Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 May 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 502 1 IF YOU WANT TO SHIP, BUY OB SELL i 1 RUBBER i 2 OR To n fl D forward goods TO ANY PART OF THE WORLD a GO TO i ALLEN DENNYS Co., I 7. UNION STREET. c a e EflDQDOD□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ODDDDO D I LIQUID FUEL for Diesel and Semi=Diesel Engines,
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    • 62 1 naDflDDDMnDQDDaacocflflDnnDß FOR $3O g 5 XTOU can have the Pinang Q I Gazette posted evnrv day g for a whok year to your nddreaa. c 3 (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). g Pro) ortionale Quarteily and g Half-yearly rates Subscriptions are payable in q o advance and remittance should Cj g be
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  • 758 2 THE ANNUAL MEETING. The eighth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the New Tambun Mines, Limited, was held at the registered office, No. 49, Beach Street, Penang, to-day at noon. Mr. G N Saye was in the chair, the others present being Messrs G J
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  • 18 2 MAJOR YELDMAN. London, May 19. Toe death has occurred of Major Yeldman, author of Lays of Ind.”
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  • 47 2 Loudon, May 19. The death has taken place of Sir Edward Lee French, k. c. v. o aged 58. Deceased was Inspector-General of the Punjab Police in 1909, and had charge of the Police arrangements at the Coronation Durbar in i JI 1 —Reuter,
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  • 405 2 POSITION IN MACEDONIA. [Specially Translated.) According to Italian papers, the organisation of the Allies’ camp at Salonika is now complete, and operations by the Allies are entering on a new phase. Their troops are advancing from Florina to Cerres and are already in touch with the German
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  • 105 2 On Monday, two Dutch native sailor mutineers entered the sugar factory at Ketegair and started breaking up the machinery. The administrator had them ejected. Shortly afterwards, a fire was discovered A naval police patrol, under the command of an officer, soon appeared on the spot, but no
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  • 160 2 Heer Cool, the Dutch Harbour expert is touring Acheen and will visit Belawan at the end of the month to advise on its further possibilities. A Japanese Mission arrived in Macassar on Tuesday, and were given a reception at the Town Hall. The Governor, speaking in English complimented
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  • 135 2 London, April 17.—The naval correspondent of the Times considers that, during the past three weeks the submarine campaign has diminished appreciably. Although mines have contributed to maintain the average number of losses at sea, he attribues the decreased activity of the submarines to the losses they
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    • 788 2 [To the Editor oj the Pinang Sir,—I read with more than usual interest Lord Cromer’s letter to the Time* reproduced in your issue of yesterday. It seems to me to merit the closest study and is worth keeping for reference. One has a very strong feeling
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  • 102 2 The homeward mail closes at 6 p.m. to-day. The agents notify that the B. I. packet Thongwa, with the mails from Europe, is expected to leave Negapatam to-morrow. She will arrive in Penang about Thursday. The Straits Cinema announces that there will be only three further opportunities of
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  • 420 2 PRESENTATION OF PRIZES. The prizes won in the tennis and bowls tournaments held under the auspices of the Penang Cricket Club during the latter half of last year, and early this year were presented at the Club last evening by Mrs. Ebden. In Augmt last, when tennis
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  • 256 2 TENNIS TIES. The following tennis ties were played last night Mixed Doubles Handicap—Mr and Mrs Blackstone—l/6 heat Miss Warham and Benson by 6—3, 6 1. Men’s Doubles Handicap A—Rogers and Threlfall—ls/4 beat Hall and Goatly scr by 6 1, 6—3 Sproule and Swan—2/6 beat Marshall and Harris
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  • 320 2 REVIEW OF THE WEEK. Markets throughout the past week have been quiet with a slightly easier tendency all round. In the Rubber Section transactions have been made in Bukit Kajangs, Chembongs, Heawoods, Narboroughs, Padang Jawas, Singapore Uniteds, S. S. Bertams and United Temiangs at purely nominal prices.
