Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 May 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 651 1 aatjao naaaQDoanaDDnnnaaooDoa J [f YOU WANT 'lO SH!P, g BUY or sell f i RUBBER g D OR TO c D FORWARD GOODS d n TO AMY PART or the WORLD g GO TO D g ALLEN DENNYS Co., 6 g 7. UNION STRBET. D jgggnno □□□□□□oaaaaac SUN LIFE f
      651 words
    • 55 1 nanaanDoannnnannaoonaanaoa FOR $3O g VTOU can have the Pinang g 1 Gnvette posted every day Q for a whole year to your address. a (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proportionate Quarleily and Half-yearly rates. D 9 Subscriptions are payable in n advance and remittance should q be addressed to PINANG GAZETTE PRESS.
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  • 373 2 P.C.C. CHAMPIONSHIP. The final tie in the championship of the P. C C. lawn tennis tournament was played yesterday, the holder, Mr. Threlfall, meeting Mr. Everest. There was a large gathering of spectators, and if the game was onesided it was by no means lacking in excitement. Had
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  • 56 2 The general meeting having authorised Mr Che Pain to be held qualified, the following will represent, Crescent Star on Saturday -Goal, K M Noor (Captain) backs Che Pain and Naina Mohamed half-backs: Syd Mohamad, S M Shafee and M Ghous; forwards: Abdulla, M S Ariffin, M M
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  • 212 2 Ismail, a Bangkok Malay, was to-day charged with trespassing into Bellevue,” bungalow belonging to the Penang Municipality at Waterfall. The facts are that yesterday morning a coolie employed under Mr John Bondville Municipal main Inspector, went up Bellevue ’’-and saw Ismail in the house partially dressed,
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  • 96 2 The report says, notwithstanding the occurrence of black thread” disease, the output of rubber slightly exceeded the estimate at 190,1721 b. The manager’s estimate of output for 1916, is 300,0001 b. at an f. o. b. cost of per pound, exclusive of depreciation. The profit for
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  • 99 2 Bombay, April 28th On the 18th May, the new massive building of the G. I. P. Railway Audit Office, which is still under process of construction at the rear of Victoria Terminus Railway station, will be opened as a fully equipped War Hospital for British troops
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  • 245 2 THE SERBIAN TROOPS. (Specially Translate i.) Twenty thousand Serbian troops have arrived at Salonika. The Dutch Admiralty confirms the reports of the sinking of the Berkelstroom by German submarines. A British aeroplane descended near Sluis. Its occupants were interned. The court-martial at Gravenhage sentenced two German officers
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  • 76 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list:— Yesterday. 10-day. Shares. -2 Q 75 Q »SO »72 Mining. Lahat $4 s4| s4| $5 Pahang C. 8/6 9/- 8/9 9/9 Trong 33/- 35/- 32/6 34/Rubber (Dollar). Changkat $9 s9| s9| s9j Jebong $7O $BO $75 $BO
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  • 34 2 OUTPUTS FOR APRIL. The following are additional rubber outputs for April Benar lbs. 3,380 Bujong 9,n0 Bukit Mertajam 50,494 Lenggeng 4,865 Sumatra Consol 31,502 Sungei Siput 9,950 Sungei Reyla 9,020 Taiping Plantations 44,827
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  • 43 2 Singapore, May 11, At the Singapore rubber auctions there were offered 341 tons, of which 179 tons were sold. The demand opened fair but declined larer. Prices were lower. Fine pale $159, ribbed smoked $149, plain smoked $l3B, unsmoked $135.
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  • 37 2 Loudon, May 10.* The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 2/10£ Smoked Sheet 2/9| [♦By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.] To-day’s quotation for Copra $8.65 and for Coconuts $3l.
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  • 31 2 Tin is quoted in London to-day at £l9B 10s. spot, and £197 10s. three months. To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $95.90 per pical, buyers, no sellers.
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  • 22 2 The output of tin ore from the Ngow property of the Siamese Tin Syndicate, Ltd., for April, was 1,047 piculs.
