Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 September 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 846 1 D aaanaDonn nnDnannnnD WANTED g n r rCBBBR to sell by auction or pri- g vately, or for shipment. U Q H GOODS for forwarding to any o part of the world. g INSURANCE risks against Fire a d wr jtten. D g H’e specialize in the above. c O
      846 words
    • 64 1 c aoaaaooaaaao a FOR $3O g a E X7OU can have the >* Pinang g I Gazette posted every day g g for a whok year to your address, g (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). g Proj ortionata Quarteily and Half-yearly rates- a g Subscriptions are payable in D advance and remittance
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  • 2775 2 MEMORABLE CEREMONY AT KUALA KANGSAR. THE SCENE AT THE ISTANA. [from Our Special Representative.] Kuala Kangsar, Thursday night. A wonderful sky, with a cooling breeze to temper the heat of the sun, as it glinted on the Perak River and silvered its waters, this was the fortunate experience
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  • 503 2 H. E. The Governor’s Speech. Kuala Kangsar, Sept. Bth. At the dinner, last night, to H.H. the Saltan, H. E. the Governor and High Commissioner, in a speech, said it had been a historic gathering and very impressive, with all the Chiefs and the Sultan’s people gathered to
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  • 249 2 Calcutta Decision. Calcutta, August 30.—A Full Bench of the High Court has rejected the appl'cation of Miss Regina Guba to be enrolled and to practice as a pleader in the Alipore Courts. The Chief Justice said “In the Legal Practioners’ Act of 1879 it was evident from
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  • 62 2 Members are reminded that the next Club shoot takes place to-morrow afternoon commencing at 3 p.m. «harp. Ranges 200, 500 and 600 yards. Members are also asked to note the alteration of date of the shoot following this one, which will take place on Sunday afternoon
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  • 633 2 THIRD DAY’S PROCEEDINGS. The hearing of the case of alleged theft of a bale of cotton goods from godowo No. 9 on the 10th Aagust, was continued before Mr. V. G. Ezecbiel, to-day; After a short address by Mr. C. D. D. Hogan, counsel for Uiu
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  • 155 2 The Belgian s.s. Anvers, has landed a British airman at Hook of Holland, having picked him up from a wrecked aeroplane off the North Hinder. The crew relate that in the evening of the 2nd ulto, they suddenly sighted a big flame. A boatwas at once
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  • 105 2 The figures given in the German communique of 2nd inst, of the British losses in the battle on the Somme, are greatly exaggerated. Naturally the Germans did not state their own losses. Since the beginning of the Russian offensive on June 4, the looses of the Germans and
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  • 623 2 The following are excerpt from th Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee ’f the Penang Chamber of Commerce held the Chamber on Tuesday, Present:—Messrs. A. F. Goodr k (Vice Chairman), in the Chair F. Duxbnr C M Henderson, W G Peter, and Hon A
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  • 125 2 Penang, September 8, 1916. (By Courtesy ot the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 7/32 4 months'sight Bank ...2/4 11/16 ,i 3 Credit ...2/4 13/16 3 Documentary ...2/4 27/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174} 3 days' sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174} Moulmein Demand Bank 173} 3 days*
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  • 49 2 Sept. B.—Ministering Children’s League, Meeting 4.30 p.m., Free School. Sept 9.—Rahman Hydraulic Tin Ltd., noon. Sept. 10.—P. V. Field Operations. Sept. 11.—Govt. Girl’s School re-open. Sept 11,—P.L R.C. Shoot, 4.30 p.m. Sept 12.—Chamber of Commerce, Half Yearly Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Sept. 14.—Musical Evening, Town Hau 9.30 p.m.
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  • 766 3 GENERAL BOTHA’S STORY OF POISONED WELLS. The full story of German atrocities and breaches of the rules of war will never be told. Another chapter, however, is added in a Blue Book, which exposes the practices of the Germans in the Cameroons, East
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  • 18 3 Penang The E& O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel. Singapore :—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel.
