Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 May 1916

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1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 26 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE PUBLISHED DAILY. ESTABLISHED 1833. No. 11l VOL. LXXIV. SATURDAY 13th MAY, 1916 ""■■■—l l» I 1 1. i PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 424 1 B aaaon onnnonDnnnnnaDDaDnaaOQ IF YOU WANT TO SHIP, BUY or SELL s RUBBER g OR TO FORWARD GOODS g to ANY PART or the WORLD c D GO TO I ALLEN DENNYS Co., g 7. UNION STREET. BaaaaaaDDaooDQD aaaaaoo r A I LIQUID FUEL I ptobWw FOR I Diesel and
      424 words
    • 57 1 nannnnDoonooDaaoaac□□□□□□a n FOR $3O S XTOU can have the Pinang q 1 Gazette posted everv day q for a who)** year to your address, q (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proi ortionate Quarteily and g Balf-yearl} rates. a Subscriptions are payable in advancH and remittance should g q be addressed to Q
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  • 1155 2 Lady Swettenham has arrived in Singapore. Messrs W C A Dainton, F St Barbe and A W K Money are all now attached to the sth Lancs Fusiliers. The King’s medal was presented by H. E. the Governor to a Bengali policeman for bravery in arresting an
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  • 307 2 Important Concessions to Russia Peking, March 29.—An important agreement between the Chinese Government and the Russo Asiatic Bank was signe 1 yesterday. It provides for the construction of a railway from Harbin to Blagoveshchensk, with a branch from Mergen to Tsitsihar, a total of 1 000 versts
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  • 81 2 A Straits Gazette Extraordinary contains notifications. fl) Against exportations to all destination except the United Kingdom of a number of articles, certain chemicals and drugs, certain silks and silk manufactures. Also restricted exportation of leather, linen thread, rock crystal, spices, starch acetic acid is deleted. (2) Amendments to
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    • 211 2 AHEAD OF THE MAIL. London May 3.—A mili’ary writer in the Russkoye Slovs discusses the Dvina post tion. He says: Both sides are at present sparing their forces with a view to the necessity of an enormous expenditure of strength in the near future when there
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    • 70 2 London, May 3.—The correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph Company at Amsterdam hears from the Dutch frontier correspondent that trains are moving day and night in the direction of the Meuse. Germauv is reported to have concentrated 700,000 men there. The Kaiser is expected to visit the
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    • 80 2 Lindon May 3.—Major Moraht, writing in the Berliner Tegeblatt on the fall of Kut gives a warning against exaggerating its military importance. He says Let ns remember that from an army of 160,000 has come a great army of three millions, and we shall recognise who
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    • 63 2 London May, 3.—General Sir Percy Lake rep >rted that a small British force moved out of Bushire on April the 29th, and attacked a hostile force which was strongly entrenched in the vicinity. The enemy were quickly driven off, and the troops returned to Bushire unmolested.
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    • 50 2 London, May 4, —The person arrested in connection with the disturbances in Berlin inciude Herr Liebknecht. A Socialist resolution to be brought before the Reichstag demands his release. London, May 5—A Geneva correspondent says that twenty-five were killed and one hundred wounded in the recent Berlin rioting.
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    • 41 2 The Daily Telegraph’s Milan correspondent says a proclamation by the King of Bavaria suggests new victories in preparation. These are expected on the Russian Front. Both Germany and Austria are said to be making preparations on a huge scale.
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    • 36 2 The Daily Telegraph’s Paris correspondent, quoting private letters from Brussels, says that a staff of German civil servants appointed to administer the Verdun district have been waiting at Brussels since early in February.
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    • 33 2 London, May 6.—Lima reports that the German bank of Peru has withdrawn large sums from New York at heavy loss it is understood the bank has acted under orders from Berlin.
