Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 May 1916

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 837 1 oaOOOOO DaaßnDaaaaauanuuuuunn I IF YOU WANT 'JO SHIP, I buy or sell sRUBBER I a OR TU forward GOODS n to AMY PART or the WORLD g GO TO 1 ALLEN DENNYS Co., 7. UNION STREET. c 2 c BgjggganananrmnnannaaoaDnticiaci SUN LIFE r or gj3> I I CANADA. JR? I
      837 words
    • 61 1 n□□□□□□oanonnnaaanc FOR $3O g D VTOU can have the Pinang D I Gazette posted every day g for a whole year to your address. Q (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, $27). Proj ortionate Qvarteily and Half-yearly rates. C g Subscriptions are payable in n n advance and remittance should g be addressed t«>
      61 words

  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 69 2 ITALIAN AIR RAID. [Reuter Service.] Rome, May 9. The artillery firing, generally, was more intense over the entire Trentino and Upper Adige. There were stubborn infantry engagements in the Plezzo basin, where the enemy were everywhere thrown back, a number of Austrian prisoners being taken. A large
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    • 70 2 SECOND VISIT L’O ISONZO LINE. Rome, May 9. H. R. H. the Prince of Wales paid a further visit to the Italian front, accompanied by King Victor Emmanuel. They motored through Cividale to the most advanced positions on the Mid Isonzo, receiving ovations. Later, the Prince
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  • General News.
    • 100 2 EFFECT OF PROPOSALS. London, May 8. In the House of Commons, Sir Henry Norman moved a resolution in favour of Daylight Saving He emphasised the simplicity of the idea, which is that clocks be put forward an hour on Saturday. The country would thus gain 130 hours of
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    • 86 2 MR. HUGHES’ SUGGESTION. London, May 9. In a speech at a meeting of the representatives of the cane sugar producers of India, Egypt and o’her parts of the Empire, at Cax on Hall, the Australian Premier, Mr. Hu'be*, said he had no doubt the Empire could produce
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    • 56 2 London, May 9. It is expected the Board of Trade will intervene in the Lancashire cotton trade dispute, failing a settlement in the interval. Strike notices have been issued for the week beginning May 15th The result of the cardroom workers’ ballot, which will be known on
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    • 23 2 London, May 9. The Admiralty is forming a Committee to organise an expedition for the relief of Sir Ernest Shackleton.
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  • 148 2 Kut Defence a Bond of Empire. Simla, May 1 The following telegrams have passed between the Governor-General of Australia and His Excellency the Viceroy Governor-General of Australia to Viceroy. Melbourne, May 1, 1916 On behalf of the Government and people of Australia offer deepest sympathy to Government,
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  • 541 2 [Prom Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, May 9. The Kinta Valley is experiencing very heavy rains, and the rivers are frequently in spate. That means that flooding is quite common. The silting of the rivers makes it almost inevitable that when there are heavy rains there will be flooding.
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  • 358 2 Rome, April 12.—Amongst Rumanian personages who have arrived in Rome from Athens are a colonel and two magistrates, and they have t-upplied the following information on the situation in Rumania Several Rumanian politicians and officers were recently sent on a visit to Germany, Austria, and Russia,
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  • 345 2 Inspector Farquharson, Taiping, is being transferred to Tapah. Zilles-Sultan of Persia, visited Mr. Asquith in London, says Reuter. We understand that Flight SquadronCommander Learmount has been engaged in bomb-dropping operations around Verdun. News has reached Athens thab Tewfik Effendi, the Governor of Scutari in Asia, was puHiclv
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  • 36 2 THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. (P. G. Special Cable.) London, May 8. The following dividends of rubber companies are announced Merlimau 12| per cent. Consolidated Malay 58£ Sungei Matang 5 Ulu Rantau 20 Emerald 10
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  • 140 2 The following are the latest quotations in our share list t Yesterday. To-day. CD 30 00 30 Sharks J» o 3 M xn M Mining. Deebook 13/6 14/6 13/6 14/K. Kamunting 38/6 40/- 39/- 40/6 Ratrut Basin 6/- 9/Tin Bentong i... 33/6 36/Trong 34/- 35/6 33/- 35/General.
