Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 May 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 489 1 o aDoaDD aQQOnD *****0013 *****0 g IF YOU WANT TO SHIP, g BUY or sell p 1 RUBBER g 2 OR TO c n g FORWARD goods TO ANY PART or the WORLD d D GO TO g ALLEN DENNYS Co., i 7. UNION STREET. a D BonnonDontino aaanaac SUN
      489 words
    • 63 1 nnnnnnDD<innnDnDDnaDannnang n FOR $3O g n XTOU can have the Pinang n 1 Gazette posted every day g for a whole year to your address. n U (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proj ortionate Quartet ly and g Half-yearly rates. g Subscriptions are payable in n advat.cH and remittance should g be
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    • 336 2 [To the Editor oj the "Pinang Gazette".] Sir, The expression pariah nation that you used in your leader of the 11th instant, is too mild a term for a nation that is false in religion, destitute of humanity and a disgrace to modern civilization. After 21 months
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    • 311 2 [To the Editor oj the Pinang Gazette.') Sir, —Please find space in your valuable paper to insert the following particulars re the ‘‘Smoker” held in the Town Hall, on Wednesday, the 26th of April, 1916. The concert was a financial success as will be seen from the
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  • 178 2 Colombo, April 25th.—Reuter has mentioned the intense enthusiasm aroused by the landing of a picked force of Russians at Marseilles on the 19th ultm. This is no doubt refers to the Russian troops who passed through Colombo last month and who created such enthusiasm here when they
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  • 869 2 His Highness the Maharajah of Jodhpur has given R. 20,000 to the Prince of Wales’s Relief Fund. Sir E L Brockman is at Government House, Kuala Kangsar, for a brief residence in the Sultan s capital. Dump De Dembal, Pilot Superintendent of the Rivers Steam Navigation Co
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  • 487 2 CHARGE AGAINST MOHAMMEDANS. In the Third Court, Penang, to-day, two Mohammedans, Kachi Mydin and Maidin Pichay, were charged with selling dutiable liquors or removing duty paid liquor» and criminal breach of trust of 70 bottles of Chinese arrack valued at $5O. Mr. C D. D. Hogan who
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  • 478 2 Four more episodes of The Girl Detective will be shown at the Electric Polyscope to-night, together with Nick Winter in the Wild West” in 2 reels Col Heeza Liar at the Bat,” Pathe’s Animated Gazette and Cry of the Child in 2 parts. Another western drama, The Sup
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  • 261 2 FURTHER SUBSCRIPTIONS The Chartered Bank advi 9eB U 9 o{ following subscriptions to the P Aeroplane Fund en n Balance on May 13 t Hon. A. T. Bryant 52, 5 Lt.-Colonel Hon. A. R. Adams 0() Sarkies Bros. 500 Mr. W. R. Armstrong Mr. G H. Pritchard Mr.
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  • 287 2 JUDGMENT EOR MUNICIPALITY. Judgment was delivered this Rfternooj by Mr. W. C. Michell, District Judge, in the suit brought by Wan Chee Ariffin of Hutton Lane, in which he claimed from the Municipality the sum of $341.50 being money had and received by defendants to the use
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  • 129 2 The London, Singapore and Ja™ is in the fortunate position of no to make any further provision 0 depreciation of investments, the p year’s allocation having been adequate. That is the more inasmuch as the company has been ly realising investments with a v Bot
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1187 2 W ANTED. NOTICE. SECRETARY for Klang Club, Klang, > rR. JOHN FORRESTER has been F. M. 8. Salary $3OO per mensem, IVJL admitted a partner in this firm as without quarters. Applications to be in from 9th May, 1916. writing, accompanied by statement of Dated the 10th, day of May,
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    • 528 3 ahead of the mail London, April 23.—Mr. A. G. Gardiner -rites in the “Daily News” a scathing open letter to Mr. Lloyd George. He says Your friends have been silent too long. They pretended not to know many things refused to see your figure flitting
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    • 281 3 Capetown, April 23.—A sensation has been created by the publication in the Natal Witness" of the report of the Commission investigating the atrocities against British prisoners in German South West Africa. Some of the revelations are shocking in character, even the German witness admitting that the
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    • 80 3 Capetown, April 20th.—Sir Joseph -oinson recently urged that a force should e sent from South Africa to the Western r<J ut, and he offered to give £lOO,OOO toward 8 a sum of £1,000,000 which he requirt° make up the difference between the roperial and the Colonial
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    • 190 3 London, April 20th, —Replying to-day to a deputation from the Chambers of Commerce Mr. Bonar Law said there had been a great change in public feeling with regard to the fiscal policy of the United Kingdom as a result of war, Mr. Runcimau and he
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    • 26 3 Salonika, April 18.—Greece has decided not to oppose the transportation of Serbians through her territory but she formally protested against the movement.