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  • 52 2 The homeward mail closes at 7 p.m. on Saturday. Registration till 6 p.m. The outward B. I. packet Fultala, with the mails from Europe left Negapatam at 7 am. on Monday and is expected to arrive here at daylight on Saturday. The following week’s mails are expected on
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  • 1659 2 Mr. R B. Osborne his obtained leave, and goes Home soon to the Army. Mr, H. W. Firmstoue, acting Director of Education has baen in Penang for a few days. The Rev. H. G. Pei e, who went home at the end of last year, is going
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  • 16 2 dis* Paris, May 2.-The embarked at Marseil ,cs < intended for the war factories-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 759 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BUNGALOW FOR SALE. ATTAP ROOF. PLANTATION. TYPIST WANTED. W QUIET Family Residence, nicely sitaa- ted on Babiogtoa Avenue, off Barrack for Commercial Office. Apply Koa «tating wages required, age and experience. Apply No. 188, c/o Pinang Gazette. No. 191, c/o Pinang Gazette. 466—tu th s 16-5 TRONOH MINES,
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  • 1367 3 last of an armed raider. The story of the battle in the North Sea between the armed German vessel Greif and t j ie British auxilary ship, Alcantara, as told by correspondent of the “Scotsman,” j 8 a thrilling one. It was a veritable dael to the
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  • 468 3 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Tuesday, the 25th April, 1916. Present :—Messrs. W. Peel (President), P. T. Allen, and Quah Beng Kee. Absent: —Messrs A. F. Goodrich, Y<»oh Guan Seok, John Mitchell, and Lim Eow Hong. 1. The minutes of the
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  • 686 3 IDOL OF THE POILU. We’re Petain’s men.” There are many thousands of French soldiers to day envious of this boast and of the distinction won by their brave comrades, who, fighting under the command of General Petain, have smashed the German hopes at Verdun. General Petain,
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  • 102 3 PENANG WOMEN WORKERS. Amount previously acknowledged $1,897.33 Mrs Samuel (2nd donj $2, Mrs Powell (3rd don) $2, Mrs J A Brown $l, Mrs Heim (Bth don) $5. Mrs Trengove (9th don) $5, Mrs W R Armstrong (2nd don) $7.10, Mrs Stephen Anthony (2nd don) $4.40,
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    • 219 3 Simla, April 20.—Mr T O Hughes, acting political agent, Makran, and commandant of the Maki an levy corps, and 2nd Lieut. G B Hurst, I A R, who had only recently been attached to the corps, have been shot dead at Maud in Markan by two
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    • 137 3 A report from Magwe states that at 6 a. m. on April 17, Nga Tha Maung of Natsingon village, in the oil fields quarter, went suddenly insane and arming himself with an axe and club ran amok. He entered the house of Maung Khan where
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    • 166 3 Bombay, April 29. —A movement has been set on foot to commemorate the event of the fitst landing of Parsi refugees on the shores of India, nearly twelve hundred years ago (at a spit near Sanjan in the Thana District) by erecting a memorial column in granite, 50
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    • 83 3 Calcutta, May 3.—On Tuesday, Mr S W Goods, Magistrate of Alipore, assisted by a jury composed of three Europeans and two Bengal gentlemen, concluded the trial of David Donaldson, who was charged with committing perjury by making two conflicting statements, one before Mr Paterson (Sub-divisional Officer of Barrackpore)
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    • 75 3 Simla, April 29 It is an interesting fact that the recent year on the NorthWest frontier has been the quietest of the last five years. When the fact of the world-wide unrest which now prevails is taken into consideration, the situation is highly satisfactory. The Amir of Afghanistan
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    • 57 3 The garrison engineer, Rangoon, has notified .the general officer commanding Rangoon, that he will be able to obtain the Chinese carpenters there that were asked for by Army Headquarters, India, a few days ago, for Expeditionary Force D in Mesopotamia. It only remains now for the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 18 3 Drive the thought of them into people’s heads, so that they will remember you when considering tbeir requirements.
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    • 20 3 I DAIMLER®] Motor Carriages b Commercial Vehicles 3 5 Agricultural Tractors c 5 ™DAIMLER COMPANY«-u S 5 COVENTRY. ENCL ANO.