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  • 49 2 COMPANY DIVIDENDS. (P. G. Special Cable). London, May 19. The following dividends of rubber companies are announced Hidden Streams 12| per cent. Sungei Krian 16 Rubber Estates of Krian 12| Interim Dividends. The following are new interim dividends Ampat 10 per cent. Sennah 7| Sagga 25
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  • 252 2 A New Flotation. Connemara, Ltd., a new Selangor rubber flotation, has been subscribed privately. The company has been formed for the purpose of acquiring as from Jan, Ist, 1916, the property known as Connemara Estate, in the mukim of Beranang, district of Ulu Langat, the directors being Mr
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  • 446 2 A strange story of a iew«ll Q er’s forgetfulness and the recover/nf valuable jewellery valued at «17« unfolded before Mr, A. W b H the Registrar, Municipal Re.^ 1 11 Department, this morning. tß tiOQ A few friends went for a ji nr ldrive last evening
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  • 124 2 STJNDAF, J/AF 21. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. St. George’s Church.—4th Sunday shet Easter; 8 a.m Matins: Hymn 29*); 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion 915 am. Holy Communion (Tamil): 5 p.m.Sunday School; 6p m. Evensong and Sermon. Hymn 242, Responses, Roberts, Psalm CVI, Hopkin», Magnificat, Barnby 47, Nanu Dimittis, Goss 61,
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  • 46 2 ST. ANDREW’S, NORTHAM ROAD. Children’s Service —9 a.m. Public Worship—6 p.m. Preacher Rev. Donald J. Ross, v.a. Subject: A creed for the plain I The Fatherhood of God. Hymns :—672, 375, 3, 425. Service of Devotion and Intercessio Friday evening at 6.30.
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  • 69 2 Church of the Assumption.—Fourth Sumby After Easter, Low Mass, 6. a Mass and Sermon, 8 a.m. e*P e Benediction. 5 p.m. Every evening during the montn devotional Service at 5.30 p m Church of Our Lady of Sorrow s.Sermon and Benediction, 8 a ‘g. vUgM, Church of St.
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  • 163 2 The floods in Mesopotamia may interest in one point of the taIU U p o f e3 wr versy between Mr Gladstone a Q -Lgjin Hexley relating to the Floo ‘6’ the Bible. Professor Huxley gthat the waters of the Deluge j ft j a of taking
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 717 3 -S.T.” THE COMPANY PAYS TEN PER CENT. DIVIDEND. The sixth ordinary general meeting of Trafalgar, Ltd., was held at the registered offices of the company, Messrs Paterson, Simons and Co., Ltd.’s premises, on Wednesday, at noon. Mr C E Winter presided, and the others present were Messrs A
    -S.T.”  -  717 words
  • 84 3 The Malacca Rubber Plantation Company, has increased its profits from £144 224 to £252,006. The crop was 3,543,112 lb, against 3,382,147 lb, and it realised an average price of 2s 0.9 Id per lb, against 2s 0 75d in 1914, The all-in cost was Is 2.12 d per lb,
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  • 71 3 May 20.—Singapore Races. May 20.—P.V.R.C. Shoot 3 p.m. May 21.Penang Volunteers Field Operations. May 22.—P L R.C. Shoot 5 p.m. May 23.—Straits Sumatra Syndicate General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce. 4 p.m. May 24. Empire Day. May 24.—Empire Day, Special Dinner E O Hotel. June 9 and 11.—Cricket, Penang
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  • 459 3 The report of the Straits Rubber Company Limited, stares that the total crop harvested in 1915, amounted to 2,061,216 lbs; 4,008 lbs were supplied to Rubber Ro id ways, Limited, for the development of the uses of rubber, and the average grois price realised for 2,057,208 lbs was
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  • 251 3 Messrs Guthrie and Co., Ltd, in their weekly report dated Singapore, W ednesday 17th instant says The weekly auction which finished today registered a further decline in prices. At the commencement yesterday Standard Grades were weaker and there was an improvement during the coarse of the sale.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 863 3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. wanted. A BILL COLLECTOR Security for sale. $2,000. Apply stating salary to No. 196, c/o Pinang Gazette. rj UMBER MOTOR CYCLE 3| H. P. fl free engine 2 speed. In good TO I ~F> T running order. $250. Anolv Box No. 189, c/o Pinang Gazette. J7ROM Ist May,
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    • 14 3 Bovril develops big reserves of. strength IT MUST BE BOVRIL BRITISH TO THE BACKBONE