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    • 59 3 London, April 14.—The “Times,” in the course of an article on the War, contrasts Germany's execration of our inhumanity and her whimpers about the infamy of our blockade with Bismarck’s policy of the blockade and starving of Paris in 1870, and it reproduces instances of Bismarck’s Prussian
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    • 95 3 Amsterdam, April 16.—According to a German report the men in a French detachment recently surrendered at Verdun, and then resumed their arms and attacked the Germans in the rear, thereby necessitating drastic measures. It transpires, however, that in reality the Frenchmen were cut off from their fellows and
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    • 29 3 London, April 14—Two conscientious objectors, who were enlisted compulsorily in a non-combatant corps, have been sentenced to two years’ imprisonment by court martial for having disobeyed orders.
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    • 28 3 Lahore, May B—A Copenhagen correspondent states that a belief that German submarining is decreasing has led to enormous rises in steamship shares on the Scandinavian exchanges.
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    • 98 3 London, May sth.—The Morning Post’s Budapesth correspondent says the Austrians are disturbed by the Italian bomb-dropping on Trieste and threatened reprisals for the few civilian casualties against historical buldings and works of art. Large quantities of supplies for Trieste and the warships in the harbour are seriously menaced
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  • 138 3 The following remarks were made by the General Officer Commanding the Division regarding the gallant conduct of certain regiments in the operations of the 20th and 21st January in Mesopotamia I cannot spe/ik too highly of the splendid gallantry of the Black Watch. Aided by parties of
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  • 71 3 Simla, May 9.—General Sir Percy Lake reports that the second and third parties of sick and wounded from Kut reached the headquarters of the Tigris Corps on the evenings of May 4ch and May sth respectively. The second party consisted of two hundred and the third of two
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  • 506 3 TO WIN THE WAR. It is a striking coincidence, says the “New York Sun" that the success of British operations in the field now depends upon the efficiency and staying power of an Englishman, Sir William Robert Robertson, who was appointed Chief of the Imperial General Staff
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  • 353 3 Unfinished Vessels Completed at Cost Though the shipping situation in relation to merchant vessels is still unsatisfactory, there are signs of a little change for better. Reports of occasional launches attest the fact that some progress is being made with the ves els on hand. Many owners who
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  • 925 3 INCREASED RUBBER PROFITS. The Treasury has again issued a tabular statement showing the effect of the proposed increases upon incomes of 131,t0 £3,000. It will be understood that in cases where income is unearned the amounts set out are not those which will be deducted when the
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  • 18 3 Penang :—The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel. Singapore :—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel,
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  • 285 3 Calcutta Food Prices Calcutta, May 3.—The Department of Statistics states that the general level of food prices in Calcutta at the end of April waa 3 per cent, over that of the corresponding period of the previous year and 9 per cent, above that of July, 1914 The
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  • 74 3 Calcutta, April 28.—Recruiting meetings for the Anglo-Indian force are being held at various towns io India and as the scheme is getting better understood recruits are rolling in with alacrity. There is little doubt that a complete regiment will soon be formed. As a matter of fact
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  • 46 3 Calcutta, May 5.—A message from Gauhati, Assam, says that early yesterday morning the mail steamer Pobha with mails and a number of passengers was caught in a severe storm off Brahmaputra and sunk. It is feared there is some loss of life.
