Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 May 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 58 1 oanDaDaonnDODODoaDoDDanaDfl FOR $3O 2 n XTOU can have the “Pinang n I Gazette posted every da r w 2 for a who)» year to your addres» (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proj ortionate Quartet ly anj Balf-jeurly rates. 5 Subscriptions are payable ii advance and remittance shoul< q be addressed to O
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  • 2094 2 ALLEGED MURDER OF MILLIONAIRE FATHER-IN-LAW. One of the most remarkable murder cases in the records of American criminal history has been stirring New York for the month. The first chapter has just been ended by the indictment of Dr. Arthur Waite, a young dentist, for the murder of
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  • 327 2 Big Increase in Marriage Rate. Two remarkably interesting facts regarding the year 1915, are included in the Registrar-General’s annual report for 1914, issued last night. They are The marriage rate in 1915, rose to 19.4 per 1,000 of the population. Infant morsality increased to 110 per 1,000 births.
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  • 267 2 French Tribute to Our Help During Vesdun Battle. The “Bulletin des Armeea” has published an article on Great Britain’s Friendship,” in which it says For months the valiant troops of Great Britain have been doing their apprenticeship of modern warfare side by side with our soldiers
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 942 2 wanted, RUBBER STAMPS. A BILL COLLECTOR Security yHE PINANG GAZETTE PRESS, $2,000. Apply stating salary to 1 Ltd g QOW n poaition to exec ute No. 196, c/o Pinang Gazette. orderB for ftH kinda of Rubber Stamps. 518—u c HABRAKOL SYNDICATE Ltd., -A. *T* E> D. (Incorporated in the Straits
      942 words
    • 57 2 Harsh Purgatives, Salts and Castor Oil, are old fashioned remedies more drastic than safe. the tiny laxatives ensure the same results, but in a perfectly natural manner. They do not upset the stomach, nor gripe, but gently assist nature. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the
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    • 290 2 ’I a T TEK iZ‘« v Persons are y mft k in S «nautho r i 8 d Service of News, and if found in'ringinoj I he Strai B dealt with m accorda-n wUI be. j of that Ordinance Wlth{ hep!* 5 ADVE R T ’SEME^ TP HE 1 Ud.
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  • 1270 3 A VISIT TO THE PROPERTY. 'P. G. Special.) A yer Kuning, as rubber estates go in Malaya, is only a minor, though paying and improving proposition. Moreover, the property is of a somewhat uneven character, embracing portions planted and tapped by Malays years ago in a casual, haphazard
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  • 333 3 The seizure of plotters in America concerned in the manufacture of bombs to blow up munition ships is due to the arrest in London of a man who has given the name of Bridgeman Taylor who arrived in England early in the war. The seizure of
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  • 181 3 Notorious Opium Smuggler Arrestbd. Colombo, May 6,—The customs preventive staff were successful on Thursday in bringing a notorious opium smuggler to task. The man has four previous convictions against him. On the last occasion he was charged by the authorities in January, 1915, when he was sentenced to nine
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  • 1031 3 CLOSING DAY’S RESULTS. {From Our Own Correspondent') Singapore, May 20. The results of the events on the last day of the Singapore Meeting were as under I.—The Stewards’ Stakes. Distance, Race Course. Value of each stake $350 and $5O to each Second Pony. A Handicap for all Ponies,
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  • 216 3 The fortnightly Handicap shoot took place on Saturday afternoon, commencing at 3 p.m. The conditions were good but the heat wa<> rather trying. The shoot resulted asunder 300 and 600 Yards (H. P. S. 100.) 2nd/Lt. Hogan with H’cap 29 made 92 90 Pte Powell ‘75
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  • 248 3 MR M AY’S TEAM v. MR. CANTRELL’S TEAM. This was a match practically between batsmen and bowlers, as will be seen from the teams given below. May’s men hit up 119 while Cantrell’s followers could only reply with 82. The losers did not at al feel at home with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 182 3 ici I ZZJ I Simple—Efficient—Lasts for Years. Always Ready—Will not dry up. Easily first in every Country, in hot climates Waterman’s //V. Ideal still more strongly asserts its supremacy. It z' s > stands out as the one fountain pen to give unqualified satisfaction. It is absolutely perfect in every
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 91 3 Change of programme AT THE STRAITS CINEMA, Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL. PENANG ROAD. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT Positively the Last 3 Nights SPECIAL. ENGAGEMENT OF WORLD-FAMOUS MAGICIAN Miss TENKWA And Her Party of 25 Star Artists. Japan’s Foremost Troupe of Remarkable Magicians and Illusionist?, Amazing, Astounding and Fascinating Performance Include Delicate
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  • General News.
