Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 February 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 949 1 oaa nonDnnnuDODODnnnD WANTED I HUBHER CONSIGNMENTS c for our bi-weekly auction sales, and private sales. Cash Advanceg made. ORDERS FOR ESTATE SUPPLIES. g GOODS for forwarding to any part of the world. FIRE INSURANCE business. g ALLEN DENNYS A Co., D 6 Beach St. and 7 Union St., Penang. D
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    • 83 1 SODDO□□□■DBDQn g TXTHEN YOU ARE AWAY V V on leave you want to keep g in touch with Malayan affairs, Social, Commercial, Mining, Planting, <tc. Thia you can de in no better way than by aubscrib- n ing to the Weekly Edition of the n g Pinaug Gazette,” published g
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 59 2 THE RIGA LINE. London, February 1. A Russian official report says: Despite asphyxiating gas and frost, we cleared out the enemy from the Kalncem high road and re-occupied trenches. We frustrated on Wednesday three attacks against heights east of Jakobeni, taking more than a th usand prisoners there
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 170 2 WHOLESALEjHANGINGS IN SYRIA AND PALESTINE. London, February 2. Reuter learns from an authoritative source that the Turks are deliberately endeavouring to exterminate the Arabs, Bimilaily to the Armenians. A military •ordon has surrounded the whole of the Lebanon region, and is keeping out food, with the
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    • 42 2 i London, January 31. H.M. the King, in his letter to the Lords Lieutenant, referring to the Territorials, says “It is with much pleasure that I welcome this opportunity of thanking them with all my heart for their services.”
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  • 153 2 The following are the results of the ties played yesterday Singles Handicap Cla c s A—R N Byatt beat A V Perrin by 6—o, 6—3. Singles Handicap Class C.—J H B Smith b°at G B Crisp by 6—3, 6—l P G Stirling beat H Smith bv 6—o,
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  • 2666 2 SHOPPING IN WAR TIME. 2 From Our Own Correspondent London, January 5. pSFollowing the Christmas shopping the New Year opens in London by sale and purchase being carried cn with unabated zeal. Nearly all the great retail establish ments are conducting what are known as winter sales
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 41 2 Obituary. ADMIRAL KANE. London, February 1. The death has occurred of Admiral Sir Henry Coey Kane, hero of the Calliope incident off Samoa in 1889, aged 73. DEATH. Irving.—At 73, Cantonment Road Ghaut, Penang, on 29th January, James Irving, agei 71.
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  • 815 3 THE HEALTH OF THE DISTRICT A general meeting of the Kapar District Planters Association was held at Sungei Serdang bungalow on Wednesday, January 24th, at 5 p.m., tl ere being present Messrs Noel Fisher (in the Chair), R S Chantler, L Mooijaart, W. L. S. O’Brien, E H
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  • 1094 3 The annual general meeting of the Gbnealy Rubber Plantations, Ltd, was held in the Offices of the Secretaries, Messrs Derrick and Co. Singapore. Mr Robinson was in the chair. The Chairman said The profit for the year after charging all expenditure on Development and Revenue and making ample
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  • 909 3 REDUCTION OF RACING. The annual meeting of this Club was held in the Exchange, Singapore, Mr A Agnew presiding over a fair attendance The Chairman said that be wished to refer to the departure from the Colony of three of their most prominent members Sir E Ellis,
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  • 458 3 Amsterdam, December, 16.—Under influence of tbe good things obtainab’e in Holland, a certain Prussian officer whose duty is to buy foodstuffs here for the city of Brussels, has been talking too openly and loudly about conditions in Brussels and the feelings among the German occupants.
