Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 April 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 816 1 WANTED RUBBER CONSIGNMENTS for our bi-weekly auction sales, a and private sales. Cash Ad- o vances made. g ORDERS FOR ESTATE SUPPLIES. GOODS for forwarding to any part of the world. g FIRE INSURANCE business. a ALLEN DENNYS Co., g 6 Beach St. and 7 Union St., Penang. D o
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    • 78 1 uuonoc □□□□□■□eocib \A7 HKN y °u are away q O V V op leave you want to keep O >3 in touch with Malayan affairs, Social,, Commercial, Mining, Ac. This you can d« g in no bptter way than by subscrib- ing to the Weekly Edition of the g “Pinang
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  • Russia.
    • 226 2 ENEMY REPULSES. London, April 3. A Russian official report says We threw back at the bayonet point enemy attacks which penetrated our trenches in the regions south of Illukst and south-east of Vladimir-Volynsk. Russian Aviators' Adventure. A Russian seaplane raiding Derkas, was compelled to descend. The Russian
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    • 38 2 ALEXEIEFF APPOINTED. Petrograd, April 3. General Alexeieff has been confirmed in the post of Commander-in-Chief. General Brussiloff, the Commander of the Southern Army, telegraphed to M Gutchkoff, the War Minister, stating that his Army is ready.
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 22 2 THE ADVANCE TO SAMARRA. London, April 2. A Mesopotamia official report says We occupied Deli-Abbas (on the Tigris) south-west of Kizilrobat.
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    • 225 2 Mr. H. Charles Woods, lecturing before the Royal Geographical Society on the Baghdad Railway, said that at the Baghdad end the railway had been completed at least as far as Samara, and probably up to Tekrit. If the respective termini were taken as at Res-el-Ain and at
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    • 44 2 London, April 3. A French Macedonian communique says; Ei emy aviators shelled the hospital of Eksison. This is the fifth time within a month the enemy have attacked Army Medical establishments, notwithstanding conspicuous Red Crosses. The victims include twenty Bulgar soldiers.
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  • 31 2 London, April 3. The Barrow strike has been settled, and work will be resumed to-morrow. The Ballot Figures. The Barrow strike ballot resulted 1,623 for resumption 1,250 against.
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  • General News.
    • 323 2 SOUTH AFRICA’S PART. London, April 2. General Smuts, referring to South Africa, said there was internal convulsion there when the war started, but we set our hou-e in order and hurled the enemy across the equator. (Cheers). This was done by a population, the majority of whom
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    • 162 2 In view of the forthcoming Imperial Conference and admission to War Cabinet of the Dominion Premiers and representatives, I should like to suggest that an event of such historical importance be signalised by the formation of a regiment of Imperial Guards, recruited from the United Kingdom and every
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    • 126 2 NATIVE LABOUR FOR OVERSEAS. Cape Town, April 3. A special session of the Basutoland Council, convened in order to discuss the High Commissioner’s appeal f >r native war labour for overseas, concluded most satisfactorily. The appeal embodied a schtme for recruitment of native labour in Basutoland, similar to
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    • 118 2 CO M MITTEE’ S RE CO MME NDATIO N 8 London, April 2. The final report of the Departmental Committee on Juvenile Education in relation to employment after the war recommends the abolition of exemptions from school attendance below the age of fourteen and an amendment of the
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    • 100 2 A NEW OFFER. 4 Ams erdam, April 3. The Lokalanzeiger states that the Central Poweis are going to make a new peace < filer. Austria Pressing for Peaee. The Lokalanzeiger’s announcement is the culmination of a combination of circumstances, firstly, Count Czernin’s statement, secondly, the “Vorwaerts’” declaration
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    • 47 2 Ams r erdim, April 2. Upon a pretext of the desire of the Empress of Austria to m p et the Kaiserin, a big gathering is impending at the German Headquarters, which will include both Emperors and Empresses, Count Czernin and Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg.
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    • 55 2 London, April 3. The Press Bureau states that Mr Arthur Henderson, presiding over a conference tn a Trade Card scheme, stated that in view of the army’s need it is necessary to release a large number of munition workers. He foreshadowed a new system wheeby indispensable
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    • 15 2 London, April 3. No English newspapers will be published on Good Friday.
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    • 14 2 London, March 30. Silver is at 36 The market is steady.