    • 81 4 THE ALLIES’ GUARANTEE. Paris, May 19. It is announced that the Allies have guaranteed that the Aland Islands will not remain fortified after the war. Swedish Apprehensions Allayed. London, May 19. The Daily Telegraph says the AngloFrench proposals, in which Russia acquiesced, that the fortifications on the Aland
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    • 49 4 London. May 10.—The Swedish activist party has been revived by the question of the fortification of Alland Islands being again raised. Herr Rappe, ex-War Minister, demands the immediate neutralisation of the Islands; otherwise Sweden will be either dominated by the Entente or made dependent on Germany.
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    • 105 4 INDIANS AND RHODESIANS. London, May 19. The camaraderie between the South African and Indian troops in East Africa is shown by a recent incident. The Rhodesians and the Baluchis were co-operating in the most friendly fashion in covering the movements of other troops. As the Baluchis were hard
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    • 92 4 CLOCKS PUT FORWARD, London, May 21. The clocks, including the great clock at Greenwich Observatory, which gives the time for the whole country, were advanced at two o’clock this morning. The time fixed for the change was arranged on representations by the Railway Companies, as fewest trains are
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    • 278 4 Daylight Saving is a name given to a proposed alteration of the clock at certain periods of the year so as to bring it more nearly in accord with solar time. The movement owes its impetus to Mr. W. Willett, who explained his views in a
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    • 153 4 LORD HARDINGE’S VIEWS. London, May 21. Interviewed by the London correspondent of the New York Times,” Lord Hardinge paid a warm tribute to the loyalty of India’s princes and people, also to the attitude of the educated and political classes in suspending controversies, in order not to embarrass
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  • 479 4 AUSTRIA’S ACTIVITIES. (Specially Translated.) In the harbour at Fiume there is great activity. The authorities have amassed a fleet of 150 vessels to convey troops, munitions, foodstuffs and heavy artillery to Durazzo, The opinion is held that Austria has decided to attack the Italian position at Valona.
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  • 342 4 Several shares made a good jump on Wednesday on the Amsterdam Bourse. Amsterdam Laogkat Co. Pref 275 to 309 Deli Mij 509—520 Deli Cultuer Mij 162—175 Senembah Mij 500—517 Amsterdam Deli Company 249—284 In no case was there a shortening of price. A new Insurance Company has been
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  • 1922 4 ATTACKING FORCE’S SUCCESS. They trod the toilsome way to Highlands, In the true Alpinist vein Arriving there they toasted The Day Then prayed would be theirs the gain. Hurrah for the Highlands, comfortable Highlands, The home of the thirty, the five and the three, Where cloud loved to
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  • 1568 4 Mr F Belfield is shortly going on leave. Mr W M Sime has left Malacca for Home. Mr P J A Williams, of Bentong, has gone on a trip to India. Mr W Burton is appointed first-class magistrate, Negri Sembilan. Mr M B Shelley is gazetted to
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  • 848 5 IS K. OF K.“ A BLUNDERER ‘‘Kitchener has never once been right during this war,” is a statement that has been made, and one that is fairly typical of many others made by whom one writer term-» the devotees of the sport of Kitchener-baiting, He was wrong aboa r shells,
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  • 748 5 T.O M.” KEDAH PLANTED CHARGED. Alleged delay in making payment for a motor cycle taken on approval led to the arrest of a young planner named P H Thornley at Selama Estate, Kedah, last week, and to his production before Mr W D Scott in the
    —“ T.O M.”  -  748 words
  • 539 5 Mr. H. F. Prevost Battersby, writing from the British Headquarters in France, says the accounts of what is happening out here must be a little puzzling to people at home, who are unacquainted with the idiosyncrasies of our line of battle. In one part of
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  • 215 5 Trengganu Schooner Held Up. A Straits Times correspondent, writing from Trengganu on May 13th, states On the Bth instant a most daring piracy was enacted on the high seas off Minara, Siam. A Trengganu schooner, owned by Haji Mamat, and loaded with salt from Trengganu for Singora,
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  • 79 5 Milan, April 13.—The police of this city have just broken up a huge organization of contrabandists which was engaged in smuggling rubber through to Germany. A package containing 120 kilogrammes of rubber was seized just a« it was about to be passed across the frontier. The ringleader
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 519 5 Estimates Free for complete House Furnishing. Turkish Towels. >-== The W.L.” Range of Turkish Towels made exclusive- O j -1) f° r us and are obtainable elsewhere. Our g• rp* I nH~ I-I I ffijp 2C (A Huge Sales enable us to buy direct from manu- 1 UI*KISII 1 OWCISe
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  • 22 6 Todd —On the 18th inst., at the Cambridge House Nursing Home, London, to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Todd, a son.
