Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 January 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 837 1 n un rt nanonon a g WANTED RUBBER CONSIGNMENTS for our bi-weekly auction sales, g and private sales. Cash Ad- g vances made. g ORDERS FOR ESTATE SUPPLIES. n ——> ii —i a GOODS for forwarding to any c part of the world. FIRE INSURANCE business. n I ALLEN DENNYS
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    • 78 1 ntinnncinnDDDßnnnanDMaEDn» n Y\7 HEN YOU ARE A.WAY S g V V on leave you want to keep in touch with Malayan affairs, Social, Commercial, Mining, D u Planting, Ac. This you can de O in no better way than by subscrio- ing to the Weekly Edition of the c “Pining
      78 words

  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 118 2 TERRIBLE STORIES OF MASSACRES. London, January Tru tworthy Turkish ex-officials have given the Times an appalling account of what they witnessed in the Armenian massacres. They saw numerous bodies of men, women, and children at Mush, all horribly mutilated, the women mostly naked. Five hundred women, girls and
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    • 37 2 GRAND SHEREEE RECOGNISED. London, January 2 The Grand Shereet of Mecca has been notified that his as-umption of rhe title of King of Heiijaz has men definitely recognised by Great Britain, France and Italy.
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    • 75 2 London, January 3. Fie d Marshal Haig reports that a small hostile patrol, which reached our trenches east of Vermelles, was driven back, losins half of its number. We ejected a portion of a strong patrol which entered our trenches north of Ypres. Their losses were heavy. The
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    • 41 2 GRATITUDE TO AMERICA. Washington January 3. King Albert of Belgium has cabled to President Wilson, conveying Belgian grati'ude to America for gene-ous assistance and sympathy, and h >ping that America will always remain a strong protestor cf Belgium.
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    • 29 2 London, January 3. Mr. T. B. Moris in K.C. has been elected for Inverness shire, in succession to Sir J. A. Dewa r raised to the Peerage.
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    • 25 2 London, January 2. Earl Curzon of Kedleston was married to Mrs. Duggan, an American lady, in th* Private Chapel at Lambeth Palace.
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  • 186 2 The following telegraphic correspondence has passed between the Secretary of State and the High Commissioner. Telegram from High Commi-sioner to Secretary of State, dated December 28, 1916 Public of Federated Malay States desired to give contribution to war. Representative Committee appointed and on their
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  • 1277 2 Captain W. Hamilton, who left Hospital on Monday, leaves for a holiday at Home by this week’s mail. Mr. F. T. Ellis, who goes Home on leave by the mail this week, was presented with an Address by the stall of the Monopolies Department. Home papers contain
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  • 460 2 The Moslem community in Penang during the sh >rt soj urn of the Hon’ble Mr. Maricar.the Labour Enquiry Commissioner, has done everything possible to do him honour. Garden and tea parties, dinners, and entertainm nts were arranged and he had to refuse many requests from his
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  • 53 2 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICf. CLEARANCES. To-day. Lian Choo for Alorstar (Kedah). Kalmoa for Deli and Langsa. Jia Ho for>Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon for Port Weld and Taiping. MAILS. For Per Close. Thursday. Negapatam Madras and Durban 10.30 a.ui. Tongkah 12-30 p.m Rangoon (Mergue via Rangoon)
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  • 40 2 Jan. B.—Penang Assizes. Jan. 15.—St. Xavier’s Institution re-opens. Jan. 16, 18, 20.—“ Pirates of Penzance in Aid of Officers Families Fund, Town Hall 9.15. Jan. 16, 18, 20.—Penang Races. E. O. Race Dinners. Jan. 28.—Penang Volunteers. Field Operations.
