Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 April 1917

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 881 1 q lanoDDaDnunonaannannannaaDD WANTED g HUUBEK CONSIGNMENTS E for our bi-weekly auction sales, a and private sales. Cash Ad- vances made. a ORDERS FOR ESTATE SUPPLIES. D I D c GOODS for forwarding to any part of the world. 9 g FIRE INSURANCE business. g ALLEN DENNYS Co., 6 Beach St.
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    • 79 1 aaanaDHannnnßnnntjpjoMntjDnß yv hkn yod are away 8 V V on leave you want to keep n n in touch with Malayan affairs, a Social, Commercial, Alining, Planting, *c. This you can d« in no better way than by subsenb- a ing to the Weekly Edition of the c a PniaDg
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  • 1628 2 GERMANS SURPRISED. Paris, March 13.—The firm and dignified attitude of the Peking Government has been disagreeably felt by the Germans. The German Gazette Voss,” on March 11, writes; The German people could nob expect that China, sunk into unbounded decay, would dare utter such strange words
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 951 2 t o let. Federated Malay States Government FROM l.t February, 1917, No. 182, 6 °/o Wit LOBD 1921. BURMAH ROAD, fitted with Electrie Lights and Fans. T''HE Chartered Bank of India, Australia E. A. Manasseh, 33, China Street. 1 an d China, Penang, is now prepared 112 u c-in w
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    • 241 2 NOTICE. BOBLEN Co. WE beg to notify the public that our interests will be acquired from the first of April, 1917, by the HOLLAND STR kITS TR ADING Coy., Ltd., incorporated in Holland, and from that date our business will be carried on as Branch Offices of the said Holland
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  • 1914 3 LEASES AND LICENSES. Ipoh, Saturday, March 31. The most important matter up for discussion at the annual meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines this afternoon, reports our Ipoh correspond* nt, was the Mining Enactment. Some time ago a Committee was appointed to suggest amendments to
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  • 549 3 EFFECT OF U.S. ACTION. Professor M. W. F. Treub, the exMinister and well-known economist, has given an interesting interview to the Haagsche Courant on the international position brought about by Germany’s latest naval move, and on the results which a war with America is likely to have for
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  • 330 3 Dr. Addison (Minister of Munitions) addressed a large gatheuing at the Corn Exchange, Biadford, under the auspices of the National War Savings Committee. Dr. Addison, in the course of his speech »aid if they wore to take the average weekly output of light fi U ammuni'ion from July,
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  • 820 3 An order for three passenger and cargoboats of 5,000 to 6,000 tons has been received in Japan Lom the Russian Government. There being few vessels available at present meeting the requirements, there is little prospect of the order being filled The Officer Commanding, R.I.M. S Mayo telegraphs on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 31 3 PINKETTES cure biliousness and constipation hinKregula habits j 50 cents ner phial at your druggist’s or direct by mail on re- J ceipt of price from DR. WILLIAMS’ MEDICINE COMPANY, JIUT-T
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    • 541 3 The Ideal Reconstructive Nerve i'Ood. Sanaphos. Immediate Nutriment for Overworked, Underfed Nerves and Brain Within ten minutes you will feel distinctly the beginning of the undeniable benefit that Sanaphos gives you. Yet it is not to be confused with harmful stimulants, which only make i matters worse. It is not
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 139 4 SMALL PATROL TRAWLER SUNK. London, March 31. The Admiralty reports that during the night of March 28th/29th firing was observed some miles off the shore from Lowestoft. Patrols went at full speed to the scene, but nothing was seen of the enemy, who had made off. German
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    • 115 4 MISSING BOATS. London, March 31. The Union Castle Line announces that three boats from the torpedoed liner Alnwick Castle are missing. Survivors Landed. London, March 31. The Union Castle L ne makes another announcement to the effect that all on the Alnwick Castle left in six boats,
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    • 127 4 INTERVIEW WITH COMMANDER. Amsterdam, April 1. The commander of the Moewe, in an interview in Berlin, stated that he converted one of the captured vessels into an auxiliary cruiser and renamed her the George. She sank a number of vessels, but eventually had to be sunk herself, owing
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    • 48 4 SMALL LOSSES. Pa l is, March 31. An official message states that during the week ending March 25th 874 merchant ships entered French ports, and 793 left. Two above 1,600 tons were sunk and five under 1,600. One was unsuccessfully attacked. Seven fishing vessels were sunk.
