Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 May 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 653 1 aaßOßOoaoaao □aanan □□□aauuoc f !F YOU WANT TO SHIP, g BUY OR sell !RUBBER i D OR TO n FORWARD goods g TO ANY PART or the WORLD e g GO TO O ALLEN DENNYS Co., j 7, UNION STREET. C E B flgD QQa Daaanac SUN LIFE f S"
      653 words
    • 64 1 c□□□□□□ craaoun□□□□□□□□□□□□a a FOR $3O g a n 2 \7OU can have the Pinang n 1 Gazette posted every day g g for a whole year to your address. n (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proportionate Quartet ly and o Half-yearly rates. n g Subscriptions are payable in n advanc** and remittance
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 93 2 SLIGHT AUSTRIAN SUCCESS. London, May 17. The Italians admit a small reverse in the Trentino, but as affairs, hitherto, have been limited to fiist line positions, the Austrian claim to nearly 3,000 prisoners is likely to be the usual exaggeration. The Italian communiqud affirms that great losses were
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    • 50 2 CASUALTIES AT SUBURB. Rome, May 17. The Austrians made an air raid on Venice and the suburb of Mestre, but were driven off before much harm was done. One house was damaged, but no casualties were occasioned at Venice, while two were killed and some wounded at Mestre.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 46 2 RUSSIAN RED CROSS’S ACTION. Petrograd, May 18. The Russian Red Cross has recalled its delegates from the International Commission on War Prisoners at Stockholm, owing to the refusal of the German Red Cross to express regret regarding the sinking of the hospital ship Portugal.
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    • 49 2 GERMAN WARNING TO SHIPS. London, May 17. Count Bernstorff handed Mr. Lansing a communication from Germany, warning neutral merchantmen, when summoned by a submarine, not to turn in the direction of the latter. Germany declares that if they do so, the comquences will rest solely with neutrals.
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    • 33 2 London, May 17. The Dutch steamer Batavier Fifth (1,506 tons, of Rotterdam) from London to Rotterdam, was blown up. Four of the crew were lost, The remainder landed at Yarmouth.
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    • 28 2 Copenhagen, May 17. A German minelayer was sunk off Falsterbo (Sweden) by striking one of its own mines. German destroyers saved some of the crew.
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    • 157 2 London, April 13.—Exact figtires of the women and children who Jost their lives on some of the passenger ships sunk by German submarines have been totalled by the British Admiralty. Of 466 women and 134 children on board the Lusitania, 291 women and 94 children were
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  • General News.
    • 56 2 PROBABLE APPOINTMENT. London, May 17. The Morning Post” understands that Lord Hardinge, the ex-Viceroy oflniia, will succeed the Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Nicolson, Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office, who is retiring in consequence of ill-health. Lord Hardinge, on taking his seat in the House of Lord?, was
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    • 69 2 GERMAN CONCESSIONAIRES. London, May 16. In the House of Commons, Sir J. D. Rees pointed out that a German firm had a concession for radio-active ore in the Nellore district, and asked whether the local Government or the Indian Government possessed, or proposed to take, powers to cancel
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    • 43 2 ENORMOUS PROFITS. London, May 17. Th? report of the White Star Shipping Coy., Ltd., shows a profit of £1,968.285, after providing for the excess profit tax, and other continge .cies. D.vidends of 65 per cent, have already been paid.
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    • 319 2 The report of the Canard Steamship Company, Limited, shows a still further expansion in profits, but the full extent of the increase is not disclosed, as the figures are arrived at after providing a reserve for contingent liabilities arising out of the war.” The gross earnings as
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    • 47 2 INCENDIARISM NOP PROVED. Ottawa, May 17. The report of the Commission which investigated the burning of the Canadian Parliament Buildings, fin s that while there is a strong suspicion of incendiarism, nothing in the evidence justifies a finding that the fire was maliciously cause!.
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    • 40 2 CARRANZA’S TASK. Washington, May 17. An agreement has been reached with General Carranza, wherebv the latter is given the opportunity to show whether he can control the situation in northern Mexico: Meanwhile, the American troops remain on Mexican soil.
