Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 May 1916

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1005 1 dOnnoD odd ano□□□□□□□□aanuunn lf Y OU WANT IO SHIP, BUY o r sell g !RUBBER i a OR TO forward GOODS n to ANY PART of the WORLD n GO to I ALLEN DENNYS Co., 7. UNION STREET. saaaano□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□anaaaac •■THE PINANG GAZETTE.” I n n u OFFICE ANO PRESS
      1,005 words
    • 60 1 lr FOR $3O ft c n VOU can have the Pinang n I Gazette pcsted every day for a whole year to your address. n a (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). g Proportionate Quarietly and Half-yearly rates. 9 Subscriptions are payable in n advance and remittance should q be addressed to a
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  • 835 2 SOME NOTES ON THE CHIEF LEADERS. The N. C. Daily News gives the following brief notes on the most prominent men connected with the present political crisis in Chinq., choosing those names that are of daily occurrence in reports from all provinces. Tang Chi yao—Tutuh of
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  • 562 2 “TOMMY’S” USE OF THE WORD. One of the most distinctive forms of British humour is the delightful pastimo of reducing affrighting things to absurdity, and to this bait the Germans have during the war, played up in the best possible manner. Germany’s grim, bloodchilling Hymn of Hate was
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  • 375 2 .The following is an extract from Count Reventlow’s reply to Herr Wo'ff on the attitu ie of Scandinavia. I am far from saying that certain people in Germany are wrong in holding that our internal org<nisation is not without some effect on the opinion held of
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  • 924 2 ON THE SIDE OF THE ANGELS. Whether the story, at one time widely believed in England, that angels fought on the side of the Allies in t ie battle at Mons, has any other foundation than the tale of “The Bowmen,” written by Arthur Machen, remains for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 814 2 WANTED TYPIST. Apply stating NOTICE, experience, salary expected to Box No. 192, c/o Pinang Gazette. JOHN FORRESTER has been IVI admitted a partner in this firm as 485 —l5 5 from 9rh May) 1916. Dated the 10th, day of May, 1916. Vv ANTED. LYALL EVATT. SECRETARY for Klang Club, Klang,
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    • 36 2 Your Morning; Headache will disappear after a dose of ■TnrwTrsßffirsßii z the tiny laxatives which do not gripe. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Dept. sc, Singapore.
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    • 612 2 Central Sales AUCTION SALE or High Class Household Furniture, COMPRISING: Dining, Drawing, aud Bedroom Suit. Almirah, Tables, Rattan B0(1 Furniture, Glass W arP) Plants, etc., etc. Victoria and Horse eo m p| ete etc., etc., etc, 0n Saturday, 20th AT 11.15 A.M., At 22, York Road, Penang J?he residence of
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  • 1421 3 S.F.P.” THE GOVERNOR’S SPEECH. H. E. the Governor, Sir Arthur Young, Kc m G., in presenting the insignia of the Order of G.C.M.G., to H. H. the Sultan of Johore, at Johore, on Friday, made the following speech. His Excellency said Your Highness, Your Excellencies, ladies and
    “ S.F.P.”  -  1,421 words
  • 476 3 Simla, May sth The following rules, relative to the nomination of Indian candidates for the Civil Service of India,made by His Majesty’s Secretary of State for India, under the Indian Civil Service Temporary Provisions Act, 1915, Act VI, George V, Chapter 87, are published for general in
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  • 309 3 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The annual general meeting of the Parish Hall was held in the Hall yeiterday morning, Rev. L. M. Duvelle, President of the Parish Hall, presiding. The others present included Messrs, Fred Aeria, J. H. Phipps, C. L. Robless, H. 8. Balhetchet, A. A. Jeremiah,
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  • 322 3 Mk. Billing and a Neglected Aeroplane. Speaking at Newcastle, Mr. Pemberton Billing said it was foolish to suggest we should now build Zeppelins, for the Germans had taken ten years and spent £20,000,000 to £30,000,000 in producing a fleet capable of reaching England. We possessed something far
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  • 234 3 Five Years of Crime. Through the strenuous endeavours of the detective police contingent at Kuala Kubu, the notorious robber, Chin Wee San, alias Chan Fwee Lan, who h«s been responsible for the reign of terror that ex’sted among the inhabitants of Peretak for many a long day,