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  • 828 6 Most decent-minded men of every shade of political opinion must have felt disgusted at the malicious bigotry of the Times’ comments on Mr. Asquith’s recent visit to Ireland with a view to a personal investigation of the rebellion and a heart to heart talk with Nationalists
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    • 476 6 [To the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette."] Sir,—lt may be of some interest to the telegraphing public to know, that owing to the Daylight Saving Bill” which is in operation in Great Britain from yesterday, 21st inst, the difference in time from that date until the 30th September,
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  • 867 6 Civil servants in this country were doubtless mildly interested in the fact that the much-discussed Treasury circular increasing the hours of civil servants at Home from seven to eight a day had been withdrawn. It is suggested that overtime will be paid for every hour beyond schedule,
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  • 183 6  -  A. L. G. I charge you charge your glasses—--1 charge you drink with me.” Rudyard Kipling A toast I a toast I give you. Up, on your feet and drink Silently as becomes us Who have good cause to think Of Her, our old gray mother With reverence and
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  • 248 6 PENANG FIGHTERS.” DONATIONS FOR SECOND MACHIN* The sum of .$19,200 required f Or a first Penang Fighter Aeroplane has b J' subscribed, and the donations for ec Penang Machine have reached $2,458 I°tconfidently anticipated that the sl7oon required to complete the second Aeroph will be subscribed in the course week.
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  • 97 6 The following are the latest quotations in our share list:— Saturday. To-day. m Shares. 2 a s 9 M in MX Mining. Bangnon V. 3/- 4/- 2/- 4/Cheuderiang 11/- 12/- 10/6 11/6 K. Kamunting 39/- 40/6 38/9 40 Tin Bentong 32/- 33/6 31/- 32/6 Trong 32/- 34/-
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  • 22 6 The output of the Tongkah H»rboB r Tin Dredging (N L) for the week ending 20th inst., was 19 tons.
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  • 154 6 The Band will play the following gramme of music at the Esplanade 6 till 7 this evening:— 1. Selection La Vie Pour le Czar ...Glink» 2. Lancers The Old Guard 3. Waltz Der Romantiker 4. Melody «SpamaA Chant ...H» r 5. March When the moon Aj e
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 364 6 KODAKS. We have a large selection of Kodaks in all Sizes. Vest Pocket Kodak No. la Kodak *25.00 No. 3a Kodak No. 4a Kodak *74.00 We also have a selection of Sanderson, Ensign, Tenax, Klito and other well-known makes of Cameras. FILMS. A Get Your Films from us and be
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    • 31 6 "E. &O.” EMPIRE DAY,” 24th May. SPECIAL~DINNER. The Dinner will be charged $3 a head and all the takings will be banded over to the Penang Fighter.” BOOK YOUR SEATS NOW.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 283 7 the fights at vimy. AUSTRIA’S EFFORT. MESOPOTAMIAN CAMPAIGN. MR GARVIN AND IRELAND. Besides defeating German attacks at other parts of the Western line, the French have had to meet several farther enemy efforts west of the Meuse, in the Verdun area. These German offensives were chiefly delivered against
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  • France and Belgium.