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  • 134 2 Teheran, April J 6th. —Information ha*s reached the Persian Government that Nazat Ali Khan, Chief of one of the tribes faithful to the Shah, has captured near Burudjirde 4 number of the leaders of the Turco-German movement in Persia. Among the prisoners are Herr Schunemann, German
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  • 216 2 The Berliner TagebUtt publishes a long report from its Bucharest correspondent, Dr. Lederer, on the feeling in Rumania which he summarises as follows My impression of the situation is thas Rumania will undertake nothing against the Central Powers, who are her allies so long as the armies of
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  • 1564 2 Hon Mr E Macfadyen and Dr Watson are recuperating at the Crag. Mr E Lee?, who has been undergoing a cure at Harrogate, is much improved in health. Mr Harold Norden, manager of Jasin Lallang Estate, Malacca, died on Wednesday last, the 10th inst. The Japanese Ambassador
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  • 333 2 INSTALLATION CEREMoyy Last evening, Bro. T F rr Messrs. Fraser Neave Ltd UlXon (of as R. W. M Ot Lodge Scot .n 8 ui| ed masons’ Hail, his officers for thl Fre year being the ensuing I P M Wor Bro S R P pr i.:_ Bro
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  • 37 2 FINAL DIVIDENDS. (P. G. Special Cable,) London, May 17. The following final dividends of robber companies are announced Third Mile 20 per cent Malaysia 12| Taogga Batu 15 Ledbury 25 Lanadron 17| Sembawang 10
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  • 44 2 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, May 18. At the Singapore rubber auc’ions tons were offered, The sale was not completed. The demand was good, but prices were lower. Fine pale fetched $l5O, ribbed smoked $144, plain smoked $139 and unsmoked $l3B.
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  • 50 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 18. At the annual general meeting of the Trafalgar Rubber Co Ltd at which Mr. Winter presided a dividend of ten per cent, was passed. The estate is in goo condition, the estimated output for t e current year being 37,000 lbs.
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  • 50 2 The following are the latest quotation» in our share list:— Yesterday. To-day. E 5 a Sharks. >, So m Cfl U 2 H Mining. Tin Bentong 32/6 34/6 32/- 33/b Rubber (Dollar). Changkat sB} $9 -.'«O Jimah $1.15 $1.20 SI. 0 K-Sidim $l5 $1« W Malaka $1.75
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  • 50 2 The output of Deebook Dredgin? Liability) for the first fortnight of Tin Dredging, Limited, for the fi weeks of Mav, was as follows No. 1 dredge, hours run 27d. eno y treated 49,000, No. 2 dredge, ho“ 278. cubic yards treated 51, piculs 638 realised on sale $3/,018-
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  • 25 2 To-day’s quotation for Penang was $95 50 per pica, sellers. m.daV Tin is quoted in London £197 spot, and £197 10s three month
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  • 21 2 London, May 1’The following is the rubber quota.lo to-day:— Plantation Ist Latex Crepe j r.B, courtesy of M—22l
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  • 14 2 The next Club H*n >i=*P e 20-& Members please note.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 429 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, FOR SALE. TNDIAN TWIN MOTOR CYCLE, 7-9 1 H.P. with spring wheel side-car, in good running order and condition. Price $5OO-00. No offers. Box 195, c/o Pinang Gazette. HABRAKOL SYNDICATE Ltd., (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) THE SUBSCRIPTION LIST will close on Monday, stti June, 1916, at 3
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  • Article, Illustration
    1201 3 [BY AN ARTIST CORRESPONDENT.] April 20. Wimbledon’s Many Issues. ?J|Wimbledon electors have been confronted with many issues, gome of them a little wide of the mark. Sir Stuart Coats, who has the approval of the Coalition as successor to Mr. Henry Chaplin, ig the baronet. He has been
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  • 160 3 Per P and O Khyber. London, April 15. —To Singapore: Miss M Ford, Mr McGregor, Mr Archer. To Penang Miss Tweed, Mr Stuart, Mr Fisher. Per P and O Medina. London, April 28. —To Singapore Mr and Mrs Pearson, Mr Norman. To Penang Miss Milne, Mrs
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  • 183 3 The anaemia of young girls may be inherited, or it may he caused by bad air, unsuitable food, hastly eating, insufficient outdoor exercise, and nos enough rest and sleep. It comes on gradually, beginning with languor, indisposition to mental or bodily exertion, irritability and a feeling
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  • 383 3 CHINESE SUBSCRIPTIONS. The Secretary for Chinese Affairs. F.M.S., sends a list of applications for bonds in the F.M.S. Six Per Cent. War Loan. From this list it will be seen that the total of Chinese applications in Malaya was $4,186,500. Selangor beads the list with $1,835,000, thanks
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  • 180 3 At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, Singap>re, held at 12 30 p.m on Monday, the following resolutions, which were parsed at a meeting held on May Ist, were confirmed. Rule 15a of the Chamber. “No person, who is not a natural born British subject,