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  • 307 3 Australian Surprise Attack. Suez, April 23.—The following are the details of a reconnaissance by the Australian troops at Jifajaffa on the 13th: It being reported that the enemy were boring for water at Jifajaffa a detachment of the Australian Light House with part of a camel corps
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 277 3 issitude of weariness, depression, fatigue, fl :cts equally men, women and child- U is most important that these signs jj lown condition be not neglected. S y easily lead to more serious ailments. Q f you are feeling exhausted, slack and 2 □n't delay, start taking Iron 'Jelloids' to-day Z
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  • 1234 4 The well-known military writer, Colonel Repington, expressed the opinion five weeks ago that the German situation needed a desperate remedy which might be sought either by an attack in Flanders or an attempted invasion of Great Britain. At the same time, he said the Germans did not
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  • 53 4 The mails despatched from Penang to London by the P. O packet on the 15th ulto, was delivered yesterday. The outward mail is expected at 8 o’clock to-night. The P. O. agents advise us that the R M.S. Medina, with the outward mails, arrived at Suez, on Sunday
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  • 1578 4 The Daily Chronicle urges Mr. McKenna to collect the impost on coffee with the utmost dispatch, in case coffee vanishes from the earth. The contemplation of such an eventuality, however remote, is 1 best avoided. There is, to the best of our belief, no reason to take
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  • 167 4 Imprisonment for PERJt' KY Calcutta, May 3 —As a sequel to recent Drummond shooting case Donaldson was yesterday found g ul > perjury. The Magistrate of A ll P or eBC# tenciug him saio —ln P s I remember the fact that you h» r e apOQ
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 151 4 Rifle Accessories. JUST UNPACKED. Cleaning Rods with Ball Bearing Handles $2 50 Jointed Cleaning Rods $2-75 303 Cleaner In bottles 50 cts. Rangoon Oil In bottles 50 cts. Flannelette Patches In packets 20 cts. Bristle Brushes 50 cts. Steel Scourerers 55 cts. Wool Mops 40 cts. GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY, Ltd.,
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    • 32 4 E. O.” “EMPIRE DAY,” 24th May. SPECIAL DINNER. The Dinner will be charged $3 a head and all the takings will be handed over to the Penang Fighter." BOOK YOUR SEATS NOW.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 194 5 BRITISH SOLDIER ALSO ARRAIGNED. ATTORNEY-GENERAL’S SPEECH. RUSSIAN ADVANCE FROM PERSIA. PEACE EFFORTS IN CHINA. Sir Reger Casement was accompanied in the dock at Bow Street, also on a charge of high treason, by Daniel Bailey, a British soldier, and a native of Dublin, who, having been taken prisoner
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 268 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] A SECOND ACCUSED. ATTORNEY-GENERAL’S ADDRESS. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, May 15. Extraordinary interest was taken in the opening of the trial of Sir Roger Casement Long lines of people, many of them distinguished personages, waited for hours at Bow Street. Only a
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  268 words
    • 172 5 msterdarn, April I.—Yesterday’s sitting the Reichstag was again marked by l scenes. an i militar y estimates came up for debate, 'he votes for the military camps ware when Dr. Leibknecht, the oemlist, intervening in tbe debate, said repeat that I have documents in
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    • 439 5 London, April 13.—Mr. Asquith’s explanation of the phrase the destruction of Prussian militarism when speaking at the dinner to the French Parliamentary delegates has been widely commented upon in Allied and neutral countries. The French newspapers believe that the words will bring home to the German people
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    • 442 5 Continuing his series of impressionist articles on his recent sojourn in England, Dr. Mario Borsa, editor of the Milan Secolo,” writes: “When on my return to Italy the other day I read in a prominent Roman journal that the English Government cannot find means to persuade