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  • 469 3 S. T.” Considerable excitement was caused in the vicinity of the Java Street High Street junction when a Macow Chinese, Lai Chong, employed in a chandu dealer’s shop, stabbed, it is alleged, a Hokien rikisha coolie with a six inch knife. Police and detectives were on the
    “ S. T.”  -  469 words
  • 283 3 Sar. Gazette.” A Dyak attack was made recently on the Punans, when fourteen heads were taken. Mr. Gifford returned to Kapit from Belaga on the 22nd March, and a few days after his arrival news was brought down to him that the Ga’ats, our inveterate
    —“ Sar. Gazette.”  -  283 words
  • 170 3 There is one thing which the German policy of submarine frightfulness has entirely failed to do, and that is to frighten the adventurous youth of this country in the mercantile marine service. The number of youths now applying to be taken as apprentices on merchant vessels exceeds
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 430 3 NOTICE. \UE beg to give notice that for the present the products of the Bernese Alps Milk Company will be imported by us under the BEAR Brand instead of under Sledge Brand as heretofore. THE MILK REMAINS UNCHANGED; the trade mark alone has been altered, and for the following reasons
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  • General News.
    • 400 4 MR. ASQUITH’S VISIT. London, May 11. t In the House of Commons, Mr. Asquith announced that he was leaving for Ireland in a few hours, not with the intention of succeeding the Executive, but to consult at first hand with the civil and military an t’norities, v .th the
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    • 128 4 THE COUNSEL ENGAGED. London, May 14. Sir Roger Casement discussed his case with three friends in the Tower of London yesterday. The prisoner, who is in much better health, is allowed to read and take exercise regularly. It is understood the crss for the prosecution will
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    • 67 4 PROBABLE GERMAN APPOINTMENT. Washington, May 13. A despatch from Herr Wiegand, Germany’s unofficial Press representative, states that Germany is considering the appointment of a Minister of Food, who will control distribution so as to prevent the British grip tightening on Germany’s throat.” It is noteworthy that Dr.
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    • 24 4 London, May 13. The House of Commons in the morning concluded the Committee Stage of the Compulsion Bill, which becomes law next
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    • 114 4 GERMAN REPULSES. London, May 13. A telegram from Moshi, dated 11th May, says the enemy repeatedly attacked KondoAirangi, using a gun from the cruiser Koenigsberg. The enemy were repulsed. Fifty dead were picked up, including two Europeans. Our losses were small. It is believed the German Commander-in-Chief led
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    • 27 4 MANY LIVES LOST. Cape Town, May 12, Over a hundred lives were lost through floods in the midland districts of the Cape Province.
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    • 34 4 MR- ROOSEVELT TO STAND. New York, May 13. Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, in a letter to a supporter announces for the first time that he will be a cand date for the Presidency.
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    • 389 4 Central News A prominent United States naval officer writing to the New York Times from the Naval Academy, Annapolis, in warm commendation of Professor C. W. Eliot’s proposal that the United States should come out boldly on the side of the Allies, says Dr. Eliot
      .—“ Central News ”.  -  389 words
    • 44 4 PREMIER’S PRONOUNCEMENT. London, May 11. In the House of Common’, Mr. Asquith, amid cheers, declared that the Government would cause the Union Jack to be flown from public buildings on Empire Day (May 24th) and be hoped the example would be followed.
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    • 38 4 London, May 13. The Government has appointed a Committee, under Admiral Beaumont, and including Major Leonard Darwin and Sir Douglas Mawson to advise as to the steps to be taken for the Shackleton relief expedition.
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  • 18 4 A MORATORIUM. Peking. May 13. A moratorium has been proclaimed in China, owing to the financial stringency.