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  • 94 3 Two prisoners of war, one of them a German naval officer, succeeded in escaping from Malta a few days ago. The island was thoroughly searched, and a reward was offered for their recapture, but both methods failed to elicit any information as to the prisoners’ whereabouts.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 300 3 IT’S interesting to note in these careful times the increased demand among men of all classes for the Wastefulness is out of fashion. Men are watching the small leaks and the little dribbling expenses. The Gillette Shave is an economy. Starts the day right, makes a man more fit and
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  • 1250 4 It has been a matter for surprise that since the evacuation of Gallipoli by the Allied forces, the Turk} have not been called npon to deal with a menace by British or French troops from some other direction than up the Tigris valley, a campaign that had, of
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  • 1742 4 Reuter has not informed us of the fate of the last of the Notes sent from Washington to Berlin, the text of which was wired on May 10th, but there have been few if any evidences of the characteristic German methods of sea warfare since. One or
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 263 4 false economy. To keep your property uninsured in order to save the premium is as foolish as to stop your watch in order to save ume he laws of average prove the certainty of the number ot hires wnicn occur yearly, and your property might be the next to take
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    • 30 4 E. “EMPIRE DAY,” 24th May. specialTdinner. The Dinner will be charged $3 a head and all the takings will* be handed over to the Penang Fighter.’’ BOOK YOUR SEATS NOW.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 314 5 ASIA MINOR AND TIGRIS CAMPAIGNS. BRITISH LINE ACTIVITY. THE MASTERS’ ADVENTURE. CEBMANY AND SUBMARINES. The French had to deal with minor German efforts only, in the Verdun area, and in Ch»mpa? ne On the British line, both sides carried out infantry dashes, but while three by the
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 429 5 [Reutrr’b Trlrgramb.] GERMAN EFFORTS DEFEATED. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, May 17. An enemy detachment, attempting to surprise a small post at Butte de Mesnil, in Champagne, was repulsed with bombs. There were artillery actions in the Argonne. A sharp bombardment occurred in the fegionsof Avocourt, Hill 304,
      [Reutrr’b Trlrgramb.]  -  429 words
    • 149 5 IRISHMEN’S PLUCKY CAPTURE. London, May 17. It appears that on the night after some Irish Regiments went into the trenches, they responded to German placards inviting them to lay down their arms, with fusillades and Rule Britannia.” An officer and a detachment of the Royal Munster Fusiliers
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    • 217 5 A correspondent writes from the Belgian frontier :—Four German deserters have sue ceeded in escaping from the Ypres front and crossing the Dutch frontier. One of them had in civilian life occupied a fairly prominent position. He told a remarkable story, confirming the British communique of April
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    • 396 5 Commenting on April 11th on the fighting in the Verdun region, the Petit Parisien remarks Yesterday was not so fierce a day as that immediately preceding, though the Germans launched three furious attacks against the principal points west of the Meuse, which bar their advance upon
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    • 287 5 Berlin and London both report lively artillery duels on the Greco-Serbian front'er, says the Gazette of Holland Fighting is in progress along practically the whole of the Austro-Italian front. Finally the Russians in Galicia have once more struck a shrewd blow at the Austrians These are the
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    • 58 5 ECHO OF FASHODA. London, May 16. The famous French General, Marchand, of Fashoda fame, has been killed in action. Report Denied. London, May 17. The leading articles give long appreciations of General Marchand. The British Press now states that his death is officially denied in Paris. Hitherto,
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    • 55 5 REPLY TO SIR E. GREY. London, May 17. The Press of the Central Powers expresses itself in violent vituperation regarding Sir Edward Grey’s statement of peace terms, with the exception of Vorwaerts,” which is glad Sir Edward Grey mentions a basis for peace negotiations, and believes peace
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    • 100 5 Opinion at Lloyd’s is.rapidly coming round to the view that the prospects of peace are not quite so remote as some pessimists think. Rates are, in fact, hardening against the cessation of hostilities this year. Two months ago the quotation covering the risk was 15 guineas
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    • 68 5 SIGNS OF AGREEMENT. London, May 16. The Committee of the operative cottonspinners and csrdroom workers, at Manchester, yesterday evening, agreed to meet the employers, with reference to the demand for an increase of 10 per cen\ in wages, with the object of arriving at a settlement before
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    • 210 5 The Lancashire Cardroom Amalgamation met in Manchester and a resolution was unanimously passed expressing the opinion that the margin between cotton and yarns has so improved that it warrants an advance of wages of not less than 10 per cent, being paid, and instructing the Executive Council
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    • 47 5 GERMAN GENERAL’S STATEMENT. Amsterdam, May 18. General von Moltke, in an interview, admitted that the Allies’ production of munitions now equalled that of the Central Powers. He affirmed that the fighting at Verdun was of vital importance, and would perhaps have a decisive effect.
