Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 June 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 681 1 cDDBBODa QnDDOoaDonnanDcnon f“j YOU WANT TO SHIP, g 8 BUY 0« SELL g iRUBBIDRi OR TO o forward GOODS d to ANY PART or tub WORLD GO TO g ALLEN DENNYS Co., B 7 UNION STREET. D B C B nDD nannnDDDnnQDDßDDnnnnnaD SUN LIFE RUBBER machines. Canada. GUINNESS’ STOUT'*” «p,.
      681 words
    • 57 1 nannnnnoannnDaonnoDnaoaonn FOR $3O g Q n 9 XTOU can have the Pinang D I Gazette posted every day Q for a whole year to your sddress. n (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. $27). Proportionate Quartcly and o Half-yearly rates Subscriptions are payable in D advance and remittance should be addressed t n O
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 358 2 ADVANCE CHECKED. Rome, May 31. The Palians evacuated the town of Asiago, but are resisting most stubbornly on the lofty Asiago tableland. The inhabitants of the plains were alarmed at the approach of the but have been reassured by signs that the Austrian advance has been checked.
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  • General News.
    • 152 2 ARRIVAL IN FALKLANDS. London, June 1. Sir Ernest Shackleton, in a cablegram, «ays he has arrived at Port Stanley (Falkland Islands). Help for Comrades Needed. The Daily Chronicle has received the following despatch from Sir Ernest Shackleton from Port Stanley, dated May 31. The Endurance was crushed in
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    • 35 2 CARRANZA’S QUERY. Washington, June 1. The State Departm nt has received a fresh note from General Carranza, asking an explanation of the continued presence of American troops in Mex co, and demanding their withdrawal.
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    • 61 2 AMERICA’S NEW VOTES. Washington, June 1. The House of Representatives, which on Tuesday increased the number of submarines authorized in the Naval-Bill from 20 to 50 again amended the measure, by increasing the aviation appropriation from $2,000,000 to $3,500,000. It also authorized the expenditure of $11,0u0,000 for the establishment
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    • 12 2 London, June 1. Ths British steamtr Dalegaroh was sunk
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    • 88 2 GENERAL SMUTS’ ADVANCE. London, June 1. General Smuts reports a further British advance down the Pangani river. His forces found the enemy strongly entrenched at Nikocheni, a narrow neck between the mountains and the river. General Northey’s Success. Mr. Bonar Law telegraphed hearty congratulati ms to General
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    • 601 2 How the British pursued and sank the German gunboat Headwig von Wiessman on Lake Tanganyika, Central Africa, is related by a chief petty officer engineer in the following letter to his father at Reading The other day we had a great victory. At 5.30 a.m. a
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  • 254 2 The Chief Inspector of Mines in Ind a publishes the following figures relating to the output of coal in British India during 1915 the statistics being in advance of his annual r eport: Province Tons. Assam 310 943 Baluchistan 43,607 Bengal 4,975,460 Bihar and Orissa 10,711,356 Burma
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  • 436 2 CHARGE AGAINST POLICEMAN. The charge of extoi tiufl’ brought against Din, a Marine P. C., by putting one Vadiveloo, an estate tongkang tinial of Messrs Boustead Co., in fear of injury of being arrested, was continued before Mr. E. E. Colman, Second Magistrate, accused being defended by Mr.
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  • 116 2 TENNIS TOURNAMENT. The tennis ties p’ayed last night at the Golf Club resulted as foil <ws Profession Pairs—Everest and Prentis beat Forrest and Sharpin by 6—3, 6—l Peel and Rogers b?at Saye and Harvey by 6—3, 6—4 Threlfall and Sproule beat Savi and Sayers by 6—o, 4—6,
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  • 118 2 The homeward mail closes on Sunday at 10 a.m The Chief Pose Office will be open on that day from 9 a.m till 11 a.m, The B. I. contract packet Fultala sailed from Negapatam on Wednesday at 7 p.m with the outward English mails, and is expected to
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  • 95 2 A strong bill is announced for the holiday at the Electric Polyscope commencing to-night, when The Exploits of Elaine in four more chapters will be shown, also “A Woman’s Self-S<c ifice,” in 2 reels, “On the Brink,” in 3 part», Official War Gazette ami a variety of comedies.