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    • 235 4 Various estimates have recently been made of the total loss of the world’s ocean tonnage during 1916 through war causes, and of the total tonnage constructed during the year, but if the figures contained in a report just received in London by the Board of
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    • 366 4 SEVERAL VICTIMS. Rio de Janeiro, March 31. The French barque Cambronne has arrived, with 200 British, French and Italian sailors belonging to vessels which a German raider sank off Trinidad. The raider is described as a sailing ship, with gasoline. She is probably one of the Moewe’s captured
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    • 51 4 AN ALTERATION. London, March 31. The Gazette no ifies a change in the British danger area in the North Sea. The line still begin? at the coast of Denmark and runs westward and southward but it now turns sharply east, following the limit of Dutch territorial
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    • 216 4 Mr. Gerard Fiennes, discussing in the Observer the German submarine campaign says The most satisfactory piece of information vouchsafed to us is that the destruction of U boats is proceeding at a rate with which Sir John Jelliice is not dissatisfied It must be
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  • 89 4 REVIEW BY THE GOVERNOR [From Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, April 1. The following official statement is issued H. E. Governor on Saturday reviewed one wing of the 25th Midilesex Regiment now in barracks, who arrived recently. The men, a large maj »rity of whom served in France and
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  • 271 4 SERIOUSNESS OF REICHSTAG MANIFESTATION. London, March 31. The fact that the whole of the Socialists in the Rsichstag voted against the Budget is variously commented on. Some papers regard it as a manifestation of a new antiwar movement, others consider it was a pre arranged move designed to
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  • 188 4 Amsterdam, February 20—The German papers reproduce the speech delivered by Herr Helfferich, the German Minister, before the Agricultural Commission. The Minister stated first that the British blockade has shown the German people that the countrycan only rely upon i s own agriculture. He added that the same
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  • 70 4 THE LAST STRAW Washington, March 31. At a Cabinet final setting before the special meeting of Congress on Ap'il 4th various members submitted reports on the s eps taken to prepare for war, showing that everything possible has been done to co-ordinate the country’s resources. The general
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  • 36 4 REIGN OF TERROR. Galveston (Texts), March 31. There is a reign of terror in the oilfields of Vera Cruz State (Mexico). It is reported that several have been killed by revolutionists, inc uiing two Britishers.