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  • 129 2 Calcutta, May 2.—The Englishman writes :—lt is surprising to see that after more than twenty months of war enemy goods are being sold in large quantities even at roadside shops. Pencils in particular, which are in so great demand as to preclude any suggestion that the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 882 2 A STRAITS CHINESE with thorough NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A knowledge if correspondence, gene- 3 NtW J**'" l rft i accounts, typewriting &c., Requires I a Position in any office or estate m t e 3 Straits, F. M.S. or Dutch East, Indies. Good references Apply “G. W. c/o J. I fl
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    • 624 2 The Bankruptcy Ordinance i BBB> In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG In Bankruptcy. Notice No. 20 of ig. Re MINA SECANDER BIN Ex Parte HARGOOR BY HER ATTORNPv BISHAN SINGH. hY 9th May, 1916. The application for substituted servi™ t the Bankruptcy No-ice coming Ou
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  • 832 3 MEETING AT KUALA LUMPUR. X meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee was held at Kuala Lumpur on May Btb. There were present:—The Controller of Labour (Mr J H O Aidworth) Chairman, t he Principal Medical Officer, FM S, (Dr C L Sansom), the Director of Public Works, FM
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  • 687 3 CLAIM BY ELECTRIC CONSUMER In the District Court, Penang, yesterday afternoon, the hearing was continued in the suit brought by Wanchee Ariffin, who claimed from the Municipal Commissioners the sum of $341.50 being money had and received by defendants to the use of plaintiff. The particulars of claim
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  • 198 3 Per P and O Khyber. London, April 15. —To Singapore: Miss M Ford, Mr McGregor, Mr Archer. To Penang Miss Tweed, Mr Stuart, Mr Fisher. Per P and O Medina. London, April 28. —To Singapore: Mr and Mrs Pearson, Mr Norman. To Penang: Miss Milne, Mrs
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  • 1324 3 THE CHINA SITUATION. Writing on April 21st, the Peking correspondent of the Peking and Tientsin Times says The following interesting sidelights on the present situation and what led up to it were given to me during a two hours* interview with H. E Liang Sbih-yi at his
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  • 224 3 Tokio, April 25.—The application for permission to reclaim the foreshore at Kanagawa, covering 51,136 tsubo for the purpose of establishing a ship-building yard, which was filed with the Kanagawa Kencho by Mr. Asano, President of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha, and other promoter?, and which was referred
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 180 3 NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. Nervous dyspepsia is a disease of the nerves, not of the stomach. Indigestion one day and complete free dom symptoms the next usually mean nervous dyspepsia, especially if the patient is of a nervous or highly emotional temperament. The attacks recur at more or less regular intervals and
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    • 578 3 ■pliillillilßM I Look at this Bonnie Baby |gg? O EE how strong WW X and sturdy he y is, how well-de- I x l s= veloped are his L 11 '«.'l limbs, how well- *1 nourished he is. j His strong bones I are not covered I with flabby fat,
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  • 513 4 As announced in our second edition yesterday, Penang is to be given an opportunity of subscribing a Fighter Aeroplane to supplement the effjrts that have already been made and continue to be made throughout Malaya on behalf of the Malayan Air Fleet. Tne new scheme took definite shape
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  • 592 4 The interest of the people of Malaya in air questions generally has been accentuated by the peninsula’s efforts on behalf of the aerial forces of the British Empire. It has all along been recognised that the British airmen and machines are second to none, and as the
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  • 1747 4 Lord Hardinge has not lost time in getting to work, on his return from India. The task he has undertaken, in conjunction with Mr. Justice Shearman and Sir Mackenzie Chalmers —that of sifting the causes of the rebellion in Ireland, and of examining the conduct, and apportioning
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 204 4 The ‘CRAG’ Hotel, THE ONLY SANATORIUM OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Book Accommodation in Advance. Bungalows for Families also Double and Single Rooms. Refurnished Throughout ORCHARDING IN TASMANIA. SADLIEK KNIGHT Orchard Agents and Attorneys, LAUNCESTON. TASMANIA. We plant and manage orchards for Absentee Clients, with graduated payments, and under Government Expert
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 216 5 lord wimborne resigns. premier VISITS IRELAND. THE SUSSEX OUTRAGE. INDIAN SELF-GOVERNMENT. or d Wimbone has resigned the post of Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. Mr. Asquith announced in the House of Commons that a Commission of Inquiry into the Irish outbreak had been appointed, comprising Lord Hardinge of Penshurat, Mr.