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    • 172 5 The following figures indicate the extent whereby the production of French guns and munitions has increased during the war. If the figure 1 be taken throughout to represent the output on August 1, 1914, the various outputs on May 15, 1915, December 31, 1915, and February 1, 1916,
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    • 350 5 The French Minister of Munitions, M Albert Thomas, paid a visit to the Creusot works and inspected the various munition workshops. The Petit Journal sneaks'of the immense effort that is being ma»le in providing blast furnaces where as much as 240 tons of steel can be handled
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    • 42 5 COERCIVE GERMAN MEASURES. Paris, May 17. An official statement says the Allied war prisoners in Gsimany are forced to work in munition factories, under threats of torture aud imprisonment in intensely heated ceils. The French Government has threatened to retaliate.
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    • 279 5 All has been said, one would have th ought, about the German treatment of their prisoners of war. M. Max Angles shows that this is not so. A former Foreign Office clerk who had the misfortune to be caught in Germany at the outbreak of the war
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    • 58 5 PROSECUTION CASE finished. Loudon, May 16. The proceedings in tie trial for high treason of Sir Roger Casement ani Daniel Bailey, at Bow Street, were to-day confined to evidence confirming the AttorneyGeneral’s statement. The Court then adjourned. With the case for the Crown practically completed, it is
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    • 50 5 A LIKELY CANDIDATE. London, May 17. Sir Horace Plunkett, who is in London, has been hurriedly recalled to Dublin. It is rumoured that he may become Chief Secretary for Ireland. Mr. Asquith’s Conferences. Mr. Asquith, in Dunlin, continued his informal conferences with officials and promir ent personages.
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    • 59 5 COMPARISON IN INCREASES. London, May 17. It is officially reported that since July, 1914, food prices have risen in Vienna 110 per cent; in Berlin 100 per cent, and in the United Kingdom 55 per cent. In is pointed out that the Berlin prices would be higher but
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    • 136 5 The price of meat is still going up in Germany, writes the Handelsblad.” In twelve months prices have risen by 150 per cent. Danish pork, which a year ago cost Mk. 91.40 per 50 kilos, now fetches Mk. 360. Since the abolition of maximum prices for vegetables,
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    • 246 5 “Are we going to have another winter campaign?” is asked despairingly by the Tagliche Rundschau.” “In Russia,” says this Berlin paper, preparations are alreaciy being made for it. In the province of Nijni Novgorod a great number of felt factories have been started for the manufacture of
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    • 40 5 THIRD READING VOTE. London, May 17. In the House of Commons, the Compulsory Military Service Bill passed the third reading by 250 votes to 35. The Royal Assent. The Compulsion Bill will receive the Royal Assent on Friday.
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    • 49 5 BRITISH AIRMEN DECORATED. London, May 16. The Military Cross is awarded to two airmen in connection with the Zeppelin raids, namely, to a Bebath Brandon, who ascended 9,000 feet and bombed LI 5, and to C. A. Ridley, for conspicuous gallantry aud good work during the raids.
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    • 41 5 RESTRICTIVE MEASURES. London, May 17. The Board of Trade announces that the imports of tobacco will be reduced by twothirds from June Ist. Mr. Runciman introduced a bill to reduce the brewing of beer by 15 per cent.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 60 5 REPULSE IN GALICIA. Petrograd, May 16. The Germans displayed activity at Lake Midsiol, north-east of Vilna, where they gained a partial footing in the Russian trenches, whence a counter-attack drove them out. There was a violent bombardment, all night, north of the lake. The Germans were also
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 247 5 GRAND DUKE’S FINE WORK. Petrograd, May 16. The Russians occupied the town of Mamahatun, about 30 miles north-east of Erzinjan, thus driving a wedge into the Turkish defensive lines. This, combined with the threat of envelopment of Baghdad from the direction of Mosul, gives a vivid
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    • 11 5 London, May 17. General Townshend has arrived at Constantinople.