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  • 82 2 OUTPUTS FOR APRIL. The following are additional rubber outputs for April Asahan lbs. 18,998 Am P at 11,753 Anglo-Sumatra 68,151 Bun 8 8ar Bah Lias 5 545 FM S Rubber 113 000 Investment Trust 14,814 Invesment Trust Tea 237,335 Kua “g 13’oOO L 113,000 Mendans 3J23 Parit, Perak 4
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  • 638 2 v IDSpcvw, T.0.M.” FURTHER EVIDENCE I N IP|ID CASE. 8 The ewe in appeal be( ore the Commissioner in the Ipoh S apren e p'" 1 in which throe Ipoh Chinee 6 rm charged with offering f„ r Mle '“•< visions alleged to be nnfft for h„ samption,
    v IDSpcvw, T.0.M.”  -  638 words
  • 109 2 T.0.M.” An extraordinary demand appears to growing in certain mysterious quarters Ipoh for brass, to judge by the 3tra fancy possessing night prowlers at t l P sent time. r L O Mention has already been 0 mysterious disappearance from the r wall of two local
    ‘‘ T.0.M.”  -  109 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 957 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. forsale. TT UMBER MOTOR CYCLE 3| H PAYING GUESTS. n p rM e 2““® 2 Bp ed In go d running order. $250. EUROPEAN LADY will have accom- A PP’y Box No 189 > c Pinan 9 Gazette. modation for a few paying guests, 465—6 810 5 Jong
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    • 53 2 To Correct Constipation and Biliousness, clear the^ ra Pj.®2 of blemishes and sweeten t e use the dainty laxative *****3',,. They gently assist natur T a y but help to keep you well, i J thorough, do not grip Of chemists, 50 cent /’tvilh»® 8 or post free from the
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  • 575 3 MR. JEROME K. JEROME’S TIMELY COUNSEL. Suppose the news reached us day-by-day and week-by-week that the Germans were chiefly occupied in quarrelling among themsnlves that half the German Press was busy proclaiming aloud that everything in Germany was rotton that her rulers were traitors and all
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  • 326 3 The “Pioneer’s” Cairo correspondent wrote on the 7th April The defenders of the Cqnal recently carried out a daring aerial raid. Six machines started from two different points with the object of attacking the Turkish camp at Bir Hassana. About forty bombs were dropped on buildings, a
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  • 265 3 ENTERTAINMENT AT KUALA MUDA. On Saturday night, writes our correspondent, a performance of the Bangsawan Mahomed Sheriff was given at the Malay Theatre, Kuala Muda. The play being Alla-u-Din and his wonderful lamp.” The entertainment was organised by the District Officer, Cbe Ahmat, and Mr W. E.
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  • 252 3 The brothers C. F. F. and T. J. B. Wearne have contributed $lO,OOO towards the cost of a Singapore Fighter. We met these gentlemen the other day, says the Straits Times,” and this is what one of them said to us I hear folk saying that Mr, Alma
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  • 21 3 (From Our Oion Correspondent.) Singapore, May 10. The Straits Times’” Aeroplane Funds have reached nearly $16,000 for each Fighter.”
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  • 348 3 Rangoon Gazette 1 Recruits from Penang. The fifteen men who are in training at the headquarters of the Rangoon Port Defence Volunteers for the Mobile Battery are J C Fereira, F Watts, R H Taylor, M H Cornelius, G R Lonsdale, G R Hart, G F Scully,
    .—“ Rangoon Gazette1”  -  348 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 542 3 SpecialFoodforStarvedNerves. SANAPHOS I m r w® 3s?§BSBv If JS wXI I 11 tMw wSf vO I ILS IH i THE IDEAL RECONSTRUCTIVE NERVE FOOD H A VALUABLE RESTORATIVE IN NEURASTHENIA NERVOUS WSPEPSIA AND AN/EMIA Sanaphos supplies the element I Moreover Sanaphos contains other which is needed by our nerves and
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    • 444 3 Summer Diarrhcea No epidemic kills babies with such appalling swiftness and in such great numbers as this dreaded complaint. jj| According to reports, this infant scourge is again with us, s and the rapid rise in the infantile mortality rate will strike fear to the heart of many an anxious
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  • 13 4 Woelz —On May 7, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Woelz, a son.
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  • 1013 4 When Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg, the German Imperial Chancellor, stated in the Reichstag in the early days of last month that to go back is impossible he uttered a phrase that becomes more poignant with the progress of the war. On the same occasion, he averred that Germany entered
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  • 16 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $96.25 per picul, buyers, no sellers.
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  • 28 4 London, May 9.* The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 2/10| Smoked Sheet 2/9| [♦By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.]