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 139 5 [Reuter’s Trlrgrams.] ATTACK WEST OF THE MEUSE. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, May 10. A communique says there is appreciable slackening in the German activities in the Verdun region. The French gained minor successes elsewhere. Enemy Repulsed. Paris, May 11. On the left of the Meuse, after a
      [Reuter’s Trlrgrams.]  -  139 words
    • 18 5 London, May 12. Lord Stanley, heir of the Earl of Derby, been slightly wouncled.
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    • 67 5 According to th e German official lists the enemy’s casualties during March, an ounted to 63,545, including 14,700 dead and 5,000 prisoners or missing. The total German casualties, excluding naval losses, now reported officially are Killed and died of wounds 642.531 Died of sickness 38,906 Prisoners 129,891
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    • 245 5 The Prime Minister, addressing the French Parliamentary delegates at Lancaster House, St. James’s, on April, 10th made an important speech in reply to the German Chancellor, Herr von Bethmann-Hollweg. The chief points of Mr. Asquith’s speech were We intend to establish the principle that international
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    • 411 5 LORD WIMBORNE RESIGNS. London, May 12. Lord Wimborne hss resigned the LordLieu r enancy of Ireland. Irish Journalist Shot. London, May 12. In the House of Commons, Mr. Asquith, referred to the case of a journalist, Skellington, who was alleged to have been shot in Dublin without trial. Mr.
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    • 97 5 WAR BUDGET SPEECH. Melbourne, May 10. The time has arrived when Australia should furnish her own war expenditure, if not lend money to the Imperial Government.” Ihis striking announcement was made by Mr. Higgs, the Commonwealth Finance Minister, in his budget speech. He added that the wealth of
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    • 25 5 GOVERNMENT’S STEP. London, May 12. The Daily Telegraph tp.ys the Government has decided to create an Air Ministry, with Lord Curzon as controller.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 33 5 THE RUSSIAN ADVANCE. Petrograd, May 12. A communique says the Russians occupied Kahrishirin, in ttie direction of Baghdad, took Turkish reserve munitions and provisions, and pursued the enemy, capturing three guns
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    • 89 5 Despatches from Bucharest state that the Russian concentrations on the Bessarabian frontier are continually assuming greater proportions. New reserve formations are landing without cessation at the theatre of hostilities. The arrival of important contingents from the the Caucasm is also announced. Several Cossack regiments and infantry are concentrated
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    • 184 5 That the enemy forces in Mesopotamia are ably directed is evident, says the Morning Post,” from ail the accounts received from this scene of war. A letter written by an officer of the Indian Army to a friend in London gives somes some details on this matter.
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    • Article, Illustration
      94 5 The correspondent of the Petit Parisian at the Russian front telegraphs The Russian Army before Smorgon is a solid menace to Vilna. This army is rich in regiments, and has numerous corps in reserve as far back as thirty kilometres from the front. When the contest begins again
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    • 211 5 Mr Harold Williams, in a message to the Daily Chronicle,” summarises the results of the short offensive undertaken by General Kuropatkin. Its object, he says, was to push forward the Russian line from the lower ground and to thrust back the Germans from their strong positions on the
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    • 40 5 ITALIAN OCCUPATIONS. Rome, May 11. The Italians occupied Marsa-Moresa and Marsa-Burdi-Sulieman, on the coast of Cyrenaica, near the Egyptian frontier, both centres of tupp'y for hostile eubmarinf-s, and for the despatch of contraband to the interior.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 244 5 GERMANY’S OFFER. Washington, May 10. Mr. Gerard, the American Ambassador at Berlin, has notified his Government that a fresh German note is about to be sent, which intimates that the commander of the German submarine, which torpedoed the Sussex, has been punished, and Germany offers reparation. The German
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    • 86 5 WIRELESS OPERATOR’S DEED. London, May 12. The survivors of the White Star liner Cymric emphasise that the German submarine commander broke all the rules of warfare, even those Germany had herself laid down. The survivors were left in a rough sea in open boats, almost without the prospect
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    • 60 5 EXPECTED DECLINE. London, May 12. Lloyd’s has decided on a certain reduction, approximately 10/- premiums on war risks generally. It is believed that a marked all-round decline is imminent. Although recent losses have been heavy the majority of the underwriters have an balance on the favourable side as
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    • 21 5 Rome, May 12. A French submarine sank an enemy transport, laden with war material, in the lower Adriatic.