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  • 108 4 New York, February 15.—A despatch from Columbus, N. 8., reports that Mexican bandits invaded the United States sixty miles southwest of Hachita, killed three American ranchos and drove off a large herd of cattle and many horses. The demonstrations which Villistas are making all along the
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  • 77 4 New York, February 15.—1 t is announced from Mexico that General Carranza has enlisted the services of a few hundred German reservists, who receive their payment from a mysterious source. In the north the Germans are supporting General Villa. This disquieting situation calls forth comment
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  • 149 4 HERR ZIMMERVIANN AND THE PLOT. London, March 31. In the Reichstag, Herr Zimmermann, replying to the Socialist Herr Haase’s criticism regarding the embitterment of the United States relations with Germany, stated that he instructed the German Minister in Mexico to take steps to negotiate a Mexico-Japanese alliance
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  • 424 4 IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATIONS. CROWN COLONIES AND PROTECTORATES London, March 31. The final report of the Dominions Royal Commission expresses the view that existing organisations are inadequate to deal with matters of joint interest to the Empire as a whole, such as the scientific development of Empire resources, deepening harbours
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  • 155 4 In celebration of its second anniversary, the Penang Free School Boy Scout Troop, which has in two years increased in number from less then 20 to over 70, exclu a ive of about 50 Wolf Cubs, or Junior Scouts, the Troop is to give a
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  • 237 4 The following are announced amongst the subscriptions to the War Loan Hongkong and Shanghai Bank and Constituents (*£1,670,000) £5,010,000 Chartered Bank of India, <fcc., including constituents and staff (*£2,370,000) 4,885,C00 National Bank of India and Constituents (*£1,600,000) 4,600,000 Petroleum and Asiatic Petroleum Co.’s *500,000 Sir Robert Buchanan
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  • 96 4 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade froir 6 p.m till 7 p.m. 1. Overture Oberon ...Wever 2. Polka ...Ruiz 3. Selection The Martyrs ...Donizette 4. Waltz Violettes ...Ruiz 5. March The United Service ...Hume The case in which Messrs. Allan Van
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 431 4 'EMPIRE' THEATRE Business Manager THOMAS SHAFTO. A BIG BUNDLE OF EXCELLENT FILMS SUPPORTING TO-NIGHT’S PROGRAMME INCLUDE: The Shadow, A Bully Affair, The Band Leader, The White Vaquero, Topical Budget, Cartoons, &c. SEE THE SENSATIONAL I RAILWAY SMASH A THREE REEL VITAGRAPH FEATURE FILM. THE WRECK Presenting the popular Harry Morey,
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  • 950 5 RECEPTION AT Y.M.C.A. HALL. The visit to Penang of Mr J J Virgo, 1 National Field Secretary of the Young i Men’s Christian Association, on his tour of the Empire, concluded yesterday morning, when he left for Ipoh. On Saturday i evening, a reception in honour of
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  • Article, Illustration
    1104 5 BY AN ARTIST CORRESPONDENT.] February 22. The Great Loan. Even before Mr. Bonar Law announced the result of the War Loan in the House of Commons, there was a strong conviction in town that it had been even more successful than the m >st sanguine would have dared
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 619 5 LSI- vraia MWiunwrat lia II Ul* «a TH UMt: c TW—r» -irisrrj WUQp IB WiH ffi sir Look at that pair of skinny ecarecrows 1 Why don't they try Sargol AN EASY WAY TO GET FAT AND BE STRONG. The trouble withe most thin folks who wish to gain weight
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  • 883 6 While in the military sphere the progress of events, especially in France, Egypt, Palestine ard Mesopotamia especially, is eminently satisfactory to the cause of the Allies, there is admittedly a feeling abroad that the enemy's effort to combat the great naval power of Britain by
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  • 32 6 The following was the rubber quotation in London on March 31, received today Plantation let Latex Crepe 3s |d Smoked Sheet 3s |d [♦By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • 235 6 EMIGRANTS FOR APRIL. [from Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, 2. The Secretary to the Government of Madras has telegraphed to Sir E. L. Brockman to the effect that the Govern ment of Madras has authorised the Superintendent of the Emigration Depot at Negapatam and F.M.S. Emigration Agent
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  • 1633 6 A very general view aboul Austria is that the people cannot .«a hold out owing to food U pe*ce. shortage beyond the next two or three months. Whether any reliance is to be placed upon this idea of the country’s exhaustion remains to be seen. It does
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  • 30 6 To-day's quotation for unrefined tin it Penang was $99.90 per picul—a decrease of $2.10. Tin is quoted in London to day 81 £215 spot, and £215 three month?.