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  • 226 2 The well-known American architect, Mr Whitney Warren, member of the Institute de France, in a speech delivered at the Madrid Atheneeum, said neutrals ought to bo animated by impartiality and mutual confidence in their search for truth. When the Central Powers declared war,” he said, they were
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  • 411 2 The political situation between the United States and Germany is being w atched with peculiar interest in Egypt, says the Cairo correspondent of the Pioneer.” If the breaking off of diplomatic relations between the two nations is followed by a rupture between America and Turkey,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 449 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BILLET WANTED by an experienced Medical Man. L.MS. (Singapore). Qui'e capable to manage hospital work anywhere either estate, private, or on board ship. For particulars apply to Box No. 78, c/o Pinang Gazette. NOTICE WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, hereby give notice that the interests and responsibility of Lim Boon
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    • 516 2 'rMPIRp' THEATRE Business Manager THOMAS SHAFTO. A BIG BUNDLE OF EXCELLENT FILMS SUPPORTING TO-NIGHT’S FEATURE FILM INCLUDE: The Shadow, A Bully Affair, The Band Leader, The White Vaquero, Topical Budget, Cartoons, &c. SEE THE SENSATIONAL RAILWAY SMASH A THREE REEL VITAGRAPH FEATURE FILM. THE WRECK Presenting the popular Harry Morey,
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  • 646 3 ESSENTIAL DIFFERENCES. Few of us comprehend that we are living through the supreme crisis of world history, writes Mr. Archibald Hurd. The conditions by land and, in particular, by sea, which exist have never existed before. As an instance, the British blockade differs from any of the
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  • 753 3 The effort of Germany to blockade us has brought about a situation which is quite novel, because for centuries past we have had a practically free command of the sea communications to these islands. There has been a deficiency of fo >d in the country before,
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  • 429 3 Scale of Premiums Revised. The Residents of Perak, Selangor, and Negri Sembilan, with the approval of the Chief Secretary, have amended the Land Rules, 1904, as follows (a) By deleting clause B (i) of Table 1 in Rule 13 and substituting therefor the following clause B (i) The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 996 3 w anted. Federated Malay States Government POSITION by a concrete expert 20 6% War Loan 1921. years experience of reinforced conCrete construction good testimonials from »-p HE Chartered Bank of India, Australia Civil Engineer and Architects. X and China, Penang, is now prepared Apply to Box No. 77, c/o Pinang
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    • 623 3 pllllllllll j As you love your Baby you must protect him against Summer Diarrhoea, which becomes epidemic in hot weather and carries off thousands of infants in a few weeks. Us The Medical Officer of Health for Manchester reports that during the past week 48 deaths of children were due
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  • 1202 4 Up to the very last moment President Wilson has maintained his determination not to be hustled or v bustled, butJ3 to conduct America’s policy towards the war in his own way. It may be thought peculiar, and there has been no lack of critics in his own country
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  • 1270 4 While Prince Lvoff, and all parties in Russia, backed up by the A Clumsy armed forces of the counSnare. try, including the Russian troops on all fronts, emphatically repeat »heir determination unswervingly to prosecute the war to a successful end, and’ deputations of soldiers representing the armies
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  • 29 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin iu Penang was $lOl.OO per picul,business done. Tm was quoted in Loudon yesterday at £215 10s spot, and £215 10s three months,
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  • 65 4 The output of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, during the month of March was 400 piculs. The results for the month of March of Trong Tin, (No Liability), were hours run 548, yards treated 75,130, ore won 470 40 picruls. Sime, Darby Co., Ltd,, the output of Larut Tin
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  • 33 4 The following was the rubber quotation in London on April 2, received yesterday Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 3s l|d Smoked Sheet 3s 1 d [•By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • 217 4 The homeward mail closes at 10 a.m, on Sunday registration till 2 p.m. on Saturday. Bose’s Circus leaves Penang to-morrow for Deli. The public auction at 38 Beach street advertised for 3rd April was postponed till Tuesday, 10th Aprjl, at 11 a.m. Penang Library will be closed on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 102 4 □□□□□□aonnoa We are Sole Agents for:— I WATSON’S No. io I 5 M DUNDEE WHISKY, Ĕ Hi a a n st S D. J. McCALLUM’S I PERFECTION i i WHISKY. Q BW EM H Culdliech. Macgregor co., WINS di SPIRIT MERCHANTS. S PENANG. Z ■■MMDnnnnnnnnannonannnMMMßM ASAHII 0 I V(SUN-BRAND)BEER. i
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    • 43 4 E. O." Latest Music by the “E. O.” Orchestra everyday during and after dinner and on Wednesdays and Saturdays during Tiffin. Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED. TELEPHONES. a Printing Works Manager and 5 J Cashier’s Office 498 Managing Editor 477 J Editor’s Residence 221
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 44 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to-day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. i To-day. 11.08 a.m. 4 59 a m. 10.58 p.m. 5 19 p.m, To MORROW. 11 29 a m. 5.24 a m. 11.26 p.m. 5.42 p.m.