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  • 210 4 SPEED AND DISTANCE COMPETITION. Considerable interest was taken in the speed and distance judging competition,held on Saturday, under the auspices of the Penang Automobile Club. There was a fair entry. The start was from the Governor’s Bungalow, the competitors in the competition, which was a “non-stop” run,being
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  • 258 4 FURTHER MACHINES SUBSCRIBED. On Friday, the Straits Times made the following announcement: Straits Times Fighter over-subscribed, Singapore Fighter over-subscribed, Tan Jiak Kim Fighter subscribed, Singapore Fighter No. 2 $12,029 subscribed. Our contemporary says We are now able to show that the Singapore No. 2 is rapidly approaching completion,
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  • 29 4 The latest donations towards the Penang Fighter include the following. A fuller lis will appear to-morrow. Mr. W. R. Armstrong $5OO The Patients, General Hospital 53
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  • 26 4 This Fund has now in hand at the Chartered Bank, Kuala Lumpur, the sum of $3,700, the result of two months’ work.
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  • 51 4 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the fol. lowing list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on May 11 $2,632.36 Ladies’ Bridge Book at Golf Club, contribution for April... 14.00 Balance on May 13 $2,646.36 Amount previously acknowledged ...$23,913.74 Total
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  • 17 4 OUTPUTS FOR APRIL. The following are additional rubber outputs for April Jendarata lbs. 38,700 Taiping 11,125
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  • 45 4 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening:— 1. Selection... La Sonnambula ..Bellini 2. Quadrille... Huldiguns ...Seifert 3. Waltz Themse Lieder ...Gung’e 4. Polka Minuit Waldteufel 5. March The Royal Arthur Kay
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  • 1564 4 It is stated that Mme. Sarah Bernhardt was to pay a visit to the French and British troops in the trenches in France. H.R. H. the Prince of Nakon Sawan, who has been visiting the Naval Station at Singora, has left for Trang to visit the newly
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  • 856 4 RESIDENT COUNCILLOR p ßesen THE TROPRY. S The Town Band played, an d the n meter was gay with flags and stands X? various Clubs, when the Malay (L L h was held on Saturday, in the P Fln&l the Hon. the Resident Counciflor f Col. Adam.,
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  • 1661 5 THE REAL PRESIDENT. The distinctive feature of the Asiatic Review for April is an article entitled Yuan Shi-k’ai as Hwang-ti,” by Pro. E, H. Parker. Since the article was written, however, the position in China hns undergone another metamorphosis, Yuan Shihkai having abandoned the scheme
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  • 76 5 Bombay, May s.—With reference to the suggestion that prisoners from Kut should lack nothing which can be furnished to them whilst they are detained in Turkey the Governor of Bombay, president of Bombay presidency branch imperial war relief fund, has placed himself in communication with Sir John
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  • 588 5 AN EIGHTEEN.MILLION INCREASE. In the annual estimate of the national drink bill which he has just prepared, Mr. George B Wilson, the secretary of the United Kingdom Alliance, estimates that during the year 1915, the total consumption of intoxicating liquors in the United Kingdom, measured in terms
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  • 126 5 Lower Contract Pricks. Calcutta, May 4. With reference to the coal contracts for Indian State Railways, which has just been issued by the Railway Board, prices were arranged somewhat below the average paid on tbe last contracts. For the new supplies the highest price quoted and accepted was
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 427 5 COOL UNDERWEAR AT ROOK BOTTOM PRICES Our Famous PURE WHITE INDIA GAUZE VESTS are too well-known to require description. Being the largest buyers in India and the Straits, we are in a position to buy and sell at exceptionally low rates. 1 I JLL "I-..'. ...J I. m I LJ
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    • 18 5 Where to Stay, Pesang :—The E O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel. Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon :—Strand Hotel.
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  • 18 6 Latimer.—At Tremelbye Estate, Klang, on the 6th instant, to Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Latimer, and daughter.