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  • 121 2 CLEARANCES. To-daV. Benoa for De’.i and Asahan. Perlis for Trang, Tongkah and Pang Nga. Alma P. Swettenham Singapore. Hebe for Bagan Datoh Teiuk Anson. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis Setul. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping. Kaga Maru for Colombo. Padang for Trang. MAILS. CLOSE AT GENERAL POST
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  • 106 2 June 3.—King’s Birthday. June 3.—P.V.R.C. Shoot 7 a.m. June 3.—P.V. Shoot, “A” v Veterans Co 7 am. June 5.—P L R.C. Shoot 4 30 p.m. June 10(2.15 pm.) and 12 (10.30 a.m) Cricket, Penang v. Perak, Esplanade June 12.—Whit Monday Holiday. June 15. —Penang Turf Club, Special General
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  • 170 2 NOTICE is hereby given that a Special General Mt eting of the members of the above Club will be held at the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, June 15th at 4 30 p m. for the purpose of approving the programme for the Summer (1916) Race Meeting.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 48 2 A Clear Head a hearty appetite, sound sleep and good digestion are sure to follow an occasional dose of UMS' the tiny laxatives. Gentle as nature. Do not gripe. Of all chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. Ic, Singapore.
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    • 114 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ENGLISH NURSE, disengaged end of June, de-ires RE-ENGAGEMENT. Apply Miss Davies, 2, Ayer Rajah Road, Penang. Fresh Shipments have been received of: FORMALIN 40 per cent In Demijohn of 44 lbs. COAGULATING PANS Enamelled 18 in. x 9 in. x 3|. BOX STRAPPING 5/8" width in reels of
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    • 252 2 George Town Dispensing, i| j THE LEADING CHEMISTS. PENANG. TAIPING AND IPq h POINTS to remember We have the largest stock of any Dispensary in Penan--o' All our Goods are of first class Quality. We are the only firm in Penang, employing a Chemist with th Major Qualification of the
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  • 1060 3 ESTIMATES LARGELY EXCEEDED. The tenth annual general meeting of the Batu Tiga (Selangor) Rubber Company, Limited, was held yesterday at 38, Eastcheap, E. C., Mr. L. T. Boustead (Chairman) presiding. The Chairman said: Gentlemen, with your leave we will, as usual, take the report and accounts as
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  • 192 3 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., in their weekly report, dated May 31, says The quantity sold at this week’s auction amounted to 296 tons out of a total of 376 tons offered. Demand for practically all grades was good throughout, but prices were lower in sympathy with
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  • 657 3 Mr. J. T. Lloyd, in an interview, said many changes and improvements have been effected. In 1872, the ground now occupied by the Master Attendant’s office and the Post Office was a fort and was known as Fort Fullerton. The Chartered Bank of India occupied the premises
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 960 3 h 1T uatiqn w' ntep. NOTICE. V ENGINEER With good dredging A'. wo sp± IN the estate of henry IhaT G uod teBtimoniaK O’SHEA, DECEASED. Apply N0. 202> c pinan 9 Gazette p__2-6 P U St^ A T t 0 Section 26 of the Trus- te Ordinance 1914, notice is
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    • 798 3 Be Fat—Not Funny PUT ON FIRM, HEALTHY FLESH WHERE EVERY OUNCE WILL COUNT. If women and men only knew the pity, the gibes and the ridicule, that pinched cheeks, scrawny chests and scarecrow figures make, they would certainly do something to add flesh to their bones, and round out their
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  • 945 4 Mr. J. Norton Griffiths' interrogation of the Premier, on the subject of establishing a preferential trading policy with India, in favour of the United Kingdom, the Dominions and the Allies, failed to elicit any pledge from Mr. Asquith beyond the promise that the matter would be among
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  • 281 4 There will be no issue of the Pinang Gaz-t’e” to-morrow The telegrams will be sent out in the forenoon, and despatched to all subscribers to the paper. The Penaug Library will be closed tomorrow, the 3 d instant Messrs. Whiteaway Laidlaw, and Co., Ltd's, premises will be closed
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  • 1786 4 The final dispatches on the Cameroons have been written, and the military chapter closed, and now, like the King of Fumban, a dusky ruler in the country whose outlook is changed for the better from the native point of view, the superstitious souls who practice the “Ju-ju”
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 290 4 IT iwmrnwrr to his majes’Y *****8 seosse v. g B) !f as a l> Mk 4 fc»- Z 'Slf -■'A S' ’’Mb S’. y j < <x S 3 a dafck aJM SBsaSSEk < Motor, Motor Cycle, Solid Cycle Tyres. A PATRIOTIC DUTY. The Duty of the Buying Public is
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    • 192 4 E. O." SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY Wednesday and Saturday. E. 6? O. ORCHESTRA. ORCHARDING IN TASMANIA. SADLIEK KNIGHT Orchard Agents and Attorneys, LAUNCESTON, TASMANIA. We plant and manage orchards for Absentee Clients, with graduated payments, and under Government Expert supervision, until it suits them to take personal possession this enables clients
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 360 5 RUSSIANS AND MOSUL AUSTRIA’S OFFENSIVE. BATTLES WEST OF MEUSE. COMMONS AND THE ARMY. jffiWS FROM SIR E. SHACKLETON. The centre of interest in Turkey has been transferred from Baghdad to Mosu', also on the Tigris, the latter town bring now regarded as the key to Mesopotamia. The Russian forces
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  • prance and Belgium.