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  • 324 3 Singapore Chamber of Commercb Resolutions. As briefly wired by our Singapore correspondent, tbe Committee of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Exchange have had under consideration the question of Trade After the War, and as the outcome of several meetings the following resolutions were adopted 1.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 486 3 t ADY, at present engaged aa Nursery governess iu Singapore, desires a similar employment iu Penang. Full particulars on application to Box No. 28, c/o Pinang Gazette. 135-3-2 WANTED CANVASSING AGENTS. APPLY sharp for full particulars. Our famous BRASS TOYS contains 32 articles. Big set Rs. 3-6-0, medium Rs. 1-14-0,
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    • 147 3 A CELEBRATED ENGLISH SCIENTIST. Proves the Value of VENO’S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE. Charles-Hyatt-Woolf Esq., F. R. P. S., F.R.S.L., the eminent scientist, writes in his new book:—“I have experimented in the laboratory with Veno’s Lightning Cough Cure and applied it in practice, and find it contains matters valuable in relieving
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    • 75 3 “ADVERTISING is simply announcing to the world in an effective way who you are, where you are, and what you have to offer in the way of human service or commodity. All live men are advertisers, and the only man who should not advertise is the man who has nothing
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    • 755 3 MR lightmb AND STARTING BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT Eirl can start the heaviest engine j— without effort when C.A.V. equipped. I TheC.A.V. System of Electric Lighting and r Starting is so simple that the veriest novice can control it. The combined Lighting and Starting run from the ONE BATTERY —there are
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  • 1179 4 When Reuter on Monday sent a statement from the Observer to the eflect that Germany hoped to snatch an eleventhhour victory by catting Britain’s sea communications, it was apparent that the authorities in London were aware that some new development was in prospect. The telegrams published to-day
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  • 1807 4 Rumour has been very busy of late with the names of the H.E. the Governor, the Chief Secre Rumour. tary> p M.S., and other high Government officials, not only in Penang, but in the States as well. Early in the week the rumour concerning Sir Arthur Young
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 246 4 1 juTi.f-fj-i.i-f-i-'r.i-i.i-rf g Every Possible Assistance Tel. Experts sent for H I given to Amateurs. 579. Outdoor Photography. H I “NIKKO” I I Modern Art Photographic Studio, q 21, Penang Road, Penang. H R Frames made K. S. OKANIWA, Enlargements IB g to Order. Proprietor. a Speciality. H T I
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    • 21 4 THE CRAG HOTEL PENANG HILLS. The Sanatorium of the Straits Settlements. Completely Renovated. Laundry on the Premises. Telegram :Crag,” Penang Hills.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 40 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for today, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. To day. 10 54 am. 4.39 a m. 9.50 am. 4.01 p.m. To MORROW. 11.24 a.m. 5.16 a.m. 10.36 p.m. 5 04 p m.
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  • 140 5 NEW GERMAN measures against merchantmen. grave position of NEUTRALS. THE BRITISH MINEFIELD. Germany has addressed a Note to neutrals statins? that Germany and Austria forbid absolutely commerce of neutrals with the Allies, and will torpedo a'l ships without respecting flag or cargo, and announcing that five days will
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 77 5 (Rruter’s Txlegramb). STATIONS AND DEPOTS BOMBED London, February 1. A French communique says French air squadrons bombed railway stations, and depots at Curchy and Uoyannes, and bivouacs east of Netle. A French gun aeroplane fired fifty shells on cantonments at Mesnil, Saint Nica’ze and Herly on the
      (Rruter’s Txlegramb).  -  77 words
    • 68 5 Paris, February 1. The debate in the Chamber on the Bill to re-examine rejtc ed and exempted men is expected to last some days. There are 78 amendments testifying to opposition General Lyautey, the Wnr Minister, in a maiden speech, sa’d th« bill would enab'e men recovered from
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    • 129 5 NO RETURN TO GERMANY. London, February 1. The Rt. Hon. Walter Long, Secretary of State for the Colonie», in a speech at a War Loan meeting at Westminster Hall, said I speak with responsibility and as a representative of the Dominions, who are the pride and gio
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    • 158 5 Germany in her insolent peace Note presents to the outside world all the territory she has won, writes the Daily Graphic.” She says no word of all the I territory she has lost. I' is worth recapi tulating just now. As soon as the operations now drawing to
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 1073 5 GERMANY’S NOTIFICATION. New York, February 1. A despatch from Berlin says a German Note, based on President Wihon’s address in the Senate, has been communicated to neutrals. Germany has declared that the rejection of the peace ofier forces Germany to disregard the restrictions on naval warfare from
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    • 402 5 “A GRAVE SITUATION.” Washington, February 1. President Wilson and Mr Lansing conferred for an hour, after which it became known that the Government has already begun to formulate definite steps regarding submarine activity. The situation is regarded as very grave. It is intimated that some kind of
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    • 45 5 Mr. John Hodge M. P., the new Minis ter of Labour, presided, and Mr. Arthur Henderson, M. P., was one of the guests, at a dinner in London in celebration of the inauguration of the Iron and Steel Trades’ Confederation.