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    • 195 3 DARRACQ New Model 16/20 H. P. “de Luxe.” The Darracq has every comfort and convenience that can be deminded in an ‘Up to-date Car. A combination of beauty, utility, sturdy construction and thorough lasting finish makes the Darracq" a car of satisfaction for all time. The engines are of the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 91 3 Change of programme AT THE STRAITS CINEMA, Phone No. 628. EMPIRE HALL. PENANG ROAD. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Positively the Last 3 Nights SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF WORLD-FAMOUS MAGICIAN Miss TENKWA And Her Party of 25 Star Artists. Japan’s Foremost Troupe of Remarkable Magicians and Illusionists, Amazing, Astounding and Fascinating Performance Include Delicate
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  • 1121 4 The British fiscal system will doubtless undergo radical changes to meet altered circumstances after the war, and will probably become much more protectionist, in order that retaliatory weapons may be available against any attempt on Germany’;* part, either by dumping or other unfair economic means, to gain a
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  • 1823 4 The Swedish Foreign Minister, in the debate in the Riksdag on the Aland Islands, repeated the assurance given recently that Sweden was determined to maintain the strictest neutrality, but the alleged fortification of these Islands, which are of incalculable value to any Power holding them, (the word
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 210 4 < ALLSOPP’S /I I MB 11 THE FINEST |M| WORLD BEER renowned FOR ON THE EXPORT PPWH| ABSOLUTE MARKET. POSS PURITY. SOLE AGENTS:CALDBECK, MACGREGOR S Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PENANG. ♦□nnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn< n n n n n Ay <•/ n B AV U»/ n n -*5/ ov V E a
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    • 193 4 SARKIES’ HOTELS PENANG. SINGAPORE. RANGOON. Connected neither directly nor indirectly with the enemies. ORCHARDING IN TASMANIA SADLIEK KNIGHT Orchard Agent» and Attorneys, LAUNCESTON,! TASMANIA. We plant and manage orchards for Absentee Clients, with graduated payments, and under Government Expert supervision, until it suits them to take personal possession this enables
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
  • 27 4 DEATH. Lloyd.—On May 13, at the Military Hospital, Southport, England, Private Edwin Francis Lloyd, Manchester Regiment, son of Mr. J. T. Lloyd, Singapore aged 26 years, R.I.P.
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  • 288 5 FUTURE administration. BATTLES NEAR VERDUN. SEVERE AUSTRIAN DEFEATS. TRADE AFTER THE WAR Verdon continues to be the acene of the main activity in the West, both aides exhibiting offensive proclivities on the front west of the Meuse. After defeating several night attacks by the enemy, delivered against Avocourt
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 345 5 [Reutkr’s Trlrgrams.] COUNTER OFFENSIVES. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, May 19. There has been very lively French activity around Verdun. A comniuniquĕ says the Germans, west of the Meuse, after artillery preparation, made several attempts, at night time, to capture Avocourt redoubt, but were every time
      [Reutkr’s Trlrgrams.]  -  345 words
    • 59 5 SUBMARINE WARFARE DISFAVOURED. London, May 18. In the House of Ciminons, Sir Edward Grey stated that Sir Henry Howard, the British Minister at the Vatican, had informed the Government that the Vatican had not communicated with anyone regarding peace, but had made representations to Germany with
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    • 94 5 ADDITIONAL TAXATION. Paris, May 18. M. Ribot, the French Finance Minister, introducing provisional credits, proposed the increase of the taxes on alcohol, wine, etc., and tobacco, estimated to provide an additional £36,000,000. M. Briand and Unity. The Chamber postponed the debate on a vote of censure on
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    • 23 5 London, May 19. It is understood Mr. Asquith will demand a vote of credit of £300,000,000 on May 23rd.
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    • 51 5 London, May 19. The House of Lords passed the second reading of the Compulsion Bill. Croup Recruiting. The group system of recruiting closes on June 7th. General Election Prospects. London, May 18. The Daily Telegraph says Ministers are preparing for the possibility of a general election in
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    • 41 5 THE GERMAN PROSPECT. London, May 18. Mr. Arthur Henderson, Minister for Education, speaking at Aberdeen, said when the next offensive occurred, despite a prodigal expenditure of shells, we would be able to continue, not for days, but weeks.
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    • 31 5 London, May 19. All Belgians in Britain up to the age of 35 have been ordered by the Belgian Minister of War to enlist in the Belgian Army.