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  • 1234 6 There is a disposition among many people to deride those who cannot give an unqualified assent to the doctrine that war is not only inevitable, but a constant means of human progress. Those who believe in the power of reason and of the fine and more
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  • 1293 6 F.M.S. and Straits passengers homeward or outward bound via Colombo will miss the familiar sight of the Orient liners, for they are to take the Cape route. The fleet has been temporarily denuded of many of its vessels owing to Government requirements, and a Colombo contemporary states
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  • 51 6 The outward P. <fc O. packet Sangola is expected to arrive here from C lombo at 8 p.m. to-morrow. The homeward mail steamer R.M.B. Khiva arrived at Marseilles on the morning of Thursday, 11th instant. B.M.S. Malta, the connecting steamer from the Straits, left here on the 16th
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  • 394 6 To-day’s quotation for unrefined da it in Penang was $96.00 per picul, buyers, no sellers The Government of India are now pre pared to consider applications for the export of rTbe to Swi'zerland. A Government Gazette Extraordinary issued is dealing with the exportation of articles to the Netherbnds,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 31 6 E. O.” “EMPIRE DAY,” 24th May. speciaiTdinner. The Dinner will be charged $3 a head and all the takings will be handed over to the Penang Fighter.” BOOK YOUR SEATS NOW.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 296 7 enemy fail at verddn. ATTACKS ON BRITISH LINE? RUSSIANS HEAVILY ENGAGED. SIR E. GREY AMD PEACE. Activity is reported from all the fronts,, with the exception of the Balkans. The Germans have been particularly energetic on the Western line, both at Verdun, and against the British at several
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  • France and Belgium.
    • Article, Illustration
      866 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GERMAN NIGHT ATTACK FAILS [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, May 11. Another German defeat at Verdun is a feature of a communique. West of the Meuse, there was lively artillery activity, while east of the Meuse, at two in the morning, the Germans attacked in the
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  866 words
    • 213 7 There are signs that are held by many to portend an early assumption of the offensive by the British armies on the western front. Whether this expectation be r- Used or not, there is no-dwubt that Sir'fJonglas Haig would and could have launched his bolt ere this,
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    • 196 7 SIR E. GREY’S DECLARATION. London, May 14. In an interview with a representative of the “Chicago Daily News” Sir Edward Grey emphasised that Great Britain and her Allies would not tolerate a peace that did not redress the wrongs done during the war, and did not re-establish
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    • 122 7 GERMAN SHIPS TO BE USED Londorp May 14. Sir Edward Grey, on May 10th, agreed to the American scheme for the relief of the population of Poland, provided Germany pays the expenses of transport in German ships, which must be entirely in charge of neutrals, and also not
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 168 7 GERMAN OFFENSIVE. Petrograd, May 13. The Germans assumed a stubborn offensive, in the region of Jacobstadt, which continues. There was the usual minor fighting elsewhere. A slight Russian advance was made in the Caucasus. Activity on the Pripet. Petrograd, May 13. Brisk fighting occurred on the Pripet, which
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    • Article, Illustration
      277 7 TURKS ATTACK RUSSIANS. Petrograd, May 13. A Turkish offensive was repulsed in Mesopotamia, where the Russians took an Austrian gun. Advance towards Mosul. In the direction of Mosul, in Mesopotamia, the Russians occupied the region of Revan-Duza, the enemy fleeing precipitately. British and Russian Co-operation. London, May 14. The
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    • 169 7 FRIGHTFUL STORY OF TURKISH BRUTALITY. Petrograd, May 14. The Turkish atrocities against the Armenians at Trebizond are declared to surpass all Turkish cruelties to Armenians elsewhere. The expulsion of Armenians began in July, 1915, when hundreds of young and influential Armenians were arrested on charges of treason,
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    • 20 7 London, May 11. A despatch from Constantinople says General Townshend and other officers have left Baghdad for Constantinople.
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    • 31 7 London, May 14. The Marchioness of Townshend has given birth to a son and heir. Hitherto, General Townshend, the defender of Kut, was the heir to the Marquessate.
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    • 30 7 London, May 13. News has been received at Worcester that besides the Honourable Charles Coventry, 20 officers and 230 men of the Worcestershire Yeomanry are prisoners at Damascus.