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  • 222 5 PRESIDENT’S SPEECH TO CONGRESS. SUBSTANTIAL SUCCESSES IN FRANCE. RUSSIAN WAR CABINET President Wilson, in his speech to Congress, asked that body to declare that a state of war exists between the United States and Germany. He stated that all the material resources of the Republic would be
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 623 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams]. SEVERE FIGHTING. London, April 2. Reuter’s correspondent at Headquarters, wiring on Monday evening, says the fighting on the Croisilles-Ecoust-Doignies line is most intense and on the biggest scale of any actions hitherto marking the pursuit of > the enemy. The latter are manifestly making
      [Reuter’s Telegrams].  -  623 words
    • 124 5 Over 4,000,000 men including 929,116 killed and died of wounds, comprise Germany’s losses, as reported in the enemy’s official lists since the outbreak of war. The details are Total for the January. War. Killed and died of wounds. 14,192 929,116 Died of sickness 1,714 59,213 1,645 247,991
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    • 28 5 London, April 3. The Times says last month’s aeroplane losses on the western front were British 58. French, according to German reports, 71. German 133.
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    • 203 5 One of the explanations of the great improvement recently in Germany’s air service in the west is illustrated by a photograph which is published in the current numbers of the British air journals. It is a photograph of a new Albatros scout, just captured from the enemy.
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    • 2143 5 PRESIDENT’S GREAT SPEECH. Washington, Ap il 2. Congress met to face the most serious international crisis since the Civil War The House of Representatives forthwith proclaimed its democratic fervour by re electing Mr Clark as Speaker. The city is overflowing with patriotic sentiment. Flags are floating from
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    • 345 5 From an American official who left Berlin just before the rupture of diplomatic relations, I learn that Germany is more concerned about the inviolability of her patents in the United States than she is even about the possible seizure of her ships, says a correspondent. The whole future
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    • 37 5 GERMANS CONVICTED. London, April 3. Six Germans, including von Kleist, a retired German N»val Captain, and the Superintendent of a chemical factory at Hoboken we>e convicted of conspiracy to destroy steamers with incendiary bombs.
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    • 432 5 New York, Feb. 20.—Charged with conspiring to employ agents to obtain military information, maps and photographs in Enggland and Ireland and send them to this country, so that they could be forwarded to Germany Albert S. Sander and Charles W. Wunnenberg were arrested in New York by
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    • 82 5 28 MISSING. New York, April 3 The United States Consul at Brest has been advised by the owners that the steamer Aztec (3,508 tons) the first armed American vessel to sail for Europe, was sunk by a German submarine on April 2nd. A Havre message says a
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    • 26 5 BY FRENCH FISHING VESSEL. Paris, April 3. A French fishing barque, armed with a small gun, sank a submarine, after a twenty minutes’ fight.
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  • 58 5 •London, April 3. The Press Bureau states that arrangements have been made to license on parole selected civilian war prisoners for employment on essential industries in employers’ premises, and unconnected with Vie w»r operations, at the ordinary ra’e of wages. They will report themselves twice weekly
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  • 938 6 STUDYING THE BAZAAR AND THE LANGUAGE. The Chairman of the Penang Chamber of Commerce in his speech the other day gave the very sensible advice that all mercantile assistants should make a parti* cnlar study of the Bazaar a-id of Malay, and he urged the Chamber of Commerce
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    • 359 6 New York March 4,—The Senate, by 64 votes to 15, d eland in favor of the consideration of the bill empowering President Wilson to arm mjrchantmen and giving him full powers to protect American sea rights. It is expected that there will be a large majority for
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    • 41 6 New York, March 4—The London correspondent of the New York Sun says be learns on reliable authority that the United States may expect within a fortnight a terrific outbreak of German plotters, work unless the frightfulness scheme is checkmated.