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  • 129 2 Penang, January 3, 1917. (By Courtesy of the Chartered B ink]. London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/4 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 11/16 3 Credit ...2/4 15/16 3 Documentary ...2/4 31/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 170 3 days’ sight Private 174£ Bombay Demand Bank 170 Moulmein Demand Bank 169 o
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  • 132 2 Pbnang, January 3, 1917. S. P. Tapioca $8 nom. M. P. Tapioca SB| nom. Gold leaf $64 40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lbs. 5 oz) sl6| buyers. Black Pepper $25 buyers. White Pepper $42 sellers. Trang Pepper e no stock. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $59 sales. Cloves $4O
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 477 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. ONE 3£ H.P. PREMIER MOTOR CYCLE. Cheap. Apply Dayazell,” Scotland Road. EASTERN SMELTING Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England NOTICE is hereby given that the Directors have declared a dividend of 5% on the Ordinary Shares and a final dividend of 5% on the Preference Shares for
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    • 68 2 Body-building power proved equal to from 10 to 20 times the amount of Bovril takenNOTICE OF REMOVAL. MR. K. TAKETOMI, Proprietor of the original JAPANESE HA I R DRESSING SALOON, begs to announce to his numerous patrons, that he removed his business from The t to more convenient premises at
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 114 2 Empire THEATRE PHONE 628 The Premier Theatre of Penang. PENANG ROAD. THUR., FRI., SAT., SUN. A NEW CHAPLIN COMEDY ENTITLED i Mabel at the Wheel IN TWO LONG REELS of screamingly funny Keystone Comedy, remarkable for the thrills it contains. Mabel’s lover is most foully kept in captivity, and Mabel
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  • 29 2 Obituary. SIR CHARLES HOBHOUSE. London, January 2. The death has occurred of Sir Charles Parry Hobhouee, Bart, a forme- Judge of the High Court, Calcutta, in h’s 92nd year.
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  • 1396 3 A REVIEW. The war has fallen very lightly on Malaya, says the u Straits Times i>> its annual review We are not sure, indeed, that it has not added to Malayan prosperity, for the figures which we give in the following tables are an astounding revelation of
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  • 223 3 Deli, Decembar 22.—His Excellency the Viceroy has received the following message from the Prime Minister “On taking over the high office with which His Majesty the King-Emperor has charged me. I send to your Excellency on behalf of the people of this country a message to
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  • 264 3 I hear interesting rumours about developments in the direction of employing Chinese labourers behind the lines in France, says a London correspondent. Chinese are already employed by the French authorities. The use of Chinese on manual labour at the by our own army has been advocated by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1183 3 wanted. WARNING TO MOTORISTS. FOR British Mercantile Firm, an EUROPEAN ACCOUNTANT. I official selling price of Gargoyle Apply stating particulars of experience, 1 Mobiloils in one-gallon, sealed lithocredentials, and salary required, to graphed tins is Box No. 1, c/o Pinang Gazette. Gargoyle Mobiloil “A" Straits $2.00 j 4 j Gargoyle
      1,183 words
    • 47 3 A Clear Head a hearty appetite, sound sleep and good digestion are sure to follow an occasional dose of PINKETTES the tiny laxatives. Gentle as nature. Do not gripe. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. Ic, Singapore.
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    • 382 3 issitude I of weariness, depression, fatigue, ft jets equally men, women and child- U is most important that these signs town condition be not neglected. S iy easily lead to more serious ailments, ft f you are feeling exhausted, slack and jj on’t delay, start taking Iron Jelloids’ to-day Z
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  • 1144 4 The declaration of M. TakeJonescu upon taking office in the new Rumanian Ministry should be welcomed by those who are inclined to be pessimistic over events in the Near East. The former leader of the Opposition in the Parliament Hou?e at Bukhareat is confident that the
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  • 174 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $B6 75 per picul, business done—an increase of 25 cents. Tin is quoted in London to day at £lB2 5s spot, and £lB4 three months. Messrs. Guthrie <fc Co sends us a very useful Diary interleaved with blotting paper. L'he
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  • 1797 4 Lord Milner, whose appoinment to the Small War Cabinet caused Food and considerable speculation, Submarines, has not had to wait long to find himself justified in his attitude regarding methods for increasing the home production of food. It may be remembered that in Joly, 1915, Lord Milner’s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 199 4 Champagnes far New Year. Ernest IRROY Co., By Royal Warrant Ex. SCC« Extra Qdflllty. el 906 Vintage. BOLLINGER Co., TO HIS MAJESTY KINO QEORQK V. l9ll Vintage PRICES ON APPLICATION Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PENANG. |eCONOMy|— l^—^—l LUXURY| 6 CYL. Valve-in-head MOTOR BUICK CARS A Combination of
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    • 26 4 "ID. o." RACE DINNERS Tuesday 16th January Thursday 18th Saturday 20th DANCING AFTER DINNER Ou Thursday aud Saturday, 18th aud 20th Jan. “E. A 07’ ORCHESTRA.