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    • 66 5 EXTENSION OF ALLIES’ INFLUENCE. London, May 17. Prince Nosrel-Sultaneh has been appointed Governor of Kerman. Like Prince Firman Firma, the new Governor of Fars, he is a strong partisan of the Allies. Ispahan’s British Colony. Teheran, May 16. The British Consul-General, and the British Colony, have re-entered Ispahan. They
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    • 548 6 Personally, I think that the robber now planted will not have the long life that many have predicted for it, says a writer in the Tin and Rubber Journal.” Most estimates are based on the assumption that the estates are to last for a generation or
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    • 168 6 The Shelford Rubber Estates is a Glasgow-controlled company, which is being run on very economical lines, and is destined to become a substantial dividend-payer in the course of time. Last year’s dividend only totalled 12 per cent, of which 8 per cent, has yet to be paid. The
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    • 152 6 The final dividend of ls9d per share now announced by the Selangor Rubber Compa ny makes a total of 3s 3d per share, and is equal to 162| per cent, compared with ICO per cent, tor 1914—a very substantial increase. A crop of 626,000 lb was obtained at
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    • 104 6 For the current year a crop of 460,0001 b is expected, compared with 453,6331 b obtained in 1915, when the selling price was 2s 5,89 d, and the all in cost. Is 0.09 d, Of the expected total 217,2901 b. have been sold forward at an average
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    • 475 6 Tangoel.—lnt. divi. 5 p.c. Bantam.—lnt. divd. 10 p.c. Kali Glagah. —In r divd, 5 p.c. Bekoh.—Second in r divd. 5 p.c. Kuala Lumpur —lot. divd. 20 p.c, tax free. Batu Tiga —Report for 1915 states crop 668,529 lb, averaging 2s B‘42d per lb; all-in cost was
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    • 237 6 The question of tax-free dividends is dealt with by Mr J S M Rennie, who speaks with experience on the finance and management of rubber companies. He points out a statement in The Times that a dividend of £1 less tax is the same thing as a
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    • 199 6 An excellent report is issued by the directors of the Seafield Rubber Company—The crop obtained during the year was 852,4791 b,, the selling price 2s. 62 5d,, and the all in cost no more than 10.61 d per lb. Profit realised amounted to £71,208, compared with £46,905 in
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    • 187 6 A Russian journalist, who has been in Berlin, records his experiences, and amongst them notes a deal in rubber. He writes I had left behind in Copenhagen my Russian goloshes as a precautionary measure, and I had therefore to go to a shop and get some
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    • 132 6 The report of the Malacca Rubber Plantations shows that the company is still working at a high cost, the all in figure being Is 2.12 d on an output of 3,543,1121 b. But for the increase in the selling price the year’s results would have been little
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  • 17 6 Penang :—The E O. Hotel, The Crag, Runuymede Hotel. Singapore:—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel.
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  • 324 6 Judge’s Revelations of Sedition in Dublin. The activities of that section in Ireland known as Sinn Feiners are receiving the special and serious consideration of the authorities in Ireland. It is believed here that the appointment of the new Attorney-General will mean the initiation of a new
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  • 252 6 An incident that occurred at Karasuli has been made the subject of diplomatic protest on the part of the Greek Government and of a campaign of abuse in the Greeek Government press. The Allies’ military command has given permission for the publication of the facts which are
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 301 6 A Reputation of over 100 year». Cockle's ANTIBILIOUS Pills FOR BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, HEADACHE, DEPRESSION. Of Chemittt throughout the world. Prices in England 1/1J and 2/9. James Cockle 4 Co, 4 Great Ormond It., London,W.C. i •’TO ■JSLjgGgSI ,J < Ch mil* I 1 kc* l/$j In out-of-the-way kvj Places ?*V
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    • 335 6 BENGER’S ggj? ffZgjtaiL Natural |if| FoQD W® entirely free from any chemical substance iMk/y» g whatsoever. Ayr Z. It is different from all other foods in being scientifically combined natura l digestive y I principles. is prepared for child, invalid, or aged person, with fresh new milk, and in course
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  • 826 7 PENANG’S CONTRIBUTIONS. We h&ve received the following comauoications for publication Officers’ Familibs Fund. Lansdowne House, Berkeley Square, W. April, 191 G. Received from Penang General Relief Fund, X B Voules Esq., the sum of one thouper pounds being a donation (which is grate- Sll y acknowledged) in aid
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  • 87 7 T HE PENANG AEROPLANE FUND. foil Bank advises us of the owing subscriptions to the Penang Aeropi ftne Fan<i C.ieque? should be made payable to the and Qa^er bartered Bank, crossed and or e ?d°rsed Penang Aeroplane Fund o L’.-Colonel the Hon. A. R Adams, o r J^ a T
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  • 116 7 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of farther contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on May 16 $2,834.83 The employees of the Caledonia Estate, cam-sections, for April W B Wilson $5O, F C Marples $25, A S Evens $25,
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  • 395 7 PENANG WOMEN WORKERS. Amount-, previously acknowledged $1,933.83 Mr Justice Edmonds $22; Mr James Sellar $lO Mr N A M Griffiu $lO Mrs Ritchie, Gedong Estate (6th don) $10; Mrs Craigen. Byram Estate (4th don) $5 Mrs Wilson, Caledonia (7th don) $5 Mr A W B Hamilton
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  • 279 7 In the District. Court, to-day, before Mr. W. C. Michell, District Judge, Chin A Ma and Chin Ah Hok were charged with the alleged robbery of two gold chains, a gold watch and a chain, valued at $95, in premises No. 204 Prangin Road, on the 10th inst.