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    • 701 5 SITTING OF THE COMMISSION. London, May 18. At the Rebellion Commission’s first sitting, Lord Hardinge explained that it was proposed to inquire into what was the nature of the official system of obtaining information in such matters as the outbreak, and what steps were taken when such
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  • 23 5 London, Mav 18. The B I. steamer Golconda, 5 874 tons, (with Germans from India .for Germany) has arrived at Tilbury.
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  • 110 5 PROBABLE CHANGES. London, May 19. The Daily Mail correspondent at Dublin states that Mr. Asquith has definitely decided that the existing system of Irish administration most end. The idea chiefly discussed has been the formation of an Irish Executive Council, sitting in Dublin, responsible to the British House
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  • 179 5 MR. CHAMBERLAIN’S DECLARATION. London, May 18. Mr. Austen Chambarlain, in the House of Commons, in a remarkable speech, foreshadowed the definite trend of ideas towards a new national Imperial trade policy after the war, neither entirely protection, nor free trade, but a system, however imperfect, whicti could be
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  • 159 5 RUSSIA AND THE ALANDS. Stockholm, May 18. A debate took place in the Riksdag upon the burning question of the alleged fortification of the Russian Aland Island®, which command the approacles to Stockholm. Members emphasised the enormous importance of this archipelago, from the military viewpoint, and urged that
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 56 5 AUSTRALASIAN RAID. London, May 19. An official message from Egypt reports a successful enterprise by Australians and New Zealanders against Bayoud. The enemy offered no resistance and fled. They were pursued, but the great heat on the sandy ground impeded the chase. Thirty-six camels, and much Turkish ammunition, were
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    • 88 5 BRITISH PRISONER DIES. London, May 19. In the House of Commons, Sir Edward Grey said he regretted to say that Mr. Pettigrew, a member of the British colony, from Shiras, who was taken prisoner by the Germans, died at Ahram, on April 17th, from heart disease. There was no
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 141 5 ALL EFFORTS SEVERELY DEFEATED. Rome, May 19. The Italian®, in the Adamello Zone, made a fine haul of arms, munitions, and stores, which the Austrians abandoned. The Italian Alpinists extended the ground carried on a crest north of Fargorida. The Austrian®, in the Ledro valley, after a furious
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 86 5 London, May 18. The French steamer Mira was sunk. Submarine Piracy Again. The British trawler Research was sunk by a German submarine, which shelled the trawler before the men were able to leave, killing one and wounding the skipper and another. Three German Vessels Sunk. Stockholm, May
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    • 80 5 UNLIKELY GERMAN STORY. Amsterdam, May 18. An official German c >mmunication declares that a torpedo was fired from a German submarine against a British warship ten days before the Dutch liner Tubantia was sank and that the torpedo floated and struck the Tubantia. The Dutch Government will continue
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    • 191 5 The Dutch Shipping Council has announced its findings in the case of the sinking of the s.s. “Tubantia,” of the Royal Holland Lloyd. After a full inquiry, at which all those able to throw light on the matter were heard, and after a careful consideration of the data
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  • General News.
    • 84 5 MEXICO’S MEASURE. London, May 19. Messrs. Montagu Coy’s report states that the tone of the silver market is good, though the fluctuations of price are rather wide. The coinage demand continues, but supplies are larger, owing to the sales from Indian bazaars, besides normal sources. Apparently an
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    • 34 5 THE FINANCIAL POSITION. London, May 19. The situation in China is calmer. It is understood that the assistance offered by foreign banks, through the Bank of China at Shanghai, may not be required.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 64 5 CANCEL EVERY Engagement! Give Your Servants One Night’s Holiday» Arrange Your Parties AND DINE AT THE E.gQ, ON EMPIRE DAY, (Wednesday, 24th inst.) Your $3 WILL HELP THE PENANG “FIGHTER.” Never mind if you have subscribed generously towards the Fund! We are prepared to cater for 500. BOOK YOUR SEATS
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  • 515 6 THE COMMITTEE’S REPORT. The Committee of the Penang Swimming Club report as follows for the year ended March 31, 1916. Membership—During the year under review 50 new members' joined the Club, and the number on the active list at March 31, 1916, was 246 (including 39 country
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  • 347 6 Annual Report and Balance Shbwt. The twenty-third auuual report and balance sheet for the year ending 31st March, 1916, of the Selangor Golf Club, to be presented at the 23rd annual general meeting at the Club House ou Saturday, May 27th, at 6-30 p.m., states The income