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  • General News.
    • 83 5 THE EXPORT TAX. London, May 11. In the House of Commons, Mr. Chamberlain, in reply to Sir J. D. Rees, said India would not be represented at the Paris Trade Conference. Mr. Chamberlain said the new export tax would apply to the unshipped balance of last season’s Indian
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    • 27 5 London, May 12. The Lancashire cardroom workers’ ballot resulted in 98 per cent favouring a strike. The executive wi>l tender the strike notices immediately.
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    • 243 5 Within the next few days says a home paper of April 7 a meeting will be arranged between representatives of the Lancashire Master Cotton Spinners’ Federation and the operative cotton spinners’ organisations to discuss the operatives* application for a 10 per cent, advance in w'ages. In referring
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    • 64 5 CONFERENCE IN LONDON. London, May 12. A conference at the House of Commons, presided over by Sir Herbert Roberts, on Wednesday, considered the question of a fuller measure of self-government for India. Sir William Wedderburn, and Sir Krishna Gupta were among the speakers. It was agreed that the
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    • 41 5 SERIOUS NAVAL OUTBREAK. Amsterdam, May 12. A mutiny occurred on three battleships at Java. Sixty men on the Zeven Provincien were punished, and 300 deserters refused to return. They remained in the streets which were patrolled by soldiers.
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    • 23 5 THE REICHSTAG’S VOTE. London, May 12. The Reichstag by 229 votes against 111 decided not to release Dr. Liebknecht, the socialist.
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    • 31 5 FURTHER OUTBREAKS. London, Moy 12. The latest news from China shows that fresh outbreaks have occurred, but there is no reason to fear that foreign life or property are endangered.
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    • 27 5 AMERICAN CAVALRY’S AID. El Paso, May 12. Two troops of American cavalry crossed the Mexican border in pursuit of the raiders who recently attacked Glen Springs
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    • 23 5 London, May 11. Sir Douglas Mawson has arrived in London for a conference regarding relief for the Shackleton Antarctic expedition.
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  • 32 5 {From Our Own Correspondent} Singapore, May 12. Messrs Fraser and Co.’s share circular reports fair business, with a good demand for cheap parcels. Mining is fair and industrials steady.
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  • 120 5 PENANG “FIGHTER.” The following to the Fund for a Penang Fighter” Aeroplane, in connection with the Malayan Aircraft Fund, have been received or notified. Cheques should be made payable to the Manager, Chartered Bank, crossed and endorsed Penang Aeroplane Fund or to Lt-Colonel the Hon. A. R Adams,
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  • 37 5 Three Straits Times’ Fighter Aeroplanes have been subscribed, and the sum of $14,229 towards the fourth. As announced in our late edition yesterday, Mr. Tan Ji *k Kim, c m g., has presented a Fighter.”
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  • 385 5 HIS LAST LETTER. With reference to the death of Captain Philip Simons Picot, Ute of the Eastern Sme'ting C Ltd., and a member of the Penang Volunteers, who fell on July 11, while commanding the sth Royal Scots, some information contained in a letter received by
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  • 61 5 The following are the latest quotations in our share list Y esterday. T o-day. m oq tn 0Q Sharks g. g, s’® s M U 2 Ji Mining. Ipoh Tin 12/6 12/- 13/- 15/Serendah $lO.O $1.25 $1 $1.25 Trong 32/6 34/- 32/6 34/6 R .o6«r (Sterhn Nordanal
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  • 30 5 The Perak tin exports for the month of April, 1916 were as follows Block Tin 1,700 piculs katis Tin Ore 30,875 piculs 27 katis Duty $401,734.71 cents.