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    • 272 3 I—IOW can any man in this enlightened age keep on stropping and honing The NO STROPPING NO HONING —the greatest thing of its kind in the world —suits all men, all beards, all faces. It makes easy that fine habit —the every morning, quick, clean, cool, velvet-smooth Gillette Shave. Get
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  • 1424 4 When individuals fall out, future relations depend not so much on the differences which actually caused the quarrel as upon the revelation of character which the antagonists obtain of each other. Frequently a man’s behaviour in a fight, whatever its issue, removes misunderstandings, gains for him a
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  • 1685 4 The military measures taken by Holland aroused the keenest interest when the announcement of the extraordinary precautions were made, but their meaning has not been definitely explained. The Telegraaf (Amsterdam) answered the query it had itself raised by stating the reason was to be found in the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 123 4 FIRE INSURANCE In addition to placing your fire insurance business with a safe Company it is essential to place it with an agent who can handle it advantageously and in the best interest of the insured. Take advantage of the experience of ALLEN DENNYS CO., 6, Beach Street, Penang, who
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    • 13 4 E. O.” SPECIAL DINNER AND DANCE ON Friday, 12th May. E. O. ORCHESTRA.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 192 5 MR. ASQUITH’S ANSWER. IRELAND AND BECfiUITING. HILL 304 BATTLES. LOSS OF THE CYMRIC. It is reported that the Kaiser personally sent a letter to Preaident Wilson appealing to him to urge the Entente not to prolong the war indefinitely in useless efforts of revenge.” Mr. Asquith, epeaking
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  • France and Belgium.
    • Article, Illustration
      268 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GERMAN FAILURES. [Copybight Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, May 10. The German offensive continues at Verdun. The communique says the enemy violently bombarded all night at Hill 304 and then attacked at three in the morning. The Germans were completely repulsed. French counter attacks made progress north
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  268 words
    • 826 5 Dr. Herbert Adams Gibbons, says When one goes out to the front,” as far as the fighting is concerned, he bears rather than sees. The cinnon do thunder; there is the tit-tat-tat of the machine-guns and the occasional crack of a rille. The shells whizz and burst. If
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    • 65 5 London, May 10 In the House of Commons, Mr. Chamberlain stated that the interments of Mohammedan soldiers, who died at the fronr, were carried out by their fellow 3, in accordance with their religious rituals. Careful records of all such burials had been kept so that permanent
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    • 23 5 A SERIOUS FIRE. Copenhagen, May 9. A fire destroyed a German factory and sixty aeroplanes at Altona, near Hamburg.
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    • 283 5 STRONG APPEAL BY MR JOHN REDMOND. London, May 10. In the House of Commons, in Committee on the Military Service Bill, Sir J. B. Longedale moved the inclusion of Ireland. Mr Asquith opposed the motion on the grounds of the urgency of the measure and the undesirability
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    • 68 5 SERIOUS LOSSES. London, May 10, In the House of Commons, Mr. Asquith announced that the casualties of the Dublin Army were as follows Officers. Men. Totals. Killed 17 86 105 Wounded 46 311 357 Missing 9 9 The casualties among the Royal Irish Constabulary were 15 killed
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    • 44 5 ORDER TO MARRIED MEN. London, May 9. In the House of Commons, Sir George Cave, the Solicitor-General, stated that married men abroad eligible for the army, and usually resident in Britain, must return forthwith, and report themselves to the military authorities.
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    • 348 5 The discussion on Sir J, B. Lonsdale’s motion, which sought to bring Ireland under the new Compulsory Military Bill, was couched in terms that fairly represent the views of the various interests in the House of Common?, The reasons given by Mr. Asquith for his opposition to the inclusion
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    • 286 5 THE KING’S ADDRESS. London, May 9. His Majesty cordially welcomed a Russian Duma party to Buckingham Palace. The King expressed his heart-felt desire that Great Britain and Russia remain firmly united after victory. He paid a warm tribute to the marvellous Russian achievements and rejoiced that
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    • 42 5 LETTER TO MR. WILSON. London, May 10. The Daily Telegraph learns that the Kaiser personally sent a letter to President Wilson appealing to him to urge the Entente not to prolong ihe war indefinitely in useless efforts of revenge
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    • 16 5 New York, May 9. General satisfaction is expressed at President Wilson’s reply to Germany.
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    • 460 5 A searching exposure of some of the boastings of Dr. Helfferich, the Imperial Finance Minister, in his speech to the Reichstag, was made by Mr Edgar Crammond, the secretary of the Liverpool Stock Exchange, at a meeting of the London Chamber of Commerce. “It was perhaps
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    • 241 5 MR. BALFOUR’S LETTER. London, May 10. A most reassuring statement regarding the British naval position is contained in a letter from Mr. Balfour to the Mayors of Lowestoft and Yarmouth. After pointing oat that the damage done by the German naval coast raids does not exceed
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    • 16 5 London, May 8. It is understood that Colonel Churchill will resume his Parliamentary duties.