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  • 93 4 The output of the New Tambun Mines, Ltd., for the month of April, amounted to 39 piculs and 60] katties. Kowloon new railway station, the magnificent new building which adorns the terminus of the Canton-Kowloon Railway is completed. It is the design of Mr. A. B. (now Brigadier
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  • 1087 4 It is rather disquieting to note the persistence with which one or two leaders in the labour world at Home harp upon what they are pleased to term the coming industrial war and the class struggle. First, it was Mr. J. H. Thomas, a reliable and sound
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  • 176 4 What is it causes gaps in our exchequer’ What makes us look askance UDOn brekker”? pn oat What is it sendeth pilgrims unto Mecca? Why, Eastern Atmosphere What is it makes our cook add •< u queerly What makes us cut the friend we U. dearly? 10vew What
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  • 332 4 EXCITING CHASE BY POLICE. In the Second Court, Penan?, before Mr. E. E. Colman, to-day, two Indians— Mydin Pakir and Shaik Ally—and two Chinese—Lim Lang and Lim Tualttwere charged with criminal breach of trust 83 carriers (Nos 1 and 2) in respect of' bags of rice
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  • 191 4 SMALLPOX DISAPPEARINGThe fortnightly meeting of the Commissioners was held in ollowiog Offices yesterday afternoon 1 gentlemen were present f 9 r r Peel (President), A. F. Goodneb. L Eow Hong, Qiah Beng Kee an Guan Seok, with Mr. L. A. b(Secretary), and Mr. L. M. Bell B iDeer
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 114 4 r ALLSOPP’S jl 1 THE FINEST jg JU® WORLD RFFR RENOWNED wOml FOR ON THE EXPORT ABSOLUTE MARKET. PURITY. SOLE AGENTS CALDBECK, MACGREGOR S Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PENANG. NEW STOCKS. Allenbury’s Foods Browne’s Chlorodyne Allenbury’s Feeders Rubinat Water Bengers Food Carabana Water Savory Moore’s Food Kutnow’s Powder Horlick’s
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    • 13 4 E. O.” SPECIAL DINNER AND DANCE ON Friday, 12th May. E. O. ORCHESTRA.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 364 5 GERMANY AND PEACE. BRITISH LINED ATTACKED. SITUATION AT VERDUN. INCIDENTS ON BRITISH LINE. In reply to Germany on the submarine qnestion, the Government of the United States says it takes it for granted that Germany does not intend to imply that the maintenance of the newly announced policy
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 432 5 [Reutrr’s Telegrams.] COSTLY GERMAN DEFEATS. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Paris, May 8. The 78th day of the battle of Verdun saw the French again defeat the Germans by a stern resistance, and then counterattack successfully. The communique says the fighting west of the Meuse was
      [Reutrr’s Telegrams.]  -  432 words
    • 479 5 In view of present events it becomes of immediate interest to inquire why the Prussian Staff regarded Verdun of such supreme importance in the campaign of 1870. Two important reasons were given by Colonel von Tidemann in a book dealing with the siege. First its occupation was
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    • 32 5 ARRIVAL IN FRANCE. London, May 8. It is officially announced that Australian and New Zealand troops have arrived in France, where they have taken over a portion of the front.
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    • 23 5 Dublin, May 9. Four more rebels were shot, and 22 sentenced to various terms of penal servitude. Two were acquitted.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 32 5 GERMANS AGGRESSIVE. Petrogade, May 9. There were the usual mutual bombardments on most portions of the front. The Germans were particularly active north of Lake Elzen, south-west of Dvinsk.
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • Article, Illustration
      29 5 TURKISH WITHDRAWAL. Petrograd, May 9. The Turks evacuated their entire front line trenches in the neighbourhood of Erzinjan, under the Russian fire. The cruiser Breslau bombatded Eupatoria.
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    • 179 5 FURTHER DETAILS. London, May 8. Reuter’s special correspondent at Salonika says there were great rejoicings at the destruction, on May sth, of what is believed to be the only Zeppelin in the Balkans, LZ 55, a middle-sized airship. It seems certain that the crew numbered more than
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    • 28 5 Copenhagen, May 8. Owing to the threatening situation in Greece, Prince George has cancelled his summer holiday in Denmark, and is going direct to Greece.