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  • 57 5 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance cn May 5 ...$10,762.47 Eastern Smelting Co Ltd, Employees Datoh Kramat Works April subscription 164 25 Lt Colonel tha Hon A R Adams, monthly
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  • 28 5 The P. O. Royal mail steamer Namur, having left Singapore, arrives this afternoon and will leave for Colombo, Marseilles and London at 3 on Sunday.
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  • Article, Illustration
    1154 6 [BY AN ARTIST CORRESPONDENT.] April 13. The French Line Holds. Over seven weeks of concentrated attacks against the outer defences of Verdun have failed to give the enemy any appreciable advantage, while his losses are undoubtedly enormous. The failure of his attacks has largely been due to the
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  • 180 6 Herr Harden pub'ishes in the “Zukunft” a daring criticism of the German official accounts of the intervention of Portugal. After blandly remarking that many people seem to think that forgery is a legitimate weapon" in these days of howitzers, torpedoes, bombs, poisonous gas, mines, and burning
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  • 164 6 Paris, April 10.—It is thought that Mr. Asqaith, when he visited the Pope recently, bore a gracious message from the French Government in acknowledgment of the great services His Holiness has rendered on behalf of prisoners of war, especially those in Turkey. The Va'ican will
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  • 431 6 The report of the committee of the Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association states Your Committee submit herewith a copy of the Revenue Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet as at the 31st December, 1915, showing a loss on the years working of $691.12 and leaving the sum of
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  • 325 6 Trade with Far East of British Show. The Board of Trade Returns for March, show that, owing partly to heavy move m-nts made in anticipation of new taxes, imports last month amounted to the unprecedented total of £86,000,000 an increase of over £10,500,000, on March, 1915.
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  • 107 6 The necessary preparations having been made, active work with the object of refloating the T. K. K. steamer Ciho Mara, will be commenced says a report from Hongkong. The wrecked vessel has so far undergone no change and there is said to be a fair pospect
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  • 18 6 Penang :—The E O. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel. Singapore :—Raffles Hotel. Rangoon ;—Strand Hotel.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 132 6 NEW STOCKS. Allenbury’s Foods Browne’s Chlorodyne Allenbury’s Feeders Rubinat Water Benger’s Food Carabana Water Savory Moores Food Kutnow’s Powder Horlick’s Malted Milk Vibrona Wine Diniieford’s Magnesia Angier’s Emulsion Virol Beecham’s Pills Steedman’s Soothing Powders Cockle’s Pills Robinson’s Barley Groats etc. etc. etc. THE DISPENSARY (PENANG) Ltd., 2. BISHOP STREET and
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  • 898 7 wonderful organisation. a recent American visitor to the itiB General Headquarters in France J” "There are endless rooms, of busy dearks, both men bU women, filing cabinets, each c'>i with thousands of cards neatly r ikxed messengers hurrying to and fro, beir hands fu lof pink, blue,
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  • 846 7 China would appear to be once more in 1 the throes of a political crisis, the outcome of which at the moment it is impossible to prognosticate. It w«s strongly hoped that the action of Yuan Shih-kai in abandoning the scheme for the establishment of a
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  • 459 7 A correspondent writes to the Editor of Times of Malaya.”—l see by your columns that the English authorites are bringing into force the Daylight Saving Bill on May 21st, and would esteem it a favour if you could ascertain the public feeling of the S.S. and
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  • 75 7 The rebellion in Ireland has been responsible for the resignations of Lord Wimborne, the Lord Lieutenant, as well as that of Mr. Birrell, and Sir Matthew Nathan, his Chief and Under-Secretaries Lord Wimborne is Ivor Churchill Guest, Baron Ashby St Ledgers, and a relative of the Duke
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  • 185 7 INVESTITURE CEREMONY. There were large crowds at Johore, which was gaily decorated, on the occasion of the presentation of the G.C.M.G. to H. H. Sultan Ibrahim of Johore. There was a special presentation dais >n the banquetting hall. Their Excellencies the Governor, Vic J -Admiral Grant
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  • 25 7 The M F.A. Cup Final takes place today at Dtto Kramat Gardens. The band will give a few selections till 5-15 p.m.