    • Article, Illustration
      1305 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ENEMY OFFENSIVE FOILED. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, May 19. Furious German attacks were renewed around Verdun. A communique says that dusk the enemy made an extremely violent offensive with two fresh divisions against Avocourt wood and Hill 304. The attack completely failed except for
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  1,305 words
    • 76 7 London, May 12.—A message to the Daily Telegraph states that the power of the German Artillery at the Verdun area is undiminished but the strength of their Infantry is waning and they are unable to hold the ground torn by the guns against counterattacks. The French Infantry
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    • 77 7 London, May 19. Austria’s financial straits are revealed by intercepted messages received by Reuter from official sources, showing the desperate efforts of Austria to obtain loans in the United States. She is even reduced to offering to transfer fees on real estate as security and apparently has
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    • 78 7 RAIDER BROUGHT DOWN. London, May 20. At least three seaplanes raided the east coast of Kent at two in the morning. A dozen explosive bombs were dropped on the Isle of Thanet, where only a few windows were broken. Twenty-five bombs were dropped in the south-east of
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    • 145 7 MR. GARVIN’S SUGGESTIONS. London, May 21. Mr J L Garvin in the “Observer” says the resumption of the Buckingham Palace Conference, which broke down before the war, on the narrow question of Tyrone, is the only real method for an Irish settlement. The basis of the Conference
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    • 14 7 London, May 20. The Irish Commission goes to Dublin on Tuesday.
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    • 30 7 RETURN TO LONDON. London, May 19. Mr. Asquith has returned to London. Sees the King. London, May 21. Mr. Asquith was received in audience by the King yesterday.
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    • 99 7 SPEECH BY SIR E. GREY. London, May 19. The Russian parliamentarians were banquetted at the Mansion House, Lord Kitchener, Sir Edward Grey, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Schreiner, Lord Reading and many other distinguished persons being present. Sir Edward Grey, in proposing the toast of the guests, said a
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    • 35 7 London, May 19. The Gazette announces the award of the Albert Medal (first class) to Major C. L. Nawall, of the 2nd Gurkhas’ for extinguishing a fire in a large bomb store.
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    • 31 7 London, May 21. War risk rates to the east, via the Suez Canal, have been reduced to about 80 per cent. Western rates also show a declining tendency.
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    • 38 7 London, May 21. In the House of Lords, Lord Sydenham gave notice that he would move for the despatches containing the reasons that lead the Indian Government to recommend the abolition of indentured emigration of Indians.
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    • 23 7 London, May 20. The conference of representatives of cotton employers and employees at Manchester yesterday was adjourned till next week.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 116 7 A BRITISH SUCCESS. London, May 20. A brilliant British attack was made on important port of El Arish (east of Port Said) and on enemy communications between Syria and Egypt. Warships bombarded a fort south-west of the town and it is believed reduced it. Seaplanes effectively bombarded
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    • Article, Illustration
      60 7 RUSSIAN CAVALRY JOIN GENERAL GORRINGE London, May 21. General Sir Percy Lake reports from Mesopotamia that the enemy vacated the Bethai-Essa advanced positions on the right bank of the Tigris. General Gorringe carried the Dujailah redoubt. The enemy are still holding the Sanna-I-Yat position on the left bank. Russian
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    • 285 7 Simla, May 10,—Sir John Nixon’s Mesopotamia despatch covering October, November, and December last, is published here simultaneously with its appearance in London. It repeats the story of the indecisive battle of Ctesiphon and of the subsequent retirement to Kut. In connection with the retirement the despatch
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    • 150 7 We extract the following from a letter written on Good Friday, April 21st, by an exCeylon planter who is now serving with an Italian Army in Mesopotamia After a long period of watching and waiting which was most monotonous and dreary work, we have at last
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    • 31 7 London, May 20. The War Office announces that General Mahon has assumed command on the Western frontier of Egypt. Lieut.-General Milne is now commanding the British forces at Salonika.