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  • Italy's Campaign
    • 30 7 AUSTRIAN LIQUID FIRE. Rome, May 13. Violent artillery fighting occurred on Col-di-Lana. The enemy used liquid fire, to no effect, on Carso plateau. Otherwise, the fronts were uneventful.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 90 7 CREW LEFT ON HIGH SEAS. London, May 14. The Admiralty announces that the ship Galgate was torpedoed when 150 miles west of Ushant. One boat, with 13 on board, is still missing. The mate states that the ship was stopped when the submarine ordered her to do
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    • 86 7 SUBMARINE CREW’S PIRATICAL BEHAVIOUR. Stockholm, May 13. The captain of the Swedish schooner Harald gave an account of the sinking of his ship by a German submarine, in the North Sea, on May sth. He says the crew were ordered to leave in 15 minutes. The captain
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    • 340 7 MR. LANSIKG’S AFFIRMATION. London, May 12. After the despatch of the American note on May Bth, Mr. Lansing issued a statement to the effect that the bulk of the German note was devoted to matters which it was impossible for the United States to discuss with Germany,
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    • 421 7 Washington, April 9. —Mr. Roosevelt’s appearance as a candidate for tbe Presidency on a Republican nomination has been followed by that of Mr. Root. In a manifesto published yesterday 75 important eastern Republicans put forward Mr. Root on the ground that as the
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  • 20 7 London, May 13. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales has arrived at Windsor. [Other Telegrams on Page 4.]
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  • 1198 8 EXTENT OF THEIR AID. Mr. H. Warner Allen, the representative of the British Press with the French Army states that France, both the France in the trenches and the France behind the lines, fully appreciates the assistance given by the British Army during the battle of Verdun.
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  • 253 8 The total German effectives in the field are authoritatively computed at about 170 divisions, of which some 120 are employed in holding the western and eastern front, thus leaving some 50 divisions, or, roughly, 1,000,000 men,comprising 600,000 infantry, available for one or more great pushes Von
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  • 290 8 Moulmein’s Firk-Extinguishing Apparatus Behaves Badly. The conduct of tt.e Municipal Fire Engine at the Arracan Company’s mill, during the recent fire, was of a most cantankerous kind. Before Mr. Lamb was placed in charge, there were, says The Moulmein Advertiser,’’ numerous amusing scenes, particularly when the engine
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  • 29 8 Forty-four disaffected American drillers from the Burma Oil Company’s fields who stopped work have arrived in Rangoon. They expect to leave in a few days for America.
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  • 585 8 —“S.F.P.” ADDITIONAL ESTIMATES. At Friday’s meeting of the Legislative Council, the Treasurer, iu moving the approval of additions made to the Estimates during the quarter ended March 31 last,said that with two exceptions the items in the schedule were not additions, but re-votes of unexpended balances at the
    —“S.F.P.”  -  585 words
  • 238 8 Jackal or Policeman European’s Costly Mistake. Calcutta, May 4—Mr Patterson, Subdivisional Officer of Barrackpore, has disposed of a case in which Mr Forman, an Assistant in the Kankinara Jute Mill, was charged with having wounded Jumoua Singh and Ramasray Singh of the Naibaty Thana with his gun on the 16:h
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 401 8 IW S e S? 1 'Wi tE > w! t “4 W W 8 1 i s WW> ffi J t Little Lectures Jp t by Nurse ‘Wincarnis.’ t E— (L«Cfur« No 3.) J Run-Down S gjg? When your system is under- ffj f </ mined by worry or overwork
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    • 458 8 A BLESSING TO WOMEN? Throughout the many stages oi woman’s life, from peevish girlhood A 1 I f womanhood, motherhood, to th e ing years of old age. there i s no b milder, or more effective medical Com panion to women-folk than Dr M Indian Root Pills. They prom
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  • 680 9 THE tennis tournament. The following is the result of the ballot f the Penang Golf Club Tennis Tournament which commencas on Thursday next 18th inst Men’s Open Singles. A M Forrest byel g F B Martin J C Conradi i< 1 M M Stewart J c R
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  • 278 9 Mr. Ezechibl’s XI v. Mr. May’s XT. The cricket match played on the Esplanade, on Saturday afternoon, resulted in a victory for Mr. Ezechiel’s team by five wickets. Mr. May’s men batted first and were only able to put up 93, of which Cantrell contributed 29 by hard hitting,
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  • 21 9 The output of Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging (N L) for the week ending the 13th inst., was 17 tons.