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  • 139 6 The output of the Ayer Weng Mine fo f the month of March was 140 piculs. The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging (N. L.) for the week ending 3L 6 March was 38 tons. The record of Kampong Kamunting T IC Dredging, Limited, for the month
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 179 6 r- TONMKiR IB THE BRITISH APERIENT WATER. Pleasant in taste. Painless in action. SOLD EVERYWHERE. HOT BUNS Orders Now Being Booked. Please Book Early to Avoid Disappointment. Phone Penang Confectionery I 8 Lc lh S 1 No 570 g European Bakery. WANTED t»,000 Seednuts, delivered at Berna'ii River. Please grate
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    • 42 6 “E. O.” Latest Music by the “E. O.” Orchestra everyday during and after dinner and on Wednesdays and Saturdays during Tiffin. Pinang Gazette Press, LIMITED. s TELEPHONES. Printing Works Manager and J Cashier’s Office 498 J Managing Editor 477 Editor’s Residence 221 *■■■■■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■■»■■■■>■■♦
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 48 6 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for to day and to-morrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To DAY 4 02 a m. 10.38 a m. 4 38 p ro. 9.56 p.m. To MORROW. 4 33 a.m. 10.49 a m. 4 58 p in. 10.29 p.m.
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  • 215 7 MANY VILLAGES TAKEN. CAMPAIGN FROM BAGHDAD. NEW GERMAN RAIDER’S VICTIMS. The British forces have captured many more villages on the twenty-five miles of front between Crosilles and west of St. Quentin. Sir Doug as Haig’s troops are now less than five miles from the Cambrai-St. Quentin road, and
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 1226 7 [Rbutsb’b Telegrams]. MORE VILLAGES TAKEN. London, March 30. Field Marshal Haig reports We occupied the villages of Ruyaulcourt, Sorel-le-Grand and Fins and gained ground after sharp fighting in the neighbourhood of Heudicourt. We drove off an attack south of Neu-ville-Bourpnval, inflicting loss. We raided enemy lines at two
      [Rbutsb’b Telegrams].  -  1,226 words
    • 89 7 LAST YEAR’S TOTALS. London, March 31. The revenue for the year was £573,457,582, an increase of £236,660,758 The expenditure was £2,198,112,710, compared with £1,559,158.377 in 1915. Income-Tax and Excess Profits. London, April 1. The features of the revenue returns are income-tax and excess profits. The former totals £204,000,000,
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    • 94 7 EXTENTION OF TROUBLE. London, April 1. The Press Bureau announced that the Barrow strike now affects practically all the engineering shops in that area, but does not affect the shipyards. The strikeis today, despite efforts at settlement by the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, and the Minister
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    • 62 7 INDIA AND SEA TRANSPORT SERVICE. London, March 31. The Army appropriation account states that the sum of £5,570,320 credited to the Indian Government includes a provisional payment of £542,000 by India, representing an estimated saving to the Indian Government on sea transport service in 1914 and 1916 inclusive.
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    • 66 7 A NEW COM'ROLLER. London, April 1. A new branch of the Ministry of Munitions has been established, with Sir Lionel Phillips as Controller, to deal with the examination and development of mineral properties in the United Kingdom, with the exception of coal and iron. It is likely to
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    • 49 7 London, March 26. Sir Eric Geddes is appointed InspectorGeneral of Transportation for all war theatre-. He retains his position of Director-General of Transportation on Sir Douglas Haig’s staff, bat vacates the War Office post of Director-General of Military Railways, to which Sir Gay Granet is appointed.
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 240 7 BRITISH ADVANCES. .London, March 31. A Mesopotamia official report says: Our troops since March 19th, operating north and north-east of Baghdad, have been actively engaged in pushing back the euemy and consolidating positions. Our troops, and also the Russians, converging on Khanikin, encountered considerable difficulties. We have had
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    • 46 7 TURKISH VERSION. Amsterdam, March 31. A Turkish communique gives an imaginative description of the fighting on March 26th and 27th near Gaza. After claiming a brilliant victory, the report states that the British left numbers of dead on the ground and retired, pursued.
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  • Russia.
