambyar Cheng Ean. c TOL
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    • 145 3 The British Government and the Government of the Straits Settlements have both decided that One-sixth of One’s Income is a proper amouut for a man to spend fjr Assurance of his Wife and Children and provision for his old age, And they have agreed to remit the INCOME TAX on
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    • 250 3 FRESH STOCKS OF X Monti Chests (19"xl9" 24" x Cary s Box Strapping f" Width. g Wood). Sodium Bisulphite. M M Wire Nails, (All Sizes) Shanghai Jars. t M W Formalin 40% Vol. Acetic Acid 99 Pure Glacial. Ml Tapping Knives, (All Types). (European ana J pantse). H M Coagulating
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 106 3 EMPIRE THEATRE Business Manager THOMAS SHAFTO.f ■r MB JH SOCaI Kr IB i_y J art A Joseph BLASCHECK Alyce AUSTIN The Great English Humourist. The Charming Australian Singer and Entertainer. FAREWELL APPEARANCE WITH COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME To-Night! To-Night!! To-Night!!! Magnificent Programme of Humour and Music and A Star Programme
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  • 900 4 The Prime Minister in the course of his great speech a few days ago to the American Luncheon Club in London declared that Prussia was neither a democracy nor a State, but an army. It only needs that this fact and what it involves should be firmly
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  • 29 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $101.50 per picul, business done. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £217 15s spot, and £2lB three months.
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  • 228 4 Messrs. Sime, Darby Co., Ltd,, supply particulars of the output from the following companies for the first half of April was as follows Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd., piculs 170 hours run 316 Chenderiang Tin Dredging Ltd., Dredge piculs 250 hours run 308. The record of Karapong Kamunting Tin
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  • 1844 4 The appeal of President Wilson to tbe people of the United States to rally to the Gompers. sar vice of the nation and the Allies for the supply of food and material will doubtless he responded to by the great majority of the American people. Difficulties which
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 257 4 HEINEKEN’S BEER STAR BRAND. BENSDORP'S COCOA AND CHOCOLATES OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. SOLE AGENTS: THE HOLLAND STRAITS TRADING CO., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) (Late BOELEN Co.), 49, Beach Street, Penang. WHAT YOU CAN GET AT wassiamuii's silk specialities. g New Arrival of; g Embroidered and Fancy Silk Goods. All Very Moderately Priced.
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    • 42 4 E. O.” Latest Music by the “E. O.” Orchestra everyday during and after dinner and on Wednesdays and Saturdays during Tiffin. i Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED. TELEPHONES. Printing Works Manager and Z Cashier’s Office, 498 Managing Editor 477 Editor's Residence 221 "■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 42 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To-day 9 46 a m. 2.51 a m. 9 25 p.m. 3.33 p.m. To MORROW. 10.24 a.m, 3.51 a.m. 10.18 p.m. 4.26 p.m.
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  • 112 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams]. NEW BRITISH GAINS. HEAVY GERMAN LOSSES. APPEAL TO AMERICAN CITIZENS. The British forces, who have apparently not yet occupied Lens, are gradually closing in on that town, and on St. Quentin. Progress has also been made at different points between Croisilies and St. Quentin. Details of
    [Reuter’s Telegrams].  -  112 words
  • France and Belgium.