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  • 79 9 Further Increase. Calcutta, May 3.—At the opium sale held at the Gjvernment sale room in Charnock Place, on Tuesday, there was a further increase in price. 820 chests of Benares opium fetched Rs. 23,92,300 against Rs, 16,41,875 realised at the sale last month. The highest price paid for
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  • 57 9 Amsterdam, March 25.—A telegram from Berlin says that Dr. Helfferich, Finance Minister, to-day informed the Reichstag that according to the last returns the subscription to the latest German war loan amount to £530 000,000 (£71,500,000 less than the previous German loan) not including the subscriptions from the
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  • 18 9 The Penang Turf Club’s griffins arrived at Singapore on Friday. Twelve are being sent north
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  • 79 9 The following are the latest quotations in our share list t Saturday. To-day. Shares pQ Q 2 CQ C/2 Mining. Ratrut Basin 7/6 9/- 27/- 29/Trong 32/6 34/6 32/- 34/H tbher ((Sterling Vai d’Or 2/3 2/6 2/4 2/9 Rubber (Dollar). A. Panas sB} s9| $8) _SBf Lunas
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    • 203 9 The Russians Western Front. Paris, April 21.—A strong Russian force disembarked at Marseilles to join the Allies on the French Front. General Joffre in an order of the day declares Russia as a further pledge of her devotion, has chosen some of her bravest soldiers to
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    • 36 9 Copenhagen, April 17.—The Municipality of Vienna is summoning a conference of representatives of cities on the Danube to consider a scheme for the contraction of a canal from the Rhine to the Danube.
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    • 49 9 Paris, April 21.—Newspapers declare that the Belgian army is stronger than ever it has been. It has been completely reorganised and has been furnished with machine guns proportionately more numerous than those in the enemy’s hands. It has also filed guns, heavy artillery and ample munitions.
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    • 58 9 Copenhagen, April 23 —A Berlih newspaper states that owing to the prohibitive dog tax in Germany it is only possible for the wealthiest persons to keep dogs As a result thousands of animals have been killed and their carcases have been converted into food
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    • 87 9 Amsterdam, April 23. —The LokalAuzeiger publishes an interview with Herr Von Lentze Prussia’s Finance Minister for forecasts great financial difficulties not only for the German Empire bat also for each Feders! State. He declares that although the constitution does nor provide for such a measure it will
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    • 99 9 Stockholm, April 23rd.—The Kaiser for reasons of state politics or through forseeing the inevitable social democrtic wave that will sweep over Germany after the war is ostentatiously manifesting an interest in socialists. He has congratulated them and decorated thf-m for acts of courage at the front.
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    • 115 9 London, April 22.—The Daily Telegraph” states that Mr Asquith’s speech in the Commons on the 10th instant attracted much attention in Hungary where the peace movement is growing to the belief that Germany intends to break up AustriaHungary into small autonomous states in order to swallow
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    • 103 9 Stockholm, April 23.—Mr. Ford’s Committee of Neutrals has issued an Easter appeal of warning to the nations to call a world congress to arrange a lasting peace based on the right of each nation to decide its own fate. The appeal proceeds:— The restoration of Belgium
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    • 73 9 London, April 18.— I'heßritish steamer Duendes, escaped from a submarine yesterday through her Captain’s skilful handling. She was under fire for two and a half hours. The Captain saw a Scandinavian barque hove to and he suspected a submarine lurking behind her. Twenty minutes later a submarine
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    • 61 9 London, April 23.—A theory is prevalent in shipping circles in London that Germany, in destroyiug shipping irrespective of nationality, aims at securing the war a mercantile advantage owing to the security of her own interned ships. Mercantile shipbuilding is almost at a standstill in belligerent countries and
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    • 73 9 London, April 23.—1 n France yesterday Sir Henry Rawlinson invested a French nun, Sister Marie Le Grand with the order of St. John of Jerusalem. She was head of a convent at Amiens during the occupation of that town in 1914 She had stores in cellars and
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    • 53 9 Amsterdam, April 23rd—Many sacks of letters and newspapers are lying at Berne as their delivery on the German western front has been prohibited in pursuance of a military order. This is interpieted as indicating that the soldiers are not to be permitted to receive anything calculated to
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    • 51 9 London, April 23—Private Lonsdale, the ex-Tram conductor at Leeds, who was sentenced to death for striking a German gunner in a prison camp and subsequently reprieved, has been officially informed he will be released at the end of the war owing, to his good
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    • 39 9 London, April 20.—1 n the House of Commons yesterday Mr. Tennant stated that companies of enemy non-combants would shortly be sent to France where they would be employed in roadmaking, timber cutting, sanitary work and unloading ships.