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    • 281 5 Mr. Hodge, in proposing the toast of The Army and Navy t said he was afraid that we did not thiik enough about the men upon the sea. He did not think anyone could properly realise what the British navy bad done for the Allied cause,
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    • 198 5 THE NAVY’S NEW HEADS There is a feeling throughout the Fleet that with Fighting Beatty at its head—the man who has been in the van wherever fighting was to be had, and who was never hampered by low visibility or other technical matters, but laid within range of the biggest
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    • 125 5 Will Holland Take Up Arms DUTCH OPINION. Amsterdam, February 1. The Dutch press dwells on the risks of the cutting off of sea-borne imports and exports, and an entirie paralysis of industry through Germany’s latest threat. The lelegrsaf states that Germany is resorting to a new, desperate action because she
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    • 214 5 MANY FROZEN TO DEATH. London, January 31. At the inquest on the Laurentic victims Captain Arthur Norton emphasised that victims died from co’d. For instance, one boat, which was picked up next afternoon, contained seventeen frozen bodies. Another bad five survivors out of twenty, the remainder being
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    • 43 5 A VICTIM OF THE RAIDER. London, January 31. The steamers Cambrian Range (British), Fczdodouro (Portuguese), Argo and Hallbjoerg (Norwegian) were sunk, also a British trawler and a Danish schooner. The Cambrian Range was sunk by the German raider before January 17th.
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  • 507 5 GERMANY’S DECISION. Amsterdam, January 31. In the course of a statement in the Reichstag, the Imperial Chancellor said We cannot discuss the enemy’s conditions, which can only be accepted by a totally defeated people. We are challenged to afight to the end. We accept the challenge,
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  • 194 5 ALLEGED PLOTS AGAINST CABINET MINISTERS. London, January 31. The Daily Mai! states that suffragists, conscientious objectors, were crested at Derby and Southampton on a sensational political conspiracy charge. The Daily Sketch gives the names of the arrested women, and says they were formrlly charged at Derby with conspiracy
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  • 782 6 SIGNIFICANCE OF BOSELLI’S SPEECH. Signor Bose’li’s lucid speech, delivered recently in Rome, at the opening of the Italian Chamber, deserves the full attention and support of all English friends of Italy. Though not the first pronouncement of the kind made by him, it is, nevertheless, the most
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  • 77 6 Judgeship Personnel. Madras, January 23.—The Madras Bar Association has sent the following cable to *he Secre'ary of State for India The Madras Bar Association protests against the Madras Congress Committee's cable, proposing to reserve one-third of the High Court Judgeships to non-barrister Indians as it ignores the
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  • 743 6 NORSEMEN AND BRITISH SEA POWER. M. Vogt, brother of the Norwegian Ambassador io London, and editor of a prominent Norwegian newspaper, published a couple of months ago a lengthy and interesting statement concerning the crisis that bad arisen between Germany and Norway. M. Vogt, who is in the
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  • 177 6 SPORTS AT ALOR STAR. A programme of horse sports, etc., on behalf of the Red Cross Fond has been arranged for Alor Star on 10th and 11th February. In addition to the events given below, in which it is hoped several Penang riders and horses will
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  • 201 6 The Band will play the following prgramme of music at the Esplanade fr 6 p.m. till 7 p.m. this evening: 1. Selection The (Jay Tarisienne Caryl l 2. Galop Vinea 3. Waltz 4. Mazurka Souvenir 5. March The Motor March Hosey Writing on the tin market on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 267 6 AYLESBURY NUTTER LIMITED. w (INCORPORATED IN F.M.S.) RAILWAY BUILDING, PENANG. 5 Shipping and Forwarding J Agents. M TELEGRAMS: "AYLESBURY.” TELEPHONE NO. 359. M THE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY I Which has now borne the Stamp of Public Approval for 9 OVER FORTY YEARS. ENO’S ‘FRUIT SALT’ j Pleasant to Take,
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    • 153 6 To Planters! REDUCE YOUR COST OF CULTIVATION By Using Massey-Harris AGRICULTURAL MACHINES Eight=Disc Harrows Nine Tine Cultivators “Verity” Ploughs Spring Tooth Harrows Specially Adapted for Tropical Full Particulars and Quotations may be obtained from the Sole Agents: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Co., Ltd., (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG. SINGAPORE AND MALACCA. Kill Pain
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  • 864 7 The wiiow and daughters of the late slr. James Irving desire tn thank those who sent wreathes and condolences. The passengers by the s.s. Ipoh, from Singapore were Messrs F D Tracy, Grant, H Wood, «nd Souter from Port Swettenham Mr and Mrs Savage and 2 babies,
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  • 1685 7 HOW IT IS DONE A Stockholm correspondent says Sweden, and to a less extent Denmark and Norway, are struggling against a sudden increase of attempts to smuggle to Germany and her allies goods whose export is prohibited. Within the past few weeks there have been scores of
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  • 624 7 —"S. F P.” STR MTS DEVELOPMENT. The question of the industrial development of the Straits is perhaps even more important than the increase of our trade, as regards the wealth of the Colony. For trade pays a much smaller percentage of profits and engages fewer of the population
    —"S. F P.”  -  624 words
  • 312 7 MM. In spite of the opinions of Mr. Stubbs and the intellectuaily-active Sir John Anderson, neither of whom had spent a lifetime in the Tropic®, twenty-five years really good service is quite enough to expect from the average official. After that most of them ought to be retired
    “ MM.  -  312 words
  • 46 7 [From Our Own Correspondent], Singapore, February 2. When Singapore Rubber Auctions concluded, of the 678 tons offered, 443 tons had been sold. The second day saw no improvement. Fine pale $147 fine ribbed smut ed $146; plain smoked $l2B and brown crepe $l3l.