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    • 156 5 Hill 304 is about 2,500 yards west of Mort H onome Dead Man hill) which is regarded as the main position north of Charny Ridte. The capture of Charmy Ridge would practically ensure the enemy obtaining Verdun. Hill 304 is a fiat-topped hill, the capture of which would
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    • 244 5 To the present generation of sportsmen Frank Slavin is merely the name of a man who won fame in the knuckle fighting days of the Prize Ring but though he is 54 years of age and has been out of the business, as boxers seem to like
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    • 53 5 A POSSIBLE VICTIM. Copenhagen, May 15 A Zeppelin was observed off the west coast of Norway, pursued by three British des royers. Suddenly getting out of conrol, the airship sank to 100 feet above he water, and was then obscured bv fog. It is supposed she was shot
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    • 312 5 In view of recent alarmist articles concerning Germany’s naval surprises and strenuous shipbuilding efforts, it is worth while drawing attention to the enemy’s admitted need of more naval officers as well as seamen. Even if Germany were able to build new warships twice as fast
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    • 20 5 COMPULSORY SERVICE. Wellington, May 15, It is expected that a Compulsory Service Bill will be introduced this week.
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  • 49 5 EARLY FAVOURIIES. (#rom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 16. The gallops on Saturday were good. Tongkah did especially well in 1.58. Sador finished blowing. Lady Jean and Glorify performed very well. The selections before the lotteries and scratchings were Nullo, La-Vie, Loaddeer, Tongkah or Storey and Accelerator.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 82 5 RUSSIANS DEFEAT TURKS. Petrograd, May 15. The capture of Kasr-i Shirin west of Kermanshah on May 10th was preceded by a very bloody fight, lasting 16 hours, at the Kurdish village of Sarmil, commanding the approach to the town. This was the first engagement in Persian territory exclusively
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    • 695 5 The Bourse Gazette publishes a vivid account of the recent storming of fortified Turkish positions on the Black Sea coast near the rivers Arkhavy and Vitzyrou to the east of Trebizond, in which the Russian Caucasus forces were effectively assisted by a Russian battleship and other warships.
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    • 355 5 Petrograd, April 9.—ln the sw ampy districts of Polesie, spring has wrought devasta tion among the enemy’s positions. Timbers with which Germans had corduroyed the roads have been carried away by the floods, the waters have overflowed the banks of canals dug by the Germans
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 29 5 GERMAN APOLOGY TO SPAIN. Madrid, May 15. Germany has apologised to Spain for the loss of Spanish nationals on the Sussex, and promises co compensate the families.
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    • 321 5 The young pirate who, as already reported, attempted to rob the British steamer Matoppo, now turns out to be not Ernest Schiller, a German spy, but Clarence Reginald Hodson, the 23 year-old son of an English father and a German mother. He confesses that he tried to
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    • 70 5 EFFORTS AT SETTLEMENT. London, May 15. The Times correspondent at Peking says the Chinese Government has agreed to a proposal to hold a conference of delegates from the loyal Provinces, at Nanking, to mediate between North and South, and discuss the question of a President. Soutk’s New President, Meanwhile,
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    • 72 5 EFFECT ON BANKS. Shanghai, May 15, Despite th» moratorium, the Bank of China remained open, thereby preventing an unparalleled panic, as there had already been a run on another bank. Immense crowds are besieging the banks, in order to convert notes. The foreign banks are lending assistance. Measure
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    • 112 5 BAILEY’S WRITTEN STATEMENT. London, May 15. Bailey, in a written statement, described how the trio visited the Wilhelmstrasse and received facilities to go to Ireland. They entrained for Wilhelmshaven, boarded a submarine, and on reaching Ireland attempted to land in a collapsible boat, which overturned. He