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    • 151 5 The Sannaiyat Attack. Simla, April 27th The following telegram dated 27th April, 1916, has been received from 1 Eye-Witness in Mesopotamia. Falahieh, April 25th Yesterday we extended our line on the right bank, driving the enemy from their advanced posts. The Turks developed a counter-attack, which was checked
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    • 211 5 Captain Russell Grey, writing from Mesopotamia to a friend in Kuala Lumpur, says that he has got through his first action safe and sound, though how I got off scot-free goodness only knows, as the bullets were as thick as rain from a horse shoe position,
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    • 16 5 Petrograd, May 9. The Tabriz-Julfa railway has been opened for passenger and goods traffic.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 113 5 NO PASSENGERS ON BOARD. London, May 8. Lloyd’s reports that the White Star liner Cymric (13,096 tons) is sinking. There are no passengers on board the Cymric, which is homeward bound with general cargo. Torpedoed. The Cymric was torpedoed by a German submarine in the Atlantic.
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    • 469 5 AMERICA’S REPLY TO BERLIN. New York, May 9. The American Note to Germany has been despatched. It contains only 200 words. No Contingent Discussions. Washington, May 9, The note to Germany accepting Germany’s declaration regarding the new submarine policy savs the United States cannot for a moment entertain,
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    • 161 5 POLICY IF MR. WILSON DOES NOT MEDIATE. London, May 9. The Daily Telegraph correspondent at Rotterdam states that he has good authority for the opinion that if President Wilson declines the German request to mediate in regard to peace, the new orders to the submarine commanders will
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    • 834 5 In the latest issue of the Hilfe,” a weekly journal managed and largely written by Friedrich Naumann, we have a remarkable article by Dr. Paul Rhorbach, the well-known Imperialist writer, dealing with the end issues of the war. The article has attracted the
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    • 973 5 A Clbar Statement. The Hon. Augustus P. Gardner, of Massachusetts, speaking in the House of Representatives »t Washington, dealing with America’s right to export munitions of war, said If public opinion were in its ordinary rational state, this House would sooner vote to forbid the sale of straightjackets
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  • 19 5 CHENGTUS INDEPENDENCE. Shanghai, May 8. Chengtu, the capital of has declared its independence. [Other Telegrams on Page 2.\
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    • 404 6 Work of Shropshires and Irish. London, May I—A correspondent at Headquarters describes the fine work of the Shropshires on the 21st and 22nd April, and of the Dublin and Inniskilling Fusiliers on the 27th. The former recaptured trenches lost two nights earlier, and the Irishmen repelled
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    • 118 6 London, April 28 —Signor Calzabedolo, an Italian journalist, lecturing in Italy on the English efforts in the war with the object of removing misconceptions assiduously propogated by Germany, states that the German Staff are concerned about the Allied offensive. The Allies on the Western Front are
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    • 118 6 Amsterdam, April 9.—The German press is eulogising Hindenburg on the occasion of the jubilee of his military service. He is depicted as the saviour of his country and as the greatest German in modern times. Curious allusions are made to his political part in Germany after
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    • 92 6 London April 28.—Reuter’s Moshi correspondent describes the position of the Germans, who retreated from Iranji to Dar-es-Salaam by the railway, as precarious, being unmounted and unable to prevent General Van Der Venter from cutting the line east and west. They expected to concentrate towards the east and
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    • 56 6 London, April 28.—According to Reuter's correspondent at Washington Sir C. A. Spring Rice, the British Ambassador to the United States, has received anonymous warning to the effect that if Sir Roger Casement is treated otherwise than as a prisoner of war it will mean his
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    • 126 6 London April 30.—The Daily Telegraph’s Milan correspondent remarks that several grave decisions are imminent on the part of Greece—the first of these decisions is in connection with the transportation of the Serbs, the second is that in regard to the Greek reply to German pressure in the direction
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    • 59 6 According to the Tribuna’s despatches from Athens the Serbian, English and French Ministers made firm representations partly in order to counter act German pressure. It is believed in Rome that Greece will consent to the Allies’ demands. She is already suffering unnecessarily from her vacillating policy the
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    • 37 6 London, April 28.—The Morning Post’s" Athens correspondent says that the Teuton consuls at Canea have withdrawn with their staff and archives to a large village in the mountains, fearing arrest by the allies’ landing parties.