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    • 198 9 London May, 3.—A military writer in the Russkoye Slovo discusses the Dwina position. He says both sides are at present sparing their forc°s with a view to the necessity of an enormous expenditure of strength in the near future when there will be a struggle which will make
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  • 797 9 OFFICERS’ DEMANDS REFUSED. Skippers and officets of the China Coast Officers Guild went on strike at 5 o’clock on May Ist. The step was taken because the companies did not answer their demands within the time set. The effect of the step will be felt by freights
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  • 99 9 The final race of 220 yards in the Gibbons Cup Competition took place at the Swimming Club, yesterday, with the following result Ist S A Yell (4 secs); 2nd C A Padday (27 secs); 3rd G >M Terzano (Scratch). There were 5 starters, a- d Mr YeH
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  • 520 9 S.T.” PRESENTATIONS IN STRAITS AND F.M.S. P. C. Mahomed Ali bin Nali, No. 154, a Bengali, was presented by His Excellency the Governor with the King’s Police Medal at Singapore. Ic is a story which will rank high in the records of a fqrce which already has
    —“ S.T.”  -  520 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 37 9 FREE CATALOGUE FREE OUR FAMOUS BRASS TOYS CONTAINING 32. Big Set Rupees 3-6-0, Medium Set Rupees 1-14-0, Small Set Rupees 1-6-0. Cheapest Firm in Benares City. Address:—SAßMA Co., Silk Merchant, Hanumanghat, Benares City. 492—m w f 6-6
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    • 192 9 A CHALLENGE. AS “F.M.S.’s 8 st. STRONGEST MAN,” I desire to challenge any 8 st. athlete in the Straits Settlements at feats of strength, for stakes of £5 a side. I should like to remind Mr. Lira Khay Hooi of Penang, to seize the opportunity, and to reply me, stating
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    • 217 9 BROWN Co., Monumental Sculptors, CALCUTTA. Monuments and Tombstones of every description supplied. Inscriptions done in all languages, under skilled European supervision. Tfie nest Italian and Carara Marble used William Edward sons, ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. Granite Merchants and Manufacturers if Tombstones in various kinds of Aberdeen Granite. (Samples ol Granite to be
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  • 511 10 t, —Ex. Amateurs and the Loser. The losing hazard plays such an important part in the amateur’s game that he cannot be too careful how he negotiates each stroke He has to remember that the whereabouts of the object ball is just as important to the continuance of
    t,—Ex.  -  511 words
  • 306 10 A recent American consular report says there is beginning to be a demand in Cochin China for s nail rice mills of rhe type so common in Burma. Hitherto the Annamite rice growers have sold their paddy on the ground to the Chinese rice mill
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  • 83 10 Heavy Fine Inflicted. Under the Sea Customs Act, the Chief Collector of Customs, Rangoon, has fined the man Taber Buksh Rs 9,000 for trying to export egret feathers which are prohibited by that Act. It will be remembered that 5| lbs were seized in the Post Office
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  • 254 10 REIMBURSEMENT OF TELEGRAM CHARGE Simla, May I.—A Press communique states The Government of India, while maintaining in principle their previous decision that no claims in respect of telegrams stopped, delayed or otherwise dealt with by Censors, whether for the reimbursement of the sums paid for transmission or
    254 words
  • 212 10 Penang, May 15. eta. Soup per Cxtty 16 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 17 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 40 Tongue 60 Feet 20 Heart 40 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 40 Pig s Head 18 Feet 22 Tongue 32 Mutton