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    • 34 7 RUSSIAN ADVANCE. Petrograd, May 20. A Russian communiquĕ reports uneventful fighting, except in Persia, where the Russians occupied the town of Sakkyc, and advanced to the village of Ban, south of Lake Urumia
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    • 35 7 AGREEMENT WITH GREECE. London, May 19. Reuter understands that the Allies and Greece have satisfactorily settled the question of the transport of the Serbian Army, which will proceed by sea to Salonika.
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 378 7 FURIOUS FIGHTING. Rome, May 19. In the Adamello zone the Italians occupied crests, near Sarca, capturing thirty prisoners and much material. The Italians evacuated a position at Zugaguatorta, between the Adige and the Terragnolo valley, after three days’ intense bombardment, the enemy suffering very heavy losses. Heavy
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 119 7 THE RUSSIAN WAY. Copenhagen, May 19. The chief officer of the Swedish steamer which saved the crews of two German steamers torpedoed in the Baltic, says the Germans told him they had ample warning and were even allowed to take their best clothes. The German Captain
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  • 433 8 The summary of Imports and Exports of the Straits and F M.S. for 1915, shows that the total of Imports of the Colony, F.M.S, and non-Federated Stages was valued at nearly thirty-eight million sterling of which the Colony took thirty-six millions, the F.M.S. one and three-quarters
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  • 242 8 Shipping on the China coast is suffering enormously as a re?ult of the strike of skippers and officers that has practically paralyzed the movements of the IndoChina and China Navigation Company steamers. Nearly all the fleets of these two companies are tied up. The effect of this
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  • 200 8 Mr C Authur Pearson writes from St. Dunstan’s :—Mr Kenneth Bilbrough, a member of Lloyd’s, has during the last few weeks raised no less a sum than £11,2000 for the benefit of the blinded sailors and soldiers at St. Dunstan’s. The contributors
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  • 151 8 Mr. R. Little, Assistant Superintendant of Chandu, Ipoh, charged a well-known Chinese liquor-shopkeeper named Leong Chee, before Mr. Scott in the First Magistrate’s Court, Ipoh, on Saturday, with offering him $2OO aa an illegal gratification. Accused, who was on Police bail, appeared before the Magistrate, when M. H.
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  • 116 8 Marriage of Couple who Met at Loos. A romance of the war is indicated by a marriage which was solemnised recently at the Prescot Registry Office of Private William Houghton, D.C.M., of the Ist Battalion Canadian Regiment, now stationed in France, to a young French lady, Mlle.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 463 8 NOTICE. IX7 E beg to give notice that for the present the products of the Bernese Alps Milk Company will be imported by us under the “BEAR” Brand instead of under “Sledge” Brand as heretofore. THE MILK REMAINS UNCHANGED; the trade mark alone has been altered, and for the following
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    • 411 8 RUBBER MACHINES. pH X Fitted for HAND or POWER with diamond rolls and patent spray. BOOK YOUR ORDERS NOW 50 1C A»7-s SELLAR, MURRAY Co., Penang. THE MOTOR UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. Invites applications for the position of Fire Insurance Agent at Shanghai. The Motor Union is a Member of
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    • 137 9 AHEAD OF THE MAIL London, May 14—According to a wireless to the Press, undoubted authenticity is claimed at B-*rne for a summary of the Imperial Chancellor’s speech at a secret sitting of the General Committee of the Reichstag on sth May. According to this report, Herr von
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    • 77 9 London, May 14.—1 n view of the statements which have appeared in various newspapers, it is semi-officially announced in Paris that at no time during the Verduu battle was the order given to abandon the right bank of the Meuse. General Joffre told General Petain,
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    • 44 9 London, May 14. According to the Athens correspondent of the Agenzia Nszional the German engineers are engaged in constructing strong defence works round Monastir. Several Austrian battalions have been added to the garrisons since attacks from Albania and Macedonia are feared.