    • Article, Illustration
      1314 5 PROGRESS NEAR ST. QUENTIN. London, April 15. Field Marshal Haig reports that as the result of of St. Quentin the British gained ground east of and north of Gricourt. We also made progress in the neighbourhood of Havrincourt wood, and east of Lievin we are approaching the outskirts
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  • 131 5 It is a matter of common talk in well informed circles that -ue enemy does not like our new gas shells, and therein is one of the main reasons why he has found it advisable to move towards his line a little nearer Apropos of this,
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  • 1985 5 GREAT APPEAL BY PRESIDENT WILSON. Washington, April 15. In a personal appeal to his fellowcitizens, President Wilson ctlla upon every American citizen, man, woman and child, to join in the preservation of the nation’s ideals for the triumph of democracy in the world. He says the
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  • 406 5 Discussing the feeling in Argentina towards the war and the British and German colonies M. Perdeck writes in the .Vie'/we Rotterdermsche. Courant :—There is certainly no antiGerman spirit among the people, while the army is entirely German, the majority of the officers having studied in Germany and
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  • 143 5 Madrid, March 10. —In fulfilment of the orders given by the Government after the Cabinet council, a strict censorship has been established over the telegraphic and telephonic lines to prevent the communication of any news relating to the departure and arrival of ships at Spanish ports. The
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  • 127 5 New York, March 12—Senor Venustiano Carranza was re-elected President of Mexico yesterday with virtually no opposition. A prominent business man who has just returned from Mexico City has written a series of articles for the “New York Herald,” in the first of which he declares that
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    • 88 6 Leaders of the Russian RevoltLondon, March 18.—Mr H Y Hyndman, Socialist leader, in an interview, said he had been aware for some time that the Dowager Em» ress, the advanced party of the Duma and Council of Empire, and some of the commanders at the front,
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    • 143 6 London, March 18.—The Manchester Guardian’s correspondent telegraphs that Lord Milner’s visit to Russia was partly connected with the country’s internal conditions, and he endeavoured to effect an agreement between the Czar and the Duma. The Czar rejected a suggestion that he ahoul i appoint a Ministry
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    • 243 6 Petrograd, March 18—M. Rodzianko boldly stands out as the man responsible for the maintenance of order. If the news is a surprise to the rest of the world the cause is the ©ver-rigorous censorship. The country has been restless for months, owing to the rise
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    • 163 6 London, March 18.—There was a most impressive scene on the arrival of the Preobrajensky Guards, with their colonel and officers, at Taurida Palace. All the men are of giant stature, and were drawn up four deep the whole length of the enormous Caterine Hall. M. Rodzianko came out
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    • 140 6 New York, March 18.—The New York •‘Herald” says: The revolt is against a corrupt and treacherous Germanised aristocracy. The revolution will result in a notable strengthening of Russia’s position in the war.” The “Tribune” says:—“The year 1917 may be for Russia what 1789 was for France.” The
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    • 119 6 Stockholm, March 18.—The Social Demokraten states that the leaders of the Octobrist party, before the outbreak of the revolution, visited headquarters and conferred with a number of generals. They were also received by the Czar, and held a conference with the Grand Duke Michael. The Octobrists gained the
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    • 58 6 Vancouver, March 18.—The New York Times correspondent, recently returned from Petrograd, says that Prince Lvoff is the most popular man in Russia. He was organiser of the food supplies for the armies, and possesses the confidence of the Russian people. The Grand Duke Michael is a strong
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    • 406 6 The Littie Father.” London, March 18. —Professor James Young Simpson, who was recently in Russia, in an interview, said The Czar's manifesto is calculated to stir up an enormous amount of sympathy in the Russian people for the Throne. It will possibly have an effect later, that is, if the
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    • 155 6 London, March 18.—The Daily Chronicle’s Petrograd correspondent states that normal life is being resumed and that the leaders of the new era have shown in an hour of the terrible trial a supreme patriotism and nobility that will be a beacon light in the great days through
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    • 131 6 Kerensky won victory in an historical speech. Appearing in a stormy assembly, he mounted the table and with flashing eyes and passionate utterance announced the acceptance of the post of Minister for Justice. The announcement turned the tide. Amid cheering, he- continued “Comrades, in entering the Provisional Government