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  • 139 5 [Reuter Telegrams.] THE ENEMY’S PRESSURE. KAISER AND PEACE. AMERICAN PRESS OPINION. AIR BOARD CHAIRMANSHIP. The French repulsed an attack east of the Meuse, at Verdun, and on the British line there were were raids into the German trenches east of Armentieres, the enemy making a small effort north-east
    [Reuter Telegrams.]  -  139 words
  • France and Belgium.
    • 125 5 RAIDS AND GUN DUELS. London, January 2. Field Marshal Haig reports that patrols entered the enemy’s trenches at several places east of Armentieres. An enemy patrol reached our lines south of Pilken, but were immediately driven out. The enemy artillery was somewhat more active north of the
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    • 362 5 Reverting to the German deportation measures in Belgium, the Nederlander (Christian Historical) speaks out very clearly. It writes:— Our heart fails us when we witness such things. We can understand that the occupying forces, even of an innocent country that, like Belgium, has been overcome, in the
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    • 134 5 AMERICAN PRESS VIEWS. New York, January 2. Impartial newspapers generally praise the Entente’s reply as s'raightforward and lucid. Germany’s Doom Sealed. The New York Herald is of opinion that the positiveness of the rejection will prcve a st< p towa r ds peace by revealing the truth
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    • 66 5 THE HOPE OF PEACE. London, January 2. The Kaiser, in New Year’s greetings to the Empress, speaks of clearing Rumania, despite s'ubborn Rrgsian resistance. He than-s God therefor, and expresses confidence that the year wilL bring new victories; but adds, in a minor key, that we must bold
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    • 206 5 The Times devotes considerable space to a discussion of the peace doves,” that Germany has been sending through America. But the present procedure is merely a clumsy imitation of Napoleon’s plan. Buonaparte was never tired of expressing his love for peace—a peace that would leave him supreme
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    • 327 5 The “Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant” gives a review of the general situation, now that the summer and autumn campaigns of 1916 are past, paying particular attention to the prospects of peace, as evidenced by the moves on either side. The writer divides the progress of the war to
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    • 435 5 The Swiss correspondent of the Paris Humanite sends a message to his paper concerning a recent demonstration in Dresden. For the first time, apparently, in the existence of the German Empire, a Minister of the Crown has thought fit to receive a Socialist deputation, which
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    • 251 5 Mr William Harris, presiding at. the annual meeting of the Carlton Hotel, held at the Ritz Hotel, gave a list of the principal increases in the prices of food t at the hotel had had to pay in June, July and August this year
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    • 150 5 Tokio, December 14.—With regard to the German peace proposals the Japanese newspapers in Tokio agree that they have no propect of success. The Asahi states that the peace proposition of the enemy has no sincerity and adequate principles and without doubt will never be able
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    • 24 5 NEW CHAIRMAN. London, January 2. Viscount Cowdray stipulates that he receive no salary on accepting the Chairmanship of the Air Board.
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  • The Balkans.
    • 274 5 STRONG ALLIED RESISTANCE. London, January 1. A wireless Austrian official report says the Austrians and Germans are fighting their way forward in the upper valleys of the Zabala, Naruja and Patna. Oar battalions stormed several successive positions in the Narja region, the enemy defending every foot of ground.
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  • 44 5 MANY LIVES LOST. Montreal, January 1. Forty-six women were incinerated by a fire at a lunatic asylum at St. Ferdinand, in Megantic County, at night. An uncontrollable panic occurred, and many were injured through jumping from windows. The water was froseo.
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  • 54 5 ITALY’S ADHERENCE. London, January 2. Italy has presented a note to the Greek Government, endorsing the Triple Entente’s demands. British Agent at Salonika. London, January 1. The Earl of Granville has been appointed the British Government’s representative to the Venezilist Provisional Government. at Salonika, with the
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  • 215 5 Mr. G. Ward Price says Monastir seems likely to be the scene of severe fighting on the morrow of its re-capture. The enemy has received reinforcements, some German and others Bulgarian, from the Dobrudja. With this new strength they are holding on obstinately to their defensive
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  • 592 5 Commenting on the latest events in Macedonia and Rumania, the military correspondent of the Tyd says The capture of Monastir is a purely moral success. That is all. The direction the operations of the Entente in Macedonia should have taken was south-west to north-east. That is
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  • 38 5 Loddoo, January 2. An official announcement, that no further application for 6 per cent Exchequer Bond, or War Expenditure Certificates will be accepted indicates that the issue of a New War Loan is imminent.
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  • Italy’s Campaign.