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    • 70 9 London, May 14.—1 t is officially announced that the enemy in East Africa, after falling back towards the Central Railway, have had reinforcements and again approached Kondoairangi. Our forces are ample to deal effectively with the situation. During the recent reconnaissance we lost one
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    • 126 9 London, May 15. —M. Filipescu who recently appeared content to leave the question of intervention in Government’s hands has now resumed his campaign The Morning Post’s Bucharest correspondent reports a speech at the Conservative Club in which M. Filipescu declared that the consequences of delaying until
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    • 26 9 London, May 15.—The correspondent of “Le Temps” at Athens says the Austrian and Bulgarian Consuls have left, taking their personal property and archives.
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    • 146 9 London May 12 The Petrograd correspondent of the Morning Post,” who generally adopts an optimistic view, flouts the report that the enemy contemplates a combined naval and military attack upon Riga. The correspondent inclines to the theory that Germany has no longer any coherent plan
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    • 63 9 London, May 12.—The military correspondent of the Daily Telegraph,” dealing with the position in Russia, considers it possible the Germans may attempt to repeat their coup of 1915, either to the north or south of the Pinsk marshes, whereupon the Anglo-French armies must strike with
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    • 28 9 London, May 12 A Russian official communique states that the Russian troops have driven the Turks from the range of mountains south of Mush.
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    • 69 9 London, May 12. According to a “Central News telegram from Rome the Turkish Army, which was concentrated on Syria for the attack on Egypt, has been removed, apparently in the direction of Armenia. Regiments were being continually sent to Damascus and Aleppo to suppress revolts of
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    • 86 9 London, May 12.—1 a proposing the toast of the Russian members of the Duma who are visiting England, Mr. Asquith dwelt on the complete agreement which was established between the British and Russian Governments. The day of mutual vigilance, suspicion and misunderstanding, he said, whether over Turkey or
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    • 159 9 Calcutta, May 13—The Bombay Government has issued a Press note illustrative of the attitude of the Turkish Government towards Mahommedan pilgrims. The story is told by Takir Hosain, an Indian Moslem pilgrim. He says that in Ramgan he with his mother and sister went on
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    • 51 9 London, May 19.—The “Morning Post’s” Salonika correspondent, quoting Constantinople messages, says that a Grand Council was held at the Sultan’s place to consider peace. The preachers in the principal Mosques are urging the people to prepare for liberation. A secret committee is forming, and great results a-e
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    • 76 9 London, May 9.—The Central News says that military authorities in Petrograd have informed an Italian publicist that foreign rifles have been gradually withdrawn. Five Russian armies opposed to Teutons are now armed with new model Russian rifles Every regiment is well supplied with most modern machine guns. An
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    • 75 9 London, May 9.—The Daily News Rome correspondent states :—Prince von Buelow has been summoned to Berlin, in connection with the peace feelers. If the mediation of neutrals is unacceptable, the Kaiser is resolved to negotiate direct. The Morning Post’s Rome correspondent says that, since the suppressing of
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    • 66 9 Petrograd. May I.—With the fall of Trebizond and their hopeless situation on the Black Sea coast, the attention of the Turks has been called to the even distribution of their troops on their inland fronts. The Turkish forces freed from the necessity of a blockade of Knt-el-Amara
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    • 25 9 London, May 5. The Corriere d’ltalia’s Constantinople correspondent says that a German Prince is expected there to endeavour to end the Turco-German dissensions.
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    • 43 9 London, May s.—The Central News Amsterdam correspondent mentions a Bucharest report that the Turks are attempting to resort to trench warfare on the coast westward af Trebizond. The Russians are bombarding the diggers violently and attacking the trenches already made.
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    • 32 9 London, May B.—The Morning Post’s” Petrograd correspondent says —The Russians have crossed the Turco-Persian frontier. They have requested the British to undertake extended work in Persia beyond the Russian zone.
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    • 37 9 London, May 8 —Herr von Weigand wires to the New York World that the recent riots were directed against butchers, who hoarded meat. The Police confi-cated the hoards which were at official prices.
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    • 29 9 London, May B.—The Agenzia Libera’s Berne correspondent states that the German losses in March and April were the heaviest of the whole war.