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    • 29 5 London, May 10. In the House of Common 3 Mr. Runciman announced that rubber tyres and animal ivory cannot be included in the list of prohibited imports.
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 110 5 ADVANCE TO BAGHDAD. Petrograd, May 10. The Turks delivered stubborn attacks against the Russian positions at Erzinjam, but were stopped in the evening, after suffering crushing losses. The Russians are steadily advancing in in the directions of Diarbekir (south-west of Lake Van) and Baghdad. Wounded from Kut. London,
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    • 37 5 THREE PERSONS INJURED. London, May 10. Two hostile aeroplanes attacked Port Said, but were quickly driven off by the anti-aircraft guns. Nine bombs were dropped, wounding three civilians, but doing no other damage.
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    • 57 5 TRIUMPHANT VICTORY. Athens, May 10. M. Venezelos’ re-entry into politics is a magnificent tiiumph. He was returned by Mytilene by 12,000 votes against 110. M. Blanks’return as Venezelist candidate for Drama is assured, and it is most significant, in view of the fact that the local important Turkish
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 20 5 GERMANS AND A BRIDGEHEAD. Petrograd May 10. The Germans continue to batter the Ikskull bridgehead of the Dwina.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 59 5 London, May 10. The White Star Liner Cymric was unarmed, and was 138 miles from land when fc orpedoed in the engine room. Vessel Sinks. London,May 10. The Cymric sank in the morning. A! on board were saved. Five Lives Lost. A Dutch steamer saved 107 of the
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  • General News.
    • 37 5 GERMANS IMPRISONED IN AMERICA New York,May 10. The German?, Fay, Scholz, and Daeche were sentenced to eight, four, and two years in a penitentiary respectively, for conspiracy to destroy munition ships with bombs*
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    • 21 5 THE BELGIAN CAMPAIGN. Havre, Mav 9. The Belgians advanced at Lake Mohasi in German East Africa. The enemy withdrew.
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    • 33 5 London, May 10. The King received Z Iles-Sultan of Persia at Buckingham Palace, and conferred the Order of Kniaht Commandership of the Star of India upon his son, Prince Ismail.
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    • 97 5 Prince Sarem Ed Duleh, the Persian Minister of Foreign Affairs, has stated, in an interview, that thanks to the assistance of Russia and England, his Government would be able to proceed with a general military and political recorganization. Russian and British advisers will
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    • 38 5 Rome, May 9. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, with King Victor Emmanuel, made a prolonged tour of the Italian front, and was everywhere heartily cheered. The visit has given great satisfaction to the Italians.
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    • 27 5 London, May 10. A Museum of Tropical Curios was destroyed bv fire at the Surrey residence of Mr. E, P. Gueritz, ex-Governor of North Borneo.
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    • 291 5 London, May 10. Mexico has prohibited the export of silver. A formal denial is given in a circular sent out by the French Minister of War to the statements of the Frankfurter Zeitung that the men of the class 1917, are already at the front. On
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    • 180 6 AHEAD OF THE MAIL. Geneva, April 7,—Four Deputies, Herr Payer, of the People’s party Herr fjtresemann, National Liberal; Count Westarp, Conservative, and Herr Werner Giessen, of the German fraction, declared that their parties would support the German Chancellor’s declarations. Herr Haase, Deputy, of the Socialist Workman’s Society,
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    • 362 6 Herr Stresemann, speaking on the submarine controversy with the United States, said “To the decisions arrived at the Faris Conference to tighten the blockade, we must reply by using every means possible to crush Great Britain. At the same time, however, we must respect the rights of neutrals,
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    • 93 6 London, May 2.—The rebellion in Dublin, which has just been mastered, was fomented, at the instigation of Germany, by the Irishman Roger Casement, who was captured on a vessel conveying arms and ammunition, off the coast of Ireland. The rebellion has been unanimously stigmatised as disgraceful by
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    • 81 6 London, April 28. Many Serbs and Greeks are daily entering Greece, as the Bulgarians are guarding the Serbian frontier. The refugees give terrible accounts of Bulgarian treatment of the populace, particularly Greeks. All youths capable of bearing arms are sent to Bulgaria. Many have been massacred. Apparently
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    • 24 6 London, April 27.—The Russian force is in B rance. The Central News Marseilles correspondent describes the Russian camp as enormous.