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  • 17 7 The following are additional rubber outputs for January KM S lbs 20,496 Sitiawan Plantations 11,540
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  • 34 7 To-day's quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $91.95 per picul, business done—an increase of 35 cents. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £195 10s spot, and £196 10s three months.
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  • 97 7 Messrs Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. notify us that the outputs from ths following companies for January 1917 were: Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd., piculs 415, hours run 592, yards treated 84,000, value of output $21,000, cost of $9,500. Chenderiang Tin Dredging Ltd Dredge picpiculs 350, hours run 600, yards
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  • 43 7 Colombo, January 18.—A Times of Ceylon London cable says that the imports of plantation rubber amounted to 5,099 tons and deliveries to 4,545 tons. The total stocks of pira and plantation rubber amount of 9,975 tons, as against 7,117 tons.
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  • 76 7 The homeward mail closes at 5 pm. on Sunday. Registration till 6 pm to-morrow Letters posted at Dato Kramat and E. and O. Hotel Sub-Post Offices and in the before 4 p.m on Sunday will be in time. Letters, etc., may be posted at the Head Office up
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  • 136 7 Prnang, February 2, 1917. S. P. Tapioca $8.70 sales. M. P. Tapioca $9.20 sales. Gold leaf $72. Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) 16} buyers. Black Pepper $25 buyers. White Pepper $42 sellers. Trang Pepper $34 sellers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $56 buyers. Cloves $4O sellers. Nutmegs
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  • 123 7 Prnang, Fbbruary 2, 1917. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank}. London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/4 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 11/16 3 Credit ...2/4 31/32 3 Documentary ...2/5 Oaicutta Demand Bank R?. 168 3 days' sight Private 174 Bombay Demand Bank „168 If oulmein Demand Bank 167 o 3
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  • 192 7 Penang, Februay 2, 1917. cti Beef— Soup per catty 16 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 40 Tongue 50 Feet 25 Heart 40 Liver p er ca tty 35 Pork— P° f k per catty 40 Pig’s Head 18
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  • 102 7 CLOSE at; general post office CLEARANCES, To-day. Pungah for Asahan. Rotorua for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Hebe for Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Pangkor for Dindings Sitiawan and Bagan Datoh. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping. MAILS. Friday. Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh > Speelman noon, and Saban
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 45 7 If other laxatives disappoint, use 0 T* l6 dainty laxatives that really 11 Pl Ibl2 11 EO correct chronic constipation. f 50 cents per phial at your druggist's or direct by mail on re- a ceipt of price from DR. WILLIAMS’ MEDICINE COMPANY, I ■■■■■■ll
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    • 191 7 THE PINANG GAZETTE." OFFICE AND PRESS UNION STREET. PENANG. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Revised Rates of SUBSCRIPTION From Ist January, 1917. For Daily Issue Local Delivery $3O per annum. Country $35 Foreign $36 Weekly Issue $lB per annum post free. ADVERTISING RATES will be sent on -J- application. No advertising contract is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2493 8 P. O. —British India M V K K. P. M. Aocar Line Jana Mail Ste»mki» Co. U. KON N^ats& chaphj VAART pXXu” E B,aMby ‘"’’"“r Lhlllwi INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. 1 I Reserve Fund T I (INCORPOBATED IN HOLLAND.) Reserve Liability of Proprietors ’S’ OOO (Companies Iscobforatbd ih Esolahd.) A A
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