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    • 87 9 London, May 10.—The Daily Telegraph’s, Petrograd correspondent states that the ground on the eastern front had long been impracticable and the weather is sultry. The military are puzzled at the calm prevailing, and there is a difference of opinion as to whether repeated German bombardments not
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    • 199 9 Berlin, May 2 —The Deutscher Ueberseedienst states Reports from Constantinople state that the Turkish, at Kut-el Amars, took enormous quantities of various materials. The British surrendered because they lacked food and sanitary appliances against contagious diseases. In Contantinople, the news was first made known by officers of
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    • 32 9 The Corriere della Sera” says the Polish Countess Markievitch is reported as being with the Irish insurrectionists. The Counters, in her automobile, brought arms from hiding-places on the coast.
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    • 264 9 New York, April 27.—Semi-official reports from Berlin now state in the most direct terms that the crisis with the United States has passed and that the peaceful settlement of the submarine controversy is assured. It is reported from Berlin that the German people are optimistic over
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  • 298 9 The Griffin Draw. The griffins for the Penang Turf Club’s July Meeting are expected to arrive here from Australia via Singapore in the middle of the present week. The following is the draw, with particulars of the various griffins: 1. —Bay Mare, 4 yrs, 14.2, TidegateMint by
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  • 226 9 THE GOLF CLUB TOURNAMENT. The tennis ties played at the Golf Club on Saturday resulted Mixed Doubles Handicap—Mrs Adamson and Swan—2/6 beat Miss Pritchard and Souter-t-2/6 by 6—2, 6—o Men’s Singles Handicap B—L C Robinson scr W O from J Anthony—ls; G N Burnham scr beat E Reimann—ls
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  • 26 9 The R.M.S. Nankin homeward bound is expected to arrive here from Singapore at 3 p.m. on Saturday, 27th instant, and to sail at midnight.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 3 9 The German Blockade.
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    • 122 9 (HE PERAMBULATING SHOWCASE. The newspaper is a huge shop window carried about the city and delivered daily into thousands of homes, to be examined at t' e leisure of the reader The shop widow is unlike the actual plate glass sh< wca-e only in one respect— it makes display of
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    • 91 9 Penang Sales Room. The undersigned is instructed to sell By Public Auction, Artistic and Valuable Household Furniture, Piano, Plants, etc., COMPRISING Double Iron Bedsteads, Mirror front Wardrobes, Marbletop Washstand, Dressing Tables, American Spring Rocking Chairs, Electric Table Lamps and Fans, Dinner Wagons, Bentwood and Rattan Furniture, Glass, Crockery and E.
      91 words
    • 326 9 BROWN Co., Monumental Sculptors, CALCUTTA. Monuments and Tombstones of every description supplied. Inscriptions done in all languages, under skilled European supervision. Tae nest Italian and Carara Marble used William Edward s sans. ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. Gkanite Merchants and Manufacturers of Tombstones in various kinds of Aberdeen Granite. (Samples ol Granite to
      326 words

  • 721 10 The recent case in the Hong Kong Police Court where a master of a Holt liner was heavily fined for apparently nothing more than endeavouring to serve his owners to his best ability, reminds me of a few lines, writes a Sumatra correspondent, which, though well circulated
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  • 225 10 The Poilu We have been accustomed to call our soldiers Tommies in France they use the word poilu in exactly the same manner. Just in the same way, poilu is a creation of the lay mind, is not altogether acceptable to the soldiers, and is hardly ever tolerated at the
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  • 325 10 Between seven and eight hundred Europeans, for the most part British, have come from the Malay States to serve in H. M. Forces. They are of different occupations —some were planters on rubber and coconut estates, some were engaged in tin mining, many were members of
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  • 259 10 Rangoon, May 6th—Forty-four cut of the 125 American oil-drillers at the Burma Oil Company’s fields at Yenangyaung who have stopped work arrived in Rangoon today. The remainder are expected on Monday. The men, on being interviewed, stated that their 'action did not constitute a strike as