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  • 257 5 GERMAN GENERALS DIVIDED. (Specially Translated.) The Central News Petrograd correspondent reports that at a recent conference of Generals at von Hindenburg’s headquarters at Vilna, von Hindenburg came to loggerheads with General von Bulow, who advised an immediate off nsive, as life in the trenches had a very
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  • 290 5 THE JAVA DEMONSTRATIONS. (Specially Translated.) The Batavia Niewsblad” states that on Saturday, May 6th, fifteen Dutch sailors who had been ashore from men-of-war at Soerabaya in the Military Hospital broke out of bounds and went on board the Zeven Provincien to complain of their treatment in hospital. They
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  • 84 5 The Spanish steamer Legazpi which arrived at Colombo from Barcelona on her voyage to Singapore, was refused coal by the local authorities on the ground that her papers were irregular. As the vessel has only a limited amount of coal on board, the Captain has decided
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  • 1351 6 A REMARKABLE SPEECH IN THE DUMA. In the House of Commons recently reference was made to a remarkable speech in the Duma by Mr. Miliukoff, «the Russian Liberal leader. Tn the course of that speech Mr. Miliukoff stated that an agreement had been reached by
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  • 206 6 The Federated Maiay States seem to have been the British Colony that has had the highest tide of prosperity during the war-period. The import trade, it is true, declined by about 11 million dollars in the year 1915, but the value of the export trade rose by 41
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  • 64 6 Illicit opium worth $60,000 was seized in recent raids carried ou by the Municipal Authorities aided by Chinese government detectives. There still remains a vast amount of Persian opium that has been brought into Shanghai by the great syndicate of smugglers. Four ca-es arising out of
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  • 54 6 The Chinese Ministry of the Navy has received a wireless message reporting the disappearance of the cruiser Haiyung since her collision with the ss. Hsinyu. The authorities have issued instructions for the detention of the vessel if she touches any port where the administration is still loyal
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 595 6 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated in England by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 Head Office 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Agencies and Branches. Amritsar Hongkong Peking Bangkok Iloilo Penang Batavia Ipoh Puket Bombay Karachi Rangoon Calcutta Klang Saigon Canton
      595 words
    • 150 6 A STOMACH TONIC. A tonic dyspepsia is probably the commonest form of indigestion met with in the East. This lack of tone in the digestive organs means that the stomach is no longer able to do its work as nature intended. The nerves that control it are weak, the glands
      150 words
    • 178 6 ECONOMY being an Imperial necessity, the use of British Avon Tyres becomes a patriotic duty. iS liaß C. The claim that Avon Tyres show xBUWLJj? lowest cost per mile rests upon disinterested records of actual service, Endurance. open to investigation. It is further agents: supported by their exclusive SELLAR, MURRAY
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  • 216 7 At the Assize», this morning, before Mr. Justice Ebden and a jury, Said Ismail, a Mohammedan, was arraigned on two charges of attempted murder. The gist of the case, which was reported in our columns some days ago, are that accused and his wife Kachiamah after about 10
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  • 125 7 The shoot yesterday resulted ac cs .2 s_ s- S O“3 ©TS ©-o 2 c 8 5 a o Miss Smith 31 26 10 67 Mrs Venning Thomas... 33 27 4 64 Mrs Sproule 31 24 4 59 Mrs Durĕge 25 22 6 53 Mrs Frayne
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  • 95 7 The following tennis ties are fixed for Thursday Men’s Doubles Handicap “B”—Millar and Anthony—4/6 v Goodrich and Saye—--15, BensOn and Blackstone—3/6 v Syer and Sharpin—ls, Crabb-Watt and Watson —l5 v Nicol and Harvey—4/6. Mixed Doubles Handicap. Mrs Armstrong and Marshall+ 2/6 v Mrs. Watson and Forrest—s/6, Mr
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  • 30 7 An American Tennis Tournament (mixed) was held at Batu Gajah on Friday Saturday and Sunday last, 13 couples competing. The winners were Mrs. Bryant and Mr Daly.