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    • 436 6 Chengtu, May 3.—Chen Yi’s peace envoy has returned from General Tsai Ao. He states that the Southern leader» will agree to the following nine conditions of peace I.—To allow Yuan Shih-k’ai to remain in office 2 —To restore Parliament within two months. 3. —To revert to the
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  • 128 6 A young aviator was recently decorated in front of the troops for a flight accomplished in company with a German officer. The aviator had been obliged to descend within the German lines, and wa« made prisoner by a German officer. The latter, revolver in hand, made his
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 921 6 BANKS. Central Sales Room. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, By Order of the Administrators in the AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Estates of Incorporated in England by Royal Charter. Mr. A. D. NEUBRONNER (deceased) Paid nn Capital £1,200,000 Mrs. A. D. NEUBRONNER (deceased) Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 T 0
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    • 200 6 WOMEN IN THE TROPICS, Every Woman knows from experience the debilitating effect this Climate has upon her health, and difficulty she has in keeping her strength up to par. Men, who go out of the house to work and feed themselves better than women, are far less liable to suffer
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    • 216 6 NOTICE. VA/E beg to give notice that for the present the products m Bernese Alps Milk Company will be imported bv usnn i tle “BEAR” Brand instead of under “Sledge” Brand as hen7's THE MILK REMAINS UNCHANGED; the trade mark 1 has been altered, and for the following reasons a
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  • 807 7 c-rdar Daljit S,n 8 h wa9 received n ..ieoce by the King, .eye Reuter. Mr F J Gare f Selan or ia proposing ’in the Australian Light Horse. M- F S Forster, of Ayer Hitam Estate, ho i? R captain in the Australian Forces, has been wounded.
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  • 18 7 (defend* rPndezvoDs for “A Company, f°rce) is at the junction of Ayer a °d Cantonment Road.
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  • 445 7 ANGLO-CHINESE READING ROOM CASE. In connection with the gambling raid on the Anglo-Chinese Reading Room, wherein 13 persons were arrested on the 31st March, Mr A H Dickenson, Assistant Superintendent of Police, gave evidence this morning. Mr C D D Hogan appeared for the accused. Mr Dickenson stated
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  • 99 7 The B I steamer Teesta, is due here on Monday from Rangoon bound for Singapore. The B I steamer Fazilka, from Nagapatam is due to arrive here on the 25th inst., bound for Singapore. The next Ben Line of steamers with general cargo for Penang, Port Swettenham, Singapore,
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  • 167 7 Three Delivered By Parachute. An interesting description of how some supplies reached General Townshend is given by an airman in the “Daily Express.” I constantly flew over the Turkish positions, and circled above beleaguered Kut,” he said The Turks are certainly very strongly entrenched. On one occasion
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  • 109 7 Following upon series of petty bungalow night thefts an affair on quite a grand scale took place at tbe residence of Mrs. Toby Thursday night, when jewellery to the value of several thousand dollars was stolen from Mrs. Toby’s bedroom. It happend that Mr. Toby was away
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  • 113 7 The Chartered Bank advises us of the following subscriptions to the Penang Aeroplane Fund. Cheques should be made payable to the Manager, Chartered Bank, crossed and endorsed Penang Aeroplane Fund or to Lt-Colonel the Hon. A. R Adam», Commander Maclntyre, Mr. Jules Martin or the Editors
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  • 368 7 On Thursday, the Singapore and Malacca funds stood as follows Cost. Straits Times Fighter $19,200 Singapore Fighter 19,200 Tan Jiak Kim Fighter 19,200 The Sime-Darby Fighter 19,200 Singapore Fighter No. 2 19,200 Malacca Fighter 19,321 Including surplus of $3,855 from other fighters. Grand Total $115,321 With
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  • 50 7 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of farther contributions to the above Fand, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on May 10 ...$11,026.72 Staff of Govt Monopoly Dept April subscription 83 35 W B Wilson, April subn 50.00 Balance on May 17 ...$11,160.07
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  • 80 7 Messrs. Kennedy and Co., as Secretaries to the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association, inform us that they have received the following subscriptions, which have been forwarded to the Central Fund W Duncan, Nebong Tebal 60.00 Penang Rubber Estates, do 91.57 Brieh and Alor Pongsu Estates,