    • 48 5 MUNITION STORE EXPLODED. London, January 2. Au Italian official report says Replying to the enemy’s artillery, we heavily shelled trenches and lines of communication on the whole front. We exploded an artillery ammunition store near Castagnavizza. The enemy persistently shelled Gorizia, causing material damage only.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 39 5 Loudon, January 2, The steamers Apsley Hall (British),. Tuskar (Russian), Edda, Eva and Flora (Norwegian) and Demetrios Inglesds (Greek) and two sailing ships were sunk. Danish Steamer Torpedoed. Ferro], January 2. The Danish steamer Danmarck waa topedoed.
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  • General News.
    • Article, Illustration
      101 5 BELGIANS WELCOMED BY NATIVES. London, January 2. Reuter says the Belgian occupation of Tabora in East Africa was facilitated by the King of Uganda’s provision of 15,000 porters. The Belgian column fought and marched for months, through dense bush and swamps, from which the soldiers sometime» could not
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    • 54 5 PORTION OF CREW MISSING. 1 «T» London, January 2. Eighteen survivors were landed [at Queenstown from the wreck of’ the 3,0(f0 ton steamer Alondra, which was wrecked on the coast of Cork. The survivors were rescued from a barren rock, on which several had died of
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    • 40 5 London, January 2. At a meeting presided over by H. E. the Governor it was reported that the contribution from the Straits Settlements to the Our Day Red Cross Fund was £50,000. Many Asiatics generously contribated.
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    • 46 5 London, January 2. In the Federal Council of the F.M.S. the Sultan of Selangor moved, and the Sultan of Perak seconded a resolution for an annual war contribution of £soo,ooo,'which, with the proposed contribution from the Straits Settlements, will make £1,000,000 from Malaya.
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    • 44 5 London, January 2. Messrs. Mocatta and Goldsmid’s review of the silver market for the year states that the huge demand exceeded production. Probably the coinage orders for the present year will exceed the available production. e tOrHER Telegrams ok Page 2)
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    • 1004 6 S.T.” Sometimes we regret that the heads of the Government have so few opportunities of speaking face to face with the public, and if it had been more clearly understood that the meeting in the Victoria Theatre on Wednesday afternoon was really and truly a
      —“ S.T.”  -  1,004 words
    • 325 6 S. F. P.” The interest taken in the question of compulsory service for Malaya—that involving the division of men within army ages into classes of age and dispensability—was strongly evidenced yesterday, not only by the considerable number of replies we received on the postcards sect out, but also
      —“ S. F. P.”  -  325 words
    • 481 6 S F.P.” The Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the Hongkong University Sir Charles Elliot, had an interesting meeting in Penang the other day with a number of the leading Chinese,, to discuss with them the work of the University as it affects students from the Straits. Of the 400
      “ S F.P.”  -  481 words
    • 484 6 the existing state of things.—“ Times of Ceylon.” If very little has been said recently on the subject of the scarcity of freightage and freight rates, it is apparently because shippers have realised that there is no solution of the present difficulty and that the situation must
      the existing state of things.—“ Times of Ceylon.”  -  484 words
  • 734 6 ABOUNDING GAINS OF RUBBER COMPANIES. Probably no commodity has been less affected as regards its price by war conditions than rubber, says a correspondent. For a short period some 12 months ago, it rose rapidly to over 4s. a lb., but it fell again almost as quickly,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 93 6 “ADVERTISING is simply announcing to the world in an effective way who you are, where you are, aud what you have to offer in the way of human service or commodity. All live men are advertisers, and the only man who should not advertise is the man who has nothing
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    • 261 6 CLINCHER I I I TYRES S North British “Clincher” All-Plantation Rubber Motor M Tyres are British in every particular and are made by 58 56 skilled British Labour in the largest Rubber Factory g in the British Empire. S X 5 The best of rubber, the use of every known
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    • 362 7 To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette"] Sir, The concrete objects for which the war is being waged have never been stated.’* The above is the most ridiculous statement that Mr. Wilson ever made in his speech for mediation. It is a statement that does great
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    • 136 7 [To The Editor of the “Pinang Gazette.”] Sir, —Since no Chinese gentleman ha* thought fit to take up the cudgels and challenge Ipohite when he questioned the other day in your columns the status of the Straits-born Chinese as British subjects, kindly allow me an Indian to do