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    • 157 6 London, March 18.—The Observer,” commenting on the Russians resolve to vanquish the Germans within, equally the Germans without, says The cry is raised with exultant and formidable passion unknown since 1812. This spirit will double the working and fighting power of the people numbering 280,000,000. All along
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    • 178 6 New York, March 18.—Arno Doschfleuro. the New York “World’s” Petrograd correspondent, writes that the revolutionary party is now in complete control of the great cities. The moit remarkable feature of the revolt was the rapidity with which order was restored. I happened to be at a central point
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    • 245 6 Melbourne, March 16.—1 n the House of Representatives, this afternoon, Mr. Bamford asked would the Government, in view of the possibility of the occurrences in Russia detrimentally affecting the interests of Australia, reconsider its determination to send Parliament to the country at this juncture The Prime Minister
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    • 113 6 New York, March 18.—The New York Times says that information given by a deserting German sailor shows that more submarines will not return tfian the Government dares to admit. When they arrive back after a month’s cruise it is necessary to drydock them for a month. To be
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    • 90 6 New York, March 18—Mr. Gerard, United States Ambassador to Germany, was welcomed here. During an address he said ‘•We are on the verge of war with Germany, and I believe those of German descent in the United States will remain loyal.” Mr. Gerard expressed disappointment at the utter
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    • 74 6 London, March 9.—The Daily Telegraph’s correspondent at Amsterdam says that while the pinch of hunger is felt in Germany, it is easy to exaggerate the importance of the hunger riots and other manifestations. These will not change the policy of the German authorities, who place the army
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    • 63 6 Philadelphia, March 9.—Countess Anna Dagenfeld, the late Count Zeppelin’s niece, is of opinion that Zeppelin’s death was due in directly to the failure of the balloons to accomplish the purposes for which he intended their invention. The countess recently received a letter from Zeppelin, in which the Count
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    • 55 6 Washington, March 18 —Reports from American representatives abroad indicate that the Russian revolution may lead to stronger measures being taken to deal with the King of the Hellenes perhaps his abdication may follow. The collapse of Turkey is reported probable in view of the condition of the
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    • 59 6 London, March 16.—A thrilling aviation feat has been accomplished at Brooklands. He looped the loop sidways, wing over wing, making the biplane revolve’ like a windmill. The feat was (Commenced at a height of 1500 ft., ar.d continued until within 300 ft. of the ground, when the
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    • 28 6 London, March 16.—The Army Council is considering whether it will introduce a distinguishing mark for soldiers who have served long periods in the firing line.
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    • 30 6 New York, March 16.—Germany has offered a years’ interest at 6 per cent, in advance on a 10,000,000 dol. loan if the holders will renew in a year.
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    • 335 6 London, March 17.—The Nation comments Mr. Bonar Law might have delivered nine-tenths of Mr. Lloyd George’s so-called Home Rule speech, which is really an affirmation of Ulster’s claim to xeto the Home Rule Bill. What has happened in Ireland is a sequel to the dethronement of the Liberals
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    • 25 6 London, March 16 —Cabinet has approved of the scheme of Sir A. Mond, First Commissioner of Works, for a national war museum.
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  • 357 6 The subject of how enemy shipping shall ba dealt with at the close of the war will be discussed at the annual conference of the Association of Chambers of Commerce this month. A proposal, from Manchester will be made that the Government be requested
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  • 1141 6 BRITISH AND RUSSIANS JOIN HANDS. THE RUSSIAN MARCH FROM HAMADAN Simla, April 7.—A communique says The Russian and British advanced detachments established touch on the 2nd April on the left of the left bank of the Diala River. The Turkish forces in this region are reported to be in
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  • 376 6 The report of the Committee of th e Batu Tiga District Planters’ Associafin. for the year 1916-1917 states that. Labour conditions are fair. The general health of the district may considered good. The amount collected by private sub. scriptions to the Planters’ War Relief Fund was $2,790
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  • 186 6 Per P O from London.—’ Singapore: Mr Eraser, Mrs Oldmao. Mr Keir, Dr and Miss Slevertoo, Mt H Kde Jong, M Honwer, Mr and Mn Marsh, Mr Pope, Mr Pric°, Mr Hayes. Mr Bamford, Mr Pitts To Penang' Mn May, Mr Adams, Mr Wright, Mr Taylor.