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  • 385 7 REPORTS, DIVIDENDS, AND NOTICES. Sungei Kari—lot divd 15 p c, last year 10 p c. Batu Tiga.—Final divd 25 p c (against 17| p c), £B,OOO to reserve forward £20,406. Windsor.—Report shows profit £8,323. Final divd pc, making 10 pc, for year; forward, £2,173, against £246. Teluk
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  • 118 7 Ipoh Tin Dredging. —23| tons, Tekka.—Tin ore, 42 tons, value £4,655. Renong Tin Dredging.—69 tons 4 cwt. Lahat—3B| tons tin ore, value £4,381. Siamese Tin Syndicate —97 tons 3 cwt. Kinta Tin—3B£ tons tin, value at £4,317. Idris Hydraulic Tin.—lB tons tin, value £2,030. Kamunting
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  • 206 7 Remarkable Statistics. Statistics to hand in London from the Straits Settlements reveal a remarkable recovery of trade during the past year. With large increases in the price of rubber and tin, the two principal products of the Malay Peninsula, this recovery, perhaps, was to be expected but
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  • 22 7 MAILS. CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. Monday. For Per Close. Rangoon and Calcutta Japan 10-30 a.m. Singapore Van Riemsdijk 2-30 p.m.
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  • 339 7 Of the new horses engaged for the meeting next week uudoub'edly the most important are Knutfford and Pretty Boy. Both these racers have come here from Calcutta and appear to be pretty good class. Kuutsford late I. E in Calcutta was we believe Compivgne in England, If that
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  • 57 7 The Band will play th" following programme of music at the Golf Club from 5-45 till 7-15 this evening 1. Second Dance Suite Italian ..Tchakoff 2. The Virginia Skedaddle ...Rosenfeld 3. Grand National Ballet Victoria and Merrie England ...Sullivan 4. Waltz L<t Morena ...Fetras 5. Serenade Schubert
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  • 112 7 {From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, May 13. There were again large crowds at Johore for the second day of the celebrations which included the presentation of Colours to the Jchore Forces, sea sports, etc. Said Ibram, a Mohammedan was sentenced to one month’s vigorous imprisonm nt for
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  • 309 7 SUNDAY, MAY H Church of England. The details of the Services in St. George’s Church for next week will be as follows: St. George’s Church.—3rd Sunday after Easter 8 a.m Matins Hymn 504 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion 5 p.m. Sunday School; 6 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Hymn 500,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 22 7 F °R MOTOR CAR INSURANCE The TOD Cannot do bb ttbr than E EXCESS INSURANCE Co., Ltd. AGENTS: SAMSON, gilfillan C>., Ltd.
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    • 12 7 At times of crisis it must be Bovril BRITISH TO THE BACKBONE.
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    • 262 7 sininiiiiHMHMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiMiiiiiiuniiiwiauunuiuiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiufliiuunininuMfe I 5 I CONGO-never leak-ROOFING 1 I i Congo Roofing is made for all Weathers. g An unusually severe storm wont hurt it. 1 H An extraordinary hot spell wont hurt it. g B An extra long cold snap wont hurt it. It will stand any kind of exposure.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2767 8 p, s 0.-B. 1.-APCAR N.Y. K. tex K. P. M. MAIL AND passenger services. Japan Mail Steamship Co. U. I Bg“j| CH|MA PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. HI (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) (INCORPORATE^^J?’- Co LTI IVf ATI QFRVTCES U f in Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China and Japan).
      2,767 words