    • 571 5 [Reutrr’s Telegrams.] GERMAN FORCES BAULKED. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, June 1. The battle at Verdun has assumed •note enormous violence than ever. A communique records fierce fighting day an i niuht, between Dead Man hill and tiie Meuse. The Germans, after a bombardment of unprecedented
      [Reutrr’s Telegrams.]  -  571 words
    • 608 5 A correspondent on the Verdun front of a Leipsig paper quotes the following illustration of French gallantry Two German battalions advancing on the western part of the Bois des Caures were stopped in front of the second line of defence by a gallant French officer, who shut
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    • 72 5 BRITAIN SECURES NORWAY’S FISH SUPPLY. London, June 1. Mr. Wul'er Runciman has concluded negotiations for the purchase of Norway’s entire catch of fish for a year, thus depriving Germany of valuable food, and adding to the British supply of fish which has lecently been reduced to
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    • 41 5 London, June 1 In the House of Commons, Mr. E. G Pretyman stated with leterence to the Economic Conference in Paris, on June 14 b, that none of the Allies bad asked the Government to define Britain’s policy.
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    • 35 5 London, June 1. At the request of the Government, a meeting of ma-t is and men was held at Manchester to-day wt h av ew to a settlement of the cotton dispute.
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    • 250 5 The spinners’ demand for a 1C per cent advance is discussed by Mr. James Billington general secretary of the Preston Operative Spinners’ Association, in his monthly report. He remarks that a funny side of the business is the great number of men in spinn nz rooms to-day who
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    • 52 5 Melbourne Jane 1. The prospectus is issued of the new Commonwealth War Loan on tl e same terms as the previous loan. The amount authorised h £50,000,000, bub it is stated that the Government will take as much as the public cates to give. Subscriptions close ou
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    • 11 5 Sydney, June 1. The wheat harvest totals 67,323,000 bushels.
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    • 505 5 THE EMPIRE’S RESERVES. London, May 31. In the House of Commons, in the debate on the vote for Lord Kitchener’s salary, Mr. Harold Tennant, replying to Colonel Churchill’s speech of May 23, said Colonel Churchill’s estimate of the number of recruits obtainable in India was vastly exaggerate d.
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    • 56 5 MR. ASQUITH’S STATEMENT. London, June 1. In the House of Commons, Mr. Asquith at question time, said there was nothing in the German no>e to the United States, dated May 7th, indicating that Germany was prepared to consider peace terms which would safeguard the interests of the Allies
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    • 73 5 PROGRESS OF NEGOTIATIONS. It is officially announced that Mr. Lloyd George’s enquiries are not yet complete, though they are progressing as rapidly as possible. The statement that he would make a definite announcement regarding Ireland to day was premature Mr. Herbert Samu» 1 has gone to Dublin to deal
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    • 43 5 London, June 1. In the House of Commons, Mr. Asquith said in view of urgent munition rrquirements it was proposed by Proclamation to postpone the Whit Monday Bank Holiday till August Bth. The bankers were agreable to the change (Cheers.)
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 114 5 IMPORTANT OPERATIONS IN PROGRESS. Petrograd, May 31. Mosul, the ancient Nineveh, not Baghdad, is now the key to the situation in Mesopotamia. The Turkish forces, which attacked the Russians at Rewanduz, 250 miles from Baghdad, proved to be tioops from Kut The Turks are apparently moving towards
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    • 45 5 TWO DEATH SENTENCES. Cairo, June 1. The State triri of Shamsei Din and Helbawi, on chargee of c inspiring to kill the Sultan of Egypt, ended in both being f< und guilty on all counts, and sentenced to be hanged.