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  • 211 7 The King and the Queen of Portugal were present at the yEolian Hall recently to hear Father Bernard Vaughan speak on The call of the war to prayer." Father Vaughan said Lord Portarlington had written to say that a distinguished officer of the Irish Guards, a
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    • 175 7 AHEAD OF THE MAIL. London, May B. A Press correspondent at Salonika says the commander of the destroyed Zeppelin admits having participated in the raids on England and he claims to have destroyed a station in the Vilna region. This was his first journey to Salonika
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    • 129 7 London, May B.—According co the Petit Parisien the German», in their attack on Hill 304, employed an army corps on a frons of five kilometre», with tbe object of forcing a decision. The Westminster Gazette is of the opinion that it is preferable from the point of view
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    • 99 7 London, May s.—The supply of Berlin newspapers to Scandinavia and Switzerland is interrupted. Th sis attribute! to the desire of the Germans to conceal the riots of the Ist to the srh inst. The Daily Telegraph’s” Milan correspondent mentions that the Swiss reports are that the rioting
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    • 106 7 London, May 5. —The Basler Nathrichten,” hitherto notoriously pro-German, published a letter from a young German officer referring to the heavy officer losses before Verdun. The trrible ferocity of the fighting was incredible and there was a tempest of French shells. He concludes We are now
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    • 91 7 London, May 9.—Tbe ‘‘Central News” Petrograd correspondent says that opinion there regards seriously the growing embiguous situation in Greece. Greece should define her position more clearly. Greece is negotiating a loan through the Minister in Paris. The solution of the question of the passage of the
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    • 22 7 London, May 9 —The Morning Post’s’ Salonika correspondent records tbe pillaging of a Greek village by Bulgars and Germans.
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    • 305 7 New Books. The following books have been received at the Library The New Zealand Official Year Book 1915, by M. Fraser. The Life of Henry Hartley Fowler, First Viscount Wolverhampton, by Edith Henrietta Fowler (Hou Mrs Robert Hamilton.) The Bancrofts, Recollections of Sixty Years, by Sir Squire and
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  • 311 7 Logical Result of Our Promise to Aid Serbia. In the House of Commons on April 18th. Mr. Outhwaite asked the Foreign Secretary if any protest had been made by the Greek Government in connection with the recent occupation of Greek territory by the Allies,
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  • 125 7 Penang, May 20, 1916. (2fy Cotirlesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ..2/4 1/4 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 13/16 3 Documentary ...2/4 27/32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days' sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174| Moul mein Demand Bank 173 j
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  • 211 7 The ordinance for the Registration of Domestic Servants became law, but is not operative until brought into force by special order. It is in a condition of suspended animation, no order having been issued. Meantime here is an illustration of what happens, sent to us by one of
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  • 256 7 Father Bernard Vaughan, speaking at the London Mansion House declared that more money was being spent on drink, tobacco, cinemas, restaurants, and hotels now than before the war. I see everywhere,” he said, on the arteries of our mammoth metropolis ladies befurred and bejewelled, in the daintiest
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  • 80 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5-45 til! 7-15 this evening 1. Selection Carmen up to Data ...Lutz’s 2. Polka Minuit Waldteufel 3. Selection Il Crociato ...Meyerbeer 4. Waltz B lumen Reigen Fetras 5. Song A Song of Thanksgiving
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  • 232 7 Penang, May 20, 1916. S. P. Tapioca $7.70 sales. M. P. Tapioca J 8.05 fales. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper $25.00 buyers. White Pepper $33.90 buyers. Trang Pepper no stock. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $7O sellers. Cloves $4O
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 66 7 Fresh Shipments have been received of: FORMALIN 40 per cent In Demijohn of 44 lbs. COAGULATING PANS Enamelled 18 in. x 9 in. x 3|. BOX STRAPPING 5/8" width in reels of 300 ft. For prices please write to L. Y. SWEE Co., PENANG AND KUALA LUMPUR. Where to Stay,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2322 8 P. 0.-B. I. -APCAR N. Y. K. fcx p M fc-Sst MAIL AND passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. I ikATscHAPPiJ PENINSULAR AND OMENTAL SAILXNGS. INCORPORi T BD !N JAPAN. (INCORPORATED HOLLAND.) «A ~„„„0 E»r.p.,. outward (lor china and Japan,. A. (Royal Packet S. Ji. Company}. ee DuePe„.„g Steamer.
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