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  • 608 3 A WOUNDED SOLDIER’S IDEAS. Among the R A M C officers on the landing stage at Southampton was one whose duty has taken him to a number of hospitals in different parts of the kingdom during the past few weeks. Talking things over, he said “I
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  • 246 3 Passenger Steamers Attacked Without Warning. Submarine piracy under the Austrian flag is rampant in the Mediterranean,where the enemy’s submarines have probably chosen a rendezvous because other waters are too dangerous. They have been the cause within the last few week of a series of tragic events.
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  • 829 3 HERR HARDEN’S DESPAIRING C RY. London, August B.—Herr Maximilian Harden, Germany’s most forcible and fearless war critic, whose writings have done more than anything else to tell his compatriots the truth about the war, devotes the whole of the latest issue of his review,
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  • 293 3 LONDON EXPERIMENT. The following figures from the Excise returns show an enormous decrease in the sales of spirits, although there is libtle doubt that the stocks held have been above the normal Spirits Cleared for Home Consumption for the United Kingdom. Proof gallons. January to Jone, 1915
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  • 478 3 Progress of the Country Steadily Maintained. The report of the financial adviser, Mr W J Williamson, on the Siamese budget for the year ending March 31 next indica'es that, in spite of the effects of war, which are bound to be felt everywhere to some extent, the steady
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 424 3 COMPETENT PLANTER, six years experience on first class estate, desires change. R. T. 8., P. 0. Box 138, Kuala Lumpur, 909-8-9 WANTED. European assistant for shipping Department of Commercial Firm: knowledge of Spanish and French essential, Apply stating previous experience, enclosing copies of testimonials to No. 231, c/o Pinang Gazette.
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    • 48 3 A Clear Head a hearty appetite, sound sleep and good digestion are sure to follow an occasional dose of PINKETTES the tiny laxatives. Gentle as nature. Do not gripe. Of all chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. Ic, Singapore.
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    • 22 3 RUBBER STAMPS. ’T'fiE PINANG GAZETTE f[PRESS, x Ltd., is now in a position to execute orders for all kinds of Rubber Stamps.
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    • 859 3 The Straits Trading Company, Limited. (Incorporated in Singapore Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 11, Collyen Quay, Singapore, on Wednesday, the sixth day of September, 1916, at noon, for the purposes following, that
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  • 1278 4 A matter upon which there has been reasonable doubt in many minds is the ability of France to continue to supply reinforcements for her armies in the field. It is a question which is believed to have dictated in a large measure the strategy of the enemy
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  • 1477 4 Citizens of America were known to have previously entered the Amerieaa Canadian forces in con L Caa»da° f siderable numbers, but n the desire of Americans to do their bit for the cause which is as dear to them as to other democratic peoples is finding a
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  • 43 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $81.50 per picul, busice s done—a decrease of $l. Tin is quoted in London to day at £l7O 15s spot, and £l7l 15s three months. To-day quotation for Copra is $B.lO per picul
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  • 131 4 The output of tin ore from the Ngow property of the Siamese Tin Syndicate, Limited for August was 1,080 piculs The result of mining operations by The Ulu Piah Company, Limited, during the month of August, was as follows :—Mine output 450 piculs, Approximate value $22,600. The output
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  • 35 4 The homeward mail closes on Sunday at 10 a.m. Registration till 6 p.m. tomorrow. The B. I. packet Thongwa, with the mails from Europe may be expected to arrive here on Tuesday morning.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 140 4 ir imran n «is uiesh um «eowe bJ! cl' .2 Mu f«? 38 ■a n aU»J a. WWgwgs gf ,i; j ,5 Bl i JKjrlvA Wl,!. ■nl ’M-U HI s <s yl^Bw^k J O *-•> gL;J 5J CS S ►—< o c/> z; Motor, Motor Cycle, Solid Cycle Tyres. A
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    • 21 4 THE CRAG HOTEL PENANG HILLS. The Sanatorium of the Straits Settlements. Completely Renovated. Laundry on the Premises. Tblkgrams Crag," Penang Hills.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 162 5 the french advance. LIEUT. ROBINSON’S FEAT. INCIDENTS IN MACEDONIA. The Bri'ish, after a fight at close quarters defeated an enemy a’tack on Lr uze wood, close to Combles on the north-west. Tbe straggle continues at Ginchy, two miles north-west of Combles. The French, after severe struggles, have taken
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  • France and Belgium.