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    • 280 5 It is necessary, says a military writer, to keep clearly in mind that our operations in Mesopotamia must have a notable effect upon the general military s tuation in the Turkish Empire. The recent success of the Russians have brought their forces into five groups, of
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    • 511 5 The Egyptian Press Bureau has issued an interesting survey of Turkish affairs, says a Cairo correspondent, which goes far to confirm the information already lulled from recent arrivals from Syria and the Balkans. It opens by sayirg that having strengthened their position in Constantinople, where the Committee
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    • Article, Illustration
      50 5 A BULGARIAN PROTEST. Athens, Jane 1. The Bulgarian Minister ha? protested that the Greek frontier guerds fiied upon the Bulgarians, when the latter cccupied Fort Rapel. The Premier refused to consider the protest. French Advance. Salonika, Jane 1. The French occupied the village of Poroj, north-west of Lake Doiran.
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    • 39 5 PROBABLE TRADE PACT WITH TURKEY. Bucharest, Jane 1. Rumania will shortly make an arrangement with Turkey, allowing the exportation to Turkey of petrol and wheat, in return for tobacco. The Rumanian Cabinet rejected a similar arrangement with Bulgaria.
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    • 117 5 Bukarest, April 19th.—The Bulgarian Government has expressed a desire to conclude a new commercial arrangement with Rumania similar to that arrived at between this country and Germany. The proposed arrangement would be on the basis of reeiprocity, and would facilitate the transit of goods between Rumania,
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    • 277 5 Bukarest, April 19.—The commercial arrangements between Germany and Rumania, which, according to a telegram from Berlin, was signed on April 7, in that city, is stated here to introduce no new features in the commercial relations of the two countries, but only to regulate the situation already
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  • 606 6 GREEK FEARS OF AN AGREEMENT. Athens, April 23—M. Venizelos, in an article in the Kirix recently discusses what grounds there are for the persistent belief in this country that certain circles in England favour the establishment of an ■nderstanding with Bulgaria at the expense of Serbia
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  • 178 6  -  William Booth. The general’s a decent sort, as far as generals go; The major, he’s another, as he marches to and fro; The captain he’s a corker,” when in uniform arrayed— But you should see our sergeant when he marches on parade. His eyes are keen as razors,
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  • 20 6 Pesang -.—The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Runny mede Hotel. Singapore Raffl ea Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel.
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  • 784 6 GREETE’S POLICY. I have had many opportunities within the last few days, says the London correspondent of the Pioneer,” of discussing the position of affairs at Salonika with Serbian officers who came here in the suite of the Crown Prince as well as with a member of
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  • 913 6 AN EVENTFUL HISTORY. Dublin has always been in some way outside Ireland so that to judge the country by the capital in any particular wou'd be for a stranger a dangerous and misleading thing. Is Ireland hot in a struggle for tha land Dublin remains inert.
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  • 991 6 The ss. Niitaka Maru, of the Osaka Shosen Kaisha, called at Sandakanjon May 4th, and left for Tawao on the 6th. She is the first of a regular line which this company is inaugurating. She had on board a large party of Japanese tourists, there being over 60
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 116 6 Driven Out Whenever Little’s Oriental Balm enters a home te headaches are driven oat. By simply rubbing in a little of this sure-acting remedy the most stubborn ache or pain is soon brought to r erms. When you apply LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM yon fan Jeel the pain goin? away. Think
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    • 56 6 Tou judge the since >ty of silver by the hali-n srk. The sincerity of an advertisement may be est mated by the consistency of its appearance. If ndvertisemente appear persistently in the press, it is evident they ars honest and worth your while to reply to. If they were net,
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    • 125 6 Johnson Pickett Rope Co"! j INC, MANILA, P. I. J s 1 I MANUFACTURERS OF j High Grade Manila Rope, j Standard Grade Rope and White j j Dry Manila Rope, j j THE BEST IN THE WORLD. j Manufactured by Machines of Modern Design. I Both Renowned for their
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 335 6 A Mammoth Feature Programme! One of the Finest Programmes Er er Presented!! AT THE STRAITS CINEMA, Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL. PENANG ROAD. The House of Quality! The Home of Feature Attractions!! TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT 11 Detective JACK FOR3ES will appear for the First Time in Penang IN A SENSAIIONAL AMBROSIO
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  • 783 7 U J R R'gby has pas-ed his final law L 1 col a In s H Langston, D. 0., Tampin, is -h’rtiy leaving for Penwg t 0 take U P the duties of Censor. Mr A G Anthony of Messrs Huttenbach Bros <fc Co., arrived from Singapore
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  • 297 7 POET, EDITOR, AND EXPLORER. Sir Ernest Shackleton, the famous explorer who has arrived in the Falklands is forty-two years cf age. Since I was fifteen years of age," ne once confessed, I have worked for my living— ata shilling a month to begin with. When I was
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  • 216 7 Anniversary of Proclamation. Monday was the second anniversary of the Proclamation of H. H. the Sultan of Pahang, who was 48 years of age in February. Owing to ill-health H.H. has not been seen about much lately,but he con’inues to take great interest in his favourite
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  • 47 7 The Chartered Bank advises us of the following further subscriptions to the Penang Aeroplane Fund No. 1 subscribed ...$19,200 00 Balance on June 1 $6,870.10 Mr. Seng L r e 100 00 Heng Moh Kongsi 25 00 S. P.” 10.00 “Anonymous” 10.00 Total $7,015.10
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  • 47 7 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on May 30 $3,232 33 Anonymous monthly subn 20 00 Balance on June 1 $3,252.33 Amount previously acknowledged ...$23,913.74 Total ...$27,166 07
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  • 17 7 Tin is quoted in London to day at £lB7 ss. spot, and £lB7 three months.