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  • 36 6 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFF cE CLEARANCES. To-day. Speelman for Deli, Langsa. Edi, T. Se®* Segli, Olehleh and Sabang. Sappho for Teluk Anson. Pangkor tor Dindings and Sitiawan. Klang for Port Swettenham and Bingap or
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  • 35 6 Clo* 1 For Per To-Morkow. j, Moulmein 1 Rangoon and Calcutta (Mergui p j via Rangoon) p.oi Ceylon, Australasia, > g Mauritius, India, f Reg- up to Aden, Egypt and i Parcels Europe, etc. J
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 195 6 IN THE HOT SEASON. Many people softer from overheating of the blood, with weariness and a sense of being too tired in the morning, even if there are no pimples or sallowuess of the skin to show that medicine is needed. The great mistake that people make at this time
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  • 1800 7 SOME EXPLANATIONS. Complaints have been made in various quarters as to the complexityy of the Ordinance, the number of Forms which have to be used and other matters which make the collection and payment of this tax a difficult and complicated matter. It is believed, however. says
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  • 207 7 J.P. FINED £4.000 FOR CHEATING. For making false statements in his incometax returns John Williams, director of the Clayton Tinplate Company and a J.P. for Glamorgan, was, at Cardiff, fined £4,000 and ordered to pay £lOO towards the costs of the prosecution, or in default 12 months’
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  • 792 7 In view of the latest revelations of German intrigues all over the American Continent, the following data should prove of exceptional interest writes Mr. Stanley Whitman. A wealthy American merchant, long domiciled in England, was many years ago a fellowpassenger with the late Dr. von
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  • 227 7 Mr. Isaac Marcosson, the distinguished American journalist, who has just returned from his third visit to the British Army in France, speaking at the American Luncheon Club, said :—What was most wonderful in the war was its business organisation. The one thing that was going to win
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  • 56 7 Colombo, 7th April.—The London correspondent of the Times of Ceylon” states that the plantation imports in March were 5,123 tons and the deliveries 5,304 tons The total stocks of para and plantation rubber are 10, 593 tons, as against 7,944 tons. Sir Edward Rosling has been elected
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  • 816 7  -  By James Norman Hall. From “The Atlantic Monthly” we quote lines that are of interest for more than one reason. In the first place, says an American Exchange they seem to be a true picture of the difference between the attitude of th civilian and the attitude
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  • 147 7 Pbnang, April 17, 1917. S. P. Tapioca $7.80 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $B.OO sales. Gold leaf $72. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) sl6| buyers. Black Pepper $25 buyers. White Pepper $4O sellers. Trang Pepper ...$32.00 sellers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $5B sellers. Cloves $4O sellers. Nutmegs
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  • 330 7 PENANG VOLUNTEER RIFLE CLUB. The following were Sunday’s results 300 Yards Rapid. Pte L M Woodward with h’cap -75 made 37.00 Sergt F T Kinder .71 36.52 2nd/Lt V G Ezechiel -78 36 04 L/Corpl E W F Gilman 80 35.80 Pte G S Evans *73 35 68
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  • 180 7 THE ENGLISH HUMOURIST. The two clever entertainers Miss Alyce Austin Mr Joseph Biascheck are to give a farewell performance at the Empire Theatre to-night. When these artists were here a few weeks ago we had the pleasure of speaking in the highest terms of their talent as humourists and
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  • 71 7 [From Our Own Correspondent], Singapore, April 17. Messrs. Fraser and Neave, Ltd., report that their net profits were $124,265. A final dividend of 12| per cent aud a bonus of 5 per cent, making 30 per cent for the year is declared, $8,478 is carried
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  • 130 7 Pbnang, April 17, 1917. (By Courtesy ot the Chartered Bank*. London Demand Bank .2/4 1/4 4 months* sight Bank ...2/4 11/16 3 Credit ...2/4 29/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 15/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 164 5 3 days'sight Private 169 Bombay Demand Bank „164 Moulmein Demand Bank „163 o 3
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  • 936 7 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS. The foil 1 wing is the report to be presented at the first of general meeting shareholders at Taiping. ou 28th inst; The directors herewith present their fiist report to the shareholders accompanied by duly audited balance sheet and profit and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2326 8 P. O. —British India MY. K. hpv K. P. M. AND JL J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA Aocar Line JiH Mai i SteamshipCo Ld I KWh kon n^Tcha a p?m vaart MUvQI LalllVl INCORPORATED IN JAPAN RMSk Reserve Fund «m2 r I (INCOBPOBATED IH BOUAHD.) Reserve Li bility of Proprietore f
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