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    • 132 6 The London Gazette” of the 25th April, publishes for general information The British Minister at Lisbon reports by telegraph that the Portuguese Government have issued a decree, dated 21st April, providing that Allied and Neutral cargoes of or discharged from German vessels will be delivered up
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    • 100 6 London, April 9.—The Daily Mail,’ referring to the destructive German aviator, states Immelmanu’s methods are less heroic than scientific. He mounts sometimes to a height of thirteen thousand feet over a town or the enemy line”, and waits for the invading aeroplane. Then he takes a
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    • 85 6 London, April 27.—According to an Italian journalist at the front the recent Autrian offensive at Sugana was carried out by fourteen battalions. Its object was to stop the Italian advance towards Vai Pergine, which threatened to debouch northward and capture all the southern Trentina. Austrian papers associate the
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    • 36 6 Amsterdam, April 9.—A British sailor who is interned at Groningen has been granted furlough on parole for a week in order that he may visit his mother who is seriously ill in Banffshire.
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    • 32 6 London, April 23.—An Italian report states that Austria lost eleven submarines in two months, that the Adriatic is now completely cleared and that all Austrian ports are effectively blockaded.
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    • 29 6 London, April 28. Dutch correspondents describe the bombardment of Zeebrugge on the 24th instant as the most violent heitherto reported. The harbour, docks and submarines were hit.
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    • 27 6 London, April 10.—According to official figures German military casualties since the beginning of the war number 2,600,000. The total number of killed is 682,000.
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  • 469 6 ENTRIES FOR SPRING MEETING. The following are the entries for the Spring race meeting at Singapore, with handicaps for the first day. First Day, Tuesday, May 16th. 1. The Opening Stakes.—Sandy Creek 8.10, The Milky Way 8.8, Nullo 9.10, Welcome One 9.3, Black Satin 8.12. 2 and 6.
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  • 170 6 Officers of Inoo-China Steamer Protest. The Hongkong Daily Press of April 2 8 says Certain serious rumours were in circulation in the Colony yesterday in regard to an alleged strong action by the officers of the Indo-China steamer Waishing. It was said that the captain and officers
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  • 943 6 S F.P.” OPENING BY THE GOVERNOR. On Saturday the fine new building of the Chartered Bank, an the Eastern end of Raffi -s Place, Singaporewas formally opened by His Excellency the Governor. There was a large attendance of public and business men, and many ladies at the
    “ S F.P.”  -  943 words
  • 97 6 The outward mail steamer Sangola will probably leave Colombo on Thursday next and should arrive at Penang about Tuesday May 16, and Singapore the following afternoon. She carries no passengers. The Sangola, will, on leaving Singapore, proceed as far as Hongkong onlv. Passengers for the Straits,
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  • 207 6 —M.M.” The Half Ykarly Meeting. The half-yearly general meeting of the Selangor Turf Club was held in the Selangor Club on Saturday. The ricePresident, Mr Noel Walker, wis in the chair. The statement of accounts for the half-year end*d March 31st 1916, showings profit of $,1079 78
    —M.M.”  -  207 words
  • 200 6 The number of persons reported to have been killed by wild animals and snakes in Assam during the year 1915 was 256 respectively, as against 126 and J in the preceding year. Sixty-two persons were killed by tigers as against 49 in
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  • 39 6 The A Press communique states. Government of India wish it .y ally known that no P a93ea^.r^ nt passallowed to laud at Genoa WI coDports bearing the visa of an sular Officer at the port of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 101 6 Kill Pain Before Pain Kills Yuo Attacks of neuralgia, constant pain, or the dread of th* sudden shooting pains are a continual wear and strain on the vital forces of the Unless relief is obtained a breakdown is sure to follow. Little’s Oriental Balm brings certain and speedy relief to
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    • 169 6 I Bovril gives I I strength to win I B Whether you are engaged in fighting 1 B or in working, or even only in the s B dull strain of waiting, the present S fl times are drawing heavily on your r| B store of vital energy. Victory is
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    • 201 7 Caicntta, May Ist: Since Friday Cal|lftg been in the midst of a particular--7° nasty heat wave which, to make matters y orse 'does not show signs of removing A man > b° rn a °d b re d n Calcutta, oke of Saturday as the most unpleasant
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    • 504 7 Calcutta, *May 2.—Passengers on the 3emzal-Nagpur mail for Bombay, which left Calcutta on Friday, had a somewhat exciting experience. The sleepers on a bridge, about three hundred miles from Calcutta between the stations of Posaita and Goild hera, caught fire about one o’clock on Saturday
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    • 242 7 Calcutta, May 3.—The abnormal heat of e past few days has not been without its 11 "ejects. Several cases of sunstroke have c urred, a particularly bad one having I J*en admitted to the Presidency General r ospital. Another case was that of 3 ®an who suddenly collapsed
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  • 877 7 FIVE ALLEGED MEMBERS ON TRIAL. Before Mr. W. D. Scott, in the Ipoh First Magistrate’s Court on Monday, five men of the Chinese middle-class were arraigned on a charge of being members of an unlawful Chinese Society. The case attracted much attention, the Court being crowed. Mr.