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  • 44 7 May 18, and 20.—Singapore Races. May 21. —Penang Volunteers Field Operations. May 23. —Straits Sumatra Syndicate General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce. 4 p.m. May 24.—Empire Day. May 24.—Empire Day, Special Dinner E O Hotel. June 9 and 11.—Cricket, Penang v. Perak, Esplanade.
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  • 875 7 LORD CROMER’S VIEWS. Lord Cromer bases an interesting letter to the Times ”on the following extract from the German Chancellor’s speech in the Reichstag on the 6th Let as suppose, I suggest, that Mr. Asquith sits down with me at table to examine the possibilities of peace, and
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  • 55 7 The directors of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company are paying an interim dividend on the Deferred stock at the increased rate of 12 per cent, per annum, and, as is customary, free of income tax. A year ago the distribution was at the rate of
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  • 1458 7 TOTAL DIVIDEND OF 20 PER CENT. The sixth annual general meeting of the Chersonese (F.M.S.) Estates, Ltd., was held on April 14, at the Cannon-street Hotel, E.C., Mr. Noel Trotter (Chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said It will be seen from the accounts for the
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  • 510 7 Cyclone in Bay of Bengal. Calcutta, May 10.—The cyclone roaming in the Bay of Bengal is playing havoc with steamers passing through at the present time. The Kincraig, a tramp vessel that made for Calcutta after discharging her cargo at Rangoon, left the latter port on the 3rd
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  • 491 7 A SPANISH TRIBUTE. Reu’er’s representative has had an interview with the Marquis de Vaideglesras, senator, and professor aud editor of the official Conservative paper, “La Epoca,” who is now in London. He said Since the marriage of King Alphonse, who is above everything a Spaniard, with an
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  • 56 7 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Deli and Asahan Benoa 10 a.m. Bagan Datoh and Teluk Anson Hebe 3-30 p.m. Saturday. Port Swettenham and Singapore Tara 2-30 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Ipoh 3-30 p.m. Madras, taking mails Fultala 6 p.m. for Europe, etc., rid >
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 80 7 RUBBER STAMPS. nr HE PINANG G AZETTE PRESS, Ltd., is now in a position to execute orders for all kinds of Rubber Stamps. MARTIN’S A French Remedy for plan’s ties. Thousands of Ladies keep of Martins Pilis in the house, so that on the> first sjnof any Irregularity of
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    • 100 7 Central Sales Room. By Order of the Administrators in the Estates of Mr. A. D. NEUBRONNER (deceased) Mrs. A. D. NEUBRONNER (deceased) TO BE SOLD By Public Auction, All the High Class Household Furniture, COMPRISING Drawing, Dining and Bedroom Suites, Rattan and Bentwood Furniture, Crockery and Glass-ware, Carpets, Fancy Tables
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2778 8 P. o.—B. I.— APGAR N. Y. K. Wjv K. P. M. fe mail and passenger servic Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. ML maatschappij china mutual PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPOBAI ED IN JAPAN. (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) (INCORPORATED IN gemewarj <lO. E.rop., MAIL SERVI (lor ci.i.a and japan). A. f7?oy«Z Packet
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