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  • 334 7 The funeral of Miss Harding, Matron of the General Hospital, at the Western Road Cemetery on Saturday has already been briefly reported bu’’ we omitted to mention that the bearers of the coffin were all medical officers, namely, Drs Grey, Harrison, Pestana and Ando and that
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  • 522 7 A GREAT BENEFACTOR. Sir Robert Ho tung, of Hongkong, who has received the Hongkong degree of Doctor of Laws from Hongkong University has many friends in Shanghai and Northern China. His career at Hongkong and his munificence have kept his name well to the fore in recent
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  • 372 7 GOVERNOR’S SCATHING REPLY TO ANONYMOUS WRITERS. H E. the Governor, at a meeting of the Legislative Council in an emphatic speech denounced the anonymous letters in the public Press recently with reference to supposed “slackers” in Hongkong. His Excellency said Gentlemen, Before I proceed with the Order
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  • 824 7 NEW BOOKS. The following books have been received at the Library German, Slav, and Magyar, by R W Seton-Watson. The Caliphs’ Last Heritage, by Lt.-Col. Sir Mark Sykes. Modern Europe, 1789-1914, by Sydney Herbert. The Story of the Great Armada, by John Richard Hale. How Botha and Smuts
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    • 295 7 New York, December 9. —Reports from Berlin state that the German wai authorities are desiring to make the Balkan war determine the result of the European war. No preliminary decision can be made easily as to whether the Balkan war will give the final decision to
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    • 129 7 Petrograd. December 10.—The Council of the Empire by a large majority, adopted a formula demanding the formation of a government united by a definite programme and enjoying the trust of the country. They also demanded that the hidden and irresponsible forces now influencing state affairs
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    • 112 7 London, December 9.—lt is believed that the Germans, who have now captured the Rumanian a r my which was holding Orsova, and which has kept up guerilla warfare in the Teutonic rear for the last two weeks, and have also taken a part of the
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  • 23 7 Pewang :—The E O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel. Singapore :—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel. Sindanglaja Preanger, Java:— Grand Hotel.
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  • 137 7 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs Kennedy and Co.’s share list r Yesterday. To day. Sharks. .2 ss CQ oq CQ zn Mining. Deebook 9/6 10/3 9/6 10/K. Kamunting 32/6 33/6 32/- 32/6 cum Kamunting... 25/- i 6- 24/- 25/VUlayan Tin 36/- 3/8- 35/- 37/6
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  • 75 7 The following are additional rubber outputs for Dec Juru lbs 15,070 Perak River Valley 15,014 KM S 20,243 Kong Lee (Perak) 1,110 Stiawan 11,500 Semanggol 8,514 Messrs Cunningham Clark Co, advise us that the undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them by auction and private tender
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  • 216 7 The output of the Ayer Weng Mine, for December, was 103 piculs. The output of the Rahman Tin Co. Ltd., during the month of December, was 679 piculs. Pls. 305.05 Mill Pis. 373.80 Tributes The output of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, during the month of December, was 450
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  • 50 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 pm. this evening 1. Selection Sonambula ...Btllini 2. Quadrille The Yeomen oj the Guard ...Bucalossi 3. Waltz Cupid ...Burns 4 Polka Leite du Susse Maus ...Morse 5. March King Carnival ...Rosey
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 9 7 P. MOIR CRANES Cylinder Qil. Sandilands, Buttery Co. 1
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    • 146 7 130 you Suffe. with Rheumatism Has this terrible, nerve-racking, painful ailment fastened itself upon yon? Don’t lose hope Here’s succour for you. Little’s Oriental Balm has cured thousands of inveterate chronic cases of Rheumatism—among them hundreds of cases that were prononneed hopeless by doc or*. Through this wonderful remedy sufferers
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    • 549 7 SUN LIFE OF CANADA. INCORPORATED 1865. fulness Io force Dec. 31st, 1914 Gold Currency $2lB millions» Total Assets Dec. 31st 1914 $64 millions, lasome daring year 1914 $l5 millions THE SUN LIFE does the greatest Annuity. Business in the World. THE SUN LIFE’S BONUSES are bha largest paid by any
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2254 8 P. &o.—B. I.—APCAR IN Y KP. M. BANK Ma ■Va I chartered bank of india. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. y.. c ta% fc A Tn IH I KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART AU J&PdD Mdll ulCaniSnlp VO. Lu. IgHa*®* MAATSCHAPPIJ Incorporated In England by Royal Charter. INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. >!
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