    • Article, Illustration
      500 5 [Ruutrr’s Telegrams.] STRUGGLE AT GINCHY. London, September 7. General Haig reports severe fighting at Ginchy. A large enemy party, emerging from Courceletle, were scattered by our artillery. Fifty prisoners were brought in to-day. Numerous hostile working parties were dispersed by our shell fire. The enemy’s artillery was active
      [Ruutrr’s Telegrams.]  -  500 words
    • 312 5 COMRADE’S DESCRIPTION. London, September 7. A comrade of Lieut. Robinson, who was also chasing the Zeppelin, gives a thrilling account of the duel at 12,000 feet. The Zeppelin frantically tried to shake off its pursuers, emitting clouds of smoke, and wildly firing machine gnus. Lieutenant Robinson, Hying
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    • 305 5 Germany’s warships of the air are again coolly sailing across Holland on their return journey from raids on England. Reports came from all directions of the sighting of Zeppelins. One was seen at Terschelling and fired upon two flew at about 1,500 to 2,000 meters’ height
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    • 98 5 WARWICKS’ COLONEL RETURNS FROM FOREIGN LEGION. London, September 7. The case of tbo Indian Army Officer, Captain Smart, is recalled by sn announcement in the London Gazette of the reinstatement of John Ford Elkington, in tbe rank of Lieut.-Colonel of the Warwickshire Regiment, with bis previous seniority,
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    • 56 5 London, September 7. The Trade Union Congress, at Birmingham, rejected by a majority of two to one, a recommendation by the Parliamentary Committee to accept an invitation from the American Federation of Labour to participate in an International Labour Congress, to be held at the same time
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 93 5 BRITISH LINE INCIDENTS. London, September 7. A British official message from Salonika states that on the Struma front our patrols made Eeveral raids on enemy trenches, taking some prisoners. Tbe Navy successfully shelled a battalion of tbe enemy concentrated opposite Nedhori. The artillery is active on our Doiran front.
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    • Article, Illustration
      38 5 ARRIVAL OF SERRES GARRISON. Salonika, September 7. Despite Bulgarian opposition, Colonel Christodouloe, and the rest of the garrison of Serres, have reached Kavalla, where he is said to have seized two forts. Greek Volunteers are joining him.
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    • 22 5 SALIL BEY VISITS BERLIN. London, September 7. A Constantinople telegram states that Salil Bey, Turkey’s Foreign Minister, has gone to Berlin.
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    • 19 5 LATEST SUCCESSES. Copenhagen, September 7. It is reported from Vienna th»t the Rumanians have captured Orsova and Herkulesbad.
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    • 172 5 Simla, August 28.—The official .’news of the Rumanians coming into the war on the side of the Allies, which reached Simla this morning, has been received here with enthusiasm. It is not only the half million fresh troops which Rumania can put into the field and
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    • 54 5 TURKISH AERODROME BOMBED. London, September 7. General Sir Archibald Murray reports from Egypt that two of our aeroplanes yesterday dropped twelve bombs on a Turkish aerodrome at El Arisb, apparently with good results. Enemy aeroplanes attacked our machines, but only from long range, and they ultimately abandoned the fight.
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  • General News.
    • 37 5 MR. LANSING’S STATEMENT. Washington, September 7. Mr. Lansing indicated that tbe amendments to tbe Revenue Bill would not be made effective, unless diplomatic efforts to remove the Allied restrictions on American trade failed.
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    • 86 5 New York, August 11.—The World’s Copenhagen correspondent states A British warship recently searched the liner Friedrich VIII. bound from America to Copenhagen, and took £3,000 in gold, which Messrs. Lang and Lagerlof, two prominent New Yorkers’ had concealed. The British officers treated the men with all
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    • 84 5 SERIOUS INSURRECTION. Amsterdam, September 6. The Telegraaf states that the insurrection in the Du*ch East Indies is not localised, but is a carefully organised rising and therefore serious. The insurgents on September 2nd violently attacked Fort Moeara Tebo, and were repulsed with 20 killed. A Hague message says
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    • 22 5 London, September 7. The British steamer Torridge was sunk. Nineteen of the crew were saved. The remainder are missing.