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    • 805 6 London, April 8 —The speech of Herr von Bethmann-Hollweg in the Reichstag on the blockade was the subject of a statement made by Lord R »bert Cecil at a conference in the Foreign Office this afternoon. He said in part:— The Chancellor says Britain alone is
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    • 67 6 Amsterdam, April B.—According to the Echo Beige,” a German court-martial has sentenced to death Mlle. Gabbrielle Petit, of Molenbeek, for alleged treason. She was charged with carrying on an information bureau in the interest of Germany’s enemies. Execution has already taken place. Louise de Bettignies, of Lille,
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    • 32 6 London, April 28.—Reuter’s New York correspondent states that the two men arrested in connection with the making of bombs on board a German liner have confessed.
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    • 540 6 Berne, April 10.- The Reichstag on Saturday voted the Judicial Budget. Things did not go so smoothly as was expected. Dr. Liebknecht again made a violent speech, and having refused to leave > the tribune was threatened by several Deputies, a melee being only just avoided. Dr.
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    • 178 6 London, April 29,—Operations of the British force at Kut my be regarded in the light of a heroic little band of some 14,000 fighting men originally advancing to attempt a difficult task. They fought several battles, and though reduced in strength still attempted to complete tbeir task.
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    • 123 6 Geneva, April 10.—A Berlin despatch says :—General Wild von Hohenhorn, Minister of War, says that on account of the Chancellor’s statement about the military situation, he will make no declaration on the subject. Our communiques,” he said, are always concise and true. The country, victorious, has no
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    • 147 6 Paris, April 9.—To give an idea of how heavy have been and still are the German losses before Verdun, the Matin prints the following statistics: The 64th Infantry Regiment (belonging to the sth Corps) lost in the first few days of battle 295 killed, 1,159 wounded and
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    • 44 6 London, April 27. The Italian offensive in the Trentino is now more violent than on the Isonzo. The Italian advance guards occupied the southern outskirts of Rovereto. From the recently captured heights of Stosvaldo the Italians are able to dominate Trent itself.
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    • 81 6 London, April 25.—The French Press is discussing the possibility of the assassination of Field-Marshal von der Goltz. The Temps points out that the period of his real success was 20 years ago. Turkev since then has gone from disaster to disaster, and the attempt to
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  • 189 6 Calcutta Chambrr of Commerce’s Action. Calcutta, April 29th —The Bengal Chamber of Commerce has circularised members for their views on the general trade policy in India after the war. Replies are to be received by May 15th. The letter points out that the proposed conference of Indian Chambers
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  • 174 6 Calcutta to Mint Copper Coins. Calcutta, April 28.—1 t is understood, says our Calcutta correspondent, cabling this morning, that arrangements have been made for the manufacture by the Calcutta Mint of pennies and halfpennies for circulation in Australia. For some years past the London Mint has been unable
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  • 724 6 Glasgow’s leading citizens have signed a petition demanding that all Germans residing in Scotland be immediately expelled. Reports reaching Switzerland state that 3,000 German newspapers and magazines have been forced to cease publication since the beginning of the war. British cloth manufacturers have been requested to submit their
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 171 6 KINDS OF RHEUMATISM. In popular language the word rheumatism is a term which covers a multitude of ills, of which pain is the chief symptom. Articular rheumatism, inflammatory rheumatism, and rheumatic fever are all names for the same disease. Muscular rheumatism affects the muscles and does not spread from one
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    • 307 6 A Reputation of over 100 yean Cockle’s ANTIBILIOUS Pills ENSURE GOOD DIGESTION and a HEALTHY, ACTIVE LIVER. Of Chemists throughout the world. Prices in England, 1/1$ and 2/9. James Cockle Co.. 4 Great Ormond St., London, W t Poor Health To face the dangers of weakness and disease with a
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  • 629 7 ip,am Ow Omn CorraponiltnC) Alor Star, May 10. Tin mining in North Kedah h in a state /««pended animation owing to the Ted drought and consequent want of P ro 0 \ithout which it is impossible to Recover the b ji from the gravel. The New Gang Robbery