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  • 340 10 Rbsult of Desirb to go to Tub Front Calcutta, May 9. Before the Chief Presidency Magistrate of Calcutta on Monday, Sergeant A, Annette was charged under sections 13 (c) and 14 of the Calcutta Polic Act by Superintendent Cook with being absent from du r
    340 words
  • 108 10 CLEARANCES. To-day. Ban Whatt Soon for Deli. Omapere for Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Rochussen for T. Semawe, Segli, Sabang Olehleh etc., Padang. Jin Ho for Asahan. Hong Wan I for Singapore and China. Ban Fo Soon for Dindings, Sitiawan Bagan Datob and Telnk Anson. Shinkoku
    108 words
  • 61 10 May 22.—P.L R.C. Shoot 5 p.m. May 23.—Straits Sumatra Syndicate General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 4 p.m. May 24.—Empire Day. May 24.—Empire Day, Special Dinner E O. Hotel. June 3.—P.V.R.C. Shoot 7 a.m. June 9 and 11.—Cricket, Penang v. Perak, Esplanade June 21.—Meeting Board cf Licensing Justices, District
    61 words
  • 124 10 Pbnang, May 22, 1916. (By Courtesy ot the Chartered Bank). Loudon Demaud Bank 2/4 1/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2'4 5/8 3 Credit ...2,4 13/16 3 Documentary ...2/4 27/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174-- 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174i‘ Moulmein Demand Bank 173)- 3 days’sight Private
    124 words
  • 247 10 Penang, May 22, 1916. S P Tapioca 57.70 sales. M. P. Tapioca 18.05 tales Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $25.00 buyers White Pepper J 33.90 buyers. Trang Peppar no stock. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings 570 sellers Cloves $4O
    247 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 451 10 I A BLESSING TO WOMEN. Throughout the many stages of woman’s life, from peevish girlhood through womanhood, motherhood, to the declin- ing y ear s of old age, there is no better, milder, or more effective medical com- /1\ panion to women-folk than Dr. Morse s Indian Root Pills. They
      451 words
    • 77 10 There is only one way to succeed in business. That is by constantly and persistently advertising your goods. The principle we follow is, Haphazard, spasmodic advertising, usually pays no one,” so that we are going on much the same as usual.—John Walsh, Ltd., Sheffield. It is our intention to continue
      77 words
    • 520 10 0 Im’ I I rel 1 KJ Little Lectures tlg b, Nur se 'Win cam s I? I (Lecture g I H Weakness MI Every movement of thebody M uses up a definite amount of fl HE vitality. When you overtax I yourself, or your vitality i s S underniined
      520 words

  • 1050 11 AMERICA’S SYMPATHY. The following add ess to the people of the Allied nations has been signed by 500 of the most prominent people of the United States, including 212 presidents of universities and professors many well-known politicians, governors and ex-governors of States, 32 bishops, 27 judges
    1,050 words
  • 431 11 Professor Baldwin Denounces Prssident. Professor J M Baldwin, the distinguished American psychologist, who with his wife and daughter was on board the Cross-Chan-nel steamer Sussex when she was terpedoed, has made a long statement expressing his views on American policy in connection with the war to the Paris
    431 words
  • 225 11 The Canadian Government has introduced a bill in the Legislature prohibiting the sale of liquor during the war, and providing that a vote of the people be taken after the war to determine whether the prohibition shall continue or not. The Act comes into force on Sept.
    225 words
  • 18 11 Penang :—The E O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel. Singapore :—Rsffles Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel.
    18 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 593 11 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated in England by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 Head Office 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Agencies and Branches. Amritsar Hongkong Peking Bangkok Iloilo Penang Batavia Ipoh Puket Bombay Karachi Rangoon Calcutta Klang Saigon Canton
      593 words
    • 472 11 fit ST ufl oOff sflte' TYRES STOCKED BY ALL 'O’ A URL A G E/ 4S LARGE REDUCT,ON rAtlW' IN PRICES ®W W as fl cm Ist January, 1916. Um E a? M ft St S OSfe.’” SOLH AGENTS: ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Co., Ltd., 3 Jo (Incorporated in England) I F
      472 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2237 12 P. &0. B. 1.-APCAR N. Y. K. fc. K. P. M. fe O«AN MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. &F* MiATSCHAPPIJ ASD O =B A.UHOa mOB^D U (WCMWBATE# 1M HOLLAND.) CHIHA *UI Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China and Japan). (Royal Packet S. N. (company). yVk q
      2,237 words