    • 163 7 RULE BY COMMONWEALTH. Petrograd, Ma r ch 31. The Republican Union of peasant members of the Duma in a m nifes’o to the peasantry promises them the land they need will be granted by the new regime. We have thrown down the idols of ‘God’s
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    • 89 7 AUSTRIA ANXIOUS TO NEGOTIATE Amsterdam, March 31. The Austrian Foreign Minister, interviewed by the semi-official Fremdenblatt states The Central Empires are ready to negotiate for a peace honourable to our enemies as well as to ourselves. Moreover, if negotiations fail the war can continue. Coming after numerous reports of
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    • 527 7 A NEW PEACE EFFORT. Amsterdam, March 31. The German Press, with one inspired accord, flatters the new Russia, hints at the conclusion of a separate peace, and denies the rumours of impending German offensives against Petrograd and Bessarabia, saying these are inspired by Britain. Socialists Speak Out.
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  • Italy’s Campaign.
    • 24 7 AUSTRIAN ATTACK London, April 1. An Italian official reports says: We drove back an attack north of Sancaterina in the Gorizia area.
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  • General News.
    • 127 7 PREPARING FOR FINAL PHASE. London, April 1. The War Office reports that the rainy reason has suspended extensive operations in East Africa, and the opportunity is being taken to organise the forces, exchange and relieve units, perfect transport, and reconstruct railways. The whole of the German territory north
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    • 215 7 The following letter from the late Captain Selous was written to a friend in Wimbledon It is dated Tanga, once German (now British) East Africa, November 12, 1916 We have now taken and occupied all the coast towns, forts, and ports in the interior and both
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    • 71 7 UNITED KINGDOM AND INDIA. London, March 31. A meeting of the Raw Materials Committee of the Association of Chambers of Commerce, held at the Imperial Institute,, considered the question of promoting the farther use in the United Kingdom of certain raw materials from India, and recommended a coarse
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    • 60 7 DANISH WEST INDIES PAID FOR. Washington, April 1. Mr Lansing handed the Danish Minister a United States Treasury Warrant for £5,000,000 in payment of the Danish West Indies, which will henceforth be known as Virginia Islands. Admiral Pcilock, commanding the warship Hancock, has been ordered to rec ive
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    • 40 7 “IMPARTIAL NEUTRALITY” TO CONTINUE. Stockholm, March 31. A new Cabinet has been formed with Sextor Swartz as Premier. A statement of policy declares the first du‘y of the Government ia to continue the policy of impartial neutrality.
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    • 37 7 London, March 31. Admiral Sir George Callaghan replaces Admiral Sir Arthur Fanshawe, the latter retiring owing to the age*limit. Vice-Admiral Sir Frederic Brock is promoted Admiral. Vice-Admiral Sir George Patey is absorbed iu the establishment.
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    • 41 7 New York, March 31. The highest wheat prices at Chicago since 1864, nearly two dollars a bushel, were realised, due to sensational repoits of damage by drought to the winter wheat crop in Nebraska and Kansas.
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    • 30 7 London, March 28. Silver to 365. Small supplies are being offered and the market is quiet, London, April 1. Silver is 11/16. The market is feature-* less.
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  • 19 7 Obituary. London, March 31. The death has occurred of Mr. John Dawson Mayne, author of the Indian Penal Code.”