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  • 139 7 the Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court on Monday morning for the ay Assizes the case in which Chang Hee an and others were charged with the aoe.ment of theft of chandu from the local onopolies Office was called. Thomas Braddell, C J C, said bad thought it
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  • 95 7 In v Case iu which three Chinese firms in cert a Wer e c h ß reed with offering for sale tiuned provisions that were unfit for when t \f C DBam P t i° D was conc l aded at Ip°h> the w h J Q8
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  • 478 7 15 PER CENT. DIVIDEND. Besides approving a dividend of fifteen per cent, the shareholders at the annual meeting of the Taiping Rubber Estates, Ltd. (1913), heid at the Palace Hotel, Shanghai, on April 19th, authorised the directors to donate not more than Tls 1,000 to some war fund
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  • 454 7 The entries for the Races are distinctly good there being very few notable ab- 1 sentees. The weakest class is that for third class horses, which makes a very poor show, but in other respects the racing should be good and as a result there should be
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  • 185 7 CEYLON’S PROSPECTS. As the result of investigations made by the Government, no wood pulp industry is likely to arise in Ceylon, although there is plenty of material in our forests in suitable trees of no timber value. Such trees, however, are not found together in our large
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  • 352 7 A correspondent writes to the “Rangoon, Gazette —Considering we have hundreds of square miles of bamboo forests in Burma it is surprising that the Rangoon Chamber of Commerce when interrogated last month on the subject by Government had nothing to say ou the subject of utilising
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  • 59 7 Intimation has been received from His Majesty’s Secretary of State for India that the firm of Phillip W. Heyman of Copenhagen, Denmark, is an objectionable one. No business relations whatsoever are to be entered into with the said firm, either or through their representative, Mr. L.
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  • 242 7 The Government of India has decided to raise upset price of opium sold at the Calcutta sales from the present minimum of Rs. 1,800 per chest to Rs. 2,500 with effect from Ist July next, until further orders, Five children were burned to death and twelve seriously
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  • 43 7 The following further contributions to the above Fund wsre forw.trded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on May 8 $2,457.36 Mr and Mrs P Mitford monthly subscription 25.00 $2,482.36 Balance on May 10 $2,482.36 Amount previously acknowledged ...$23,913,74 Total ...$26,396.10
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  • 252 7 Penang, May 11, 1916. S. P. Tapioca 58.20 buyers. M. P. Tapioca 58 60 tales. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper $25.00 buyers. White Pepper $35.00 sellers. Trang Pepper $25 sales. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $7O sellers. Cloves $4O
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  • 131 7 Penang, May 11, 1916. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 1/4 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 25/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 13/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank I( 174| Moulmein Demand Bank 173 J
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  • 80 7 May 12.—Legislative Council Meeting, Singapore. May 12.—E. O. Special Dinner and Dance. May 13.—Parish Hall, Social Evening, 8 p.m. May 13,—-Cricket Esplanade P.C.O. v. Nondescripts. May 13.—Penang Club, Club Night 8 p.m. May 14— Parish Hall Annual General Meeting, Parish Hall, 9-15 a.m. May 16, 18, and 20.—Singapore
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 82 7 BROWN, Co., Monumental Sculptors, CALCUTTA. Monuments and Tombstones of every description supplied. ascriptions done in all languages, under skilled European supervision. The nest Italian and Carara Marble used William toward i Sons, ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. Jranite Merchants and Manufacturers of Tombstones in various kinds of Aberdeen Granite. (Samples ol Granite to
      82 words
    • 234 7 IN PEACE QTADf 1N WAB HAS WON THE W HAS WON THE RAND PRIZE GRAND PRIZE AT THE S V AT THB Anglo-Japan Panama-Pacific Exhibition, 1910 International and Exposition, THE MOST POPULAR V The Taisho (Japan) DRINK in the EAST. California, National r> g BWB U<> S. A. 1915. Exhibition,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2379 8 P. o.—B. I.—APGAR N. Y. K. tew K. P. M. Oc Ean MAIL ANO PASSENGER SERVES. J„ M Stamihi, C. U. |rj MWTSCHAPfT p l “a7l d s ™;k.“ n «.».....»....10.,, Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China and Japan). (Royal Packet S, N. Company). AND Due Penang. Steamer. Connecting
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