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    • 116 6 London, March 4. —An Amsterdam message states that the Kaiser had a lengthy audience with Herr Zimmermann, who later on attended von BethmannHollweg at a confererice at the Foreign Office. The officials of the German Committee of Assistance for War Widows and Orphans refused America’s gift, handed over
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    • 45 6 The Senate unanimously passed record naval appropriations for 535,000,000 dols. (£107,000,000). Washington, March 4.—The Navy Department announces that it will be able to arm merchantmen at rhe principal ports with 6in or 3in guns within a few hours if instructed to do so
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    • 30 6 New York, March 4 —lt is announced that Britain will discontinue shell contracts with the United States after March 31, the Home output being abundant for military purposes.
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    • 118 6 London, March 2, —Canadian and Australian delegates, Mr Massey (Prime Minister of New Zealand). Sir Joseph Ward, and Sir Thos. Mackenz'e, visited the Baltic Shipping Exchange Mr R J Turner (Chairman of Turner, Davidgon, and Co), broker of the Commonwealth Government line, gave a luncheon to
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    • 224 6 London, March 4. —The newspapers are commenting on the best week’s war news since the autumn, c< mpri?ing the progress towards Bapaume and Baghdad. They point out that the public has received it with fe lings ranging on elation to uncertainty. Many are wondering what is the
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    • 181 6 London, March 4.—An Amsterdam message states that the German newspapers are tardily announcing the retreat on the western front, and explain that, in accordance with Field-Marshal von Hindenburg’s general schemes, it will secure a great strategical advantage, which cannot be disclosed at the present time There have
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    • 61 6 Tokio, March 4.—lt is declared that many branches of the export trade will be ruined by the British trade restrictions Exporters are urging the Government to secure modifications It is estimated that thera will be a 10-s of £3,000,000 annually. The leading newspaper, Jiji Shimpo,” exhorts the
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    • 156 6 London, March 5 —The Controller of Shipping (Sir Joseph Maclay) has notified the requisitioning of all vessels in the Ans tralian trade. Blue Book rates form the basis of remuneration, subject to the adjustment of various charges. The Government desires to interfere at present as little as
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    • 82 6 Melbourne, March 4.—The attention of the Prime Minister was drawn to night to the above cable. He stated that the Com monwealth Government had for some time past been in possession of the information, and it was in view of this that the shipping b
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    • 278 6 London, March 2.—The report of the Dominions Commission, in its reference to Canada, states that there is a strong undercurrent of opposition to emigration to Canada as now carried on, particularly among wage-earners in the cities. The commision agrees that the objection to creating surplus labour
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  • 673 6 S.F.P.” SPEECH BY THE GOVERNOR. His Excellency the Governor and Com mander-in-Chief, accompanied by the General Officer Comman ding and th Honourable the Colonial Secretary, inspected the wing of the 25th Middlesex Regiment on parade at Tanglin Barracks on Saturday. The wing of the battalion presented a
    “ S.F.P.”  -  673 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 276 6 NOTICE. BOELEN Co. WE beg to notify the public that our interests will be acquired from the first of April, 1917, by the HOLLAND STR UTS TRADING Coy., Ltd., incorporated in Holland, and from that date our business will be carried on as Branch Offices of the said Holland Straits
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  • 1490 7 Mr J H Sargant of Caledonia Estate is shortly leaving for Home. Mr Malcolm Duncan of Chenderiang returned from Home by the mail. Mr F Burdett Ivens, after some months’ training in the Artists’ Rifles, has received a commission in the Scots Guards. Commander Mills, i.s.o had
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  • 47 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 p.m. till 7 p.m. 1. Overture Prometheus ...Beethoven 2. Polka The Holly Bush Godfrey 3. Selection The Contrabandista ...Sullivan 4. Waltz Elisen Tanse ...Gung’l 5. March The Jolly Bachelor ...Carter
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  • 59 7 The Penang Volunteers Field Operations fixed for the 15th April, have been changed to the 14th instant at 3-30 p.m. The place of assembly will be notified later. Mr R W Strugnell has prepared the plans of a handsome residence in the oriental fashion, for Raja Abdul Rashid
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  • 1382 7  -  BY ISAAC F. MARCOSSON. Mr Marcosson, who is one of the best known of American journalists, is now making his third visit to England since the outbreak of the war. He is perhaps the foremost American authority on finance,and is the author of the much discussed