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  • 1134 8 ONLY TRAINING NEEDED TO MAKE IT FIRST-CLASS. General Sir O’Moore Creagh, v.c says For many years it has been my good fortune to have been in contact with Americans of both Services. I was in Aden daring the Hispano-American War, and saw a
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  • 361 8 Paris, Feb 9,—Admiral Lacaze French Minister of Marine, who received a small number of American journalists yesterday, said the Germans are suffering severely from the Allies’ blockade, and will probably make a severe effort to end the war this spring. According to the account sent by
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  • 223 8 Thanks for Good Treatment Obtained by Trick. It is un ierstood that the Turks have railed up the railway between Homs and Tripoli (Syria), between Jaffa and Jeru jalem. ani are using the rails for the construction of a line between Rasel Ain and Diarbekir in accordance with
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  • 23 8 Penang The E& O. Hotel, The Crag' Runnymede Hotel. Singapore :—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel. Sindanglaja Preanger, Java Grand Hotel,
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  • 871 8 FEATURES OF THE OCCUPATION. A noteworthy feature cf the occupation of Baghdad is the reception that has been accorded to our troops says a “Pioneer" correspondent. Crowds of Baghdadis says Eye-witness “came out to meet us. They filled the streets, balconies and roofs, hurrahing and clapping
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 22 8 THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE Co., (Incorporated in Ail kinds of Life and Endowment Policies Issued. Messrs. GUTHRIE Co., Ltd., General Agents, Penang
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    • 294 8 It takes a joint of beef to make a bottle of Bovril Bovril contains the goodness of the beef. The vital elements that give beef its special place and value as a food are concentrated and stored in Bovril. In theory many non-meat foods have a high nourishing value, but
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  • 806 9 Mr E Roberts is appointed a msg’strate and an assistant District Judge for the Settlement of Labuan, Mr W J Corney, of Sungei Chua Estate, Kajang, left for Singapore on Tuesday night en route for England to join the Imperial Forces. His Majesty the King-Emperor has approved
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  • 2013 9 THE CHAIRMAN'S REVIEW. Tne first annual general meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce was held at the Mercantile Bank Buildings, Kuala Lumpur, Mr H P Clodd (Planters’ Stores and Agency Co, Ltd), the President, in the chair. In the course of his speech, the Chairman said: Our
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  • 84 9 HOLY WEEK SERVICES. Wednesday, April 4.—Office of Tenebre 7 p.m. Thursday, April s.—Maundy Thursday, 7 am. High Mass, 7 p.m. Office of Tenebre i*id Mandatum. Friday, April 6.—Good Friday. 8 a.m. Morning Service. 7 pm. Office of Tenebre and Stations of the Cross. Saturday, April 7.—Holy
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  • 147 9 Tuesday, 3rd April.—Mass 6.30 a.m. Wednesday, April 4.—Mass 6 30 a.m,; Confession 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. till late at night. Thursday, April s.—Maundy Thursday, High Mass 7 a.m. followed by Vesper’s Procession and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The Church will be
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  • 407 9 Free Press." Per P A O s’eamer from London.— To Singapore Mr and Mrs Mclver, Mr Grant, Mr Wood, Mrs Carmel, Mrs Harwood, Capt Duinker, Mr Sheppard, Mr Teeling, Mr Belfield, Mrs Bevan, Mrs Davie. To Penang Nurse Simmon?, Mr and Mrs Carter, Miss Trengrouse, Mr
    .—“ Free Press."  -  407 words
  • 345 9 The following is from the Orders for April Field operations will be held on April 15th. The following is the resuit of the Bayonet Fighting Examination held by Lieut. Bright, kosli, on March 27th Excellent. —C S M Fitzgerald (86), Sergt. Kinder (86.) Ist Class Instructors. —Sergt. Park
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  • 475 9 M.M.” At the C.R.C. ground on Saturday a friendly ma’ch between the P.RC. and C.R.C was played before a large gathering of spectators. The result was a big victory for the C.R.C. by 7 goals to nil Lim Kean Cheanv, Tan Thein Hock and Lim Ewe Lee scored 2
    “ M.M.”  -  475 words
    • 344 9 The result of Saturday’s shooting was as follows Rapids 300 Yards H P S. 40 Pte A M Forrest with h’cap -71 made 37.68 Pte R P Phillips -82 36.58 2nd/Lt V G Ezechiel -80 36.40 PteLPEbden .71 36.23 Coy Q M S Weber -81 35