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  • 542 7 AN INTERVIEW WITH M. PASITCH. Recently I had the honour of being received by M. Pasitch, the Serbian Prime Minister, at the apartments reserved for the Royal Suite in the Continental Hotel, where he was staying, during bis sojourn in Paris to attend the Conference des
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  • 20 7 The following ties have been fixed for Friday Profession Pairs.—Sells and Thrclfall v. Martin and Harries (Final).
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  • 41 7 The Hon. the R Q sident Councillor has kindly promised to present the cup on Saturday. A rainproof stand will be erected for specially invited guests. Several friends of the Association from the F.M.S. and Kedah are expected.
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  • 43 7 (Form Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, May 10th. The report of the Trafalgar Rubber Co. Ltd shows a profit $18,242, and recommends a dividend of 10 per cent. The average sale price was 110 cents. The estimated output is 37,000 lbs.
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  • 102 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 till 7 this evening:— 1. Selection Gerusalemme ...Verdi 2. Polka Les Greuouilles Winter bottom -3. Waltz The Chieftain... Sullivan 4. Darkie’s Serenade ...Bucaloesi 5. March The Austrian Army ...Hewitt The next monthly encampment
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  • 521 7 COUNT REVEN I LOW’S DREAM. The Norwegian newspaper Morgenbladet on the 15th March, printed a notable article by Admiral Boerresen on the subject of the Norwegian coast and German aspirations. Admiral Boerresen refers to the recently published study by Count Reventlow of the strategic disadvantages
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  • 207 7 A Humane Franco-German Arrangement. An arrangement has been made whereby German prisoners of war in France and French prisoners of war in Germany who are suffering from certain serious and incapacitating illnesses are given the right to be transferred to internment camps in Switzedand, where they
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  • 81 7 May 12.—Legislative Council Meeting, Singapore. May 12. —E. O. Special Dinner and Dance. May 13. —Parish Hall, Social Evening, 8 p.m. May 13.—Cricket Esplanade P.C.O. v. Nondescripts. May 13.—Penang Club, Club Night 8 p.m. May 14 —Parish Hall Annual General Meeting, Parish Hall, 9-15 a.m. May 16, 18,
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  • 759 7 SIR FREDERICK POLLOCK'S ANALYSIS. Sir Frederick Pollock gave an address te the Ancoats Brotherhood at the New Islington Hall on War and Diplomacy in Shakespeare.” Mr. Charles Rowley presided. Sif Frederick said that when he considered the bearing of Shakespeare’s work on the subjects of war
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  • 95 7 There is a famine in envelopes in London due, of course, to the restriction on the importation of paper. One firm, ordered 10,000 envelopes, and the reply was that they could not be obtained at any price, says the Express.” If the famine continues, as seems inevitable,
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  • 126 7 CLEARANCES. To-day. Brandan for Singapore. Will o’ the Wisp for Deli. Hok Canton for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Kedah for Bagan Datoh Teluk Anson, s-Jacob for Singapore and Hongkong. Mambang for Setul. Idomeneut for Port Swettenham, Singapore China and Japan. Flying Dragon for Portweld and Taiping. MAILS. CLOSE AT
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  • 128 7 Penang, May 10, 1916. (By Courtesy ot the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank 2/4 1/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 5/8 3 Credit ...2/4 25/32 3 Documentary ...2/4 13/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 f 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay Demand Bank 174 f Moulmein Demand Bank 173
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 18 7 Where to Stay, Penang :—The E. O. Hotel, The Crag, Ranuymede Hotel. Singapore :—Raffles Hotel. Raj-goon :—Strand Hotel.
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    • 285 7 ■iiiiiiiKniiMUiinnKiiiii Plain Crutbs j ;>n the subject of Health are the only S acceptable pronouncements. Exagj! Rerated statements end by convincI ing no one—rather do they create sub- picion, and Rive rise to doubt. But H you may safely listen to universal H opinion. The public have for long known
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2668 8 p. 0.-B. 1.-APCAR N. Y.K. fex K. P. M. IB MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. J„,„ Mail Slrtm.hip Co. U. I Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China and Japan). (Royal Packet S. N. Company). Due Penang. Steamer. Connecting with Due Penang. Steamer. Connecting with Fob Intbndid to Sail. T* from Liverpool
      2,668 words