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  • 25 7 The tennis and bowls tournament prizes will be presented to the winners by Mrs Ebden, on Friday, 19th instant, at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 80 7 Messrs. Allen Dennys Co., advise us that the undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them at our auction -ale to day, (44,500 lbs. offered, 24,800 lbs. sold): Smoked ribbed sheet $137 to $145 plain 132 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 127 136 Unsmoked sheet 132
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  • 29 7 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was s9s| per picul, business done. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £196 15s. spot, and £197 three months.
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  • 891 7 AN INTERVIEW WITH THE NEW PREMIER. Mr. Charles Stephenson Smith, the representative in Peking of the Associated Press of America, gives the following account of an interesting interview which General Tuan Chi-jui the new Prime Minister granted him recently General Tuan Chi-jui, the new Premier, who has
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  • 265 7 Dr. Murray Leslie lectured at the Institute of Hygiene on Toe Disabled Soldier: His Future and his Economic Value.” The present marriage rate, he said, was the highest ever known. Those marriages had for the most ptrr, been confined to young, strong, and active soldiers, al
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  • 56 7 The following are the latest quotations in our share list t Yesterday. To day. □o tn Shares 3 Mining. Bangnon V. 3/- 5/- 3/- 4/RahmanH.... $U| $l2 $Ll| sl2| Rahman Tin sll| $l2 sll| sl2k Tin Bentong 33/ 35/6 32/6 34/6 Rubber (Dollar). Changkat sB| s9} SBJ
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  • 113 7 The following regulations have been issued by the French Governm nt with regard to persons landing at Marseilles No foreigner can enter France, Algeria or Morocco, or leave these countries unless he is furnished with a passport vised by a competent French official. An exception, however has
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  • 41 7 German Bandmaster to Leave Simla Simla, May B.—Mr. Buchner, director of music to the Viceroy, has, on medical grounds, tendered his resignation, which has been accepted by His Excellency. Mr. Buchner’s resignation will take effect on October Ist, 1916.
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  • 70 7 May 16, 18, and 20.—Singapore Races. May 17.—Lodge Scotia, Penang—lnstallation. May 17.—Malaya Peninsula Agric. Assoc. Annual General Meeting in Chamber of Commerce. 11.30 a.m. May 21.—Penang Volunteers Field Operations. May 24.—Empire Day. May 24. —Empire Day, Special Dinner E O Hotel. June 9 and 11.—Cricket, Penang v. Perak,
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  • 86 7 CLEARANCES. To-day. Benrinners for Port Swettenham. Benten Maru for Singapore, China Japan. De Kock for Deli and Batu Bahra. Cornelia for Port Swettenham, P. Dickson and Malacca. Atjeh for Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang. Hebe for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson. MAILS. CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 500 7 the GENUINE ALL-BRITISHPOLISH^^^"”"3<g? i SM»I" >X Nubian Jib. liquid waterproof g o lf-Polishin«£. BLACKING no Brushes requ so BROWN for brown Soots shoes. -<- e Attached to th< c rk. Gives an instantaneous brilliant A" W J‘ hstsa week wet or dry weather. Mud can be and nolich rema ins.
      500 words
    • 223 7 Central Sales Room. AUCTION SALE OF High Class Household Furniture, COMPRISING Dining, Drawing, and Bedroom Suite?, Almirah, Tables, Rattan and Bentwood Furniture, Glass Ware, Crockery, Plants, etc., etc. Victoria and Horse complete, etc., etc., etc. On Saturday, 20th May, 1916, AT 11.15 A.M,, At 22, York Road, Penang, The residence
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2391 8 P. 0.-B. 1.-APGAR N. Y. K. fev K. P. M. fe O‘JjAH MAIL AND passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. Ld. j JB maatschappij PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SWINGS. INCORPOZATW lN (mCOBWMTB. I. HOLLAND.) CHINA “>• «I Homeward (tor Europe). Outward (tor China and Japan). SP 1 (Roya£ Packet S. TV.
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