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  • 93 5 London August 27.—The Russian Minister of War in a statement to the press says that owing to the shortage of manure the harvest in Ge. many has greatly declined. This, and other facts tend to show tbe exhaustion of Germany; further, discontent is increasing, and the quality of
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  • 72 5 London, Aug. 9.—Replying in the House of Commons yesterday to a question as to whether in the terms of peace the Allies would insist upon taking from Germany an amount of shipping to make up for their losses sustained iu the war, Mr. Asquith said
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  • 1432 5 Mr. and Mrs. P. E Laws are leaving for home by tbe mail next week. Mr. A. Sarkies was a passenger to the Southern Settlement by the Sardinia. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Whitlock are booked to leave London for Penang, on September 15tb. Mr. W. Peel,
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  • 57 5 JUDGMENT REVERSED. [From Our Own Correspondent,] Singapore, September 8. In the appeal in connection with tbe collision between the steamers Vivat and Brisbane the Appeal Court reversed the Chief Justice’s judgment, which had held that the Brisbane was to blame. Counsel asked for a stay of proceedings to
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  • 35 5 [From. Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, September 8. Messrs. Fraser <fc Co.’s, share circular reports that cheap specluative local rubbers are searched for better class stocks, and that industrials are rĕcuring fair support*.
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  • Article, Illustration
    1834 6 [BY AN ARTIST CORRESPONDENT.] August 11. The Caaal Victory. Military critics have little doubt that the Turkish attack on the defences of the Suez Canal in the neighbourhood of Rumaui was designed rather as a pieca of publicity than as a serious attempt to invade the Protectorate. To
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  • 299 6 The Matin publishes an interview ol its correspondent with Sir Douglas Haig. After expatiating on the splendid qualities of the great commander-in-chief of the British Army, the correspondent describes the efforts made by Great Britain to conquer Germany. It was necessary, he says, to
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  • 242 6 Entangled in Adventure Without an End. Mr. G. J. Stevens writes from Athens, that one of the rare pa'sengers who nowadays come through Bulgaria has reached this country. He was at Sofia ten days ago, and is a neutral merchant of high commercial standing. He reports that throughout
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 112 6 There is Nothing; to Joke about in a backache. It may be serious, particularly with women. In all events it is sure to handicap to your activities, at work or at play. There is no need to suffer. Speedy relief is foend in Little’s Oriental Balm The sovereign cure for
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    • 227 6 fountain lea—i 111 The Swan pleases the Swan p’ease the impatient exacting Hl others because it has writer. Those who ex- HI the hardest yet smoothpect more out of a pen est writing point which than others have given. years of writing do not The Swan will -atis- HI touch.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 302 6 Special Announcement! Special Announcement!! Showing shortly the Divine SARAH BERNHARDT, the world-celebrated tragedienne in a cinema version of “Jeanne Dore”: this was the firat drastic performance by Mme, BERNHARDT for the Universal film Mfg. Co. Owing Mme. BERNHARDT'S patriotism and her hatred of Germany, she has b ee denouncing the
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  • 402 7 A PROGRESSIVE POLICY. The Cairo correspondent of the Pioneer in a letter dated 4th August writes as follows: The Sherif of Mecca has established direct telegraphic communication with Egypt and the world from Mecca via Jedda and a postal service has been organised in a very
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  • 118 7 The following are the latest quotations in our share list t Yesterday. To-day. eo e Shares, I M no M 72 Mining. Deebook 9/- 10/6 9/- 9/6 Malayan Tin 35/- 40/- 35/- 37/6 Pahang C. 9/6 10/6 9/9 10/6 Rahman Tin sll} sl2} $l2 sl2| RenongTin... 29/-
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  • 65 7 OUTPUTS FOR AUGUST. The following are additional rubber outputs for August Alma lbs, 24,500 Bukit Toh Alang 13,600 Cluny 22,606 Chemor United 16,237 Henrietta 30,202 Kamunting 11,220 Kinta Kellas 44,343 Klian Kellas 3,965 Kuala Kangsar 37,758 Kota Babroe >, 39,761 Laras (Sumatra) 10,792 Old Kellas 22,579 Riverside 4,774