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    • 139 9 A cricket match was played on the E-planade on Saturday sftsrno'.n between teams captained by Mr C G May and Mr M D Rutley. Mr Rutley’s side batted first and made 101, (MJ Finlay 38, F C Gregson 14, E A Davies 12, H A Neubronner 10) Mr May’s
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    • 267 9 IPOH CLUB v. ANDERSON SCHOOL. Saturday witnessed one of the finest games of football that have ever been played on the Ipoh padang, when a keenly contested game was fought out between the Ipoh Club and the Anderson School. The more than usually large crowd bore ample
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  • 1735 10 THE WESTERN FRONTIER. In my last letter, I gave you an account of the recapture of the oasis of Siwa, says the Cairo correspondent of the Pioneer.” The fighting which led up to it was the first that had been recorded on the western frontier of
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  • 201 10 The Minister for the Interior, Mr. Cort van der Linden, in a recent sitting of the Second Chamber made the following statement :—The Government is now able to make a fuller statement as to the serious events of the last few dais. In regard to the
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  • 280 10 Messrs Baker Morgan and Co, Ltd. Kuala Lumpur report on Saturday that the entire week’s transactions have been in Dollar Rubbers. There has been very little enquiry in Tins whilst Industrials demand but small comment. Traders are trifle firmer, with buyers between $37.50 and $38.00. Wearnes are
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  • 171 10 M ssr.i Gu brie Co Ltd in their weeklyreport dated Singapore. Thursday, 29tb March, says The weekly Rubber Auction held yesterday and today was marked, after a quiet opening, by a steady demand, at prices averaging about $5 per picul above those ruling last week. Fine Ribbed
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  • 235 10 London, February B.—Another sharp upward movement has taken place in the prices of single Scotch whiskies. Towards the end < f last year the market was rather depressed on a variety of rumors, including the imminence of prohibition or State purchase, and also the possible commandeering of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 196 10 Driving? Pain Have you a pain anywhere in your body Is it a little p*in or a big pain Does it tor;ore a single n°rve or does it grind and rack your entire being Isn’t it foolish then to be driven by pains or aches, big or little, when you
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    • 355 10 Olli I I ftyßlili ill 5 NI Il sfifc The Best Quality in Brandy MARTELL’S S BLUE SILVER LABEL. Mail m j BKv I To say that a Brandy is better than Martell is an I i iSI empty boast —to beat jIH Martell for Quality a frank impossibility. SOLE
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  • 586 11 BURMA COMMITTEE’S RECOMMENDATIONS. Rangoon, March 6.—The recommendation of the committee recently appointed to consider after-war commercial problems are published. The committee was presided over by the Hon Mr H Thompson. The recommendations are For a term of years no enemy firm or individual should be permitted to
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  • 151 11 Mr Ford’s offer to build tiny submarines by the thousand for America has been received with laughter by the people who do not know Ford’s genius as an engineer and as a factory organiser. On engineering matters Ford is a man to be seriously reckoned with, and his factory
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 595 11 "jaundice I ITS CAUSE AND CURE. This distressing complaint so common in all hot countries is E R caused by the Bile overflowing in the Blood. It is not an in- 9 H' dependent disorder but the symptoms of other complaints which s B cause the Bile to overflow in
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    • 488 11 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I CLINCHER I I TYRES i 8 8 North British Clincher ALL-PLANT ATI ON 3C RUBBER Motor Tyres are British in every particular S 3C and are made by skilled British Labour in the largest 9C Rubber Factory in the British Empire. ff The best of rubber, the use
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2290 12 j A) VNaXAsMJ* AMJ aXAnAw ————>—fci**»—■—— M——— RXMMl> ~_z" y lt BANKS, P. O.—British Indin yr chartered bank of indu -w aava 11, A aka j %|r aN& S w AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. m I If *i C._ f.:_ 14 'ilia KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART Incorporated in England by Royal Charter Anf*Sir
      2,290 words