    212 words
  • 124 10 Penang, May 15, 1916. (Zfy Courtesy of the Chartered Bink). London Demand Bank 2'4 1/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2’4 5/8 3 Credit ...2 4 13/16 3 Documentary ...2,4 27.32 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 1741 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174} Moulniein Demand Bank 173} 3 days’sight
    124 words
  • 242 10 In the Penang Municipality for the week ended May 6, there were 51 deachs —33 males and 18 females, equal to a death-rate of 25.34 per mille per annum compared with 27.83 in the preceding week, and with 34.95 in the corresponding week of last year. The following
    242 words
  • 248 10 Penang, May 15, 1916. S. P. Tapioca $7.90 buyers. M. P. Tapioca 58 50 tellers Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $25.00 buyers White Pepper 536.00 sellers. Trang Pepper $25 sales. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $7O sellers. Gloves $4O
    248 words
  • 62 10 May 16, 18, and 20 —Singapore Races. May 17 —Lodge Scotia, Penang—lnstallation. May 17. —Malaya Peninsula Agric. Asioc. Annual General Meeting in Chamber of Commerce. 11.30 a.m. May 21. —Penang Volunteers Field Operations. May 24.—Empire Day. May 24.—Empire Day, Special Dinner E O Hotel. June 9 and 11.—Cricket,
    62 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 21 10 We not only intend to carry on as usual, but we are endeavouring to do something better than usual.—Bees, Ltd., Liverpool.
      21 words
    • 77 10 A Reputation of over 100 year». Cockle’s ANTIBILIOUS Pills are to-day one ot the most useful remedies that the family medicine chest contains. For sudden attacks of biliousness, sick headache or the depression arising when you are “out-of-sorts,” Cockle’s Pills give you prompt relief without any weakening effect afterwards. Two
      77 words
    • 419 10 PETER WALKER BEES. *wS.. /fl sppgiyA if i MBL S /LiFui IJ3F* W WfeAf'-' VT PETER -VST-Wslffl WALKER IT? [LAGER LITTLE PETER: Good News this Morning Sir!! JOHN BULL: Splendid Sonny and my word this is excellent beer AGENTS: SELLAR. MURRAY Co., Penang Fresh Shipments have been received of> —B
      419 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1002 11 A LINK WITH EUROPE. Although, by article 19 of the Treaty of San Stefano, Russia obtained nearly forty miles of coast-line on the Black Sea and some 20,000 square miles of territory inland, she has always had her eye on Trebizond, the ancient capital of Mithridates, and famous historically,
    1,002 words
  • 577 11 The House of Lords has decided in the case of the London Association for Protection of Trade and another v. Greenland (Ltd.),” that a secretary of the trade protection society not trading for profit but constituted for the purpose of supplying information to such of their
    577 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 607 11 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA, incorporated in England by Royal Charter. aid up Capital £1,200,000 d Fund £1,800,000 rHerve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 Head Office 38 BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Agencies and Branches. Amritsar Hongkong Peking A Ink Iloilo Penang B,npk Iwh Puket w Karachi Rangoon s Sai6on
      607 words
    • 108 11 Swelling’s Disappear when you rub in Little’s Oriental Balm. The pain goes right away and the swell ing itself disappears with a few applies tions. It is utterly useless to suffer. L is useless to pay big doctor’s bills and then to find yourself no better. For IRe you can
      108 words
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2392 12 P. o,—B. I.—APGAR N. Y. K. IX K. P. M. fe Oce *n M »!L ipll M,i| Stel hit Ct. U I ’"’""’JSwiSiXJ’"" PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INPORPORA TFn tv is vae, CHINA MUTUAL STF4M Um, MAIL SERVICES. INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. |j] (mCOUPOMTSD IN HOLLAND.) Im 4 t «I Homeward
      2,392 words