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  • 51 7 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the fol. lowing list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on Sept. 6 $1,742.53 The pupils of St. John’s Institution K. Lumpur 43.85 Balance on Sept. 7 $1,786.38 Amount previously acknowledged ~.$27,308.22 Total ...$29,094
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  • 778 7 LOAN REDUCED—DIVIDEND RECOMMENDED. The sixth ordinary general meeting of shareholders of Juru Estates, Limited, was held in Glasgow Mr T A Gallic, chairman of the company, presiding. In moving the adoption of the report and accounts, the Chirman said My colleagues, Major Craufurd and Captain Carruthers, are still
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  • 48 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 til! 7 this evening 1. Selection Le Pre Aux Cleres ...Herolds 2. Polka Bonne Bouche ...Waldteufel 3. Waltz Habanerd ...Waldteufel 4. Schottisch Rumanian Dance ...Rensch 5. March Tzar Nicholas II Sommer
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  • 30 7 .Rome, August 11.—It is reported the Allies are about to institute a common fund for the purchase of munitions abroad and the manufacture of munitions at home.
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    • 115 7 London, September I. The Morning Post contains a strong article regarding the treatment of wounded in India, giving as instances the conditions at Wellington, Coonoor. Official Reply. Mr. Austen Chamberlain announces with reference to the paragraphs in the Press regarding the condition of the military hospitals at
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  • 497 7 How British Troops Captured Delville Wood. One of the many places to figure in the communiques day after day is Delville Wood. Mr. Philip Gibbs Las panned a stirring story of the capture of the wood by British troops. Our bombardment he write", was arranged in a
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  • 158 7 [From Our Own Correspondent]. Singapore, September 8. At Singapore rubber auctions 615 tons were offered of which 360 tons were sold. The bidding was very variable. Fine ribbed $ll5 to $l2O, fine pale $ll9 brown crepe $ll2 and unsmoked sheet $197. Most qualities closed weaker. For Penang
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  • 358 7 That cigarettes and tobacco are welcomed by the men of tbe Army and Navy is recognised by a'l. The Overseas Club appeals for assistance in this matter, tbe importance of which is shown in the following letters from soldiers in acknowledgment of gifts received. I beg
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  • 290 7 Reuter states that three members of the Shackleton Expedition reached London from South Georgia. They are Harry McNish, carpenter of the Endurance, and two seamen, Vincent and McCarthy. They were three of a volunteer crew of five who accompanied Sir Ernest Shackleton on his journey by
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  • 288 7 Per P and O Morea. London, Aug 8 —To Singapore. Mr and Mrs Sibbald, Mr Fergusson, Mr S Gevigne, Mr and Mrs A D Robertson, Mr Matthews, Mr W Allan, Mr W O Gropius, Miss M J McNair, Mr F W Coates, Mr E H Chapman,
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  • 890 7 The s.s. Benalder from London is due here about 20th September, for Port Swettenham, Singapore, China and Japan. The Colombo Maru, (Agents, Messrs Paterson Simons Co,) is expected here e from Rangoon on the 12th inst., bound for China and Japan. The steamer Pathan (Messrs. Sandilands, Battery and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 501 7 The tonic of a UL wholesome pride |gE< CAY Cflß lighting AND STARTING is run from one battery and controlled by the touch of a switch. A perfect finish of every particular is characteristic of a C.A.V. set, and gives just that touch of distinction which is indispensable to the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2721 8 p.&0.-b. i.-apcar IN. Y.K.|fca K. P. M. £«*l mail and’passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. IJ. i Bl koninklijke paketvaart y MAATSCHAPPU D PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORA TED IN JAPAN. B qaii awn CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAV. CO. LTA MAIL SERVICES. (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.) Homeward (for
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