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  • 115 7 The output of the Rahman Tin, Co., Ltd., during the month of May, was 718 piculs. Mill Pls. 374.11 Tributes 343 65. Mr Khaw Joo Tok advises us that the outputs from the following four companies, were as stated Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Coy, (N. L.) for May
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  • 36 7 OUTPUTS FOR MAY. The following are additional rubber outputs for May Batak Rabit lbs. 24,500 Bagan Serai 29,000 Penang 173,000 Rubana 54,000 Strait 9 186,000 Sungei Get'ah 4,688 S S Bertam 91,000 Tali Ayer 69,200
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  • 26 7 (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, June 2. Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s share circular says the market is dull, but buyers require good bargains.
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  • 50 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening 1. Introduction And Polacca ...Maylor 2. Lancers Somebody s Luggage ...Coote 3. Waltz Kate Kearney ...Coote 4. Song Ails a Mine Newton 5. March The Spirit of Liberty ...Rosey
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  • 49 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club tomorrow from 5-45 til! 7-15 1. Selection Gustave ...Auber 2. Quadrille Huldiguns ..Seitert 3. Selection Robert le Diablt Meyerbeer 4 Waltz L'estasi ...Arditi 5. Galop Birds Beak ...Fahrbich 6. March The Chinatown Rosey
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  • 64 7 SUNDAY, JUNE 4 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF ENGLAND. ST. ANDREW S, NORTHAM ROAD. Children’s Service—9 a.m. Public Worship—6 p.m. Preacher Rev. Donald J. Ross, v.a. Service of Devotion and Intercession, Friday, 6.30 p.m. Chaplainey of Perak North. All ISaints’ Church, Taiping.—Sunday after Ascension Day 8 a.m Holy Communion; 5.30
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  • 69 7 Church of the Assumption.—Octave of the Ascension, Low Mass, 6.15 High Mass and Sermon, 8 a.m. Vespers and Benediction, 5 p.m. Every Friday evening Service ©f Intercession at 5.30 p.m. Church of Our Lady of Sorrows.—Mass, Sermon and Benediction, 8 a.m. Church of St. Francis Xavier.—High Mass, Sermon
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  • 99 7 For the period from the 2nd to Bth June, 1916, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at two shillings and nine pence p a r lb., and the duty on cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem
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  • 410 7 Meeting of Council. At a Counc‘l meeting of the F M 8 Chamber of Mines held on Monday, May 29, the following were present:—Mr E J Vallentine (President) in the Chair, Mr L G Attenborough (Vice President), the Hon Mr A Payne Gallwey, the Hon
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  • 380 7 The cost of living has been steadily rising in Colombo since the outbreak of war. There is very little cold storage to be had from Australia, owing to the demands of the Imperial and Colonial Armies. Fresh Australian butter is hard to get even
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 306 7 Necessity is the Mother of invention TRADE MARK < c COAGULATEX O Th... > A WISK» G“ A Boon and a Blessing to Planters A new discovery for Coagulating Rubber. Superior to Acetic Acid. U Cheaper than any recognised Coagulant. Guaranteed free of any vegetable matter. Equally suitable for Sheet
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2659 8 P. &O. B. I.—APGAR N. Y. K. fev K. P. M. O«AN MAIL AND passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. maatschappij E PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) U J UAL BTE *M NAV. M MAIL SERVICES. <a (Inwbpobated in a(uio l[ l Homeward (tor
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