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  • 144 7 BREACH OF TRUST. Before Mr. Langston, a wireman in the employ of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros. <fc Co. Penang was charged with criminal breach of trust as a servant. Mr. L. M. Evans of Messrs. Hutte ibach Bros. Co., said on March 24th four coils of wire were to
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  • 58 7 A Chinese was found guilty by Mr A H Langston in the Second Court, and fined $lOO for bringing into Penang 21 letters bearing no stamps. Half of the fine goes to the informer. The accused in his plea said he was ignorant of the law. Inspector Bartells
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  • 52 7 A little Tamil boy was brought before Mr. A H Langston charged with stealing one and a half catties of copra valued at 15 cents. The accused had on two occasions before committed similar offences. On Inspector MacLernon’s suggestion, he was sent to the Reformatory at Singapore for
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  • 70 7 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy and Co.’s share list Yesterday. To-day. tq on tn tn Sharks. M VI 72 Mining. K. Kamunting 32/6 33/- 32/- 33/- ex RenongTin 40/- 42/Tongkah H $l3 $l3 j c. General. F. Sf. S. 6% War Loan slOl|
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  • 97 7 The following are additional rubber outputs for March Bungsar lbs. 9,400 Bernam-Perak 21,600 Consolidated 37,265 Cicely 31,204 Central Kelantan 6,200 F.M.S. 146,000 Dindang 5,023 Glenealy ee< 20,000 Gula Kalumpong 105,132 Hopeland 3,375 Hdl Rise 9,300 Juru 12,100 Karan 8,406 Kalubi 1,903 Kuang 15.000 K. L. 141,000 Kong Lee
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  • 149 7 Messrs Cunningham, Clark <fc Co., Penang, advise us that the under-mentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them by auction and private tender to-day. 1. Diamond smoked sheet $l52 —$’57 2. Plain smoked sheet $l39 —$142 3. Diamond unsmoked sheet $l35 —$138 4. Plain unsmoked sheet
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  • 272 7 The members of the Perak Chinese Recreation Club will visit Penang during the Easter holidays and will play a series of cricket, football, and tennis matches against the Penang Chinese Recreation Club on April 6 and 7. During the visit the Ipoh teams will be entertained
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  • 69 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE CLEARANCES. To-day. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping. MAILS. For Per Close. To-Morrow. Deli, Langsa, Edi, T. T Semawe, Segli, Olehleh > Speelman noon, and Sabang J Tpngkah 12.30 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan 2.30 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore 2.30 p.m. Singapore 2.30
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  • 71 7 April 4.—Lodge Royal Prince of Wales, 9 p.m. April 6.—Good Friday. April 6,7, 9.—Government Holidays. April 11.—Parit Perak Rubber Co., Ltd., General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce 12.15 p.m. April 14. —Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association, Meeting, Chamber of Commerce 11.30 a.m. April 25.—Birthday of Yang di Per Tuan (Government
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  • 129 7 Prnang, April 4, 1917. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/4 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 11/16 3 Credit ...2/4 29/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 15/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 165 3 days' sight Private 171 Bombay Demand Bank 165 Moulmein Demand Bank 164 o 3
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  • 17 7 The following undelivered cablegrams are lying in the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co "Phankawee c/o Woontaah,”
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 82 7 INVALUABLE for yo»« HEALTH’S SAKE» yx Essence or Fluid Extract of RED JAMAICA ’renounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITY isswiwa MHLUM [i| w«w:<■ala] r/jfl SAFEST and most RELIABLE Remedy to bP 'oebiutv e HAS OVER 75 YEARS WORLD-WIDE REPUTAdON, SOLD BY The George Town Dispensary, Ltd. MRRMitRMRmRaOMBaaaRieRMMMRIIIRIRIIRMMMBM PINKETTES banish “liverish-
      82 words
    • 109 7 Haunted by Pain? Are your waking and sleeping hour* haunted by the awful dread or the wor«e reality of bodily pain Headache, backache, toothache, neuralgia, sciatica, rhf umatisu», sore throat, and other external aches and pains are quickly soothed and cured by Little’s Oriental Balm Simply tub it iu where
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2310 8 w y Ts f> HA I BANKS. P O.—British India ar chartered bank ofindu ■■>•■«• 0 A Steß X.» I ■>■■ AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. AND I U-i C* t- fI A ,1 koninklijke paketvaart Incorporated In England by Royal Charter. I JapaaMailMeamsmp vo.Lfl. maatschappij Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 MpVdl U.IIIC». INCORPORATED
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